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Topics in Local Anesthetics

Edited by Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo

and Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Topics in Local
Edited by Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo
and Enrique Hernández-Cortez

Published in London, United Kingdom

Supporting open minds since 2005
Topics in Local Anesthetics
Edited by Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo and Enrique Hernández-Cortez

Yazmin Guillen Dolores, Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo, Karen L. Íñiguez-López, Ana C. Cárdenas-Maytorena,
Cristian D. Ramírez-Puerta, Joao Abrao, Marcelo Antunes, Luis Vicente Garcia, Margaretha Breebaart,
Nandita Mehta, Sayyidah Aasima Tu Nisa Qazi, Javier Marcos Michel Levy, Enrique Hernández-Cortez,
Jeffrey Carness, Mark Lenart, Basak Keskin Yalcin, Rakesh Karnawat, Divya Garg, Shikha Soni, Cecilia
G. Sandoval Larios, Juan Carlos Flores-Carrillo

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Topics in Local Anesthetics

Edited by Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo and Enrique Hernández-Cortez
p. cm.
Print ISBN 978-1-78984-943-1
Online ISBN 978-1-78984-944-8
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Meet the editors

Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo graduated from Universidad Nacional

Autónoma de México and completed residencies in Internal
Medicine at Hospital General de México and Anaesthesiology
and Critical Care Medicine at Instituto Nacional de Ciencias
Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán in México City. He also
completed a fellowship at the Anesthesia Department, Pain
Clinic at University of California, Los Angeles, USA. Currently,
Dr. Whizar-Lugo works as anesthesiologist at Lotus Med Group, and belongs to
the Institutos Nacionales de Salud as associated researcher. He has published many
works on anesthesia, pain, internal medicine, and critical care, edited four books,
and given countless conferences in congresses and meetings around the world. He
has been a member of various editorial committees for anesthesiology journals, is
past chief editor of the journal Anestesia en México, and is currently editor-in-chief
of the Journal of Anesthesia and Critical Care. Dr. Whizar-Lugo is the founding di-
rector and current president of Anestesiología y Medicina del Dolor (www.anestesi-, a free online medical education program.

Enrique Hernández-Cortez graduated from the Faculty of Med-

icine of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo,
México. He completed his residency in Anesthesiology at the
Anesthesia Department Hospital de Alta Especialidad, Instituto
Mexicano del Seguro Social in León Guanajuato. He is past head
of the Anesthesia Department at the Hospital de Alta especiali-
dad de Gineco-Pediatría No. 48, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro
Social, León Guanajuato, México. Dr. Hernández-Cortez is editor-in-chief of the
journal Anestesia en México and vice president of the Federación Mexicana de Cole-
gios de Anestesiología, A.C. He is editor of the book Complications of Pediatric Anes-
thesia, has published a variety of articles on pediatric anesthesia, and has lectured at
countless conferences and meetings around the world.

Preface XIII

Chapter 1 1
Local Anesthetics
by Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo, Karen L. Íñiguez-López,
Ana C. Cárdenas-Maytorena and Cristian D. Ramírez-Puerta

Chapter 2 31
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics
by Javier Marcos Michel-Levy

Chapter 3 47
Bupivacaine Pharmacokinetics in Pregnant Women
by Yazmín Guillén-Dolores

Chapter 4 57
Adjuvant Drugs to Local Anesthetics
by Nandita Mehta and Sayyidah Aasima tu Nisa Qazi

Chapter 5 73
Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia
by Jeffrey M. Carness and Mark J. Lenart

Chapter 6 99
Local Anaesthetics for Spinal Anaesthesia in Day-Case Surgery
by Margaretha Barbara Breebaart

Chapter 7 119
Local Anesthetics Infiltration and Wound Healing Process
by João Abrão, Marcelo Antunes and Luis Vicente Garcia

Chapter 8 135
Local Anesthetics in Odontology
by Enrique Hernández-Cortez, Cecilia G. Sandoval Larios
and Juan Carlos Flores-Carrillo
Chapter 9 151
Complications Associated with Local Anesthesia in Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery
by Basak Keskin Yalcin

Chapter 10 165
Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity
by Divya Garg, Shikha Soni and Rakesh Karnawat


Day after day, healthcare providers administer powerful drugs with a myriad of side
effects. Local anesthetics are, by far, the drugs most used in daily clinical practice with
the goal of producing optimal analgesia and anesthesia without patients losing control
of their alertness, which is the greatest advantage of local anesthetics. Regional
anesthesia has proven to be the technique of choice in patients with alterations of the
immune system, for example, cancer patients, favoring a better short- and long-term
recovery. These drugs have also been investigated as antimicrobials, anti-asthmatics,
anti-inflammatories, anti-neoplastics, and anti-arrhythmics.

This book, Topics in Local Anesthetics, reviews and updates some basic and selected
clinical applications of anesthetics, as well as examines the prevention and manage-
ment of complications related to their use. The first three chapters discuss the aspects
of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, especially the pharmacokinetics of
bupivacaine in pregnant women. These aspects are essential to decrease the possibili-
ties of systemic toxicity as well as effects on the fetus and the newborn. The use of
adjuvant drugs dates back to the beginning of the last century and the advent of novel
drugs has resulted in the prolongation of analgesia and regional anesthesia, as well as
the reduction of toxic effects as it is possible to decrease the dosage of local anesthetics.

The safe use of these drugs requires knowledge of anatomy and the various
techniques used to administer anesthetics, including topical, local, intravenous,
endotracheal anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, interpleural, intra-articular,
epidural, spinal, or a combination of any of these. The book reviews some of
these techniques, with special emphasis on dentistry, maxillofacial surgery, and
spinal anesthesia in ambulatory surgery. It also provides updated information on
the effect of local anesthetics on the wound healing process, and their potential
non-anesthetic uses. There is also a chapter dedicated to systemic toxicity.

As the editor, I want to thank my friend and co-editor Enrique Hernández-Cortez

for his invaluable support to finish the book. I also wish to thank the authors and
friends who contributed to this project.

Finally, it is my pleasure to thank my beloved wife Teresa for her love, patience, and
support in the edition of this book, as well as my children and grandchildren, from
whom I used much of their family time to finish this project.

Victor Whizar-Lugo
Associate Researcher at Institutos Nacionales de Salud,
Lotus Medical Group,
Tijuana BC, México

Enrique Hernández-Cortez
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
León, México
Chapter 1

Local Anesthetics
Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo, Karen L. Íñiguez-López,
Ana C. Cárdenas-Maytorena and Cristian D. Ramírez-Puerta


The fascinating history of local anesthetics (LAs) began in South America with
the herbal and traditional use of cocaine leaves by the indigenous peoples of Peru
and Bolivia, the sacred plant of the Incas Erythroxylum coca. The use for anesthetic
purposes dates back to 1884. Since then, the evolution of LAs has been closely
related to research motivated by its efficacy and safety versus toxicity. According to
their chemical structure, these drugs are classified into two main groups: esters and
amino amides; however, there are three LAs with different characteristics: articaine,
sameridine, and centbucridine. The pharmacological and toxic mode of action is
primarily in the voltage-dependent sodium channels located in the cell membrane,
which clinically produces analgesia, anesthesia, seizures, arrhythmias, and cardiac
arrest. The quality of anesthesia and analgesia depends on the type of LA, dose,
and application technique, while the deleterious effects are secondary to its plasma
concentration. Nonanesthetic properties of LAs such as their antimicrobial,
antineoplastic, antiarrhythmics, antitussive, and antiasthmatics effects have been
described and are briefly reviewed.

Keywords: local anesthetics, pharmacology, toxicity

1. Introduction

Local anesthetics (LAs) are drugs commonly used in medicine and especially in
anesthesiology, which when administered in the vicinity of peripheral neural tissue
produce changes in the conformation of voltage-dependent sodium channels that
depolarize the neural tissue and produce analgesia, anesthesia, and sympathetic and
motor block in the dermatomes of the affected nerves without altering consciousness.
This inhibitory phenomenon is reversible and transitory and is known as regional
anesthesia and is classified into local, peripheral nerves, nervous plexuses, peridural,
subarachnoid, and intravenous anesthesia.
LAs are safe and effective drugs, although when wrongly managed, they can reach
high plasma concentrations and produce systemic toxicity (LAST) that manifests
primarily in the central nervous system (CNS) and cardiovascular system (CVS),
causing side effects that can occasionally lead to death. Local neuro toxicity has also
been described when injected in the vicinity of the peripheral nervous system or at
subarachnoid or epidural space. Myotoxic effects have also been described.
The main clinical use of LAs is to achieve pain insensitivity, although they
have other pharmacological uses such as antiarrhythmic, anti-asthmatic, anti-
inflammatory, antithrombotic, bacteriostatic, and bactericidal effects that have
been demonstrated, as well as antitumoral agent enhancer activity [1–3]. LAs are
grouped into two categories: those of the ester type and those of the amino-amide

Topics in Local Anesthetics

group. They are the only drugs used in regional anesthesia, although it has been
described that other drugs with different molecular structure such as amitriptyline,
meperidine, eugenols, beta-adrenergic antagonists, alpha2 agonists, spasmolytics,
anticonvulsants, and antihistamines have local anesthetic effects [4–6]. There are
three LAs that due to their chemical structure differ from the classic LAs: articaine,
sameridine, and centbucridine. Articaine is classified into the amide group, it is fat
soluble and short acting and has intermediate potency, with rapid metabolism due
to an ester group in its structure. Sameridine, on the other hand, has mixed effects
as an opioid agonist and LA properties under investigation for intrathecal use [7, 8].
Centbucridine is a nonester, nonamide drug still under clinical investigation [9].
In this introductory chapter, the most important properties of LAs are detailed,
emphasizing their pharmacological classification, pharmacokinetic profile, action
mechanisms, side effects, and some relevant clinical aspects, as well as their
nonanesthetic uses.

2. Brief history of the discovery and evolution of LAs

In the Andean Mountains, centuries ago, the Incas began using cocaine leaves
which they chewed or ingested in the form of potions that provided them with
plenty of energy to carry out their religious rituals. In addition, as a powerful
stimulant, the coca leaf was chewed to mitigate the effects derived from altitude,
hunger or fatigue and as a medicine for gastrointestinal discomfort, colds, or
bruises. This sacred plant of the Incas, Erythroxylum coca, caught the attention of
Europeans who took it to the old continent at the end of the 16th century. It was
until 1859 when Paulo Mantegazza, an Italian physiologist, wrote Sulle virtu igien-
iche e Medicinale della Coca (On the hygienic and medicinal properties of coca and
on nervine nourishment in general) where he pointed out its healing properties. The
German chemist Albert Niemann isolated the active substance from these leaves
and called it cocaine, noting its power to anesthetize the tongue. In 1884, Sigmund
Freud wrote his famous monograph entitled Ueber coca. Like some of his contempo-
raries, Freud acknowledged that cocaine had local anesthetic effects when applied
to the mucous membranes, but it was Karl Köller who used it for the first time for
anesthetic purposes when applied in various mucous membranes and in the con-
junctiva for surgical purposes. It is Köller to whom it is attributed the beginning of
local anesthesia [10–12].
The knowledge of the toxic and additive effects of cocaine became public
quickly; it went from being the LA in vogue to a potent CNS stimulant that until
today is a social stigma. This fired the investigation toward new LAs, and safer
drugs were found. Benzocaine was synthesized in 1890, and in 1904, Alfred
Einhorn introduced procaine by degrading cocaine, which was later marketed as
novocaine® and was the most widely used LA in the world. Tetracaine was syn-
thesized in 1928 and introduced into clinical anesthesia in 1932. In 1943 Löfgren
discovered lidocaine that was introduced for clinical use in 1947 and is currently
the most used LA. Mepivacaine appeared in 1956, and in 1963, the clinical use of
bupivacaine was introduced, while etidocaine began to be used in 1972. Other LAs
appeared during the following years but were withdrawn from the market due
to their toxic effects. In 1970, Albrigth [13] mentioned some deaths attributed to
bupivacaine and etidocaine. His editorial was enough to start basic and clinical
research in search of new drugs with a better safety profile. The result was the
introduction of ropivacaine in 1997 and levobupivacaine in 1999, both levoisomeric
drugs. It is noteworthy that these two LAs had been discovered in 1957 and 1972,
respectively (Table 1).

Local Anesthetics

Local anesthetics Year of synthesis Introduction in clinic

Cocaine 1860 1884

Procaine 1904 1905

Dibucaine 1925 1930

Tetracaine 1928 1932

Lidocaine 1943 1947

Chloroprocaine 1950 1952

Mepivacaine 1956 1957

Prilocaine 1959 1960

Bupivacaine 1957 1963

Etidocaine 1971 1972

Ropivacaine 1957 1997

Levobupivacaine 1972 1999

Table 1.
Chronological appearance of local anesthetics.

The levoisomeric LAs did not replace other LAs but are complementary to the
therapeutic armamentarium in regional anesthesia. Both ropivacaine and levobu-
pivacaine have been conquering a special place in regional anesthesia techniques,
but their toxicity is still superior to procaine, chloroprocaine, and lidocaine. While
these LAs are not comparable in potency and duration, they still have a place in
anesthesiology, with the exception of intrathecal lidocaine. The history of these
drugs will continue to be written as new results on therapeutic effectiveness and
toxicity are obtained.

3. Basics data

It is necessary to know some elementary aspects of the structure and function of

the cell membrane, as well as to understand the role of voltage-dependent sodium
channels, which are protein structures that are located in the cell membrane and
play a paramount role in cellular electrical activity and impulse transmission.

3.1 Cellular membrane

The cell membrane is a barrier of lipids and proteins, which forms the outer
surface of eukaryotic cells. The lipid part of the membrane is formed by a bilayer
with a thickness of 60–100 Å, which gives it structure and constitutes a barrier
that prevents the passage of water-soluble substances. It has three important
types of lipids: phospholipids, glycolipids and cholesterol. The membrane pro-
teins are suspended individually or in groups within the lipid structure and shape
the various channels. The selectivity of transmembrane protein channels allows
the cell to control the entry and exit of substances, as well as transport between
cell compartments. Membrane proteins not only facilitate selective transport, but
in addition, they are able to carry out active transport against the concentration
gradient with special pumps, such as the sodium-potassium pump. Other func-
tions of the membrane, such as the recognition and binding of certain substances
on the cell surface, are also determined by the protein part of the membrane.
These proteins are called cell receptors.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Cellular receptors are connected to internal systems that only act when certain
substances bind to the membrane surface. Many of the cell controls act through
this mechanism. Some metabolic pathways do not take action unless the “signal”
molecule—for example—a hormone, has reached the cell surface. Glycoproteins
are located in the membrane that identify other cells as members of an individual or
as strangers. The interactions between the cells that make up a tissue are based on
membrane proteins. In this manner, the structure of the membranes depends on the
lipids, while the functions depend on the proteins.

3.2 Physiology of nerve transmission

The resting cell membrane maintains a voltage difference of 40–90 mV between

the inner and outer layers, the inside being negative and the outside positive. This
is the so-called resting potential, which is maintained by an active mechanism of
the Na/K pump. The polarized membrane does not allow the passage of sodium ions
(Na+) through the voltage-dependent sodium channels that are in resting state. When
an electrical stimulus arrives, the membrane depolarization begins by activating
the sodium channels that open to give way to the Na+, which enter the intracellular
medium, transforming the negativity of the transmembrane potential. This initiates
a cycle of changes of sodium channels in four functional stages: resting, activated,
inactivated, and deactivated. In the resting state, the outer gate of the sodium
channel is closed, and the internal gate or closing gate is open. When a stimulus
reaches the membrane, the sodium channel is activated by opening the external
gate and letting Na+ pass. When the membrane potential rises to +20 mV, the
closure of the internal gate is triggered, and it enters an inactive state. The channel
is deactivated when the membrane potential reaches −60 mV. When the passage of
Na+ ceases through the pore of the sodium channel, the potassium channel increases
its permeability, allowing this ion to pass inside the cell due to differences in con-
centration (concentration gradient). Then the initial phase is restored; the Na-K
pump mobilizes Na+ outside and K+ inside the cell. Sodium channels pass from the
inactive-deactivated state to the initial resting state. All these movements of Na+ and
K+ are manifested in changes in the transmembrane electrical potential, generating
the action potential that is propagated along the nerve fiber (Figure 1) [14]. Because
there is a potential difference across the cell membrane, the membrane is said to be
polarized. If the membrane potential becomes more positive than it is at the resting
potential, the membrane is said to be depolarized. This whole process lasts 1 mil-
lisecond; 30% is consumed by the depolarization phase. According to the electrical
instant, the sodium channels dependent on voltage exist in four stages; resting
(−90 mV), activated (−60 mV), inactivated (+20 mV) and deactivated (−60 mV).

3.3 Voltage-dependent sodium channels

Hodgkin and Huxley proposed that cell membranes contained channels that
facilitated ionic passage through them, which was confirmed when ionic currents
that selectively flow through these transmembrane pores were directly measured.
In 1972, Singer and Nicolson [15–17] proposed the ¨Fluid Mosaic Model¨ in the
structure of the cell membranes were they described the cell membrane as a two-
dimensional liquid that restricts the lateral diffusion of membrane components and
includes the integral proteins inserted in the lipid bilayer, some of which completely
cross it and others cross it partially. Of these membrane proteins, three primary
groups stand out: the channels, pumps, and receptors that constitute the transport
system through cell membranes and regulate the movements of small molecules and
ions that cannot pass through the lipid bilayer.

Local Anesthetics

Figure 1.
Representation of the four structural phases of sodium channels and their relationship with the action potential.
Modified from Columb MO, MacLennan K. Local anesthetics agents. Anaesth Intensive Care Med 2007;
8: 159–162 [14].

Sodium channels are protein structures that are integrated into the lipid bilayer
of the cell membrane and are responsible for orchestrating the electrical signals
that are transmitted by certain tissues, such as nerves and the heart’s electrical
conduction system. They are tubular-shaped components that resemble pores filled
with water and are distributed through the whole cell membrane, primarily at the
beginning of axons and in Ranvier nodes. This ion channels are divided into three
types; those regulated by voltage, those regulated by extracellular ligand and those
regulated by intracellular ligands, although other authors classify them into only
two groups; those regulated by voltage and those operated by receptors [18–20].
The family of voltage-regulated sodium channels is composed of nine members that
have been described in mammals and a tenth component related to a protein. All of
them are members of a super family of ion channels that also includes potassium
and calcium channels. Its nomenclature is complex and the chemical symbol of
sodium Na+ is used first, followed by V indicating voltage regulated (Na+ V). The
next number indicates the subfamily gene (Na+ V1), and the next number identifies
the specific isoform of the channel, for example Na+ V1.1. This last number was
assigned in the chronological order in which the genes were discovered. There are
variants that come together or splice in each family member, which are told apart
from each other by a lowercase letter, for example Na+ V1.1. a. [18, 19].
The sodium channels are formed by an alpha subunit, a simple polypeptide
with a relative molecular mass of ~260,000 and are responsible for the selectivity
and gate voltage. Some sodium channels have beta 1 and 2 subunits. These sodium
ionophores are made up of four homologous domains; each of these four domains
contains six transmembrane segments known as alpha-helices. This causes each
sodium channel to cross the cell membrane 24 times. The center of this structure is
the channel pore through which the Na+ passes into the interior of the cell and also
the LAs in their hydrophilic form on their way to be fixed in the internal pore of the

Topics in Local Anesthetics

sodium channel, where the voltage sensor is located. This voltage sensor is located in
the fourth segment of each domain, where the LAs are fixed in the sixth segment of
Domains 3 and 4. The voltage sensor has a very high positive charge, and these four
domains are connected to each other by segments or hydrophilic bridges formed by
amino acids that are located on the extracellular side of the membrane. The bridge
that joins segments 5 and 6 of each domain is known as a pore handle and covers
the pore of the channel to allow only the passage of Na+. This channel structure is
responsible for selectivity and is vulnerable to certain toxins that can inactivate the
sodium channel, although another description mentions that the selectivity filter is
given by a narrowing of the ionic pore located below its gate [19].
The gate of the ionic pore is the initial portion of the sodium channel on the
outer side of the cell membrane, is made up of protein “walls” and has an aqueous
cavity similar to an irregular cylinder, where the external vestibule is located, which
contains the selectivity filter and the voltage sensor. The closure gate is located
in the most distal portion of the sodium channel, on the intracellular side of the
cell membrane. The sodium channel inlet measures about 1.2 nm and narrows to
about 0.3 to 0.5 nm at the site where the selectivity filter is located, which consists
of aspartic acid, glycine, lysine, and alanine. The exact mechanism of how these
channels discriminate between different cations is not known [19].
Figure 2 shows a representation of a voltage-dependent sodium channel,
which is in the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. Its four domains (D1, D2, D3,
and D4) are each made up of six segments (alpha helices) that cross the entire cell
membrane, emphasizing segment 4, colored in black and corresponding to the
voltage sensor, which has a positive charge. On the extracellular face of the cell
membrane there are two types of structures that connect the six segments, the one
marked with T between segments 5 and 6 of each domain represent the site where
some toxins act. The FS selectivity filter in the initial portion of the ionic pore
is shown. The site where LAs act is marked with an X. This site has been highly

Figure 2.
Diagram of the voltage-dependent sodium channel with its 4 domains. Each domain has 6 helices that cross
the cell membrane. The black stars located at the junctions of the helices 5 and 6 of each domain (pore handle)
are the sites where cellular toxins (TTX) act. The sodium channel inactivation gate (IC) is located on the
intracellular face between domain 3 and 4. The effector site of local anesthetics is located on helix 6 (or segment
6) of domains 3 and 4, although some schemes also draw it in domain 1.

Local Anesthetics

controversial and is located in the final portion of the ionic pore near the intracel-
lular surface of the membrane. The available information suggests that domains
3 and 4 appear to contain this point in segment 6, although some references also
place it in segment 6 of Domain 1.
Among other tissues, sodium channels are located in excitable membranes such
as the CNS membranes, peripheral nervous system, and the conduction system of
the heart. During a nervous impulse, the cell goes through three different phases; it
first depolarizes as the sodium channels open, then a refractory period follows until
the cell finally repolarizes when the sodium channels become impermeable to Na+.
The intracytoplasmic junction between Domain III and Domain IV (CI in Figure 2)
is responsible for this inactivation according to the “ball and chain” model.

4. Mechanism of action of LAs

As mentioned before, LAs inhibit the electrical impulse by selectively interfering

with the function of voltage-dependent sodium channels by preventing the trans-
port of Na+ through the ionic pore of sodium ionophores, from outside to inside of
the cells. When an electrical impulse reaches the excitable cell, the sodium channel
opens for a millisecond and about 7000 Na+ pass. A refractory period continues
until the ionophores become impermeable to Na+, and the membrane repolar-
izes again and enters a phase of inactivation, which is due to the activation of the
intracytoplasmic junction between Domain III and IV. Unlike the tetrodotoxin and
saxitoxin that act outside the cell membrane, LAs are temporarily fixed to the alpha
helices 6 of Domains 3 and 4, which alters the voltage sensor and closes the inactiva-
tion gate, which obstructs the sodium channel and results in blockage of the initial
phase of the action potential [14, 21–23].
There are two ways by which LAs reach the internal gate of the sodium channel
and reach their site of action;

a. It has been postulated that LAs in their neutral, lipophilic (hydrophobic, B)

form easily enter the lipid cell membrane in free form and from there contribute
to the closure of sodium channels by the expansion of the cell membrane. From
this location, LAs also pass into the cellular interior where they ionize and
transform into their charged form (hydrophilic, BH+), which reaches the site
where they interact (segment 6 of Domains 3 and 4) in the internal gate of the
sodium channel.

b. LAs in their cationic or hydrophilic form (BH+) enter the cell cytoplasm
through the sodium channels when they are open and reach their site of action
by closing the sodium channel [14, 20, 23, 24]. LAs have no effect on the resting
phase or on the potential threshold, although they can prolong the refractory
period and repolarization.

Figure 3 illustrates these two routes of arrival of LAs to their receptor site in
segments 6 of Domains 3 and 4.
Another factor that determines the action of LAs is the impulse frequency, the
basis of the modulated receptor hypothesis, which suggests that these drugs bind
more closely to the receptor within the ionic gate of voltage-dependent sodium
channels when these are in an open or inactive state, that is in the depolarization
phase, that when they are in a resting state, at which time they are separated from
them. LAs that bind and dissociate rapidly such as lidocaine are little affected
by this phenomenon, which is not the case with molecules such as bupivacaine,

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Figure 3.
Arrival pathways of LAs to the sodium channel. The hydrophobic pathway refers to the passage of LAs in their
neutral (lipophilic) form that easily penetrate the cell membrane. Once in the cell membrane, the LA (B)
expands it and by mechanical effect closes the sodium channel. This same neutral form of LA penetrates the
cell, where it is protonized by incorporating an H+, (BH+ cationic form) that easily reaches the internal gate of
the sodium channel and attaches to segment 6 of domains 3 and 4, activating the closure of the sodium channel.
The hydrophilic pathway exemplified in the right portion of the scheme illustrates how a cationic LA (BH+)
penetrates through and is fixed in the sodium channel.

ropivacaine, or etidocaine that are benefitted when the stimulation frequency is

high, since it does not give time to recover to their resting state. This phenomenon
explains the greater toxicity of some LAs [24, 25].
The affinity of LAs for the sodium channel is what determines their pharmaco-
logical action and also their toxic effects. The most important clinical outcome of
these events at the level of voltage-dependent sodium channels and their interaction
with LAs molecules are two results: regional anesthesia-analgesia and/or deleterious
toxic effects.

5. Chemical structure of LAs

LAs are divided into two groups according to their chemical structure: the amino
esters (cocaine, procaine, chloroprocaine, and tetracaine) and the amino amides
(lidocaine, bupivacaine, mepivacaine, ropivacaine, and prilocaine). The typical
molecule of a LA consists of three components: a) an aromatic lipophilic ring,
usually benzene, b) an amphipathic intermediate chain of about 6 to 9 Å, and c)
a terminal tertiary amine, hydrophilic, which is a base proton acceptor (H+). The
intermediate chain binds the basic amine with the aromatic ring and has an ester
(CO)- or amide (CNH)-type bond. Each of these three parts of the LA formula
contributes to different properties. The aromatic ring of the molecule improves
the liposolubility of the compound that can be increased by aliphatic substitutions
at certain sites (R). When the liposolubility of LAs is increased, its diffusion is
increased through nerve structures (nerve sheaths and axonal membranes), which
improves their anesthetic and toxic potency since a greater proportion of the drug
enters the neural tissue and is fixed there with higher affinity. An example of this
phenomenon is bupivacaine which has greater potency than lidocaine; the first

Local Anesthetics

is prepared at 0.5% (5 mg/mL) and the second at 2% (20 mg/mL). The terminal

amine may exist in tertiary form (3 junctions) that is liposoluble and facilitates
cell membrane penetration, or as a quaternary form (4 junctions) that is positively
charged and makes the molecule water soluble, which makes it difficult to pass
through the lipid membranes [11, 25].
As stated before, the aromatic ring determines the degree of lipoafinity of the
LA, and the terminal amine acts as an on-off switch, allowing the LA to exist as
either lipoafin or water soluble. Both the tertiary and quaternary forms play a very
important role in the sequence of events that lead to nerve conduction blockage.
The tertiary hydrophilic amine, which is kept charged to the physiological pH
and gives it its condition of weak bases with a positive charge, is the part that will
be fixed to the receptor in the sodium channel of the cell membrane to exert the
pharmacological effect. The presence of an ester or amide group in the intermediate
chain provides the basis for their classification and also determines the metabolism
of these substances. LAs with ester binding are readily hydrolyzed in the plasma by
cholinesterase; instead, those with an amide junction are biotransformed by liver
microsomes via the microsomal system. Figure 4 shows the elementary chemical
structure of LAs.
If the size of the molecule of a LA is increased, its potency and duration of
action increase but also its toxicity. There is a direct correlation between potency,
duration of effect, lipophilic character, molecular size and toxicity. Chloroprocaine
is the least toxic, followed by procaine, prilocaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, etido-
caine, ropivacaine, bupivacaine, tetracaine and dibucaine, with cocaine being the
most toxic LA.
Another aspect of capital importance is the stereoisomerism that some LAs
have. It refers to the existence of molecules with the same structural and molecular
formula, but with different spatial orientation around a particular atom, the chiral
center. It is like a reflection in a mirror, like placing one hand next to the other; they
are the same but cannot be superimposed, they are mirror images. LAs of the pipeco-
loxylidide family (mepivacaine, bupivacaine and ropivacaine), as well as etidocaine
and prilocaine are chiral compounds, with an asymmetric carbon atom, which
can exist in their enantiomeric form, such as mirror images. When the compound
deflects the polarized light to the left it is an S-isomer (Sinus) or levo-isomer, if the
light is rotated to the right it is an R-isomer (Rectus) or dextro-isomer. Although the S
and R isomers have a similar pharmacological activity, the clinical importance of the
isomerism is that the same drug can have different biological activity. For example,
the S-enantiomers of amino-amide LAs produce greater vasoconstriction and have
less systemic toxicity than D-isomer. The typical example of stereoisomerism is

Figure 4.
Typical structural formula of a local anesthetic.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Amino ester Amino amide

Cocaine Dibucaine

Benzocaine Lidocaine

Procaine Mepivacaine

Tetracaine Prilocaine

2-cloroprocaine Bupivacaine




Table 2.
Chemical classification of local anesthetics.

bupivacaine, which contains the dextro-isomer and levo-isomer. The mixture of

both is known as racemic combination. Ropivacaine only has a L-isomer. Lidocaine
and ametocaine are aquirales since they do not have stereoisomers. D-isomers have
more affinity for sodium channels than L-isomers, this makes the former more toxic
[26, 27]. Table 2 shows the chemical classification of LAs.

6. Physical properties, activity, and potency

LAs are small molecules 220–350 Daltons weight, weak bases, poorly soluble
and unstable in water, and therefore, they must be combined with a strong acid to
obtain a stable salt that is soluble in water at pH 4.7. The solubility in water is directly
related to the degree of ionization and inversely related to the fat solubility. In
solution, LAs exist in two forms: basic, nonionized (B) and acidic, cationic, ionized
(BH+). The ratio between these two forms depends on the dissociation constant
(Ka) of the conjugated acid and on the local concentration of H+ ions. At a specific
pH for each LA, the concentration of B is equal to that of BH+. This pH is called pKa.
The relationship can be expressed like this: pKa = pH-log (B) / (BH+). At a pH of
7.40, the percentage of BH+ form will be higher the higher the pKa. Diffusion of a
LA is passive. In order to act they must contact the axon and for this they must pass
through the epineurium, perineurium and endoneurium of the peripheral nerve, as
well as the myelin layer in the myelinated fibers (lipid-rich structures), and finally
cross the cell membrane to be in contact with the receptor site on sodium channels.
The fat-soluble basic form B diffuses easily through the perineural structures and
the axonal membrane; once inside the cell it is protonized and it is this ionized form
that occupies the aforementioned receptor site [23, 25].
The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is necessary to block the con-
duction of a nerve impulse along a nerve fiber within a certain period. The MIC is
different for each LA and allows to differentiate them according to their potency.
Several factors can determine the Cm: the size of the fibers (higher MIC for the
thicker ones), the pH (lower MIC at higher pH), calcium concentration (higher
MIC at higher calcium concentration), and frequency of nerve stimulation (smaller
MIC at higher frequency).
Due to the characteristics of the nerve fibers, LAs first block the unmyelinated
fibers (C fibers, which correspond to the postganglionic neurons of the autonomic
nervous system), those of nociceptive conduction (analgesia), propriocep-
tive, tactile sensitivity, and pressure (anesthesia), and finally, the motor fibers
(motor block).

Local Anesthetics

The latency period of a nerve block is not linked to the potency of the LA, but
seems to depend on its lipid solubility and pKa, that is, on the pH in which 50%
of the molecules are in ionized form and 50% in nonionized form. The higher the
pKa, the greater the latency time of a LA. On the other hand, the decrease in tissue
pH can lengthen the latency time by limiting the formation of free base; instead,
carbonation of a LA solution shortens its latency time. Alkalinization has also
been shown to produce a better sensory and motor quality nerve block and may
increase diffusion of block height. By alkalinizing LAs, their ionization increases
and the percentage of fat solubility of the LA increases, facilitating its diffu-
sion through the lipid structures of the nerves, including the axonal membrane.
The addition of 1 mL of sodium bicarbonate to 10 mL of lidocaine improves the
onset of extradural or peripheral block for 3–5 min, also increasing its duration
of action.
With the exception of cocaine and ropivacaine, LAs produce vasodilation.
Adding a vasoconstrictor to LAs is an acceptable routine since two basic actions
were demonstrated: increased duration of action and decreased absorption. It
also increases the intensity of sensory and motor block in neuroaxial anesthesia.
Epinephrine was one of the first drugs to be injected into the subarachnoid space:
however, its use was not widespread as the initial results were disappointing. The
local vasoconstriction produced by adrenaline favors the decrease in the absorp-
tion of LAs, which favor a longer interaction, in addition to decreasing blood
concentrations levels and thus their potential for systemic toxicity. On the other
hand, epinephrine has an effect on alpha2 receptors in the CNS, especially in the
spinal cord, which could be another factor for the improvement it has in neuroaxial
blocks. Higher concentrations of adrenaline 2: 000,000 (5 μg/mL) do not offer
major advantages in terms of prolonging anesthesia or reducing plasma concentra-
tions. Never use solutions with adrenaline to infiltrate areas with terminal arterial
circulation such as the fingers, the penis, the nasal tip, or other areas with critical
arterial circulation, since it may promote ischemia and local necrosis.

Physico-chemical characteristics Relative potency in different


Anesthetic pKa Ionized Partition % Epidural Spinal Peripheral

% at coefficient protein nerve
pH 7.4 binding
• Bupivacaine 8.1 83 3420 95 4 9.6 3.6

• Levobupivacaine 8.1 83 3420 97 4 9.6 3.6

• Etidocaine 7.7 66 7317 94 2 6.7 0.7

• Lidocaine 7.9 76 366 64 1 1 1

• Mepivacaine 7.6 61 130 77 1 1 2.6

• Prilocaine 7.9 76 129 55 1 ¿ 0.8

• Ropivacaine 8.1 83 775 94 4 4.8 3.6

• Chloroprocaine 8.7 95 810 — 0.5 — —

• Procaine 8.9 97 100 6 — — —

• Tetracaine 8.5 93 5822 94 — — —

*Modified from Salinas FV, Liu SL, Schlz AM. Analgesics. Ion channel ligands/sodium channels blockers/local
anesthetics. Chapter 30. In: Evers AS, Maze M. Editors. Anesthetic pharmacology. Physiologic principles and clinical
practice. Editorial Churchill-Livingstone. Philadelphia, USA. 2004 pag 507–537.

Table 3.
Physical and chemical characteristics and relative potency of some local anesthetics *

Topics in Local Anesthetics

The phenomenon of tachyphylaxis or acute tolerance to LAs is characterized by

a decreased effectiveness of a LA with repeated administration of the same dose. Its
prevalence and mechanisms have not been well defined. This phenomenon occurs
with different anesthetics, with different application techniques, and has been seen
to develop more frequently when redosing is administered after the analgesic effect
of the previous dose has ended [28, 29]. It has been mentioned that it could be due
to a progressive acidification of the injection site that is established more rapidly
with weak pKa LAs. A central mechanism through spinal cord sensitization that
could be avoided by pretreatment with NMDA or nitric oxide antagonists has also
been described [29–31].
The potency of LAs refers to the sensitivity of the neural tissue to the different
LAs. This potency increases with increasing affinity for lipids. The binding capacity
of LAs to the phospholipid membrane as a result of the physicochemical character-
istics and the interaction in vivo is directly related to their potency. Other factors
affecting the potency of a LA include: hydrogen ion balance, fiber size, type, and
myelination, vasodilator/vasoconstrictive properties (affects vascular absorption
rate), frequency of nerve stimulation, tissue pH, and electrolyte concentrations
(hypokalemia and hypercalcemia antagonize the block).
Table 3 shows some physical and chemical characteristics as well as the relative
potency of some frequently used LAs.

7. Pharmacokinetics

The anesthetic and analgesic results of the injection of a LA in the vicinity of the
neural tissue depend on the factors that have already been described. Plasma levels
are affected by the injection site, the degree of absorption, its tissue distribution, its
metabolism, and elimination, among other factors that have already been discussed.

7.1 Absorption

The quantity of LA that is absorbed from its application site and reaches the
bloodstream is an important toxicity and elimination factor. LAs with poor absorp-
tion are safer. The absorption depends, on one hand, on the characteristics of the
tissue; it increases in very vascularized territories and diminishes in fatty tissue.
The plasma concentration depends on the total dose administered rather than the
concentration, for most LAs there is a linear relationship between total dose and
blood concentration [32]. On the other hand, the physicochemical characteristics
also modulate the absorption of the drug, for example, the most lipophilic LAs
and with greater affinity for proteins will be absorbed more slowly than those with
less affinity for fatty tissue. Remember that the most lipophilic are also the most
potent LAs. The decrease in absorption when adrenaline is added is more effective
for LAs of short action and lower potency [33, 34]. With this, gradual absorption is
achieved, the duration of action is prolonged and plasma levels are decreased as well
as hemorrhage in the operative field.

7.2 Distribution

It depends on the physicochemical characteristics of each LA, its coefficient of

solubility and plasma protein binding. A higher coefficient of solubility together
with a lower degree of protein binding favors an easier distribution in peripheral
tissues and a lower plasma concentration. LAs cross the blood-brain and placental

Local Anesthetics

barriers by simple diffusion; this diffusion is greater when the ability to bind to
plasma proteins is lower. Variable levels bind to plasma proteins in the bloodstream,
particularly alpha-1- glycoprotein acid. This protein-binding property correlates
with its affinity for sodium channels and predicts the duration of neural blockage.
Bupivacaine has the highest percentage of protein binding and is therefore the LA
with the longest duration of action.

7.3 Metabolism and elimination

LAs differ in their metabolism according to their chemical structure; those with
ester-type binding (except cocaine) are rapidly hydrolyzed by plasma esterases, so
the duration of their action increases with the deficit of this enzyme or the presence
of atypical cholinesterase. Cocaine is hydrolyzed in the liver. The metabolites of the
esters are eliminated by the kidney.
Amide LAs are metabolized in the liver. This is a slow process, which favors a
longer half-life than esters and can accumulate when repeated doses or infusions are
administered. Liver function interferes with the elimination of these drugs; extrac-
tion, perfusion and hepatic metabolism are definitive factors, as it is the degree of
protein binding. The metabolites and the nonmetabolized drug are eliminated by
urine and a small amount by feces. Elimination is favored by an acid urinary pH.
Prilocaine is metabolized outside the liver.
The fact that amino ester-type LAs are rapidly metabolized favors that they
remain in the blood for a short period of time, including placental blood and the
fetus. Those of the amino-amide type pass more easily to the fetus, especially those
with lower affinity to plasma proteins such as lidocaine, which can result in fetal
toxicity. When the fetus has been compromised by any pathology and is acidotic,
more ionization of the LA that has passed into its fetal circulation is favored. In this
way the LA will remain longer in the fetus with the possibility of severe toxicity.
In the newborn, this toxicity can be accentuated since there is no hepatocellular

8. Clinical aspects

LAs are one of the most commonly used drugs in clinical anesthesia; either by
the neuroaxial route, in the vicinity of nerves and nerve plexuses, subcutaneous,
transcutaneous, trans mucosal, intraarticular, and intravenously. The introduction
of levoisomeric LAs, the evolution of regional anesthesia techniques with the rec-
ommendations of epidural test dose with a vasoactive marker, fractional peridural
doses, low and intrathecal minidose, multiple injections with low volumes for nerve
plexuses blocks, the use of nerve stimulator, guides with ultrasound and other
imaging techniques, as well as the addition of adjuvant drugs such as opioids, alpha2
agonists, NMDA receptor antagonists, among others have done regional anesthesia
safer. Tables 4 and 5 categorize the most important formulas and characteristics of
LAs most commonly used in anesthesiology.

8.1 Amino ester LAs

The precursor of this group is cocaine. They are characterized by being metabo-
lized by plasmatic esterases, short half-life and being related to allergic reactions.
The most commonly used are procaine, chloroprocaine, and tetracaine. Benzocaine
has no use in regional anesthesia.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Formulae Important features

In addition to blocking the impulse of axonal conduction, it has the

ability to inhibit neurotransmitter recapture in adrenergic neuronal
endings, which means accumulation of norepinephrine in sympathetic
synapses inducing vasoconstriction and cardiac stimulation. In the CNS,
the accumulation of norepinephrine causes stimulation; however, some
adrenergic neurotransmitters in the CNS are inhibited, in particular the
dopamine recapture resulting in euphoria and abuse potential. Its clinical
utility is limited to topical anesthesia, in solutions 4 and 10%. Due to its
vasoconstrictor action, it has been used in anesthesia of the nasal mucosa to
facilitate nasotracheal intubation.

It has been used at 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10% for infiltration, peripheral, and
spinal blocks. Procaine is of special interest in dentistry in 2% solution
with 1:50,000 adrenaline. The allergic capacity of para-aminobenzoic acid
(PABA) limits its clinical utility. The maximum doses are 750 mg with
adrenaline and 500 mg without vasoconstrictor. It has been used by the
subarachnoid route in increasing concentrations to establish the differential
diagnosis in some painful syndromes.

It is used in solutions 1, 2, and 3% for infiltration, peripheral blockages,

and epidural anesthesia. Due to its brief time of action, it is very useful
in peridural block in cesarean section. The neurotoxicity observed after
intrathecal injection, attributed to the sodium bisulfite in the solution, has
limited the wide use caused by its low systemic toxicity. The maximum
recommended doses are 800 mg with adrenaline and 600 mg without it.
There are studies that favor intrathecal injection of chloroprocaine without

Useful in topical anesthesia in the form of ointment, chewable tablets, and

gel. It is poorly soluble and remains in the place of its application. It is not
used in regional anesthesia.

It has pKa of 8.46, plasma protein binding of 75.6% and N-heptane / water
partition coefficient of 4.1. Despite its high systemic toxicity, it has been
used in subarachnoid anesthesia in hyperbaric solutions 1 and 2% due to its
high efficacy. Its latency is not very long, and the duration of the anesthetic
effect is 2 to 3 hours, because its plasma hydrolysis is quite slow. Its use has
been replaced by levoisomeric anesthetics.

Table 4.
Formulae and characteristics of amino ester local anesthetics.

8.2 Amino amide LAs

They are the most used in regional anesthesia. Lidocaine is the typical anesthetic
with which almost all new drugs in this group have been compared. Even when they
have differences such as latency time, duration, and toxicity they have a mechanism
of action common to all LAs. They can be divided into two large groups: those of
short duration and those of long duration.
Slow long-release of LAs are recent advances that have improved the manage-
ment of postoperative pain. Nanostructured carriers, such as liposomes and
polymers, facilitate the prolonged release of LAs. Exparel® was the first approved
liposomal LA to combine racemic bupivacaine with liposomes. Polymersomes have
advances over liposomes with complementary profiles, inspiring the emergence
of hybrid carriers [35, 36]. Also, multilamellar vesicles with ropivacaine are being
investigated to prolong its analgesic effect [37].
Local Anesthetics

Formulae Most important features

It is the prototype in this group. After intravenous administration, the
apparent volume of distribution is 92 L. Its alpha half-life is 8.3 min,
its beta half-life is 108 min, and its plasma clearance 0.77 L/min. Its
metabolism is hepatic, with an extraction coefficient of 0.7. The
addition of adrenaline decreases its passage to the blood by 30%. It
has a duration of action that varies from 2 to 3 hours depending on
the site of administration and the addition of adrenaline. The toxic
neurological manifestations of lidocaine are directly proportional
to plasma levels. If these are low (0.5 to 4 mg / mL); lidocaine is
anticonvulsant, at higher levels (8 mg/mL) it can cause seizures.
In the heart, lidocaine blocks sodium channels, decreasing
contraction (V max), the amplitude and duration of the action
potential, and increases the duration of the refractory period.
These effects are only observed with elevated plasma levels. The
action on the heart can be summarized in: dose automatism:
below 5 mg/mL, onset of sinus bradycardia; conduction: no
modification (atrioventricular or intraventricular) at usual doses;
contractility: decrease, but only at doses that cause frank toxicity.
At low plasma levels, lidocaine increases vascular tone; at higher
levels vasodilation occurs. Direct intravascular injection does not
produce obvious hemodynamic alterations as long as the dose
is not greater than 3 mg/kg. From 4 to 8 mg/kg, cardiovascular
depression occurs, which is dangerous if the dose is greater than
8 mg/kg. If there is heart failure, the toxicity threshold decreases.
Its pharmacokinetic properties are similar to those of lidocaine,
although it is less vasodilator. It is used in infiltration for peripheral
nerve and in epidural anesthesia. The usual concentrations range
between 0.5 and 2%. It is 40 times less toxic than lidocaine. An
ideal use is intravenous regional anesthesia. A potential risk is the
appearance of methemoglobinemia (total doses greater than 500 to
600 mg), so its use in obstetrics is restricted or contraindicated.

First approved in Germany in 1976, in Canada in 1982 and in

2000 by the FDA. It has a thiophene group, an ester group and
also an amide group. It has been classified in the amide group
by its intermediate chain and because it is metabolized in the
liver. However, its ester portion allows it to be degraded by
plasma pseudocholinesterase. The mean maximum plasma drug
concentration is about 400 μg/L for articaine with epinephrine
1:200,000 and 580 μg/L without epinephrine. The elimination half-
time is approximately 20 min. The rapid breakdown to the inactive
metabolite articainic acid is related to a very low systemic toxicity
and consequently to the possibility of repeated injections. It has
been associated with paresis and long-lasting paraesthesia, which
are more frequent than those produced by lidocaine. It is commonly
used in dentistry.
Its molecular formula is C15H22N2O-HCL, soluble in water and
very resistant to acid and alkaline hydrolysis. It is available in
concentrations of 1%, 1.5% and 2%. The latency and duration of
action are similar to those of prilocaine and its potency resembles
lidocaine. Useful concentrations range between 0.5 and 2%. It
diffuses well through tissues, which allows favorable blocking
despite a less optimal needle placement. It produces an intense
motor block. It is used to perform infiltration, peridural and spinal
anesthesia (with a lower incidence of neurological alterations than
lidocaine). Its use is not advised in obstetrics based on its prolonged
metabolism in the fetus and in the newborn. It is recommended for
peripheral nerve blocks in certain conditions: patients with cardiac
risk or with drugs that potentiate toxicity. Adrenaline decreases
the absorption of mepivacaine but does not prolong its duration of

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Formulae Most important features

It is more fat-soluble and has a higher degree of affinity to plasma
proteins than lidocaine, has a short latency and longer duration.
Epidural route is used at 0.5 to 1%. It produces greater motor
blockage than sensitive which makes it useful in abdominal surgery,
its use in obstetric analgesia anesthesia is not advised. Its beta half-
life is 2.5 hours, and care should be taken in liver disorders because
of the prolonged action.
It is a racemic mixture, long-acting drug that produces a differential
sensory-motor block at low concentrations. It has a limited placental
transfer, so it is widely used in obstetrics in concentrations of up to
0.5%. Higher concentrations are not recommended in obstetrics. It is
the LA with greater cardio and neuro toxicity and greater difficulty
in resuscitation since it has a great affinity for voltage-dependent
sodium channels. However, after lidocaine, it is the most used. It is
widely used in pain clinic.
It is bupivacaine levoisomer. It has pharmacological properties
similar to bupivacaine but less toxicity. Its toxicity depends on
the route of administration and the dose, its pharmacokinetic
is similar to bupivacaine and its plasma peak is 30 min after
epidural administration, with an alpha-glycoprotein and albumin
binding greater than 97% at concentrations of 0.1 at 1 ug/mL.
It is metabolized in the liver and the kidney does not seem to
intervene in its elimination. Produces differential blockade similar
to bupivacaine, which depends on the dose and concentration,
which will be less than 0.25% such as 0.0625 and 0.125% for
epidural analgesia, and 0.5% to 0.75% for neuroaxial anesthesia and
peripheral nerve blocks.
The first levoisomeric LA for clinical use. The plasma alpha
glycoprotein binding is 95%, with a pKa of 8.1 and a partition
coefficient of 141. Due to its low absorption, it has a longer
elimination half-life and its pharmacokinetic has a linear
proportional to the dose, with a volume of distribution of 47
liters. Like bupivacaine, it has a greater effect on C fibers than A,
which produces a sensory rather than motor block. The clinical
experience is excellent in neuroaxial anesthesia and peripheral
nerve blocks. It is of great value by epidural route (obstetrics), and
in postoperative analgesia. It is characterized by a block of greater
latency and long duration. Less analgesic potency than bupivacaine
and levobupivacaine. It is less cardiotoxic and neurotoxic than
bupivacaine with a better response to resuscitation. Usefull in pain

Table 5.
Formulae and characteristics of local amino-amide type anesthetics.

8.3 There are 3 LAs: articaine, sameridine, and centbucridine, which due to
their special physico-chemical characteristics deserve a brief description

8.3.1 Articaine

It is a short-acting LA with intermediate potency. It has been included in the

amide group, but it contains an additional ester group that is quickly hydrolyzed
by esterases, a chemical characteristic that accelerates its metabolism. The plasma
protein binding rate of articaine and articainic acid is 70%. I.V. articaine 80 mg
does not produce toxic effects in healthy individuals. It has been used neuraxially,
ocularly, intravenously, and in regional blocks. It is suitable and safe for procedures
requiring a short duration of action in which a fast onset of anesthesia is desired,

Local Anesthetics

e.g., dental procedures and ambulatory spinal anesthesia. Its most frequent use is
in dentistry, where it has demonstrated efficacy and safety. Complete anesthesia
is achieved in 90% of cases, using articaine 4% 60–80 mg with epinephrine 1:
200,000. It diffuses well through soft tissue and bone; concentration in the alveolus
of a tooth in the upper jaw after extraction was about 100 times higher than that
in systemic circulation. In comparative clinical trials, its effects were not gener-
ally significantly different from those of other short-acting LAs like lidocaine,
prilocaine, and chloroprocaine. There is no conclusive evidence demonstrating
above average neurotoxicity, although cases of frequent persistent paresthesia after
articaine use have been described [38–41]. Saralaya et al. compared 4% articaine
with 1:100,000 epinephrine versus 2% lidocaine with 1: 100,000 epinephrine in
50 patients operated on the third molar. These authors found that the mean onset
time for articaine and lidocaine was 3.16 ± 0.55 and 3.2 ± 0.48 min, respectively.
Postoperative analgesia was longer in the articaine group and its duration of action
was 289.04 ± 40 and 361.88 ± 40 min, respectively, compared to lidocaine, which
is 144.2 ± 12 and 197.44 ± 25 min, respectively. These authors recommend articaine
since it was more potent and with a longer duration of action with better postopera-
tive analgesia and could be considered as an alternative to lidocaine [42]. Even in the
presence of pulpitis, articaine proved to be more effective than lidocaine in patients
undergoing root canal treatment [43]. There is no information available on the use
of articaine during lactation, so its use is not entirely recommended yet.

8.3.2 Sameridine

This drug has mixed characteristics: LA and μ-opioid partial agonist. It is

structurally similar to meperidine. It is a compound that is still under investigation
(N-ethyl-1-hexyl-N-methyl-4-phenyl-4-piperidine carboxyamide hydrochloride)
mainly for spinal anesthesia. Liver hydroxylation is the primary metabolic pathway,
and no local neurotoxicity has been found in animal studies. Its effect on respiration
is directly related to plasma levels. In healthy volunteers [44] 25 mg vs. intrathe-
cal bupivacaine 15 mg has similar effects on resting ventilation. The ventilatory
response to hypoxia and hypercarbia were found to be discreetly diminished in
the group treated with sameridine. Intravenous doses of 0.73 mg/kg depress the
ventilatory response to hypercarbia [45]. The clinical doses of 150 μg/kg have no
significant effects on ventilation [46]. Intrathecal doses of 15–25 mg of sameridine
are sufficient for inguinal and orthopedic surgery, respectively. Doses of 5–20 mg
are comparable with 100 mg of intrathecal lidocaine. The advantage is that sameri-
dine produces residual analgesia and reduces the need for opioids in the first hours
of the postoperative period [7, 8], so it could have a role in the management of
postoperative pain.

8.3.3 Centbucridine

It is a nonester, nonamide LA, chemically known as 4-N-butylamino-1,2,3,4-

tetrahydroacridine hydrochloride. It is a quinolone derivative drug with LA effects
synthesized in 1982 by Patnaik et al. [47–49]. It is 5 to 8 times more potent than
lidocaine, while its LD50 is one fourth that of lidocaine. It has vasoconstrictor
and antihistamine effects, rapid onset of action (1–3 min), duration of action is
prolonged (2.5 hours), and no events of cardiotoxicity or neurotoxicity have been
reported. Centbucridine has been investigated for infiltration, conjunctival sur-
face, in peripheral nerves, neuroaxial anesthesia, intravenous regional anesthesia;
however, the majority of studies are in dental anesthesia [9, 50–52]. Most studies
compare 0.5% centbucridine vs. 2% lidocaine, with similar anesthetic results,

Topics in Local Anesthetics

although some have found longer anesthetic duration in patients who were treated
with centbucridine [51, 53]. Centbucridine can be used with confidence in dental
patients who cannot tolerate other LAs or when epinephrine is contraindicated.

8.4 Maximum dose of LAs

Another clinical aspect of capital interest is the maximum doses of each LA.
The maximum recommended doses have been established arbitrarily by the phar-
maceutical industry [54] and vary according to the route of administration, the
type of anesthetic, with or without vasoconstrictors, as well as the type of patient
and surgery. Table 6 shows the maximum recommended doses for the most com-
monly used LAs, without these doses having been established by studies conducted
specifically to determine the safest and most effective amounts of each. Note the
variants, sometimes with important ranges; 200 mg of lidocaine is recommended in
Europe, while in the United States this dose reaches 300 mg when epinephrine is not
used. Notwithstanding these differences, it is advisable to stay below the maximum
recommended dosage range to avoid undesirable toxic effects.

8.5 Adequate anesthetic technique

Regional anesthesia techniques are important not only in the expected results,
but to reduce undesirable side effects of LAs. It is known that spinal anesthesia
produces lower plasma concentrations of LAs, unlike interpleural injection that
in theory results in higher concentrations, and therefore, could be the procedure
that produces more toxic events. However, this situation is hypothetical, since toxic
events occur more frequently in peripheral blockages and peridural injections. For
different types of nerve blocks, the same total injected dose produces different
blood concentrations for mepivacaine, lidocaine, prilocaine and etidocaine, with
the intercostal block being the one that produces the highest blood absorption,
followed by injections in the peridural space. Plexus nerve blocks and subcutaneous
injection are those that have a lower degree of absorption of LAs.

8.6 Undesirable side effects

The anesthetic and analgesic effects of LAs and their toxicity originate in the
same mechanism of action; its interaction in the sodium channels. The therapeutic
efficacy and safety of LAs has been proven from the moment of their discovery and
it was precisely the deleterious effects that prompted the search for safer agents.

Maximum dose of lidocaine:

Without epinephrine
200 mg (in Europe), 300 mg (in USA)
With epinephrine (5 μg/mL)
500 mg in both regions

Maximum dose of PPX anesthetics:

Bupivacaine 150–175 mg
Levobupivacaine 150 mg
Ropivacaine 200–300 mg

Epinephrine 1: 200,000 reduces absorption of subcutaneous lidocaine by 50%, intercostal, epidural and
brachial by 20–30%

Table 6.
Maximum dose of LAs [54].

Local Anesthetics

In 1905 Braun mentioned the characteristics that a new LA should have: In addition
to producing local anesthesia, any new drug in this abundant group should have the
following properties: be less toxic than the standard available, it should not irritate or
damage tissues, it must be soluble in water, and stable in solution, it must be able to mix
with adrenaline, and must be rapidly absorbed into the cell membrane [55]. More than
a century of these recommendations have passed, and we still use LAs that do not
meet these characteristics. LAs are used with an acceptable safety margin, without
being the ideal drug. The following paragraphs briefly describe the most interesting
side effects due to their magnitude and frequency. For more information on toxicity
read chapter 10 of this book.

8.6.1 Toxicity

The history of LAs toxicity began at the end of the 19th century, when clinicians
of that time realized the deleterious effects of cocaine and began the search for
better drugs. Albright’s editorial in 1979 [13] commented on six deaths due to car-
diovascular collapse after the administration of bupivacaine or etidocaine whipped
up this investigation in such a rapid way that currently there are safer drugs. The
most important systemic toxic reactions are on CNS and the cardiovascular system.
The CNS is affected with lower plasma concentrations than those that cause cardio-
vascular toxicity and is manifested by alterations in cognition, seizures, and coma.
Arrhythmias with or without cardiovascular collapse of difficult management and
death occur in the cardiovascular system. The incidence of systemic toxicity has
been reduced to 0.01%, with regional blockages being the most associated with
these events (7.5/10,000). The current use of ultrasound-guided nerve blocks is
likely to reduce these statistics. Toxic effects can be grouped into two large groups:

1. Toxic reactions to:

a. Systemic and local

b. Not related to the LAs

2. Allergic reactions

a. To the LA

b. To conservatives or antioxidants

Events due to toxicity still occur in expert hands and are more related to the type
of block and the dose injected. Various factors have been described:

• Potency of the LA. The greater the fat solubility, the greater potency and more
possibility of cardio and neuro toxicity.

• Isomerism. LAs that contain a dextroisomer are more toxic than levoisomers.
The former have been shown to have a higher affinity for the effector site of
sodium channels.

• Total administered dose (plasma concentration). Toxicity is related to plas-

matic concentration of AL, and this depends directly on the total administered
dose. Epidural blocks and tumescent subcutaneous infiltrations use the highest
doses of LAs and have been linked to toxic events.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

• Injection site. In general terms, the blood absorption of LAs varies according to
the injection site, although it is modified by factors such as the type of anesthetic
injected, the addition of vasoconstrictors, and the speed and frequency of injec-
tion. The interpleural route favors high absorptions due to the large injection
surface and its vascularity. However, this route has not been more frequently
related to systemic toxicity, perhaps due to the lung capacity to fix and eliminate
the concentration of LA up to ~40%. Spinal administration does not produce
systemic toxicity from small doses and decreased vascularity. Injections close
to the brain (facial, nasal, oral, neck) have larger possibility of neurological
systemic toxicity, either by direct intra-arterial injection or by retrograde flow
that transports small doses of the LA directly to the brain tissue than induces
seizures and coma [56].

• Patient’s health/ASA. Factors such as age, liver and kidney dysfunction,

hypoxemia, acidosis, pregnancy, and pharmacological interactions (cyto-
chrome P450 inhibitors) modify the possibility of systemic toxicity.

In the ester group, cocaine remains the most toxic LA, and procaine and chloro-
procaine are the least potent and least toxic potency, not only in the ester group, but
among all known LAs. In the amino-amide group racemic bupivacaine, etidocaine,
and mepivacaine are more toxic than levobupivacaine and ropivacaine. Lidocaine
and prilocaine are the least toxic in this group.
Cardiotoxicity. The toxic effects of LAs on the cardiovascular system are divided
into two groups; the physiological changes that are generated with some regional
anesthesia techniques and the effects that derive from the actions of these drugs
on sodium, potassium, calcium channels, and beta myocardial receptors. These
side effects on the cardiovascular system can be explained by the following four

1. Regional effect due to the blockage of sympathetic preganglionic fibers

secondary to the neuroaxial injection of the LA.

2. A direct cardio depressant/arrhythmogenic effect due to sudden and elevated

plasma concentrations of local anesthetic by intravascular injection or exag-
gerated absorption from the injection site.

3. Cardio depressant effect mediated through the CNS.

4. Systemic absorption of toxic dose can cause spinal depression and secondary
circulatory collapse.

8.6.2 Neurotoxicity

The toxicity of LAs on the nervous system manifests itself in two areas; those
that are triggered by high blood concentrations and are due to their action on
sodium channels in the CNS, and those that are caused by the direct application of
the anesthetic on or in the vicinity of neural structures, especially the injection of
lidocaine in the subarachnoid space.

8.6.3 Myotoxicity

It is well known that continuous perineural injection and direct intramuscular

injection of LAs have toxic effects on the striated muscle causing inflammatory

Local Anesthetics

changes. These drugs act on external cell membranes and on the membranes of
intracytoplasmic organelles, especially on the double mitochondrial membrane.
Bupivacaine produces alterations in active intracellular oxidative metabolism by
depolarizing the mitochondrial membrane and oxidation of the pyridine nucleo-
tide. This results in the opening of permeability transition pore (PTP), a type of
channel located in intracellular membranes that plays an important role in various
forms of cell death. Injury mechanisms involved early and late abnormalities to
cytoplasmic calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis by the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase
and cytochrome C release. All of these alterations were dependent on bupivacaine
concentration and were only found in voluntary striated muscle mitochondria,
while mitochondria from esophageal muscle were resistant to bupivacaine [57]. In
rabbits, continuous axillary block with placebo vs. 0.25% bupivacaine, at 24 hours
neutrophilic infiltration was found in the placebo group, while the group receiv-
ing bupivacaine had a large amount of eosinophils. One week later, lymphocytes,
plasma cells, macrophages and fibroblasts were found with data of muscle regenera-
tion [58]. Zink et al. [59] compared bupivacaine vs. ropivacaine and demonstrated
that the former induced necrosis and apoptosis of muscle fibers, while the latter
produced less severe changes in porcine skeletal muscle. These same researchers
[60] confirmed their initial results that bupivacaine 0.5% is more myotoxic than
ropivacaine 0.75%, by inducing irreversible myonecrosis with calcium deposits,
scar formation, and muscle regeneration. The incidence of myotoxicity in ophthal-
mic studies was 0.77%. Inflammatory changes within a few days after exposure
marked the onset of myotoxicity, and muscle degeneration continued within the
first week after exposure. Recovery time in human muscles ranged from 4 days
to 1 year. None partial and complete recovery was observed in 61% and 38% of
patients, respectively [61]. All LAs that have been studied have a similar myotoxic
potential in terms of the tissue alterations produced, but they differ in the intensity
of these lesions. Bupivacaine and chloroprocaine are the most toxic and procaine
and tetracaine are the ones that produce minor alterations.

8.6.4 Allergies

True allergies to LAs are rare and generally occur more with ester-type, although
allergies have been reported with amino-amide LAs, including new levoisomeric
anesthetics [62]. These allergies have a highly variable frequency that ranges from
1: 350 to 1:20,000 and fortunately most are trivial, although occasionally they are
factors of significant morbidity and mortality. The incidence of true IgE-mediated
LA allergy remains unclear and is presumed to be as low as 0.7–1%. On some
occasions these reactions have been attributed to preservatives (methylparaben)
or antioxidants (bisulfites) that are contained in some commercial presentations
[63, 64]. When someone is reactive to a LA, they will be allergic to it for the rest
of their life due to the response of mast cells that release chemical mediators that
are responsible for the clinical responses in each patient. These mediators include
histamine, leukotrienes, chemotactic substances, lysosomal enzymes, prostaglan-
dins, kinins, and platelet activating factors that facilitate capillary permeation with
plasma leakage in the surrounding area. The manifestations of true allergy range
from mild to severe and sometimes are deadly. The faster the clinical manifesta-
tions occur, the more severe the reaction. The most frequent expression is contact
dermatitis, but they can also manifest as urticaria, rash, rhinitis, bronchial spasm,
angioneurotic edema, tachycardia, and hypotension and lead to anaphylactic
shock. Immunoglobulin E-mediated anaphylaxis can induce respiratory failure and
cardiopulmonary collapse. The treatment of true allergies to LAs depends on their
severity; mild or moderate reactions disappear spontaneously. In severe reactions it

Topics in Local Anesthetics

is recommended to use steroids, H1 blockers, antihistamines, or epinephrine. When

there is a probable or proven history of allergy to LAs, caution should be exercised:
if allergy to an ester compound is found, it should be switched to an amino-amide
anesthetic, preferably one without methyl paraben or metabisulfite. When the
allergy is to an amino-amide anesthetic, it is advisable to change to another anes-
thetic from the same group.

8.6.5 Methemoglobinemia

Prilocaine is metabolized to O-toluidine which can cause methemoglobinemia

in susceptible individuals, especially when more than 500 mg is used. In pregnant
women, this problem is even more critical since fetal blood poorly reduces methe-
moglobin. Management is with 1–5 mg of methylene blue.

8.6.6 Rebound pain

When the analgesic effect of a peripheral nerve block performed with LAs, a
state of hyperalgesia known as rebound pain may occur 12–24 hours postopera-
tively, with intensity disproportionate for the type of the performed surgery. It has
been classified as a complication of peripheral nerve blocks, the etiology of which is
unknown. Several factors have been considered, including neurotoxicity of LAs, its
effects on nociceptors, direct neurotrauma, the possibility of hyperalgesia induced
by systemic opioids before or during the block. Its frequency is unknown, although
it seems to be increasing, especially in outpatient surgery where it has been reported
in up to 40%. It is a relevant complication since it hinders the postoperative evolu-
tion, disturbing sleep, increasing the opioid requirement and delaying hospital
discharge. Preventive analgesia before the blockage subsides, intra-articular or
intravenous anti-inflammatory drugs, and the use of adjuvants added to nerve-
block or systemic solutions can reduce rebound pain [65–67].

9. Nonanesthetic uses of LAs

Some nonanesthetic (off-label) uses of LAs have been described. Although

these investigations have not been precisely determined, this topic deserves a brief

9.1 Cough, laryngospasm, and asthma

Lidocaine has been used successfully to prevent or treat cough and laryngospasm
induced during tracheal extubation, as well as in patients with asthma and chronic
cough difficult to treat [68–70]. The meta-analysis of Yang et al. found that iv
lidocaine decreases postoperative airway complications [71]. Nebulized lidocaine
has been used with encouraging results in patients with asthma, chronic cough,
and laryngospasm; doses ranging from 10 to 400 mg are a therapeutic alternative in
asthma and cough that is difficult to manage [72]. Its mechanism of action has been
related to the decrease in airway inflammation via downregulation of TLR2 [73].

9.2 Effects of LAs on cancer

Regional anesthesia is preferably used in oncological surgery since it does

not interfere with the immune system, and the postoperative outcome of these
patients is better. On the other hand, there is evidence that LAs could have direct

Local Anesthetics

antineoplastic effects [74, 75]. Some malignancies have increased voltage-depen-

dent sodium channel activity. Blocking these channels with LAs may help inhibit
tumor progression [76]. Zheng et al. found an anti-melanoma activity of ropiva-
caine and lidocaine but not bupivacaine, via targeting small GTPases [77].

9.3 Antibiotics

Besides pain insensitivity, it has been shown that the in vitro and in vivo use of
LAs have bacteriostatic, bactericidal, fungistatic, and fungicidal properties against
a wide spectrum of microorganisms, this action being attributed to the interrup-
tion of the membrane permeability of microbial cells, leading to leakage of cellular
components and subsequent cell lysis. Different LAs showed varying degrees of
antimicrobial capacity; bupivacaine and lidocaine, for example, inhibit growth to
a significantly greater extent than ropivacaine. Higher concentrations, prolonged
exposure, and higher temperature correlate with a proportional increase in inhibi-
tion of microbial growth. Reducing the incidence of endophthalmitis after intravit-
real injection, prophylaxis for surgical wound infections, preventing the incidence
of catheter-associated infections, reducing oral biofilms in the oral mucosa, and
preventing infection-causing bacteria nosocomial are some examples of antimicro-
bial application of lidocaine [2, 78–80].

10. Conclusions

The first LA anesthetic was derived from the plant Erythroxylum coca, and
regional anesthesia began in 1884 when Karl Köller anesthetized the cornea of
his patients for surgical purposes. Since then, a host of events, drugs, discoveries,
and various anesthesia techniques have culminated in safer and more effective
regional anesthesia. LAs have an impressive history of efficacy and safety in
medical and dental practice, but still have deleterious effects that can—on rare
occasions—cause the death of our patients. Knowing the basics of the substrates
where LAs work makes it easier to understand the action mechanisms that these
drugs have on voltage-dependent sodium channels. The sequence of events that
occur from the choice of the patient, the preparation and injection of LAs to the
production of regional anesthesia-analgesia and/or its toxic effects are complex.
These physiological and pathophysiological events depend on features as varied as
the structural and physico-chemical characteristics, total injected dose, injection
site, adjuvant drugs, physical condition of the patient, among others. The safe
practice of regional anesthesia definitely reduces catastrophes, but these disasters
can appear at any time. LAs have an impressive history of efficacy and safety in
medical and dental practice.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Author details

Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo1*, Karen L. Íñiguez-López2, Ana C. Cárdenas-Maytorena3

and Cristian D. Ramírez-Puerta4

1 Institutos Nacionales de Salud, Lotus Medical Group, Tijuana BC, México

2 Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social,
México City, México

3 Lotus Med Group, Tijuana BC, México

4 School of Medicine, Campus Tijuana, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California,

Tijuana BC, México

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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Chapter 2

Pharmacokinetics and
Pharmacodynamics of Local
Javier Marcos Michel-Levy


Local anesthetics are basically weak bases whose structure consists of an aro-
matic half connected to a substituted amine through an ester amide linkage. The
pKa values of local anesthetics are close to physiological pH, both protonated and
unprotonated forms are present. The individual structures confer different
physiochemical and clinical characteristics. Potency is correlated to lipid solubility
in vitro, but less so in vivo. The duration of action is associated with the extent of
protein binding. The onset of action is related to pKa. The intrinsic vasodilator
activity varies between drugs and influences potency and duration of action. Local
anesthetics block nerve conduction and interact directly with specific receptor on
the Na+ channel, inhibiting Na+ ion influx and impairing Propagation of the action
potential in axons. There are some characteristics in the blocking of nerve conduc-
tion and are related to size and function of the peripheral nerves, and to the fact that
a specific concentration of local anesthetics may produce a different intensity of
block. Some pathological states like decreased cardiac output, severe hepatic dis-
ease, renal disease, cholinesterase activity, fetal acidosis, sepsis, etc. altered the
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of local anesthetics.

Keywords: esters, amides, pKa, Na+ channel, pH, nerve fibers kinetics, block

1. Introduction

When applied locally to nerve tissues in appropriate concentrations, local anes-

thetics (LAs) reversibly block the action potentials responsible for nerve conduc-
tion. They act anywhere in the nervous system and in any type of nerve fiber.
Therefore, a LA in contact with a nerve trunk can produce both sensory and motor
paralysis in the innervated region.
The practical advantage of LAs is that their action is reversible in concentrations
of clinical importance; their administration is followed by complete recovery of
nerve function [1] (Figure 1).
LAs are drugs primarily utilized in clinical settings to induce local anesthesia.
The term local anesthesia, unlike general anesthesia, is defined as loss of sensation
within a confined region without loss of the patient’s consciousness. LAs are pur-
posely used to relieve pain and induce numbness during surgical procedures and are
normally applied by local injection [2].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Figure 1.
Notes cards google.

2. Anatomy of the peripheral nerve

All peripheral nerves are similar in structure; neuron is the basic functional
neuronal unit responsible for the conduction of nerve impulses. A typical neuron
consists of a cell body (soma) that contains a large nucleus; the soma is attached to
several branching processes called dendrites and a single axon. Axons vary in
length and there is one only per neuron, they are a long and slender, and are also
called nerve fibers; while dendrites receive incoming information and axons con-
duct outgoing information. Individual nerve fibers bind together, like wires in an
electrical cable, and each axon is enveloped by the endoneurium (delicate layer of
loose connective tissue around each axon). Groups of axons are closely associated
within a bundle called a fascicle that is surrounded by perineurium (imparts
mechanical strength and also acts as a diffusion barrier). Epineurium is a denser
collagenous tissue that surrounds the entire nerve and holds it loosely to the con-
nective tissue through which it travels. The paraneurium consists of loose connec-
tive tissue that keeps a stable relationship between adjacent structures filling the
spaces in between them; this tissue promotes functional mobility of nerves during
joint and muscular motion.
Nerves take in blood from the contiguous blood vessels along their course. These
vessels that nourish larger nerves are macroscopic in bore and irregularly settled,
conceive anastomoses to put on longitudinally common vessels that provision the
nerve and emit subsidiary embranchments [3].
Each peripheral axon has its own cell membrane called axolemma, non-
myelinated nerves such as nociceptive afferent type C fibers, and autonomous
postganglionic efferent fibers contain axons coated by only one layer of cells. All
large-caliber sensory and motor fibers are lined with multiple layers of myelin,

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics

which consist of the plasma membranes of Schawnn cells that wrap themselves
around the axon during growth.
Myelin considerably increases the speed of nerve conduction as it achieves that
action current generated by an action potential travels through the axoplasm to the
nodes of Ranvier, these are periodic interruptions of the myelin sheath, where
action potentials are regenerated.
In the nodes of Ranvier of the myelinated fibers, there is a high concentration of
sodium channels Na+, which serve to propagate the impulses, although they are also
observed along the axons of unmyelinated fibers.
During the transmission of an impulse, the intra and extracellular ratios of Na+
and K+ ions are inverted. Na+/K+-ATPase is stopped during depolarization and Na+
ion perviousness increases, leaving Na+ ions to move inside the cell and the resting
membrane potential be moved. An action potential is released when depolarization
enough for the membrane potential to come a threshold value, it is concerning
+15 mV. During repolarization, the electrical status of the cell is restored by K+
diffusing out of the cell, and at the end the resting membrane potential has been
restored; but the cell has effectively gained Na+ and lost K+. However, when
Na+/K+-ATPase is reactivated, the normal intra and extracellular ratios of Na+ and
K+ ions are restored.
In a depolarization stream, Na+ channels they are activated, admitting extracel-
lular Na+ ions influx into the cell. After that (ms), Na+ channels inactivate. The
channels get back to the initial repolarization state. The course that involves sodium
channels passing from an open or closed state is called a “gate.” Gate is the result of
the change of polarities after a potential. It is about explaining the mode of action of

Figure 2. free Google.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Fiber Function Myelinated Diameter Conduction Spike

type (mm) velocity (m/s) duration (ms)

Aα Proprioception, somatic motor Yes 12–20 70–120 0.4–0.5

Aβ Touch, pressure Yes 5–12 30–70 0.4–0.5

Aγ Motor to muscle spindle Yes 3–6 15–30 0.4–0.5

Aδ Pain, cold, touch Yes 2–5 12–30 0.4–0.5

C Pain, temperature (dr) No 0.4–1.2 0.5–2 2

mechanoreception, reflex

B Preganglionic autonomic Yes <3 3–15 1.2

C Postganglionic sympathetic No 0.3–1.3 0.7–2.3 2

Table 1.
Fiber type.

these channels, with the presence of voltage-dependent doors in the light of the
same (Figure 2).
The currents of depolarization and repolarization move longitudinally along the
nerve membrane and result in conduction of the nerve impulse. In unmyelinated
nerves, the impulses spread at speeds of about 2 m/s. In myelinated nerves, the
depolarization current jumps from node to node; this phenomenon, known as
saltatory conduction, increases conduction velocity to around 120 m/s and is highly
energy-efficient [4].
Neurons can usefully be classified according their diameter and speed of con-
duction (Table 1).

3. Local anesthetic molecule

The local anesthetic molecule consists of three components: (a) lipophilic aro-
matic ring, (b) intermediate ester or amide chain, and (c) terminal amine. Each of
these contributes distinct properties to the molecule [5].

Figure 3.
Saltatory conduction. Wikiwand free Google.

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics

In this way, local anesthetics can be classified into two groups: aminoesters and
aminoamides. The aromatic ring provides a lipophilic character to the portion of the
molecule in which it is found, while the tertiary amine end is hydrophilic, because it
is protonated and has a positive charge in the physiological pH range [6] (Figure 3).
The ester-type LAs include benzocaine, procaine, cocaine, and tetracaine. The
amide-type LAs include mepivacaine, lidocaine, ropivacaine, bupivacaine, and
etidocaine. Lidocaine and bupivacaine are the most commonly used LAs, both are
amide-type compounds, which are much more resistant than ester-type compounds
to hydrolysis (Table 2).
In addition to the intrinsic binding affinities of LA drugs to the Na+ channel,
other variables also strongly influence the relative duration of local anesthesia; these
include the volume, concentration, lipophilicity, pKa, pH, repeated injections, the
presence of vasoconstrictors, and the precision of drug injection.

3.1 Hydrogen ion concentration

LAs in solution maintain a rapid chemical equilibrium between the basic

uncharged form (B) and the charged cationic form (BH+), the ratio of the two states
is given by the Henderson-Hasselbach equation (it was originally derived to
describe the pH changes resulting from the addition of H+ or OH ions to any buffer
system). At a certain concentration of hydrogen ion (log10ˉ1 [-pH]) specified for
each drug, the concentration of LA in its basic form in a solution is equal to the

Structural groups of some commonly used local anesthetics (duration of action)


Bupivacaine (2–8 h)

Cinchocaine (2–3 h)

Etidocaine (2–6 h)

Levobupivacaine (2–8 h)

Lidocaine (1–2 h)

Mepivacaine (1.5–3 h)

Prilocaine (1–2 h)

Ropivacaine (4–6 h)

Ester of benzoic acid


Esters of meta-aminobenzoic acid


Esters of para-aminobenzoic acid




Procaine (30–45 min)



Table 2.
Groups of LA.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

concentration of loaded cation. The logarithm of this concentration of hydrogen ion

is called pKa.

pH ¼ pKa þ log ½HCO3 � �=½H2 CO3 �

pKa ¼ pH � log ½base�=½conjugate acid�
½base�=½conjugate acid� ¼ 1:0

The dissociation constant of LA (pKa value) is the highly significant fact affect-
ing the quickness of their beginning of action. The pKa values rule the ratio of the
LA that is present in nonprotonated pattern at physiological pH values and hence
disposable to spread through tissue walls to its spot of action.
Lower pKa values are conjoint with a prompt beginning of blockade, then more
of the drug is present as the unprotonated base at pH 7.4. In contradistinction,
bigger values are conjointed with a slower beginning, since fewer of the drug is
present as the nonprotonated base at pH 7.4. For instance, lidocaine has a pKa value
roughly 7.7. At pH 7.4, around one-third of these drugs is present in solution as the
nonprotonated base B and is disposable to spread through the nerve scabbard. In
contradistinction, bupivacaine and ropivacaine have a pKa value of 8.1, and at a
pH 7.4 only 17% is present in solution as nonprotonated, diffusible base. These
discrepancies are responsible for the more prompt beginning of action of lidocaine
and slower beginning of action of ropivacaine and bupivacaine.

3.2 Alkalization of local anesthetics

Factors that increase the conversion of the free LA base (B) to the active form
(BH+) in the neuroplasm increase the diffusion gradient and the concentration of
BH+ in the Na+ channel. This technique is of clinical interest because it is used to
shorten the latency of onset of effective anesthesia, particularly useful in the con-
text of extending an epidural block for urgent operative delivery.
The addition of bicarbonate will raise the pH of the weakly acidic solution nearer
the pKa. Example: addition of 1.0 mL NaHCO3 8.4% to 10.0 mL of lidocaine 2% will
raise its pH from 6.5 to 7.2; this means more drug will exist in the non-ionized form,
so penetration will be more rapid [7].
Carbonation is a variation on alkalization, and is based on a similar principle but
with a different site of action; when carbon dioxide diffuses across the neurilemma,
it is rapidly buffered by intracellular proteins, so that changes in pH are minimal.
Carbonated solutions are unstable, the LA may be precipitated and any added
vasoconstrictor is more easily hydrolyzed [8].

3.3 Chirality

Chirality is derived from Greek, and means “having handedness,” and is defined
a particular type of stereoisomerism. Right and left hands are mirror images of each
other but cannot be superimposed when the palms are facing in the same direction
(Figure 4) [9]. These particular isomers are known as enantiomers and this form of
stereoisomerism is dependent on the presence of one or more chiral centers, which
typically comprise a carbon atom with four groups attached. These enantiomers
have the capacity to rotate polarized light, and, so, are also known as optical
Enantiomers that rotate polarized light to the right are described as (+), and are
the same as dextro or D isomers. Enantiomers that rotate polarized light to the left
are described as (�), and are the same as levo or L isomers. The currently accepted

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics

convention is that which assigns a sequence of priority to the four atoms or group
attached to the chiral center. The molecule is described as though it were being
viewed from the front with the smallest group extending away from the viewer. If
the arrangement of the largest to the smallest groups is clockwise, the enantiomer is
designated “R” for rectus. If the arrangement is anticlockwise it is designated “S”
for sinister. The optical direction is the added to complete the description. Most
synthetic chiral drugs are racemic mixtures, less potent because the D-forms are
much less active. The clinical behavior of the enantiomers, and in particular their
toxicity, is related to the chiral form [10] (Figure 5 and Table 3).

Figure 4.
Na receptor. Memorang.

Figure 5.
LA molecule free Google.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Bupivacaine: S(�) enantiomer has less affinity for, and dissociates quicker from myocardial Na+
channels. The cardio and central nervous system toxicity is reduced. S(�) exerts some vasoconstrictor

Ropivacaine: S(�) enantiomer is a safer cardiovascular profile.

Prilocaine: S(+) enantiomer is a stronger vasoconstrictor, metabolized slowly than the R(�) form
which therefore produces higher concentrations of 0-toluidine and a greater risk of

Lidocaine: Achiral.

Table 3.
Quimical structure.

4. Pharmacodynamics

Most LA drugs are tertiary amine bases (B), which are dispensed as hydrochlo-
ride salts (B.HCL). In this way, their easily disband to pattern acidic solutions:

B:HCL < > BHþ þ CL�

After infiltrating the tissues, a ratio of the protonated basic pattern (BH+) is
turned to the unprotonated basic pattern (B) at the pH of the extracellular fluid:

BHþ þ HCO3 � < > B þ H2 O þ CO2

Solely the unprotonated pattern B penetrates through the neurilemmal mem-

brane, captures H+ in the neuroplasm, and raises approach to its spot of action in the
open Na+ channel, inducing its blockade. The unprotonated pattern B may further
straight permeate to the Na+ channel across the neurilemma, and recruits H+ into
the Na+ channel.
It is able to induce blockade by membrane expansion (ME), bring about puffi-
ness of the lipoprotein matrix of the Na+ channel (e.g., benzocaine). Tetrodotoxin
and saxitoxin directly block the Na+ channel from the exterior of the membrane,
close to the external pore [11–13] (Figure 6).
The primary target of LAs is the voltage-gated Na+ channel, which is responsible
for the generation of action potentials in excitable membranes, there is an inverse
relationship between action potentials and local anesthesia [13]. LAs also interact
with many other types of ion channels, particularly K+ and Ca2+ channels, notwith-
standing they have a limited relationship at these sites. They do not mostly alter the
neuronal resting potential, save in exceedingly raised concentrations. In the same
way, they do not change the sill potential needed for impulse spread, even if the
gear of depolarization and repolarization is diminished, and conduction velocity is
reduced and may cause undesirable side effects, usually considered that the toxic
effects of bupivacaine on the heart are partially related to its effects on K+ and Ca2+
Mammalian voltage-gated Na+ channels exist in different isoforms in various
excitable tissues such as skeletal muscles, cardiac tissues, central nervous system
(CNS), and peripheral nervous system (PNS) [14]. In addition, multiple major
isoforms are present in CNS and PNS, some of these neuronal Na+ channels are
sensitive to tetrodotoxin (TTX) and some are resistant. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a
potent naturally occurring neurotoxin isolated from puffer fish; it has been respon-
sible for human intoxications and fatalities. Its usual route of toxicity is via the
ingestion of contaminated puffer fish, which are a culinary delicacy, especially in

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics

Figure 6.
Amino-base free Google.

Japan. TTX has been an invaluable tool for the identification of various neuronal
Na+ channel isoforms [11–13].
The concentration of LA in blood is determined by the amount injected, the rate
of absorption from the injection site, the rate of distribution by tissues, the rate of
biotransformation and drug elimination [14]. The patient’s factors, such as age,
cardiovascular situation, and hepatic function, influence the physiological disposi-
tion and the plasma concentration resulting from the LA injected [14, 15].

4.1 Mode and site of action of local anesthetics in Na+ channels

Mammalian voltage-gated Na+ channels are normally activated at a threshold

of around 50 mV, and the probability of channels being open is maximal around
+20 mV. At a single-channel level, the time course of Na+ channel activation is
strongly voltage dependent. The probability of being open during depolarization
rises slowly at the threshold and becomes rather fast at the more positive poten-
tials. In contrast, the open Na+ channels inactivate rapidly, with a dwell time that
is generally 1 ms or less. Unlike the activation process, the time course of inacti-
vation of the open Na+ channel is not voltage dependent [16]. At the level of
macroscopic currents, Na+ currents rise (activate) and decay (inactivate) with
overlapping time course, as would be expected from an ensemble of currents from
single channels [17, 18].
Detailed kinetic analyses of macroscopic Na+ currents in the presence of vari-
ous LAs reveal complicated pharmacological profiles under voltage-clamp condi-
tions. Voltage-sensitive Na+ channels are integral proteins that cross neuronal
membranes and surround an aqueous pore. Most Na+ channels consist of three
subunits (α1, β1, and β2), the largest subunit being α1, the site of ion conduction
and LAs binding; the external surface of the α-subunit is heavily glycosylated,
which serves to orient the channel properly within the plasma membrane. The α1
unit bears a molecular weight up of 260 kDa, and consists of an unique long
peptide chain holding four hydrophobic regions (domains I–IV), which go across
the membrane and symmetrically encircle the pore. The four domains are joined
to each other by intracellular bridgeworks.
Every domain includes six membrane-spanning somites (S1–S6). The S4 somite
is a potential sensor, and the brief curl among S5 and S6 forms portion of the
sheathing of the external pore of the gutter. The intracellular bridgework among

Topics in Local Anesthetics

two of the domains (III and IV) is the speedy inactivation gateway. This gateway is
liable for the speedy inactivation of Na+ channels.
LAs reduce peak Na+ currents during the test potential a few minutes after
external perfusion of the drug solution at the holding potential (<�100 mV). This
reduction in peak current is dose dependent, and the potency ranking of various
LAs derived from their dose-response curves correlates well with the relative dura-
tion of local anesthesia they elicit in vivo. This LA block of the Na+ channel at
resting potential is termed “tonic block.”
Most LAs are found to shift the apparent steady-state inactivation curve to the
hyperpolarizing direction. Steady-state inactivation measures the availability of
resting Na+ channels at various prepulse voltages at which Na+ channels normally
do not open [7]. This closed-channel inactivation is strongly voltage dependent,
unlike the open channel inactivation. A shift of the steady-state inactivation curve
by LA toward the hyperpolarizing direction has significant physiological conse-
quences. To begin with, if the steady-state inactivation curve is indeed shifted by
LAs upon binding, a large fraction of Na+ channels with LAs bound will be in their
inactivated state at the resting potential and therefore will be unavailable to carry
currents for the generation of action potentials. Another implication is that the
inactivated state of the Na+ channel binds more strongly than other channel states
(generalized modulated receptor hypothesis envisioned by Hondeghem and
Katzung [19]). They proposed that different states of Na+ channels (open, resting,
and inactivated) have different binding affinities for LAs, and that the affinity of
the inactivated state is the highest.
Repetitive pulses produce an additional block of Na+ currents in the presence of
LA. This additional block of Na+ currents is termed “use-dependent block” or
“frequency-dependent block,” with the two terms used interchangeably. The use-
dependent block by LAs may be physiologically important for pain therapy, as
many afferent fibers fire action potentials at a high frequency, particularly in the
pathological states. In theory, LAs with a potent use-dependent attribute will be
more effective than LAs without this attribute in blocking the high-frequency
abnormal firings of sensory afferent fibers.

4.2 Potency of local anesthetic

The potency of a LA is regulated mainly by lipid solubility, the time of onset by

the pKa of the substance, and the duration of action by protein binding. The more
lipophilic the LA, the more potent it is [20, 21]. Nerve-blocking potency of LAs
increases also with increasing molecular weight [22].
LA appears to have a ceiling effect. Above a partition coefficient of 4 there is no
observed increase in potency [23]. Unfortunately, greater lipid solubility also
increases toxicity, decreasing the therapeutic index for more hydrophobic drugs.
Larger more lipophilic LAs permeate nerve membrane more readily and bind Na+
channels with greater affinity (Table 4).
More lipid-soluble LAs are relatively water insoluble, high protein bound in
blood, and less readily removed by bloodstream from nerve membranes, and this
affinity of the drug to lipid membranes and therefore greater proximity to its site of
action in the Na+ channel.

4.3 Onset and duration of action of local anesthetics

The onset of nerve conduction blockade depends on the physicochemical prop-

erties of each LA. The latency also depends on the dose or concentration of the drug
used. The duration of the effect of local anesthetics is very variable (Table 5).

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics

Local anesthetic Partition coefficient

Benzocaine 1.44

Procaine 2.51

Mepivacaine 2.69

Prilocaine 2.73

Lidocaine 3.40

Bupivacaine 4.05

Etidocaine 4.19

Tetracaine 4.32

Oxybuprocaine 4.38

Table 4.
Partition coefficients (n-octanol/water) of some local anesthetics.

Short effect Procaine


Moderate effect Lidocaine



Long effect Tetracaine




Table 5.
Onset and duration.

The peripheral vascular effects of the local anesthetic have significant effects;
many anesthetics have a biphasic effect on vascular smooth muscle, at low concen-
trations they produce vasoconstriction and at higher concentrations they produce
vasodilation. However, the vasodilator effect differs between the different drugs,
the effects on vascular blood flow and its tone are complex, and vary among other
factors, depending on the concentration, time, and vascular bed near the point of

5. Pharmacokinetics

Pharmacokinetics was originally described as the quantitative studio and math-

ematical review of drug and it’s metabolite in the organism. The concept has been
mostly obsequious to the prosecution of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism
and excretion, and to their explanation in numerical terminus. Pharmacokinetics is
once in a while portrayed as “what the body does to drugs.” The two highly large
pharmacokinetic uniforms are:

• Volume of distribution (V)

• Clearance (CL)

Topics in Local Anesthetics

The volume of distribution depicts the seeming volume disposable in the organ-
ism for the allocation of the drug, whereas the clearance shows capacity of the
organism to eliminate the drug. These two uniforms are kindred to the terminal or
elimination half-life of the drug. In other words, after one half-life, the concentra-
tion of the drug in the body will be half of the starting dose. Half-life is defined as
the time required for the plasma concentration to decrease by 50% during the
terminal phase of decline, by the following expression:

t½ ¼ 0:693 � Vd=CL:

Accordingly, the terminal half-life is regularly heterogeneous, which depends on

the early pharmacokinetics constant volume (V) and clearance (CL). A prolonged
terminal half-life can throw back an enhanced volume of distribution, a narrow
clearance, or together these changes, while a brief terminal half-life can reflect a
decreased volume of distribution, an enhanced clearance or both together [8]
(Table 6).
Clearance depicts the quantity of blood or plasma since that a drug would need
to be thoroughly eliminated in unit time in order to guarantee its put-out from the
body. It is a theoretic thought, inasmuch as in practice drugs are incompletely
withdrawn from a nay larger quantity of plasma. Clearance values are generally
expressed as a quantity cleared in unit time and are generally measured in
mL min�1 or L h�1.
Also, clearance can be determined as the timing of drug elimination (mg min�1)
per unit of blood or plasma concentration (mg mL�1).
 timing of drug removal mg min �1
plasma clearance mL min ¼  
plasma centralization mg mL�1

Plasma clearance is as a rule steadfast; the cadence of drug removal is right away
proportional to plasma concentration. Total body clearance is the addition of vari-
ous ways of drug elimination that are carried out by various organs in the body:


where CL is total clearance, CLR is renal clearance, CLH is hepatic clearance and
CLX is clearance by other routes (Table 7).
After absorption from the site of injection, the plasma concentration of LAs
depends on their rate of distribution in tissues and their elimination from the body.
Subsequent to an intravenous injection, the plasma concentration of all LAs in
general falls in a biexponential ways. There is an incipient quick allocation time
(half-life 1–3 min), conjoint with their rapid inlet by greatly perfused organs (e.g.,
lung, liver, kidney). Afterward, there is a slower reduction in plasma centralization,
which depicts the put-out of LAs by metabolism and excretion. The final half-life of
most ester anesthetics is comparatively brief (10 min) owing to their prompt

Drug Volume of distribution (ml/kg) Volume of distribution (L 70 kg)

Lidocaine 900 (500�1300) 63 (35�91)

Bupivacaine 1050 (650�1450) 74 (46�104)

Prilocaine 2700 (2100�3300) 189 (147�241)

Table 6.
Volume of distribution.

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics

Drug Hepatic clearance (mL min�1 kg�1) Hepatic clearance (mL min�1 70 kg�1)

Lidocaine 17.0 (12.6–21.4) 1190 (882–1498)

Table 7.
Hepatic clearance.

Terminal half- Clearance Apparent volume Metabolites (L kg�1)

life (min) (mL min�1 kg�1) of distribution

Cocaine 48 31 2.0 Norcocaine



Procaine 8 60 0.7 Diethylaminoethanol


Tetracaine 15 47 1.0 Butyl-aminobenzoate


Lidocaine 100 15 1.3 Monoethylglycine-





Prilocaine 100 34 2.7 N-propylamine


Bupivacaine 200 9 1.1 Pipecolic acid


Levobupivacaine 200 9 1.1 Pipecolic acid


Ropivacaine 110 7 0.7 3-Hydroxy-ropivacain


Table 8.
Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of local anesthetics.

hydrolysis by plasma cholinesterase, in hallmark, the terminal half-life of the

amides oscillates from 100 min (lidocaine) to 200 min (bupivacaine).
Their volume of distribution is rather greater than total body water, while their
plasma clearance is usually less than liver blood flow (Table 8).
Some clinical conditions can modify the pharmacokinetics of LAs, specially
cardiovascular disorders and chronic hepatic diseases like cirrhosis can decline the
clearance and volume of distribution of LAs, with changeable impact on the termi-
nal half-life. In neonates, the clearance of LAs is diminished and their half-life is

6. Conclusions

LAs are drugs widely used in medicine and dentistry. These medications cause
reversible neural block by their action in the sodium channels (Figure 7) located in

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Figure 7.
Sodium channel. Wikipedia.

the nerve membranes. The unprotonated molecule configuration of the LA is intro-

duced through the membrane from the outside and the protonated molecule acts
with the sodium channel from the inside. The potency of a LA is given by
liposolubility, the onset time by dissociation constant (pKa), and the duration of
action by protein binding. Local anesthetics are weak bases whose structure consists
of an aromatic moiety connected to a substituted amine through an ester or amide
linkage. Consequently, LAs are classified as aminoester or aminoamide compounds.
Amino acids are hydrolyzed by plasma cholinesterase, while aminoamides are
metabolized in the liver. Aminoamides cause less allergic reactions.

Conflict of interest

The author declares no conflict of interests.

Author details

Javier Marcos Michel-Levy

Hospital Obrero N°8, Caja Nacional de Salud, Trinidad-Beni, Bolivia

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Local Anesthetics


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Chapter 3

Bupivacaine Pharmacokinetics in
Pregnant Women
Yazmín Guillén-Dolores


Pregnancy, labor, and delivery are accompanied by physiological changes that

impact on the use of the drugs to which they are exposed. The anesthesiologist
needs to understand the principal differences in management of this particular
population. The study of the main pharmacokinetic changes associated with preg-
nancy is relevant for the proper management of drugs to avoid adverse effects. The
objective of this chapter is to review the physiological changes that impact on the
pharmacokinetics of the pregnant woman with a focus on local anesthetics of
the amide type, specifically bupivacaine, and the main studies that have led to a
deeper understanding.

Keywords: pharmacokinetics, pregnant, bupivacaine

1. Introduction

Pregnancy and labor are accompanied by important physiological and anatomi-

cal changes. There is a modification in the metabolism of drugs and changes in their
pharmacokinetics as well as their interaction with organs and systems. Anesthesia
in the obstetric patient is influenced by physiological changes, concomitant dis-
eases, and preferences for a specific drug. Local anesthetics are a special topic due
to the frequent use of them during labor, the performance of cesarean section, or
another non-obstetric procedure in the pregnant patient. It is necessary to know
the pharmacokinetics of the local anesthetic most frequently used in our practice,
bupivacaine, plain or hyperbaric, or one of its enantiomers. The objective of this
review is to know the main studies that have evaluated pharmacokinetics and their
interaction with systems and organs in the mother and placental passage.

2. Cardiovascular changes of pregnancy

During pregnancy many hemodynamic and hormonal changes occur like cardio-
vascular adaptations such as increased heart rate, plasmatic volume, cardiac output
and sympathetic tone, or a reduction in peripheral resistances. The heart moves to
the left and up during pregnancy, since the diaphragm progressively rises through
the gravid uterus. These changes may be more important in post-term periods that
are defined as pregnancies greater than 294 days (≥42 weeks of gestation periods)
[1]. The increase in cardiac output and blood volume may increase the distribution
of some drugs; the water-soluble ones will increase in their absorption as well as the
liposoluble by the augmentation of the maternal fat, and there is an increase of the

Topics in Local Anesthetics

glomerular filtration and the renal sanguineous irrigation, which will produce an
increase in the clearance of the drug [2].
The blood volume increases by 30–50%, and this rise begins in the first trimester
and continues rising until week 30 of gestation and returns to its normal volume
after pregnancy. A phenomenon is a dilutional anemia since the proportion of
plasma volumes in relation to blood volume increases proportionally greater than
red cells, and the hemoglobin concentrations will vary between 11 and 12 g/100 mL
at the end of pregnancy. The increase in plasma volume is related to the size of the
fetus; one theory is that the adrenal glands of the fetus can initiate an increase in
blood volume by providing dehydroepiandrosterone (precursor of estrogen) to the
placenta, stimulating the liver to produce angiotensin, which increases aldosterone
production and fluid retention [3].
Increased blood volume and increased cardiac output may respond to an initial
vasodilation caused by a vasodilating substance that may be prostacyclin or the
endothelial-derived relaxing factor. This increase in blood volume is necessary
to meet the needs of the fetus and compensate for the loss of maternal blood at
delivery; the mother can lose up to 20% of their blood volume without a significant
change in his hematocrit [3]. Cardiac output increases to 30–50% during preg-
nancy, peaks at weeks 28–32, and then decreases a little during the last weeks. The
values increase to 4.5–6.5 L/min and decrease as the term of pregnancy approaches
but are considerably lower in the lateral position than in the supine position. The
supine position during labor is associated with an 8% incidence of hypotension, and
15–20% of patients will have aortoiliac and vena cava compression. The reduced
cardiac output lowers uterine blood flow, and this adversely affects the fetus. The
cardiac return is diverted from the vena cava through the vertebral and azygos
systems to the superior vena cava, and this enlarges the epidural veins and provides
an explanation for the reduced amount of local anesthetic needed for spinal or
epidural analgesia in pregnancy, and there is an increase in sympathetic activity that
results in vasoconstriction that reduced the degree of hypotension observed [4].
Uterine blood flow increases to 200 mL/min by week 28 and 500 mL/min by
the end of pregnancy, the uterine musculature receives approximately 20% of the
total uterine blood flow, while the area of the placenta receives 80% by what to the
placenta, that is to say, 400 mL of blood per minute or approximately 80 mL of
blood per 100 g of tissue per minute [4].

3. Pharmacokinetics of bupivacaine and main studies

Bupivacaine is a local anesthetic amide type, synthesized in 1957 by Ekenstam

in Switzerland, and has a mechanism of action through the obstruction of sodium
channels to the nerve membrane, preventing the generation of an action potential.
It is used for intraoperative local anesthesia, postoperative analgesia, and chronic
pain treatment. It is widely used in pregnant patients and provides excellent sensory
anesthesia with reported concentrations at 0.5% [5].
The effectiveness of bupivacaine was evaluated by the toxicity, the latency,
and the degree of motor block, the sympathetic block, and the sensory block,
as well as the elimination time. The absorption and distribution are influenced
by the vascularity of the injection site, the mode of injection, and the degree of
ionization of the drug. After IV administration, its half-life is 45 min correspond-
ing to redistribution and 2.5 h due to elimination. It is metabolized by the liver by
N-dealkylation and glucuronide conjugation. Elimination is urinary. Although some
metabolites are eliminated via the pulmonary and bile fluid, the portion bound to
proteins is the active part, and the unbound is responsible for the toxic effects [5].

Bupivacaine Pharmacokinetics in Pregnant Women

The pharmacokinetics in the mother-fetus binomial changes, the fetus and the
placenta function as deposits, the placenta has the capacity to metabolize drugs, and
it is possible to modulate the elimination of the drug by producing metabolites and
retaining large quantities for its release back to the fetus [6].
The apparent volume of distribution increases during pregnancy with the
increase in plasma volume, approximately 40–50% from the beginning of preg-
nancy to a maximum of 32 weeks. During the placental growth phase, the periph-
eral hairy surface increases from 3.7 m2 in week 25 to 11 m2 during the last month of
gestation, and the fetal-mother exchange surface decreases from 92 to 767 m2 due to
a decrease in density of the microvilli [6].
Since the drugs that cross the placenta reach the fetus via the umbilical venous
blood and 50% of it enters the liver circulation and the rest goes through the venous
duct, then half of the transported drug is susceptible to hepatic metabolism and the
other half enters the fetal circulation directly. The distribution of a drug in the fetus
is regulated by variations in pH and protein binding [6].
The drugs once inside the organism move between the compartments, and to
analyze it the changes in the concentration of the drug in a compartment as a func-
tion of time are studied, according to the following formula [7]:

dC = − kCn
___ (1)

where dC/dt equals the change in concentration in relation to time and −kCn
refers to the decrease in the concentration of a drug which is an exponential type
function [7].
When the rate of change is independent of the concentration of the drug, it
is called a zero-order process, and when the process and the rate of change are
proportional to the concentration of the drug, it is called a first-order process, the
mother-fetus, which behaves like a model of two compartments with bidirectional
distribution [7].
Bupivacaine has an asymmetric carbon atom and can take the form of two
enantiomers (R + dextrobupivacaine and S-levobupivacaine), form different three-
dimensional relationships in the asymmetric medium of receptors and enzymes,
and result in differences in toxicity, distribution, cardiotoxicity, and neurotoxicity
[8]. Levobupivacaine is soluble in water with a molecular weight of 325, a partition
coefficient of 1624, and a pKa of 8.09. Both the partition coefficient and the pKa
are very similar to those of bupivacaine. Its pH is 4.0–6.5. Its maximum plasma
concentration reaches 30 min, and its volume of distribution is 67 L [8]. Liposomal
bupivacaine is composed of multivesicular liposomes with 10–30 micrometers in
diameter and has a duration of analgesia of up to 72 h [9].
Bupivacaine has a pKa of 8.1, ionized fraction of 15% at a pH of 7.4, fat/buffer
coefficient of 115, protein binding 95%, molecular weight of 288 Daltons, and
an effective anesthetic concentration in the rat sciatic nerve of 0.25. The main
determinant of adverse systemic effects is the free fraction, which is not bound
to proteins [10].

4. Studies of bupivacaine in QT interval

Spinal anesthesia involves changes in the mother’s hemodynamic, including

decreased venous return, decreased systemic vascular resistance, and a compensa-
tory increase in cardiac output. These changes increase the risk of intraoperative
arrhythmias in patients [1].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Local anesthetics routinely used include bupivacaine and its enantiomer levobu-
pivacaine, the latter having a clinical profile close to bupivacaine, but it is less toxic
to both the nervous system and the cardiovascular system, which makes it useful in
obstetric anesthesia, where large volumes of local anesthetics may be required. It has
been reported that bupivacaine and levobupivacaine cause a concentration-dependent
inhibition of the amplitude of gravid myometrial contractions in rats [11].
Local anesthetics are amphiphilic and can enter a variety of cellular compart-
ments and potentially interact with many different cell membranes, organelles
(including the inhibition of mitochondrial adenosine production), and a variety of
membrane junctions and charged cytosol molecules. Other mechanisms, which can
contribute to myometrial inhibition, include the blocking of ionotropic signaling
pathways (sodium, potassium, or calcium) and interference with protein modula-
tion of calcium and potassium channels [11].
The practice of using low concentrations (0.125–0.25%) makes it less likely that
the inhibitory concentrations in the plasma reach the clinical practice [11]. The
toxic effect of local anesthetics on myocardial contractility and cardiac conduction
is due to the alteration of the calcium channel [12]. In a study by Mahmut et al.,
40 healthy pregnant patients were included; they evaluated QT interval, which
increased significantly in the post-term group, which makes them susceptible to the
development of arrhythmias; and they concluded that care must be taken during
the induction of spinal anesthesia in term pregnancies as well as cardiovascular
monitoring should be prolonged in this type of patients [13].
The Dogan et al. study used 12 mg of 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine or 0.5% of
levobupivacaine for the spinal levobupivacaine group and calculated the QTc with
the Bazzett formula and the QT dispersion (difference between the maximum and
minimum QTc). They studied 60 patients. The mean maximum QTc was longer in
levobupivacaine, and the minimum mean QTc was also longer. In the bupivacaine
group, the maximum QTc was longer than levobupivacaine [14].

5. Pharmacokinetic studies in rats

It is known that the placenta does not limit the fetal transfer of local anesthetics
administered to the mother; using a human placental model in rats, it is suggested
that bupivacaine accumulates in the placenta [15]. The study of Morishima et al.,
a study in the University of Columbia with a model of rats, administered 1 mg/kg
of bupivacaine followed by an infusion of 0.33 mg/kg/min, over a total period of
15 min. The maximum dose of bupivacaine was 1200–1400 ng/mL, which is similar
to the concentration of plasma bupivacaine in pregnant women under cesarean
section with epidural anesthesia [1].
The pharmacokinetic analysis of bupivacaine was assumed as an open two-
compartment model. A transient reduction in heart rate occurred during the
infusion of bupivacaine [1].

5.1 Pharmacokinetic parameters

The mean peak concentration of bupivacaine in maternal plasma was

3123 ± 370 ng/mL, the concentration decreased to 26 ± 12 ng/mL at 180 min,
and after 240 min, it became undetectable. In plasma 4′-hydroxybupivacaine
and 2,6-pipecoloxylidine were not detected. The half-life of distribution was
37.7 ± 2.4 min, the volume of distribution in stable state 3.86 ± 0.29 l/kg, and the
total clearance 93.3 ± 8.6 mL/min−−1; other parameters were K12 0.462 ± 0.066;
K21 0.081 ± 0.008 and K10 0.166 ± 0.021. In fetal plasma, a bupivacaine peak of

Bupivacaine Pharmacokinetics in Pregnant Women

320 ± 38 ng/mL was detected rapidly, and the drug became undetectable at 4 h. A
bupivacaine concentration of 4817 ± 976 ng/g in the amnion at the end of the infu-
sion was the highest sample of those obtained at any time [1].
While the dose of bupivacaine decreases, 3-hydroxybupivacaine remains virtually
constant in the amnion and myometrium, and the 3-hydroxybupivacaine also kept
increasing. Despite a high concentration of 3-hydroxybupivacaine in these tissues, the
amniotic fluid concentration was not as high as expected. The 4-hydroxybupivacaine
and the 2.6 pipecoloxylidide were only detected in traces in samples obtained in 2 h.
The largest metabolite detected in rats was 3-hydroxybupivacaine [1].
In the fetus, the 3-hydroxybupivacaine remains detectable in the liver up to 4 h,
while it virtually disappears from other tissues, because most of the umbilical venous
blood perfused in fetal liver, and bupivacaine transmitted to the fetus, can directly
enter the fetal liver; this may suggest that the fetal liver is capable of metabolizing
bupivacaine. However, because polar metabolites do not cross the placental mem-
brane bidirectionally, 3-hydroxybupivacaine probably accumulates in the fetus [1].

6. Studies about bupivacaine in multimodal analgesia

6.1 Blockage of the transverse abdominal muscle

In the study by Eslamian et al., a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled

study of 50 pregnant women under elective cesarean section, transverse abdominis
plane (TAP) block was used. The preparation was performed with 40 mL of 0.25%
hyperbaric bupivacaine plus 2 mL of normal saline for the placebo group of 400 mL
of 0.25% hyperbaric bupivacaine plus 2 mL of sufentanil for the study group. The
block was guided with ultrasound; the patients who received 40 mL of hyperbaric
bupivacaine 0.25% plus 10 μg of sufentanil consumed less morphine during 24 h after
surgery compared to the control group (p = 0.002); the mean difference in morphine
consumption was 15.6 mg in the first 24 h of the postoperative period. There were no
differences in the EVA scale between one group and another with>0.05 [15].
In the Trabelsi et al. study, a group of 17 pregnant patients were administered
with spinal anesthesia with hyperbaric bupivacaine with 5 μg of sufentanil, and
abdominal ultrasound-guided TAP block was placed with 20 mL 0.25% bupivacaine
bilaterally. They found an accumulated average of bupivacaine of 1.4 ± 0.2 mg/kg
(range of 1.05–1.79 mg/kg); the CMAX was 802.36 ng/mL (231.8–3504.5 ng/mL) and
was reached at 30 min (TMAX). The mean area under the curve (AUC) (0–24 h) was
4505.4 ng/mL, and the elimination half-life was 8.75 h for bupivacaine, demonstrat-
ing that bilateral blockade increases the total concentration of bupivacaine in the
plasma after administering spinal anesthesia with bupivacaine. Plasma concentra-
tions occurred at 30 min after injection, all peak concentrations were reached
between 10 and 90 min and a second delayed peak of 90 min [10].
In the Lacassie study, in 12 pregnant women and 11 healthy volunteers, the
transverse muscle was blocked with levobupivacaine 0.25%, 20 mL with epineph-
rine 5 μg/ml−1, venous concentrations were 2.62 mg/L−1, below the level toxic, the
volume of distribution of levobupivacaine was 172 L (70 kg) (IC 95% 137–207)
higher than in healthy volunteers [16].

6.2 Use of patient-controlled analgesia (PCA pumps) in different combinations

The Stourac study worked with pregnant women under epidural analgesia; they
used 12.5 mg of bupivacaine and 5 μg of sufentanil in 10 mL of normal saline, and
boluses of half the dose every 60–90 min were administered. Another group using

Topics in Local Anesthetics

PCA pumps with remifentanil connecting a 50 mL syringe with remifentanil at a

concentration of 20 μg/mL studied a total of 24 patients, and there was no signifi-
cant difference between the groups. The level of satisfaction of the patients was
88% with epidural analgesia and 85% with PCA pump. Among the complications,
only one had hypotension, with remifentanil, and experienced drowsiness and
dizziness as well as temporary anxiolysis [8].
In the Chen et al. study, they determined the lowest effective concentration of
levobupivacaine and levobupivacaine with fentanyl, and one group received 1.2 mg/mL
of levobupivacaine and 2 μg/mL of fentanyl. They determined that the concentrations
of 0.6 mg/mL of levobupivacaine plus 2 μg/mL of fentanyl and 1 mg/mL of levobupiva-
caine were the lowest concentrations of the drugs required for effective analgesia, and
they analyzed a total of 83 pregnant women and showed that levobupivacaine alone
produces a comparable analgesia with levobupivacaine with narcotic; in addition, those
who received narcotics had more adverse effects [17].

6.3 Studies in the capacity of blocking muscle fibers

In the Fanning et al. study, pregnant patients received spinal anesthesia with
10–12 mg at 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine with 20–25 μg of intrathecal fentanyl and
100–150 μg of intrathecal morphine. After the placental extraction, a small segment
of the myometrium was removed from the incisional surface of the lower uterine
segment. Each sample was dissected in four longitudinal muscles. The muscle
was exposed to bupivacaine or levobupivacaine and chemical contractions were
induced. Eight muscle samples were included. Bupivacaine and levobupivacaine
caused a concentration-dependent decrease in the amplitude of the contractions
reaching a statistical significance of p = 0.002 for bupivacaine and p = 0.001 for
levobupivacaine compared to the control period before the administration of any
drug [18]. There was no significant difference between bupivacaine and levobu-
pivacaine in its effects on contraction of the myometrium, in the amplitude of the
contractions, and in the interval between contractions for bupivacaine and levobu-
pivacaine; there was no difference between the EC50 (effective concentration 50)
and the effect of both drugs in contractility which was reversible. No increase in
contractile amplitude was observed. The maximum concentrations in plasma were
1053 μg/mL (3.24 × 10–6 m) for bupivacaine and 1017 μg/mL (3.13 × 10–6 m) for
levobupivacaine. They concluded that bupivacaine and its enantiomer levobupiva-
caine cause a similar decrease in concentration-dependent contractions. The con-
centrations required for their inhibitory effect on the amplitude of the contractions
were much higher (33 times) than the clinically relevant plasma concentrations of
these drugs after epidural administration and are unlikely to be significant in the
low epidural dose scenario to analgesia in labor periods [18].
The combination with clonidine, a partial agonist of alpha 2 adrenergic recep-
tors, interacts with the local anesthetic in the neural axis. The analgesic effect
is due to its action in spinal and supraspinal α-adrenergic receptors, including
the activation of postsynaptic α-2 receptors, since the noradrenergic descending
pathways of cholinergic neurons and the release of nitric oxide and substances such
as enkephalin reduce the absorption of local anesthetics by a vasoconstrictor effect,
improving quality and increasing the duration of anesthetic blockade. It is recom-
mended at doses of 1 μg/kg combined with bupivacaine [12]. In a Brazilian study,
66 pregnant patients were divided into two groups: a group with 8 mg of bupiva-
caine +75 μg of clonidine and 100 μg of morphine +0.9% saline and another group
with 10 mg of bupivacaine +75 μg of clonidine +100 μg of morphine + saline 0.9%;
the total volume administered was 4 ml in both groups, and there was no difference
in hemodynamic parameters, adverse effects, and level of consciousness, only the

Bupivacaine Pharmacokinetics in Pregnant Women

regression time of the motor block, in group 1, of 198.48 ± 47.63 min, and in group 2

of 232.84 ± 63.66 min; p = 0.00073. They concluded that morphine and clonidine at
low doses produce adequate postoperative analgesia in pregnant patients [12].
In the study Zhan et al., 70 pregnant or obstetric patients were studied; 0.5%
spinal isobaric bupivacaine was 4 mg; the ED50 of intrathecal bupivacaine for
motor block was 3.96 mg (IC 95% 3.83–4.98) for pregnant women versus 4.51 mg
(95% CI 4.27–4.76) for nonpregnant women. The potency of bupivacaine for
motor block in pregnant versus non-pregnant women was 1.14 times higher
(95% CI 1.05–1.24). This is because the supine position can increase the dis-
semination of the injected drugs due to the increase in intra-abdominal pressure,
in addition to the increase in blood flow in the vasculature in the epidural veins,
which distends and compresses the intraspinal space decreasing the volume of the
spinal fluid cerebral [19].

7. Bupivacaine and placental transfer to fetus

The analysis of the placental intervillous space shows to be an appropriate place

of investigation because this space is initially filled with blood coming from the
maternal spiral arteries that interchange with the fetal venous blood, when the
blood of the mother flows toward the branched villi. Although it is an important
interchange interface, the intervillous space has been studied as the transport of
substances between the mother, the placenta, and the fetus; obtaining blood from
this compartment has provided a unique opportunity to study the maternal-fetal
physiological relationship in a more physiological way [20]. The importance of this
is that the reduced ability of the fetus to eliminate drugs can cause prolonged effects
on the fetus, since half of the fetal circulation reaches the umbilical vein and directly
reaches the fetal heart and brain by passing to the fetus. Liver immaturity contributes
to the presentation of adverse effects, the fetus eliminates the drug by diffusion into
the maternal compartment, although the majority of the metabolites are more polar
and it is unlikely that the placental membrane crosses the placental membrane back
to the compartment maternal, possibly resulting in the accumulation of metabolites
in various fetal tissues [20].
In the study by Barros et al., a Brazilian study, the concentrations of bupivacaine
and lidocaine as well as its metabolite (MEGX) and its placental transfer were
analyzed in 10 healthy pregnant patients, under elective cesarean and epidural
anesthesia. The administration of the medication was epidural of 0.1 mg of fentanyl
citrate, 112.5 mg of 0.5% bupivacaine with 2:200000 epinephrine, and 200 mg
of lidocaine 2% without vasoconstrictor injected into the epidural space [11]. The
concentrations of bupivacaine enantiomers were high in the maternal plasma and
placental intervillous space than in the umbilical vein and the umbilical artery.
The concentrations of S-bupivacaine in the maternal plasma were higher than the
R-bupivacaine concentrations, and the values were 195.2 and 186.0 ng/mL. There
were no significant differences (P < 0.05) between their concentrations in umbilical
fetal vessels [11]. The placental transfer was 33% for R-bupivacaine and 31% for the
S-bupivacaine. The concentrations of the enantiomer S-bupivacaine were 3.5 and
3.82 times higher in the placental intervillous space than that of the umbilical vein
and the umbilical artery, respectively [11].
The R-bupivacaine concentrations were 2.9 times higher in the placental inter-
villous space than the fetal umbilical vein concentrations and 3.16 times higher than
the concentrations in the fetal umbilical artery. There were no cardiocirculatory
changes, neonatal repercussions in the APGAR, or respiratory depression. There
was no significant difference in the ratio of enantiomer concentrations between the

Topics in Local Anesthetics

different compartments, maternal or fetal. This study showed that the intervillous
space acts as a drug reservoir [11].

8. Conclusion

In conclusion, local anesthetics, including bupivacaine, are among the drugs

most commonly used in clinical practice for the management of pregnant patients
for obstetric or non-obstetric procedures. It is essential to know the pharmacokinet-
ics of the drug in order to understand the concentrations of the drugs which we
can obtain adequate analgesic and anesthetic effects, trying to diminish the toxic


I thank the Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez for allowing me to

carry out my work, promoting research and dissemination of knowledge.

Conflict of interest

I declared that I do not have any conflict of interests.

Author details

Yazmín Guillén-Dolores
Instituto Nacional de Cardiología Ignacio Chávez, México City, México

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Bupivacaine Pharmacokinetics in Pregnant Women


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Chapter 4

Adjuvant Drugs to Local

Nandita Mehta and Sayyidah Aasima tu Nisa Qazi


Local anesthetics have a potential to be used in a wide variety of situations

including central neuraxial blocks, peripheral nerve blocks, intravenous, and local
infiltration both for surgeries and acute and chronic pain management. Their use
can be limited by their duration of action and the dose-dependent adverse effects
on the cardiac and central nervous system. Adjuvants are drugs which, when co-
administered along with local anesthetic agents, improve the latency of onset and
duration of analgesia and counteract disadvantageous effects of local anesthetics.
There is a wide armamentarium of adjuvant drugs to choose to be added in neur-
axial and peripheral nerve blocks. They can be broadly divided into non-opioids
and opioids, with non-opioids being vasoconstrictors, α2-adrenoceptor agonists,
anti-inflammatory agents, acetylcholine esterase inhibitors (neostigmine), adenos-
ine, ketorolac, midazolam, magnesium, and sodium bicarbonate and opioids being
lipophilic (fentanyl and sufentanil) and hydrophilic (morphine).

Keywords: local anesthetics, adjuvants, neuraxial blocks, peripheral nerve blocks,

opioids, neurotoxicity

1. Introduction

Local anesthetics (LA) are widely used in clinical practice for regional anesthe-
sia or analgesia in various locations like central neuraxial blockade, peripheral nerve
block, intravenously, and local infiltration. Infiltration with LA around the nerve
produces analgesia by interrupting pain signals to the brain. The analgesic effect of
a nerve block with LAs lasts only a few hours. Therefore, after surgery patients may
suffer from moderate to severe acute pain. The duration of the action of LA can be
prolonged by either increasing the dose or administering a continuous infusion of
the drug, which can lead to dose-dependent side effects on the cardiovascular sys-
tem and/or central nervous system (CNS) [1, 2]. The popularity of peripheral nerve
blocks for surgical anesthesia as well as for postoperative analgesia has increased
significantly due to anesthetists becoming more familiar with ultrasound-guided
techniques. While the use of catheters for continuous infusions allows for sustained
pain relief during the perioperative period, they can increase the challenges related
to patient management, catheter displacement, and the potential for increased
infection risk. In the case a long-acting LA or continuous block is used, sensory
block is also associated with prolonged motor block in the postoperative period.
Prolonged motor blockade in the postoperative period is undesirable as it leads to
delayed mobilization of the patient and hence increased risk of complications.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

The adjuvant drugs of regional LAs improve the quality and duration of anesthe-
sia and analgesia and patient safety, thus increasing patient satisfaction and comfort
[3, 4]. The aim of this chapter is to discuss the past, present, and future trends in
the use of adjuvants, as well as their benefits and side effects.

2. Adjuvants drugs

Adjuvants are drugs which, when administered along with LA agents, may
improve the latency of onset and duration of analgesia and counteract the undesir-
able effects associated with large doses of LAs. The use of adjuvant drugs has the
potential to improve the efficacy of peripheral and central neuraxial blocks and
decrease LA systemic toxicity by chiefly prolonging the duration of sensory block,

• Morphine
• Pethidine
• Fentanyl
• Sufentanil
• Hydromorphone
• Buprenorphine
• Diamorphine
• Tramadol

Vasoactive agents
• Epinephrine
• Phenylephrine

Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists

• Clonidine
• Dexmedetomidine

• Dexamethasone

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

• Parecoxib
• Lornoxicam

Other agents
• Ketamine
• Midazolam
• Neostigmine
• Droperidol
• Magnesium sulfate
• Sodium bicarbonate
• Potassium chloride
• Adenosine
• Dextran

Table 1.
Classification of adjuvant drugs.

Adjuvant Drugs to Local Anesthetics

enhancing motor blockade, and limiting the overall dose requirement of LAs. An
ideal adjuvant should not only shorten the speed of onset of action of the LA drug
but also reduce its dosage along with providing hemodynamic stability, optimal
sedation, and minimum adverse effects.
A wide variety of adjuvant drugs have been used for both neuraxial and peripheral
nerve blocks (Table 1). They can be broadly divided into non-opioids and opioids.
Current research is directed toward a search for agents and techniques which
would prolong LA action while limiting its side effects and giving the patient its
maximum benefit. These include techniques like the use of charged molecules to
produce LA action (tonicaine and n-butyl tetracaine), newer delivery mechanisms
for prolonged bioavailability (liposomal, cyclodextrin, and microsphere systems),
and the use of other drugs (dextrans, adenosine, neuromuscular blockers) [3, 4].
While the use of LA adjuvants in regional anesthesia [5, 6] is in widespread
clinical off-label use and has been subject to multiple clinical trials, we would like
to emphasize on the fact that only a few adjuvants have been approved by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), so absolute caution must be exercised while using
these adjuvants.

3. Opioids

Opioids are the most common and the earliest used LA adjuvants. Their use in
neuraxial and peripheral nerve blocks has evolved greatly over the last 30 years. It
is advisable to use specific opioids, at appropriate doses and routes of administra-
tion that result in a primarily spinal site of action rather than a systemic opioid [7].
Afferent noxious stimuli from peripheral tissues converge in the dorsal horn of the
spinal cord, where the primary nociceptive neuron synapses with the interneurons
and the second-order nociceptive neuron in the spinothalamic tract. Blockade of
these opioid receptors by agonists helps to suppress afferent nociceptive input
from pain sites by modulating the release of pain-pathway associated peptides [8].
Opioids produce analgesia by mimicking the actions at specific receptors of endog-
enous opioid peptides. These peptides are beta-endorphin, met-enkephalin, and
dynorphin. The three main types of opiate receptors, each with its own subtypes,
are mu (μ), delta (δ), and kappa (ĸ) [9]. The most important target for opioids is
the μ-receptor (endorphin), and intrathecal opioids appear to selectively modulate
C- and A-fibers with minimal impact on dorsal root axons. The enkephalins are
the primary endogenous ligands of the delta receptor and are involved with spinal
analgesia. Dynorphin is the ligand for the kappa receptor. Activation of the kappa
receptor results in segmental spinal analgesia and sedation. Most of the mixed
agonist–antagonist opioids like butorphanol bind to the kappa receptor.
The exact mechanism of action of opioids at peripheral nerve is still uncertain.
Evidences have begun to support the presence of peripheral opioid receptors [10].
The possible mechanism of prolonged analgesia by peripheral opioid administra-
tion could be through direct binding at opioid receptors of dorsal nerve root aided
by axonal flow, diffusion through brachial plexus sheath to extradural or subarach-
noid space to dorsal horn, and central action after peripheral systemic uptake [11].

3.1 Morphine

The first opioid to be used intrathecally was morphine with the initial clinical
study published in 1979 [12]. Morphine being relatively less hydrophobic than other
opioids remains in the CSF for a longer time and therefore occupies the rostral
receptor sites for a longer duration than other opioids [13]. Consequently, morphine

Topics in Local Anesthetics

produces a long-lasting and adequate analgesia with intrathecal use [14]. However,
this huge advantage is offset by the increased risk of adverse effects, especially post-
operative respiratory depression [15], which remains a particular concern among
anesthetists. Intrathecal and epidural morphine are associated with a high incidence
of side effects like nausea, vomiting, pruritus, urinary retention, sedation, and
delayed respiratory depression [13, 16]. The recommended dose for intrathecal
administration is 50–300 μg, while as 2–5 mg of epidural loading dose is considered
adequate. The risk of side effects increases exponentially with the increase in the
dose [16, 17].

3.2 Pethidine

Pethidine (meperidine) is a lipophilic phenylpiperidine derivate that is 30 times

more lipid soluble and 10 times less potent than morphine, leading to a faster onset
and a shorter duration of action than morphine. Pethidine possesses some local
anesthetic properties (motor and sensory fiber block) which lets it stand out from
the rest of the opioid agents. Pethidine is a popular choice for obstetric analgesia
used mainly in epidural analgesia during labor. Intrathecal use of pethidine is
not recommended. The incidence of nausea, vomiting, and hypotension is more
with pethidine than with morphine. Pethidine can be injected as a loading dose of
25–50 mg in the epidural space.

3.3 Fentanyl

In addition to acting on the spinal cord receptors and peripheral receptors,

fentanyl is also reported to have a local anesthetic like action, but this requires a
very high concentration (50 g/mL) which is not clinically feasible [18]. Fentanyl
as an adjuvant to LA causes significant prolongation of duration of analgesia but
delays the onset of both sensory and motor blockade compared to LAs alone [19].
The change in pH of the anesthetic solution resulting in slower penetration of nerve
membrane by LA is considered to be responsible for this effect [20]. The recom-
mended intrathecal dose is 10–25 μg, and the epidural loading dose is 50–100 μg.
Fentanyl as adjuvant does not prolong motor block, so it allows early ambulation,
thereby reducing the morbidity. The duration of action is 2–4 h, and the risk of
respiratory depression is very low and of short duration [17].

3.4 Sufentanil

A potent agonistic opioid was synthesized in the mid-1970s. A piperidine

derivative is 6–10 times more potent than fentanyl, depending on the route of
administration; it has been registered for intravenous, epidural, and subarachnoid
administration. It is considered to be more lipid soluble than its counterparts, a bet-
ter μ receptor ligand. It is an extremely potent opioid with a faster onset of action
than its counterparts. Its use in clinical practice is limited by its short duration of
action and high side effect profile. The recommended intrathecal dose is 2.5–10 μg,
and epidural loading dose is 10–50 μg [17].

3.5 Hydromorphone

This opioid has intermediate lipid solubility. Due to its hydrophilicity, epidural
hydromorphone can cross the blood-brain barrier faster and provide fast onset and
modest duration of action.

Adjuvant Drugs to Local Anesthetics

3.6 Buprenorphine

Buprenorphine is a highly lipophilic partial opioid receptor agonist. It is also

considered to have local-anesthetic-like capacity by blocking voltage-gated sodium
channels. Buprenorphine and its metabolite nor-buprenorphine have been shown to
act on κ and δ opioid receptors in addition to μ receptors which account for its anti-
hyperalgesic effects. The risk of side effects like postoperative nausea and vomiting
(PONV) is more with the use of perineural buprenorphine [21].

3.7 Diamorphine

It is a diacetylated analogue of morphine with a potency of approximately 1.5–2

times that of morphine. This leads to a faster onset and slightly shorter duration of
action than morphine. It is a lipophilic semi-synthetic opioid and is a prodrug that
is converted to its active metabolites (morphine and 6-monoacetyl morphine) by
deacetylation in the liver and neural tissues. The recommended intrathecal dose is
300–400 μg, and epidural loading dose is 2–5 mg [17, 22].

3.8 Tramadol

Tramadol is a weak centrally acting opioid. A potency ratio of oral morphine

to oral tramadol has been reported to be between 1:4 and 1:10. It has been shown
to have Na+ and K+ channel blocking properties and can block motor and nocicep-
tive signals similar to that of LAs. The central and peripheral analgesic effects of
tramadol have not been fully explained, but it is a selective agonist of μ-receptors.
Tramadol also prevents reuptake of noradrenaline and enhances both serotonin
and noradrenaline release. The monoaminergic activity of tramadol increases the
inhibitory activity of the descending pain pathways, resulting in a suppression of
nociceptive transmission at the spinal level [23].

4. Vasoactive agents

Vasoactive drugs are the oldest adjuvants that have been used, although at the
beginning their action was attributed more to the fact that their vasoconstric-
tor effect prolonged the anesthetic and analgesic results of LAs by decreasing
the blood flow of the site where they were injected. Adrenaline was the first
vasopressor used.

4.1 Epinephrine

Epinephrine has been used along with LA in neuraxial and peripheral nerve
blocks since Heinrich Braun first experimented with its use as a “chemical tourni-
quet” in the early 1900s [24]. Epinephrine potentiates the LA action. The substantia
gelatinosa of the dorsal horn of the spinal cord houses alpha-2 adrenoreceptors
wherein the epinephrine by its direct action mediates its antinociceptive properties
resulting in presynaptic inhibition of transmitter release from Aδ and C fibers.
Also its vasoconstrictive properties limit the systemic absorption of LA leading to
prolonged duration of action. There are concerns about epinephrine being a potent
vasoconstrictive agent can place the blood supply of the spinal cord at risk and may
lead to ischemia of the spinal cord leading to permanent damage. Epinephrine is
typically administered in doses of 0.2–0.3 mg [25].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

4.2 Phenylephrine

Phenylephrine has a mechanism of action similar to that of epinephrine. It has

vasoconstrictive abilities, thus limiting the uptake of LA and prolonging their
duration of action. Phenylephrine in the dose of 2–5 mg prolongs both lidocaine
and tetracaine spinal anesthesia to a similar extent as epinephrine. The use of
phenylephrine has declined in popularity because of its association with transient
neurologic symptoms (TNS) [26].

5. Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists

Alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonists have recently been the focus of interest
for their sedative, analgesic, perioperative sympatholytic, anesthetic sparing, and
hemodynamic stabilizing properties. The central α-2-AR agonists inhibit nocicep-
tive impulses by activating post-junctional α-2-adrenoceptors in the dorsal horn
of the spinal cord. These receptors are located on primary afferent terminals (both
at peripheral and at spinal endings), on neurons in the superficial lamina of the
spinal cord, and within several brainstem nuclei responsible for analgesia. They
block the conduction of C- and A-delta fibers and increase potassium conductance,
thus intensifying conduction block. They also cause local vasoconstriction, thereby
reducing vascular uptake of the LA from around the neural structures and in turn
prolonging the duration of action [27–29].

5.1 Clonidine

Clonidine is an imidazole derivative with selective partial agonist properties

which inhibit the nociceptive impulses by acting on the post-junctional alpha-2 adr-
enoreceptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. In neuraxial blocks, it has a local
effect leading to decreased sympathetic outflow, while in peripheral nerve blocks it
prolongs the duration of analgesia by hyperpolarization of cyclic nucleotide-gated
cation channels. Clonidine enhances and prolongs sensory and enhances motor
blockade when used along with LA for epidural or peripheral nerve blocks [30].
The alpha-2 adrenergic agonists also enhance analgesia from intraspinal opioids by
interactions with both pre- and post-synaptic receptors within the spinal cord.
Although there is no agreement on the doses of intrathecal clonidine [31],
the most commonly used doses vary widely. The most recommended dose for
intrathecal use is 15–150 μg, with the incidence of adverse effects (bradycardia,
sedation, hypotension) increasing with doses above 150 μg. Clonidine can be used
via epidural route with a bolus dose of 75–150 μg. In pediatric anesthesia, the use
of clonidine (1 μg/kg) as an adjuvant along with LA for caudal blocks doubles the
duration of analgesia when compared to LA alone but causes marked sedation [17].
Clonidine has been found to prolong the action of local anesthetics in peripheral
blocks in the postoperative period. This effect of clonidine is dose-related. After
brachial plexus block with mepivacaine, the minimum doses which significantly
prolong analgesia and anesthesia are 0.1 and 0.5 μg/kg, respectively [32].

5.2 Dexmedetomidine

Dexmedetomidine is seven times more selective agonist to alpha-2 receptor than

clonidine (seven times more specific for alpha-2 than alpha-1) but has a similar
mechanism of blocking hyperpolarization-activated cation channels. When used
as an adjuvant to LA for neuraxial block, dexmedetomidine leads to reduced onset

Adjuvant Drugs to Local Anesthetics

time of sensory and motor block, increased duration of sensory block, and delayed
recovery from motor blockade. It leads to prolongation of postoperative analgesia,
decreased requirement of additional analgesics, delayed first rescue analgesic, and
decreased postoperative shivering. Dose in spinal anesthesia varies from 3 to 15 μg
as an adjuvant to LA [33]. For caudal epidural block, 1–2 μg/kg of dexmedetomidine
along with bupivacaine can lead to prolonged analgesia without significant side
effects [34].
The most common reported adverse effects are bradycardia and hypotension.
Bradycardia due to dexmedetomidine is resistant to atropine, and higher doses are
needed; although rare, even cardiac arrest can occur.
It has been shown that clonidine and dexmedetomidine administered orally,
intramuscularly, and intravenously also prolong the anesthetic effect of intrathecal
LA [35–40].

6. Steroids: dexamethasone

Acute inflammation from tissue injury has an important role in surgical pain,
and glucocorticoids may be useful for its anti-inflammatory effect. Johansson et al.
[41] investigated the corticosteroid effect on the plantar nerve of rats finding that
methylprednisolone suppresses transmission in thin unmyelinated C fibers but not
in myelinated A-beta fibers. The effect was reversed when the corticosteroid was
removed, suggesting a direct action in the membrane.
Dexamethasone-induced prolongation of peripheral nerve blockade follow-
ing LA injection is commonly attributed to its anti-inflammatory action. It also
improves the quality and duration of analgesia over LAs alone. This is thought to
be mediated by its capacity to alter the release of inflammatory mediators, reduce
ectopic neuronal discharge, and inhibit potassium channel-mediated discharge of
nociceptive C fibers [41]. Its action on glucocorticoid receptor is considered to alter
the functioning of ion channels and produce acidosis around the nerve cell, thereby
reducing the concentration of LA required to produce blockade of signal transmis-
sion or trapping the highly ionized bupivacaine molecule into the neuronal cell.
Studies using dexamethasone for postoperative pain relief have produced positive
results mainly in surgery involving large amounts of tissue trauma. A systematic
review and meta-analysis included 1695 patients distributed in 29 controlled
clinical trials where dexamethasone 4 and 8 mg perineural was used as adjuvant
to LA. These authors found that dexamethasone increased the mean (95% CI)
duration of analgesia by 233 (172–295) min when injected with short- or medium-
term action LA and by 488 (419–557) min when injected with long-term action
LA, p < 0.00001 for both. However, these results should be taken with caution
due to the great heterogeneity of results, with I2 exceeding 90% for both analysis.
Meta-regression did not show an interaction between dose of perineural dexa-
methasone (4–10 mg) and duration of analgesia (r2 = 0.02, p = 0.54). There were
no differences between 4 and 8 mg dexamethasone on subgroup analysis [42]. After
reviewing the current literature, Wiesmann et al. [43] prefer a systemic application
mode (intravenously) over a perineural route of dexamethasone administration as a
complement to peripheral nerve blocks. A single dose of dexamethasone could be a
useful complement to prolong peripheral nerve blocks. In a randomized controlled
triple-blind crossover study in 24 male volunteers, the authors used ultrasound-
guided ulnar nerve blocks (ropivacaine 0.75% wt/vol, 3 ml, with saline 1 ml with
or without dexamethasone 4 mg) which were performed on three occasions in each
volunteer along with an IV injection of saline 1 ml with or without dexamethasone
4 mg. The median [inter-quartile range (IQR)] duration of sensory block was 6.87

Topics in Local Anesthetics

(5.85–7.62) h in the control group, 7.37 (5.78–7.93) h in the perineural group, and 7.37
(6.10–7.97) h in the IV group (P = 0.61). There was also no significant difference in
block onset time between the three groups. Dexamethasone 4 mg had no clinically
significant effect on the duration of sensory block provided by ropivacaine applied
to the ulnar nerve [44]. The role of dexamethasone as an adjunct in peripheral nerve
blockades is still unclear.

7. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Several studies have demonstrated that the presence of COX-2 receptors in

the dorsal horn of the spinal cord could regulate spinal nociceptive transmission
[45]. Some studies suggest that administering a COX-2 antagonist directly on the
central or peripheral nerve might have a better analgesic profile than intravenous
administration of the same drug [46]. Basically COX-2 inhibitors reduce inflamma-
tion and pain sensation by inhibiting prostaglandin production. However, the role
of COX-2 in the central nervous system is of more importance. Inflammation can
induce COX-2 production and will lead to the release of prostanoids that sensitize
the peripheral nociceptor terminals and produce localized hyperalgesia. It is hence
thought that the administration of COX-2 antagonist on spinal or peripheral nerves
may be a more effective mode of pain relief than the intravenous or intramuscular
route. There are very less studies on this subject. Further research and studies need
to be conducted to verify the use of NSAIDs as adjuvants.

8. Miscellaneous agents

8.1 Ketamine

Ketamine is a noncompetitive antagonist of NMDA receptor that has been

shown to have local anesthetic properties. Ketamine acts on more than one region.
It has actions at monoaminergic receptors, opioid receptors, voltage-sensitive
calcium channels, and muscarinic receptors, in addition to local anesthetic actions
through sodium channel blockade. Systemic ketamine causes central summation
in the second-order pain neuron and decreases severe pain [3, 47, 48]. Epidural
administration of ketamine at 0.5–1 mg/kg has been shown to reduce intraopera-
tive and postoperative analgesic requirements without increased side effects [25].
Preservative-free S(+)-ketamine administered during caudal block for children at
a dose of 0.5 mg/kg has been shown to extend analgesia time by several hours [17].
Intrathecal administration of ketamine is not recommended.
The risk of psychomimetic adverse effects such as hallucinations is a worrying
factor for most anesthetists, limiting its use, but it can be easily overcome by using
intravenous benzodiazepines as premedication prior to the block.

8.2 Midazolam

Midazolam, a water-soluble benzodiazepine, an indirect agonist of the gamma-

aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor, has been studied primarily as an adjuvant for
neuraxial anesthesia. Addition of preservative-free midazolam to 0.5% hyperbaric
bupivacaine for subarachnoid block in infraumbilical surgery has been found to
prolong the duration of effective analgesia as compared to the same concentra-
tion of bupivacaine alone and delays the need for postoperative rescue analgesics

Adjuvant Drugs to Local Anesthetics

without having any reported significant side effects or hemodynamic instability.

The use of intrathecal midazolam also decreases the incidence of postoperative nau-
sea and vomiting. A small diluted intrathecal dose (1–2.5 mg) of preservative-free
midazolam is reported to have few systemic side effects and is free of short-term
neurotoxicity [49]. An infusion of epidural midazolam at 10–20 μg/kg/h for up to
12 h is considered safe.

8.3 Neostigmine

Neostigmine is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that can enhance analgesia by

acting on muscarinic receptors and increasing endogenous acetylcholine at the
nerve terminal. It produces spinal analgesia in the preclinical models. Intrathecal
neostigmine produces analgesia by the inhibition of (endogenous spinal neu-
rotransmitter) acetylcholine destruction via muscarinic and cholinergic receptors
located at dorsal horn of spinal cord, substantia gelatinosa, and in lesser amounts
at laminae III and V [50]. There is a high incidence of nausea and vomiting and
prolongation of recovery from spinal anesthesia following intrathecal administra-
tion of neostigmine, implying that it may not be a useful additive for ambulatory
spinal anesthesia. The dose of intrathecal neostigmine ranges from 10 to 50 μg with
the side effects increasing as the dose rises.

8.4 Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium is an N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist that plays a role in

moderating calcium influx into neurons. Research has demonstrated that magne-
sium decreases peripheral nerve excitability and enhances the ability of lidocaine to
raise the excitation threshold of A-beta fibers.
Intrathecal and epidural use of magnesium has shown variable results. It may
prolong LA/opioid block in women in labor at a dose of 50 mg, but a very high dose
of magnesium has been reported to produce transient neurological toxicity [17].
Farzanegan et al. compared the combination of bupivacaine 12.5 mg and morphine
2 mg versus bupivacaine 12.5 mg and morphine 2 mg and magnesium 50 mg versus
placebo epidurally for postoperative analgesia after thoracotomy. These authors
achieved better analgesia and lower consumption of postoperative morphine
significantly in the magnesium group [51]. In preeclamptic parturients doses of
50 mg of intrathecal magnesium with epidural ropivacaine significantly prolonged
postoperative analgesia compared with 1 mg intrathecal midazolam without any
complications [52]. In a recent meta-analysis, 11 studies showed that the use of
epidural magnesium as an adjuvant to bupivacaine is still controversial. Although
epidural magnesium prolonged the time of the first rescue analgesic and reduced
the number of patients who required rescue analgesics, as well as the requirement of
these analgesics, further studies are needed to assess their usefulness [53].

8.5 Sodium bicarbonate

Local anesthetic agents are usually packed at low pH to enhance their shelf
life. In anesthetic practice, there has been considerable interest in studying the
effect of pH on the onset, duration, and potency of blockade of LAs. It is proven
that alkalinization of the LA improves the quality of block by influencing the
portioning coefficient of anesthetic between aqueous solution and biological
membranes [20]. Adding sodium bicarbonate to lidocaine decreases the latency of
onset and enhances the depth of epidural blockade by increasing the concentration

Topics in Local Anesthetics

of non-ionized drug. The alkaline pH increases the extraneural amount of non-

ionized LA, which is the form that diffuses through the lipid phase of the neural
membrane leading to more rapid diffusion across perineural tissue barriers [54].
CO2 produced by the addition of bicarbonate and bicarbonate per se reduces the
margin of conduction safety of the neural membrane. Moreover, CO2 penetrates
into the nerve, where it may determine trapping of the active cationic form of LA by
acidifying the axoplasm [55].

8.6 Potassium chloride

Movements of ions through the nerve membrane are considered one of the main
steps in the process of excitation and propagation of nerve stimuli. A nerve impulse
can be effectively blocked by accumulation of potassium ions outside the neuron
[56]. Thus, administration of exogenous potassium chloride will reinforce and
prolong the blockade produced by LA. The addition of potassium chloride to LA
increases the extracellular concentration and depolarizes the nerve membrane and
thus blocks the conduction of nerve impulses. Potassium chloride up to 4 mmol/l to
isotonic solutions of lidocaine enhances the clinical effectiveness of the combina-
tion [57]. The addition of physiological amounts of potassium chloride shortens the
latency period and prolongs the duration of the blockade.

8.7 Adenosine

Adenosine receptors are expressed on the surface of most cells. Five classes of
adenosine receptors have been identified. The A1 and A2 receptors are present
centrally and peripherally, with agonism of the A1 receptor leading to antinocicep-
tive response and that of the A2 receptor being algogenic (i.e., activation results in
pain). The diagnostic and therapeutic role for intrathecal adenosine in acute and
chronic pain states is under investigation by several research groups. Intrathecal
adenosine decreases the spontaneous and evoked pain intensity in patients with
neuropathic pain involving hyperalgesia/dysesthesia/allodynia [58]. Its interaction
along with spinal LA is just beginning to be studied.

8.8 Dextran

Low molecular weight dextran (LMWD) was used as an adjuvant with LA

as early as in the 1970s, but the efficacy of dextrans including LMWD remained
controversial, as several studies reported an absence of any substantial difference
in analgesic duration with their addition. That might have been due to poor tech-
niques of regional anesthesia. The use of USG regional blocks has rekindled the use
of LMWD as adjuvant. The addition of LMWD to a LA and epinephrine mixture
when used as an infiltration anesthesia [59], or to a LA alone when performing
a regional block [33], safely prolongs the effective action by reducing systemic
absorption. More studies need to be conducted to elicit the exact mechanism and
dosing ranges.
A word of caution regarding the use of additives in LAs is that only preparations
without preservatives should be used, since these can be neurotoxic. Also, only
adjuvants in clinically safe doses should be used in order to avoid getting the side
effects due to excessive dosages.
Hence further research is required to find the exact mechanism of action and
the safe dose of various adjuvants in order to avoid cardiovascular and neurological
complications. The practice of making off-label use of drugs without getting FDA
approval should be discouraged.

Adjuvant Drugs to Local Anesthetics

9. Conclusion

Locoregional anesthesia is increasingly used as it has demonstrated efficacy,

safety, and low costs. Patients and surgeons have realized its enormous advantages.
Although the use of LA in the management of locoregional anesthesia, postopera-
tive pain, and chronic pain is limited by its duration of action and dose-dependent
adverse effects that mainly affect the cardiovascular and CNS systems, this has been
improved with the use of various LA adjuvant drugs. Adjuvants are medications
that work synergistically with LAs to improve the onset, duration, and quality of
anesthesia-analgesia in regional techniques, as well as greatly reducing the use of
opioid analgesics.
The arsenal of adjuvants has developed from adrenaline, opioids, to a large
group of non-opioid medications with various mechanisms of action. Opioids are
the most commonly used adjuvants and range from morphine, fentanyl, and sufent-
anil to hydromorphone, buprenorphine, and tramadol with very different results.
Its use has been limited by its adverse effects such as respiratory depression, nausea,
vomiting, and pruritus, especially with its neuraxial use. Other adjuvants include
alpha-2 agonists such as clonidine and dexmedetomidine, midazolam, NMDA
antagonists including ketamine and magnesium, neostigmine, sodium bicarbonate,
and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Concern regarding the safety profile of
these adjuvants is due to their potential neurotoxicity and neurological complica-
tions that may limit their use and require further investigation.

Conflict of interests

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Author details

Nandita Mehta* and Sayyidah Aasima tu Nisa Qazi

Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, ASCOMS Jammu, J&K, India

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Topics in Local Anesthetics


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Chapter 5

Current Local Anesthetic

Applications in Regional
Jeffrey M. Carness and Mark J. Lenart


Complete anesthesia is often described using terminology that pertains

to the pharmacodynamic effects of the medications administered. This
vocabulary often includes akinesia, analgesia, amnesia and hypnosis. Local
anesthesia is more specific and represents the administration of an amide or
ester local anesthetic, to affect analgesia, at or around the site of administra-
tion. Anesthesiologists employ a breadth of different clinical techniques that
utilize local anesthetic medications. These techniques include topical, mucosal,
endotracheal, intravenous, peripheral nerve block, epidural, and intrathecal
(spinal) administration. Unique to the fields of anesthesiology and pain medi-
cine, however, is the administration of epidural and intrathecal local anesthetic.
Together, these routes are jointly referred to as neuraxial anesthesia and are often
utilized to facilitate surgical intervention, labor analgesia, or pain therapy. The
history of neuraxial local anesthetic administration is rich and intriguing. The
anatomy of the spinal cord and surrounding structures is complex and pertinent
to the pharmacologic discussion of neuraxial local anesthetic administration.
The pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic interactions of local anesthetics,
when administered via the neuraxial route, are unique and worthy of continued
investigation. Much has been studied, but there is still more to be discovered.
These topics will be the focus of our discussion.

Keywords: anesthetics, local, anesthesia, conduction, pharmacology,

administration and dosage pharmacokinetics, drug-related side effects and adverse
reactions, injections, spinal, injections, epidural, epidural space, analgesia, epidural,
anesthesia, epidural, ropivacaine, bupivacaine, lidocaine, chloroprocaine

1. Introduction

Anesthesia is often described using terminology that references the pharma-

codynamic effects of a medication. This terminology often includes akinesia (loss
or impairment of voluntary movement), analgesia (insensibility to pain), amnesia
(loss of memory) and hypnosis (any of various conditions that resemble sleep).
Local anesthesia is more specific and represents the administration of a medica-
tion, typically an amide or ester local anesthetic, to affect analgesia, and possibly
akinesia, at or around the site of administration. Anesthesiologists employ a
breadth of different clinical techniques that utilize local anesthetic medications.
These techniques include topical, mucosal, endotracheal, intravenous, peripheral

Topics in Local Anesthetics

nerve block, epidural, and intrathecal (spinal) administration. Unique to the

fields of anesthesiology and pain medicine, however, is the administration of
local anesthetics via the epidural and intrathecal routes. Together, these routes
are jointly referred to as neuraxial anesthesia and are often utilized to facilitate
surgical intervention, labor analgesia, or pain therapy. Much has been studied,
but there is still more to be discovered. These topics will be the focus of our

2. Neuraxial anesthesia

2.1 Basic anatomy

To understand the pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and pharmacothera-

peutic activity of local anesthetics in this region, one needs a thorough understand-
ing of neuraxial anatomy. The term neuraxis refers to the axial unpaired portion
of the central nervous system. Of great importance to the discussion of neuraxial
anesthesia is the spinal cord, nerve roots, and the meninges and vertebral bodies
that house and protect them.

2.1.1 Membranes

The spinal cord is surrounded by three protective membranes which delineate

potential and actual neuraxial spaces. Listed from outermost to innermost, these
membranes are termed meninges and refer to the dura mater, the arachnoid mater
and the pia mater. The pia mater directly envelops the spinal cord (Figure 1).
Epidural refers to the potential space between the ligamentum flavum and the outer
surface of the dura mater. Subdural refers to a potential space between the dura
mater and the arachnoid mater. The term intrathecal refers to the thecal sac or the
dura mater enclosure of the cerebrospinal fluid-filled sub-arachnoid (i.e., sub-
arachnoid mater) space. This space remains outside of the pia mater. These spaces
are surrounded by the bony architecture created by the vertebrae.

Figure 1.
Meninges—protective membranes of the spinal cord.

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia

2.1.2 Bones and ligaments

The vertebral column protects the spinal cord and provides support for standing
and walking. The vertebral column is easily recognized by its three curvatures (cer-
vical lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, and lumbar lordosis) and five sections, to include
the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal regions. Each region consists
of seven, twelve, five, five, and four vertebrae respectively for a total of 33. Each
vertebra consists of two components: a vertebral body and the remaining vertebral
arch. The vertebral arch is composed of several components to include laminae,
pedicles, spinous, and transverse processes (Figure 2). Access to the epidural and
intrathecal space for neuraxial local anesthetic administration is obtained via the
spaces between each vertebra. Variation in bony structure between lumbar, tho-
racic, and cervical vertebrae will dictate the approach to these specific regions (e.g.,
the greater downward angle of the thoracic spinous processes necessitates a steeper
midline approach). Between each of the vertebra are several ligaments that are also
typically traversed when administering neuraxial local anesthetics. From superficial
to deep are the supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, and the ligamentum
flavum (named for its yellow pigmentation). The interspinous ligament is affixed
to the inferior and superior aspect of the spinous processes. The supraspinous
ligament attaches to the tips of the vertebral spinous processes (Figure 3) and runs
from the level of C7 to the sacrum.

2.1.3 Vasculature/adipose tissue

The epidural space contains several anatomic structures and tissues to include
vasculature, nerve roots, and adipose tissue. The internal vertebral venous plexus,
also known as the epidural venous plexus, assists with vertebral venous drainage
and serves as an alternate conduit for venous return in the setting of compro-
mised caval blood flow. The plexus consists of two larger anterior longitudinal
veins, located in the anterior aspect of the spinal canal, and two smaller posterior
longitudinal veins. These veins are connected by transverse veins, completing
the plexus. The longitudinal veins are located more posteriorly at the level of the
cervical and lumbar vertebrae, and more posterolaterally at the level of the thorax
[1]. The plexus is surrounded by epidural adipose tissue. Combined with reported

Figure 2.
Human vertebral column and vertebrae. The human vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Figure 3.
Spinal ligaments—this file is licensed under the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0—https://

disruptions in the posterior fusions of the left and right ligamentum flavum, the
adipose tissue and vasculature serve to provide variation in the construct of this
potential space when expanded by local anesthetic.

2.2 Intrathecal administration

2.2.1 History of spinal anesthesia

Various local anesthetics have been investigated for surgical anesthesia (Table 1).
These are divided into two primary categories of local anesthetics (i.e., esters and
amides). Initial studies began with the investigation of the spinal effects of esters
such as cocaine. This was followed by investigation of amylocaine (no longer utilized
in clinical practice), procaine (also known as Novocain), dibucaine and tetracaine.
Of note, amylocaine was first synthesized circa 1903 and is referenced as the first
synthetic local anesthetic to be utilized in spinal anesthesia [2]. This was followed
by the synthesis of procaine (circa 1904) with subsequent early twentieth-century
investigation into its intrathecal administration. Procaine likely found greater
clinical application as a result of the presumed systemic effects (to include physical
dependence) and presumed neurotoxic effects of spinal cocaine administration [3].
Of note, however, is the side effect profile of procaine, which commonly includes
nausea, vasomotor paralysis, and a greater risk for anaphylaxis associated with its
metabolite para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) [3, 4]. The period of 1930 through the
early 1940s saw the discovery and intrathecal employment of longer acting local
anesthetics (i.e., dibucaine and tetracaine). In 1930, Jones described his experiences
with the administration of dibucaine (also known as cinchocaine or nupercaine)
[5, 6]. With a shorter duration of action compared to dibucaine, a more favorable
ratio of sensory to motor fiber blockade, less sympathetic blockade than procaine,
and less perceived toxicity, initial studies into the administration of tetracaine
showed significant promise [7, 8]. In 1945, lidocaine (originally called Xylocaine
as it is a xylidine derivative) was initially administered as a spinal anesthetic. As a

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia

Table 1.
Local anesthetics for spinal anesthesia.

short-acting amide local anesthetic, its pharmacologic profile was deemed ideal for
short to moderate duration operative procedures [9]. Subsequently, in 1946, procaine
was used to synthesize chloroprocaine. Initial reports for the use of chloroprocaine
for spinal anesthesia were positive [10], and chloroprocaine was approved for spinal
anesthesia by the United States Food and Drug Administration in 1955. With rapid
ester hydrolysis neutralizing the effects of chloroprocaine, it became the local
anesthetic of choice for the fastest onset and fastest resolution of spinal blockade.
The rapid ester hydrolysis also created an environment in which almost twice the
amount of chloroprocaine could be administered, compared to procaine, without
toxicity. The improved safety profile also likely contributed to the popularity of this
medication [10]. Despite investigations into other spinally administered local anes-
thetics, these three local anesthetics (i.e., chloroprocaine, lidocaine, and tetracaine)
would find widespread use for short duration, moderate duration, and long duration
operative procedures for the next half of a century. Shortly after the approval of
chloroprocaine, mepivacaine (1956) [11] and prilocaine (1965) [12] would see their
first usage in spinal anesthesia. These two medications, both xylidine derivatives as
well, demonstrate similar potency when compared to lidocaine [9]. With subsequent
studies demonstrating a risk for the development of transient neurologic symptoms
associated with intrathecal lidocaine administration, it would seem that mepivacaine
and prilocaine are currently undergoing further investigation and may serve as
alternatives to lidocaine for ambulatory or surgical procedures of short to moderate
duration [13–15]. The mid-1960s discovery, synthesis, and spinal administration
of bupivacaine, an intermediate to long-acting amide local anesthetic, resulted in
widespread popular clinical application [16, 17]. When evidence surfaced regarding
the potential for racemic bupivacaine toxicity, two (S)-enantiomers of bupivacaine
were researched and scrutinized for spinal anesthesia administration. Initial studies
utilizing spinal ropivacaine (S-enantiomer of bupivacaine) were conducted in the
early 1990s [18–20]. Additional studies regarding the other pure (S)-enantiomer of
bupivacaine, levobupivacaine, were initiated in 1999 [21–23]. Intrathecal administra-
tion of both levobupivacaine and ropivacaine continue.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

2.2.2 Pharmacokinetics of intrathecal local anesthetic administration

The exact mechanism and site of action of local anesthetics in the intrathecal
space are not clear. Some evidence suggest that local anesthetics work to directly
inhibit Na+ and K+ ion channel conduction at the peripheral dorsal nerve root and the
spinal cord within the thecal sac [9, 24]. For this to occur, the local anesthetic must be
absorbed by the neuron and bind to an intracellular site on the Na+/K+ ion channels.
This may only occur when the channels are seen in a conformation associated with
depolarization. Thus, the activity of local anesthetics is referred to as “use-dependent”
activity [25, 26]. Understandably, there are a minimum number of axonal Na+/K+
channels which must depolarize to continue the propagation of the neuronal impulse.
The term “conduction safety” has been utilized to refer to the overabundance of sum-
mation action potential necessary at the axonal regional level to facilitate continued
propagation of this impulse. Due to the decreased conduction safety at the telodendron
of the axon, as compared to the trunk, it is believed that the local anesthetic blockade
has a greater effect in this region [27]. Recognizing the complexity of the neuro-
physiology of pain, this view of an isolated Na+/K+ channel mechanism may be too
simplistic [24]. Primary, secondary, and tertiary synaptic activity occurs as sensory
input is transmitted from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system
and ultimately to the primary sensory cortex of the brain. It is widely recognized that
neuronal transmission relies on both excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials
for inter-neuronal transmission. Liu et al. summarized the current understanding of
the research, which considers a multitude of potential sites for the activity of spinally
administered local anesthetics, to include neuronal transmission at the level of the
dorsal and anterior horn of the spinal cord [9]. It has been postulated that there may
be a role for calcium ion channel manipulation (low voltage and high voltage L-type
calcium channels) in this region [28]. Furthermore, it has been proposed that local
anesthetics administered in the intrathecal space may contribute to the inhibition of
substance P activity at the level of the dorsal root ganglion and the dorsal horn of the
spinal cord [29]. Local anesthetics may also contribute to γ-aminobutyric acid inhibi-
tory potentiation resulting in the inhibition of sensory transmission [30].
Even more fascinating is the discussion and research regarding alteration in elec-
trical “coding” by disruption or alteration in “after-potentials” or “after-oscillations.”
This begins with interruption in neuronal transmission by an incomplete local
anesthetic neuronal blockade due to sub-blocking concentrations of local anesthetic.
Inhibition of sequential firing, or the depolarization of specific neurons, or disrup-
tion of weighted telodendron discharge patterns on a single neuron may contribute
to changes in temporal excitability patterns sufficient to disrupt sensory input [27].
The extent of clinical activity depends upon several pharmacokinetic fac-
tors which can modify the overall visible clinical effects of the local anesthetic.
By report, there are over 25 different factors, some theoretical, which can affect
the spread and distribution of local anesthetics within the neuraxis [31]. Patient
characteristics include age, height, intra-abdominal pressure, patient position,
CSF currents, and CSF volume. Local anesthetic characteristics include potency,
dosage, baricity, lipid solubility, degree of protein binding, and the log of the acid
dissociation constant (i.e., the pKa). These local anesthetic characteristics further
determine the amount of local anesthetic absorption (neuronal, myelin, adipose, or
vasculature) and will ultimately contribute to the observed clinical effect. Cerebrospinal fluid

The intrathecal route of local anesthetic administration is unique in that it bypasses

first pass metabolism by the liver and mechanically penetrates the blood-brain

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia

barrier. This deposition into the cerebrospinal fluid generates unique pharmacokinetic
considerations. As Greene et al. states, “Uptake of local anesthetic injected into the
CSF determines which neuronal functions are affected, elimination from the CSF
determines the duration, and distribution within the CSF determines the extent of
altered neuronal function” [31]. A discussion of CSF is therefore critical.
Cerebrospinal fluid is maintained within the ventricular system of the brain, to
include the cisterns and the intracranial subarachnoid space, as well as the spinal
subarachnoid space (i.e., the thecal sac). There is approximately 150 ml of cerebro-
spinal fluid in the healthy, adult patient. CSF is continuously produced by the cho-
roid plexus, and absorbed via arachnoid villi, at a rate of ~20 ml/h with 400–600 ml
of CSF generated daily [32]. Decreased CSF volume at the time of injection increases
the concentration of local anesthetic in the administered region and influences the
clinical effect. Conditions which increase intra-abdominal pressure, and redistribute
CSF, will mimic CSF volume depletion (i.e., obesity, pregnancy, etc.), amplify CSF
oscillation, and potentially modify the effects of the local anesthetic as well [33]. Absorption, mechanism, onset and duration of action of spinal local


The uptake or absorption of local anesthetic into the vasculature also limits
the distribution and clinical effects of spinal anesthesia. As vascular absorption is
greatest in the epidural space, and the meninges are permeable to local anesthetic, a
concentration gradient is established between the spinal cord, intrathecal
space, and the epidural space [34]. While there is little intrathecal vascular absorp-
tion, some local anesthetic may penetrate the pia mater and be absorbed by vascula-
ture in the spinal cord directly. It is also believed that a more efficient mechanism is
vascular absorption via the increased surface area in the perivascular space (where
blood vessels perforate the pia mater) [24, 34]. Of additional interest is consider-
ation of the effects that local anesthetics have on spinal vasculature. Bupivacaine
and ropivacaine have been shown to decrease spinal blood flow, whereas tetracaine
and lidocaine have been shown to increase spinal blood flow [35, 36].
With regard to absorption, local anesthetic must be in an electrically neutral
configuration (i.e., as an uncharged hydrophobic form of the medication) to
penetrate neuronal tissue. This concept necessitates further discussion of acid
dissociation. Becker and Reed provide a summary for reference [37]. In order to
maintain stability in solution, local anesthetics are formulated as a hydrochloride
salt creating a quaternary amine formulation that is electrically charged to enable
water solubility (hydrophilic). The local anesthetic must, therefore, revert to the
uncharged lipophilic (hydrophobic) tertiary amine form for neuronal penetration
(i.e., the electrically neutral form). The more a local anesthetic dissociates and
releases hydrogen ions at the body’s physiologically neutral pH of 7.4, the more local
anesthetic will remain in the tertiary form and the greater the neuronal absorption
(Figure 4). Understanding the resting pH of the medication is useful, as is under-
standing hydrogen ion dissociation. The dissociation equilibrium between hydrogen
ions and the deprotonated local anesthetic constitutes the equilibrium that deter-
mines the Ka (acid dissociation constant) of the drug. It is expressed as a ratio of
hydrogen ion dissociation at equilibrium by the following equation:
Ka = _ (1)

Ka values are typically very small (i.e., 1 × 10−3), making comparison and
manipulation more challenging. However, the inverse logarithmic value of the
Ka can be utilized to express pKa. These pKa values represent the log of the Ka

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Figure 4.
Mechanism of action of local anesthetics—this file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license.

(acid dissociation constant), or the pH at which 50% of the drug is in the proton-
ated electrically charged hydrophilic quaternary amine form, and 50% is in the
uncharged, lipophilic tertiary amine form. Values range from 7.6 ➔ ~9.0, meaning
that no local anesthetics reach complete equilibrium within the body’s normal pH
range of 7.35–7.45. The pKa values for mepivacaine (~7.6), prilocaine (~7.9) and
lidocaine (~7.9) most closely approximate physiologic pH, suggesting that their
neuronal absorption occurs more quickly, leading to faster onset of clinical symp-
toms. The pKa values of bupivacaine (~8.1) and ropivacaine (~8.1) have a somewhat
slower onset of clinical effect [37].
In addition to neuronal and vascular absorption, the lipid absorption of a local
anesthetic also plays a role in the time of onset—the greater the lipid solubility, the
faster the myelin/neuronal penetration. As reported by Becker and Reed, however,
this appears only to be true in vitro. They hypothesize that the higher lipid solubility
“may impede dispersion throughout tissue fluids.” When applied in vivo, the lipid
solubility appears to promote adipose tissue absorption over neuronal absorption
leading to a delayed onset of clinical effect [37]. This helps to explain the clinically
observed pharmacologic effects of long-acting local anesthetics (i.e., bupivacaine/
ropivacaine/tetracaine) versus shorter-acting local anesthetics such as lidocaine
and mepivacaine. Lidocaine and mepivacaine have a much faster onset of action
compared to bupivacaine and ropivacaine when administered intrathecally (despite
the increased lipid solubility of bupivacaine/ropivacaine).
The pharmacokinetic variable that appears to have the greatest influence on
the duration of action is the degree of intrathecal protein binding. Clement et al.
demonstrated that the non-protein bound or unbound fraction of intrathecal bupi-
vacaine is lower than lidocaine. Because bupivacaine has a higher degree of protein
binding, it has a longer observed clinical effect [38].

2.2.3 Pharmacodynamics of intrathecal local anesthetic administration

The nature of the surgical procedure, or site of pain origination, will dictate
pursuit of a specific distribution of anesthesia. The distributed effect of intrathe-
cal local anesthetic administration is often measured via perceived differences in
sensation of temperature or sharp tactile stimulation. Each spinal nerve provides a
specific anatomic distribution of sensation, or dermatome, which may be measured.
In addition to the desired clinical sensory blockade, pharmacodynamic effects may
be seen throughout several organ systems to include the cardiovascular, respiratory,
gastrointestinal, renal, and immune systems.

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia
DOI: Cardiovascular

Undoubtedly, the spinal administration of local anesthesia can result in hypo-

tension. This is largely believed to be secondary to a sympathetic nervous system
blockade in the region of the pre-ganglionic neuron prior to its synapse on the sym-
pathetic chain ganglion. This blockade results in vascular dilation, which produces a
decrease in systemic vascular resistance (SVR) (venous > arterial). This decrease in
SVR, and the associated decrease in preload, may stimulate a reflexive baroreceptor
response increasing the heart rate to maintain cardiac output. However, it has been
well reported that patients may also experience a different type of cardiac reflex
known as the Reverse Bainbridge (atrial), or Bezold-Jarisch reflex (ventricular).
These reflexes stem from the recognition of a decreased preload to either the atria
or ventricle, which results in reflexive bradycardia to slow the heart and allow for
increased filling time. This ultimately results in a lower cardiac output.
Additionally, the distribution of local anesthetic can block cardiac accelerator fibers
which stem from thoracic sympathetic ganglia T1-T4, further preventing the reflexive
cardiac baroreceptor response. Due to the complexity of these interacting variables,
changes to cardiac output with spinal anesthesia are also variable. Ultimately, spinal
anesthesia often results in a decrease in mean arterial pressure (MAP), though this is
not necessarily true for pre-eclamptic patients with non-sympathetically mediated
elevations in blood pressure. When untreated, depressed cardiovascular effects may
result in decreased cerebral perfusion, nausea/vomiting, and cardiovascular collapse. Respiratory

In 1991, Steinbrook et al. investigated the effects of spinal lidocaine and bupivacaine
on resting pulmonary function in eleven volunteers. They identified a slight decrease in
end-tidal CO2 (34 mmHg ➔ 31 mmHg) with an inverse age correlation (i.e., younger
patients had a greater drop in end-tidal CO2). They reported the absence of significant
change in tidal volume, respiratory rate, and minute ventilation, hypothesizing instead
an increase in dead space ventilation associated with spinal administration. They fur-
ther comment on the paralysis of abdominal musculature leading to an increase in chest
wall compliance and a decrease in mechanical work of breathing. It is interesting to
note their comments regarding increased chest wall compliance and increased respira-
tory frequency variation [39]. Of note, they also allude to spinal level deafferentation of
the chest wall receptors, but make no specific reference to intercostal involvement. Renal

It is well recognized that the kidney receives direct sympathetic innervation

from renal sympathetic nerve fibers derived from the sympathetic chain ganglia. In
addition, the kidney auto-regulates its blood flow utilizing humoral/endocrine fac-
tors released as a result of changes sensed in the macula densa. It is believed that this
mechanism functions both interdependently and independently from sympathetic
function, enabling the preservation of renal blood flow in the absence of sympa-
thetic directive. As described by Smith et al. [40], “It is possible to assume that the
renal vascular bed acquires autonomy de novo only as a consequence of denerva-
tion, but in view of the rapidity and smoothness of anesthetic denervation any such
assumption seems quite superfluous.” It is now understood that there is little effect
on overall renal function as a result of spinal or epidural sympathetic blockade from
local anesthetic administration. Glomerular filtration and renal blood flow are
recognized to only decrease slightly in direct relation to decreases in mean arterial
pressure associated with the sympathetic blockade [40–42].

Topics in Local Anesthetics Digestive

Sympathetic nervous system blockade as a consequence of spinal local anesthetic

administration leads to unimpeded parasympathetic nervous system activity and
gastrointestinal hyperactivity. Hypotension encountered as a result of spinal local
anesthesia may lead to gastrointestinal ischemia and the release of emetogenic sub-
stances such as serotonin. Furthermore, hypotension may lead to hypoperfusion of
the area postrema of the medulla (brain stem—known chemoreceptor trigger zone
for vomiting) resulting in increased serotonin release. The combination of these
factors may contribute to intraoperative/postoperative nausea and vomiting. It is
also important to recognize that hypotension associated with spinal local anesthetic
administration may result in hypoperfusion of the liver. Because hepatic blood
flow is not auto-regulated, this low perfusion pressure may result in impairment of
metabolic functions to include subsequent drug metabolism [43]. Immune

Regarding the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of local anes-

thetics, Cassuto et al. wrote that it is well recognized that the innate and adaptive
immune systems contribute to the destruction of foreign substances and tissue repair
following injury. The immune cells involved in these processes include neutrophils,
macrophages, monocytes, mast cells, T-cells, and B-cells. These cells must undergo
chemotactic targeting to the area of injury, adhere to blood vessel walls, traverse the
blood vessel wall into the tissue, engulf the offending agent, and destroy it. Local
anesthetics have been thought to interfere with every step of this process. They inhibit
leukocyte adherence to the vascular endothelium by possibly interrupting interactions
between leukocyte cell membrane integrins and their receptors (cellular adhesion
molecules—CAMs) expressed on the vascular endothelium. Similarly, they inhibit
the trans-endothelial migration and motility of leukocytes and may interfere with
the “priming” of leukocytes, preventing their full pathogen-destroying capability by
decreasing their free radical production. It has been suggested that local anesthetics
further interrupt the normal cellular actomyosin filament activity resulting in disrup-
tion of the ability of the leukocyte to modulate the cell membrane to engulf the offend-
ing agent for lysosomal destruction. Furthermore, local anesthetics are responsible for
a dose-dependent decrease in the release of lysosomal enzymes [44, 45].
Of additional interest are the anti-inflammatory properties of local anesthetics
that are believed to stem from their inhibition of arachidonic acid derivative synthesis,
their release of histamine, and their attenuation of cytokine release (i.e., IL-1, IL-6,
IL-8, TNF-alpha, etc.). Inhibition of phospholipase A2 synthesis prevents arachidonic
acid cleavage; inhibition of prostaglandin E1/E2 synthesis has been attributed to a
potential reduction in inflammatory pain; inhibition of thromboxane A2 synthesis
results in decreased platelet aggregation; and inhibition of leukotriene B4 synthesis
has been implicated in the reduction of capillary hyper-permeability, resulting in
decreased edema formation due to inflammatory plasma extravasation. Based on
this aggregate model of cell membrane interference (i.e., ion channel inhibition, cell
membrane protein cleavage, cell membrane receptor binding and inhibition, cell
membrane actomyosin function disruption, etc.) researchers have targeted investiga-
tion of specific local anesthetics for their antibacterial and antiviral effects [44, 46]. Factors which effect intrathecal spread

Several factors are considered relevant to the intrathecal spread of local anes-
thetic. These factors may be divided into three categories: factors specific to the

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia

local anesthetic solution, factors specific to the patient, and factors specific to the
procedure itself. All of these have been described in an article by Hocking and
Wildsmith which may be referenced for additional information [47].
With regard to the local anesthetic solution, the degree of intrathecal spread is
related to the baricity, temperature, viscosity, and dosage of local anesthetic admin-
istered. Baricity is the ratio of substance density to CSF density. As such, there are
hyperbaric, hypobaric or isobaric (i.e., denser than cerebrospinal fluid, less dense
than cerebrospinal fluid, or similar density to cerebrospinal fluid) formulations of
local anesthetic solution. Upon injection, baricity affects the caudal versus cephalad
spread of solution within the CSF. Baricity, in combination with patient position-
ing, will ultimately determine the spread and distribution of local anesthetic within
the thecal sac. Temperature also affects the density of a local anesthetic solution
such that a refrigerated or warmed solution may possess a baricity different from its
manufactured specification. Investigations evaluating the additional effect of local
anesthetic solution viscosity on intrathecal spread suggest that increased viscosity is
associated with increased local anesthetic distribution within the intrathecal space
[48]. Finally, there is a relationship between dosage, volume, and concentration.
Recognizably, changes in any of these variables influence the others as they pertain
to the specific mixture of a local anesthetic solution prepared for administration.
Though several studies have been performed to evaluate these factors, dosage seems
to have the most significant impact on the intrathecal spread of local anesthetic.
In discussing patient factors, patient height, position, and age all contribute
to the spread of intrathecal local anesthetic. Though it may affect spread, gross
height is not a reliable characteristic for determination of local anesthetic dosing.
Hartwell et al. demonstrated a correlation between vertebral column length and
the level of local anesthetic sensory blockade. As a surrogate for height, the authors
suggest the use of vertebral column length instead. This recommendation is based
on the recognition that there may be patient height differences attributed to differ-
ences in extremity length, which have no reference value with regard to thecal sac
dimensions or cerebrospinal fluid volume. Regarding thecal sac characteristics, it
is recognized that the vertebral column curvatures (and thus variations in thecal
sac positioning) influence the intrathecal spread of local anesthetic. The interplay
between lumbar lordosis, thoracic kyphosis, and baricity helps to explain the
largely “dependent” thoracic distribution of hyperbaric local anesthetic solutions
after intrathecal injection and positioning of a patient in the supine position. With
regard to baricity, it was demonstrated that the density of CSF varies between
patients. CSF in women is less dense than in men. It is less dense in pregnant women
than in non-pregnant women and is less dense in pre-menopausal women than
in post-menopausal women. This fact has unique importance in that a significant
portion of surgeries performed under spinal anesthesia are cesarean sections in pre-
menopausal, pregnant women who can be expected to have decreased CSF density.
It has been further demonstrated that extremes of age can impact the spread of
intrathecal local anesthetic. Veering et al. reported on the increasing length of time
required for the maximum upper level of analgesia to be seen with advancing age.
This was associated with an inverse onset of motor blockade relationship such that a
faster onset of motor blockade was seen with advancing age. Furthermore, the time
to peak plasma concentration of local anesthetic was increased, and the total plasma
clearance decreased with advancing age [49–52].
Finally, procedural components may have an impact on the distribution of local
anesthetic. It is known that the initial pressure generated by the injection of local
anesthetic creates waves within the CSF. It was previously believed that generation of
additional fluid waves, via a technique known as barbotage, would facilitate greater
spread. Several investigations have demonstrated that barbotage does not affect the

Topics in Local Anesthetics

ultimate height of the sensory blockade. It may, however, slightly decrease the time to
achieve maximum sensory and motor blockade, though this may be of limited clinical
value [53–55]. Regarding injection speed and pressure itself, studies have been mixed.
It would seem that utilizing increasing speed, and pressure of injection potentially
facilitates a greater spread of isobaric local anesthetic with diminishing effects seen
with hyperbaric local anesthetic [47, 56]. Lastly, the needle orientation and approach
(midline versus paramedian) to the neuraxis may alter local anesthetic distribution.
James et al. demonstrated a faster onset of T4 block when the Sprotte needle was
inserted with the side eye facing cephalad [57]. Urmey et al., similar to Neigh et al.,
also reported a higher dermatomal distribution when the side aperture of the needle
was oriented in a cephalad manner [58, 59]. To the contrary, Masse et al. reported that
the orientation of the aperture of the Whitacre needle did not influence the cephalad
spread of hyperbaric bupivacaine in parturients [60]. Stienstra et al. demonstrated
that a paramedian approach with steep angle (70–100 degrees from level) was also
associated with a greater cephalad sensory blockade [61].

2.2.4 Adverse effects Local anesthetic systemic toxicity

Each local anesthetic has a unique pharmacokinetic profile. This profile dictates
the potential for adverse events that may be seen with local anesthetic administra-
tion. One of the most concerning adverse effects is local anesthetic systemic toxicity
(LAST). Inadvertent vascular administration or changes in vascular absorption
may result in a constellation of symptoms, dependent upon the rate of increase in
serum concentration and the injection location. Symptoms are typically classified
into two groups: central nervous system or cardiovascular. Central nervous system
(CNS) symptoms may include dizziness, perioral numbness, tinnitus, metallic
taste, agitation, seizures, and coma. Cardiovascular (CV) symptoms, usually seen
with increasing serum concentrations, may include dysrhythmias (i.e., tachycardia,
bradycardia, and ventricular ectopy), myocardial depression, hypotension, and
asystole. It is important to note, however, that CNS symptoms may not be noted
prior to the onset of cardiovascular collapse. The potential for local anesthetic
toxicity may be conceptualized using a metric estimation of the ratio of CV toxic
dose: CNS toxic dose. This ratio is lower (i.e., more potential for cardiac toxicity)
for amide anesthetics such as ropivacaine and bupivacaine (with bupivacaine
having the lowest ratio and greatest potential for toxicity). This is due in part to
its lipid solubility, greater protein binding, and hepatic metabolism [62, 63]. An
exact mechanism for LAST has yet to be fully elucidated, but it has been suggested
that the ultimate cause is likely a combination of Na+/K+/Ca2+ ion channel blockade
(resulting in myocardial depression) in conjunction with metabotropic intracellular
effects. These intracellular effects include a potential mitochondrial translocase
inhibition, which may prevent the movement of the acyl portion of fats and ketones
into the inner mitochondria for energy processing. This substrate reduction may
create a synergistic depression of cardiac function as a consequence of the myocar-
dial reliance on mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids and ketones for energy [63].
It is important to recognize that certain pathophysiologic states will also affect the
toxicity of local anesthetics. These include renal dysfunction, cardiac dysfunction, and
hepatic dysfunction. In patients with renal dysfunction, a greater volume of distribu-
tion and greater alpha-1 glycoprotein binding would portend a lower free fraction
serum concentration. However, there is often a hyperdynamic circulation associated
with diminished elimination of the agent leading to a variable serum concentration
and recommendations for reduced dosages [63]. Patients with severe heart failure

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia

experience a decreased intravascular uptake portending a lower serum concentration.

However, they often experience diminished renal and hepatic perfusion leading to
a decreased rate of metabolism and elimination necessitating recommendations for
reduced dosages as well. Finally, severe hepatic disease, with its associated decreased
hepatic metabolism, necessitates decreased local anesthetic administration to offset
the delayed metabolism and elimination of the local anesthetic from the body [63].
Regardless of the manifestation, the key to successful treatment is early consider-
ation of the diagnosis. The development and widespread distribution of lipid emulsion
has improved the survival of such cases via a mechanism that includes a combination
of reduced tissue binding and improved energetic-metabolic effects. Since the first
report of a patient saved by lipid rescue in 2006 [64] case reports and clinical experi-
ence have continued to add to the body of evidence suggesting its efficacy. Neurotoxicity

Initial concerns regarding the administration of lidocaine for spinal anesthesia

surfaced in the early 1990s. At that time, microcatheters were being employed for the
continuous intrathecal administration of lidocaine. A case report in 1991 brought to
light the potential for cauda equina syndrome associated with intrathecal lidocaine
administration. This was believed to be a result of pooling of high concentration (5%)
lidocaine inside the caudal dural sac [65]. Ongoing surveillance and reporting, how-
ever, indicated a continuum of symptoms. This was described at the time as Transient
Radicular Irritation (TRI) associated with intrathecal bolus lidocaine administration
for spinal anesthesia. These symptoms were later reclassified and have come to be
better known as Transient Neurologic Symptoms (i.e., the occurrence of sensory
radicular neuropathic pain in the absence of motor dysfunction that resolves within
72 h) [66]. Additional studies were performed to evaluate for contributing causes
to include concentration, baricity, dosage, and adjuncts (i.e., epinephrine, dextrose,
etc.). Furthermore, the occurrence of TNS with alternative local anesthetics, such as
bupivacaine, mepivacaine, etc., have been investigated as well. Reported incidence of neurotoxicity

According to data presented by Brull et al., the incidence of radiculopathy or neu-

ropathy following contemporary spinal local anesthetic administration is believed to
occur in 3.78 out of 10,000 spinal esthetics. They further report that the risk of cauda
equina syndrome with spinal anesthesia is less frequent, occurring in ~0.11/10,000,
and the risk of permanent neurologic injury is reportedly exceedingly rare [67]. Neurotoxicity mechanism

The exact mechanism for the occurrence of neurologic injury or production of

transient neurologic symptoms is unknown. Recognizably, each local anesthetic has
a different pharmacodynamic profile resulting in greater frequency (i.e., lidocaine)
versus lesser frequency (i.e., bupivacaine) of neurologic symptoms believed to be
secondary to neuronal insult. There has been a suggestion that neurologic symp-
toms following spinal local anesthetic administration may stem from the local
vasoconstrictive properties of the local anesthetic [68]. It is understood that differ-
ent local anesthetics have different vasoconstrictive effects and that these effects
are also dose-dependent. High concentrations of local anesthetic result in vasodila-
tion, whereas low concentrations have a more vasoconstrictive effect [68]. This
vasoconstrictive effect at low dose may result in neuronal ischemia. Certainly, there
is always the potential for mechanical trauma from the needle or intrafascicular

Topics in Local Anesthetics

injection with increased intrafascicular administration pressures leading to neu-

ronal ischemia and injury [65]. This, however, is rare. There is research that sug-
gests the effects of local anesthetics are the result of their impact on intracellular
metabolism, such as on the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and caspase
pathways. It is interesting to note the activation of different MAPK pathways with
specific local anesthetics (i.e., tetracaine activates the c-Jun N-terminal kinase
pathway versus lidocaine activation of the p38 MAPK pathway) [69]. Furthermore,
use of lipoxygenase inhibitors seems to diminish the degree of neuronal apoptosis
in response to lidocaine administration suggesting a potential role for inflammatory
mediators in the generation of neurotoxicity [69]. Kan et al. further investigated
an inflammatory component by demonstrating the ability to regulate levels of
caspase-9 and matrix-metalloprotease-3 expression via preemptive incubation
with subsequent inflammatory signaling pathway modification. This resulted in
decreased apoptosis in response to in vitro neuronal lidocaine administration [70]. Other adverse effects Hypotension

Hypotension after spinal local anesthetic administration is a well-known direct

effect of sympathetic nervous system blockade with venous pooling of blood in the
lower extremities. Defining hypotension is as challenging as determining treatment
since the literature utilizes different definitions (i.e. <100 mmHg, <90 mmHg, <80% of
baseline, etc.) [71]. Numerous studies have evaluated different methodologies for treat-
ing this hypotension. Definition and treatment are beyond the scope of this chapter. Infectious complications

Historically, and anecdotally, spinal local anesthetic administration has a low

reported incidence of infectious complications, and include, but are not limited to
paraspinal abscesses, spinal/epidural abscesses, meningitis, arachnoiditis, and sys-
temic inflammation with sepsis. In reviewing the literature for infectious complica-
tions, a very low correlating incidence was discovered. Moore and Bridenbaugh, after
reviewing 52,112 spinal anesthetics, reported the occurrence of three central nervous
system infections (i.e., 0.06 cases per 1000) [72]. In a more recent review, Horlocker
et al. reported on the occurrence of two infectious complications out of 4767 consecu-
tive spinal anesthetics which were reviewed (i.e., 0.4 cases per 1000). One case was a
disc abscess and the other a paraspinal abscess. Both patients remained neurologically
intact after appropriate treatment. Infections associated with spinal local anesthetic
injection are infrequent and, as discussed previously, may be due in part to the
concentration-dependent antibacterial effects of local anesthetic administration [73]. Vertebral canal hematoma

The etiology of vertebral canal hematoma after neuraxial local anesthetic

administration appears multifactorial with patient-related (i.e., demographics,
comorbidities, etc.), medication-related and procedural contributions [74]. Historical
demographic data portrays a potential predisposition based upon age and gender [75].
The retrospectively reported incidence of vertebral canal hematoma varies widely
and ranges from 1:3600 (seen in patients receiving a spinal local anesthetic for total
knee arthroplasty), to 1:200,000 (as seen in obstetric patients receiving an epidural
local anesthetic for labor analgesia) [74, 76, 77]. The report on the Third National
Audit Project of the Royal College of Anesthetists further suggests a prospective

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia

incidence of 8 vertebral canal hematomas in 707,425 (~ 1:88,000). Interestingly,

46% of these neuraxial blocks were spinals, and there were zero vertebral canal
hematomas associated with spinal instrumentation. Recognizably, this complication
portends a notably poor prognosis associated with persistent neurologic deficit [78]. Thermoregulatory disruption

Administration of spinal anesthesia is associated with a disruption in thermo-

regulation. The threshold for vasoconstriction and shivering in response to hypo-
thermia becomes dysregulated. According to Kurz et al., the threshold for triggering
a thermoregulatory response to hypothermia is decreased by ~0.5°C. Temperature
is lost more quickly during the initial 30 min after spinal anesthesia (as a result
of core-to-peripheral redistribution of heat) when compared to epidural local
anesthetic administration. This is believed to be secondary to a lesser degree of
autonomic thermal dysregulation in the lower extremities with epidural local
anesthesia administration (i.e., failure to obtain a complete blockade with epidural
versus spinal local anesthesia administration). This clinical effect garners greater
importance when considering the detrimental effects of hypothermia (i.e., wound
infection, coagulopathy, delayed arousal from anesthesia, etc.). Though beyond the
scope of this chapter, yet still of clinical importance, is the potential additive effect
of intrathecal opioid administration on the disruptive thermoregulatory effect of
spinal local anesthetic administration [79–81]. Post-dural puncture headache

The term post-dural puncture headache often refers to a clinical constellation

of symptoms seen after penetration of the dura mater. Symptoms include the
presence of a transient, self-limited, positional, frontal-occipital headache tradi-
tionally believed to occur within 72 h of dural penetration. In addition, patients
may complain of nausea (+/− vomiting), dizziness, tinnitus, neck stiffness, or
photophobia. Studies indicate a significant association with specific types of needles
used for spinal local anesthetic administration. Smaller gauge, pencil point needles
(i.e., spinal needles) are less often associated with post-dural puncture headaches,
as compared to larger gauge cutting needles (i.e., epidural needles). For this reason,
post-dural puncture headache is less often associated with spinal local anesthetic
administration, as compared to inadvertent puncture with epidural catheter place-
ment. Historically, treatments focused on bed rest, hydration, caffeine, and analge-
sics to include acetaminophen and NSAIDs. These conservative treatments are not
currently supported by evidence of efficacy. The sterile epidural injection of blood
(i.e., an epidural blood patch), is recognized as traditional therapy and is effective
in providing adequate pain relief in ~65–70% of patients. Optimally, in light of the
challenges with treating post-dural puncture headaches, it is best to avoid inadver-
tent dural puncture. If inadvertent dural puncture occurs, techniques to minimize
the likelihood of post-dural puncture headache should be considered [82]. Hearing loss

Hearing loss after neuraxial local anesthetic administration deserves special

consideration. Some providers remain unaware of the potential for this type of
transient, self-limited low-frequency sensorineural hearing loss. This type of
hearing loss may be as prevalent as 10–50% of all spinal local anesthetic administra-
tions (with such variable reported prevalence due to the limited degree of patient/
clinician awareness). Interestingly, it seems the same risk factors for a post-dural

Topics in Local Anesthetics

puncture headache apply in the setting of post-spinal local anesthesia hearing loss.
According to Sprung et al., the subarachnoid space is contiguous with a small canal
in the ear (i.e., the cochlear aqueduct) that transmits cerebrospinal fluid pressure
to the inner ear. Sound waves are theorized to be transmitted through the fluid
in the middle ear onto the basilar membrane. Changes in transmitted pressure to
the middle ear are hypothesized to distort the interpretation of these sound waves
through the basilar membrane. Decreases in cerebrospinal fluid pressure, as trans-
mitted through the cochlear canal and into the fluid of the inner ear, is believed to
be the mechanism by which patients suffer a loss of low-frequency sensorineural
hearing after spinal anesthesia administration [83].

2.3 Epidural administration

2.3.1 Contents and structure of the epidural space

Transitioning to a discussion of epidural local anesthetic administration gener-

ates an opportunity for a brief discussion of the epidural anatomy to supplement
the anatomy discussed at the beginning of the chapter. Definition/surrounding bony construct

The epidural space is widest posteriorly in the midline and averages about 5 mm
between the ligamentum flavum and the dura in the lumbar region. The boundaries
of the epidural space are:

Above: the foramen magnum where the periosteal and spinal layers of the
dura fuse
Below: the sacrococcygeal membrane
Anteriorly: the posterior longitudinal ligament covering the posterior aspect of
the vertebral bodies and the intervertebral discs
Posteriorly: the anterior surfaces of the vertebral lamina and the ligamentum flavum
Laterally: the pedicles of the vertebrae and the intervertebral foramina [1, 84]

Interestingly, spinal nerve root cuffs are identified along the lateral aspect of the
epidural space. These have previously been defined as “prolongations of the dura
and arachnoid lamina” and are believed to enclose spinal nerve roots within this
space. Previously referred to as “dural cuffs,” it is now believed that the cuffs include
not only the dura mater but the arachnoid mater as well, thus making this previous
term inaccurate [85]. This construct may influence the spread of local anesthetic
when administered via the epidural route. Adipose tissue

The contents of the spinal canal are cushioned in a packing of fat, through which
injected solutions track while spreading to target receptors. This adipose tissue is richly
vascularized [86, 87] yet lies mostly unattached in the spinal canal. In the region of
nerve roots, collagen concentration increases and coalesces with the fat in the interver-
tebral foramina. Adipose tissue “competes” for its share of the drug, along with nervous
tissue and vasculature, and is an important pharmacologic space and repository.
Medications with high lipid solubility and/or lipoprotein binding tend to enter and
remain in this tissue, depending on local blood flow, and can impact drug behavior in
the epidural space profoundly. This competition with extraneural tissue then generates,
when compared to spinal doses, a higher epidural medication dosage requirement [88].

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia
DOI: Vasculature

Spinal arteries, epidural veins, and lymphatics are all co-inhabitors of this
space. Spinal arteries derive from the vertebral, ascending cervical, deep cervical,
intercostal, lumbar, and iliolumbar arteries. They lie chiefly in the lateral epidural
space. Epidural veins arise from the internal vertebral venous plexus and drain
both the spinal cord and the spinal canal. Lying mainly anterolaterally, they pass
through the intervertebral foramina on their journey toward the vertebral, posterior
intercostal, lumbar and lateral sacral veins. It is through this network that increased
pressures (intra-abdominal and intrathoracic) are transmitted to the epidural space
[84]. The lack of valves in this system results in the distention of these vessels and a
consequent reduction in epidural space volume. The lymphatic network is located
anteriorly to the intervertebral foramen and aid in the cleansing of the subarach-
noid space, draining to the regional lymph nodes. Rivulets

The interrelationship between the factors that influence epidural blockade and
the clinical effect is surprisingly complex. Epidural analgesia is not a simple matter of
spinal root or ganglion blockade, but rather is the end state of action at various sites
after passage through multiple sites. Unique to epidural local anesthetic administra-
tion is the concept of rivulets. Hogan reported the spread of injected ink as “rivulets”
through numerous small channels rather than as a unified advancing front [89].
Injection results in circumferential spread anteriorly and posteriorly around the thecal
sac. Laterally, epidural solution extrudes beyond the intervertebral foramen following
a parallel path along the paraspinous musculature fascial plane [89]. Hogan et al. also
noted that the lateral spread of epidural solution sporadically encompassed the more
proximal dorsal nerve root prior to the dorsal root ganglion in the “axilla” of the nerve
root. This non-uniform distribution of solution, within the epidural space, may then
correlate with clinical data suggesting that slow, not fast, injection rates (0.3–0.75 ml/s)
result in the most effective spread of analgesia [89]. Undoubtedly, this variation in
epidural space content combined with varying spread contributes to the somewhat
unpredictable clinical effects seen with epidural local anesthetic administration.

2.3.2 Pharmacokinetics of epidural local anesthetic administration Factors which affect epidural spread

As mentioned above, and contrary to the effects of intrathecal local anesthetic,

the complex nature of epidural analgesia is suggested by the lack of relevance of
physical factors affecting anatomical spread when compared to the clinically pres-
ent segmental analgesia. Absorption, potency, duration, onset

Local anesthetics stabilize excitable cell membranes and block sodium and
potassium flux through the axonal membrane ion pores. The anesthetic profile and
clinical characteristics of a local anesthetic depends on its lipid solubility, protein
binding, and dissociation constant (pKa). Lipid solubility is generally agreed to
be the primary determinant of intrinsic anesthetic potency. Protein binding is the
characteristic associated with duration of action of the agent since those that attach
to protein components of nerve membranes are less likely to diffuse from the site of
action to enter the systemic circulation. The pKa of a compound, as discussed earlier

Topics in Local Anesthetics

in detail and defined as the pH at which there is equilibrium between the ionized
and unionized states of the molecule, impacts the rate of onset of clinical effect.
This value is important for effective anesthesia because the uncharged form of
the molecule is essential for epineural diffusion across lipid nerve sheaths and cell
membranes. Conversely, only the charged form can dissociate in water and diffuse
through cellular fluid and intracellular metabolism [90, 91]. Metabolism

The metabolic mechanism of local anesthetics depends on their chemical

classification. Amide-type local anesthetics, including ropivacaine, are primarily
metabolized by the hepatic esterase activity seen in the P450 system in the liver
[92, 93]. Ester-type local anesthetics (procaine, benzocaine, tetracaine) are predomi-
nantly hydrolyzed by plasma pseudocholinesterase.

2.3.3 Pharmacodynamics of epidural local anesthetic administration Measuring effects

A discussion of clinical effect should include a comment on the differential

blockade. Independent of differences in nerve fiber size and resistance to blockade,
local anesthetics have varied differential blockade characteristics. Even within a single
agent, the differential blockade can vary. As an example, bupivacaine, one of the best
agents at producing effective analgesia while sparing motor loss, loses its motor-spar-
ing characteristics as the bupivacaine concentration is increased from 0.5 to 0.75%.
The mode of action of epidural analgesia is far from clear. Proposed sites of action
have included: (1) mixed spinal nerves in the paravertebral space, (2) dorsal root ganglia,
(3) spinal roots, and (4) the periphery of the spinal cord. Regardless, blockade of a nerve
fiber varies based on the duration of exposure, the exposed length of the axon, the type
and site of the axon, and the concentration of local anesthetic at the axonal membrane.
Tachyphylaxis describes the condition of acute tolerance to local anesthetic drugs,
though its mechanism is not well understood. The relationship between the change
of response and interval between injections is complicated. However, it is likely the
interval between the disappearance of analgesia and the subsequently repeated injec-
tion of local anesthetic is primary. When it occurs, decreasing analgesic effectiveness
is noted, including a decrease in the number of dermatomes blocked as well as a
decrease in motor block, showing that all measurable components of anesthesia are
affected. Simply, with repeated doses, fewer segments are anesthetized, the duration
of action is decreased, and both motor and sensory blockade are less intense [94].
The response to epidural blockade includes both autonomic blockade as a result
of sympathetic interruption and somatic pain blockade (similar to intrathecal
injection of local anesthetic, but with a greater duration of time to achieve clinical
effect). The sympathetic blockade has consequent effects on vascular beds, cardiac
functioning, and other visceral structures as discussed previously. Somatic pain
blockade provides for the potential of anatomic functional restoration secondary
to pain responses. Both results can occur as a consequence of epidural blockade and
may be utilized in the operating room, in the labor suite or the pain clinic.

3. Conclusions

In conclusion, the administration of local anesthetic via the intrathecal or epidural

route possesses unique pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties. These

Current Local Anesthetic Applications in Regional Anesthesia

properties are influenced by the complex anatomy of bones, ligaments, membranes,

vasculature, and adipose tissue. Understandably, the mechanism of action of local anes-
thetics is complex with primary Na+ and K+ ion channel activity. Additional involve-
ment of Ca2+ ion channels, γ-aminobutyric acid, and substance P have been proposed.
Pharmacokinetic variables affecting the clinical picture associated with local
anesthetic administration include the protein binding, lipid solubility, and pKa. Spinal
local anesthetic pharmacodynamic effects are variable and influenced by factors
that are unique to the local anesthetic solution, factors that are unique to the patient,
and factors that are associated with the method of local anesthetic administra-
tion. Epidural pharmacodynamic effects are characterized by a lack of relevance of
physical factors affecting anatomical spread when compared to the clinically present
segmental analgesia. Both spinal and epidural local anesthetic administration are
associated with clinical effects that involve the cardiovascular, pulmonary, digestive,
renal, and immune systems to varying degrees of significance. Local anesthetic toxic-
ity affects the nervous system and cardiovascular system to varying degrees based on
the properties of the individual local anesthetic (i.e., lipid solubility, CV: CNS toxicity
ratio, etc.) and the toxic dosage administered. Regardless of the manifestations of
toxicity, the key to successful treatment is early consideration of the diagnosis. The
development and widespread distribution of lipid emulsion has improved survival
and should be considered in all cases where local anesthetic toxicity is a concern.

Conflict of interest

The views expressed in the manuscript are those of the authors and do not
reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Navy, Department of
Defense, or the U.S. Government.
We are military service members. This work was prepared as part of our official
duties. Title 17 U.S.C. 105 provides that “Copyright protection under this title is not
available for any work of the United States Government.” Title 17 U.S.C. 101 defines
a United States Government work as a work prepared by a military service member
as part of that person’s official duties.
The authors have no conflict of interest or financial disclosure to report.

Author details

Jeffrey M. Carness1* and Mark J. Lenart2

1 United States Naval Hospital, Bremerton, Washington, USA

2 Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Topics in Local Anesthetics


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Chapter 6

Local Anaesthetics for Spinal

Anaesthesia in Day-Case Surgery
Margaretha Barbara Breebaart


Day-case procedures require a high turnover, high quality and low costs.
Lidocaine has long been the gold standard for ambulatory spinal anaesthesia.
However, the risk of transient neurological symptoms (TNS) limits its use. The
perfect local anaesthetic for spinal anaesthesia in day-case surgery should have fast
recovery, fast voiding time and a low risk on TNS and urinary retention. Urinary
retention is a result of prolonged sensory blockade of the pelvic nerves and is local
anaesthetic dose and potency dependent. As a substitute for lidocaine, several
local anaesthetics have been suggested in various doses or combinations with or
without additives. However, not all are registered for spinal use or have a short-
acting profile. The use of additives has been subject of debate because of possible
delay in the recovery of bladder. Recently, the old local anaesthetics chloroprocaine
and prilocaine were reintroduced in the market. They provide rapid recovery after
spinal anaesthesia in day-case surgery. This chapter gives an overview of the local
anaesthetics suitable for spinal anaesthesia in day-case surgery, the advantages
and disadvantages and the influence on discharge time and recovery of bladder

Keywords: spinal anaesthesia, ambulatory surgery, local anaesthetics, urinary

retention, transient neurological symptoms, lidocaine, bupivacaine, mepivacaine,
prilocaine, chloroprocaine

1. Introduction

Day-case surgical procedures require an anaesthetic technique with the possibil-

ity of a high turnover, a high quality of care and low costs [1]. Spinal anaesthesia
is an easy and cheap technique, has a fast onset and causes minimal side effects.
Urinary retention and transient neurological symptom (TNS) are side effects
of spinal anaesthesia and reason for some anaesthetists only to provide general
anaesthesia in day-case surgery. Despite the fact that these side effects are mostly
temporary, they affect the quality of care to a great extent.
Lidocaine is a short-acting local anaesthetic and was frequently used for spinal
anaesthesia in day-case surgery until it became clear that the incidence of TNS is
significantly higher than with other local anaesthetics [2].
The ideal spinal anaesthesia for day-case surgery provides a rapid onset and
a short duration of action, allowing a fast turnover of patients for a double-bed
planning. Spontaneous voiding is still a discharge criterion in our and many other
hospitals: faster spontaneous voiding results in faster discharge.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Urinary retention after spinal anaesthesia is most often a result of a prolonged

sensory blockade of the pelvic nerves. The duration of a spinal block is local anaesthetic
dose and potency dependent [3]. The dose of a local anaesthetic to provide adequate
surgical anaesthesia can be lowered by using spinal additive drugs [4]. Opioids and
clonidine prolong the duration and increase the quality of the sensory nerve block in
spinal anaesthesia. By adding spinal clonidine, the local anaesthetic dose can be reduced
without increasing the risk of block failure [5]. The question rises if the benefit of
lowering local anaesthetic dose outweighs the side effects of the additive administered.
The incidence of urinary retention after spinal anaesthesia has been reported
with a high variability. There is neither uniformity nor consensus when to catheter-
ise [6]. Fluid policy has also been a subject of debate. A restrictive fluid policy is a
way of preventing bladder filling, but a more liberal schedule could speed up the
time to void and fasten discharge time. Furthermore, there is an enormous inter-
patient variability in bladder capacity and in the definition of urinary retention.
Different techniques exist to perform spinal anaesthesia, producing selective
spinal anaesthesia by changing baricity, dose and position, like a saddle block or
unilateral anaesthesia. Little is known about the effects of these techniques on the
restoration of bladder function.

2. Spinal anaesthesia in day-case surgery

2.1 History of local anaesthetics for day-case surgery

In 1954, lidocaine was introduced and became very popular for spinal anaes-
thesia because of its favourable profile for day-case surgery [7]. In 1993, TNS were
described after its use [8]. Subsequently, additional case reports and prospective
trials were published about the appearance of TNS with lidocaine [9–11]. In 2005,
a meta-analysis from Zaric et al. clearly demonstrated an increased risk when
lidocaine was used for spinal anaesthesia. However, many physicians were not really
concerned by these symptoms because they were transient and lidocaine remained
very popular. Even up to now, some clinicians still prefer lidocaine.
The appearance of TNS did initiate a quest for the replacement of lidocaine
to provide cost-effective, short-acting spinal anaesthesia with a low incidence of
side effects. It should also be noted that with the progression of modern medicine,
patient satisfaction became more important as an indicator of the quality of care.
Temporary side effects that were not considered very important previously now
became clinically relevant.

2.2 Spinal anaesthesia: advantages and disadvantages

Spinal anaesthesia is an easy technique that has proven its benefit for many years
[12]. After injection of the local anaesthetic solution in the CSF, it provides good
surgical anaesthesia for procedures below the umbilicus. The incidence of PONV is
low and allows eating and drinking immediately after the procedure.
Although the incidence is low, spinal anaesthesia can fail by producing an
insufficient block height or a patchy block [13]. The duration of spinal anaesthesia
cannot be extended when the duration of surgery outlasts surgical anaesthesia.
When this happens a conversion to general anaesthesia must be made.
Several side effects can occur after injection of the local anaesthetic.
Sympathetic block, hypotension and cardiovascular depression can occur, especially
when block height exceeds the fifth thoracic dermatome or when patients are of
older age [12].

Local Anaesthetics for Spinal Anaesthesia in Day-Case Surgery

Late side effects from spinal anaesthesia are urinary retention, TNS, backache
and PDPH. Bleeding or abscess formation are rare but can occur.
To prevent PDPH, smaller and non-cutting needles were developed with a
pencil-point-shaped tip. This atraumatic needle tip separates the dural fibres rather
than cutting them, with a lower risk of CSF leakage after puncture. After introduc-
tion of these needles, the incidence of PDPH dropped to 0.6–3% [14, 15].
TNS are described as a dull bouncing pain or dysesthesia at the gluteal region or
lower limbs after spinal anaesthesia. The symptoms mostly occur within 24 h after
block regression, and there is an interval of 2–5 h between mobilisation and onset
of the symptoms [16]. The pain mostly disappears within 5 days, but a duration of 3
weeks has been described [17]. The aetiology of these symptoms is not well under-
stood. A neurotoxic mechanism is suspected although no neurologic disorders are
observed. Lidocaine and mepivacaine show the highest incidence of TNS, but they
are described for other local anaesthetics as well [18]. Lidocaine concentration and
osmolarity, early ambulation, age, needle size and level of puncture all have been
suggested as contributing factors, but the evidence in literature is weak and contro-
versial. Ambulatory anaesthesia, the lithotomy position and knee arthroscopy are
known to be risk factors [10, 11, 19–22].

2.3 Comparison with other anaesthetic techniques

Spinal and general anaesthesia have frequently been compared in literature.

In 2005, a meta-analysis compared different locoregional techniques with general
anaesthesia for ambulatory surgery [23]. After including 23 trials with more than
1000 patients, it was concluded that general anaesthesia had a faster onset and a
40 min faster discharge time than spinal anaesthesia. However postoperative pain
scores and the incidence of PONV were higher for general anaesthesia. Patients were
equally satisfied with all techniques. Comparison of costs was not part of the analy-
sis. After this meta-analysis, more recent studies confirmed the delay in discharge
but also showed an increase in urinary retention for spinal anaesthesia. Less PONV
and lower pain scores after spinal anaesthesia were consistent findings [24–28].
Spinal anaesthesia displays a clear advantage concerning PONV and postopera-
tive pain scores. It is clear that we should improve recovery time and lower the
incidence of urinary retention and TNS when spinal anaesthesia has to compete
with general anaesthesia. It is important to realise that the choice of drugs and
equipment only has a minor contribution in anaesthesia expenses compared to
personnel costs. Reducing turnover times and fasten recovery and discharge have an
economical benefit because of saving manpower. Unanticipated admissions and the
occurrence of side effects are cost-increasing factors [29, 30].
A limitation in many studies has been the use of long-acting local anaesthetics,
while short-acting local anaesthetics might provide a faster recovery [31].
When it comes to difference on the longer-term outcome, there is not much evi-
dence of superiority of spinal or general anaesthesia. One prospective randomised
trial with 200 patients suggests that success rate with in vitro fertilisation might
be improved from 15 to 27% when spinal anaesthesia is used instead of general
anaesthesia [32].
Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a decline in mental status after
surgery. The mechanism is not understood. In 2007, a review by Newman showed
that there is no difference in the incidence of POCD after general or spinal anaes-
thesia [33]. However, the author points out that many studies were underpowered
and differences in surgery and testing provided difficulties in methodology. For
elderly patients undergoing hip replacement, neuraxial anaesthesia lowers the risk
of POCD than general anaesthesia [34].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

2.4 Spinal anaesthesia and bladder function

Neuraxial anaesthesia increases the risk of urinary retention since the neuro-
physiology of the bladder is temporarily disturbed. The duration is dependent on
the local anaesthetic used [3, 35, 36]. The temporary malfunction of the detrusor
muscle and the lack of urge sensation during spinal anaesthesia increase the risk of
bladder distension.
The time for the bladder function to restore relates to the duration of the block,
which is determined by local anaesthetic potency and dose. When long-acting local
anaesthetics are used, more time is required before bladder function is restored
than short-acting substances. When local anaesthetic dose is increased, the time to
void is prolonged as well. This causes variable times to void after spinal anaesthesia,
ranging from 103 (chloroprocaine) to 462 min (bupivacaine) [3, 37]. To prevent
bladder retention in an outpatient setting, the use of short-acting local anaesthetics
and voiding before surgery is recommended [38].
In a day-case setting, the incidence of urinary retention after spinal anaesthesia
varies between 0 and 30%, although there is consensus that the mean incidence
is around 2% [3]. This variability can be explained by the difference in definition,
catheterisation protocol and surgical procedure between the reported trials. There
are a lot of studies concerning spinal anaesthesia in day-case surgery where urinary
retention is not even mentioned. It is remarkable though that when trials were
designed to study bladder function, high incidences like 23–30% are found [39, 40].
This may be explained by the closer monitoring of bladder volume.

2.5 Modifying spinal anaesthesia

Different aspects of spinal anaesthesia can be modified (Figure 1). Changing the
solution for spinal injection, the anaesthetic technique or fluid policy can influ-
ence the duration of the sensory and motor block, the risk of certain side effects or
discharge time. Modifying certain discharge criteria, like the necessity to void, can
influence discharge time as well.

Figure 1.
Variables in spinal anaesthesia for day-case surgery.

Local Anaesthetics for Spinal Anaesthesia in Day-Case Surgery

2.5.1 Local anaesthetics

When a local anaesthetic substance is injected into the CSF, it diffuses through
the lipophilic nerve membrane and reaches the sodium channel [41]. As a conse-
quence, the sodium channel is blocked and impulses cannot be conducted along
the different nerve fibres. This results in a sensory, motor and sympathetic block.
After a certain period, the local anaesthetic molecules dissociate from the sodium
channel and are absorbed in the blood stream to be degraded. Local anaesthetics
are divided in two groups: amides and esters. Amides are degraded by the liver, and
esters are rapidly hydrolysed by pseudocholinesterases in the blood stream. Every
local anaesthetic has its own pharmacologic properties (pKa, liposolubility, protein
binding), which not only determine the potency but also the onset and duration of
the spinal block [42]. Since the first spinal anaesthesia was performed with cocaine,
more local anaesthetics have been produced (Figure 2).
The duration of the sensory and motor block is dose dependent in neuraxial
anaesthesia. Increasing local anaesthetic dose prolongs motor and sensory block.
Winnie stated that locoregional anaesthesia always works provided you put the
right dose of the right drug in the right place. This is also true for spinal anaes-
thesia. Unfortunately for spinal anaesthesia in day-case surgery, a working spinal

Figure 2.
Different local anaesthetics and year of production.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

anaesthesia is not enough. The duration of the spinal block should be short but long
enough to do provide surgical anaesthesia with a minimal risk of insufficient block
height and with minimal side effects.
Lidocaine has always been a popular drug for spinal anaesthesia. It can provide
60 min of anaesthesia below the umbilicus with minimal time to achieve discharge
criteria [43, 44]. The question arises if lidocaine should still be used in the twenty-
first century because of its side effects, and many studies have compared it to its
alternatives [45, 46].
Bupivacaine is a long-acting local anaesthetic from the amide group and has a low
incidence of TNS. It has been the most common alternative for lidocaine for years.
Because of its pharmacological profile, the recovery of motor and sensory block is
delayed compared to short-acting local anaesthetics. The incidence of postoperative
urinary retention with long-acting local anaesthetics like bupivacaine and tetracaine
is higher than with short-acting local anaesthetics [3, 47]. Successful spinal anaes-
thesia with low doses of bupivacaine between 5 and 10 mg without additives has
been described for outpatients. The incidence of urinary retention was still 3.7–16%
[48, 49]. Furthermore, with these low doses, block height becomes unpredictable
and the risk of block failure is high [48, 50, 51]. A meta-analysis of 17 trials looked
at the use of bupivacaine for ambulatory knee arthroscopy. This paper warned for
an increased risk of a failed block with doses below 7.5 mg, unless a unilateral spinal
technique was used or additives were administered to the solution [52].
Other local anaesthetics like procaine and mepivacaine also have a considerable
risk of TNS or have an unfavourable profile regarding block resolution and dis-
charge times [53, 54].
Levobupivacaine and ropivacaine are both amide local anaesthetics that have
similar properties to bupivacaine. Ropivacaine also is a pure enantiomer, is less
potent and produces less motor block than bupivacaine. Both products are not
officially registered for spinal use but used “off-label” frequently. The recovery and
discharge for ambulatory surgery is not as fast as lidocaine, and micturition prob-
lems are comparable [55]. There is controversy about the suggested faster recovery
of ropivacaine compared to bupivacaine [56].
Although there is enough literature to support the use of these two products for
spinal anaesthesia for ambulatory surgery, reintroduction of chloroprocaine and
prilocaine, which are in many countries registered for spinal use, seems to have
more advantages [57–59].
Chloroprocaine is a local anaesthetic from the ester group. It has a fast- and
short-acting profile. It became unpopular in the 1950s after the publication of toxic
neurologic symptoms, which were probably caused by the additives in the solution.
The additive-free form is now approved an available for spinal use in Europe and
is considered safe [60–62]. It has been shown to be suitable for spinal anaesthesia
in day-case surgery and has a faster regression than long-acting local anaesthetics
and available short-acting local anaesthetics [60]. The recommended dose varies
between 40 and 60 mg for ambulatory surgery. Discharge times between 178 and
277 min are found. Up to date only one patient has been reported with TNS after
spinal anaesthesia with chloroprocaine, demonstrating the low incidence of TNS
and suitability for day-case surgery [63]. Furthermore the frequency of bladder
retention is very low, even when a fluid preload is administered [64].
A meta-analyses of the advantage of the pharmacokinetic profile proofed to
translate in a clinical advantage such as faster block regression, ambulation and
discharge as well [65].
Prilocaine is an amide local anaesthetic with an intermediate duration of action
after spinal administration. It never gained much attention because of the popular-
ity of lidocaine. It is available in the hyperbaric form and provides anaesthesia for

Local Anaesthetics for Spinal Anaesthesia in Day-Case Surgery

75–90 min after spinal administration. The duration of the spinal block is prolonged
compared to an equal dose of lidocaine, but combined with fentanyl it is a better
alternative than bupivacaine for ambulatory knee arthroscopy [66]. Doses between
20 and 70 mg are described in literature, but 50 mg hyperbaric prilocaine seems
sufficient for day-case arthroscopies, although rescue analgesia was necessary in 11
and 7.5% of the patients [67, 68]. The ED90 was 38 mg for bilateral spinal anaesthe-
sia for knee arthroscopies [69].
The incidence of urinary retention after 60 mg prilocaine in a day-case setting
was described as high as 23% [40]. Articaine is an amide local anaesthetic with
intermediate potency and a short duration of action. It is an amide but differs
slightly because it also contains an ester group and can be hydrolysed. Further
metabolism and excretion is primarily in the kidneys [70]. Articaine provides faster
motor and sensory block regression and earlier spontaneous voiding than prilo-
caine; low-dose bupivacaine and lidocaine A comparison of equal doses of spinal
articaine and chloroprocaine showed faster block regression for chloroprocaine
[71]. Unfortunately, articaine is not available everywhere and its use is off-label.

2.5.2 Baricity

The baricity of a local anaesthetic is defined as its density compared to the

density of the CSF. Baricity partly determines the spread of the molecules in the
CSF after injection. The molecules sink or float in the CSF depending on their
relative gravity. Most local anaesthetics are isobaric or slightly hypobaric. It must
be remembered that an increase in temperature of the solution can change baric-
ity, making isobaric substances slightly hypobaric once injected [72]. Hyperbaric
substances are also available. These solutions contain glucose.
When hyperbaric or hypobaric substances are used for spinal anaesthesia, the
spread of the local anaesthetic can be influenced by changing the position of the
patient. Hyperbaric substances might have a more favourable profile because of
faster block regression. Hyperbaric lidocaine, ropivacaine and bupivacaine showed
faster recovery than the plain solutions and with higher or comparable cephalad
spread [73–76]. No differences were found between hyperbaric and plain chloro-
procaine [77]. It is believed that hyperbaric substances produce a more cephalad
block spread because the molecules are dragged down over the lumbar curve to
the lowest level of the thoracic kyphosis when the patient is allowed to resume the
supine position. This more cephalad spread of local anaesthetic might result in a
dilution of molecules in the CSF and thus a lower “mg per segment” concentration.
The time necessary to absorb the local anaesthetic molecules is shorter because of
a lower concentration which might explain faster block regression of a hyperbaric
substance than a plain local anaesthetic [78].

2.5.3 Additives

Local anaesthetics can be combined with other drugs to prolong the duration of
sensory or motor block or increase the level or intensity of sensory analgesia. It also
allows local anaesthetic dose reduction without shortening the duration of the block
but with a more favourable recovery profile. For day-case surgery, several additives
were studied to reduce local anaesthetic dose in a day-case setting.
Intrathecal opioids have a direct analgesic effect after binding on the opioids
receptors that are present at the spinal cord level. This is mainly through their effect
on the C and A-delta fibres. The mechanism by which opioids and local anaesthetics
interact is not fully understood but results in an increased somatic analgesia without
influencing motor or sympathetic blockade. Intrathecal lipophilic opioids, like

Topics in Local Anesthetics

fentanyl and sufentanil, increase the quality and prolong the duration of sensory
analgesia after spinal anaesthesia [4, 79].
For day-case surgery, the combination of a local anaesthetic with an opioid could
provide fast-onset and sufficient analgesia without prolonged motor block. Side
effects like respiratory depression, which can occur after spinal hydrophilic opioids,
are not clinically relevant with low doses of lipophilic opioids [80].
However the incidence of pruritus after intrathecal opioids varies but can be
severe [81]. A meta-analysis in 2011 evaluated the effect of intrathecal opioids. The
analysis concluded that morphine provided longer postoperative analgesia up to 12 h
but also increased the risk of respiratory depression and PONV. The addition of fen-
tanyl increased the risk of pruritus but had no effect on respiration [82]. Extremely
small doses such as 3 mg of bupivacaine or 20 mg of lidocaine in combination with
an opioid have been described [83–85]. However as described above, opioids will
also decrease the sensation of bladder fullness and weaken the detrusor contraction.
This might delay voiding [86, 87]. This possible delay in voiding time could not be
confirmed by all studies, but it is clear that it is dose dependent [6, 88, 89].
Clonidine binds alpha-2 receptors on the presynaptic C fibres and the A-delta
fibres. It intensifies sensory and motor block, but the exact working mechanism is
not known [90]. Clonidine allows local anaesthetic dose reduction. The advantage of
clonidine compared to opioids is the lack of respiratory depression and pruritus as a
side effect. However, marked haemodynamic changes and sedation can occur [5].
Vasoconstrictors decrease local anaesthetic uptake by reducing spinal cord blood
flow. Epinephrine prolongs the duration and improves the quality of a spinal block
in a dose-dependent fashion. It allows local anaesthetic dose reduction in a day-
case setting but has a variable prolongation. Addition of epinephrine to lidocaine,
procaine or bupivacaine caused a delay in discharge in a day-case setting [91, 92].
In combination with chloroprocaine in volunteers, it provided unexplained flu-like
symptoms [93].
Several other additives, like neostigmine and magnesium, have been studied, but
were not suitable because of side effects or prolonged time to ambulation [94–96].

2.5.4 Spinal anaesthetic technique

Several techniques are available to perform spinal anaesthesia. When isobaric

solutions are injected, drug spread is affected by many factors, which mostly are
patient dependent and can therefore not be influenced [78]. Urmey et al. showed
that pointing the aperture of the spinal needle cephalad resulted in a more cephalad
spread and faster block regression after 60 mg lidocaine in a day-case setting [97].
The availability of hyperbaric substances allows us to control intrathecal
drug spread, by which a restriction of the sensory block to the surgical site can
be obtained, like a saddle block or a unilateral block. Low doses of hyperbaric
prilocaine or bupivacaine produce adequate analgesia limited to the sacral region
for perianal surgery [98–101]. However a sitting position has to be obtained for at
least 10 min or even more to prevent secondary spread of the local anaesthetic after
repositioning the patient, what may result in an insufficient block [78].
Unilateral spinal blocks with a reduced local anaesthetic dose were compared to
bilateral spinal anaesthesia in a day-case setting. Unilateral blocks resulted in faster
recovery of sensory and motor block and more haemodynamic stability [102–105].
In a meta-analysis, Nair et al. concluded that a unilateral technique with small doses
of bupivacaine (4–6 mg) is suitable for unilateral anaesthesia [52].
The duration of lateral decubitus, the amount of hip flexion and the position
during injection were studied to improve the unilaterality and the success rate of
the block [106, 107]. However, the idea that a spinal block is fixed after 15–30 min

Local Anaesthetics for Spinal Anaesthesia in Day-Case Surgery

is not correct, since redistribution can be seen up to 1.5 h after injection [78].
Unilateral spinal anaesthesia has been thought to reduce bladder disturbances, as
only one side of bladder innervation would be impaired. Because the physiologic
function of the detrusor reflex is complex, there is still controversy whether this is
really true [39, 108, 109].

2.5.5 Fluid policy

Should patients receive a ‘normal’ or ‘restricted’ amount of intravenous and oral

fluids? Restricting fluid can delay bladder filling and prevent urinary retention,
but it can also delay voiding and discharge, when required [110–112]. Restriction
of fluids might cause minor discomfort in outpatients. A fluid load can even reduce
PONV after general anaesthesia [113–115]. However, if IV fluid is not restricted, the
bladder may fill too early during anaesthesia, risking overdistension [35, 116, 117].
Different amounts of fluid between 750 and 1200 ml have been suggested as a
maximum in order to prevent bladder retention. However in these papers, different
local anaesthetics were used, fluid loads up to 4000 ml were administered, bladder
volumes were not always measured, and most procedures were considered as high
risk for urinary retention, such as inguinal hernia repair and urological procedures
[118, 123].
There even is controversy weather fluid load always correlates with bladder
filling in such a short period. When 800–1200 ml IV fluid was administered,
neither correlation with bladder filling was found nor could a difference in voiding
interval or urinary retention be detected compared to a restrictive regimen [37,
113, 119, 120]. One study found a correlation between bladder volume and IV fluid
when more than 900 ml was administered [121]. It may be concluded that excessive
volumes should be avoided, but a restrictive policy may not be necessary to prevent
urinary retention.
Moreover, with the common policy to freely allow patients to drink clear
fluids up to 2 h before surgery, the bladder may fill intraoperatively regardless of
restricted intravenous fluid administration.

2.5.6 Discharge criteria

Discharge time is an indicator of efficiency of an ambulatory surgery unit. For

safe and good clinical practice, guidelines and criteria are useful. Depending on
the healthcare system, discharge criteria can vary in different countries or regions.
There are several scores that can be used to test home readiness for ambulatory sur-
gery. The modified Aldrete score [122] and the PADSS score [123] are two of them.
Voiding and oral intake are parts of the PADSS and the modified Aldrete score as
discharge criteria. In both scores, readiness for discharge can be achieved without
voiding or oral intake, when all other variables are optimal.
Waiting for oral intake and voiding can delay discharge for both general and
spinal anaesthesia. A large trial of 1184 patients showed that spinal anaesthesia was
responsible for a 44 min delay in discharge for women [49, 124, 125]. There is agree-
ment in literature that after general anaesthesia and absence of patient or surgery-
related risk factors, patients can be discharged without voiding [126].
However, guidelines available are not clear weather voiding should be required
after spinal anaesthesia. In the day-case and short-stay surgery guidelines from the
British association of day surgery, the following guideline can be found: “Voiding
is also not always required, although it is important to identify and retain patients
who are at particular risk of developing later problems, such as those who have
experienced prolonged instrumentation or manipulation of the bladder” [127].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) guidelines recommend void-

ing before discharge only when risk factors are present as well [128]. Since spinal
anaesthesia is regarded as a risk factor on its own, the guidelines are subject to dif-
ferent interpretation [121]. Patients operated for urogenital surgery, hernia repair,
those who had experienced bladder problems in the past, patients with prostate
disease and aged persons should void before discharge [35, 37, 129, 130], regardless
of anaesthetic technique.
An often-quoted abstract concludes that even high-risk patients can be dis-
charged without voiding. Although 1719 patients were included in the study, only
30 patients were identified as high risk. Those patients could not void and were
discharged and followed by a home nurse. Three patients had to be catheterised
at home. No bladder volumes were measured [131]. Mulroy et al. compared an
accelerated protocol where low-risk patients could be discharged after neuraxial
anaesthesia when measured bladder volume was below 400 ml. He concluded, after
examining 46 patients who went home without voiding, that discharge after spinal
anaesthesia with short-acting local anaesthetics is safe without voiding when blad-
der volume is below 400 ml [110].
Other authors agree that short-acting local anaesthetics should be used and
bladder volumes should be monitored when patients are discharged without
voiding. Some advice patients to return to the hospital when no voiding took place
within 8 h of interval after discharge or until the evening of the day of surgery
[3, 35, 38, 132]. After anaesthesia, overdistension of the bladder is not always clear
for the patient [121]. Instructions when to return to the hospital based on measured
bladder volumes seem a better option [38].

3. Conclusions

Effective anaesthesia, fast block regression and fast voiding are of uppermost
importance in creating a good flow for spinal anaesthesia in day-case surgery. For
this, we need a local anaesthetic with a favourable pharmacokinetic profile.
For years, lidocaine has been the drug of choice for spinal use in day-case
surgery. The importance of quality of care and the demand for a fast turnover in our
modern ambulatory practice has increased. Therefore, nowadays, the intrathecal
use of lidocaine is criticised because of its high incidence of TNS.
Different aspects of spinal anaesthesia were studied in order to minimise side
effects and to obtain short discharge times. Discharge time is mainly affected by the
time to void and the occurrence of micturition problems.
Not only the local anaesthetic choice but also dose contributes to the optimal
flow in a day-case setting. Other factors are also important, such as spinal anaes-
thetic technique, fluid policy and discharge criteria.

Local Anaesthetics for Spinal Anaesthesia in Day-Case Surgery

Author details

Margaretha Barbara Breebaart
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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Chapter 7

Local Anesthetics Infiltration and

Wound Healing Process
João Abrão, Marcelo Antunes and Luis Vicente Garcia


It is a good practice, nowadays, to infiltrate local anesthetics along the incision

to prevent postoperative pain. This can reduce the use of opioids and the side
effects they cause. It is known clearly that the surgical trauma causes inflammatory
reaction, and this can be the beginning of a bad cicatrization or even a scar. The
use of local anesthetics preventing the acute pain is a very simple technique and
has proved to be useful. Nevertheless, the reaction that various anesthetics have
over the tissues and the cicatrization process is yet controversial and deserves to
be investigated deeply. The use of different formulations of these drugs has been
stimulated. The duration and secureness have been the goals of many researches.
Levobupivacaine, ropivacaine, and bupivacaine for their long action; lidocaine for
less toxicity; and liposomal formulation for the longest duration ever seen, all of
them have been indicated in the postoperative pain management. The aim of this
chapter is to evaluate the role of long duration local anesthetics on the inflamma-
tory reaction and consequently the collagen production and resistance of the tissue
to traction.

Keywords: local anesthetics, pharmacology, ropivacaine, bupivacaine, tensile

strength, wound healing, drug effects

1. Introduction (local anesthetics, general comments, classification

regarding structure and duration)

Local anesthetics (LA) are widely used in clinical practice in anesthesiology.

They possess the common property of transient interruption in the neural conduc-
tion, and in the fibers C and Aδ, they cause interruption of pain transmission.
Pharmacologically, there is a selective blockade of Na+ channels [1, 2]. The mecha-
nism of action of LA is not related only to binding to the Na+ channels. LA have an
important role in other targets (channels and receptors); for example, in K+ and
Ca++ channels, they have an anti-inflammatory effect by bounding to G protein
(inhibiting the adhesion of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, and
monocytes), increase the release of glutamate, as well as interfering in the activity
of some intracellular signaling pathways [3, 4].
There are at least five applications for the use of LA in anesthesiology: local
infiltration, regional intravenous anesthesia (Bier block), peripheral nerve
block, central nervous system (CNS) blockade (spinal anesthesia, epidural, and
caudal), and topical deposit (EMLA, eye drops in ophthalmology) [3]. In this

Topics in Local Anesthetics

chapter, we will discuss its application in the infiltration of the operative wound
and its effects in the inflammatory process, after a brief discussion about the
pharmacological structure of LA.

2. Na+ channel structure: the main target of conventional LA

The Na+ channel is composed of one alpha subunit and one or two beta subunits,
which can be present in three different states: resting, open, and inactivated (Figure 1).
The AL binds to the Na+ channel after crossing the plasma membrane, that is, they
bind to an internal portion of the alpha subunit preventing its activation and conse-
quent depolarization of the membrane (Figure 2). Thus, the impulse is not propagated
through the neurons, which prevents the perception of nociceptive pain [5, 6].

Figure 1.
Na+ channels—it opens with the voltage changes (depolarization) propagated by the electrical impulse.

Figure 2.
The electric stimuli are not able to open the Na+ channel because it is blocked by the LA.

3. Classification of AL (esters and amides and justify the use of each)

In its chemical structure, the LA are weak bases that possess in its molecule a
lipophilic portion (aromatic ring) and another hydrophilic (tertiary amine) sepa-
rated by an intermediate chain (hydrocarbon chain containing an ester or an amide
group) (Figure 3) [7, 8].
The latter allows the classification of LA in amino-esters or amino-amides.
These two groups differ in relation to its biotransformation site (the ester forms
are metabolized by plasmatic esterases, while amide forms are degraded by hepatic
enzymes) [9, 10].

Local Anesthetics Infiltration and Wound Healing Process

Figure 3.
LA generic structural formula.

Regarding the allergenic potential—the para amino benzoic acid (PABA) is an

allergenic metabolite of the amino esters. Caution must be observed with some LA
formulations, because methylparaben and metabisulfite are allergenic used as a
preservative [11].
The size of the alkyl chain, in the amino group or aromatic ring, confers the LA mol-
ecule its hydrophobic character and its permeability in the lipid bilayer. So, the larger
the nitrogenated radicals will be their potency and duration of LA blockades [12].

4. LA toxicity

Followed by the application of AL in the patient, a fraction will be absorbed by

the bloodstream (plasma). Depending on the dose administered, the LA may reach
higher or lesser degree the noble organs (e.g., brain and heart) producing physi-
ological alterations in these tissues as well. The total dose used should comply with
a maximum limit to try to avoid these undesirable effects, known as systemic LA
toxicity [13]. Usually, in clinical practice, we must respect the maximum dose of
each LA. Note that the CNS effects of lidocaine vary according to its plasma concen-
tration (Table 1)—the higher the plasma concentration, the greater the risk to the
patient, even develop a cardio-respiratory arrest. Thus, it is mandatory to observe
the maximum allowable doses for each LA.
LA may also induce cardiac toxicity depending on the dose employed, acting
directly in the heart (specialized conduction tissues) and decreasing the contractil-
ity of ventricular myocytes. Bupivacaine is more cardio depressor than lidocaine

Plasma concentration (mcg/mL) Effect

1–5 Analgesia

5–10 Numbness of tongue, tinnitus

10–15 Seizures

15–25 Coma, respiratory failure

>25 CV depression

Table 1.
CNS toxicity—lidocaine plasma concentrations and its effects [17].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

5. Long-term local anesthetics: ropivacaine, bupivacaine, and

levobupivacaine. (Pharmacological characteristics: concentration
used in practice, toxic dose and care). Liposome formulations

The duration of action of LA is influenced by its effect on the vascular smooth

muscle tone (vasoconstriction/vasodilatation) adjacent to the place where it is
deposited. Other factors that determine its duration include the volume and con-
centration used, the approach itself (infiltrative versus regional peripheral nerve
versus CNS blocks), the target tissue (fiber’s diameter and myelin sheath), and the
plasma protein binding (drug-specific affinity).
Long-term LA are the most used in clinical practice in anesthesiology at the fol-
lowing maximal allowed doses—bupivacaine (2 mg/kg), levobupivacaine (2 mg/kg),
and ropivacaine (3 mg/kg).

5.1 Bupivacaine

Bupivacaine is presented as a racemic mixture of enantiomers R+ and S−. The

optical isometry due to the presence of a chiral carbon (asymmetric) confers several
possibilities in the formulation of the LA.
Bupivacaine promotes differential conduction blockade. As it produces more
sensory than motor blockade, it plays an important role in the postoperative pain
control. The use of epinephrine (5 μg/mL) gives a small increase in its duration of
action (as opposed to lidocaine, which takes great advantage over this association).
The use of large volumes for infiltration should be taken with cautious and done
gradually and intermittently (3–5 mL at 5 min intervals). The patient should always
be monitored to detect any unintentional intravascular injection of LA. Bupivacaine
presents a higher risk of cardiac toxicity, when compared to levobupivacaine and
ropivacaine. Every injection of this anesthetic should be done with the utmost care,
always checking the positioning of the needle (by aspirating the syringe ensuring
that the needle bevel is not intravascular).

5.2 Levobupivacaine

This anesthetic is the S-isomer of the bupivacaine, having the advantage of less
neuro-cardio-toxicity due to lower affinity for these tissues. From a cardiac point
of view, it causes a shorter prolongation of the QT interval and lower negative
inotropism than racemic or R+ bupivacaine [18]. Its analgesic profile is similar to
bupivacaine, because its duration of action is also long-lasting. Like ropivacaine, it
has an intrinsic vasoconstrictor effect.

5.3 Ropivacaine

It is an anesthetic formulated by the pure enantiomer S of 1-propyl 2′-6′ pipeco-

loxylide [19]. As levobupivacaine, it has a safer profile than bupivacaine, because it
has a lower toxicity in the CNS and heart. Its duration of action is long-lasting, like
that of bupivacaine and levobupivacaine. It is widely used in infiltrative anesthesia
and peripheral nerve blocks in anesthesiology. The same precautions should be
taken with the use (intermittent and monitored injections). It is worth remember-
ing that ropivacaine possesses intrinsic vasoconstrictor effect, which confers lower
vascular absorption and increases its duration of action (levobupivacaine also owns
this property).

Local Anesthetics Infiltration and Wound Healing Process

6. Liposomal formulations

New methods of releasing the LA have been used in order to prolong the analge-
sia conferred by these anesthetic drugs. One of them is to produce liposomes spheres
loaded with LA. This system allows LA deposit in the center of the liposomes, being
involved by a double lipid layer. This setting allows a slower, controlled, and gradual
release of LA, (72–96 h), consequently providing extended analgesic duration
[20–23]. Liposomal bupivacaine (LB) has a decreased spread when compared with
conventional bupivacaine. Therefore, several injections are needed and next to
each other to obtain better results. In the infiltrative technique, it should be injected
continuously from the fascia to the dermis. Unlike conventional formulations, which
use bupivacaine HCl, the LB is produced only with its unprotonated basic form.

7. Infiltrative or transdermal techniques: practical recommendations

When the LA is used to infiltrate the operative wound, the anesthesiologist

should seek a balance between the dose employed considering the size of the area
to be anesthetized. In other words, it is sought to dilute the total dose used to cover
most of the tissues operated. Thus, the same amount of LA used for infiltration on
one side (e.g., right breast) needs to be diluted (doubling the volume) and to be
employed bilaterally (e.g., right and left breast), always keep in mind that we must
respect the maximum safety doses.
This approach allows an alternative to single dose injection of LA, namely the
implantation of catheters for complementary use of the medication (continuous
and/or in bolus, known as Patient Controlled Analgesia PCA) in order to prolong its
therapeutic effect. In clinical practice, these resources increase costs because they
need to be supervised, in addition to the increased risk of infection at the catheter
implant site. New approaches are being investigated to optimize postoperative
analgesia—use of newer drugs, innovative delivery systems (liposomal bupivacaine
and ropivacaine), and the use of adjuvants along with LA.

8. Non-anesthetic drugs (adjuvants) injected together with LA

(magnesium, epinephrine, clonidine, morphine, dexmedetomidine,
and steroids). Is it worth?

With the advent of several approaches in the treatment of postoperative pain,

the anesthesiologist can associate the use of various drugs and techniques aiming
at greater efficacy in their control. The simultaneous use of several drugs (with
pharmacological synergism) allows the anesthesiologist to decrease the total dose
employed, when compared to the isolated use of each of them. This is one of the
reasons for the use of adjuvants with the LA [24–26]. Another reason is to reduce
opioid consumption in the post-operative period and associated collateral effects.
Usually, there is a consensus about the use of adjuvants in anesthesia, that is, the
anesthesiologist must balance risks versus benefits and mainly the common sense. It
is his/her responsibility to do the best choice in each case.

8.1 Magnesium

Magnesium sulfate antagonizes ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)

glutamatergic receptor interfering in calcium homeostasis (membrane potential).

Topics in Local Anesthetics

When injected together with LA in regional anesthesia, some evidence suggest that
its use is beneficial [27]. Conversely, the use of magnesium sulfate intravenously is
controversial [28, 29].

8.2 Dexmedetomidine

Dexmedetomidine (DMD) is a strong and highly selective α2-adrenoceptor

agonist. When added to local anesthetics can enhance the analgesic efficacy of the
peripheral regional nerve block [30]. DMD is eight times more selective than cloni-
dine. It has analgesic, sedative, and antihypertensive effects, when used in systemic
route. This substance has been associated with bupivacaine and lidocaine aiming
prolonging the analgesic effect [31].

8.3 Epinephrine

Epinephrine has been used mixed to local anesthetics since a long time ago,
and its recommended concentration is 5–10 μg/mL. It has, besides vasoconstrictive
action that prolongates the local anesthesia, an analgesic effect mediated by alpha-2
adrenoceptor activation [32]. The vasoconstrictor effect of epinephrine can prevent
inadvertent intravascular administration of local anesthetic solutions. Nowadays,
the use of ultrasonography made such use largely redundant [33].
The onset time of local anesthesia after single injection was considered clinically
significantly reduced when epinephrine was added to lidocaine or bupivacaine,
when performing peripheral nerve blocks [34]. Current recommendations, how-
ever, allow the use of epinephrine in peripheral blocks only when ultrasonography
is not available [35].

8.4 Clonidine

Clonidine applied at perineural sites, in doses up to 1.5 mcg/kg, acts as an adjuvant

to local anesthetics prolonging analgesia and sensory/motor blocks [36]. It has intrinsic
analgesic properties, inhibiting action potentials of C and Aδ fibers, as well as modu-
lates the redistribution of local anesthetics through alpha1-receptors activation [37].
Side effects of this drug are dose dependent and include sedation, by decreasing
sympathetic outflow (suppressing the release of norepinephrine in locus ceruleus
(CNS) and substantia gelatinosa), hypotension, bradycardia, dry mouth, constipa-
tion, dizziness, and drowsiness [38].
Clonidine represents a good addition for the armamentarium of anesthesiolo-
gists because it prolongs the duration of analgesia, provides a faster onset of action,
and improves the quality of nerve blocks (decreasing opioid consumption) [39, 40].

8.5 Morphine

Morphine is used by several routes and dosages (intrathecal: 100–200 mcg,

epidural: 1–5 mg, peripheral nerve block: 75–100 mcg/kg, intravenous and intra-
muscular) [41]. Despite its use to prolong the analgesia, it is important to the
anesthesiologist to pay attention at recommended doses to avoid the undesirable
side effects (pruritus, nausea, vomiting, urinary retention, and respiratory failure).
Always double check the vials before the administration of this medication because
there are several vials currently in use (2, 4, 5, 8, and 10 mg/ml). All vital signals
must be monitored at post-anesthetic care unit after the morphine use to early
detect any cardiovascular or respiratory complications: bradycardia, hypotension,
hypoxemia, and respiratory failure [42].

Local Anesthetics Infiltration and Wound Healing Process

8.6 Steroids

Dexamethasone, a potent anti-inflammatory agent, has been investigated for

its role as an adjuvant to local anesthetics in neuraxial as well as peripheral nerve
blocks. This steroid has been used in intrathecal anesthesia (8 mg preservative
free), in epidural analgesia (4–8 mg) and as an adjuvant in a variety of peripheral
blocks, like brachial plexus, ankle block, and TAP block. A meta-analysis has found
it to significantly prolong the duration of brachial plexus block when using con-
ventional local anesthetics solutions [43]. Besides all the researches about the role
of dexamethasone in neural block, one question has not been answered yet: is the
better and prolonged analgesia caused by systemic effects of the steroid?

9. The four stages of wound healing

The wound healing is a continuous process, but for didactic understanding,

it can be divided into four phases [44, 45]. The first phase occurs just after the
incision or lesion of the skin, as soon as the blood leaks out of the body. There is a
vasoconstriction, and the platelets stick together to initiate the coagulation. This
phase is called the hemostasis phase. The platelet plug is reinforced by threads of
fibrin. The hemostasis phase occurs very rapidly, in a question of seconds. As the
fibrin mesh is formed, the blood is transformed from liquid to a gel state, that is, the
pro-coagulant effect of prothrombin. This clot keeps the platelets and blood cells
trapped in the wound area. Just after the injury of the skin, the epidermal tissue and
the keratinocytes release the interleukin-1 (IL-1) pre-stored in these sites. The coag-
ulation process activates the clotting cascade which is responsible to give the matrix
for the influx of inflammatory cells. The degranulation of the platelets releases
alpha granules, which secrete growth factors, like epidermal growth factor (EGF),
platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-
β). The PDGF and the IL-1 are responsible for attracting neutrophils to the wound
site to remove bacteria [44]. The monocytes cells are converted to macrophages
by influence of TGF-β, what has an important role in the initiation of the granula-
tion tissue and a many proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 and IL-6), besides other
growth factors, like fibroblast growth factor (FGF), EGF, TGF-β, and PDGF. All
these growth factors and the added endothelial cell proliferation ensues the angio-
genesis beginning. During this hemostasis phase, the injured blood vessels leak
transudate causing localized swelling and cell migrations to the site of wound. The
damaged cells, pathogens, and bacteria are removed. White cells, growth factors,
nutrients, and enzymes create the swelling, heat, pain, and redness, normally seen
in the wound healing. This phase where all these signs appear is called the inflam-
matory phase. This phase is not a problem unless it is prolonged and excessive. After
all the bacteria and debris are removed, the wound is rebuilt with a new tissue made
up of collagen and extracellular matrix. This is the proliferative phase. In this phase,
new blood vessels are formed, so that the granulation tissue can receive enough
oxygen and nutrients. The myofibroblasts are responsible for the contraction of the
wound, making the granulation tissue to take the ideal dimensions to the lesion. The
granulation in this phase is pink or red. If there is a dark color is a sign of infection,
ischemia or poor perfusion. At the end of this process the epitelial cells resurface
the wound extension, what is called the maturation or remodelling phase. In this
stage, it is wise to maintain the wound moist and hydrated to optimize the epitheli-
alization [46]. Some authors consider that the wound healing has only three phases,
and this is comprehensible as long as the hemostasis phase and the inflammatory
phase are so concomitant, dynamic, and interactive, that they consider it just as an

Topics in Local Anesthetics

inflammation phase. In fact, the phases do not have a predetermined duration, as

Witte and Barbul showed in their article (Figures 4 and 5), the migration of cells to
the wound site and the matrix formation [47].

Figure 4.
The time course of different cells during healing process. Macrophages and neutrophils are predominant in
inflammation phase, whereas lymphocytes peak somewhat later. In the proliferative phase, fibroblasts are more
frequent [47].

Figure 5.
Deposition of wound matrix components over time [47].

10. Local anesthetics can influence the process of wound healing?

When there is a rupture of vessels, there is an exposure of the subendothelial

collagen to the platelets. This contact results in the aggregation and activation of the
intrinsic factor of coagulation cascade. In the presence of thrombin, fibronectin, and
their fragments, there is the release of cytokines and growth factors from platelets

Local Anesthetics Infiltration and Wound Healing Process

(PDGF), transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β), platelet-activating factor (PAF),

fibronectin, and serotonin. All this form the local fibrin clot that is the scaffolding
for invading cells such as neutrophils, monocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells.
The neutrophils are the first cells to invade the wound, increasing the vascular
permeability due to inflammation and release of prostaglandins. In the same time,
chemotactic substances like complement factors, interleukin, tumor necrosis
factor-α (TNF-α), TGF-β, platelet factor 4, and stimulate neutrophil migration
[47–49]. The factors associated with wound healing can be seen in Table 2.
When analyzing the possible action of the LAs in the wound healing process,
many aspects can take role. Injecting any substance in the surgery site, it is
expected that it can have at least a pH influence, as the anesthetic has a pH dif-
ferent of the physiologic one. Many times, epinephrine is used to prolong the
duration and lower the toxicity of the drug used [50, 51]. The influence of pain
in the wound healing has been studied too [52–54]. The wound healing in the
fetus has also been the object of research [55, 56]. And last, the LA probably can
have a direct action in the eicosanoids or in the fibroblast formation and so in the
cicatricial process [56].
These all are hypothesis that are discussed deeply, and many researches in
human have to be done, unfortunately the majority of the manuscripts are in rats
and they have a different immunologic system than humans.
The tissue injury caused by surgery produces directly and indirectly activa-
tion of nociceptors and higher expression of proinflammatory cytokines and
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), leading to peripheral and central sensitization with
subsequent hyperalgesia. The pain and inflammation are maintained by abundant
eicosanoids, like prostaglandin E2, released after surgical trauma. The long-acting
local anesthetics such as bupivacaine and ropivacaine are used to provide prolonged
perioperative pain relief and to diminish the occurrence of postoperative sensitiza-
tion that manifests with hyperalgesia after the anesthetic effect has dissipated. The
occurrence of hyperalgesia is very common when high doses of anesthetic are used
[57, 58]. The routine of infiltrating the surgical site reduces the postoperative pain


Hemostatic factors

Fibrin, plasma fibronectin Coagulation, chemo attraction

Structure for cell migration

Factor XIII (fibrin-stabilizing Chemo attraction and adhesion

factor) Modulation of chemo attraction, mitogenesis, fibroplasia
Circulatory growth factors
Complement Antimicrobial activity, chemo attraction

Platelet-derived factors

Cytokines, growth factors Regulation of chemo attraction, mitogenesis, fibroplasia

Fibronectin Early matrix, ligand for platelet aggregation

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) Platelet aggregation

Thromboxane A2 Vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation, chemotaxis

Platelet factor IV Chemotactic for fibroblasts and monocytes, neutralizes activity of

heparin, inhibits collagenase

Serotonin Induces vascular permeability, chemoattractant for neutrophils

Adenosine dinucleotide Stimulates cell proliferation and migration, induces platelet aggregation

Table 2.
Hemostatic and platelet-derived factors associated with wound healing [47].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

and morbidity and accelerates the recovery. This can be explained by reducing the
production of cytokines. Although LA action is to block the nerve conduction, they
have other cellular targets that modulate the inflammation, suggesting that the
LAs have an anti-inflammatory effect [59, 60]. Several studies have shown that LA
dose-dependently inhibits leukocyte adhesion to synthetic material and to blood
vessel walls. LA can induce the release of prostacyclin, and this causes the release of
leukocytes previously firmly adherent to vascular endothelium. It is shown that the
LA can in low concentration stimulate the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) while in higher
concentrations inhibited this enzyme [61].
All these considerations are important, but what is important in clinical aspects
are the fibroblast formation and the quality of the wound healing. The first question
the patient formulates is when he will return to normal life activity. To answer this
question, it is important to have not only histological analyzes of the wound but also
mechanical testing to be sure that the tissue is ready to normal work. Vasseur and
cols in 1984 studied the effects of local anesthetics on abdominal wounds of rabbits
[62]; using mechanical testing device, they could demonstrate that the breaking
strength in the groups infiltrated with lidocaine or bupivacaine, do not vary con-
sistently from the tissues infiltrated with saline solution, and so they conclude that
the local infiltration with lidocaine and bupivacaine does not alter substantially the
healing of midline abdominal incisions in rabbits. Abrão and cols in 2014 made a
similar work using rats and long-lasting anesthetics, bupivacaine, and ropivacaine
[63]. They used a computerized universal testing machine, and they concluded
that there were no significant differences among the groups with respect to tensile
strength after 14 days. These results, however, are not the same than Hanci and cols
in 2012, who found that lidocaine and bupivacaine reduce the collagen production
and the wound breaking strength in Wistar rats [64]. To further augment the argu-
ment, Kesici and cols in 2018 studied the effect of bupivacaine, levobupivacaine,
and procaine in the Sprague Dawley rats [65]. They found that bupivacaine and
levobupivacaine affect negatively the wound healing, especially at the late period
(21 days). The differences in these studies increase the uncertainty and discussion
regarding the effects of local anesthetics. Many aspects must be considered like the
animal gender, the use of other analgesic like paracetamol, the infiltration method,
and the time of evaluation. Interestingly, there is no work done on humans, who
certainly have a different response to pain. Probably, the reason is the difficulty to
use the same methodology. All the researches in humans have only clinic evaluation,
it is almost impossible to make mechanical tests. Uncertainties in this field only will
be clarified with new studies. The clinical studies in human beings have a very sub-
jective way to follow the wound healing. They constitute another subject that must
be studied separately. The analogic scale of pain as the consume of opioids has been
used as parameters to analyze the efficacy of the method. These studies conclude
that ropivacaine (0.3%) can be used alone or with the addition of DMD (1 μg/kg),
and there is no effect on wound healing [31, 66]. We must bear in mind that some
authors only used a clinic evaluation, what can vary a lot from one researcher to

11. Conclusion

Nowadays, all the anesthesiologists are engaged in avoiding the excessive use
of opioids for their side effects in the postoperative pain treatment. In fact, the
μ-opioid receptors are impaired by the unrestricted use of morphine like drugs,
besides there is an inhibition of the beta-endorphin release. Considering that the
infiltration of LA in the surgical site does not produce, clinically any significant

Local Anesthetics Infiltration and Wound Healing Process

harm to the tissue cicatrization, and has the property of sparing opioid use, this
technique is an important tool in the control of the postoperative pain and must be

Conflict of interest

We declare that we do not have any conflict of interest.

Author details

João Abrão1*, Marcelo Antunes2 and Luis Vicente Garcia1

1 Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP,

2 Educational Hospital of the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São

Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Topics in Local Anesthetics


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Chapter 8

Local Anesthetics in Odontology

Enrique Hernández-Cortez, Cecilia G. Sandoval Larios
and Juan Carlos Flores-Carrillo


Pain has been a faithful companion of human beings and is a result of most
of the dental procedures and illness; therefore a good control of dental pain is
inevitable and feasible. The administration of local anesthetics has come to be
the standard of care of dental profession. All local anesthetics are effective and
high safety margin in all patients including childhood. The choice of using a local
anesthetic depends on time of the surgical procedure, patient’s medical history,
and the interaction between local anesthetics and patient usual medications. The
use of vasoconstrictors is priority in surgical/dental bleeding, but it must be used
with caution in patients with cardiovascular disease to avoid a dental catastrophe.
Dentists should be experts in dental-anesthetic techniques and in pharmacology
of local anesthetics, since they are the most used medications in odontology. The
accidental injection or a high absorption of local anesthetics in blood results in sys-
temic toxicity. In such situation sedation, stunning, diplopia, sensory disturbances,
disorientation, muscles spasm, respiratory depression, seizures, or cardiac arrest
may be present; the dentist must immediately recognize this clinical complication
to stablish an early treatment.

Keywords: local anesthetics, dental, local anesthesia, local analgesia, complications

1. Introduction

Local anesthetics (LAs) are the most used drugs by dentists. Actually, they
are safer drugs. More than 40% or urgent dental procedures cause pain that needs
and injection of LA. Therefore, dentists should be experts in dental-anesthetic
techniques and in pharmacology of LA drugs. The safe administration of LA is the
standard of care of dentists.
Pain has been a companion of human beings since their appearance on earth.
Before local anesthetics, natural medicine was first used to relieve dental pain. Such
medicine has evolved since ancient Egypt and Greek culture until the nineteenth
century when LA developed. Actually, LAs are the most secure and effective drugs
in medicine for pain prevention and treatment. There are no drugs more effective
than LAs to avoid pain; no other drug prevents a nociceptive impulse from reach-
ing the patient’s brain, to finally be interpreted as pain. Whenever local anesthetics
are administered near a sensitive nerve, it produces an adequate control pain for a
limited time with the aids of been a reversible and temporary effect without harm
of the anesthetized nervous structure.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

The first registered dental anesthesia in history was in 1885 of the alveolar infe-
rior nervous, applied by the medical surgeon William Stewart Halsted. The injected
drug was a combination of cocaine and epinephrine [1]. In 1905, 2% procaine with
epinephrine 1:50,000 was introduced, giving a quick access to dentists worldwide.
Procaine, propoxycaine, and tetracaine were the most used LAs until the middle
1940s. Lidocaine was synthetized in Sweden in 1948 [2]. Articaine was synthetized
in 1973 and introduced in dental clinic in 1976 and approved in Canada in 1984 and
in the USA until 2000. Articaine has special characteristics of both amino amide
and amino ester anesthetics. Its popularity has increased rapidly and is currently
displacing the use of lidocaine in dental anesthesia [3].
Annually, a dentist in Canada applies 1800 LA cartridges, while in the USA,
more than 300 million of cartridges are administered each year. Therefore, dentists
should be experts in pharmacology, complications, and secondary effects of LA. In
daily practice there are few complications related to LA, owing its security and the
relative low doses that are applied. Nonetheless, it is necessary to consider possible
complications, to detect it as soon as possible.

2. Pharmacology of LA

The synthetic LA has a common chemical structure, constituted by an aromatic

ring, a hydrocarbon channel, and an amino group; the hydrocarbon channel
and aromatic ring are joined by an ester or amide bond. Most of LAs are tertiary
amines. The lipophilic portion is the biggest of the molecule. The aromatic portion
proceeds from benzoic acid, aniline, or thiophene (articaine) and is the lipophilic
portion. This portion is responsible for the affinity of nerve cells. The hydrophilic
portion is an amino ethanol or acetic acid derivative and is responsible of water
solubility and diffusion across tissues. LAs are amphipathic; that is, they have
lipophilic and hydrophilic characteristics at their opposite ends of their molecules
(Figure 1) [4]. Amides are the most common molecules; procaine is the prototype
of this group and benzocaine for topic application. The minimal concentration of
LA to block the conduction of a nociceptive impulse is named potency. The thera-
peutic value of the drug in terms of efficacy and tolerability is called toxicity. The
ability of the drug to reach tissues far from the site of administration of LA is called
diffusion. Time between the action of LA and the metabolism of its compounds is
named time of action [5].

Figure 1.
Local anesthetic molecule.

3. Mechanism of action of LA

The type of nervous blockade produced by LA is named non-depolarizing ner-

vous block. Local anesthetics block sodium channels permeability, they selectively

Local Anesthetics in Odontology

inhibit the maximum permeability to sodium, whose values usually are five to six
times greater than the necessary minimum to conduct the impulse, when this value
fail, and the nerve block occurs. In other words, local anesthesia is induced when
the spread of action potential is inhibited, so a painful sensation cannot be trans-
mitted from the site of origin to the brain. Or, LA alter the mechanism to sodium
ions to gain access to the axoplasm nerve. The nerve membrane stays in a polarized
state due to the impossibility of ionic movement responsible of action potential. LA
blocks the entrance of sodium ions into their channels in the nerve cellular mem-
brane. The permeability to sodium is necessary to generate a new action potential
to transmit nerve impulses to the brain [6]. The sequence of action mechanism
proposed for LA is described in Table 1.
LAs are classified into two large groups depending on its chemical bond:
amides or ester; the latter are almost disappearing in dentistry. The ester LAs
are easily hydrolyzed in aqueous solution, while amide bond LAs are relatively
resistant to hydrolysis. The most important factors that affect onset and duration
of action of LA are tissue pH, drug pKa, diffusion time from the tip of the needle
to nerve, nerve morphology, drug concentration, and drug solubility in lipids [7].
The most important of the abovementioned factors are tissue pH and drug pKa.
The pH may be reduced in infection sites, so the result would be a delay in the
LA onset. In clinics, the amides pK is similar, with the exception of bupivacaine
that has a slightly greater pK and an onset time more prolonged. The proximity
of the anesthetic to the nerve is another factor that influences the action time of
LA; a very clear example is the Gow-Gates blockade, very slow in its installation.
The nerve morphology is also an important factor, which thin fibers are quickly
anesthetized compared to thicker ones. The duration of action depends on the
depth at which the drug may be blocking the sodium channels in the nerve mem-
brane. If the LA causes vasodilatation, it allows a more or less rapid diffusion in
the site of action and therefore a short duration of action, especially if the drug is
administered alone. This diffusion may be reduced with the aid of vasoconstric-
tors like epinephrine, although bupivacaine is the only LA that has a prolonged
action duration [8]. The two most important factors involved in the action of LA
are the drug diffusion across the nerve sheath and the bind to the receptor in the
ionic channel; a lipid-soluble free base and without electric charge is responsible
of the diffusion across the nerve sheath.
The biotransformation of amides occurs mainly in the liver, although prilocaine
is metabolized in plasma and eliminated in the kidney. One of its metabolites could
be the origin of methemoglobinemia [9]. The ester LAs are biotransformed in
plasma by enzymes called cholinesterase or pseudocholinesterase produced in the
liver [10].

1. Displacement of sodium ions from the sodium channel receptor

2. Binding of the LA molecule to the receptor

3. Block of the sodium channel

4. Decreased sodium conduction

5. Depressed velocity of electric depolarization

6. Failed to teach the value of umbral potential

7. Absence of propagated action potentials

8. Conduction block

Table 1.
Sequence of mechanisms of LA to produce conduction block.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Specific action

Reversible action

Quickly onset action

Adequate duration of action

Active, injected, or topically administered


Non-permanent harm

No systemic toxicity when properly used

High therapeutic ratio

Chemically stable

Long half-life

Ability to combine with other agents without losing their properties

Sterilizable without losing its properties

Slight allergenic

Table 2.
Important properties of LA.

Despite the great advances in the field or anesthetics in dentistry, the ideal agent
do not exist; however, new ALs are increasingly safer. Some of its most important
properties are listed in Table 2.

4. Most commonly used LA in dentistry

4.1 Lidocaine

This is the most common used LA in dentistry since its introduction in 1948 and
now considered the gold standard for clinical use. It was the drug that displaced
older anesthetics like procaine (Novocain). It has fast onset between 2 and 3 min-
utes with a longer and profound anesthesia. It is available in various concentrations;
the most used are 1 and 2% cartridges with 1:100,000 and 1:50,000 epinephrine.
Using lidocaine without a vasoconstrictor is rare in dentistry because of rapid
vasodilation and high plasma concentrations as well as higher adverse reaction.
For patients who are sensitive to epinephrine, they should limit the amount to
a maximum of two cartridges per procedure. Thus, it is true for hypertensive
patients, patients with coronary heart disease, and the elderly. Lidocaine combined
with 1:50,000 epinephrine is commonly used in active dental bleeding because of
diminishing up to 50%. It gives a pulpal anesthesia for up to 90 minutes and some-
times may be comparable to articaine (3–5 hours). Today, lidocaine is referred to
local anesthetics toxicity. The maximum recommended dose in combination with
epinephrine is 7 mg/kg for an adult or children over 15 kg, not exceeding 500 mg.
Lidocaine alone is limited to 4.4 mg/kg, not exceeding 300 mg [11].

4.2 Mepivacaine

This is an amide type LA, available only in cartridge formed at concentration

of 2 and 3%. Mepivacaine combined with a vasoconstrictor in 2% concentration.
It is ideal for patients with an absolute contraindication to receive vasoconstrictor.

Local Anesthetics in Odontology

A maximum recommended dose in adult or children is 4.4 mg/kg without exceeding

300 mg a day. Simple mepivacaine at 3% gives anesthesia for about 20–40 minutes
in gums, 40 minutes in nerve blocks, and a maximum of 3 hours in soft tissue. It
is the most commonly used LA in pediatric patients because of its rapid onset and
short dental procedures. It is available in 1:20,000 combination with levonordefrin
which is a different profile compared to epinephrine. Their affinity to alpha and
beta receptors is 75:25, a low effect on beta receptors. Levonordefrin is one-sixth of
the potency of epinephrine. It has the lowest pKa of all LA used in dentistry, which
explains the rapid onset [11]. Compared with lidocaine it has a potency of 2 and is
metabolized thru oxidase in the liver, and renal elimination in 16% is unchanged.

4.3 Articaine

It is most recently introduced to dental practice. It is an amide type but possesses an

ester group, making it the only hybrid LA, thus metabolizing in plasma as well as by
the liver in which most of the process takes place, giving a result an inactive metabolite
named articainic acid. It is equivalent to lidocaine in its vasodilation effect. It has a
fast elimination time of approximately 27 minutes, compared to 40 minutes in amide
anesthetics. It offers 90 minutes of pulpal anesthesia and 3 hours in soft tissue, being
a reasonable choice in most dental procedures. This is available in dental cartridges
at 4%, with epinephrine in 1:100,000 and 1:200,000 concentrations. The maximum
dose is 7 mg/kg (72 mg per cartridge) for adults and 5 mg/kg for children under 15 kg
[12]. It is the LA with higher risk of postoperative paresthesia in the jaw while rarely
happening in other non-dental specialties such as orthopedic, spinal, or eye [13, 14].

4.4 Bupivacaine

It is a long-acting amide LA. Intrapulpal anesthesia as long as offers 6 hours

and solf tissue up to 12 hours. It is also the most toxic drug, characterized by
cardiovascular affection, inducing sudden collapse. In the same way it can induce
longer duration of seizures which may be explained by its slower elimination
(0.58 L/minute clearance) and a long half-life. It is four times more potent than
lidocaine [15]. Although related to mepivacaine because of their molecular com-
position they differ chemically, it is 35 times more liposoluble, easily crossing the
membrane in nerve cells, binding strongly at receptor sites with greater inactiva-
tion of sodium channels which make slow recovery, hence the saying that it is not
easily uncoupled from the receptor.
Nancarrow et al. studied fatal doses in several LA: for lidocaine 30.8 ± 5.8 mg/
kg/h, ropivacaine 7.3 ± 1.0 mg/kg, and bupivacaine 3.7 ± 1.1 mg/kg. Due to this
finding, the toxicity threshold of bupivacaine in dental procedures is low and,
an unnoticed injection during infiltration is dangerous and not recommended or
approved by the FDA in children [16].
Bupivacaine is available in dental cartridges in 0.5% with 1:200,000.
Ropivacaine has demonstrated a 75% safer profile than bupivacaine. It is a long-
acting LA with the highest pKa (8.1) and binding to plasmatic proteins in 95%
compared to the rest of the drugs used in dentistry, which gives a slowest onset,
although in dental procedures this is usually not an issue. With a fast onset of 4-8
minutes after injection, 99% of patients reported low sensitivity in the lips vs.
100% reported with lidocaine [17]. The majority of reports of bupivacaine used in
third molar extractions and root canal has confirmed its efficiency and security.
It is four times more toxic than lidocaine, so the use in dentistry is in lower doses
than other areas in anesthesiology. A low incidence in paresthesia near 0.5% with
this LA in combination with epinephrine at 1:200000 in an inferior alveolar nerve

Topics in Local Anesthetics

block has been reported [18]. Chapman and Ganendran reported that patients
blocked with bupivacaine and epinephrine for the third molar extractions did
not need pain medication at 4 hours after surgery compared to the control group
(lidocaine 2%) in which all of the patients were given pain medication at the same
time. Seventy percent of the bupivacaine group received medication at 8 hours after
surgery, versus 100% in the lidocaine 2% group [19].

4.5 Prilocaine

For dental anesthesia, it is available in 4% concentration with or without epi-

nephrine 1:200,000. Prilocaine by itself induces more vasodilation than mepivacaine
and less than lidocaine. It shares the same length of action, although a slower onset.
Toxicity is lower than lidocaine. At doses above 600 mg, there is a higher risk of
developing methemoglobinemia. In levels below 20%, clinical symptoms such as
cyanosis, respiratory distress, and cardiovascular collapse are not seen. Mainstay
treatment for methemoglobinemia is 1% methylene blue, 1–2 mg/kg intravenously
slow 10-minute drip. Toxicity signs less severe than lidocaine. Prilocaine at 4% is con-
tained in cream form commercially named EMLA (lidocaine-prilocaine) commonly
used to produce skin numbness before any type of procedure such as phlebotomy;
the downside is the time (30 minutes) to prepare the skin completely. The maximum
recommended dose in adults is 600 mg and 400 mg in children. It may provide anes-
thesia up to 60 minutes in an inferior alveolar block or even 4 hours in soft tissue. It is
important to remember that prilocaine is contraindicated in patients with congenital
or idiopathic methemoglobinemia, heart failure, or chronic pulmonary disease.

5. Pharmacology of vasoconstrictors

The LAs commonly used in dental anesthesia are vasodilators, so they increase
the blood flow in the injected site and perhaps enhance the concentration of the
drug in blood and the probability of anesthetic overdose. The increase in blood flow
also results in a short duration of action, although it depends on other factors, such
as protein binding capacity.
Vasoconstrictors are adjuvant substances to LA that play an important role
in dental anesthesia, producing deeper anesthesia and greater action duration,
decreased systemic toxicity possibility, as well as bleeding reduction.
The most used vasoconstrictor in dental anesthesia is epinephrine, available in
concentrations of 1:50,000; 1:100,000; and 1:200,000. It is rapidly metabolized by
oxidation or conjugation, and its half-life is a few minutes, but its effects can last up
to several hours. Malamed et al. showed in experimental animals that the applica-
tion of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000 around the sciatic nerve reduces
the blood flow in 79% (Table 3) [20]. Other vasoconstrictors used in this clinical
setting are norepinephrine and levonordefrin [21]. Low plasmatic concentrations of
adrenaline can raise heart rate, cardiac output, and systemic vasodilation because
of its β1 adrenergic effect. The stimulation of adrenergic receptors alpha and beta
occurs in 50/50 proportion; so that alpha-adrenergic stimulation causes peripheral
vasoconstriction, while beta-adrenergic stimulation produces tachycardia. It is used
to prolong the action time of LA, decrease dental bleeding, and improve the visibil-
ity of the surgical field. Its effect limits the diffusion of LA from the injection site
and its systemic absorption reducing the possibility of systemic toxicity. Although,
in general, vasoconstrictors are not contraindicated, the risk level depends on the
characteristics of each patient; people with certain cardiac or endocrine diseases or

Local Anesthetics in Odontology

1:100,000 = 0.01 mg/mL or 10 μg/mL

1:200,000 = 0.05 mg/mL or 5 μg/mL

1:50,000 = 0.02 mg/mL or 20 μg/mL

1 epinephrine cartridge 1:200,000 = 9 μg/mL

1 epinephrine cartridge 1:100,000 = 18 μg/mL

1 epinephrine cartridge 1:50,000 = 36 μg/mL

1 levonordefrin cartridge 1:20,000 = 90 μg/mL

Table 3.
Vasoconstrictor concentrations in mg/mL.

taking medicines that affect the sympathetic nervous system have a greater risk of
having deleterious side effects.
The LA with epinephrine for dental use are in the following proportions:
1:50,000 (0.02 mg/mL), 1:100,000 (0.01 mg/mL), or 1:200,000 (0.004 mg/mL)
[22]. The administration of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000 (a cartridge)
produces plasmatic concentration of 240 ± 69ρ g/mL. With the administration of
three cartridges of epinephrine or 54 μg, the blood concentration is 302 ± 142 ρg/mL.
Usually, the administration of one cartridge of LA with epinephrine is not asso-
ciated with cardiovascular changes, while the administration of three cartridges
of LA with epinephrine at the same concentration is associated with five times the
concentration of epinephrine in plasma, and with it there may be systemic cardio-
vascular alterations. However, it is not necessarily associated with the dose [23].
The umbral value of plasmatic epinephrine to develop hypertension is between
50 and 100 ρg/mL; the umbral value for systolic blood pressure is 75–125 ρg/mL,
while the umbral value to rise the diastolic blood pressure is 150–200 ρg/mL. Barkin
et al. found that 2% lidocaine 1:100,000 can produce non-serious cardiac arrhyth-
mias in 16% of dental patients. The study does not specify with was the most
frequent arrhythmia or if any treatment was administered [24].
Unfortunately, the vasoconstrictor effects are not always beneficial. In special
situations vasoconstrictors can affect the patient; an example of this are the patients
with limited cardiovascular systemic reserves, such angina pectoris, previous
myocardial infarction, systemic hypertension, and non-controlled hypothyroid-
ism. In such patients, epinephrine can produce indirectly central nervous system
excitation, including systemic hypertension, tachycardia, tremors, headache,
palpitations, cardiac arrhythmias, and stroke. Comorbidities recommendable to use
lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000 to epinephrine dose of 0.04 mg = 40 μg as a
total dose.
Procaine is a potent vasodilator and cannot produce adequate anesthesia if it
is used without a vasoconstrictor. Lidocaine is also a vasodilator but has enough
potency to be used alone. In contrast, mepivacaine has minor vasodilator properties
and can be used with or without vasoconstrictors [25].
Norepinephrine as a vasoconstrictor is seldom used since fatalities due to hyper-
tension have been reported. Another disadvantage at a local level is being a quarter
less vasoconstrictor than epinephrine and having a shorter half-life.

6. Local and systemic complications of LA

Local anesthesia is the gold standard for surgical dental procedures; it

has defined as a technique that produces loss of sensitivity, without losing

Topics in Local Anesthetics

consciousness. Although anesthetics are defined as safe medications, some compli-

cations have been described.
The incidence of complications related to dental anesthesia is 4.5%, and the
most common are needle break, paresthesia, transient facial paralysis, hematoma,
toxicity and rarely allergy, dizziness 1.3%, tachycardia 1.1%, agitation 1.1%, nausea
0.8%, chills 0.7%, syncope, seizures, and bronchospasm [26].
As the same way, it can be complications related to additional vasoconstrictors
of LA. It has been shown that the increases in plasmatic catecholamines observed
after the LA infiltration are mainly due to higher doses of vasoconstrictors.
Vasoconstrictors increase heart rate in 4.1% of patients and increase 20% with
respect to baseline. Coronary insufficiency, arterial hypertension, myocardial
infarction (in the last 6 months), congestive heart failure, pheochromocytoma,
hyperthyroidism, and diabetes mellitus are risk factors for the use of vasoconstric-
tors during dental anesthesia [27].
Patients receiving LA are not always healthy; they can have hypertension,
history of myocardial infarction, sequelae of diabetic neuropathy, cardiac disease,
serious dental infections, are patients in extremes of life. Some are taking aspirin for
various reasons: this drug inhibits the secretion of thromboxane, adenosine diphos-
phate, and serotonin, chemicals mediators necessary to the platelet plug formation.
Therefore, all patients taking aspirin should be recommended to suppress it at least
6 or 7 days before the dental intervention. The aspirin binds to the platelet during
its half-life of approximately 7 days, so by removing aspirin, the new platelets will
function adequately. In arrhythmic patients the use of anesthetics with vasocon-
strictors is not recommended.
More than 45% of dental patients have one or more concomitant disease in
their medical history, and near 20% of patients will have some disease and drug
or food allergy. The secondary effects of LA are mainly present in patients with
risk factors; in such patients the secondary effects can raise to 5.7% [28], which
may result in greater morbidity. Nowadays, although lidocaine is the most used
LA in dentistry, there are other LAs such as articaine that could displace the use
of lidocaine.
Complications of LA include local and systemic effects. Local complications

6.1 LA failure

The possibility that local dental anesthesia fails is remote. Timely identification
of the reasons of regional anesthesia failure in dental or maxillofacial surgery is
essential to adopt the measures required for its correction. Some factors of anes-
thetic failure involve bifid inferior alveolar nerve, retromolar foramen associated to
accessory innervation, double or accessory mental foramen, the relation between
the infiltration technique and bone density, accessory innervation in the case of
the mylohyoid nerve and first cervical branches, cross innervation of the incisors,
inactivity in the presence of tissue inflammation, inactive LA, incorrect technique,
and subjective perception on the part of anxious patients [12]. Table 4 lists other
important factors.

6.2 Hematoma

Damage to blood vessels is usually caused by the tip needle, the blood accu-
mulated inside the oral tissues, and the swelling located in any tissue which acts
as an irritant of the tissue and causes pain and trismus. Accumulated blood can

Local Anesthetics in Odontology

1. Inadequate anatomical selection

2. Insufficient LA dose

3. Insufficient time for the LA diffusion

4. Administration of LA in swelling or infected tissue

5. Use of expired LA

Table 4.
LA failure in dental practice.

be a culture medium for oral bacteria, especially in diabetic patients or those with
immune deficiency.

6.3 Nerve damage

The needle can damage a nerve which produces a partial or complete deficit with
motor or sensory abnormalities that usually have a full recovery.

6.4 Transient facial nerve paralysis

This complication is caused by the introduction of LA into the parotid gland

capsule, which is located at the back of the edge of the mandibular branch. If the
LA is deposited on this site, a transient paralysis of muscles of the face occurs.
The LA is applied next to the facial nerve, so the motor blockade would cause a
temporary paralysis of the muscles of the face; clinically a modification in the face
expression appears. The duration of motor paralysis lasts between 3 and 5 hours,
and treatment is not required. An important clinical situation is that patient cannot
close the affected eye and is necessary to avoid the dry eye during this period of
involvement [29].

6.5 Needle rupture

Since the introduction of non-reusable needles in dental anesthesia, needle

rupture has been an extremely rare complication. Progrel et al. estimated this risk
at 1:14 million, more specifically in the case of inferior alveolar nerve block. In
the analysis of broken needles, it was found that the majority were short or G30
ultra-short needles (20 and 10 mm). The inferior alveolar nerve block was the most
frequent in 79% of the cases and the alveolar superior posterior nerve in the rest
of the cases. Additional factors are pre-bending of the needle before injection, the
unexpected and sudden movement of the patient at the time the needle is entering
the soft tissue, and strong contact of the needle with the bone [30].

6.6 Systemic complications of LA

Local anesthetic-related systemic complications are associated with the nature

of the drug and/or their composition. Systemic complications are as followed:

6.6.1 Systemic or local infection

Spreading the potentially dangerous infection within mouth soft tissue to

neck or head may be caused by needle trauma. Dental abscess is a great danger to

Topics in Local Anesthetics

patient’s health and a high risk for airway management by the anesthesiologist due
to the possibility of rupturing it during the intubation. It is important to emphasize
that LA should not be applied in infected soft tissue.
Bacterial endocarditis is not a complication related to the use of LA per se;
however it can be related as a post procedure bacteremia after any type of injection
to the mouth. Dental surgery that involves mucosa o contaminated tissue such as
a molar extraction can produce a transient bacteremia and facilitate infections at a
distance, especially in cardiac valves or endocardium. The most common bacteria is
hemolytic streptococcus viridians. Patients with dentures can develop bacteremia
from gum ulcers or gingivitis. Numerous studies have shown a possible odontology-
related etiology of bacterial endocarditis in up to 20% of the patients. Although
prophylactic antibiotics are a commonly accepted practice, the American Heart
Association (AHA) in 1997 described multiple prophylactic strategies: (a) amoxicil-
lin 2 g, 1 hour prior to the treatment, and (b) clindamycin 600 mg, 1 hour prior to
treatment [31].

6.7 Cardiovascular manifestations

Heart complications related to dental procedures may increase up to a 5.7% in

patients with identified risk factors. Patients with coronary heart disease, cardiac sur-
gery, or heart failure show greater plasmatic lidocaine levels; therefore a 50% reduc-
tion in maximum dosage of LA is recommended. Potassium levels and acidosis may
worsen the adverse effects in the myocardium. High-risk patients should be limited to
30-minute dental surgery; after that time complications may rise up to 15% [32].
Cardiovascular collapse is described as the most severe LA complication, asso-
ciated with high mortality. It is produced by intravascular injection of AL and is
manifested by arrhythmias, heart failure, and arterial hypotension that can end in
death if not treated in a timely manner. Usually, the doses of LA used in dentistry
rarely exceed the limits to cause cardiovascular problems, although in exceptional
cases, small amounts of AL may be capable of cardiac arrest [33]. For more informa-
tion, we refer the reader to the chapter on LA systemic toxicity included in this book.

6.8 Local anesthetic overdose

Most overdose reactions occur during LA injection or within the next 5–10 min-
utes. Clinical symptoms involving the CNS are, for example, generalized numbness,
facial numbing, anxiety, restlessness, confusion, chills, seizures, or respiratory
arrest [7]. A simple way to avoid LA injection into the blood vessels is to aspirate
before and during the injection. Systemic toxicity depends on several factors such as
speed of injection, site, and combination with vasoconstrictors. For example, maxi-
mum dose of LA in a pediatric patient may be mistaken with an adult and cause an
overdose. High concentrations of LA articaine and prilocaine may exacerbate and
overdose. Serum concentration of LA less than 5 μg/mL produce moderate sedation
and analgesia, but at concentrations as high as 5–10 μg/mL, it can cause incoherent
talk, dysphoria, diplopia, muscle contractions, or seizures [34].

6.9 Plasma cholinesterase deficiency

Esther-type LA should be avoided in patients that may carry this rare enzyme
deficiency, due to the metabolism of this anesthetic. Methemoglobinemia is a
rare complication associated with excessive metabolites of certain LA, mainly
prilocaine, causing oxidation of the ferrous component in the blood to a ferric

Local Anesthetics in Odontology

form, and poorly delivered oxygen to tissues commonly expressed as hypoxia.

Unique features, such as a saturation gap and chocolate-brown-colored blood,
can raise suspicion for methemoglobinemia. The use of articaine and benzocaine
have also been associated with methemoglobinemia and manifests with cyanosis
that does not respond with supplemental oxygen. When high methemoglobinemia
levels are present, clinical symptoms such as nausea, sedation, seizures, and coma
may appear. Treatment is with methylene blue. Thus, patients with congenital or
acquired plasma cholinesterase deficiency should avoid exposure to these LAs [34].

6.10 Allergic reactions

These reactions are extremely rare in dentistry. The most common allergic
reactions are allergies to latex, acrylates, and formaldehyde. While polymethyl-
methacrylate and latex trigger delayed hypersensitivity reactions, sodium metabi-
sulphite and nickel cause immediate reactions. Most adverse reactions are caused by
systemic complications or anxiety as a result of pain or needles, generating hyper-
ventilation or syncope that may be confused with a faulty allergic reaction. True
allergic reactions are caused mainly by ester LA. They are not dose related. Only
0.7–1% of all allergies are authentic hypersensitivity reactions and caused after
administering LA [35]. It is fundamental to have previous contact with the allergen,
and then a usual latency period occurs until a second exposure. Hypersensitivity
reactions related to LA are classified into two types: type I reactions or humoral
are immediate and severe such as anaphylactic shock, angioedema, fever, and
photo sensibility. Type IV or cellular are delayed and manifested through moderate
dermatologic reactions such as hives or cutaneous rash. Anaphylactic shock usually
occurs within a short exposure to the antigen, and symptoms include cardiovascular
collapse in 76.3%, bronchospasm in 44.2%, and skin in 69.9%. Cardiovascular
collapse presents as abrupt drop in blood pressure, bradycardia, and desaturation
followed by bronchospasm and redness in thoracic area and face are common.
Initial management is epinephrine 1-5 mcg/kg [36]. Intramuscular application, fluid
bolus, secured airway, and increase in oxygen concentration. There is a frequently
reported contact dermatitis in healthcare workers that are exposed to parabens and
bisulfates used as preservatives in local anesthetic preparations which can cause an
allergic reaction [37, 38].

6.11 Drug interactions

There are some well-known interactions with LA, such as tricyclic antidepres-
sants and beta blockers. The first act is by inhibiting the catecholamine reuptake,
thus increasing the concentration at the presynaptic sympathetic binding site. In
patients taking this kind of medication, it is recommended to limit the amount
of epinephrine to a maximum of 0.05 mg/dose. Beta blockers, on the other hand,
inhibit arteriolar vasodilation effect of drugs as epinephrine in combination with
LA, which increase the predominant vasoconstrictor alpha adrenergic effect. The
end result could be an increase of arterial blood pressure and sympathetic effects.
Another reported interaction is the diminished metabolism of amide LA. Sedatives,
opioids, opioids, antihistamines, magnesium sulfate, and LA may increase CNS
depression and respiratory drive which has to be titrated with caution. LA and some
antiarrhythmic like quinidine may increase myocardial depression. Antimyasthenic
agents such as neostigmine could antagonize the effect or muscle contraction.
Anticholinesterase lowers the metabolism of ester LA. Ester LA such as procaine
combined with sulfas could inhibit antimicrobial action [34].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

7. Conclusions

Anxiety, stress, and pain are very frequent characteristics in dentistry. Dental
anxiety can be considered as a universal phenomenon with a high prevalence, being
one of the main causes of medical emergencies in the dental office, so its preven-
tion is an essential part of patient safety and quality of care. The LA used in this
clinical setting must be selective in nerve tissue; be powerful enough to produce
complete anesthesia without tissue damage; have a reversible action within a
predictable time; have minimal side effects and, also, reduced systemic toxicity, and
few hypersensitivity reactions; have a short latency period with the duration of the
effect adaptable to the desired; not cause pain during injection; be compatible with
other components in the solution and not easily modified by sterilization processes;
not be sensitive to variations in pH; be stable in the solution; and have sufficient
penetration. Lidocaine and articaine with epinephrine are the most used, although
mepivacaine and prilocaine are still options. It is mandatory to monitor side reac-
tions, especially systemic toxicity.

Author details

Enrique Hernández-Cortez1*, Cecilia G. Sandoval Larios2

and Juan Carlos Flores-Carrillo3

1 Department of Anesthesia, Federación Mexicana de Colegios de Anestesiología,

A.C., León, México

2 Anesthesia and Cardiovascular Anesthesia, Airway Committee Federación

Mexicana de Colegios de Anestesiologia AC, Hospital Angeles León, México

3 Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, Hospital Angeles Tijuana, México

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Local Anesthetics in Odontology


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Chapter 9

Complications Associated with

Local Anesthesia in Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery
Basak Keskin Yalcin


One of the important attempts in clinical oral surgery practice is to maintain

safe and effective local anesthesia. Dental procedures are frequently performed
under local anesthesia; thus, drug-related complications are often encountered. It is
mandatory to have a preoperative evaluation of the patient and choosing the proper
local anesthetic agent. Various complications including hypersensitivity, allergy,
overdosage, toxicity, hematoma, trismus, paresthesia, or neuralgia can be observed
during practice. Therefore, the practitioner should be aware of the possible compli-
cations and management methods. The aim of this chapter is to review the preop-
erative and postoperative complications associated with the local anesthetic in oral
and maxillofacial surgery practice. The prevention of measures and treatment of
the complications is also emphasized.

Keywords: local anesthesia, complication, local complications, systemic

complications, treatment

1. Introduction

Local anesthetic agents have been used in clinical dentistry to allay or eliminate
pain associated with invasive operations as early as the nineteenth century [1].
Local anesthetics are used routinely also in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Despite
that local anesthetics are reliable and efficient drugs, the risks that practitioners
need to be aware of were also reported [2].
Complications associated with local anesthetics can be evaluated systemically
and locally. Common systemic reactions due to local anesthesia are reported as psy-
chogenic reactions, systemic toxicity, allergy, and methemoglobinemia. Common
local complications associated with local anesthesia are reported as pain at injec-
tion, needle fracture, prolongation of anesthesia and various sensory disorders, lack
of effect, trismus, infection, edema, hematoma, gingival lesions, soft tissue injury,
and ophthalmologic complications [2, 3].
This chapter is presenting the local and systemic complications associated with
the local anesthetics used in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The prevention of
complications and management methods are also emphasized.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

2. Classification and chemical structure of local anesthetics

Local anesthetics can be classified according to their chemical structure,

a rate of onset, potency, and duration of action. Chemically, they are either
amino esters or amino amides (i.e., an aromatic, lipophilic ring connected to a
hydrophilic amine group by an intermediate chain containing either an ester or
amide linkage). Ester local anesthetics are hydrolyzed in the plasma by pseu-
docholinesterase into para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and other derivatives,
whereas amide-type local anesthetics are metabolized by the liver. The rate of
hydrolysis has an effect on the potential toxicity of a local anesthetic. Allergic
reactions that occur in response to ester local anesthetics usually are related
to para-aminobenzoic acid, which is a major metabolic product of many ester
local anesthetics. The rates of biotransformation of amide group lidocaine,
mepivacaine, etidocaine, and bupivacaine are similar. Articaine, which contains
both amide and ester, metabolizes both in the liver and blood. The ester group
(cenzoic acid esters) includes cocaine, procaine, chloroprocaine, tetracaine, and
benzocaine. The amide group includes lidocaine, mepivacaine (Carbocaine),
prilocaine (Citanest), bupivacaine (Marcaine), etidocaine (curanest), dibucaine
(nupercaine), and ropivacaine (Naropin).
Ester local anesthetics are not available in dental cartridges essentially because
of several reasons such as the lack of efficacy, the potential for allergenicity, and the
advantages of amino amides [4–7].

3. Systemic reactions due to local anesthesia

3.1 Psychogenic reactions

This psychogenic answer is associated with either the patient’s body coun-
terbalance to an anxiety-inducing situation or due to adrenaline secreted by
the vasoconstrictor agent. As a result of mood changes, heart rate, respiratory
rate, and blood pressure are altered. Patients often have a blush or erythema
which mimics allergic reactions, hyperventilation, nausea, and vomiting [3].
It is important to understand the patient and make them relax. In more severe
cases, these reactions should be maintained as syncope and hyperventilation. For
preventing psychogenic reactions, the patient should be relaxed before adminis-
tering local anesthetic injections. Using oral sedatives is an efficacious method to
manage dental fears. Initial dosage should be dependent on patient health, age,
weight, and duration of the operation. For healthy adult patients in short-term
operations antihistamine-diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 50 mg 1 hour prior to
the operation, moderate length (1–2 hours) operation benzodiazepine, triazolam
(Halcion) 0.125–0.5 mg 1 hour before the operation triazolam, for longer duration
(2–4 hours) benzodiazepine such as lorazepam (Ativan) 1–4 mg may be given
1–2 hours prior to the operation or 30–60 minutes prior for the sublingual prepa-
ration may be described and given. Pharmacologically, mildly and moderately
anxious dental patients can be managed using sedation or extremely anxious or
phobic patients using general anesthesia [8, 9].

3.2 Systemic toxicity

Local anesthetic systemic toxicity develops when a sufficient (toxic) concentra-

tion of anesthetic drug in the blood level reaches to the central nervous system and
cardiovascular systems.

Complications Associated with Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Initial symptoms are characterized by central nervous system signs such as

excitation, convulsions, followed by loss of consciousness and respiratory arrest.
These symptoms are often accompanied by cardiovascular signs such as hyperten-
sion, tachycardia, and premature ventricular contractions. The clinical signs and
symptoms usually show objective symptoms such as quick talking, flicker, and
tremor in the extremities [10, 11].
Predisposing factors are associated with age, weight, other drugs, gender, the
presence of disease, genetics, vasoactivity, concentration, dose, route of adminis-
tration, the rate of injection, vascularity of the injection site, and the presence of
vasoconstrictors [7].
In order to prevent systemic toxicity, the patient should be evaluated. The
volume of local anesthesia should be decreased, young or lightweight patients
should not be treated all four quadrants at one visit using local anesthetic alone;
accurate and slow injection technique, adjustment of dosage divided administra-
tion and aspirating technique, using agents with low toxicity such as ropivacaine
and levobupivacaine, and performing an aspiration test are recommended [11].
Preventing from a toxic dose complication, it should be evoked that for healthy
adults, the suggested maximum safe dose of 2% lignocaine in 1:80,000 adrenaline
is four-and-a-half 2 or 2.2 mL cartridges (180–198 mg lignocaine); for 3% prilo-
caine and felypressin 0.03 i.u./mL, the maximum safe dose is 400 mg (six 2 mL
cartridges) [12]. Another strategy to reduce toxicity is using the guideline of 1/10th
cartridge per kilo as a rough guide to the maximum dose [13].
Dentists should be aware that excessive doses of topical anesthetics while these
agents are more concentrated to facilitate infiltration may lead to toxic effects,
particularly in children.
Treatment at the office includes airway support, administration of 100% oxygen,
supine positioning, and protection from injury in the event of seizure activity,
treating convulsions (benzodiazepines or thiopental; propofol cannot be used
in patients with unstable blood pressure, heartbeat) [14]. If severe hypotension
arrhythmia occurs, administration of the infusion of a 1.5 mL/kg 20% lipid emul-
sion over approximately 1 minute and then starting with continuous application
at 0.25 mL/kg/min = 1000 mL/h. Studies have reported a resuscitation effect at a
total dose of ≤10 mL/kg; therefore, 12 mL/kg can be used as an approximate esti-
mate for the maximum dose. The adrenaline dose should be based on resuscitation
guidelines such as those of the American Heart Association. The American Society
of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine standard of <1 μg/kg does not need to be
strictly adhered to [11].

3.3 Allergy

Allergy is also known as hypersensitive reactions, initiated by immunological

mechanisms acquired through exposure to a specific allergen; re-exposure to which
produces a heightened capacity to react. The prevalence of allergic reactions to
amide group local anesthetics is rare. It is predicted that less than 1% of all compli-
cations are caused by an allergy. Many of the complications doubt to be allergic are
actually anxiety-induced reactions [15].
Ester-type local anesthetics are more allergenic than amide-type local anesthet-
ics. Therefore, amide-type anesthetics are broadly used, among which lidocaine
is the most commonly used for dental anesthesia epinephrine involving form.
Adverse reactions to local anesthesia are caused by preservatives (e.g., methyl-p-
hydroxybenzoate), antioxidants (e.g., bisulfate), antiseptics (e.g., chlorhexidine),
vasoconstrictor (e.g., sulfites), and other antigens such as latex, as well as local
anesthetic drugs themselves [5].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Allergic reactions may include mild symptoms, such as urticaria, erythema, and
intense itching, as well as severe reactions in the form of angioedema and/or respi-
ratory distress. Even more severe life-threatening anaphylactic responses include
symptoms of apnea, hypotension, and loss of consciousness [15].
In order to diagnose allergies, the skin prick test is the most endorsed. When
skin prick test results are determined to be negative, intradermal testing should be
performed for patients who have a history of allergy to local anesthetics intradermal
tests become obligatory [15, 16].
The following treatments a local anesthetic patient had tested negative in the
allergy tests, should be used.
The initial treatment for an allergic reaction in office at the first step should
be the removal of the causative agent. For the management of mild symptoms,
oral or intramuscular antihistamine-diphenhydramine (Benadryl), 25 or 50 mg,
should be given. Additionally, hydrocortisone cream may be prescribed to relieve
skin itching or erythema. In life-threatening cases basic life support, intramus-
cular or subcutaneous epinephrine 0.3–0.5 mg, and hospitalization services
should be given.
Anaphylaxis is an acute potentially life-threatening hypersensitivity reaction.
The clinical symptoms of anaphylaxis are depending on the organ systems involved.
Uncontrolled co-existing asthma, mast cell disorders, and patients with specific
allergens such as peanut and tree nut allergy are the risk factors for anaphylaxis.
In emergency management of anaphylaxis in the office, due to guidelines of the
Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy should be in these steps,
the patient should lie flat, but also in the case of breathing difficulty, the patient
is allowed to sit. Adrenaline 1:1000 dilution (0.01 mg/kg up to 0.5 mg per dose)
should be administered intramuscular with 1-mL syringes, 21 gauge needles,
and should be repeated every 5 minutes as needed. Another recommendation
for epinephrine is or children and adults who weigh 30 kg or over is 0.3 mg. For
those weighing 15 to 30 kg, the epinephrine dose is 0.15 mg. The use of adrenaline
auto-injector can also be chosen, which is carried mostly by heavy allergic patients
Adrenaline should be administered for anaphylaxis by intravenous (IV) route
only in the case of profoundly hypotensive patients or patients who develop a car-
diopulmonary arrest or those who fail to respond to multiple doses of IM adrenaline
because of the potential cardiovascular adverse effects of IV administration of
adrenaline [17, 18].
Estelle and Simons evaluated evidence-based pharmacologic treatment of anaphy-
laxis. They agreed using epinephrine at the first step intramuscular in the treatment
of anaphylaxis. But the use of antihistamines and glucocorticoids is controversial.
Some authors claim using antihistamines is not effective because they are not effective
on upper or lower airway obstruction, hypotension, or shock, while others advocate
that these drugs decrease the side effects urticaria, flushing, headache, hypotension,
and rhinorrhea. In the World Allergy Organization survey, glucocorticoids were
reported to be the second most widely available medications (after epinephrine)
for anaphylaxis treatment globally, even though some claim glucocorticoids have no
proven benefit in anaphylaxis [19].
As a result first step of treatment must be epinephrine additionally glucocorti-
coids and antihistamines may use to treat severe systemic reactions.

3.4 Methemoglobinemia

Methemoglobinemia is a unique dose-dependent reaction where the iron in

hemoglobin is stabilized in the ferric (Fe3+) form, unable to attach oxygen, leading

Complications Associated with Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

to tissue hypoxia and causing a varying degree of cyanosis. Methemoglobinemia

can be either inherited or acquired [20].
The risk of methemoglobinemia increased in infants and the elderly. Patients
with underlying health problems; liver cirrhosis, with underdeveloped hepatic
and renal function; heart disease; and pulmonary disease (chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, pneumonia) are under the risk of methemoglobinemia. When
administered in excessive doses, the local anesthetics mostly prilocaine and benzo-
caine (90% of reported cases) and barely lidocaine and articaine may also lead to
methemoglobinemia [21].
Symptoms of cyanosis will be observed in nail beds and mucous membranes. In
more severe cases, headache, dizziness, fatigue, dyspnea, and tachycardia are seen.
For diagnosis in the dental clinic, pulse oximetry and in-hospital arterial blood
analysis play an essential role [21].
Management of methemoglobinemia begins with supplemental oxygen (100%)
immediately. As a guideline, methylene blue, which is a heterocyclic aromatic chemi-
cal compound increasing the rate of conversion of methemoglobin to hemoglobin,
may be given to a symptomatic patient. For severe cases, hyperbaric oxygenation
may also be used if available. Methylene blue should be administrated in 1 to 2 mg/kg
doses, given as 0.1 mL/kg of a 1% solution (10 mg/mL) intravenously over 5–10 min-
utes every hour up to a 7 mg/kg maximum. Repeated doses may be necessary within
30–60 minutes of the initial dose [22, 23]. Guay summarizes 242 cases of methemo-
globinemia complications related to dental local anesthetics lidocaine, bupivacaine,
cocaine, mepivacaine, prilocaine, and tetracaine in children and adults. He concluded
that benzocaine should be out of usage. In a specific patient group, in children
younger than 6 months, in pregnant women, or in patients taking other oxidizing
drugs, prilocaine should not be used. The dose should be limited to 2.5 mg/kg [21].

4. Local complications associated with local anesthesia

4.1 Pain on injection

Pain on injection can be due to specific circumstances such a temperate of the

solution, velocity of injection, dull needles, needles with barbs, or aggressive inser-
tion of the needle, damaging soft tissues, blood vessels, nerves, or the periosteum
and causing more pain and other complications.
The burning is dependent on the rate of injection and the acidity of the solu-
tion. Lidocaine causes an intense burning sensation when injected locally. When
the needle penetrates a nerve, the patient may also feel a sudden “electric” shock,
suddenly moving the head, with the risk of self-inflicted damage [24].
In order to prevent discomfort, topical anesthetic application, warming anes-
thetics to body temperature, using a smaller-gauge needle (27 gauge), switching
to a fresh needle when you have to inject multiple times in the same lesion or when
you have multiple injection sites, and injecting slowly and with low pressure which
reduces pain are done. A rate of 30 seconds per mL of solution is recommended. An
inadequate injection site can lead to an intramuscular or intraneural injection blunt-
ing of the needle, side of injection anatomic structure (palate) it is unacceptable to
feel a little pain during injection [13, 24, 25].

4.2 Needle fracture

Needle breakage in the oral cavity after local anesthesia is a rare complication,
since the establishment of non-reusable, stainless steel dental local anesthetic

Topics in Local Anesthetics

needles. In most cases, needle fracture happened with 30-gauge needles and during
inferior alveolar nerve block, as a result of either incorrect injection technique,
improper choice of hypodermic needle magnitude, or unexpected motion of the
patient or assistants [26].
In order to prevent needle fracture, first the injection needles should be checked;
30-gauge and short needles should not be used for inferior alveolar nerve block in
adults or children (25–27 should be chosen). Needles should not bend while insert-
ing them into soft tissue [26, 27].
In the case of a broken needle, if visible, it should be removed immediately
with a hemostat. If this is inaccessible, computed tomographic (CT) scanning
should be taken to ensure the location of the needle, and under general anes-
thesia, the patient should be operated. In the literature for the removal of the
fragment, mostly superficial mucosal incision perpendicular to the trajectory of
the needle followed by blunt supra-periosteal dissection to spare vital structures is
recommended [28, 29].
Acham et al. in 2018 made an analysis of the literature complication of needle
fracture following dental local anesthesia on 36 reports and 59 needle breakage
events; they concluded that three-dimensional imaging techniques should be taken
to see the broken fragment and also surrounding structures like vessels and the the
parotid gland. It is important because 27 out of 57 cannula fragments were located
in the pterygomandibular space, and the choice of the removal of the fragment,
whether general or local anesthesia, should be dependent on the patient’s systemic
condition [30].

4.3 Prolongation of anesthesia and various sensory disorders

Prolonged anesthesia, paresthesia, or neuralgia may occur following dental

local anesthetic blocks. This may be temporary, where after a few days, weeks, or
months, sensation returns or it may be permanent [31]. This mostly involves nervus
lingualis or nervus mandibularis or both [32]. The nerve may be damaged during
injection by direct injury, or the needle may damage the intraneural blood supply,
resulting in a hematoma, or the needle may traumatize the medial pterygoid muscle
which results in trismus. Neurotoxicity of the local anesthetic is another theory for
nerve damage [33]. Procaine and tetracaine cause more damage than bupivacaine
or lidocaine [34]. Paresthesia or neuralgia complication is mostly transient but may
also be permanent if the anesthetic solution is injected directly into the nerve. Due
to a numb feeling, the patient may have discomfort such as tongue biting, drool-
ing, loss of taste, and speech impediment. Sullivan et al. conducted a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on 496 patients with Bell’s palsy. They main-
tain treatment with steroids within 3 days after onset quite advances the chance for
full recovery at 3 or 9 months [35]. Piccinni et al. conducted an analysis of reports
to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System; about 573 cases of paresthesia and
dysesthesia after local anesthetics between 2004 and 2011 were performed. They
concluded that the use of prilocaine, articaine, or both drugs has a higher risk of
paresthesia [36].
If a nerve is damaged due to dental local anesthesia, the first treatment should
be managing the pain. In order to decrease local anesthesia-dependent nerve injury,
avoiding high concentration of anesthetic agent for inferior alveolar nerve blocks
(use 2% lidocaine as standard), preventing iterative injections, and avoiding infe-
rior alveolar nerve blocks are done by using high concentration agents (articaine)
infiltrations only. The use of a low daily dose of multivitamin B, to regaining nerve
healing and function, has been recommended [37, 38].

Complications Associated with Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

4.4 Lack of effect

Reasons for unsuccess in obtaining local anesthesia can be dependent on ana-

tomical variants, pathological and psychological factors, choice of technique and
solution, and poor technique [24].
Anatomical factors comprise accessory nerve supply, alteration in foramen
location, atypical development of the nerves (bifid mandibular canals), and bone
density [39, 40].
Pathological reasons for the failure of anesthesia are trismus, infection, inflam-
mation, and previous surgery or trauma. Inflammatory diseases altering the
pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of local anesthetics cause a response to
decrease and unfavorable effects to increase [41].
Local anesthetic failure or difficulty to obtain satisfactory analgesia commonly
occurs in the situations with inflammations such as pulpitis and apical periodontitis
acute periodontal abscess or pericoronitis [42]. Psychological determinants such as
angst and anxiety can also cause local anesthesia failure [39].
Poor technique failure mostly occurs to obtain mandibular anesthesia. If the
needle is inserted and advanced too deeply and too far dorsally, the terminal
branches of the facial nerve within the deep lobe of the parotid gland are affected.
Direct anesthesia to the facial nerve can force a rapid onset that occurs while the
anesthetic agent is being injected; reflex vasospasms of the external carotid artery
can lead to ischemia of the facial nerve, so facial nerve palsy occurs. The patient is
unable to wrinkle the forehead, raise the eyebrow, close the upper eyelid, retract the
commissure of the lips to smile, and turn down the lower lip on the affected side.
The removal of contact lenses and closing of the eye on the affected side in Bell’s
palsy prevent corneal abrasion or drying [43, 44].
In most cases, paralysis occurs immediately after mandibular anesthesia injec-
tion, but there are also some cases in which paralysis starts lately. Cakarer et al.
have a case report for late paralyses. They extracted simple teeth, without any
complication, and 1 day after the patient returned with complaints of a weakness
of the muscles of the left side of his face. On the examination, they observed Bell’s
palsy sign on the left side and unilateral expressionless, and there was no patho-
logic sign in the wound or any herpetic lesions. They consulted the patient with
the Department of Ophthalmology and the Department of Physical Therapy and
Rehabilitation. For the treatment lubricant eye drop (4 × 1), tobramycin ophthalmic
solution (4 × 1) and lanolin eye ointment (during night) supported by eye patch
were used. For 4 weeks, galvanic stimulation of the affected side of the facial nerve
was performed, and mime therapy was recommended. In 2 weeks all of the symp-
toms disappeared [45].
If the needle is inserted too high and deep, N. auriculotemporalis will be
affected, and the feeling of “numbness” will occur. There has been a report of sud-
den unilateral deafness following inferior dental nerve anesthesia.

4.5 Trismus

Trismus is defined as a painful circumstance with inability to open the mouth

normally. Several factors cause trismus such as multiple injections in a short period
of time in the same area, intramuscular injections inside the muscle or trauma to
muscles (either the lateral pterygoid muscle or the temporal muscle) which cause
hematoma formation and fibrosis, needle fracture in the muscles inserting to
styloid process, inaccurate positioning of the needle when giving the inferior nerve
block or maxillary posterior injections or inflammation of the masseter and other

Topics in Local Anesthetics

masticatory muscles, a low-grade infection, and excessive volumes of local anes-

thetic solution deposited into a bounded region which cause expansion of tissues. In
the acute phase, pain from hemorrhage leads to muscle contraction and limitation
of motion.
Once trismus develops, some cases will resolve spontaneously. Progression of
trismus to chronic hypomobility and fibrous ankylosis may be prevented by the
early institution of treatment consisting of heat therapy; soft diet; prescription
of analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, muscle relaxants; or physio-
therapy. Trismus caused by an infection needs to be treated by antibiotics. Usually,
trismus will resolve in 6 weeks, with a range of 4 to 20 weeks.
Awareness of the anatomical landmarks and muscles: palpation of bony anterior
ramus for temporalis muscle, pterygomandibular fold for pterygoid muscle, and
appropriate angulation of the needle and bone contact before injecting are good
methods for avoiding trismus via local anesthesia.
Intraorally the Vazirani-Akinosi technique, the closed-mouth mandibular nerve block
technique, or extraoral techniques can provide anesthesia to trismus patients [43, 46].

4.6 Infection

Infection complication is rare since the usage of disposable needles and glass
cartridges. Infection may extend to tissues by penetration of the needle through a
contaminated tissue, because of the needle being contaminated before an operation
or improper preparation of local anesthetic diluted solutions. On the other hand, a
latent viral infection may be reactivated due to the trauma of the procedure which
may be responsible for neural sheath inflammation.
The area to be penetrated should be cleaned with a topical antiseptic prior to
insertion of the needle. Antiseptic mouthwash solutions such as chlorhexidine
gluconate should be considered for all regional techniques. The local anesthesia
should not be injected through the infected area.
Injecting local anesthesia during the presence of infection is important to increase
the pH of anesthetic agent in order to increase efficiency because the infected tissue
is more acidic. This process is called anesthetic buffering and leads to patient com-
fort during injection, fast onset of anesthesia, and lower postinjection tissue injury.
Recommendation for treatment of infection is antibiotics (penicillin V 500 mg every
6 hour for 7–10 days), analgesics, heat, drainage, and physiotherapy [2, 31, 47].

4.7 Edema

Swelling of tissues can be due to trauma during injection, infection, allergy,

hemorrhage, and injection of irritating solutions.
The management of edema is dependent on the cause. Allergy-induced edema
treatment consists of intramuscular epinephrine injection as mentioned above and,
additionally, antihistamine and corticosteroid administration and consultation with
an allergist to determine the precise cause of the edema. Trauma-induced edema
should be managed as a hematoma. For the treatment of edema produced by infec-
tion, antibiotics should be prescribed [27].

4.8 Hematoma

Hematoma formation as a complication of local anesthesia is the result of a

venous or arterial laceration; intra-arterial blood pressure increase causes effusion
of blood into the surrounding soft tissues. While injecting, if there is a high pres-
sure, it may be a warning injecting against the bloodstream. The size of a hematoma

Complications Associated with Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

depends on the density and compactness of the affected tissue; when a vein rupture
is concerned, hematoma does not necessarily occur. Discoloration on the area, a
bruise may accompany hematoma [48].
From the anatomical point of view, different nerve effects cause hematoma on
specific regions such as anterior superior alveolar (infraorbital) nerve block below
the lower eyelid, incisive (mental) nerve block at the chin area, buccal nerve block
or any palatal injection within the mouth, and posterior superior alveolar nerve
block extraoral in the lower buccal region of the mandible, intraoral distal to maxil-
lary tuberosity.
Hematoma formation can be prevented by aspirating before injecting the
anesthetic solution, by using a short needle and a minimum number of needle
penetrations into tissues. When swelling forms immediately after injection, local-
ized pressure should be applied with a minimum of 2 minutes. This will stop the
Both swelling and discoloration usually subside in 10 to 15 days. Ice packs should
be held for the first 24 hours after surgery following which intermittent hot moist
packs can be used to resolve the condition and massage therapy using a heparin
cream. Antibiotics should be prescribed if the hematoma is large in order to prevent
the development of a wound infection [14, 49].

4.9 Gingival lesions

Gingival lesions consist of recurrent aphthous stomatitis, and herpes simplex

can occur intraorally after a local anesthetic injection or after any trauma to the
intraoral tissues. The exact mechanism is unknown, but any trauma to tissues by
a needle may activate the latent form of the disease process that was present in the
tissues with previous injection.
No management is necessary until there is severe pain. In order to relieve pain,
topical anesthetic solutions (e.g., viscous lidocaine) may be used on affected areas.
A concoction of identical amounts of diphenhydramine and milk of magnesia
rinsed in the mouth effectively covers the ulcerations and provides relief from pain.
Triamcinolone acetonide without corticosteroid can remedy pain [14, 27].

4.10 Soft tissue injury

Lip or tongue biting or chewing can occur on children with special needs or
disabled patients, following dental local anesthesia with the unfamiliar sensation of
being numb [50]. Shorter-acting local anesthetics such as plain mepivacaine should
be chosen, and the patient or the guardian should be warned about eating, drinking
hot fluids, and biting on the lips or tongue to test for anesthesia; cotton rolls can be
placed between the teeth and soft tissues to prevent chewing. In order to accelerate
recovery time for sensation, an alpha-adrenergic receptor, phentolamine mesylate
(OraVerse), may be injected. For adults, the proposed dosage is 1 to 2 cartridges of
phentolamine mesylate (a dose of 0.4 to 0.8 mg), while for children the proposed
dosage is 0.5 to 1 cartridge (0.2 to 0.4 mg) [50, 51] Malamed [52].
Swelling may decay after 2 to 3 days. The lesion will heal over the next 10 to
14 days. For pain complains, analgesics may be prescribed and topical local anes-
thetic gel may be applied to the area.

4.11 Ophthalmologic complications

The most common complications include diplopia (dual vision), ophthalmople-

gia (paralysis or weakening of eye muscles), ptosis, and mydriasis (dilatation of

Topics in Local Anesthetics

pupil). In extremely rare instances, amaurosis (partial/total blindness) can be seen.

All these complications are transient and disappear on interruption of the anes-
thetic effects [53].
Intraarterial injection or perforation of the vascular wall would stimulate the
sympathetic fibers running alongside the internal maxillary artery until reaching
the orbit. The intravenous injection could reach the cavernous sinus via the ptery-
goid plexus and anesthetize the oculomotor, trochlear, or abducens nerves.
Horner’s syndrome may occur after an inferior dental nerve block anesthesia
because of penetration of the local anesthetic through the lateral pharyngeal and
prevertebral spaces, causing barrier of the stellate ganglion [54, 55].
Alamanos et al. conducted a systematic review in 2016 on ophthalmologic
complications following dental local anesthesia with 66 reports and 89 cases. They
found that the Gow-Gates technique for mandibular block anesthesia is only associ-
ated with diplopia, vision impairment is more associated with inferior alveolar
nerve blocks than with posterior superior alveolar nerve blocks, and the latter
technique has rarely been reported as a cause of amaurosis. Ocular complications in
the literature are mostly with an injection of lidocaine [56].
In order to minimize the possible complications, visualization of the regional
anatomy, numerous aspirations while injection, and aspiration on at least two
planes before administration local anesthetic are performed.

5. Conclusion

Administration of a local anesthetic can be associated with complications of

adverse events. In order to prevent local anesthetic complications, the medical
history of the patients should routinely be evaluated in details, and effective anxiety
management should be performed. Doses of local anesthetics should be always
strictly assessed with body weight, and the maximum recommended dosages
should be considered. While administrating anesthesia, the painless injection
should be performed, avoiding intravascular or intramuscular or direct trauma to
the nerve. New developments should be followed by the practitioners to reduce
possible complications associated with the local anesthesia.

Author details

Basak Keskin Yalcin
Cerrahpasa Vocational School of Health Services, Istanbul University, Turkey

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

Complications Associated with Local Anesthesia in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


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Chapter 10

Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity

Divya Garg, Shikha Soni and Rakesh Karnawat


Local anesthetics are used very often in medicine and dentistry. They have few
adverse effects, but the increased use of these drugs has resulted in a higher inci-
dence of local and systemic anesthetic toxicity (LAST). From the initial symptoms
to the deleterious effects on cardiac and the central nervous system, LAST is an
important consequence of which we should be aware. LAST is known since the
introduction and use of local anesthetics; it was originally associated with seizures
and respiratory failure. However, in the 1970s, side effects on the heart were also
identified, as the fatal cardiac toxicity associated with bupivacaine was discovered
in healthy patients. Prevention and safe administration of regional anesthesia
remains primary factors in the avoidance of the toxicity of these drugs. When a
patient has LAST, treatment should be started immediately to reduce seizures. If
there is cardiac arrest, follow ACLS guidelines. Intravenous lipids improve cardiac
conduction, contractility and coronary perfusion by removing liposoluble local
anesthetic from cardiac tissue.

Keywords: local anesthetic, toxicity, mechanism of action, prevention, management,

lipid emulsion

1. Introduction

Systemic toxicity due to local anesthetics (LAST) is a nightmare for each anes-
thesiologist. It can have catastrophic outcome in an otherwise simple procedure,
such as a regional dental anesthesia, local anesthesia, nerve block either peripheral,
intravenous or peridural. The clinical phenomenon of LAST has been known for
more than 100 years. Historically, the introduction of cocaine as the first local
anesthetic (LA) in late nineteenth century was soon accompanied by reports of its
systemic toxicity. The symptoms of systemic toxicity were frequently described
as seizures or respiratory failure, but some cases also included reports of adverse
cardiac effects [1]. These reasons demanded medical and pharmaceutical industries
to search for new less toxic LA.
At first, manipulation of existing molecular structures after analyzing natural
products lead to development of few drugs. It became clear that the development
of more LA of ester group did not return the desired results. The main concern was
short duration of action due to instability of ester bonds. The drugs were prepared
in an oily formulation to increase the duration (which proved neurotoxic locally, or
by enhancing the lipophilicity of the molecule which made it more toxic to central
nervous system (CNS) as well as cardiovascular system (CVS)). Lidocaine, synthe-
sized in 1944 was the first amide LA drug to be used clinically. It gave a dependable
block, but unfortunately was short acting. In search of an LA with a longer duration
of action than lidocaine, a family of N-alkylpiperidines 2,6 xylidides was introduced

Topics in Local Anesthetics

in 1950s. It was shown that increasing N-alkyl carbon chain length (to max at C4 or
C5) increased lipophilicity, which increases duration of action, but unfortunately
also increased systemic toxicity. Derivatives developed for clinical use included
mepivacaine, bupivacaine, ropivacaine, levobupivacaine, etc. But in subsequent
year’s cases of lethal LAST were documented.
Accidental intravascular injection during regional anesthesia is the most com-
mon cause of LAST. Some comorbidities may increase the risk of LAST; liver failure,
heart disease, pregnancy and metabolic syndromes. In addition, patients at extreme
ages have an increased risk factor of toxicity, due to the reduction in anesthetic
clearance. Children under 4 months of age have low plasma concentrations of acid
glycoprotein, which may result in a lower intrinsic clearance of bupivacaine [2, 3].
The incidence of LAST is extremely variable from zero events after more than
12,000 nerve blocks to 25 per 10,000 nerve blocks. One study reported seizures
in 79 of 10,000 brachial plexus block procedures. This complication was due to
toxicity of the CNS as a result of intravascular LA injection. Although the published
data are inconsistent, the prevailing goal is to prevent LAST, and when it manifests,
it must be treated quickly and effectively [4–6].
Cardiac toxicity is the most important component of LAST since, unlike the
CNS toxicity, it can end in cardiac arrest and death. It is often due to an intravascu-
lar injection not noticed during nerve block. LA bind and inhibit voltage dependent
sodium channels. It leads to conduction disorders, contractile dysfunction and ven-
tricular arrhythmias. The incidence of cardiac toxicity increases with bupivacaine
due to its affinity for inactive sodium channels during the cardiac action potential at
a concentration of 0.2 μg/mL. This is done in a fast/slow manner, which means that
bupivacaine binds very rapidly to a large proportion of sodium channels during the
potential for cardiac action, but is slowly released from the channels during dias-
tole, which results in a large proportion of medication that accumulates at 60–150
beats per minute. Lidocaine at 5–10 μg/mL will also result in a substantial blockage
of sodium channels during a potential for cardiac action. However, in contrast to
bupivacaine, lidocaine follows the principle of rapid entry/exit, which means that it
is rapidly released from sodium channels during diastole. This allows faster recov-
ery and a lower incidence of cardiac toxicity compared to bupivacaine.
CNS toxicity is another important consequence of LAST. Although it is com-
posed of many initial prodromal features, it is most often manifested as seizures.
A mechanistic theory focuses on acid-sensitive K+ channels. These pH-sensitive
channels generate neuronal currents of leakage of potassium. LA inhibition causes
membrane depolarization and increased neuronal excitability. As these channels
are expressed throughout the brain, this is the suggested mechanism for seizures in
this context. Consequently, it became mandatory to understand the mechanism of
LAST, so that it could be prevented and managed efficiently.
This chapter reviews the mechanisms, frequency, clinical characteristics,
prevention and treatment of LAST.

2. LAST mechanisms

LA agents are classic sodium channel inhibitors. LAST hypotheses are based
primarily on the binding site, ion channels, signaling pathway or enzymes involved
in the CNS and cardiac toxicity or its treatment. LA inhibit some components of
the oxidative phosphorylation pathway, which affects the myocardium and the CNS
that are poorly tolerant of anaerobic metabolism. These deleterious effects differ
quantitatively between LA, doses and administration routes. It is appropriate to first
review the ion channels implicated in LAST [7–9].

Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity

2.1 Sodium channel blockade

LA are sodium channel blocking acting on inactivated sodium channel state and
blocking it. They affect the initial depolarization phase and slow it down, leading to
slow cardiac conduction. The antiarrhythmic property of lidocaine is related to this
slowed conduction as it causes fast blockade of the channels. In contrast, bupiva-
caine and ropivacaine cannot be used as anti-arrhythmic drugs though they have
fast blockade, but slow release of sodium channel (lasting longer than 1 s in contrast
to lidocaine which lasts 0.15 s) [10]. Slowed conduction leads to widening the QRS
complex, prolongation of the PR interval, AV block and, eventually, ventricular
fibrillation due to the unidirectional blockade and re-entry phenomenon.

2.2 Potassium channel blockade

Out of three known organized potassium channels, two groups are of interest
where LA toxicity is concerned. Out of these, one group of channels are known
as the inward, outward and transient rectifier potassium channels, thus plays an
important role in the potassium efflux during phases 2 and 3 of the cardiac muscle
action potential [11]. If these channels are blocked, it will lead to prolongation
of action potential; i.e. phase 2, delay in repolarization; i.e. phase and shift the
resting membrane potential more positive (phase 4) to increase automaticity [12].
The second group of potassium channels of interest are K2p. Previously known
as the delayed rectifier channels, these channels are believed to be responsible for
the background or leak potassium currents. In this setting, they control the resting
membrane potential. A blockade of these channels shifts the resting membrane
potential towards spontaneous depolarization. K2p channels are extensively
spread in the body. In the CNS they are mainly located in the thalamo-cortical and
striatal neurons, where blockade leads to increased neuroexitability [13]. They are
also present in high concentrations in the cerebral blood vessels, where blockade
leads to vasoconstriction and decreased cerebral blood flow. K2p channels are also
present in neurons of the auditory system, where blockade leads to tinnitus. LA
agents are also known to have K2p mediated stimulating effect on ventilation [14].
They are located in the brainstem and carotid body, where they regulate the respi-
ratory response to carbon dioxide via sensing the changes of pH and expressed
in the oxygen-sensing cells of the glomus body respectively. K2p channels are
sensitive to changes in oxygen tension and extracellular pH and are potentiated by
volatile anesthetic [13]. In the CVS K2p channel blockade predisposes the patient
to re-entry dysrhythmias. It is well known that hyperkalemia exacerbates LAST,
and that K+ATP openers (which effectively lowers intracellular K+ levels) attenuate
the toxic effects of bupivacaine [15].

2.3 Ca2+ channel blockade

All voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are comprised of two subunits according to

the latest research: α and β subunit. The α subunit has fairly constant chemical
structure for all voltage gated Ca2+ channels and is the main pore- forming ele-
ment of the channel. The β subunit has highly variable structure that depends on
the location and function of the channel for e.g. in cardiac conduction tissue β1
subunit completes the ion channel structure. The role of the β1 subunit seems to be
the modulation of channel opening and membrane ion trafficking [16]. In terms
of their physiological effect, the heart has two distinct types of channels namely
the T-type (transient) that are low voltage activated channels (LVA), and L-type
(long lasting). On the other hand, are high voltage activated channels (HVA).

Topics in Local Anesthetics

The T-type channels are mainly located in the pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial node,
and the opening of these channels completes the prepotential required for the
pacemaker potential. L-type channels are present on the surface of the myocytes of
both atrium and ventricle, and are closely associated with the T-tubules. The plateau
phase (phase 2) of cardiac muscle action potential is produced by opening of these
L-type channels. LA bind to these channels and predispose them to an inactivated
state. The consequence of this is prolongation of the action potential (phase 2) and
depressed contractility [9].

3. LAST risk factors

Risk factors to develop LA toxicity are related to kind of LA used, the type of
nerve block, and the patient.

3.1 LA related

The most important and most studied factors in the development of LAST are
undoubtedly the type and dose of LA.

3.1.1 Type of LA

The kind of LA injection influence toxicity risk. Animal studies showed that [17]
more levobupivacaine than bupivacaine was required to induce cardiac arrest and
levobupivacaine caused fewer convulsions and arrhythmias than bupivacaine, at
similar doses [18]. Ropivacaine may cause less motor block, but whether it is clini-
cally significantly less toxic is unknown. Other property differentiating the toxicity
of LA is their intrinsic effect on vessels, where levobupivacaine and ropivacaine
have intrinsic vasoconstrictors properties (that may prolong duration of action and
slow systemic absorption), whereas bupivacaine is an intrinsic vasodilator. The
clinical significance of this difference remains unclear. Another important concept
in the study of LAST is the ratio of the dose required to produce cardiovascular
collapse to that required to induce seizures, the so called CC/CNS ratio (ratio of
dose causing cardiovascular collapse to the dose causing seizures). Bupivacaine has
a CC/CNS ratio of 2.0 compared with 7.1 for lidocaine. Therefore, progression from
CNS signs and symptoms to cardiovascular collapse can occur more readily with
bupivacaine than with lidocaine.

3.1.2 Dose of LA

Determining the optimal dose of LA to use is complex and always a topic of

debate. Using the lowest effective dose is always prudent and advisable practice
along with consideration of patient characteristics and site of administration.
Some may argue that the recommended doses provide a rough guide for clini-
cal use. The maximum weight-based doses have lost rationale in others view as
such dosing does not correlate to the resulting blood level and does not take into
account relevant patient factors or the site of injection. Other factors that ques-
tion the maximum weight based doses are variation between different texts and
countries, no recommendation whether dose calculation is based on actual body
weight or ideal body weight and such hard and fast dosing rules do not take into
account the complete clinical context [19]. As a result, if dosing is calculated on
actual body weight, the obese, pregnant, or both patients may receive a danger-
ously high dose.

Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity

3.2 Block-related

Inadvertent intravenous injection of LA can occur during any regional anes-

thetic technique, but tends in becoming LAST only if larger volumes (5–10 mL)
are injected, or small doses during face and neck procedures. Symptoms usually
occur within 3–5 min and can be severe if appropriate measures are not taken.
LAST resulting from the gradual systemic absorption of LA is characterized
by a late presentation (20–30 min or more after a bolus injection), and usually
occurs when a relatively high dose of LA has been administered in the presence
of another risk factor. Local anesthetic systemic toxicity may also occur in the
context of continuous LA infusion, in which case the onset may be hours to days
after starting the infusion. The symptoms last until the drug metabolism reduces
concentrations plasma levels below the toxic threshold. Prolonged monitoring and
supportive therapy are essential.

3.2.1 Site of block

Blocking site is important since rate of absorption, chances of direct intravascu-

lar injections and thus chances of toxicity depends on the anatomical location. For
example, interscalene block, stellate ganglion block, intercostal nerve block have a
higher risk of direct intravascular injection and other blocks like scalp, bronchial
mucosa, inter pleural cavity carry an increased risk of rapid absorption and toxicity
due to the injection being in a highly vascularized area. The classic order of sites
propensities to lead to toxicity, in order from lowest to highest: subcutaneous injec-
tion, brachial plexus, epidural, caudal, and finally intercostal blocks and topical
mucosal anesthesia.

3.2.2 Conduct of the block

Performing the block in a safer way decreases the chances of toxicity by mani-
folds. The practice of giving the dose of LA in incremental injections, after frequent
aspiration, adding test dose and most important is using ultrasound-guided needle
placement to give the LA reduces the risk of toxicity.

3.3 Patient-related factors

3.3.1 General principles

Various factors are related to toxicity of LA. Most common being the free peak
plasma concentration, perfusion at the site of injection, co-morbidities (renal, liver,
metabolic, and cardiac diseases). As already discussed earlier, more the perfusion
at the site of injection, more will be the peak plasma concentration as systemic
absorption is accelerated. A low α1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) titer results in a higher
concentration of free LA.
In patients with severe renal impairment there may be slightly increased risk of
toxicity as these patients typically have a reduced clearance of LA, hyper dynamic
circulation but increased AAG. So, it is prudent to reduce the initial dose by 10–20%
according to severity of renal impairment.
In patients with liver disease, single dose blocks are unaffected, but the doses for
repeat boluses and continuous infusions should be reduced. Such patients may also
have renal or cardiac disease. AAG is synthesized in patients with end-stage liver
disease, offering some protection against LAST. Patients with severe cardiac failure
are particularly susceptible to LA-induced myocardial depression and arrhythmias.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Further, lower liver and renal perfusion slows metabolism and elimination, so safe
initial and maintenance doses of LA are correspondingly lower too. On the other
hand, poor perfusion at the injection site may decrease peak plasma concentrations.

3.3.2 Age related factors

Extremes of age have different physiological changes making them different

from young and adolescent age group. In elderly patients; there is a safety benefit in
dose reduction without altering the clinical efficacy. In the geriatric patient’s nerves
appears to be more sensitive to LA due to various factors like altered nerve mor-
phology, there is less fat tissue surrounding the nerves, and axonal function is also
reduced. Moreover, this age group has multiple co-morbidities and decreased muscle
mass; blood flow to organs is reduced, decreased clearance and organ function. In
patients older than 65 years’ involuntary overdoses being responsible for some cases
of LAST. When considering the use of LA in geriatric patients, it is mandatory to pay
special attention to the presence of systemic disease and muscle wasting [20].
In neonates and infants, the risk of accumulation of LA with continuous infu-
sions is more than in adults as AAG levels are reduced (about half that of adult at
birth). Children have an increased elimination half-life of LA, which in neonates is
increased to 2–3 times that of an adult. Bupivacaine accumulates with continuous
infusion and 2-chloroprocaine can be used as an alternative. LAST has the highest
incidence in infants less than 6 months of age and is associated with bolus dosing
and penile nerve blocks [21].

3.3.3 Pregnant patients

Pregnancy is one of several clinical settings in which LAST can be potentiated.

Pregnant patients are at an increased risk of toxicity as they have increased perfu-
sion as well as decreased AAG levels; thus high peak free plasma concentration of
LA. Some of the earliest anecdotal reports of LAST-related fatal cardiac arrests
involved pregnant women [1]. Notably, several of the original anecdotal reports
of LAST-related fatal cardiac arrests involved pregnant women. It has since been
proven that pregnancy increases the risk for LAST, and subsequent guidelines
preclude use of 0.75% bupivacaine in late gestation because this concentration was
involved in cases of fatal toxicity in parturients [22–24].

4. Clinical presentation of LAST

Most of the LAST events happen a few minutes after the LA injection and pres-
ent with signs of the CNS, which may or may not be accompanied by changes in the
CVS (Figure 1). Sometimes, the manifestations are atypical in terms of time and
clinical picture. The onset of symptoms may be delayed up to 60 min after a bolus
injection, and signs of CVS toxicity may appear in the absence of any CNS charac-
teristics. This last scenario may be more common in patients who are very sedated
or under general anesthesia. High plasma concentrations during LAST can occur
in three circumstances: inadvertent intra-arterial injection, intravenous injection
or systemic absorption, each of which has a characteristic temporal course. LAST
associated with intra-arterial injection occurs classically during nerve blockages in
the head and neck (stellate ganglion, interscalene or deep cervical plexus blocks)
in which there is an involuntary injection of LA in an artery that supplies the brain.
The symptoms of the CNS, usually seizures, occur almost immediately. When
the injected dose is small, progression to CVS collapse is uncommon. Recovery

Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity

Figure 1.
Scheme showing the most important clinical manifestations of LAST.

Figure 2.
Accidental arterial puncture during a stellate ganglion block in a patient with postherpetic neuropathy.

is equally rapid since LA quickly redistributes from the cerebral circulation [25].
Figure 2 shows an intra-arterial puncture detected during the blockage of the stel-
late ganglion in a patient with herpes zoster neuropathy.

4.1 Central nervous system toxicity

Central nervous system toxicity could be presumed as a two-stage process in

which initial blockade of Na+ channels occurs in the inhibitory neurons thus allow-
ing excitatory neurons to act unopposed which culminates in generalized convul-
sions. Higher concentrations of LA agent affect all neurons, leading to global CNS
depression, which is clinically seen as coma and evident on EEG as slowing and
ultimately silent EEG. In most cases, convulsions, although an impressive clinical
entity, can be handled safely without permanent brain damage. Clinical manifesta-
tions of the systemic neurotoxicity of LA usually occur in stages; in the initial phase
there is perioral numbness, confusion, tinnitus followed by an exciting phase that
shows seizures and, finally, a depressive phase where there is loss of consciousness
and respiratory depression.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

4.2 Cardiovascular system toxicity

Both the direct and indirect effects of the LA drugs on myocardium are involved
in the mechanism of cardiovascular toxicity [26].
Clinical presentation includes hypertension and tachycardia in initial phase
(during CNS excitatory phase), followed by intermediate phase showing myocar-
dial depression, decreased cardiac output and thus hypotension, followed by sinus
bradycardia, peripheral vasodilatation, conduction defects and dysrhythmias in
terminal phase.

5. Management of LAST

All medical and paramedical personnel working in operating theaters and hospi-
tal locations where LA are used should be prepared to recognize, diagnose and treat
patients with signs and symptoms of LAST in a timely manner. The ASRA has pub-
lished and updated the guidelines recommended by experts for the management of
LAST (Table 1) [4, 5]. The initial treatment of LAST should focus on keeping the
airways permeable with adequate ventilation, circulatory support and the reduction
of systemic side effects. Immediate ventilation and oxygenation to prevent hypoxia
and acidosis can facilitate resuscitation and reduce the likelihood of progression to
seizures or cardiovascular collapse [24, 25].

5.1 Preparation

All patients receiving LA injections in doses potentially to trigger LAST should

have oxygen, standard monitoring which is to be continued at least 30 min after
completion of injection to detect delayed presentation if any, and intravenous access
applied [27, 28]. Immediate access to LAST Management Checklist is advisable, and
all medications and resuscitation equipment required should be immediately avail-
able, preferably in the form of a “LAST Rescue Kit”.

5.2 Immediate management

Immediate management involves the general safety and resuscitation measures

that are essential in any emergency. First, stop LA injection and call for help. The
immediate priority is to manage the airway, breathing, and circulation. Avoid
factors potentiating LAST like hypoxia, hypercarbia, and acidosis (metabolic or
respiratory [24, 25, 29]).

5.2.1 Intravenous lipid emulsion therapy

Use of intravenous lipid emulsion as a therapeutic modality comes with several

advantages. Theories suggest that it improves cardiac conduction, contractility
and coronary perfusion by removing the liposoluble LA from cardiac tissue. Better
understanding of the mechanism of action of lipid emulsion with recent advances
underlines its importance as therapeutic modality in the management of LAST. First
advantage is that lipid emulsion may shuttle any LA agent from high blood flow
organs to detoxification organs such as the liver [30]. Secondly, lipid emulsion
therapy may also improve the cardiac output and blood pressure. Post conditioning
myocardial protection may also occur [31–34]. There is an unavailability of large
scale data collection and other prospective studies to demonstrate efficacy of lipid

Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity

Checklist for LAST treatment

The pharmacologic treatment of LAST is different from other cardiac arrest scenarios

Reduce individual epinephrine boluses to ≤1 mcg/kg

Avoid vasopressin, calcium channel blockers, beta blockers, or other local anesthetics

• Stop injecting local anesthetic

• Get help
○ Consider lipid emulsion therapy at the first sign of a serious LAST event
○ Call for the LAST rescue kit
○ Alert the nearest cardiopulmonary bypass team – resuscitation may be prolonged
• Airway management
○ Ventilate with 100% oxygen / avoid hyperventilation / advanced airway device if necessary
• Control seizures
○ Benzodiazepines preferred
○ Avoid large doses of propofol, especially in hemodynamically unstable patients
• Treat hypotension and bradycardia—if pulseless, start CPR

Lipid emulsion 20% (precise volume and flow rate are crucial)

Greater than 70 kg patient Less than 70 kg patient

Bolus 100 mL lipid emulsion 20% rapidly over 2–3 min Bolus 1.5 mL/kg lipid emulsion 20%
rapidly over 2–3 min

• Lipid emulsion infusion 200–250 mL over 15–20 min • Lipid emulsion infusion ~0.25 mL/kg/
min (ideal body weight)

If patient remains unstable:

• Re-bolus once or twice at the same dose and double infusion rate; be aware of dosing limit (12 mL/kg)
• Total volume of lipid emulsion can approach 1 L in a prolonged resuscitation (e.g., > 30 min)
• Continue monitoring
○ At least 4–6 h after a cardiovascular event
○ Or, at least 2 h after a limited CNS event
• Do not exceed 12 mL/kg lipid emulsion (particularly important in the small adult or child)
○ Much smaller doses are typically needed for LAST treatment
With permission from

Table 1.
Checklist for LAST treatment [4, 5].

emulsion therapy due to various difficulties [24, 35, 36]; however various animal
studies provide strong support for use of lipid emulsion therapy to reduce mortality
when used along with resuscitative measures [37]. Early administration of 20%
intravenous lipid emulsion therapy should, therefore, be an immediate priority
after airway management in any LAST event that is judged to be potentially seri-
ous. A bolus of 1.5 mL/kg of 20% lipid emulsion and the subsequent infusion of
0.25 mL/kg per minute should be administered. The infusion should be continued
for 10 min after reaching hemodynamic stability. An additional bolus and an infu-
sion rate increase to 0.5 mL/kg per minute can be administered if stability is not
achieved. The maximum recommended dose for initial administration is approxi-
mately 10 mL/kg for 30 min (Table 1) [4, 37, 38]. Lipid emulsion remains first-line
therapy (in conjunction with standard resuscitative measures) in LAST. However,
more research in humans is necessary to establish its real usefulness [36].

Topics in Local Anesthetics

5.2.2 Seizure management

Prompt seizure prevention and termination is crucial to avoid injury and acido-
sis. Benzodiazepines are first line therapy for management of seizures due to their
cardio stable profile. Propofol or thiopental can be used in low doses, although these
drugs may worsen the hypotension or cardiac depression associated with LAST. It
should be avoided in patients with cardiovascular compromise. Neuromuscular
blockade can be considered in cases of ongoing seizures; small doses of succinyl-
choline should be administered intermittently to stop muscle activity and increased
acidosis. Early termination of seizure activity helps to avoid metabolic acidosis and
hypoxia that occurs due to repeated muscular contractions [24].

5.2.3 Cardiovascular support

The treatment of LA-induced cardiac arrest focuses on restoring cardiac

output, to restore tissue perfusion, prevent and treat underlying acidosis. Chest
compressions should be started without delay and to be continued till return of
spontaneous circulation (as per ACLS algorithms for cardiopulmonary resuscita-
tion). If epinephrine is used, small initial doses of ≤1 μg/kg are preferred to avoid
impaired pulmonary gas exchange and increased afterload [39]. Vasopressin is not
recommended, as it can cause pulmonary hemorrhage. If myocardial LA levels is
more than the threshold that corresponds to ion channel blocking concentrations,
then the ionotropic effect of lipid emulsion therapy remains questionable. Chest
compressions ensure the coronary perfusion that is sufficient to reduce tissue LA
levels. In the absence of rapid recovery following ACLS measures and intravenous
lipid emulsion therapy, early consideration should be given to cardiopulmonary
bypass for circulatory support. For other deleterious CVS effects—such as arrhyth-
mias, conduction block, progressive hypotension, and bradycardia – standard
ACLS algorithms should be followed with the omission of LA, such as lidocaine and
procainamide. Amiodarone is the first-line antiarrhythmic in the event of ventricu-
lar dysrhythmia. In addition, calcium channel blockers and B-adrenergic receptor
blockers are not recommended.

5.2.4 Post-event management

Report the case of LAST to the registry at [39]. Monitoring

is mandatory for at least 2 h in isolated and recovering CNS event but for 6 h for
LAST with CVS features.

6. Prevention

The primary objective of every anesthesiologist is always patient safety. Pre-

anesthetic evaluation, patient preparation, complete monitoring before starting
administration of LA, and continuing this monitoring during surgery and the
immediate postoperative period are mandatory.

6.1 Pre-procedure

• During preoperative assessment, evaluate the patient for co-morbidities,

evaluation of the risks and benefits of regional anesthesia for that individual
should be discussed, patient should be explained regarding procedure and
appropriate consent to be obtained.

Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity

• Preparation includes selection of type of LA, prior calculation of doses, label-

ing all syringes.

• All monitoring facilities to be available along with LAST rescue kit and resusci-
tative measures.

6.2 Intra-procedure

• Block to be performed with continuous monitoring attached, with a capable

help nearby.

• The method of administration of LA should include the administration of

incremental doses with frequent aspiration, ultrasound-guided needle place-
ment, administration of test doses. This can help in the early detection of
accidental intravascular placement of the needle or catheter and thus avoid
erroneous administration of the LA, avoiding toxic plasma concentrations.

• Continuous communication with the patient to detect early signs of intravas-

cular injection like perioral numbness, tinnitus etc.

6.3 Post-procedure

Clearly label any kind of spinal/epidural catheter or peripheral nerve block

catheter; it should be documented well in patient chart also. Drug and dose already
administered or to be administered should be well informed in instructions to the
medical staff responsible for post-operative care of the patient. Continuous moni-
toring of vital signs in the postoperative period in suspected case of delayed LAST
to be considered.

7. Conclusion

LAST is a serious life-threatening emergency, with protean manifestations, that

can happen after administering LA. Anesthesiologists must understand its risks,
prevention, and safe management. Promptly recognition and timely manage-
ment of LAST can dramatically change the clinical course. In addition to the usual
advanced cardiac resuscitation maneuvers, the current treatment focuses on the
administration of lipid emulsion. While the development of new treatment plans
can help limiting the associated morbidity and mortality, prevention remains
vitally important. It is mandatory for all the practitioners using LA to understand
patho-physiological basis, mechanisms, risk factors, prevention and treatment
modalities of LAST.


We thank for allowing us to publish Figures 1 and 2.

Topics in Local Anesthetics

Author details

Divya Garg*, Shikha Soni and Rakesh Karnawat

Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Dr. S.N. Medical College,
Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

*Address all correspondence to:

© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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Edited by Víctor M. Whizar-Lugo
and Enrique Hernández-Cortez

The fascinating history of local anesthetics was born in the Andean Mountains with
the use of Erythroxylum coca and has gradually evolved into a group of safe drugs in
anesthesiology and pain medicine. Their mechanism of action on the cell membrane
produces anesthesia, analgesia, and side effects that can be catastrophic. Other effects
such as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antineoplastic, and other therapeutic results
have also been found and are still under investigation. Pharmacological advances in
local anesthetics, the use of adjuvant drugs, and new regional anesthesia techniques
have resulted in greater efficacy and safety for patients.Written by authors from
around the world, this book examines selected topics on local anesthetics and their
current use in clinical practice.

ISBN 978-1-83968-820-1

Published in London, UK
© 2020 IntechOpen
© PRAIRAT_FHUNTA / pixabay

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