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Scholarship Name The 2019 University of Adelaide Higher Education Scholarships (International)

Scholarship Value This scholarship offers a reduction of 25% of the tuition fee.

Scholarship Duration For the minimum standard full-time duration of the scholar's chosen undergraduate or postgraduate program

Payment details The scholarship payment will be made in the form of a tuition fee waiver directly into your tuition fee account
thereby reducing your tuition fee liability by the scholarship amount for each teaching period during the
specified duration of study. Please note that the tuition fee waiver may take up until the census date of your
intake before it is reflected on your tuition fee account.

Scholarship conditions This scholarship is subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. The following students are not eligible to receive this scholarship:

a) Students who have not received an offer for the scholarship.
b) Students who are recipients of a scholarship awarded by a recognised scholarship
awarding body such as a government ministry or department.
c) Students who are studying Masters by Research or PhD programs.
d) Students who have packaged offers of University of Adelaide College or Eynesbury
programs (packaged) with a University of Adelaide degree.
e) Current University of Adelaide students who are transferring from one program to
another prior to successful completion of their program of study (internal transfer

2. The scholarships provide a tuition fee waiver of the scholarship value for the duration indicated in
the scholarship award letter for study at the University of Adelaide. The scholarships do not cover
the costs of visas, Overseas Student Health Cover, travel, accommodation, living expenses,
books and study materials or any other expenses associated with living in Adelaide or study at
the University of Adelaide.
3. The scholarship is not paid for courses where credit is granted in recognition of prior
4. The scholarship is not is not transferable to a third party or redeemable for cash.
5. If an individual receives and accepts more than one offer of a scholarship from the University of
Adelaide, only one scholarship, the scholarship of greater value, will be awarded.
6. Scholarships holders must commence study in the University of Adelaide in the Semester for
which the scholarship was offered. The scholarship cannot be deferred.
7. The scholarship holder must be enrolled in the undergraduate or postgraduate program of study
for which the scholarship was awarded.
8. Scholarship holders are required to enrol in the University of Adelaide program of study as
international students* and must maintain international student* status for the duration of their
enrolment in the University. The scholarship will be terminated if a student ceases to be an
international student*.
9. Scholarship holders are expected to enrol in a full time (24 unit) load. A scholarship holder who is
considering reducing his or her enrolment load must first consult with staff in International Student
Support. As required by the Australian Government under the ESOS National Code of Practice
2007, international students are expected to complete their programs within the duration specified
on their Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). The University may only extend the duration of
scholarship under compassionate or compelling circumstances.
10. If a scholarship holder enrols in more than the standard 24 unit load per year, or in any way
accrues additional tuition fee liabilities, the additional tuition fees are not covered by the
11. The scholarship holder must pay their tuition fees within the stipulated payment deadlines.

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12. If a scholarship holder faces exceptional circumstances requiring him or her to return home they
may apply for a one year deferment of enrolment without loss of scholarship, provided this is
approved under the student visa requirements.
13. If a scholarship holder enrols in courses in another institution, including cross-institutional study,
those tuition fees are not covered by the scholarship.
14. If a scholarship holder is required to repeat a course the student is liable to pay for the tuition fees
for the repeated course.
15. The University does not represent that this scholarship will be tax free to the recipient. The
recipient should seek independent advice on the tax implications of this scholarship.
16. The scholarship holder agrees to notify the university by sending an email to immediately if the scholarship holder intends to:
a) Transfer to another undergraduate program within the University.
b) Discontinue full-time study.
c) Transfer to another institution.
d) Seek a retrospective withdrawal from any courses they have enrolled in.
e) To defer their studies and/or apply for Approved Leave.
17. The University reserves the right to vary the awards, withdraw or not to offer scholarships if:
a) applicants have not achieved or cease to meet the eligibility requirements of the
awards; or
b) the scholarship holder has been found to have supplied incorrect or misleading
information during the application process; or
c) a scholarship holder fails to maintain good academic standing and progress; or
d) there is a case of serious misconduct by a scholarship holder; or
e) in any other case where the University determines that the scholarship eligibility
requirements have not been met.
18. The scholarship holder Students may be required to participate in a photo shoot and complete a
testimonial for the University, which may be published on our website or used for other
promotional purposes. The scholarship holder must be willing to be featured in such promotional
collateral produced by the University and be involved in promotional activity arranged by the
University. Accepting the terms and conditions of this scholarship confirms a scholarship holders
consent to be used for promotional purposes.
*An International student is a student who is not an Australian Citizen, a New Zealand Citizen or a holder of
an Australia Permanent Residency Visa.

Excluded Programs Please note that the following programs are excluded from this scholarship initiative and applicants for these
programs will not be eligible to receive this scholarship:

Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Master of Marine Engineering
Graduate Diploma of Marine Engineering
Graduate Certificate of Marine Engineering
Master of Viticulture and Oenology
Graduate Diploma of Viticulture and Oenology
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Students who receive a scholarship for the Bachelor of Science (Vet Science)
only receive the scholarship for the duration of the UG Program)
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
All programs for the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences are EXCLUDED from this scholarship except for
the following programs which are included:
Bachelor of Health & Medical Science
Bachelor of Health & Medical Science (Advanced)
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Bachelor of Psychology (Advanced) (Honours)
Master of Public Health (suite GC and GD)

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Master of Health Economics & Policy (suite GC and GD)
Master of Nursing Science (General)

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