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There are tons of amateur profiles on Instagram.

There are some decent profiles on Instagram.

And then, there’s your profile.
You are the 1%.
Anyone interested in your niche will follow and
buy from you.
Because your profile has everything they could
ever need or ask for.
Complete this worksheet and prove you are the 1%
1) TRUE or FALSE – Boring and unclear images push
people away.

2) A Bio Picture should be Flashy. What does that mean?

___It should be Loud, Colorful, Clear, Simple, or Unique__.

3) If you cannot make it Flashy, You make it ___Sexy__.

4) How do you plan to make your Bio Picture stand out

among the millions of other profile pictures?
[Fill out your own answer]
I plan to make my Bio Picture stand out by:
1) TRUE or FALSE – Your business name can be anything
you want. As long as you like it, other people will like
it too.
Your Username should be simple and easy to
2)Your Username should describe __ Your Business__.

3) TRUE or FALSE – Your Username and Name can be the

Your Name should be SEO friendly.
[Fill out your own answer]
4) My current Instagram Username is ______________.
My new Instagram Username will be _____________.
5) My current Instagram Name is _______________.
My new Instagram Name will be _________________.

& &

1) TRUE or FALSE – Your Bio should explain your

expertise and how you can help people.
2)Your Bio should be Relatable, Specific, and

3) TRUE or FALSE – I can leave a link without the need to

explain it. When people see a link, they will click it.
Always tell people to click the link and explain where
it will take them. Make your lead magnet helpful and
super specific.

[Fill out your own answer]

4) When visitors click my bio, they will feel connected
with me because _____________________________.

5) When visitors see my link, they will want to click it

because they know it will ______________________.
1) TRUE or FALSE – Your story highlights are a catalogue
of your products.
Your highlights are entertaining and full of personality,
showcasing your brand.
2) TRUE or FALSE – Your highlights are a compilation of
your most successful stories. The ones that got the
most views.
3) Highlights tell people:
a. Who ___you are__.
b. What __you do__.
c. How __successful you are__.
4) If you don’t post often, use a ___polished__ looking

5)If you do post often, choose one of the ___stories as

the cover___ for the thumbnail.

6) To do a product promotion, do a poll and ask ___if

they are interested in your product___. Then ask
them to swipe up to learn more.

7) Contact people who said __”YES”____ in the poll to

speak to them about your offer.

[Fill out your own answer]

8) I am currently very proud of my Instagram story about
_______________________, that is why I will turn it
into one of my highlights. It will keep even more
visitors and followers engaged in my content.
1) A Theme is all about consistency.
a. Consistent arrangement of __posts__.
b. Consistent use of __colors__.
c. Consistent use of __fonts__.

2) To draw attention to a certain post, put one of your

important photos in the center and __balance__ it
with two similar photos on either side.

[Fill out your own answer]

3) Circle the kind of napkin you are:
I am a White napkin.
I am a Red napkin.
What kind of lifestyle are you promising your
1) You post the __concrete tangible lifestyle__ of what
your products or services can provide.

2) TRUE or FALSE – Bond will not be Bond without his

lifestyle. Nobody actually cares about James Bond,
the person. But we do want his lifestyle.

[Fill out your own answer]

3) My account posts the lifestyle of ______________.
That’s why people who wants that lifestyle will
follow and buy from me.
Congratulations! You are now the 1%!

James Bond is a fictional character.

But you are not.

You are very real.

Now you have a polished account to protect or

conquer the world… your choice of course.

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