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The Palestinian Covenant in terms of Blessings of

Obedience The Curses of Disobedience

Part 2
Deut. 28: 15-24
Intro: Before we can understand The Blessings of
Obedience, we must first understand the Covenants of
God. The Blessings of Obedience was a Palestinian
Covenant: that was made in the land of Moab by God
to the Nation of Israel that included the second
generation of
The Children of Israel, or the Chosen Hebrew Nation of
God. This Covenant was a promise by God of numerous
blessings to Israel as well as the Curses of
Disobedience. This generation was under the Mosaic
Covenant, received the Palestinian Covenant and
entered the land promised in the Abrahamic Covenant.
As we explore The Curses of Disobedience, let us get
an understanding of the words Disobedience & Curse.
Disobedience in the English term: is failure or refusal to
obey rules or someone in authority, synonyms for
insubordination, misconduct, rebellious, defiant, etc.
The Hebrew & Greek word for Disobedience in the
noun sense, is a word used to describe an action, state,
or occurrence is called Apeitheia (aw-pie-the-uu) this
word describes the action of obstinacy-stubborness,
obstinate-unyielding, standing in opposition, and
rejection to the divine will of God.
The Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary says,
Disobedience, in an adjective sense: means, neglecting
or refusing to obey; omitting to do what is
commanded, or doing what is prohibited; not
observant of rules prescribed by authority. Example: as
children disobedient to parents, or society disobedient
to the laws, not yielding to force or power.
Curse in the English term means: is a solemn utterance
intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict
harm or punishment on someone or something.
The Hebrew word for curse is Qalal (ka-laowl) a word
that has numerous primitive root definitions including:
swift or sudden, small or great, sharp, abate, make
bright, bring into contempt, afflict, ect.

The Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary says,

Curse in the verb sense is to, injure, to subject to evil;
to vex, harass or torment with great calamities aka a
crisis, tribulation, distress, or to devote aka allocate,
assign, or give over to evil.
The word curse occurs about 82 times in the Hebrew
Old Testament, 60 times in the Old Testament and is
considered an oath or promise. The Vines Expository
Dictionary says Curse is a revelation of Gods justice in
support of His claim to absolute obedience.
The land and people go together for the judgement of
God does not only fall on people but also the land
where they dwell.
Body: The Palestinian Covenant was a promise by God
just before they would enter into the land with
numerous blessings obedience in which covered in
part1 to this second generation of Israel and also the
curses of disobedience. They had just come out of
wonderings in the wilderness for 40yrs and now here
The book of Deuteronomy, they are on the East Bank
of the Jordan River, about to enter into the promised
land flowing with milk and honey, but under 1
condition, that they stay Obedient and maintain the
previous Mosaic Covenant that was made at Mt. Sinai,
the 10 commandments and other Moral, Civil, &
Judicial Laws.
In The book of Joshua, we find them entering into the
land, In The book of Judges, we find them settled in the
Blessed by Obedience or Cursed by Disobedience runs
And now O Israel listen to the voice of the Lord
be Blessed or Cursed
Read Deut. 28:15-28, 30, 32, 35-48, 53-54 The
Blessings and Judgement of God are in Parallele

*Read vs. 20 Vexation: The Lord says I'm going to

aggravate you beyond reason that will affect all of your
activities negatively. The blessings by your hands are
going to die instantly.

*Read vs. 21-22 The Lord says I'm going to overwhelm

you with pestilence that carry unknown disease that
will cause you to have a constant burning fever that
will inflame your organs.

*Read vs. 23 The Bronze and Brass represents the

brutality of Gods wrath, the Earth will be dry and
without rain.
*Read vs. 27-28 The Lord says that the same diseases
that I inflicted upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians now
would be on your head. Emerods- anybody ever had a
hemorrhoids problem;
Emerods is an ancient Greek root word term for
hemorrhoids: described as a dilatation of the veins
about the rectum, with a discharge of blood. God says
I'm going to smite you with an scratchy skin disease
with no relief in sight.
*****Read vs. 30 Betroth is a Greek word that
signifies to woo woo woo a woman and ask for her
hand in marriage or get engaged. The Lord is saying I'm
going to take your wife from you man and allow to
sleep with your best friend.

*****Read vs. 32 Then I'm going take your children

away from you and put them in Foster Care and you
will have no power to win them back.
*Read vs. 35 The Lord says that you are going to
experience the boils similar to Job. You will be struck
with painful, incurable boils that afflict the whole body
from head to toe.

*Read vs. 37 a Proverb means reproach or object of

contempt, a way saying that you are a great worthless
disappointment. Byword means (YOU A PIECE OF
*Read vs 53 Wait there's more in addition to
The Great Historian Josephus describes this verse like
this, mothers were forced to give up their babies, and
the flesh of the babies was eaten and their corpses
collected inside the city was thrown over the city wall.
*Read vs 50-54 This actually a prophecy of the Invasion
of the coming Roman Empire.

Read Deut 28:63-68 Wait there's more in addition to.

Read Deut. 30:19-20 Israel choose Good or Evil

Closing: When God created Man, He gave Man and
Woman a mind to make their own decisions. Gods
gives provisions and judgements according to Mans
Obedience and Disobedience to His Word. It's your

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