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Introduction ( perkenalan )

Introduction is an expression to tell about yourself to new people you have just met. Introduction begins
with asking each other’s name. It also includes other details, such as : origin, school, hobbies, and much



What is your name ? My name is Andi.

What is your full name ? My full name is Andi Winata.
What is your nick name ? My nick name is Andi.
How do you spell it ? It is A – N – D – I.
How old are you ? I am 12 years old.
Where are you from ? I am from West Sumatra.
Where do you go to school ? I go to SMP Negeri 10 Bekasi.
What grade are you in ? I am in the seventh grade.
Where do you live ? I live in Bekasi.
What is your adress ? It is on jalan teratai.

Catatan :

- What is your name ( Siapa nama kamu )

- What is your full name ( Siapa nama lengkap kamu )
- What is your nick name ( Apa nama kecil kamu )
- How do you spell your name ( bagaimana kamu mengeja nama kamu )
- How old are you ( Berapa umur kamu )
- How age are you ( Berapa umur kamu )
- Where do you go to school ( Dimana kamu bersekolah )
- What grade are you in ( Kamu berada di kelas berapa )
- What is your adress ( Dimana alamat kamu )
- Where do you live ( Dimana kamu tinggal )
- Where are you from ( Dari manakah kamu berasal )

Task 3. Read and study the introductions below and answer the questions.
Good morning, every body.
Let me introduce my self.
My name is Sandra Simajuntak.
Questions : You can call me Sandra.
1. How old is Sandra ? That is S – A – N – D – R – A.
2. Where does Sandra live ? I am 12 years old. I was born in Jakarta, on December 12, 2004. I
3. What grade is Sandra in ?study at SMP Negeri 5 Bogor.
4. Where does Sandra studyNow? I am in the seventh grade.
5. Where does Sandra was born
I live? in Kampung Medan, on jalan Teratai.
Precisely, I live at 23 jalan Teratai in kecamatan Gunung Putri.

Catatan :

Preposition / kata depan :

1. at
2. in
3. on

Preposition “at” digunakan untuk :

1. Nomor jalan
2. Nama sekolah

Preposition “ in “ digunakan untuk :

1. Nama kota
2. Nama desa
3. Nama kecamatan

Preposition “ on “ digunakan untuk :

1. Nama jalan
2. Nama bulan

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