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The most effective management strategy was choice theory, as it allowed students to

be more engaged with the content (Nobile et al., 2017). However, I acknowledge my lack of

experience in applying these strategies as I recall a specific lesson. This lesson was a double

period at the end of the day. Students came into the class exhausted and were disengaged

from the start. The lesson plan was minimal in cognitive load as to address student’s

exhaustion. I implemented choice theory and micro-techniques to immediately stop and

manage misbehaviour (Parada, 2006). Unfortunately, all students started to act in a poor

manner as they ignored direct instructions, started throwing paper and arguing with other

students. As I attempted to manage the class, students pushed back causing me to further lose

control. The mentor teaching had to step in, however, she also failed in maintaining class

control. This lesson allowed for greater reflection as I realised my inexperience and lack of

knowledge in behavioural control. I will further research behavioural management strategies

as these strategies provides opportunities to grow and develop one’s skills in behavioural

control (Parada, 2006). This class and lesson allowed me to recognise my shortcomings, as I

know what skills I need to improve for my next practicum.

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