D-GS For Jan 18 07

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Promise Yourself!

Lance MasseyJack Larison,

Optimist Club of Coronado Jack LarisonDiana Drummey,
Pres. 20007-086-07
Post Office Box 180251 Joan Gillem Art Jones, Extern-
Coronado, CA 92178-0251 al VP
January 1118, 2007 Ledge HakesLeslie Crawford,
Internal VP
Meetings at 7AM on Thursdays at <www.sportsfiesta.net> Jack DavisStu Powell, Secret-
Coronado Yacht Club ary
John Freeman, Treas.
This morning sixty of us showed up for our comes Roy Mantz Rosania, Sloan & Mc-
Thursday morning feast. The breakfast com- with 26 years. Al Ae- Clure,USNA ’45 Publishers
ment sheet at the front table has disappeared gerter has 13 years, McCrary and Gowan
so I guess we are all happy. Or maybe we are and Ann Boyd has Bob Sheridan, Editor
just tired. eleven. Let’s see. In that group we have one
BJ and his fellow Glorietta Bay traffic District Secretary Treasurer, one Governor,
monitor Bill Jepson counted all the money. one Lt. Governor, three past presidents (one
Jack struck the bell at 7AM. Off again into the distinguished). Of particular note was the col-
adventure of another Optimist meeting. Carla lection of over 9,000 aluminum can pull tabs
Fargo tickled the heart of the Greensheet edit- during the “Yes We Can” effort to help provide
or by using a recent page two as a prayer. It a dialysis machine to a young man in Vallejo.
was pretty good. Then Jerry Thummel lead the That was Jake Sloan’s work. Ah, remember
pledge, the day of correcting dumpsters full of alumin-
We introduced Carl Boyd as a guest, um. The smell of stale beer and deciding which
but really he said he was with us in memory of Optimist got to climb up on top to keep the
his good friend (and ours) Ted Stearns. Toni cans moving to the back of the container.
McCabe came with Marilyn Schaefer, but she Someday we should have a program on that
is member although an infrequent attender. old program. Does anyone have slides?
She has found a better breakfast somewhere. Did you know that if you can’t change the bat-
Stu Powell got to tell the joke of the day, teries in your smoke detector the Coronado
and it was a reminder to be polite to the Fire Department will dispatch somebody to do
counter people at the airport, because they it for you? Talk about service. In 2005 the fire
hold the fate of your luggage in their power. department responded to 1085 calls in medical
Joe Petrucci had a double treat for emergencies. There were 170 structural fires
birthday kids Leslie Crawford and Roy Mantz, or desmoking calls. The department respon-
but only Roy was here to enjoy the harmonica ded to 158 vehicle accidents. There were 306
and the singing. Joe has figured us out. The “other” type responses. I guess the cat in the
smaller part the club has in the production the tree is in this category. Our Fire Chief Kim
better things sound. That is something that Raddatz told us all about his department in-
former songmeister Fred Hauck. Speaking of cluding the good fact that the goal is to get a
Fred, he returned his Greensheet to me com- first unit to the scene in under 6 minutes 90%
plaining that the flag postage stamp was af- of the time. They do it.
fixed upside down indicating either trouble in -one was the magic number of chilly Op-
the club or carelessness. Would it be appropri- timists who broke fast together. Jack Chilton
ate to ask Fred to forget the mistakes of the and Lance Massey made change. They appar-
past. ently were so engaging in their chatter that
And speaking of those mistakes of the somebody dropped a five dollar bill on the
past, the Dingmaster was back from foreign deck and didn’t notice it. Lance said he would
shores and ready to help us make our Optim- return it to anybody who could give him the
ism come true. First he got Jack Couture for serial number.
wandering into the meeting after the bell. Then The seven o’clock meeting started on
Lee saw a resemblance to Gooch in an ad for time with Jack Larison ringing the bell. Zeke
a new play at the Old Globe about old aviators. Zaludek had a nice prayer with a quote from
When he propose fining Gooch John Freeman Eleanor Roosevelt, but many couldn’t hear him
upped the ante and suggested that all old avi- because the person detailed on the Watch
ators be fined. That seemed ok with Mr. Car- Quarter and Station Bill to turn on the micro-
gill, and so they all stood up and gave back phone was asleep at the switch. Executive Of-
some of that flight pay. Lee wasn’t through yet ficer McKechnie put that right in time for Tom
because he he fined Chris Massy for being a Nickoloff to lead us in the pledge.
realator and Paul Dudley for playing golf with Rob Dunlap was introduced as a guest
someone who dragged him into the winner’s of Lee Cargill. We had two guest speakers
circle. from the Coronado SAFE program. Samantha
Jerry Thummel won $47 in the 50-50 Bowman runs the organization and Arlene
drawing, and he gave it all to the Youth Fund. Griffin is her right hand. But more about that
Jerry is making it hard on those whose chil- later.
dren need new shoes if we ever win. We learned that the service for our
We had significant Optimist Anniversar- good friend Del Cummins will be on Saturday,
ies this morning. Leading the pack was Jake January 27, at 1 PM. It will be at Sacred Heart
Sloan who has 34 years in the club this week. Church. Those who might want to send a card
Next was Barry Mitchell with thirty years. Then to Pat can send it to her at 560 Alameda Blvd.
We sang HBTY to Pat Kelly, Chris Mas- The Program: I’ve wasted all this space
sey, and Paul Dudley. Stu Powell kept things and haven’t told you about the organization.
under firm control again and it sounded better Go to their website <coronadosafe.org>. SAFE
that usual. Clint Conway marks his third an- stands for Substance Abuse Free Environ-
niversary as an Optimist and George Bruce hit ment. We gave them a check for $500 so they
number 27. That is a long time. must do good work. Samantha and Arlene told
Jack Davis told us a good story about us about all the programs, and you will profit
why the Three Magi wear firemen’s helmets in by a look at the website.
Tuna, Texas. It was cute and got him a free They told us about a logical approach to
breakfast. dealing with substance abuse by our young
The President dropped a bomb on us people. This is a problem that costs us money
with the news that the Spring Concert will be when the kids wreck cars, lamp posts, and
followed immediately by a Spring Fling. At lives. They asked us to get involved in their
least this is what your inventive Board of Dir- programs which they say are based on solid
ectors is thinking about. They are using the research and proven methods.
successful model of the Sports Fiesta and con- Next week an interesting topic: Human-
sidering a cookout. Maybe the fiddle players itarian Mine Removal in Iraq. Retired Army Col.
will join us and we can dance all night. Daniel Layton will be our speaker and Dick
The Dingmaster said that he had a lot of Beh will do the introduction.
quality dings but the quality dingees were ab- PROMISE YOURSELF…A definite nip
sent. What does that say about the quality of was in the air this morning. Hallelujah!! Food
Harrison Chilton who was fined for the great again and
article about Peg and Jack in the Lifestyle Sixty-One of us filed by Buck Rogers and Dick
magazine, or Doug Leland, or Al Aegerter, or Madouse reading the guest list, taking our
Ledge Hakes, all of whom were fined. And badges, and looking over the breakfast com-
then Lee fined Diana Drummey because last ment sheet. Someone, remembering the mis-
week Kim Raddatz mentioned her in his pro- takes of the past had written, “You call this a
gram. This opens up a whole new potential breakfast!”. Yes, Virginia, the mean-spirited do
source of fines. Somebody stop him. live among us.
Lance Massey told us that the Silver
Strand is looking a little tarnished and needs President Jack invited Carla Fargo to lead us
the attention of the pickers. We will hit the road in prayer, and she did so in rhyme. Captain
on Saturday, January 27, at 0800. Lance Stark led the pledge. Our lone guest was Mark
passed around a sign-up sheet that filled Rogers, son of Buck.
quickly for the Southern Grouping at the Navy
Housing. The pack that meets at the NAB Immediate Past President Lance Massey told a
southern gate is short a few good men and wo- joke about men’s underthings that will in the in-
men. So sign up next week. terest of taste be omitted. I thought that I only
Joe Adkins won the 50-50 drawing and had to omit one item per meeting to pass the
took home 45 bucks. censors, but then, later in the meeting, our pro-
This week our program was supposed gram speaker finished that hope off with a tale
to be about what our Coronado kids are doing of bestiality in colonial America. Does anyone
right. That is certainly a worthwhile topic. For know where I can find a bleep on my key-
some reason it called to this confused mind an board?
instance of when our kids knew something that
none of their elders knew. This was about Joe Petrucci redeemed this part of the meeting
twenty years ago and it involved our surf shop by playing a foot stomping version of “Sugar
know as Emerald City and the prominent dis- Blues” or “Azul Asucar” in our new national
play windows the shop has on Orange Avenue. language. Joe is our star on these cold winter
In those days the manager placed a python in mornings when he unwraps his harmonica to
a well-camouflaged enclosure in the window. get our blood moving. We had birthdays of Joe
All the kids in town knew this, but the citizens Huber, Wynn Fester, and Ann Eades to celeb-
didn’t because they never examined the win- rate and the “Sugar Blues” was just the num-
dow. The kids also knew that the python was ber.
also fed on a certain day, and his ration was Jim Cooper celebrates thirty-one glorious
one live little duck. years as an Optimist this week, and Bill Parry,
This went on for several months with the who we don’t see too much of these days, has
citizens in the dark until one day a young nineteen years with us.
mother wondered why all the teenagers were
gathered at a window making strange sounds. Jack Larison reminded us to keep the evening
She walked over with her little toddler and was of December 21 free for our Christmas party. It
horrified by the sight of nature in action. That will be at the Yacht Club at 7PM.
was the final feeding at Emerald City. It may
have also been the genesis of PAWS. The traveling midshipmen choral group
(My supervisor said that I dreamed all gathered as they do each year at this time to
this so I need some confirmation. Does anyone salute the Army Mule. Yes, it is that time of
else remember this?) year when the Black Knights of the Hudson un-
der our own Bobby Ross face off against the
Midship-persons in their white hats. Saturday Thomas Granger who was discovered to be
is the 107th rematch of the game and the res- engaging in unhealthy practices with a wide
ults have been an amazing 50-49 edge for range of farm animal needs a special filter.
Navy with seven tied games. Barry Mitchell (or
someone posing as Colonel Mitchell) called Frank promised help for any folks who are in-
the editor to say that he and Bruce Williams terested in genealogy. Sounds like a great of-
are covering all bets and giving no points. fer.
They want all the Navy money that you can
Next week you can get See’s Candy from Mrs.
Gooch. The program will be from the Virtual
Speaking of money, Stu Powell won the 50-50 Reality Medical Center of San Diego. We will
drawing with a white ticket. hear about using virtual reality technology to
treat phobias and post traumatic stress dis-
The Dingmaster was disappointed that Charlie orders. Would this have helped poor Thomas
Ahern was not with us. But he took money from Granger back in Plymouth?
his own wife who contributes to Lamb’s Play-
ers. Jim Cartwright left before paying his fine,
and Ledge had to give a dingpass back for a
letter to the editor in the spirit of dear departed
Carol Cahill.
Lance Massey recovered from his joke to an-
nounce that the Silver Strand will be picked up
and restored to its beautiful pristine state by
the Optimist Club on Saturday, December 9.
He needs a few more pickers.
Tomorrow night the elves of the club will hand
out cookies and cider to those who mill around
Christmas in Coronado. Come see John McK-
echnie and Chris Massey with their cute little
pointy elf shoes.
Frank Osgood found out when in his fifties that
he had roots on the Mayflower. One great-
great -…-great grandfather was a church elder
while another was a non-pilgrim member of the
party with a troubled, but adventure-heavy
past. Frank told us about his research into the
lives of these two men and of their roles in the
first English settlement in the New World that
had self government.
Frank’s tale was fascinating. The hardships of
the first year, when the little band of 102
people lost 47 to death, tried the hearts of all.
They sailed in a leaky “Mayflower” in Septem-
ber 1620 and arrived on Cape Cod in Decem-
ber in the dead of Winter. After exploring the
area by small boat the group came ashore at
Plymouth on Christmas Day, kneeling to give
Franks told us about William Brewster, his
church leader ancestor who, even when the
people were dying from starvation, preached
with power of God’s gift of new Jerusalem
they had come to. Franks other ancestor was
Steven Hopkins, A “stranger’ recruited by the
London company managing the colony for his
savvy and experience. He had been in
Jamestown earlier and been shipwrecked in
Bermuda. Hopkins came with wife and several
The talk was quite fascinating and brought to
our minds the hardships that were overcome
by those who settled this wonderful land for us.
I think we could have listened to Frank for
hours, but his story about the unfortunate

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