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Please read the questions carefully and mark tick [√ ] for the right answer in the box given
in the right side of the option . This information will be kept confidential and will be used only for
research purpose.

1. Age in years

a) 20-30
b) 31-40
c) 41-50
2. Gender

a) Male
b) Female

3. Educational qualification

a) Teacher’s Training Programme

b) B.Ed

c) M.Ed
d) Any other specify

4. Years of experience

5. Marital status

a) Married
b) Unmarried
c) Divorced / Separated
e) Widow / Widower

6. Having children between age group

a) below 6yrs
b) 6-12 yrs
c) Above 12 yrs
7. The subjects being handled

a) Language (Tamil/English/Hindi/Malayalam)
b) Science (Physics/Chemistry/Biology)
c) Mathematics

8. Teachers monthly income

a) 5000-10000
b) 10000-15000
c) 15000-20000
d) Above 20000

9. Types of family

a) Nuclear

b) Joint

c) Extended

10. Living area

a) Urban

b) Rural

c) Metro political



Read carefully and complete the sentence by putting tick [√ ]

mark to all appropriate options and cross mark [ x ] for wrong
answers in the box given in the right side .
1. Learning

Starts from school admission

Starts from birth
Is acquired from teachers only
Takes place only in school

2. Children in the same class

Possess same learning capacity

Possess unique capacity
Need same method of teaching
Need same supervision

3. Reading means

Uttering aloud
Reproduce sound
Correct pronunciation

4. Mathematics means

Science of abstract thing

Science of Concept
Science of Space and Number
Science of Calculation

5. Learning Disability means

Reading Disorder
Writing Disorder
Mathematical Disorder
Naming Disorder

6. Most common type of learning disability is

Reading disorder
Writing disorder
Mathematical disorder
Object learning disorder
7. Problems related to learning is most common in


8. Number of children expected to have problems related to learning are 8.1 1 -2

8.2 3 - 7 %

8.3 10 – 15%

8.4 20 -30 %

9. Learning Disability is

A sickness
Done deliberately
Due to inadequate guidance

10. Children with Learning Disability will have

Mental Retardation
Brain Dysfunction

11.Chance for the sibling to develop the same is


12. Learning Disability can be due to

Poor Parenting
Influence of Peer group
Poor economic status
Sibling rivalry

13. Learning Disability constitute

Defect in interpreting what they hear and see

Defect in linking information from different parts of the brain
Defect in Sensory functions
Defect in physical functions
14. Learning Disability is manifested in the form of

Academic failures
School drop outs
Behavioral problems
Physical problems

15. IQ of a child with Learning Disability is

Usually normal
Usually less than normal
Usually more than normal
Not related to IQ

16.a Child with Learning disability has

Delayed milestones
Poor emotional attachment with others
Reduced self esteem
Difficulty with school works

17. Children with Reading Disorder

Can have stammering

Read silently only
Omit words while reading
Poor voice modulation

18. Writing Disorder include

Slowness in writing
Multiple spelling errors
Laziness in writing
Poor intelligence

19. Children with writing Disorder

Avoid writing
Possess poor mental ideas to present
Possess poor organization of paragraph
Perform punctuation errors

20. Mathematical Disorder includes

Difficulty in learning to count

Poor concentration
Difficulty in learning multiplication tables
Disinteresr in studies
21. Learning problem can be detected by

Blood test
X ray and CT scan
By physical examination of the child
By academic assessment of the children

22. The first and the most efficient person to detect learning disability in
children is


23. Teachers should give information about child's learning problem to

Their siblings
Other children
Their parents
School authorities

24. Learning problem can be best managed by


25. Problems related to writing can be improved by

Additional home works

Comparing with other children
Positive reinforcements

26. Children with learning disability can be better managed in

Normal schools
Special schools meant for them
Tuition Centers

27. Mathematical problem is better treated by

Strict discipline
Physical punishments
Repeated learning
Teaching using concrete objects
28. Remedial teaching for reading disorder include

Late exposure to school

Practice reading from different texts
Use multisensory instruction
Strict time limit for them to practice

29. Learning problem will be improved

As the age progresses

By remedial teaching
By native medicines
By prayer

30 Learning disability is worsened by

Friendship with children poor in studies

Watching TV
Mark [ √ ] to the answer which you considered most appropriate to the
following question in terms of Yes , Cannot say or No

1 I believe that I care for this child more than other children in Yes Cannot Say No
my class
2 I feel that my presence can avoid the child's misbehavior. Yes Cannot Say No
3 I feel of often consulting others [including experts] on how to Yes Cannot Say No
help the child.
4 I feel that it is useless to correct the child even if the child Yes Cannot Say No
commits mistakes
5 I think that my loving care would change the child's problem. Yes Cannot Say No
6 I believe that I cater to the needs of the child without grudging Yes Cannot Say No
7 I feel that I reward the child for his accomplishments. Yes Cannot Say No
8 I usually wish to get rid of this child. Yes Cannot Say No
9 I often feel relieved when this child is absent. Yes Cannot Say No
10 I believe in letting the child have all the privileges as other Yes Cannot Say No
11 I feel that I have to like this child as he/she is now Yes Cannot Say No
12 I think that the child has to be corrected if he/she misbehaves Yes Cannot Say No
13 I think that child's problem is incurable hence the child's Yes Cannot Say No
future will be spoiled
14 I think that future of the child rests in the hands of his teacher. Yes Cannot Say No
15 I think that remedial teaching will solve the problem of the Yes Cannot Say No
16 I feel that I am optimistic about the child's education. Yes Cannot Say No
17 I believe that child will become normal like other children. Yes Cannot Say No
18 I believe that the problem is not under the child’s control. Yes Cannot Say No
19 I feel that this child can spoil the reputation of the school. Yes Cannot Say No
20 I feel that I am unable to pay attention to other children Yes Cannot Say No
because of this child.
21 I feel that I punish this child frequently. Yes Cannot Say No
22 I feel that I am lenient with this child compared to other Yes Cannot Say No
children while teaching.
23 I feel that the child's behavior annoys me. Yes Cannot Say No
24 I feel ashamed to say that this is my student. Yes Cannot Say No
25 I feel that the child need constant supervision. Yes Cannot Say No
26 I think I am patient enough to give repeated corrections to the Yes Cannot Say No
27 I feel that I shout at the child unduly. Yes Cannot Say No
28 I feel confident that the child can be improved by my Yes Cannot Say No
additional support.
29 I think that I allowed this child to be free when compared to Yes Cannot Say No
other children in the same class
30 I think that I assist the child even for simple things . Yes Cannot Say No

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