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Getting Started
freelancing/gig economy, but also the high

The big�est question I get competition on each one of these websites.

from aspiring freelancers is It is not impossible to do very well online.

where do you find clients? There are freelancers making a good living off

of just working on these online freelancer
How did you find your first platforms, but it is not for everyone. We will be
few clients? creating an Upwork profile together in detail
later on in this section and I wanted to make
sure expectations are set before we do so.
This resource is dedicated in reviewing all
available options to finding clients both online I still recommend trying all sorts of different
and off. methods to finding clients, both online and
off, but we need to do as much as we can to
A lot of students place their well-made put ourselves on top of the stack by having
personal portfolios, profiles, written that killer portfolio, profile and bio, headshot
biographies on a lot of these online freelancer and being able to set the right pricing for
platforms like or ourselves. and are discouraged by the lack
of action. While finding clients is the hardest part of
starting a freelance business, the good news
Dust balls roll across the dessert and is after you are finding those first few clients,
disappointment runs high. The lack of clients future clients are not as hard to grab as
contacting them for work can make them feel referrals start to take over and you have
like they did something wrong, their portfolio established yourself with social proof like
was not good enough or the pricing was too reviews and testimonials.
My first-year freelancing was mostly
I want to be honest before this section starts continuing to locate new work, while my last
and say that finding clients online is H-A-R-D. 13 years were spend actually doing the client
It is not because of a lack of talent on your part work, with little time needed to find new
but an oversaturation, not only people clients.
wanting to be freelancers in this new

A lot of students place their well-made personal
portfolios, profiles, written biographies on a lot
of these online freelancer platforms like or and are
discouraged by the lack of action.”
Lindsay Marsh Design: Reproduction or distribution
of this document is prohibited without permission.
The Referral System

1 2
Realistically, you may spend your first month freelancing
locating and finding your first two clients. Once those
clients are obtained and you complete their work with CLIENT REFERRAL
excellence, there is a good chance they could refer you to
another client, but only if they are more than satisfied. That CLIENT
is why those first few clients get the most dedication from 3
you as they could be worth more than the money, they pay
you for that project. They can also give you additional client CLIENT CLIENT
4 5
Let’s say client one never refers you to anyone else, but
client two does. You complete work for the second client’s
referral and that referral gives you another referral. You can CLIENT CLIENT CLIENT
start to see this web of relationships that start to develop as 6 7 8
your name gets passed around to different contacts.

Long-Term & Short-Term Clients CLIENT CLIENT CLIENT CLIENT

There are also two types of clients. Long-term steady 9 10 11 12
clients that give you constant work each month, week or
day and short-term clients that have a one-time project.
Long-term clients that give you steady work are the most
valuable clients around. Sometimes it is even worth CLIENT CLIENT
charging a little less for those clients to establish that
longer term relationship over taking short-term projects
13 14
that pay more.

“It only takes several long-term

steady clients to full up your
weekly work schedule, which of
course is a good thing if finding
clients is a huge chore to you.”
So, take heart, that this is the hardest aspect of freelancing SHORT-TERM CLIENT WORK TO KEEP YOUR CASH FLOW STEADY
and it will not be your main task forever. Doing great work
with the first few clients can pay huge dividends for your LONG-TERM CLIENTS (Steady Work) SHORT-TERM CLIENTS (Bursts of Work)
future freelancing career. Once you build up a nice
combination of long-term clients and a few short-term
clients and continuing to get that referral system going you
can see how finding clients will be just a temporary battle.
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Finding Clients Online

The more well-known of the bunch Upwork is a great
reputable site to seek freelance work. Simply build a profile,
which we will do together in this section of the course, and FIVVER.COM
once you are approved you will be searchable by 1,000 of Freelancers either hate fivver or love it, but most freelancers
potential clients. have not found huge success on fivver, although a small
percentage do.
You can also apply to freelance jobs by submitting
proposals which will include specific things the client This site with an insane amount of competition gives you
requests like portfolio pieces, a written cover letter or other the ability to post an “gig” on their website allowing others
types of requests. This platform, like many others listed to purchase your offer and add add-ons. These add-ons can
here, are oversaturated with current freelancers. increase the total price you receive as a freelancer.

It is still worth the effort, building a profile here, but this These “add-ons” can be things like decreasing the time in
heavy competition will make finding those first few clients a delivering the project or it could be sending extra files
bit tough. Sometimes lowering your hourly rate for the first types. Not all projects are priced at $5, although that is the
few projects is necessary to start building social proof. standard rate.
Image source:


Peopleperhour is similar to Upwork in the fact that you create
a profile and you are able to not only seek out jobs by sending
proposals, but clients can find your profile listed on the FIVERR.COM/PRO
website. Three things that make Peopleperhour a bit different
than Upwork. There is something called Fivver Pro that requires you to
apply to get accepted as a vendor. If you have a great
There is less competition on Peopleperhour as it is a newer portfolio and some experience, there might be a good
platform. Second, they offer the ability to have a portfolio type chance of being accepted there.
profile which contains more photos than the Upwork profiles
and lastly, they have something called offers. Fivver pro gives freelancers the ability to charge much
higher prices and have access to a different network of
Offers give you the ability to post an offer that will be seen on people. Some gigs can exceed $2,000 dollars. The key
the website for potential clients to see. This can be anything hurdle here is getting expected into their program. It is
from “I can build a 5-page Wordpress website” to “I can create a worth the try!
Image source:
social media post in less than 24 hours”. If you are familiar with
Fivver it is a very similar concept.


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Finding Clients Online


CATCHAFIRE.ORG Image source:

DESIGNCROWD.COM Who says working for free has to be unfulfilling? There are several places to volunteer your
services to clients in the non-profit space. There is a website called catchafire.orh That lists
Spec work or speculative work is working on a project
non-profit companies needing work in a wide variety of fields.
before getting paid (if at all) and is one way to improve
and fill your portfolio with real client projects. I highly
This is great for getting your foot in the door at several smaller or even larger non-profit
encourage you to seek out spec work that is non-profit
companies. There is also the possibility that your free services you offer them could turn into
based so you can help others in need and also build
paid if they really enjoyed your project or work and they possibly get funding for more projects.
your portfolio. Spec work should only be done for fun
and for practice.
It is a gamble, but also a great way to get client testimonials, social proof, reviews and
experience working on projects where you normally would not get the chance.
I encourage my students to pursue spec work only if
the project will be enjoyable and fulfilling and can add
to your portfolio in a positive way or open up new
connections for you.

Spec work on online websites like the examples above

do not encourage building client relationships, so I
would proceed with caution unless once again, this is
a purely fun exercise for you.

I believe freelanceres should be
fairly compensated for their
work when they reach a certain
skill level. I only recommend the
websites above for those in the
very beginning of their freelanc-
ing journey and do not recom-
mend the following websites
listed for long term client work.

Lindsay Marsh Design: Reproduction or distribution

of this document is prohibited without permission.
Finding Clients Online
Lindsay Marsh Design: Reproduction or distribution
of this document is prohibited without permission.



The obvious first choice is Do not underestimate the power of networking in Connect with Facebook groups. The key here is finding the right
anyone in your current group to connect with. If you are a wedding
network. The great thing photographer, it is great to connect with other
about linkedin is being able wedding photographers in a group, but for finding
to see and connect with your connection’s connections. client work, perhaps going where you target audience
There is also the ability to privately message connections hangs out, in this case, a wedding planning group, or a
as well for a more knocking on door approach to selling group for wedding planners.
yourself. Not everyone feels comfortable doing that, but
with a common connection it might seem a bit easier Graphic designers or web designers may want to hang
and more natural way to introduce yourself. out in small business groups full of small business
owners needing branding or marketing design work.
A tip here is to make sure to not post a generic post
when first joining the group, you need to spend some
time investing the in the group and helping others out
SHARE YOUR EXPERTISE before thinking about telling others about your Image source:

There are several social media sites where you can start to share your services.
knowledge and expertise with the world. You can live stream on
Youtube, or post helpful videos. You can live stream on Facebook and I run a large facebook group myself, and those who
even start your own open Facebook group that will attract those who post their services right when joining raise a red flag
would seek your skillset. Remember when posting on social media to with me, but after they participate in the group for a
include relevant hashtags. Those hashtags are searchable on the while, I start to allow them to mention their services.
platform and make it easier for your target audience to locate you.

For example, you are a calligrapher, who does custom stationery

design. Why not host a calligraphy style livestream that shows off
different calligraphy lettering styles? Become an online guru in your skillset. A lot of creative
freelancers are scared to put themselves out there,
Or you are a UX/UI designer and you host a free webinar to small mostly because they feel they are not top talent.
business owners looking for tips and tricks to building a great
e-commerce website. I think there are opportunities still for those with just
intermediate skills especially in those top demand
There are so many ways to put yourself out there through the use of skillsets like web design. Not only can this help you
helpful posts, videos, livestreams and articles. find client work through speaking and networking
opportunities but will also help you land clients by
Seek out local non-profit companies in your area, ask them to see if having some of those helpful videos, articles you have
they need any graphic work. After an agreed upon time limit working written on your blog on your portfolio website.
at a low or free rate, work out a situation where you can do future
work for fixed higher reasonable rate.
Image source:
Finding Clients Online


Instagram is another option for boosting your posts. First of all,
This gets a little bit into marketing your freelance business, but ed post or paid ad is to define your target audience well. We you will need to convert your Instagram account into a
I wanted to talk about your options when it comes to paying have already worked on that a bit earlier in the class and there business profile by going to account settings and ticking
for exposure through boosted posts and paid online ads. is a good reason why! “switch over to business profile”. Once that is complete you will
notice new “promote” buttons on all of your posted posts.
Sometimes, to get a business started, there needs to be a little I would start off with a very small budget for your first boost-
bit of financial investment in terms of marketing. Not everyone ed post or ad so you can see if small changes in your This acts just like a boosted post, you can define your audience
will need to pay for ads, as some of the other free networking campaign, whether it be the image you use, the headline or and budget and you can do a small test to see if it boosts any of
and finding client activities mentioned in this course can land tweaking the audience has any changes in conversions, or your numbers.
you those first few vital clients. For those who struggle, even new clients in your case.
after trying out all free avenues, it might be time to consider a Once you sign up for a business account (which is free by the
small investment and test out some paid ads to see how they Rarely, can you create the prefect ad right away. This is way), you now have access to more stats about each post
convert. because it takes a few ads running to find out which ones are including profile visits, your reach, where each view came from
more effective as you are still getting to know your target like your hashtags, home page or from your followers. This
There are several types of online paid ads. First off, all there are audience. extra detailed information about each post is so vital in helping
display ads, which can be purchased from online news you define your target audience but also find out what content
websites and other local websites for a monthly fee. I find these tends to give a bigger response.
more effective for larger companies and less so for freelancers,
but I prefer doing display ads in local networks in your nearby I find the use of video driven posts much more engaging with
town, as display ads for national or international websites can Image source: my audience than single photo posts. I have also found that
be just too costly for a new freelancer. posting helpful guides for my target audience worked better
than more promotional style posts where I show off my work.
For example: if you are a web developer, you can do a series of
posts that gives advice to small businesses about proper
PAID FACEBOOK ADS website layout and structure.
Image source:
Next there are paid Facebook ads. You can set up a Facebook
ad account in just a few minutes and craft your first ad. You can
do either a Facebook post ad which shows up in your targeted
users news feed or you can do boosted posts which expose
one of your normal Facebook business page posts to a broader
targeted audience.

Facebook changed how their search algorithm worked back in

2016 to favor paid and boosted business posts over organic
posts, so it is hard to grow organically on Facebook without
trying to bring users in through other sources.

I prefer boosted posts because they can feel more natural for a
freelance business. The key to creating a great Facebook boost-

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Finding Clients OFFLINE


My favorite and most recommended step in finding clients is connecting with local Connecting with other freelancers is a great idea, but not for the reason you think.
small or medium sized business owners. You can do this online by finding local Being with other freelancers is a healthy thing to do, to network, get out of the house and to
Facebook business groups. share experiences, but a big benefit to connecting with certain freelancers is to share and
swap clients.
You can do this in person by connecting with your chamber of commerce or local
small business body/group or gathering. Serving on the board of directors and Let’s say you are visual designer who specializes in web design and graphic design. You are
volunteering for a local non-profit to make connections. Asking to speak or teach at not comfortable coding but can turn any rough idea into something beautiful. One thing you
a local small business seminar/workshop etc about marketing/branding/design. can do is seek out freelancers who have an excellent coding and web development
background but do not have a strong visual design background. With the two of you now
It may sound old school but visiting local business with a business card in hand can connected you can share client work and give the client not only the visual side but that
help land you those first few clients. Great clients tend to refer you to other clients, back end side as well.
and local ones tend to do that more because of the personal relationship you build
with them. Early on I was able to find, through a client’s connection, a local programmer who sent me
several clients of his clients. I did the web design and they do the back-end coding and adapt-
ed it to a CMS or content management system like WordPress.
Another example of this in action is if you are an illustrator, how about finding and teaming up Your Local Chamber of Commerce with a T-shirt designer. They are bound to need more custom hand drawn illustrations for their Serving in Voluntary Capacities t-shirts. Finally, if you are a photographer, teaming up with other event planners can help you
land future wedding photography gigs. If you are a copywriter or editor, there are many Connect with those needing your skills freelancers that need your skills like editorial designers, web designers and anyone who
(search for a local small (Website Coder/Developer may need a Graphic works with written type.
business group in the Designer for client projects!)
groups section) You can find people online or offline. The great thing about connecting with someone locally is
finding and serving local clients together and being able to meet face to face to discuss plans
and build that long-term relationship.

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Consider the list below for possible local entities that could use your services at either low cost
of free to get your foot in the door. Clearly communicate with them if you do volunteer
your services what you may require in exchange for your work. It can be either a testimo-
nial, a client referral or possibly have paid work in the future.

This does not have to be free services, sometimes contacting a local school for example and
letting them know you are giving them a “non-profit” discount by cutting your rates by a third
can help motivate them to contact you.

You can find phone numbers and e-mails to administrators of the following below by visiting
their websites. Preferable e-mail someone who would be making marketing decisions, like a
marketing coordinator, principle or manager.


Your Local Public-School System Local YMCA
Local Colleges and Universities Civic Leagues
Local Charity Groups Your Local Chambers of Commerce
Public Services Recreational Clubs or Sports Teams
Government Institutions


Dear ___________

My name is ________________ and I provide ____________ services

in the local ______________ area for several years. I am looking to
expand my freelance business locally by connecting with local
non-profits and offering my services at half the going rate in exchange
for networking opportunities, referrals or testimonials.

Take a look at my portfolio here to see if my skillset or style matches

any of your current needs. I would be happy to talk further on the
phone or by e-mail at any time. Thank for your time and I look forward
to creating great things together to benefit ______________.
Lindsay Marsh Design: Reproduction or distribution
of this document is prohibited without permission.
I had a dream like many of There it was, my first client! All because I talked about what I
was passionate about. I did the BEST work I could do for them,
seek out work again, they found me! I was able to build a
portfolio from those first few clients to land larger more regional
you guys have now of not going above and behind the call of duty or what I was getting
paid. They ended up giving me over 20 hours of work per

working for one employer, week! I thought, “I am half way to making this a full-time gig!”.
This might actually happen for me!
Then you get the attention of ad agencies and you can start
doing consulting work or maybe even land a full-time agency
not having to get up and show job (if you are interested in a salaried position). It can be a slow
build of your client base and portfolio, but over the years it can
up at the office at a specific It took getting one strong really start to turn into a full-time career, and very enjoyable
one at that! It depends on how much you are willing to practice.
minute of the day, I did not client to change the direction It also comes down to making clients HAPPY. I mean giving
them what they want but also providing them VALUE. I think a
have to ask for time off of my business. lot of designers think the trendy cool designs gets them jobs, I
can tell you what gets you jobs.
hoping it would be approved They referred me to a much bigger client, and then they
referred me, and then the original client found another referral I suggest attending some local small business meet ups, a
and finally, having to deal and soon enough you have little ambassadors sending work
your way. I ended up with 4 long-term steady clients that gave
connection you make there could change your life!

with office politics and me 80 percent of my work throughout the years, which freed Of course, this is the happy ending story. There were many
me up to work on projects and less time finding clients. bumps along the way, like the time I got sued for using a stock
drama. Fortunately, once you get it system going to tends to work photo without giving the proper credits or the time I did not get
better for you as time goes on. paid for a $500 web design project because I did not, at the
After working in the financial industry, working at a job with a time, collect my 50 percent upfront deposit.
wonderful half sized cubical, I decided to quit my job. locally sourced clients are the best. You can see them face to There was also the time where I had not paid enough in taxes
face (or at least via phone) and you know how to market to the and was hit with a big tax bill and also the many low cost
I did not plan to quit my job that day but after a tough phone call local audience or know how to design for them at least. My first projects I had to do when I was trying to find that first client, that
with a customer, I did customer phone support), I decided to four clients were all local, and they referred me like crazy to ended badly because I still had no clue what I was doing.
walk over to my boss and quit. My husband and parents were clients further away, and the rest was history. I never had to
not too happy as I had nothing lined up. I always had a passion
for Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, playing around with those I wanted to share my story
programs and being creative were things I did for free in my
spare time. I decided to slowly teach my self how to become a because I think it helps to
graphic designer by studying those who were successful
online and taking video-based courses and watching YouTube know that going freelance is
not a steady journey and none
During that time, I did need income, so I worked at a local
daycare while I spend most of my evenings practicing design of us will find our first big
client in the same way.
My first client happened to be a local connection my husband
had at his graduate school. I happened to be at the school with There are many ways to create a successful freelance
him and I started talking with the student admissions director, I business and all you have to do is try several different
started telling her what I was learning and even showed her methods until one works for you.
some stuff online, back then it was not impressive. But to her,
I was exactly what she needed, someone who understood the 14 years later, I still love freelancing and started a new
school and its target audience but could also deliver some business teaching what I learned all of those years, graphic
design work for branding and school marketing materials. design. I now have over 100,000 students and am happy to
report I will never work for anyone again.

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