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HARI, TANGGAL : Rabu, 20 November 2019
PUKUL : 07.30 s.d 09.30 WIB. SESI I
10.30 s.d 12.30 WIB. SESI II


The following text is for numbers 1 and 2

1. By reading the text we know that the notice.…

A. reminds the passers-by to keep the litter only in the container
B. warns passers-by not to throw rubbish to the container
C. warns the tenants to put the garbage in the area
D. forbids the tenants to leave trash in the area

2. What will probably happen if someone throws garbage into the container?
A. The tenants will be sent to the jail.
B. The tenants will be prosecuted.
C. The doer can be put on trial.
D. The doer will be fined.

The following text is for numbers 3 and 4.

Dear Parents,
In class we will be learning about plants. We need your help to make this topic a success. If you
would like to help out, please donate any of the following: seeds, potting soil, and spritzer
bottles. Thank you for your time and continued support. Please fill in the data of your donation
in our whatsapp group. Send your donation to school before November, 10th. Thank you.
3. What is the text mainly about?
A. Parents’ support information.
B. School donation announcement.
C. Parents’ plants donation for school.
D. School request for parents’ contribution.

4. What will parents probably do after receiving the message?

A. Bring the donation to school.
B. Report what they are to donate.
C. Send seeds, potting soil, spritzer bottles.
D. Discuss what they donate with the teacher.
This following text is for number 5 and 6.

To: All Year VII, VIII and IX Class Captains.

To commemorate “National Batik Day”, on October 2, 2019, all students are obliged to
wear any batik painting outfit to school. You can wear batik shirt and plain trousers or skirt
but not jeans. Please let other students know about it.

Ms. Mary Lou

5. The purpose of the text is to ask the students to ….

A. put on batik outfit in National Batik Day
B. wear batik painting shirt and trousers
C. use any batik printing outfit to school
D. bring batik shirt and plain trousers

6. “… all students are obliged to wear any batik painting outfit to school.”
The underlined phrase means batik which is ….
A. massively decorated
B. plentifully designed
C. manually produced
D. enormously printed

This text is for numbers 7 to 9.

To : All Yogyakarta citizen.

The local government of Yogyakarta has launched ‘Smoking Free Zone’ in every
neighborhood around Yogyakarta since 2017. Everyone who are caught in the act smoking in
any area around Yogyakarta especially in public places, hospitals and offices will be charged.
‘Smoking Free Zone’ is a part of national programs, called Germas, aimed to enhance people’s
health. The goal of ‘Smoking Free Zone’ program is to provide fresh, clear and clean air to all
people, so it will improve the people’s quality of life in Yogyakarta. This information is issued
to be done communally.

Yogyakarta Local Government Officer

7. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To notify ‘Yogyakarta Smoking Free Zone’ program.
B. To conduct ‘Smoking Free Zone’ event in Yogyakarta.
C. To launch ‘Germas’ as one of national health program.
D. To provide fresh and clean air for people in Yogyakarta.

8. From the text we know that ….

A. Yogyaneses’ health has raised from year to year
B. Yogyaneses’ neighborhood has been cleaned and fresh
C. ‘Smoking Free Zone’ program’ is carried out merely in hospitals
D. ‘Smoking Free Zone’ program should be implemented nationally

9. The government gives penalty … the smokers in public areas decrease.

A. so that
B. unless
C. even if
D. although

The following text is for questions number 10 and 11.

10. What is the writer’s purpose of writing the text?

A. To invite friends to prepare a party.
B. To inform a house warming party.
C. To ask friends to attend a party.
D. To inform his/her new house.

11. What does the writer feel grateful for?

A. Moving to a new house.
B. Decorating a new house.
C. Furnishing the house door.
D. Having a new mat for his/her house

The following text is for questions 12 to 14.

12. From the text we know that the company offers ….
A. no payment for registered NMSU ID students
B. no charge for students with recent NMSU ID
C. special price for the night ride clients
D. free ride for the responsible clients

13. What is the text mainly about?

A. Launching new taxi service.
B. Offering transportation need.
C. Providing safety driving service.
D. Promoting transportation for students.

14. “Night ride provider 9 p.m. - 5 a.m.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to....
A. source
B. service
C. operator
D. contributor

The following text is for questions number 15 to 17.

15. Who will be attracted to buy this product?

A. Anyone who has high mobility.
B. Family who has no internet access.
C. The people who are addicted to internet.
D. A group of five persons who has broadcast chat.
16. The users are eager to install the device because they want to ….
A. save the use of electricity
B. install particular application
C. make their house free from smoke
D. anticipate the danger of fire at home

17. “Nothing & Nobody Can Alert You Faster Than This Device”
The word “alert” is closest in meaning to ….
A. warn
B. advise
C. remind
D. suggest

The following text is for question numbers 18 to 20.

Sandy: My pen friend from Makassar, Ahmad, is coming next week. Have you ever met him?
Arya : Not yet. Did he join National English debate last month?
Sandy : He did. After that, we often drop a line.
Arya : That’s nice. Tell me how he looks!
Sandy : He is not as tall as the other participants, even I think he is still in elementary school.
Arya : How is his face?
Sandy : The first thing I noticed was his big brown eyes and his nice dimples.
Arya : I think I might’ve bumped into him before.
Sandy : By the way what’s his school?
Arya : A bilingual Islamic boarding school. Moreover, he is also the most critical person in
delivering his ideas.
Sandy : Wow. No wonder he won the gold medal in that competition.
Arya : Take me with you when you meet him.
Sandy : Sure I will.

18. What is discussed in the conversation?

A. Arya’s particular description.
B. Ahmad’s particular information.
C. A bilingual Islamic boarding school.
D. A National English debate competition.

19. What made Ahmad be the winner of English debate competition?

A. His speaking fluency.
B. His English competency.
C. His ability in delivering his belief.
D. His competence in giving brilliant ideas.

20. “After that we often drop a line.”

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. Have a phone
B. Have a chat
C. Have a talk
D. Have a call
This text is for numbers 21 to 24.
Chichen Itza is one of the Seven Wonders. This place is chosen as a symbol of worship
and science. The El Castillo pyramid is probably the main reason why tourists visit Chichen Itza
at Mexico.
Besides the El Castillo pyramid, there are magnificent and ancient buildings in Chichen
Itza. They are Temple of the Warriors, Ballcourt, High Priest’s Temple, Las Mojas, El Caracol
as an astronomy observatory, and Old Chichen.
In the past, Chichen Itza became a Maya’s settlement, one of the Indian tribes living in
America. Chichen Itza means on the lip of the Itza wells.
The Maya people were expert in the field of sculpture, ceramics, architecture and
astronomy. This can be seen from the buildings which are so magnificent with stunning
architectural techniques used to worship and to observe the stars.

21. What is the intention of writing the text?

A. To inform the main reason why tourists visit Chichen Itza.
B. To explain Chichen Itza as one of the Seven Wonders.
C. To tell a symbol of worship and science in the world.
D. To describe the Indian tribes living in America.

22. Why are many tourists attracted to visit Chichen Itza? Because of its….
A. architecture
B. sculpture
C. pyramid
D. temple

23. The main idea of last paragraph is ….

A. the expertise of Maya people in astronomy field is stunning
B. the Maya people are expertized in art and astronomy fields
C. the worship buildings of Maya people are so magnificent
D. the Maya people are good at building worship places

24. Both El Castillo pyramid … outstanding buildings were found in Chichen Itza complex.
A. also
B. and
C. nor
D. or
The following text is for questions number 25 to 27.
Storing Homemade Popcorn
No one enjoys reaching into a bowl of popcorn to find a soggy or chewy piece. Fortunately, you
can make a few little changes to end up with popcorn that stays fluffy and crisp, even days after
you popped it.

1. Pop a batch of popcorn and don't season it. You can pop kernels on the stove or in the
microwave, but don't drizzle the popcorn with butter, sprinkle it with salt, or add
flavorings. These can make your popcorn soggy or chewy.
2. Let the popcorn cool completely. If you put hot or warm popcorn into a storage
container, you'll trap moisture in the container that can make the popcorn become soggy.
3. Pack the popcorn into an airtight container. Once the popcorn has cooled, put it into a
glass or plastic container.
4. If you do not have a jar or rigid storage container, use a sealable plastic bag. Empty the
bag from the air, then you may close it.
5. Store the popcorn at room temperature for up to 1 to 2 weeks. If you haven't added salt,
butter, or seasoning to the popcorn, it will keep for at least 1 week.
6. Flavor the popcorn just before you eat it as you wish. For classic popcorn, toss it with
melted butter and salt.
25. The writer intends to inform the readers to ….
A. cook chewy popcorn
A. keep popcorn stay fresh
B. flavor homemade popcorn
C. make popcorn become flavored

26. What should we do before eating the popcorn?

A. Put it into a storage container.
B. Empty the bag from the air.
C. Let it cool completely.
D. Season it as desired.

27. In order to have crisp popcorn, we should remove all of the air … sealing the plastic bag.
A. during
B. before
C. when
D. after
The following text is for questions 28 and 29.
Last holiday Megan and her father went to Coaster Kingdom, the biggest roller coaster
park in the state. She could hardly stay in her seat as her dad pulled the car into the parking
lot. That day was Megan’s 11th birthday and she was sure she was finally tall enough to ride
the scariest coaster, the Dragon. The Dragon’s tracks were made from wood, not metal. She
knew that wooden tracks were slower than metal ones, but wooden tracks also swayed and
creaked, especially on windy days like that day.
Megan’s father paid for their tickets, and she excitedly took his hand. She wanted to
hurry to the coaster, but her dad was thirsty after the long car ride. Having stopped at the food
court and shared frozen lemonade and a warm, sugary churro, Megan led her dad to the
entrance of the Dragon. A sign shaped like a friendly dragon stood in front of the gate. The
dragon was holding one hand up, and the message read, “You must be at least this tall to ride
this coaster.” Megan beamed and ran up to the sign. She stood on the tips of her toes and
thought she was tall enough. Her father, however, was not smiling.
“I’m sorry, honey,” he said. “Let’s go check out the other rides. There are still plenty of
fun things we can do today.”

28. Why did Megan fail to ride the Dragon coaster?

A. She was left the coaster.
B. She did not have the ticket.
C. She was too scared to do it.
D. She was not tall enough to ride it.

29. Megan and his father went to the entrance of the coaster … getting their refreshment.
A. during
B. before
C. since
D. after

The following text is for questions number 30 to 34

Scarab beetles (family Scarabaeidae)

are compact and heavy-bodied insects with
robustly oval outlines. They are distinguished
from other beetles by their unusual antennae,
each of which terminates in three flattened
plates that fit together to form a club.

The outer edges of their front legs are often toothed or scalloped to facilitate digging.
These beetles vary in length from 5 mm (0.2 inch) for the smaller species to 12 cm (4.7 inches)
for the African goliath beetle (Goliathus giganteus), which is one of the heaviest known insects.
The family includes several agricultural pests, including June beetles (or June bugs), rose
beetles, and the Japanese beetle. Scarab beetles are one of the most popular families
with insect collectors because of the large size and beautifully coloured, hard, highly polished
forewings of many species.
Scarab beetle larvae, called grubs, are c-shaped and usually live in the ground, feeding on
roots. It is easy to identify the grubs because they have a distinctive head capsule with their legs
on the thorax.
Most scarab beetles feed on a decomposing matter such as dung, fungi, or carrion. This
makes them valuable in their environments as they are a bit like the clean up crew or garbage
haulers of the animal kingdom. Other scarab beetles visit plants, feeding on pollen or sap.
Flower scarabs are important pollinators. Larvae feed on plant roots, carrion, or dung, depending
on the type of scarab.
Some 20,000 species of scarab beetles inhabit terrestrial habitats around the world. Over
1,500 species of Scarabaeidae live in North America.

30. What is the topic of the text?

A. The common features of scarab beetles.
B. The information of some kinds of insects.
C. The specific description of scarab beetles.
D. The explanation of scarab beetle reproduction.

31. Scarab beetles are usually kept by the collectors because of ….

A. their form and popularity
B. their attractiveness and size
C. their distinctive head capsule
D. their beautiful legs on the thorax

32. What does the fifth paragraph tell us about?

A. The diet of scarab beetles.
B. The function of scarab beetles.
C. The role of scarab beetles for environment.
D. The importance of scarab beetles as pollinators.

33. “The grubs have a distinctive head capsule ….” (Par. 4)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. classic
B. unique
C. original
D. common

34. Paragraph four tells us about scarab beetle larvae in terms of its ….
A. size
B. shape
C. weight
D. function

The following text is for questions number 35 to 38

The Story of the Tikgi
Every time Ligi saw his growing rice at the field and heard the sound “Tikgi, tikgi, tikgi,
we will come to work for you. Let us cut your rice”, he would look up and was surprised to see
some birds circling above and calling to him. The Tikgi birds helped Ligi to harvest rice. They
began using magic so that the rice grew rapidly.
When Ligi went to the field, Ligi was amazed for he saw five hundred bundles of rice cut
and he asked the Tikgies to take all the rice they wished in payment. The Tikgies took one head
of rice, saying it was all they could carry, and they flew away.
The next morning Ligi asked Tikgies to cut all of the rice as he would make a ceremony
for the spirits. Tikgies were invited to come.Then the Tikgies said, “We have cut all your rice,
Ligi…, so give us our pay and when you go home the rice will all be in your granary.” To his
surprise, Ligi saw that his granary was full of rice. He doubted if the Tikgies could be real birds.
During the ceremony for the spirits, the Tikgies felt it was not good for them to stay there
as they could not sit among the people so they flew away. Ligi followed them and saw them
taking off their feathers. Suddenly, one Tikgi became a beautiful maiden, the one he was looking
for. She became a Tikgi and cut rice for Ligi. Soon the people in Ligi’s village began to find
who she might be.
Tikgi’s parents were in the ceremony and knew that she was their daughter who had
disappeared from their house long ago while they were in the field. Tikgi told them that she had
been in the bana-asi tree until the day she changed herself into a Tikgi bird and went to Ligi’s
rice field. Ligi was very fond of the beautiful girl and he asked her parents if he might marry her.
They were very willing and decided on a price he should pay.

35. What is the text about?

A. Ligi learned how to cut rice.
B. Tikgies helped Ligi to cut the rice.
C. Ligi found his girl who became a Tikgi.
D. Tikgies showed how to build a granary.

36. Ligi recognize Tikgi as a beautiful girl when….

A. Tikgi helped Ligi cut rice
B. Tikgi took off their feathers
C. Tikgi attended the ceremony
D. Tikgi flew over the bana-asi tree

37. “…, so give us our pay and when you go home the rice will all be in your granary”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. a place to pound rice for releasing the starch
B. a large building for storing crops
C. a hut where crops are piled up
D. a tool or device to cut rice

his reminded song the always beloved Ligi wife of Tikgi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The best order for the words is ….

A. 4 – 10 - 5 – 2 – 7 - 8 – 9 – 1 - 6 – 3
B. 4 – 10 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 9 – 1 – 6 – 8
C. 1 – 8 – 6 – 3 - 5 – 2 – 7 – 9 – 4 - 10
D. 1 – 6 – 10 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 3 – 9 – 7 – 8
The text is for questions 39 to 42.
Alexander Graham Bell was a teacher of the deaf, an inventor as well as a scientist. Although he
is best known as the inventor of the first practical telephone, he also did innovative work in other
fields, including aeronautics, hydrofoils and wireless communication. Moreover, Bell himself
considered his work with the deaf to be his most important contribution.
Alexander Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847, in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father,
Alexander Melville Bell, taught deaf-mutes to speak and wrote text books on correct speech. His
mother, Elisa Grace Symonds, was a portrait painter and an accomplished musician. Known as Aleck
in his early years, Bell received his primary education at home from his mother. Aleck also had
natural musical talent and studied music. He could play by ear and improvise sound at the piano from
childhood and continued to play throughout his life. His sufficient ear helped him in his later work
with the human voice.
Bell joined the Boston School for the Deaf in 1871. Then, he became a professor of vocal
physiology and speech at Boston University and also tutored private pupils. Boston proved a fertile
location for Bell's creative talents. Bell became deeply interested in the study of sound and the
mechanics of speech. In 1873, Bell began experimenting with different technologies to investigate the
transmission of sound over wires. In particular, he worked on the telegraph. It is a device that could
send several messages simultaneously over a single wire. To transmit the human voice, Bell also
experimented with vibrating membranes and an actual human ear.
Early in 1874, Bell met Thomas A. Watson, a young machinist and technician.  The two men
spent endless hours experimenting. In the summer of 1874, Bell formed the basic concept of the
telephone. He used a varying but unbroken electric current to transmit the varying sound waves of
human speech. On March 10, 1876, the first message was transmitted by telephone passed from Bell
to Watson in their workshop.
39. What does the text mainly tell us about?
A. Bell natural musical talent.
B. Bell’s personal life story.
C. Bell achievements.
D. Bell’s childhood.

40. What made Bell finally work on invention related to human voice?
A. His talent in music.
B. His unique ear.
C. His deafness.
D. His fine ear.

41. “It is a device that could send several messages …”(Paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to ….
A. human voice
B. the telegraph
C. the single wire
D. the transmission
42. “ … was a portrait painter and an accomplished musician.” (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to a/an ….
A. well-known
B. completed
C. proficient
D. sufficient
The following text is for question numbers 43 to 45.
One day, Surti, the queen cat rushed into a big city from her lovely castle with her kittens.
She looked at them and cried in pathetic way. The kittens were confused why they left their
daddy. They didn’t have heart to ask their mom why they left their daddy. They started to cry
because they felt so starving. Surti wiped their tears and said “Ooh dear, I know you are very
hungry. I’ll find some meal for you. Just wait here”.
Surti ran to get meals for her beloved kittens. She came closer to a man and said “Please
Sir, give me a little meal. My kittens are starving”. However, the man was angry and flushed her
with hot tea. Surti screamed and left that man in pain.
There was a trash container at the corner of the street. She started to stir up the whole
trash to get some meal, but nothing left there. She decided to come back to her kittens. On the
way, the waiter threw the leftover into a garbage can. She was thrilled and rushed to grab the
meal when suddenly she felt something hitting her back. Surti shrieked and ran away.
After a while she arrived at the garden and gave the kittens the meal. The kittens ate
voraciously. With the tears rolled down on her face, she smiled happily to see how her kittens
enjoyed the meal. Her starvation and fatigue vanished away. She realized how hard it was living
in a big city. She decided to be back to her castle.
Arriving at the castle she hurriedly found her husband and begged. “Your majesty, please
don’t sacrifice our kittens to the Gods”. He said, “Our three colors male kittens will grow invalid.
Do you have heart to see that, dear? I have to eat them instead of being sacrifice to Gods and I
will be immortal”. Surti said, “No way, Your Majesty! I will take them with me, all of my life”.
Then Surti took her kittens away from the castle and kept moving to save her kittens. That’s why
the female cat always moves its kittens many times.
43. Where did Surti finally find the meal for her kittens?
A. At the garden.
B. At the restaurant.
C. At the garbage can.
D. At the street corner.

44. What would probably happen to the kittens if Surti didn’t take them away?
A. They would die because of starving.
B. They would be sacrificed to Gods.
C. They would be chased away.
D. They would keep moving.

45. What is the moral value of the story?

A. Mother’s love is unconditional.
B. Mother’s struggle brings to grief.
C. Father’s wisdom leads to misery.
D. Father’s decision is uncompromised.
The following text is for numbers 46 to 48.

46. By reading this label, we can ….

A. gain detailed direction to cook the product
B. get particular information about the product
C. find out the benefits of a new noodle product
D. obtain the nutrition information of the product

47. Which of the following information can be found in the text?

A. Ingredients, Nutrition fact, Direction, and Caution.
B. Expiry date, Caution, Nutrition fact and Direction.
C. Storage, Expiry date, Caution, and Ingredients.
D. Nutrition fact, Storage, Direction, and Brand.
48. “Enjoy these spiral-shaped vegetables as a great alternative to pasta.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ….
A. variety
B. option
C. choice
D. range

The following text is for numbers 49 to 50.

49. The text is written to ….

A. share someone’s happiness
B. greet someone for his/her future
C. inform about someone’s school activities
D. give good wishes on someone’s achievement

50. From the text we can say that ….

A. The recipient has found surprising future
B. The sender hopes for the recipient’s surprise
C. The recipient has full filled all of her promises
D. The sender expects for the recipient’s success

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