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September 2020, Issue Two Page #1


The College Center

In this issue...


Want to earn a stipend? Visit pages 6 & 7 to
see the different programs offering stipends
to Washington students.


Struggle with all the different terminology used
in financial aid? Don't worry! Lynna from UAspire
has your back! Go to page 8 to see this week's
In This Issue..
Want to see the latest information
from colleges? Check here!

The place to find new scholarships,
internships, and other great


Updates from Washington HS

CONTACT US! Page #12

Have a question or need help?
Send us an email, text, or visit us
on Instagram!

****this newsletter has links! Click on

underlined text to visit the various
Page #2

UC Berkeley
Outreach Program

UC Berkeley has a Global Management

Program that allows students to

graduate with a Business Administration

degree with a concentration in Global

Grace Huang, UC Berkeley Global
Management Program student
Management. If you are interested,

attend one of their information sessions.

University of
Information Session

Want to learn more about what the UC schools are like? Attend one of their

information sessions! Session topics range from talking about how to apply

to focusing on international/ non resident student questions. Visit their

website to see the dates and times as well as how to register.

Page #3
Essay Writing Tips
Does writing the UC Personal Insight Questions (PIQs) intimidate you? Are

you having trouble even finding a place to start? Here are some tips and

tricks to get through it!

UC Personal Insight Questions Essay Writing Tip #1:

Brainstorm, brainstorm, and brainstorm again!

Brainstorming steps:
1. Copy and paste all given essay prompts to a document

2. Read all given essay prompts and write down ideas that come to mind

3. Expand on the ideas written down by writing what qualities/skills/personality

traits/talents the readers will know from this idea

4. Compare your notes. See which four essays, as a collective, will share the most

traits about you. Which collection of essays will show the reader the whole you?

5. After selecting which essays to write, begin on writing the supporting paragraphs

6. Start with a rough draft. Just write, don’t worry about spelling, grammar,

punctuation, or flow.

7. From the supporting paragraphs write your conclusion and introduction paragraph.

8. Share your rough drafts with Mr. Touch, Brittany, or Vincent.

Page #4
Yo! Did you
know the UC
you’re working on
the private
is already colleges
open? application right? Yea,I have sent an
Yeah, The ones on email to my teachers
I already politely asking for
started on it. a letter of

What?! The website is recommendation.

No way!

It’s only September.

You have until
November 30th to
submit the UC and CSU
applications.The CSU
Nope!Letter of
application opens
Do I need a recs are only
October 1st. I plan to
for private
letter of colleges and
have the College
recommendation universities. Center at Washington
help me out.
for the UC &

Also, the SAT and ACT

are optional. Campuses
They are presenting in like UC Berkeley will
our 12th grade English not even take the exam
classes in September into consideration
and hosting after- when reviewing your
school workshops as application.
well. Imma take hella
Page #6 02

Poll Worker
Seasonal Job Opportunity

Do you want to help out during the election

and have the opportunity to make up to

$200? Visit this website to learn more or

click here to apply now.

UC San Diego
Immersion Program

The Pre-College Programs department with

UC San Diego Extension invites high school

students to participate in their programs so

to gain better insight and experiences on a

field of interest. In partnership with Boz

Institute, the Molecular Biology Research

Immersion program strives to provide high

school students with an advanced

educational opportunity through research.

They invite you to participate in a unique

online research learning experience

happening this fall. The program does come

with a cost but they have a scholarship

opportunity available! Click here to visit

their website to learn more!

Oasis For
Free Classes

Oasis For Girls is a program to help young women find the

confidence, knowledge and skills needed to chase their dreams.

They are offering free classes and a $300 stipend! Don't miss out

on this amazing opportunity. Click here to visit their website to

learn more and to apply. Applications close on September 11, so

act fast.

Page #7
Page #8
Financial Aid
Definition of the Week
Cost of Attendance
Brought to you by Lynna Lei from

Cost of Attendance is the total

estimated cost of going to a school

for the academic year. This

includes things like tuition, fees,

housing, meal plan, transportation,

receiving financial aid of the
books & supplies, and personal
estimate is higher than what
expense.  The same school can
they're actually spending.
have a different cost of
Depending on the factors, the
attendance for different students
cost of attendance may not
depending on whether they
always be the best way to
commute or if they are out-of-state
determine a school's
students. Know that this is
affordability or actual cost for
an estimate because only tuition &

fees and housing & meal plan (if you. It is however used to

you live on campus) is charged by determine a student's need for

the school. The rest can vary a lot financial aid and used to set

by student.  Most students will not caps on the amount.

have to spend the full cost of

attendance because they are


USC Zoom Visit

Information Session

Want to learn more about USC and how to

apply? You're in luck! An admissions rep

from USC will be hosting a free information

session to help you with the application

process on Wednesday, September 16th at

5pm. If you wish to attend register here.

Page #9
Staff Highlight
Chatree Touch

Did you know that Mr. Touch

graduated with a Bachelor of Arts

degree in Psychology from the

University of the Pacific? It wasn’t

the first stop of his educational

journey, it wasn’t even the second.

After high school he attended his

local community college, San

Joaquin Delta College. (What?!

How was Mr. Touch as a college
He’s not a native San
student? It was a 180 turnaround;
Franciscian?) He almost didn’t
from lazy to studious, from not
even go to that college because
engaged to teacher’s pet. He
he wasn’t into school. He didn’t

believe he needed to spend four applied himself by asking for

more years to learn something he help, allotted time for studying,

can do in a year. When I asked explored his interests, and not-so-

him why he decided to enroll, his surprisingly had fun learning.

answer was that he had to play After two years at the local CC he

the game. He knew that a college transferred to San Francisco

degree was required for many State University.
jobs. Page #10
Why did he choose that This meant it would take him he felt proud because he

school? He said he wanted to a total of five years to knew himself a lot better and

be more independent. Can graduate. He made the move, he was confident in his future.

you believe that he never did “it was the best choice!” he It was clear he wanted to be

his own laundry until the age a counselor because the

proudly proclaimed.
of 19? “I was spoiled.” Mr. profession matched his
At the University of the
Touch admitted. It was lifestyle and personal goals.
Pacific, he was thriving
particular that laundry was He started as a counseling
thanks to the introspection
the step he needed to find intern in 2007, graduated
and growth he gained from
himself. with his Master’s in 2009, and
spot 1 and 2 of his
He grew as an individual at has worked at Lincoln,
educational journey. He took
SF State, but his intellectual Marshall, and now his
advantage of teacher’s office
curiosity was not being seventh year at Washington.

fulfilled. He wasn’t happy, so hours, internships, research,

he made the tough decision and clubs. When he

to transfer to the University of graduated from the

the Pacific. University of the Pacific,

Page #11
Page #12



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