Research Study

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Effectiveness of Video assisted teaching on knowledge and attitude

regarding learning disabilities among primary school teachers.


Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizens. They are in a continuous process

of growth and development. Any alteration in its course leads on to developmental
disorders. In the developmental disorders learning disability plays a significant role
as a silent handicap among children. Learning Disability is” A disorder that affect
people’s ability to either interpret what they see and hear or to link information
from different parts of the brain. Such difficulties extent to school work and can
impede learning to read, write or do math”. Learning disabilities can affect 13-14
% of all school children .School teachers should provide the classroom
environment which should be nurturing, supportive and successful for all children.


“Children are nation’s future and tomorrow’s citizen”


Children are the Nation’s supremely important asset. They determine the
future of the nation. Any input into the health of the children today will be an
investment since they are the adults of next decade. A child is born as a raw
material with all potentials for the psychosocial development. The development is
based on the healthy learning process especially during childhood. A child’s
physical and mental health is important for his/her positive development beginning
from birth. Although learning starts from birth, formal learning takes place in
school under the guidance of teachers. It is generally observed that 2/3 rd of child’s
life time is spent in school.

Being a teacher to children can be both a difficult endeavor as well as a

huge responsibility considering that, they are charged with helping to shape the
next generation. This is never truer than when we are dealing with children who
have special needs, where the difficulties that come with teaching can be greatly
magnified by a host of problems. Children with special needs may not only feel
themselves dragged down by their developmental difficulties, but also by
the negative self-perception they can develop from the poor treatment they may
receive from peers or, sometimes, even their own family. One of the roles as a
teacher is to help mitigate these issues by thoughtfully devising a development
plan to be followed by children that is challenging, but not so overwhelming as to
discourage them.

Samson says, ‘’Today’s children are tomorrow’s citizen and leaders. The
resources spent on their care is an investment for the future’’. So the country
should be in the early diagnosis of common learning problems of children. Thus
teachers will be a dynamic force, instrumental and indispensable to mental health
team for promoting and reducing learning disabilities.



A study to evaluate the effectiveness of Video assisted teaching on

knowledge and attitude regarding learning disabilities among primary school
teachers in selected schools at Kollam district.


1. To assess the knowledge and attitude regarding learning disabilities among

primary school teachers.
2. To evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge and
attitude regarding learning disabilities among primary school teachers.
3. To find the correlation between the knowledge and attitude regarding
learning disabilities among primary school teachers.
4. To test the association between the knowledge regarding learning disabilities
and selected demographic variables among primary school teachers.
5. To test the association between the attitude towards learning disabilities and
selected demographic variables among primary school teachers.

EFFECTIVENESS: - Refers to the outcome of video assisted teaching on

knowledge and attitude regarding learning disability among primary school

VIDEO ASSISTED TEACHING: Refers to systematic organization of content

related to learning disabilities which will be taught with the help of videos.

KNOWLEDGE: It means the information related to learning disabilities.

ATTITUDE: The expressed feeling, beliefs and interest of teachers towards care
of Children with learning disability as elicited by rating scale for attitude

LEARNING DISABILITIES: Learning Disability is a disorder that affects

people’s ability to interpret what they see and hear which leads to difficulties that
extend to school work and can impede learning to read, write or do math.

PRIMARY SCHOOLTEACHERS: - Teachers who are teaching from 1st to 6th

standard of a selected schools, at Kollam district.


A conceptual framework is the processor of a theory. It provides broad

perspectives for nursing practice, research and education. Conceptual frame work
plays several interrelated roles in the progress of science. In nursing, conceptual
model identify concepts and describe their relationships to the phenomena of
central concern to the discipline. It helps to conceptualize and plan care. Their
overall purpose is to make scientific findings meaningful and generalizble.

Conceptual framework adopted for this study is King’s goal attainment theory.
The system is based on assumption that humans are open system in interaction
with their environment. In this study, action involves the assessment of knowledge
and attitude regarding mental hygiene by structured knowledge questionnaire and
attitude scale. Reaction involves the development of video assisted teaching
content regarding mental hygiene. Interaction phase refers to administration of
video assisted teaching regarding mental hygiene to adolescents. Transaction
involves the posttest to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on
knowledge and attitude regarding mental hygiene among adolescents.



1. Primary school teachers may have some knowledge regarding learning


2primary school teachers may have unfavorable attitude regarding learning


3. Video assisted teaching may improve the knowledge regarding learning

disabilities among primary school teachers.

4. Video assisted teaching may develop favorable attitude towards learning

disabilities among adolescents.


H1: The mean posttest knowledge score regarding learning disabilities is

significantly higher than the mean pretest knowledge score among primary school
H2: The mean posttest attitude score regarding learning disabilities is significantly
higher than the pretest attitude score among primary school teachers.

H3: There is a significant correlation between the knowledge and attitude

regarding learning disabilities among adolescents.

H4 : There is a significant association between the knowledge regarding learning

disabilities and selected demographic variables among primary school teachers.

H5 : There is a significant association between the attitude regarding learning

disabilities and selected demographic variables among primary school teachers.


a. Research Approach: Quantitative research approach will be adopted for the

present study

b. Research Design: The research design of the present study will be Pre
experimental design (one group pretest posttest design)

c. Setting: The study will be conducted in selected schools at Kollam district.

d. Population: Population of the present study is the primary school teachers.

Sample: primary school teachers from selected schools at Kollam district.

Sample size: Sample sizes of the study are 30 primary school teachers from
selected schools at Kollam district.

Sampling Technique: Stratified random sampling technique (proportionate) will

be used to select the samples.

INCLUSION CRITERIA: The study includes, primary school teachers.

1. Who are willing to participate in the study.

2. Both male and female.

3. Who can speak and understand Malayalam.

EXCLUTION CRITERIA: The study excludes, primary school teachers.

1. Who are not available during the data collection period.

2. Who have attended classes on learning disabilities within 6 months

3. Who have mental disability



Section A· Demographic variables.

In this study, demographic variables of primary school teachers includes age, sex,
religion, educational status, place of residence, experience in teaching field

Section B: Structured knowledge questionnaire will be used to assess the

knowledge regarding learning disabilities among primary school teachers.

Section C: Attitude scale will be used to assess the attitude regarding learning
disabilities among primary school teachers.


Self report-interview method will be used to collect data from primary school

Pilot study will be conducted in the month of December 2020 after validation of
the content and reliability of the tool.


The approval from the institutional ethical committee, the main study will be
conducted in the month of February 2021. Permission will be obtained from the

Headmaster of primary school at Kollam and verbal consent will be obtained from
each participant’s after explaining the purpose of the study. The samples of 45

Primary school teachers will be selected by stratified random sampling technique.

The investigator will meet each participant individually and establish rapport with
them. The structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale will be used to
assess the pretest knowledge and attitude of Primary school teachers regarding
learning disabilities. Total 45 primary school teachers 2 groups (male & female)
will be taken for the session and video assisted teaching will be given. Doubts will
be clarified after the session. The Posttest will be conducted on the 8th day after
administering video assisted teaching by using the same tool.


1. Data on demographic variables among primary school teachers will be analyzed

by frequency and percentage distribution.

2. Data on knowledge and attitude among Primary school teachers will be analyzed
by frequency and percentage distribution.

3. Data on the effectiveness of video assisted teaching on knowledge and attitude

regarding learning disabilities among primary school teachers will be analyzed by

mean, standard deviation and paired t test
4. Data on correlation between the knowledge and attitude regarding learning
disabilities among Primary schoolteachers will be analyzed by coefficient of

5. Data on association between the knowledge regarding learning disabilities and

Selected demographic variables among adolescents will be analyzed by Chi-square

test or Fisher’s exact test.

6. Data on association between the attitude regarding learning disabilities and

selected demographic variables among Primary school teachers will be analyzed
by Chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test.


Overall estimated special budget for conducting the proposed study is


Permission from authorities -Rs.1000

Review of literature -Rs, 500

Printing and software work -Rs.2500

Video programming -Rs. 4000

Stationary -Rs. 1000

Postal charges - Rs.500

Transportation -Rs. I500

Telephone charges -Rs.500

Fee for registration -Rs.3500

Total -Rs.15000

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