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The learning centre catered for low literacy and numeracy students between year 7 to

year 9, with some exception for year 10 students. I had the opportunity to assess the current

year 7 grade in their literacy through a multi-lit assessment. One surprising element to this

assessment, was a page made by the staff, which asked students about their learning

environment. These questions include, who are you living with? How great do you think is

your English speaking? What primary school did you go to? These questions helps the staff

better understand the students learning environment. However, they also asked personal

questions, such as what is your favourite hobby? Do you play sport? Do you play video

games? I think that teachers should ask these questions to students as it will help in

understanding the student’s learning environment, which will benefit the student-teacher

relationship. The centre classes are one-on-one, which is beneficial as students face little

distractions, while the educators are able to build a positive relationship with the students.

The staff build this relationship through social conversations. This interaction is a great

learning experience, however, as a teacher it is difficult to build these relationships in a

classroom of 30 students. However, this placement has demonstrated the end results of

positive relationships, which I will strive to achieve with my students.

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