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Quelimane Branch

Department Of Language Sciences, Communication and Arts

Honors Degree in English Language Teaching

Didactics of Literature Analytical Plan



I Day Shift 3 2019 5 6 48 68 116 José Pires

1. Competences (learning outcomes).

Trainee should be able to:

a. Be familiar with a variety of modern methods and techniques to use with literature, in the teaching of English Language;

b. State the criteria for selecting appropriate literay texts to use in English classes;

c. Explain the advantages of using literary texts to teach English Language;

2. Objectives

Trainees have to:

a. Develop Skills on techniques used to teach literary texts in English classes;


b. Acquire knowlwdge to transform and select appropriate literary texts to use in English classes;
c. Use modern techniques and methodologies in lesson planning.

3. Prerequisites

Students attending this subject should have done Literature in English.

WEEK/ Nº of hours Methodological Strategies Evaluation

DATE Unit topic Contents
Conta Self- Contact Self-Study Contact Self-Study Bibliography
ct Study Activities Activities Activities Activities

03 04 -The aims of using Literature in Syllabus -Read and -Pair work -Within a wide
ELT; presentation and analyse a wide -Group work range of literary
-The principles introduction range of texts text select the
I of using  Lectures and their most appropriate
18-22/02 Literature in suitability in English 2.p6-9
ELT before it is language lessons
selected to be in secondary
used in the schools, Supplied
classroom. discussion on references and
what things handouts
should be taken
into account when
teaching materials
II 03 04 -The principles -What makes literary texts  Lectures -Read and -Individual Discuss the Supplied
suitable for using with Language 
of using Pair work analyse a wide Tasks factors to references and
Literature in range of texts
25/02-  Group work consider when handouts
01/03 ELT learners; and their choosing
literary material

III 03 04 -Selecting suitable texts and  Lectures -Read and -Individual - Write down the
analyse a wide outline, how can

04-08/03 -The principles activities in the Mozambican  Pair work range of texts Tasks you organize a
of using
context.  Group work and their role-play using 11.p223-227
Literature in suitability stories?
ELT before it is
selected to be
used in the
IV 03 04 -Long distance dictation;  Lectures -Read different - Pair work -Write down the
11-15/03  Pair work short stories. -Group work procedures,
-Coping without design and
 Group work 7. p15-30
Copying implement a long
Facilities distance activity
in the classroom.

V 03 04 -Long distance dictation;  Lectures -Read different - Pair work -Write down the
18-22/03  Pair work short stories. -Group work procedures,
-Coping without design and
 Group work 7. p15-30
Copying implement a long
Facilities distance activity
in the classroom.

VI 03 04 - Jigsaw  Lectures -Read different -Individual -Write down the

-Coping without  Pair work short stories. Tasks procedures,
Copying design and
25-29/03  Group work
Facilities implement a 5.p39-43
jigsaw activity in
the classroom,
how can you
make it easier?
VII 03 04 - Jigsaw  Lectures -Read different -Individual -Write down the
-Coping without  Pair work short stories. Tasks procedures,
Copying design and
01-  Group work
05/04 Facilities implement a 5.p39-43
jigsaw activity in
the classroom,
how can you
make it easier?
VIII 03 04 -Coping without -Cooperative dictation;  Lectures -Read different - Pair work -Write down the

08- Copying  Pair work short stories. -Group work procedures,

12/04 Facilities  Group work design and
implement a 7. p15-30
dictation activity
in the classroom.
03 04 -Coping without -Cooperative dictation;  Lectures -Read different - Pair work -Write down the
IX Copying  Pair work short stories. -Group work procedures,
Facilities design and
 Group work
15-19/04 implement a 7. p15-30
dictation activity
in the classroom.
X 03 04 Formal Test 1 - Assess the level of
understanding of the contents
22-26/04 ------------------- ------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ------------------

XI 03 04 -Aims of Using -Aims of using literature in the  Lectures -Read and -Pair Work -Read the fairly
Literature in the classroom, Identifying aims in  Pair work compare -Individual typical language-
classroom different texts. based activities,
29-03/05 language-based activities;  Group work Tasks
which make use
-Identifying aims language- of a literary text 3.p118-133
based activities in the classroom
and decide what
the language aim
of the teacher is in
using this activity
with his or her
XII 03 04 -Writing poems -Creative writing, Writing from  Lectures -Read and Write -Individual -Write poems
from models outlines, Models, Key words  Pair work poems. Tasks from a model,
06-10/05 and prompts  Group work write a simile
and pictures. 9.p45-58

XIII 03 04 -Writing poems -Creative writing, Writing from  Lectures -Read and Write -Individual -Write poems
from models poems.

and prompts outlines, Models, Key words  Pair work Tasks from a model,
13-17/05 and pictures.  Group work write a simile
poem. 9.p45-58

XIV 03 04 -Methodological -Aims of using literature in the  Lectures -Read numerous -Debates -Read the
approach to classroom.  Pair work poems and use following
the appropriate activities and
20-24/05 using literature  Group work
approach for decide what is 10.p90-105
in the language Individual work different lesson wrong with this
class. plans approach.

XV 03 03 Formal Test 2 - Assess the level of

27-31/05 understanding of the contents
------------------- ------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ------------------
XVI 03 03 -Lesson -Developing Materials  Lectures -Design Lesson -Individual Each student will
03 – Planning  Pair work Plans Tasks. be required to Supplied
-Lesson Planning
07/06  Group work references and
design several handouts
Individual work
lesson Plans,
some of which
will be peer-
taught during the

16 Total Hours
Weeks 116


1.CARTER, R. & Long, C. Teaching Literature. Cambridge: CUP, 1989.

2.CARTER, R. & Walker, R. Literature and the Learner. Manchester: ELT Documents, British Council, 1989.

3.MARLEY, A. Down from the Pedestal. Manchester: ELT Documents, British Council, 1983.

4.DUFF, A. & Marley, A. The Inward Ear. Cambridge: CUP, 1989.

5.GREENWOOD, J. Class Readers. Oxford: Oxford English, 1988.

6.HILL, J. Using Literature in Language Teaching. London: Macmillan, 1986 LAZAR, G. Literature and Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP, 1993.

7.MARLEY, A. & Moulding, S. Poem into Poem. Cambridge: CUP, 1995.

8.MCRAE, J. literature with a small l. London: Macmillan, 1991.

9.Bassnett, Susan, and Peter Grundy (1993) Language through Literature: Creative Language Teaching through Literature. London: Longman.

10.WIDDOWSON, H. G. Stylistics and the teaching of Literature. UK. Longman, 1975.

11.Carter, Ronald and John McRae, eds. (1996) Language, Literature and the Learner: Creative Classroom Practice. Harlow: Longman.

Course Grading:

Means Numbers

Class attendance and Participation Continuous

in the lessons

Reading and Material preparation Continuous

Assessment Total 2 summative papers (contact hours)= 60%

 Group Presentation (1)

 Role play (1)

 Material Design (text transformation)

 Lesson Planning

(independent study)=40%

Quelimane, February 2019

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