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Didactic project

Subject: English Language

Form: II-nd
High-school: “Ştefan Ciobanu”
Teacher: Sîrbu Liudmila
Text-book: Magic English, Pupil’s Book, Second Form
Topic: What colour is his cap?
Type of lesson: mixed
Time: 45 minutes

Key competences:
2. The competence of speaking in a foreign language
3. The competence of learning to learn

Specific Competences:
1. Communicative competence – receiving oral messages (Listening)
2. Communicative and Pragmatic competence – producing oral messages and interaction (Spoken Interaction)
3. Communicative competence – receiving written messages (Reading)
4. Communicative and Pragmatic competence – producing written messages and interaction (Written Interaction)

1.2.Distinguishing in speech words and simple, short sentences containing sounds, patterns of intonation and other specific phenomena. The words and
sentences are pronounced slowly and clearly, and repeated several times
2.1.Reproducing certain intonation patterns.
2.4.Reproducing simple answers and questions concerning the students’ familiar objects – school things.
3.1.Recognizing letters, groups of letters, syllables in isolation and in words in printed and handwritten texts.
4.1.Reproducing / copying letters (capital and lower-case forms) in isolation.

Operational Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able:
O1 – To recognize sounds and groups of sounds, pronounced in isolation and in words;
O2 – To distinguish in speech words and simple, short sentences containing sounds, patterns of intonation and other specific phenomena;
O3 – To reproduce simple sentences and the formulas of politeness used to establish social contact;
O4 – To exercise describing objects.

Nr Lesson stages Obj Evaluation Methods Time

(learning activities) Resources
1. Evocation O1 Frontal work 13
- organizational moment O3 min
- warming up: Game – numbering to 12, I am number 1, I am number Previous Didactic game
2, … knowledge
- discussion: what is your name? my name is ….How are you? I’m fine. Numbering
How old are you? I’m 8. Where are you from? I’m from Moldova.
What’s this? It’s a pencil. Is it long? Is it black? Reciting
Repeat the poem about numbers. Pronunciation
- pronunciation: e /i:/ - he, she, Steve Discussion
e /i/ - pretty, carpet
e /e/ - ten, pen, desk, pencil
2. Realization of the meaning O4 Memory 14
- topic: “What Colour is His Cap” O2 Vocabulary min
- the new vocabulary: cap, tie, scarf, blouse, skirt, shirt, vest, dress, Pronunciation
suit. (repeating many times and learning). Dialogue
- the new questions: What colour is your …? It’s …Is it new? No, it
isn’t. / Yes, it is.
3. Reflection O2 Ability of Dialogue 12
- Look listen and repeat: Ex.1, page 22. O3 repeating Conversational min
- Ask and answer questions: 1. What colour is your dress? 2. It’s red. O4 conversational formulas
1. Is it new? 2. Yes, it is. 1. Is it short? 2. No, it isn’t, it’s short. formulas Pair work
- read and write the words. Ex.6, page 23.
4. Extension O4 Creativity Independent work 6
- Find 5 things you know, show to the class and say their colour. Previous min
- marking. knowledge
- homework.

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