Robotics Unit-3 2-Marks

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Department of Mechanical Engineering


UNIT III - Sensors and Machine vision

1. What is the common imaging device used for robot vision systems?
Imaging devices or cameras are used to capture a image and stored into computer memory. Some
of the imaging devices used in vision systems are as follows,
 Black and white Videocon camera
 charge coupled devices (CCD)
 solid-state camera
 charge injection devices (CID)

2. What is segmentation and thresholding?

 Segmentation is the method to group areas of an image having similar characteristics or features
into distinct entities representing part of the image.
 Thresholding is a binary conversion technique in which each pixel is converted into a binary
value either black or white.

3. What are the functions of machine vision system?

A machine vision system consists of three basic functions to analyzing the objects captured by
the frame grabbers, they are,
 Sensing and digitizing image data
 Image Processing and analysis
 Application

4. Define sensors and transducer.

 Sensor is a transducer that is used to make a measurement of a physical variable of interest.
 Transducer is a device that converts the one form of information into another form without
changing the information content.

5. What is a tactile sensor?

Tactile sensors are the devices that indicate the contact between themselves and some other solid
objects. It is also called as contact type sensors of robots.
1. Digital (Touch) sensor
2. Analogue (Force) sensor
3. Slip Sensor

6. What is a proximity sensor?

Proximity sensors are located on the wrist or end effectors. It is used to detect the presence or
absence of work part or other objects. It senses the human beings in the work cell. It indicates when an
object is close to another object before contact has been made.
3. Ultrasonic
4. Magnetic sensors
1. Inductive
2. Capacitive
7. What is a range sensor?
Range sensors - which senses the range of the objects from a reference point without contact
between the objects and sensors. It is also called as non contact type sensors.
 Triangulation Principle
 Structured Lightening technique
 Laser range Finders

8. What are the terms that define the performance of the transducers?
a) Range and span f) Repeatability
b) Error g) Stability
c) Accuracy h) Dead band/time
d) Sensitivity i) Resolution
e) Non-linearity error j) Output impedance

9. What is LVDT and how does it work?

 The linear variable differential transformer consists of 3 coils symmetrically placed along an
insulated tube, the central coil is the primary coil and the other two are identical secondary coils
which are connected in series in such a way that their outputs oppose each other.
 When there is an alternating voltage input to the primary coil alternating e.m.f s are induced in
the secondary coils with the magnetic core, central the amount of magnetic materials in each of
the secondary coil is the same.
 It is widely used as primary transducers for monitoring linear displacements. Also as secondary
transducer in the measurement of force, weight and pressure.

10. What is an encoder and name the types of position encoders?

Encoder is a device that provides a digital output as a result of a linear or angular displacement.
Encoder comes under Internal state sensors. They are used to measure position, velocity and acceleration
of robot joint and or the end effectors.
(a) Linear encoder
(b) Rotary encoder
(i) Absolute encoder
(ii) Incremental encoder

11. Write about Hall Effect sensors.

When a beam of charged particles passes through a magnetic field forces act on the particles and
the beam is deflected from the straight line path, a current flowing in a conductor is like a beam of
moving charges and thus can be defined by magnetic field.
 The transverse potential difference is given by, V = Kh BI / T
where, Kh – Hall coefficient, B- Magnetic flux, I – Current, T – Plate thickness

12. Write about piezoelectric sensors.

 Piezoelectric materials when stretched or compressed generate electric charges with one face of
the material becoming positively charged and the opposite face negatively charged as a result a
voltage is produced.
 A piezoelectric sensor is a device that uses the piezoelectric effect, to measure changes in
pressure, acceleration, temperature, strain, or force by converting them to an electrical charge.
The prefix piezo- is Greek for 'press' or 'squeeze'.
13. What is a force sensor? Write the purpose of using force sensing wrist.
 Force sensors are sometimes called stress sensors indicate not only that contact has been made
with the object but also the magnitude of the contact force between the two objects. It also
applies appropriate level of force for the given parts.
 The purpose of using force sensing wrist is to provide information about three components of
force (Fx, Fy and Fz) and the three moments being applied at the end of the arm.

14. What is meant by Feature Extraction?

In vision applications distinguishing one object from another is accomplished by means of
features that uniquely characterize the object. A feature (area, diameter, perimeter) is a single parameter
that permits ease of comparison and identification.

15. List the various techniques in image processing and analysis.

 Image data reduction
 Segmentation
 Feature extraction
 Object recognition

16. Give an application example of a proximity sensor.

 Ground proximity warning system for aviation safety
 Vibration measurements of rotating shafts in machinery
 Sheet breaks sensing in paper machine.
 Roller coasters
 Conveyor systems

17. Brief on the working of inductive type proximity sensor.

Inductive proximity sensors operate under the electrical principle of inductance. Inductance is
the phenomenon where fluctuating current, which by definition has a magnetic component induces an
electromotive force (emf) is a target object. To amplify a devices inductance effect, a sensor
manufacturer twists wire into a tight coil and runs a current through it.

18. Classify the position sensors.

 Incremental encoders
 Absolute encoders
 Resistive position sensors
 Linear variable differential transformer
 Encoders
 Potentiometer
 Resolver

19. What is machine vision?

 A machine vision system is capable of viewing the workspace and interpreting what is sees.
These systems are used in robotics to perform inspections, part recognition and other similar
 A machine vision system recovers useful information about a scene from its two dimensional
projections. If helps a physician to recover information by enhancing the images.
Vision = Geometry + Measurement + Interpretation.

20. Define Sampling and Quantization?

Image plane & computer must sample the image at a finite number of points and represents each
sample within the finite word size of the computer. This is called sampling & Quantization. Sampling –
determine how many pixels the digital image will have. Quantization – how many intensity levels will
be used to represent intensity value at each sample point.

21. What is sensing and digitizing in machine vision?

 Sensing is the input of vision data by means of camera focused on the scene of interest. Special
lightening techniques are frequently used to obtain an image of sufficient contrast.
 The image viewed by camera is typically, digitized and stored in computer memory. Converting
analog signal to digital signal is called digitizing.

22. What is meant by object recognition?

The important step in image data processing is to identify the object the image represents. This
identification is accomplished using the extracted feature information described. The recognition
algorithm must be powerful enough to uniquely identify the object.

23. What is an acoustical proximity sensor?

 Ultrasonic frequencies (above 20,000Hz) are often used in acoustic devices because the sound is
beyond the range of human hearing one type of acoustical proximity sensor uses a cylindrical
open –ended chamber.
 The emitter sets up a pattern of standing waves in the cavity which is altered by the presence of
an object near the open end. A microphone located in the wall of the chamber is used to sense the
change in the sound pattern.

24. What is eddy current proximity sensor?

 Eddy current devices create a primary alternating field in the small region near the probe. This
field induces eddy current in an object placed in the region so long as the object is made of a
conductive material.
 This eddy current produces their own magnetic field which interacts with the primary field to
change its flux density. The probe detects the change in the flux density and this indicates the
presence of the object.

25. What are the uses of sensors in robotics?

The uses of sensors can be divided into four basic categories:
i. Safety monitoring
ii. Interlock in work cell control
iii. Part inspection for quality control
iv. Determining positions and related information about objects in the robot.

26. Write the two parts of Image formation process.

 The geometry of image formation, which determine where in the image place the projection of a
point in the scene will be located.
 The physics of light, which determines the brightness of a point in the image place as a function
of scene illumination and surface properties.

27. Give some of internal state sensors.

 Internal state sensors are used to measure position, velocity and acceleration of robot joint
and or the end effectors.
 Potentiometers, synchros, resolves, tachometers accelerometers, LVDT and optical encoders
are the internal state sensors.
28. List some external state sensors.
 External state sensors used to monitor the robots geometric and or dynamic relation to its task,
environment or the objects and it is handling.
 Proximity sensors, ultrasonic sensor, force sensors, torque sensors are some of the external

29. Brief on the working of inductive type proximity sensor.

Inductive proximity sensors operate under the electrical principle of inductance. Inductance is
the phenomenon where fluctuating current, which by definition has a magnetic component induces an
electromotive force (emf) is a target object. To amplify a devices inductance effect, a sensor
manufacturer twists wire into a tight coil and runs a current through it.

30. What are photodiodes?

Photodiodes are semiconductor junction diodes which are connected in to a circuit in reverse bias
so giving a very high resistance so that when light fails on the junction the diode resistance drops and
the current in the circuit rises appreciably. A pyro electric sensor consists of a polarized pyroelectric
crystal with thin metal film electrodes on opposite faces ions are drawn from the surrounding air and
electrons from any measurement circuit connected to the sensor to balance the surface charge.

31. What is meant by quantisation and morphology?

The transition between continuos values of the image function (brightness) and is digital
equivalent is called Quantitation. Morphology is the study of shapes and those methods used to
transform or describe shapes of objects.

32. Write the advantages of machine vision system?

1. Reduction of tooling and fixture cost.
2. Elimination of need for precise part location.
3. Integrated automation of dimensional verification.
4. Defect detection and non-conformity.
5. The rapidness, persistence, and non-destructiveness of the method
6. Reducing the need to labor force and reduction of tiresome and subjective human visual

1. Explain the principal of sensing. Describe force sensing with strain gauge and wrist force sensor.
2. Explain machine vision system with a sketch. Give practical examples of its applications.
(Nov/Dec 2007) (Nov/Dec 2011) (May/Jun
3. (i) With suitable sketch and an application example ,explain the principle of working of the following
(a) Inductive proximity sensor (4)
(b) Slip sensor (4) (Nov/Dec 2007)
(ii) Write a note on the applications of a machine vision system. (8) (Nov/Dec 2007)
4. Explain the segmentation methods used in vision system with suitable example. (Apr/May 2010)
5. (i) Describe the construction, working and application of incremental encoder.(8)
(ii) Explain the two object recognition technique used in industries.(8) (Apr/May 2010)
6. Explain the principle of the following sensors and also mention how they are used in robots.
(i) Piezo-elecric sensor (4)
(ii) Inductive proximity sensor (4)
(iii) Touch sensor (4)
(iv) Slip sensor (4) (Nov/Dec 2008)
7. Describe the classification of sensors and the factors to be considered for its selection(May/Jun 2013)
8. Describe any one algorithm for image edge detection and image segmentation with advantages.
9. Describe the principle and application of LVDT, resolver and range sensor. (Nov/Dec 2012)
10. (i) What do you mean by robot vision? Explain (8)
(ii) Explain and compare various lighting techniques used in machine vision(8)
11. With suitable sketch citing appropriate application explain the following
a. LVDT (8) (Nov/Dec 2014)
b. Binary touch sensor (4)
c. Slip sensor (4)
12. What is tactile sensor? Explain any four types with its practical application.(16)
13. How are the images processed and analyzed in a machine vision system? Explain with suitable
     example. (16)
14. (i) Explain the following in the context of robot vision,
(i) digital convolution (4)
(ii) mono and stereo vision (4) (Apr/May 2012)
     (ii) Explain how image segmentation helps to improve quality of images in vision system. (8)
15. (i) Briefly explain the characteristics of Sensors. (8)
(ii) Explain the applications of robotic vision systems (8)
16. Describe the working principle of position sensors with neat sketch. (16)
17. Describe the working principle of Range sensors with neat sketch. (16)
18. Describe the working principle of Proximity sensors with neat sketch. (16)
19. Explain the Machine vision systems of Robot. (16) (May/Jun 2014)
20. Explain the various techniques in Image Processing and Analysis. (16)
21. Prepare the factors to be considered for selection of sensors and write down the classifications of
sensors. (16)
22.Classify the various types of vision cameras with neat sketches. (16)
Department of Mechanical Engineering


UNIT IV - Robot kinematics and Robot programming

1. What is forward and reverse kinematics?
Forward kinematics
It is a scheme to determine joint angles of a robot by knowing its position in the world coordinate
Reverse kinematics
It is a scheme to determine the position of the robot in the world coordinate system by knowing
the joint angles and the link parameters of the robot.

2. Define degrees of freedom.

The number of independent ways by which a dynamic system can move without violating any
constraint imposed on it, is called degree of freedom. In other words, the degree of freedom can be
defined as the minimum number of independent coordinates which can specify the position of the
system completely.

3. What is robot dynamics?

The robot dynamics is concerned with the analysis of the torques and forces due to acceleration
and deceleration. Torque experienced by the joint due to acceleration of the links and force experienced
by the links due to torques applied by the joints are considered.

4. Draw the block diagram configuration of a control system for a robot joint.

Error controller


5. Define Link Length & Link Twist (or) link parameter.

The shortest distance along the common normal is defined as link length (ai). The angle between
the projection of axis ( i – 1 ) and axis i , on plane perpendicular to the common normal AB, is known
as link twist (  i ). Multiple solutions arise from number of degrees of freedom.
6. What is the use of kinematic model and differential kinematics?
The kinematic model gives relations between the position and orientation of the end effector and
spatial positions of joint links. The differential kinematics of manipulators refers to Differential motion
that is velocity, acceleration and all higher order derivatives of position variables.

7. Draw the mapping between kinematic descriptions.

Joint space Cartesian space


8. What are all the robot programming languages?

1. VAL –II - computer based control system and language designed for the animation industrial
2. RAIL - Automatic’s language for CAM
3. AML - A manufacturing language.
4. AL (Stanford university), MCL, AS , JARS

9. Write AML statements.

In AML, the entire statements end with semicolon (I), the different AML statements are,
o Executable statement
o Variable declaration statement
o Subroutine declaration statement

10. What is meant by constants and variables in robot languages?

 Constant is a value used in the program that does not change during the execution of the
 A variable is symbol or symbolic name that can change in value during execution of program.
 Constants and variables can be integers, real numbers containing a decimal point, or strings that
are enclosed in quotes.

11. Write some important language elements in robot.

1. Constant variables and other objects 2. Motion command
3. End effectors and sensor commands 4. Computations and operations.
5. Program control and subroutines 6. Communication and data processing
7. Monitor mode commands

12. In robot language, write motion commands which control the movement of the manipulator arm.
Move, A1
a) Move- causes the end of the arm to move from it present position to the point name A1 by
interpolation motion.
A1 – defines the position and orientation of the end effectors
1) MOVE A1 via A2
Similar to previous one but via A2 refers intermediate point.
2) APPRO A1, 50
APPRO command causes the end effectors to be moved to the vicinity of point A1, but offset
from the point along the tool z axis in the negative direction by a distance of 50 mm.
3) DEPART 50, statement
Causes the robot to move away from the pickup point along the tool z axis to a distance of

13. What is orthogonal transformation?

The vectors ‘n’ ‘o’ ‘f’ ‘a’ are in the mutually perpendicular direction and hence the rotation matrix R
is called orthogonal transformation because the vectors is the dot product and all vectors in it.


‘ n ’ - normal vector
‘o’ – orientation vector

‘a’ – Approach vector oˆ aˆ

y-axis z-axis

14. What is a kinematic model?

 Before a robot can move its hand to an object must be located relative to it. There is currently no
simple method for measuring the location of the robot hand.
 Most robots calculated the position of their hand using kinematic model of their arm.

15. When a robot singularity will occur?

A robot singularity occurs when robot axes are redundant (more axes then necessary to cause the
same motion) or when the robot is in certain configurations that require extremely high joint rates to
move at some nominal speed in Cartesian space.

16. Write steps to derive kinematics model.

1) Assign D-H coordination frame
2) Find link parameter
3) Transformation matrices of adjacent joints
4) Calculate kinematic matrix
5) When necessary, Euler angle representation
17. Define manipulator kinematics.
Manipulator kinematics is connected with the position and orientation of the robot’s end of arm
or end effector attached to it as a function of time but without regard for the effects of force (or) mass.

18. Differentiate between Forward kinematics and reverse kinematics.

Forward kinematics:
1. Given the joint angles, determine the position and orientation of the end effector.
2. The outcome of the forward kinematics problem is always unique. There are no multiple
Inverse kinematics:
1. Given the position and the orientation of the end effector, determine the numerical values for
the joint variable.
2. This problem is not quite straight forward like the forward kinematic problem.
3. It is not possible to obtain closed form solutions due to the non-linear simultaneous equations.

19. What is a teach pendant?

The teach pendant is usually a small handheld control box with combinations of toggle switches,
dials and buttons to regulate the robot‘s physical movements and program capabilities. The teach
pendant has the following primary functions:
 Serve as the primary point of control for initiating and monitoring operations.
 Guide the robot or motion device, while teaching locations.
 Support application programs.
 The Teach Pendant is used with a robot or motion device primarily to teach.

20. What is Lead through programming?

Lead through programming requires the programmer to move the manipulator through the
desired motion path and the path is committed to memory by the robot controller. In Lead through
programming, the robot is moved through the desired motion path in order to record the path into the
controller memory.

21. What are the methods of accomplishing lead through programming?

 Powered lead through makes use of a teach pendant to control the various joint motors, and to
drive the robot arm and wrist through a series of points in space.
 Manual lead through (walk- through method) is used for continuous-path programming where
the motion cycle involves smooth complex curvilinear movements of robot arm.

22. What are the limitations of lead through programming?

 Robot cannot be used in production while it is being programmed.
 As the complexity of the program increases, it becomes more difficult to accomplish lead
through programming.
 Lead through programming is not compatible with computer based technologies such as
CAD/CAM, data communication networking and integrated manufacturing information systems.

23. What are the types of interpolation schemes used in lead through programming?
Interpolation requires the programmer to define a feature in the robot‘s workspace which is done
by specifying points that lie along the feature. The types of interpolation schemes used in lead through
programming are,
 Joint interpolation.
 Straight line interpolation.
 Circular interpolation.
 Irregular smooth motions.

24. What is the concept used in future generation languages?

 The limitations of programming robots are that the traveling of robots is based on the desired
movements, and it is stored in the external controller memory. There are two modes of a control
system in this method such as a run mode and teach mode. The program is taught in the teach
mode, and it is executed in the run mode.
 "World modeling" is the concept used in future generation language. Using this concept the robot
possesses knowledge of three- dimensional world and is capable of developing its own step-by-
step procedure to perform a task.

25. What are the generations of robot programming languages?

 First generation languages (e.g.) VAL
 Second generation languages (e.g.) AML, RAIL, MCL, VAL II
 Future generation languages (e.g.) Model based languages and task object languages

26. Define Link Length & Link Twist (or) link parameter.
The shortest distance along the common normal is defined as link length andthe angle between
the projection of axis ( i – 1 ) and axis i , on plane perpendicular to the common normal AB , is known
as link twist (  i ). Give the set of joint link parameters, the problem of finding the position and
orientation of the end effectors w. r to known reference frame for an n – DOF manipulator is the direct
kinematics problem.

27. What is meant by constants and variables in robot languages?

 Constant is a value used in the program that does not change during the execution of the program.
 A variable is symbol or symbolic name that can change in value during execution of program.
 Constants and variables can be integers, real numbers containing a decimal point, or strings that are
enclosed in quotes.

28. Write reasons for multiple solutions in robot kinematics.

 Existence of trigonometric functions in the equations.
 Three motion of wrist, two set of joint displacement will lead to the same orientation of the wrist,
which give multiple solution.
 Multiple solution arises from number of degrees of freedom.
 Number of solution also Depends on the number of non zero joint link parameter and the range
of joint motions allowed.

29. What is state space problem representation?

In this method we can visualize the problem of all of the possible states found in developing the
solution configured as a tree. The tree is made of nodes, which represent the states of the system after
certain actions have been taken. These actions are represented by the arcs that connect the nodes.

30. What is Configuration (or) Cartesian space?

The six components, i.e. three position components as displacements along three orthogonal axes
of base frame and three rotations about the base frame axes, can be represented by a six dimensional
space. The set of all n x 1 joint displacement vectors generates the joint vector space.

1. Write a VAL robot program to perform pick and place operation on the conveyer system. it consist of
two conveyors running parallel with centre distance of 600 mm at same level. An industrial robot is
fixed centrally between the conveyors. The robot is used to transfer work pieces from conveyor 1 to 2 at
a constant speed. Draw a schematic view of the system .assume all necessary dimension.
(May/Jun 2013) (Nov/Dec
2. (i) Consider two frames {A}&{B}.The frame {B} is rotated with respect to frame{A} by 30 degree.
around z-axis and the origin of{B} is shifted with respect to the origin of{A} by[5,10,5].the Z a and Z b
axes are parallel point ‘p’ is described in {B} by 1,2,3).describe the same point with respect to {A}
using the transform matrix.(8) (Apr/May 2010)
(ii) Write short note dynamics of a robot.(8). (May/Jun 2013)
3. Describe briefly the kinematics and dynamics of a robot. (Nov/Dec 2012)
4. (i) Explain the manual lead through programming in robot application. (6)
(ii) Write about end effectors command & sensor command. (10) (Apr/May 2010)
5. Derive forward & inverse kinematics equations of manipulator for a particular position.
6. (i) write short notes on teach pendant. (8)
(ii) Explain the various features robot programming languages.(8) (Nov/Dec 2012)
7. Using VAL language, discuss the basic commands and explain the structure of the program for a
typical pick and place operation. (Nov/Dec 2007)
8. (i) Write a critical note on forward and inverse kinematics of a 3 degrees of freedom: robot(10)
9. (ii) Write a note on lead –through programming.(6) (Nov/Dec 2007)
10. Explain the various programming methods used in robotics with examples and features of each.
11. Discuss various difficulties associated with the inverse kinematic solution and explain ‘geometric
approach’ used in inverse kinematic problem. (Nov/Dec 2012)
12. (i) Write elaborate note on motion commands of robots. (8) (Nov/Dec 2014)
(ii) Explain detail manual lead through programming method in robot application.(8)
13. (i) Explain denavit-hartenberg parameters with suitable example and sketch. (8) (Apr/May 2015)
(ii) Explain WAIT, DELAY, SIGNAL, and command with suitable example. (8)
14. Classify various programming languages used computer controlled robots. (16)
15. Derive the forward and reverse transformation of 2-Degree of freedom arm. (16) (Nov/Dec 2009)
16. Derive the forward and backward transmission for a robot with 3- degree of freedom arm. (16)
17. Explain Manipulator kinematics with neat sketch. (16) (Nov/Dec 2007)
18. Classify the different types of programming methods in detail. (16)
19. (i) Describe the capabilities of and limitations of lead through programming.(8) (Nov/Dec 2005)
(ii) Describe the methods of defining positions in space. (8)
20. Describe the teach pendant for Robot system (16) (Nov/Dec 2010)
21. Explain the steps to solve the forward and inverse dynamics of a serial manipulator. (Nov/Dec 2017)
22. Derive the forward and inverse kinematic solutions of RR planar manipulator. (Nov/Dec 2017)
23. (i) Illustrate the forward kinematics of a 3 DoF industrial robot with rotational joints. Mention the
advantages of forward kinematics over inverse kinematics. (Nov/Dec 2016)
(ii) State the parameters involved in Denavit-hartenberg method. (Nov/Dec 2016)
24. Explain the statements of VAL Programming language with atleast two example command. Write a
VAL program for pick and place operation for your assumed environment. (16) (Nov/Dec 2016)

UNIT V - Implementation and Robots Economics

1. What are the different types of material handling operations?

 Manually operated devices—hand trucks, powered trucks, cranes, monorails and hoists.
 Automated systems—conveyors, AGV‘s.
 Miscellaneous systems—industrial robots, transfer mechanisms, elevators, pipelines, containers,
dial indexing tables, etc.

2. What is a Gantry Robot?

A gantry robot consists of a manipulator mounted onto an overhead system that allows
movement across a horizontal plane. Gantry robots are also called Cartesian or linear robots. They are
usually large systems that perform pick and place applications, but they can also be used in welding and
other applications.
3. Write some applications of AGV.
 Driverless train operations
 Storage distribution system
 Assembly line operation

4. List out the types of AGV vehicles.

 Towing vehicles
 Unit load vehicles
 Pallet trucks
 Fork trucks
 Light load Vehicles
 Assembly line vehicles

5. Differentiate palletizing and depalletizing.

 A palletizer is a machine which provides automatic means for stacking cases of goods or
products on to a pallet.
 A depalletizer machine is any machine that can break down a pallet. Usually, a robot is used for
this task, although there are some other forms of depalletizers that can also break down pallets
and move products from one place to another using simple push bars and conveyor belts.

6. What are the steps to be followed by the company in order to implement robot programs in its
 Initial familiarization with the technology
 Plant survey to identify potential applications
 Selection of the application
 Selection of the robot
 Detailed economic analysis and capital authorization
 Planning and engineering the installation
7. What are the typical technical features required for material transfer?
Number of axes : 3 to 5
Control system : Limited sequence or Point-to-Point playback
Drive system : Pneumatic or Hydraulic
Programming : Manual, Powered lead through

8. What are the different methods of economic analysis?

1) Payback method
2) Equivalent uniform annual cost (EUAC) method
3) Return on investment (ROI) method

9. Write a note on ROI method.

The return on investment method determines the rate of return for the proposed project based on
the estimated cost and revenues. Return on investment, or ROI, is the most common profitability ratio.
There are several ways to determine ROI, but the most frequently used method is to divide net profit by
total assets.

10. Define EUAC method.

Equivalent uniform annual cost (EUAC) method converts all of the present and future
investments and cash flows into their equivalent uniform cash flows over the anticipated life of the

11. Define a deadman switch.

A dead man switch is a useful control feature during lead through programming. It is a trigger or
toggle switch device generally located on the teach pendant which requires active pressure to be applied
tom the devices in order to drive the manipulator.

12. What are the general characteristics that make potential robot application technically
practical and economically feasible?
1) Hazardous or uncomfortable working conditions
2) Repetitive operations
3) Difficult handling jobs
4) Multicast operation

13. Define payback period.

Payback period in capital budgeting refers to the period of time required to recoup the funds
expended in an investment, or to reach the break-even point. For example, a $1000 investment made at
the start of year 1 which returned $500 at the end of year 1 and year 2 respectively would have a two-
year payback period.

14. What is image resolution?

The resolution of a digital camera is often limited by the camera sensor (typically a CCD or
CMOS sensor chip) that turns light into discrete signals, replacing the job of film in traditional
photography. This means that the brighter the image at that point the larger of a value that is read for
that Pixel.

15. Define Tracking.

Tracking is defined as the motion of the scene, objects or the camera given a sequence of images
knowing this motion, predict where things are going to project in the next image, so that we don’t have
so much work looking for them.

16. What are the techniques used in object recognition?

1. Template matching technique - Template matching  is a technique in digital image processing for
finding small parts of an image which match a template image. It can be used in manufacturing as a part
of quality control, a way to navigate a mobile robot, or as a way to detect edges in images.
2. Structural technique - Structural recognition methods are usually based on the availability
of structural primitives and the assumption that these elements can be extracted.

17. What are the general characteristics that make potential robot application technically
practical and economically feasible?
1. Hazardous or uncomfortable working conditions
2. Repetitive operations
3. Difficult handling jobs
4. Multicast operation

18. Define MTTR & MTBF.

MTTR- The mean time between failures indicates how long, on average, the machinery will
operate between breakdowns.
MTBF – The mean time bet. Failures indicates how long, on average, the machinery will operate
between breakdowns.

19. What is meant by palletizing and depalletizing?

Industrial palletizing refers to loading and unloading parts, boxes or other items to or from
pallets. Automated palletizing refers to an industrial robot palletizer performing the application
automatically. Removing in sequence, materials which have been arranged on a pallet.

20. What is Flexible manufacturing system?

A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a manufacturing system in which there is some
amount of flexibility that allows the system to react in case of changes, whether predicted or
unpredicted. Most FMS consist of three main systems. The work machines which are often automated
CNC machines are connected by a material handling system to optimize parts flow and the central
control computer which controls material movements and machine flow.

21. What is a Storage distribution system?

A distributed storage system can relate to any of the 3 types of storage: block, file and object. In
case of block-level storage systems “distributed data storage” typically relates to one storage system in a
tight geographical area, usually located in one data center, since performance demands are very high.

22. What are the advantages of AGV?

Between assembly lines and automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems, automation creates a
much faster work environment.Here are some of the biggest benefits industrial facilities gain from using
AGV parts. Reduced Labor Costs. If a machine can do a job, a business owner doesn't have to pay a
human to do it.

23. When do you need a Gantry robot?

Because a gantry robot has two X, or base, axes, the moment load presented by the Y and Z axes,
as well as the working payload, are resolved as forces on the X axes. This significantly increases the
system’s stiffness, and in most cases allows the axes to have longer stroke lengths and higher speeds
than a similar Cartesian robot.

24. What are the advantages of forklifts?

The forklifts are very useful machines and can be seen in every warehouse and storage facility in
Brisbane. Without these machines, the warehouses would not be able to operate efficiently and with
easiness. The forklifts are small but compact machines, designed to work in tight and narrow areas.
Also, they are highly maneuverable and capable to lift different loads.

25. What are the advantages of Pallet trucks?

 Heavy goods are efficiently moved and organized.
 Can be  easily operated by anyone; 
 Never cause noise (almost silent operation);
 Very easy to pull; 
 Require minimum maintenance.

26. Why robots are used in CIM environment?

Robots are used in CIM environment because of they have a number of economic and
performance advantage over human labour or hard automation on manufacturing application,
particularly in batch manufacturing. Robots have reprogram ability.

27. How will you evaluate for a particular application with use of robot?
To evaluate the use of robot for a particular application a check list is given. The check list is
based on factors such as application requirement such as,
- monotonous / repetitive operation
- medium complex operation
- no complex judgment or decision making required
- need to position and orient part or tool and physical environment
- Work station is well organized, hazardous environment; machine in work station can receive
parts automatically etc.

28. Give some example where non-servo type & servo type robots are used.
 Non-servo type robots are used for simple operation like transferring the parts.
 Servo controlled point to point robots are used to perform complicated task like machine tool
loading and unloading, palletizing the parts for the machine centre, in fms or sorting the parts.
 Servo controlled continuous path robots are used in welding, finishing, maintenance & assembly

29. What are the significant costs involved in deployment of robot?

The significant costs involved in deployment of robot are,
- Robot and its peripherals - Maintenance
- Tooling and installation - Safety equipment
- Layout changes - Training
- Equipment modification - Applications engineering
30. What are the three basic modes of operation for robot language operating system?
i) Monitor mode - used to accomplish overall supervisory control of the system.
ii) Run mode - for executing robot program.
iii) Edit mode - provides an instruction set that allows the user to write new programs or to edit
exiting programs.

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