小一 English Reading final exam PDF

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Tai Po Methodist School

2017/18 Final Exam

Time allowed: 60 1ninutes

Name: Jo.. ydot1 Class: l A No.:15(Marks: ~ 100

Parent's Signature: _ _ _ _ _ __

1. There are _ ____;; ;_1_2__pages in this paper.

2. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

3. Time allowed is _ 60__.minutes.


4. When you answer multiple choice questions, blacken the circle next

to the correct answer.

E.g.: • A. OB. 0 C. OD.

. . d stcard carefully.(24%)
A.Jenny 's grandma 1s readmg a postcard. Rea t11e po

Dear Grandma I

What are you doing? We are having fun in

Japan! I am at the zoo with Mum and Dad .
We can see many animals.
There is a lion under the tree. It is Flora Chan
Flat D, 5/F
sleeping. I can see 13 monkeys. They are
3 Red Hill Street
playing in the tree. There are two hippos in Tai Po
The New Territories
the pond . They are swimming.
Hong Kong
We are coming home on Monday. See you


Answer the following questions by blackening the correct circles. (18% @3%)
e.g. What is Grandma reading? She is reading _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A. 0 a poster B. • a postcard
C. 0 a story D. 0 an email
1. Who writes the postcard?
A. 0 Grandma B~ y

C. 0 Mum D. 0 Dad
1718_E3/Eng_R/Pl/P. 1

2. Who gets the postcard?

A. ~ Mum
C. 0 Grandma
B. 0 Dad

D. 0 Jenny
(C )
3. How does Jenny feel?
A. 0 sad B.lf/kppy
C. 0 angry D. 0 unhappy

4. Where are Jenny and her parents now?

Je~,~ her parents are in now.
A. l ong Kong B. 0 Japan
C. 0 Korea D. 0 China

5. Where is the lion?

A. 0 It is on the tree. B. It ) is under the tree.
C. 0 It is near the tree. ~ It is in the tree.

6. How many monkeys can Jenny see?

A. 0 She can see twelve monkeys. B.~ can see thirteen monkeys.
C. 0 She can see fourteen monkeys. D. 0 She can see fifteen monkeys.

1718_E3/Eng_R/Pl /P. 2
Answer the following questions. (6% @3 %)

7. What are the hippos doing?

The hippos are I gW\W) mj~j,,/--"-

8. When will Jenny come home?

Jenny will come hOme on ~ 0-...:\iS~v,91 V'

/ ( Mand°'/ )


BM' . · ·
· inrue Is looking at the photos. Read the captions carefully. (21 %)

Sunshine Zoo
Welcome to Sunshine Zoo. We have four star animals. Let's read
and find out more about them!

. - .
·- . .

. ~·
, ..
c"'-=~ . .?~:"'.:.,
·. - ..· . . ✓·/ Gogo is a giraffe. He is tall.)(

eats leaves on tall trees. t(is

kind and gentle.

Bobo is a panda. She is six

years old. She is fat and big.

Her fur is black and white.

Leo is the king of the zoo! He

?• is eight years old. He is strong .

He has a big mouth. He can run

Holly is a hippo. She is big but fast.

her tail is short. She likes

swimming in the pond.

l718_E3/Eng_R/Pl /P.4
Answer the 10
c: II owmg
· questions
· by blac k·enmg
· t11e co11t
.. "Ct circles · ( 15% @3%)
1. How many types of animals are there in the zoo?

There are - - - animals in the zoo .

A. 0 three
B.~ ·
C. 0 fiye
D. 0 Six

2. \\That does Gogo like eating?

A.O ,h B. 0 bamboo
C. o/1eaves D. 0 meat

3. How old is Leo?

Leo is

A.O 2 B. 0 4
C. 0 6

4. Which is Holly?

0 A. 0 B. OD.

1718_E3/Eng_R/Pl /P. 5
5. What colour is Bobo?
A. 0 Bobo is black. B. 0 Bobo is white.
C. ~ bo is black and white. D. 0 Bobo is grey.

Answer the following questions. (6%@3%)

6. What is the name of the zoo?

The name of the zoo is StAVlsbineA 7

7. is the king of the zoo? czoo )

( 0 V1
is the king of the zoo.

171 8_E3/Eng_R/PIIP.6
C. Minnie is talking to her friend John about what her family are doing.

Hello, John.

My sister Jenny is reading a storybook on the sofa. She is

laughing. My brother Dave is making a model. He has nine model planes

and five model cars in his bedroom! The model planes are on his desk.

The model cars are in his toy box. He likes them very much.

It is a sunny day. Mum is riding a bicycle and Dad is running in

the garden. They are happy. All ofus are having fun!

What are your family doing?

John Minnie

1718_E3/Eng_R/Pl /P.7
Answer e following questions by blackening the correct circles. (18°/o @3%)
1. What is Jenny doing?



2. Where is Jenny?

bedroom garden kitchen living room

OA. OB. 0 C.

3. Dave has - - - models in his room.

A.~ 11/ B. 0 12

C.E1/14 D. 0 16

1718_E3/Eng_R 'Pl P. 8
4• Where are the model planes? cD

0 B. oc. OD.

5. What is Minnie's dad doing?

l l D)
C. te
A. 0 He is making models.

is riding a bicycle
~ - 0 He is talking.
D. 0 He is running.

6. How does Minnie's mum feel?

Minnie's mum feels - - -

A. ~ py B. 0 angry

C. 0 sad D. 0 unhappy

Answer the following questions. (7%)

7. Where are the model cars? (4%)

Themode!cars e ° ' ~·-; lr1cl~ to, bo0.

8. What is the weather like today? (3%) f

1718_E3/Eng_R/Pl /P~, ~
D. Minnie and her mother are talking. Finish what they say by using the given

wofds. you may use the words more than once. (8%@2%)

[ What Where How many How What colour ]

if,\JV Iher:f_~re you,~\Affii31?\rJ In,I € · @
, V

Minnie : I am at Mickey's home.

Mother: 2. wh-¥ are you doing there?

Minnie: I am playing with his dog Kiki. She is cute!

Mother: 3. _ _ _ , , ~ ~ - = ! ¥ , , --

Minnie: She is brown and white. Mickey has turtles too!

Mother: 4.1~ 0 »(. turtles does he have?

Mlllllie: Thrc t;h~y~ s\JJ9:V\0


1718_E3/Eng_R/Pl/P. 10
. . .. . w1tn
E. Minme is looking at some photos. Fill in the blank~he given wor s.
d You

may use the words more than once. (12% @Z¾)

Ill on under near

1. Piggy is .JJJ./4e living room.

He is sitting ~ the sofa.

2. My cat is ~✓y school bag.

3. The tiger is L\ ~y tree.

4. Can you see Mike? Oh, he is IA¢ the


5. A bee is flying ~ the sky.

c(n )
1718_E3/Eng_R/Pl/P. 11
F . Some children and th .
blanks with th etr pets are in the park. What are they doing? Fill in the
e conect form of words given. (10% @2%)

[ read talk play sing draw sleep eat

'fk.,. e.g

.fs " .
tll.. -.(of
0 ~

~ Jj d


.f-s 'ft' tll.. ~

~ ~
'ft' i,',.,-

'ff.' tll..
~ -

.f~ ~ ~


(l;); 'ft' ~


e.g. Y oyo the cat : I am reading .

1. Coco the bird: I am <; \,'9 1_J/ 1

2. Mike, John and Ann : We are _e\J V _,.;

3. Fifithecat : Iam £ \~e,r'L>ef-

. . the hamster : I am,
4• G1g1
1~~' l\1,,/-1V
e v,

5. Kitty the cat: I am \7 \ f.l J4 .

End of Paper
1718_E3'Eng_R/Pl ' P. 12

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