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Application Guide Volume IV AG2009-16

Example Settings for Applying the

SEL-487B to a Six-Breaker Bus
George E. Alexander

Each SEL-487B Bus Differential and Breaker Failure Relay provides differential protection for as
many as six single-phase zones and includes circuit breaker failure protection for as many as six
three-phase circuit breakers. Advanced zone selection logic in the SEL-487B uses disconnect
auxiliary contacts to automatically reconfigure bus protection during disconnect switch operation.
However, many stations have only one busbar and do not require zone selection or, in many
cases, circuit breaker failure protection. This application guide discusses how to configure the
SEL-487B for a simplified bus differential application in a basic station.
This guide uses ACSELERATOR QuickSet® SEL-5030 Software to create a settings file.
® ®
ACSELERATOR QuickSet is a Microsoft Windows -based program that allows for creating,
exchanging, downloading, and uploading relay settings. ACSELERATOR QuickSet is available for
download on the SEL website at The relay settings
discussed in this application guide are provided in an ACSELERATOR QuickSet file that is
available for download. This settings file can serve as a starting point for single busbar


The SEL-487B is a versatile bus protection relay that can provide much more than bus
differential protection. It can protect multiple bus zones and can dynamically change the zones of
protection based on disconnect switch positions. The SEL-487B can also provide breaker failure
protection, overcurrent protection, and voltage protection. Because of this flexibility, it is
important to consider the overall protection requirements for the relay. A worksheet is available
on the SEL-487B page of the SEL website at This
worksheet may be used in determining the proper options required for a specific application as
well as helping to define the settings for the application.

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


Table 1 is from the SEL-487B worksheet and lists the protection functions that are used in this
application. We are using only the basic bus differential protection.

Table 1 Standard Protection Functions

Protection Function Selection
CT ratio mismatch smaller than 10:1 Y N
Circuit breaker status logic Y N
Disconnect monitor logic Y N
Differential protection Y N
Dynamic zone selection logic Y N
Sensitive differential protection Y N
Zone supervision logic Y N
Zone-switching supervision logic Y N
Coupler security logic Y N
Circuit breaker failure protection Y N
Instantaneous overcurrent protection Y N
Time-overcurrent protection Y N
Phase voltage elements Y N
Zero- or negative-sequence voltage elements Y N

Table 2, also from the SEL-487B worksheet, lists the user-defined functions that are programmed
in the SELOGIC® control equations. For this application, we use a front-panel pushbutton to put
the SEL-487B in a test mode.

Table 2 User-Defined Functions

Identify logic functions that are not part of the standard logic in the relay
1. Relay test mode (RTM) selection via front-panel pushbutton

The SEL-487B worksheet also helps to determine the number of current inputs, bus zones, digital
inputs, and digital outputs required for more complex applications.

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015



Because busbar protection applications differ substantially from station to station, we show a
basic station application that excludes all protection functions except busbar protection. Figure 1
shows a one-line diagram of the application. The bus zone includes six circuit breakers. The
ratios of the six CTs are not all the same.
None of the current inputs to the SEL-487B are preassigned. This provides the maximum
flexibility in applying the relay. The SEL-487B can accommodate 18 individual current inputs.
For this application, the bus differential protection requires all 18 inputs: A-, B-, and C-phase
currents from each of the six breakers.




52-FDR1 52-FDR2 52-FDR3 52-FDR4 52-FDR5

1200:5 1200:5 1200:5 800:5 2000:5

Feeder Feeder Feeder Feeder Feeder


Figure 1 Station One-Line Diagram

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


Table 3 is a copy of Table 6 from the SEL-487B worksheet. This table is used to identify the
current inputs to the SEL-487B and any alias names that might be used for the currents. The alias
is arbitrary and intended to provide easy identification for metering and event reports. The order
and grouping of the current inputs are flexible. In this example, the three-phase currents from
each source are grouped. The inputs also could have been grouped by phase.

Table 3 SEL-487B Current Input Assignment

Analog Channel Terminal Alias
I01 Source Breaker 52-1 A-Phase Current S1_A
I02 Source Breaker 52-1 B-Phase Current S1_B
I03 Source Breaker 52-1 C-Phase Current S1_C
I04 Feeder 1 Breaker 52-FDR1 A-Phase Current FDR1_A
I05 Feeder 1 Breaker 52-FDR1 B-Phase Current FDR1_B
I06 Feeder 1 Breaker 52-FDR1 C-Phase Current FDR1_C
I07 Feeder 2 Breaker 52-FDR2 A-Phase Current FDR2_A
I08 Feeder 2 Breaker 52-FDR2 B-Phase Current FDR2_B
I09 Feeder 2 Breaker 52-FDR2 C-Phase Current FDR2_C
I10 Feeder 3 Breaker 52-FDR3 A-Phase Current FDR3_A
I11 Feeder 3 Breaker 52-FDR3 B-Phase Current FDR3_B
I12 Feeder 3 Breaker 52-FDR3 C-Phase Current FDR3_C
I13 Feeder 4 Breaker 52-FDR4 A-Phase Current FDR4_A
I14 Feeder 4 Breaker 52-FDR4 B-Phase Current FDR4_B
I15 Feeder 4 Breaker 52-FDR4 C-Phase Current FDR4_C
I16 Feeder 5 Breaker 52-FDR5 A-Phase Current FDR5_A
I17 Feeder 5 Breaker 52-FDR5 B-Phase Current FDR5_B
I18 Feeder 5 Breaker 52-FDR5 C-Phase Current FDR5_C

This application is a simple bus without zone selection. However, this application does require
three separate bus zones: one for each phase. Table 4 is a partial copy of Table 7 from the
SEL-487B worksheet.

Table 4 SEL-487B Bus Zone Assignment

Bus Zone Name Description Alias
BZ1 A-Phase Current Differential Zone PHASE_A
BZ2 B-Phase Current Differential Zone PHASE_B
BZ3 C-Phase Current Differential Zone PHASE_C

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


Although other settings categories exist in the relay (such as port and automation settings), we
consider only the settings categories necessary for this application:
• Alias settings
• Global settings
• Zone configuration group settings
• Protection group settings
• Control output settings

Alias Settings
Alias settings are useful in event reports or customized logic programming. The default settings
in the SEL-487B include a number of alias settings. The exact number depends on the options
ordered in the relay. When changing the alias settings, make sure that you do not delete an alias
you wish to use. Figure 2 and Figure 3 show a partial list of the default alias settings. Figure 4
shows the modified alias settings used in this example.

Figure 2 Default Alias Settings

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Figure 3 Default Alias Settings Continued

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


Figure 4 Modified Alias Settings

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Global Settings
In the global settings category, we change three settings: RID (relay ID), SID (station ID), and
NUMBK (number of breakers). Enter the relay name (RID := Sample Bus) and the station name
(SID := Demo).
The number that you enter for the NUMBK setting influences two other settings: the number of
breaker status input equations (global settings) and the number of trip equations (group settings).
For example, with the default NUMBK setting of five, there are five breaker input equations and
five trip equations available. Because this application only requires a single output from the
SEL-487B to operate a lockout relay, set NUMBK to 1, as shown in Figure 5. Do not change the
default settings for disconnect auxiliary inputs (NUMDS) or breaker auxiliary inputs (52A01),
because we do not require either of these for this application.

Figure 5 Changes to the Global Settings Category

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


Zone Configuration Group Settings

The PT and CT ratios are set in the zone configuration group settings. There is no potential
connected to the relay for this example, so the PT ratio settings are left at the default values.
There is a CTR (current transformer ratio) setting for each of the current inputs; thus, 18 CTR
settings are required for 6 circuit breakers.

Figure 6 CT and PT Ratios

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


For the terminal-to-bus zone connections settings, assign each phase input to a bus zone. Each of
the current inputs (I01–I18) can be assigned to any of six bus zones (BZ1–BZ6). Table 3 shows
the bus zone assignment for this application. The assignment is under the terminal bus zone
connections. The associated settings for Terminal 1 are shown in Figure 7. The SELOGIC control
equations for the terminal-to-bus connection are not used in this application. The settings also
allow the polarity of the CT to be reversed in the relay. For this application, all CT polarities are
set to P.

Figure 7 Terminal-to-Bus Zone Connections

In this application, I01, I04, I07, I10, I13, and I16 (A-phase currents) are connected to Bus
Zone 1; I02, I05, I08, I11, I14, and I17 (B-phase currents) are connected to Bus Zone 2; and I03,
I06, I09, I12, I15, and I18 (C-phase currents) are connected to Bus Zone 3. In this application, the
terminals will always be connected to the zone, so the terminal-to-bus connection SELOGIC
control equations are all set to 1.

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


The SEL-487B also has bus-to-bus zone connections. For this application, there are no
connections between the bus zones. They are all set to N, as shown in Figure 8. In this simple
application, we are not using zone supervision, zone switching supervision, or check zone
supervision. The zone open CT detector is used, and the settings are left at the default values, as
shown in Figure 9.

Figure 8 Bus-to-Bus Zone Blocks

Figure 9 Zone Open CT Detector

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


Under the group settings, ACSELERATOR QuickSet shows the current normalization factors, as
shown in Figure 10. These are not settings to be entered. The relay calculates these values based
on the entered CT ratios. The normalization factors are similar to the tap settings used in
transformer differential relays. Normalization factors are shown only for those current inputs used
in the differential protection.

Figure 10 Current Normalization Factors

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


Protection Group Settings

The differential and directional element settings are shown in Figure 11.
The sensitive differential element 87STn (n = 1 through 6) detects CT open- or short-circuit
conditions. The factory default setting for sensitive differential elements is 10 percent of zone
differential element pickup values. This setting of 10 percent allows sensitive differential
elements to respond to CT problems, even under low load conditions. With sensitive differential
element supervision enabled (E87SSUP = Y), the time-delayed outputs of the sensitive
differential elements (87STn) block zone differential elements (87Rn) from operating.
For this application, we route the time-delayed output of the sensitive differential element to
output OUT107. Connect output OUT107 to SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition)
for remote indication. If you do not want to block zone differential elements, set E87SSUP = N.
Note that the operation of the sensitive differential element (87STn) is independent of the
E87SSUP setting. Thus, output OUT107 still asserts for CT problems when E87SSUP = N.
The restrained differential element and phase directional element settings are left at the default

Figure 11 Differential and Directional Elements

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


The coupler security logic, terminal out-of-service, breaker failure logic, definite-time
overcurrent elements, inverse-time overcurrent elements, and voltage elements are not used in
this application.
Figure 12 shows the tripping logic for TRIP01 in the SEL-487B. Asserting TR01 asserts TRIP01
directly via input OR Gate 1 and starts the minimum trip duration timer (TDURD). TRIP01
asserts for a minimum of TDURD cycles, even if TR01 is asserted for as little as one processing
interval or if the unlatch portion of the logic is asserted before TDURD expires. The default
TDURD setting is 12 cycles. The SEL-487B includes 18 separate trip SELOGIC control equations
for those applications that require a separate trip output for each of the associated breakers. The
number of individual trip equations available is determined by NUMBK in the breaker inputs
settings in the global settings. For this application, all tripping is via an 86 lockout relay, so only
one trip equation is required.

Figure 12 Trip Logic

TRIP01 also seals itself in via AND Gate 1. This AND gate receives the negated inputs from the
unlatching functions. As long as ULTR01, RSTTRGT, or TRGTR are not asserted, TRIP01
remains sealed in. TRIP01 is used to drive an output contact to initiate tripping of the breaker.
You can use one of four methods to unlatch the trip logic:
• Assert either SELOGIC control equation setting ULTR01 or setting RSTTRGT.
• Push the {TARGET RESET} pushbutton on the front panel.
• Send the TAR R serial port command to assert Relay Word bit TRGTR. Relay Word bit
TRGTR also resets the LED (light-emitting diode) targets on the front panel.
• Assert ULTR01, RSTTRGT, or TRGTR, which places a zero input on AND Gate 1, and
thereby breaks the TRIP01 seal-in loop.
Note that TRIP01 is always asserted when TR01 is asserted, regardless of the action of ULTR01
or the target reset commands. TRIP01 will assert for a minimum of TDURD cycles no matter
how short the length of time TR01 has been asserted.

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


Figure 13 shows the trip logic for the Zone 1 (A-phase) differential element. Trip logic for Zone 2
(B-phase) and Zone 3 (C-phase) differential elements is similar.
Relay Word bit 87R1 (the output of the Zone 1 differential element) is the top input to the AND
gate shown in Figure 13, and Relay Word bit Z1S (supervision conditions) is the bottom input to
the AND gate. This application does not use zone supervision (Z1S = 1). Relay Word bit 87Z1 is
the input to the dynamic zone selection logic, which determines the terminals that should trip
based on the particular zone configuration. Our application is a single busbar that does not change

Figure 13 Trip Logic for 87R1 (A-Phase)

Because our application does not use zone supervision logic and dynamic zone selection, enter
Relay Word bits 87R1, 87R2, and 87R3 directly in the trip equation (TR01), instead of Relay
Word bits 87Z1, 87Z2, and 87Z3.

Figure 14 Trip Logic Settings

Note that the SELOGIC control equation TR01 is:

The equation entered was:
TR01 = 87R1 OR 87R2 OR 87R3
The relay changes 87R1, 87R2, and 87R3 to PH_A_TR, PH_B_TR, and PH_C_TR because of
the alias settings previously entered. The settings can be entered using either the SEL-487B Relay
Word bits or the user-defined alias names. The relay will display the alias names instead of the
SEL-487B Relay Word bits.

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


Protection Logic Settings

The only custom logic used in this application allows the SEL-487B to enter a relay test mode
(RTM). The RTM is used to block the main bus differential trip outputs during the test but
provides an output contact for testing. The RTM is toggled by pushbutton PB4 on the front panel
of the relay. PB4 must be held for one second to enter the test mode. The logic is shown in
Figure 15.

Figure 15 Relay Test Mode Logic

The protection logic settings are shown in Figure 16. Note that PLT03 was added to the alias
settings as RTM.

Figure 16 Protection Logic Settings

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


Output Settings
With the lockout relay tripping the circuit breakers, we only need to operate the lockout relay for
all busbar faults. To trip the lockout relay, assign the output from the trip logic (TRIP01) to
output OUT101, OUT102, and OUT103. OUT101 and OUT102 are the logical AND of TRIP01
and NOT RTM. RTM is the relay test mode entered via PB4 on the front panel of the relay.
OUT103 is not supervised via RTM and can be used to test the relay operation without tripping
the 86 lockout relay. OUT107 is set to RTM to provide an external indication that the SEL-487B
is in the test mode. The RTM is part of the default logic in the SEL-487B but does not need to be
used in the application. Set output OUT107 to close when a CT open-circuit or short-circuit
condition is detected via the sensitive differential elements. Leave output OUT108 with default
settings, as shown in Figure 17.

Figure 17 Output Settings

The SEL-487B is now configured to protect a station with a single bus with six breakers.

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


Report Settings
The report settings do not affect the differential protection, but they do provide valuable
information for evaluating operations of the relay. The SEL-487B includes both SER (Sequential
Events Recorder) and event (oscillography) files. Figure 18 shows a view of the SER points and
alias settings screen. By clicking on the small box to the right of the setting, additional dialog
boxes may be opened to make the selection of the SER points easier. A complete list of the SER
points chosen for this application is in the appendix. Note that the default SER settings do not
include any points.

Figure 18 SER Points Settings

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


In the SEL-487B, the user can select which Relay Word bits are included in the event file. This is
different from earlier SEL relays in which the event report data are fixed. Figure 19 shows the
event reporting digitals settings screen. A complete list of the event reporting digitals chosen for
this application is in the appendix.

Figure 19 Event Reporting Digitals

This application guide has provided an introduction to setting the SEL-487B for a simple bus
differential application. The settings developed in this guide may be used as a starting point to
create settings for a specific bus differential application.

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


Table 5 Alias Settings
Terminal Analog Channel Alias
1 I01 S1_A
2 I02 S1_B
3 I03 S1_C
4 I04 FDR1_A
5 I05 FDR1_B
6 I06 FDR1_C
7 I07 FDR2_A
8 I08 FDR2_B
9 I09 FDR2_C
10 I10 FDR3_A
11 I11 FDR3_B
12 I12 FDR3_C
13 I13 FDR4_A
14 I14 FDR4_B
15 I15 FDR4_C
16 I16 FDR5_A
17 I17 FDR5_B
18 I18 FDR5_C
23 PLT03 RTM
24 87R1 PH_A_TR
25 87R2 PH_B_TR
26 87R3 PH_C_TR

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


Terminal Analog Channel Alias

31 TLED_1 87_DIFF
33 TLED_3 ZONE_1
34 TLED_4 ZONE_2
35 TLED_5 ZONE_3
36 TLED_6 ZONE_4
37 TLED_7 ZONE_5
38 TLED_8 ZONE_6
39 TLED_9 50_TRIP
40 TLED_10 51_TRIP
42 TLED_12 87_BLK
43 TLED_13 TOS
44 TLED_14 80_OIP
45 TLED_15 89_ALRM
47 TLED_17 27_LED
48 TLED_18 59_LED
49 TLED_19 V01_ON
50 TLED_20 V02_ON
51 TLED_21 V03_ON
53 TLED_23 52_ALRM

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


SER Settings
SER points (Relay Word bit, reporting name, set state name, clear state name, HMI [human-
machine interface] alarm)
1: 87S1,“87S1”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
2: 87S2,“87S2”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
3: 87S3,“87S3”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
4: 87ST1,“87ST1”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,Y
5: 87ST2,“87ST2”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,Y
6: 87ST3,“87ST3”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,Y
7: PH_A_TR,“87R1”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
8: PH_B_TR,“87R2”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
9: PH_C_TR,“87R3”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
10: RTM,“PLT03”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,Y
11: SALARM,“SALARM”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
12: HALARM,“HALARM”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
13: BADPASS,“BADPASS”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
14: BUSDIF1,“OUT101”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
15: BUSDIF2,“OUT102”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
16: TST_TRP,“OUT103”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
17: OUT106,“OUT106”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
18: OUT107,“OUT107”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N
19: ALARM,“OUT108”,“Asserted”,“Deasserted”,N

SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015


Event Reporting Digital Elements

1: 87Z1
2: 87Z2
3: #
4: RTM
5: #
9: OUT104
10: OUT105
11: OUT106
12: OUT107
14: #
15: OCTZ1
16: OCTZ2
17: OCTZ3
18: #
19: 87S1
20: 87S2
21: 87S3
22: 87ST1
23: 87ST2
24: 87ST3
25: #
26: 87R1
27: 87R2
28: 87R3

Date Code 20091015 SEL Application Guide 2009-16


We appreciate your interest in SEL products and services. If you have questions or comments,
please contact us at:
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.
2350 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163-5603 USA
Telephone: +1.509.332.1890
Fax: +1.509.332.7990 •

© 2009 by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc.

All rights reserved.

All brand or product names appearing in this document are

the trademark or registered trademark of their respective
holders. No SEL trademarks may be used without written

SEL products appearing in this document may be covered by

U.S. and Foreign patents. *AG2009-16*
SEL Application Guide 2009-16 Date Code 20091015

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