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(for Non-DepEd)

Is the LR Material... YES NO Cannot be determined

Connected and relevant to the MELCs?

Appropriate to the grade level and

learner characteristics in terms of
language, activities?

easy to reproduce and/or disseminate?

from a credible source/author?

culture- and gender-fair?

free from red flags on possible copyright

and plagiarism issues?

the layout and format easy to read and

pleasing to the eyes?

Reflection Questions:
1. Was the material able to meet all the requirements?

Not necessary because there are some lessons in the MELC that are not available in the
DepEd Common. Aside from that, DepEd Common is hardly been used by the pupils who
has smartphone but has not data for internet connection. But in fairness to DepEd Common,
all its featured lessons are very pleasing and enjoyable by each user.

2. Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered “No” or
“Cannot Be Determined”? What decision will you make on the LR material? Why?

I answered No for question No. 3 about easy dissemination and Cannot Be Determined for
Nos. 4, 5 and 6 which are about credibility of the author, culture and gender-fair and free
from plagiarism issues. It is because based on my own reviews; DepEd Common did not
disclose any assurance with regards to the topics I mentioned which I cannot be determined
whether the answer is yes or no. I do not have complete evidence.

3. Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be
assessed? Specify which aspect/s.
Answer: I found nothing.
4. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your
lesson and your learners?
This exercise makes me more observant on the lessons be found on the internet. With this, I
can give assessment to the content of any educational platforms. Then, I can also assure
that I could give a reliable lesson from internet to my pupils.
Is the LR Material... YES NO Cannot be determined

1. Connected and relevant to the MELCs? /

2. Appropriate to the grade level and

learner characteristics in terms of /
language, activities?

3. easy to reproduce and/or disseminate? /

4. from a credible source/author? /

5. culture- and gender-fair? /

6. free from red flags on possible

copyright and plagiarism issues?

7. the layout and format easy to read and

pleasing to the eyes?

1. Was the material able to meet all the requirements?

 Yes, because the material is based on the MELC.

2. Were there any questions in the assessment tool where you answered “No” or
“Cannot Be Determined”? What decision will you make on the LR material? Why?
 None. I will use the LR material as supplementary material to my class, because the Division
Office already prepared Self Learning Materials.

3. Are there other aspects of the material not covered by the tool but still need to be
assessed? Specify which aspect/s.
 I think we need to assess if the material is localized and indigenized.

4. How does this exercise help you in picking the right and appropriate LRs for your lesson and your
 It gives me the idea if the materials that I decided to use is already enough for the beginning
of classes.

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