,Dhj"Lij :T ": L Sma I

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NEW DELHI-110001.

Dated the 22nd February, 2010

Phalguna 3, 1931 (Saka).


Order No. TA ·26412010

SUbject: Encashment of earned leave alongwith LTC· Clarification.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha

Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with
R&CS Order No. PDA·110412004dated the 17th December, 2004, the Competent Authority
has decided that the clarification regarding encashment of earned leave alongwith LTC,
as contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances &
Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 140281212009·Estt.(L)dated the
24th November, 2009, as reproduced in Annexure to this Order read in conjunction with
the General Adaptation Order No.185 dated the 19th December, 1957 shall apply to the
officers of the Secretariat.

,dhJ"liJ;:t "
(A. L~sMA;~I~
[No. F. 3110112010/AN-11

1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR, Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)/IFU(5 copies)IO&M Section (5 copies).
4. AN-I Branch (10 copies).
5. All Officers I All Branches.

NEW DELHI-110001.

Dated the 2200 February, 2010

Phalguna 3, 1931 (Saka).


Order No. TA - 26512010

Subject: LTC to Central Government Employees - Travel by tour packages

operated by IRCTC.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha

Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with
R&CSOrder No. PDA·110412004dated the 17th December, 2004, the Competent Authority
has decided that the orders regarding LTC to Central Government Employees - Travel
by tour packages operated by IReTC, as contained in the Government of India, Ministry
of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training
OM No.310111612002·Estt.(A)dated the 2ndDecember, 2009 and 3'd December, 2009, as
reproduced in Annexure-I and Annexure II respectively to this Order read in conjunction
with the General Adaptation Order No.185 dated the 19th December, 1957 shall apply to
the officers of the Secretariat.
[No. F. 31101/2010/AN-lj

1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR, Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)/IFU(5 copies)/O&M Section (5 copies).
4. AN-I Branch (10 copies).
5. All Officers / All Branches,
Annexug:ll to-"t~CS Order No.,TA·26512010dated 22.02.~01O.

,,-,\ til 'f,~ 1:,> \ \


G'overnrne~)! ~\l' lr;.J\i.l

1'v1illl:'~lT\ Per sonnet, Public Gric\'anccs and Pensions
(~)cp('lrtm,enl ofPersouncl and Training)

Sub/f,et LTC to Ceniral (w,vi.'rnment r~rnpjovt'('~:-. Travel bv lou; packages

operarec [-,\,]ReT(

~ \ j tv! ,,)1' (:'\\'1,' "J';rl1h ,:L.iteU the Dc\'.vmlJ<;': ion
:~;'~ 200~r ;.!))r'~~;;r'j;!,-' n: nar2 1 line 11);1\ t'H read as
)/1"),,\ '
~'.: .:"':/
(P Prabhakaran)
Deput\' Secretary tn the GOI,'I of India

• Adopted vide Annexure I to R&CS Order No. TA·265/2010 dated 22.02.2010.

Annexure·1 to R&CS Order No. TA·265/2010 dated 22.02.2010.

iJ:. 3 '!C)111612002·[sI1 (i\)

Government of India
~vlinlslxvof P"rCionne!.Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block,
New Delhi,
Dated the 2nd December. 2009.


Subject: LTC to Central Government Employees - Travel by tour packages

operated by IRCTC.

Trie unuersiqned IS directed to refer to DOP&T O.M. of even number dated
143.08, allowing tours by road conducted by the indian Railway Catering and
Tourism Corporation (lRCTC), a Government of India's undertaking under the Min.
of Railways for the purpose of reimbursement of LTC by Government servants on
the lines of ITOC/STDC and to say that as the IRCTC is also offering tour packages
involving air travel in the sectors like Delhi· Leh, Delhi· Srinagar, .Iaipur -Goa,
Chennai/Calcutta· Port Blair etc .. the question of allowing LTC packages of IRCTC,
including the component of air travel has been examined in consultation with the
Min. of Finance.

2. it has now been decided to allow the re-irnbursement of air fare along with
rail and road tare in the case of LTC Journey 'of Governrnent servants
in tours offered by IRCTC for reimbursement under LTC provided the IRCTC
Indicates and certifies the 3 components separately and booking of tickets is done
by IRCTC fully complying with the instructions of Govt. of India issued from time to
time in this regard such as journey by Air India under LTC 80 scheme in economy
class without package benefits etc.

i/ ~~.---,-I
j i ,

;/ l'i-J\...'L ·,-'
(P. Prabhakaran)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India

• Adopted vide R&CS Order No. TA·252/2008 dated 26.06.2008.



NEW DELHI-110001.

Dated the 22nd February, 2010

Phalguna 3, 1931 (Saka).


Order No. TA- 26612010

Subject: Air Travel on official account - both domestic and international.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha

Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with R&CS Order
No. PDA-110412004dated the 17th December, 2004, the Competent Authority has decided
that the orders regarding air travel on official account - both domestic and international,
as contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
O.M. F. No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated the 15th December, 2009, as reproduced in Annexure
to this Order read in conjunction with the General Adaptation Order No. 185 dated the
19th December, 1957 shall apply to the officers of the Secretariat.

[No. F. 31/01/2010/AN-lj


1. The Pay & Accounts Officer. Lok Sabha (10 copies).

2. The DGACR, Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)IIFU(5 copies)/O&M Section (5 copies).
4. AN-JBranch (10 copies).
5. All Officers I All Branches.
Annexure to R&CS Order No. TA·266J2010 dated 22.02.2010.

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f'\ /P,:-'"hgal }
DepUl) S:ftT(~rary to GO;~L lit' India

• Adopted vide R&CS Order No. TA·241/2006 dated 16.05.2006 .

•• Adopted vide R&CS Order No. TA·243/2006 dated 28.08.2006.
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NEW DELHI - 110001.

Dated the 26th April, 2010

Vaisakha 6, 1932 (Saka).


Order No. TA- 26712010

Subject: Encashment of 10 days earned leave alongwith LTC by re-employed

pensioners- clarification regarding.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha

Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with R&CS Order
No. PDA-110412004dated the 17th December, 2004, the Competent Authority has decided
that the clarification regarding encashment of 10 days earned leave alongwith LTC by
re-employed pensioners, as contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.
1402811/2010-Estt.(L)dated the 2nd March, 2010, as reproduced in Annexure to this Order
read in conjunction with the General Adaptation Order No. 185 dated the 19th December,
1957shall apply to the officers of the Secretariat.- •

1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR, Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)IIFU(5 copies)/O&M Section (5 copies).
4. AN-I Branch (10 copies).
5. All Officers I All Branches.
Annexure to R8.CS Order No: TA·26712010 dated 26.04.2010.

No.] 402811120 I O-EstL(L)

( Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PO. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

s. ",,I
New Delhi, dated the March, 2010.

Sub: Encashment of 10 days earned leave alongwirh LTC by re-

Employed pensioners - Clarification regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer (0 DOP&T

O.M.No.310{ 1/4/2008-Estt(A), dated 23'0 September, 200S""
allowing encashment of earned leave alongwnh LTC and to say that
various references are being received from Ministries/Departments
with regard to the applicability of cncashmeut of earned leave by
re-employed pensioners.

2. In this regard, it is clarified that re-employed pensioner will

be entitled to encashment of Earned Leave alongwith LTC during
the penod of re-employment upto the limit of 60 days in accordance
with Rule 38-A (including the no. of days for which encashment
has been allowed alongwith Leave Travel Concession while 1Il

service) provided he is entitled to ere

2. Hindi version will follow
( Sin.;fni R Nakra )

• Adopted vide R&CS Order No. TA·25412008 dated 27.10.2008.


NEWDELHI- 110001.

Datedthe 26th April, 2010

Vaisakha 6, 1932 (Saka).


Order No. TA· 26812010

Subject: Regulation of journeys by private airlines while availing Leave Travel


In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha

Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with R&CS Order
No.PDA·110412004dated the 171hDecember,2004,the Competent Authority has decided
that the orders regarding regulation of journeys by private airlines while availing Leave
Travel Concession, as contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.
3101112/2006·Estt.(A)dated the 11th March, 2010, as reproduced in Annexure to this
Order read in conjunction with the General Adaptation Order No. 185 dated the
-19thDecember,1957shall apply to the officers of the Secretariat.
[No. F. 3110712010/AN.I]

1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR,Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)/IFU(5copies)IO&M Section (5copies).
4. AN·I Branch (10 copies).
5. All Officers 1All Branches.
Annexure to R&CS Order No. TA·26812010 dated 26.04.2010.

Nt'.] I OIIl..!i200(,·I::;H.{,\)
Govern. IInH or
Ministry of Pcvsonucl, Public rlrie vances & PCI):;j~\n"
Department or
11Cf:>OIUld & Training

dated thc 1I /" . March, 20 to

Sllbje~l: Rt::-glilutiun of journeys by private airlines while availing Leave Truvc!


The lloth;r:.;ignl.:u is: \Iir~clt'd ro rvler to Dep1ll1HlCJll of Fxpcmditurc OJvl.No.

!9024i112009·EJ V dated *~,n !21~),ranl\ this \)"p:"tJH~nl's OJvt. No. 3\ 0 11/2/2006·
FsH.{!\.) dated 17.7.2009 rcganljng journey hy ~lir white :lvuiling l.c~~wTravel
Cunccssioll (I.lC). ~lil)tlhtljni,~ that in a1l t:•..• :-;\.'$ of air lHlve! (iucludmg, Ln.'.J bUlh
domestic anJ iniernulbnal where Ih~ G\1v~nllnt.:JI! or Inurn \'ICHfs the cosrof air pas~ag~,
11K:\\fftcinl conccrue •.1 may ira vel hy Air lm,lia only.

2. It is clarified tklt restriction of ,travel by Air lnuia only need ntJI apply ((I non-
entitle c1officers who travel hy ail" and d1111U I,' r'(' rcin.burscrnem by entitkd ,,'las..; of mil.

J. "he Jbove orders will be applicable with cili:Cl thlll) the dare of issue of rlli,
lHticc Memorundum, Past cases alrt'ady settled will not he re-opened.

'f, This i$sUCS in {.'(H1~UhatjoHwith l'v1illi:-itryof Finance tllt::partmcnt of bXI"k~llditl1re)

vide lh"ir !.l).N". I'i1l241lIJtl09-E.1 V d"l"d '1.3.2(110.
ill' i
,.(/ J'l't i ,.
.... - "'J
\I'. P",bhak"",nj
Deputy Seer •....
-tury 1\1lilt: Governmcut of liidiu

• Adopted vide R&CS Order No. TA·25912009 dated 28.07.2009 •

•• Adopted vide R&CS Order No. TA·261f2009 dated 04,08.2009:


NEW DELHI-110001.

Dated the 19th May, 2010

Vaisakha 29, 1932 (Saka).


Order No. TA·26912010

Subject: CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988- Relaxation for travel by air to visit NER.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha

Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with R&CS
Order No. PDA·110412004 dated the 17th December, 2004, the Competent Authority has
decided that the orders regarding relaxation of CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 to travel by air to
visit NER, as contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training OM F. No.31011/4/2007·
Estt.(A) dated the 20th April, 2010 and 23rd April, 2010 as reproduced in Annexure- I & II
respectively to this Order read in conjunction with the General Adaptation Order No.185
dated the 19th December, 1957 shall apply to the officers of the Secretariat.

[No. F. 31/10/2010/AN·11

1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR, Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)/IFU(5 copies)/O&M Section (5 copies).
4. AN-I Branch (10 copies).
5. All Officers / All Branches.
Annexure-I toB&gS Order No. TA-26912010 dated 19.05.2010

F.No. 310 11/4/2007-Estt.(A)

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, dated 20th April, 2010

Subject> CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988· Relaxation for travel by air to visit
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department O.M. of even NQ.
dated 2.5.2008 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the relaxation for
travel by air to visit North Eastern Region under CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 is
extended for further two years beyond I" May. 2010.

-"(S . Raj Bala Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 230923 J J

'Adopted vide R&CS Order No. TA-25012008 dated 09.05.2008.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, dated 23th April, 2010

Subject> CCS (LTC) Rules, !988·· Relaxation for travel by air to visit
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department O.~. of even No.
dated 20.4.2010 and to clarify that the validity of this Department a.M.of even
NO. dated 2.5.2008 stands extended on the same terms and conditions for a
further period of two years beyond 1.5.2010 in relaxation of CCS (LTC) Rules,
1988 to visit North Eastern Region of India.

'2 a ~
.:» \ iV'"

(smt\~ USaia S~tll

Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel: 23092313

*Adopted vide Annexure-I to R&CS Order No, TA-269/2010 dated 19,05.2010.

**Adopted vide R&CS Order No. TA·250/2008 dated 09.05,2008,

NEW DELHI-110001.

Dated the 21stAugust, 2010

Sravana 30, 1932 (Saka).


Order No. TA- 270/2010

SUbject: CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988- Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha Secretariat
(Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with R&CS
Order No. PDA-110412004dated the 17th December, 2004, the Competent Authority has
decided that the orders regarding relaxation of CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 for travel by air to
visit J&K, as contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances
& Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training OM No.31011/212003-Estt.(A-IV)dated the
18thJune, 2010 as reproduced in Annexure to this Order read in conjunction with the
General Adaptation Order No.185 dated the 19th December, 1957 shall apply to the officers
of the secretariat.


[No. F.31/1112010/AN-lj

1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR,Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)/IFU(5 copies)lWelfare Branch (2 copies).
4. AN-I Branch (10 copies).
5. All Officers 1All Branches.


Dated the 30thSeptember, 2010

Asvina 8, 1932(Saka).


Order No. TA· 271/2010

Subject: Regulation of journey by private airlines while availing Leave Travel

Concession to Jammu & Kashmir.
. .
In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha
Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with
R&CSOrder No. PDA-110412004dated the 17thDecember, 2004,the Competent Authority
has decided that the clarifications regarding regulation of journey by private airlines
while availing Leave Travel Concession to Jammu & Kashmir, as contained in the
Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department
of Personnel and Training OM No.310111212003·Estt.(A) dated the 05thAugust, 2010, as
reproduced in Annexure to this Order read in conjunction with the General Adaptation
Order No. 185 dated the 19thDecember, 1957shall apply to the officers of the Secretariat.


1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR,Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)/lFU(5 copies)/O&M Section (5 copies).
4. AN·I Branch (10copies).
5. All Officers 1All Branches.

Annexure to RIS.CSOrder No. TA·27112010 dated 30.\)H.<'()ll~,

No.310 II <~!20()3-EstL(A)
Government of India
Ministr) of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department or
Personnel & Training

Dated the 5th August, 2010

Subject: Regulation of journey" b~ private airlines while availing Leave Travel

Concession to Jammu &. Kashmir. .
. , ••••• , • OJ

After issue uf DOI'T (ltd. N\). 310111212003-esf{.(A) dated 18/612010
r~l!Hnlil1g relaxation for travel bv air t" visit J&K, clarifications have been sought by
(io\ crnrncn: servants/various Minisu iC'sflkparlments from lime to time. The doubts
raised by various authorities have now been clarified by Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure) as lllldl'I:'


] \i;h~ii)el:~~liijed
officefs"eai,I;'fIIdb\ Yes.
- ----- ..-.---'---1
Travel by private airlines is
I Private airlines to .l&K . available to all the categories of!
Government employees. including those I
. entitled in travel by Air. '

-re:i;ic(ion";;i~TT(-:-:{}'iil~e LTC-86 tare;';:-iulJ-apply" (0 all cases

. ! 1. ·1"V.II~\·lhc·~·the
I i 0/ Ail' India will apply in these (,dSC:~. includingI those entitled to travel by arr
I....J "'" _ _ .. ~..._.~Tespe.l'ti\·e ....'?.Jjhe~irlines.:._ ...._ _ .._1

•• "> This issues in consultuuon

Lxpenditure] vide their J.D.No. ~2l<.1"SO.E.1VJiOtO
with. Minisuy .or Finance
dated 3" August, 2010Jl~
(Department" ol

. Deputy Secretary to the GOvernment of India

.'z'l\6(jili~d,lilde.to Ft,&CS'prder tip, 'I'~·.2r.oi.llli10dail!ll~46ldt~to:


NEW DELHI- 110001.

Dated the 30thSeptember. 2010

Asvina 8. 1932 (Saka).


Order No. TA- 27212010

SUbject: Guidelines on Air Travel on Tours/LTC.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha

Seoretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of service) Rulo, 1955 read with R&CS Order
No. PDA-110412004dated the 17thDecember, 2004, the Competent Authority has decided
that the guidelines on Air Travel on TourslLTC, as contained In the Government of India.
Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM No.1902411/2009-E.lVdated the
1fjlll September, 2010, as reproduced in Annexure to this Order read in conjunction with
the General Adaptation Order No. 185 dated the 19thDecember. 1957 shall apply to the
officers of the Secretariat.


1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR, Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch(10 copies)llFU(5 coples)/O&M Section (5 copies).
4. AN-I Branch (10 copies).
5. All Officers I All Branches.
i"V{I, 19n24/l/J.n(f9~E.{V
Go,'(;rnrnenl of hnJi?
[rfinislry of Finance
f)(:p:inmeflcfI( J~i';fH~i1diton:
-'I ~, ,

Ne\\' Dellll dared rhe 16'" September, 1010

Subject; Guidelines On Air Tr-avel on Tnurs/L'I'C.

This Department is receiving repeated references seeking clarifications with

regard to purchase of Air tickers through authorized agents and relaxation for travel by
Airlines other than Indian Airlines. l1,c' following guidelines may be noted for
compliance: '

1. On Official Tours:
(i) For travel by Airlines other than Air India because of operational or other reasons or
on account of non-availability of Air India flights, individual cases for relaxation 10 be ~
referred to Mlo Civil A viation, as Slated in this Ministry's OM -No. 1902411/2009-£::.1 V
dated lJ.07.09. V•

(ii) Air Tickets may be purchased directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website
of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz, MIs Balmer
Lawrie & Company. Mis Ashok Travels & Tours.

2, LT('.;,
(i) Travel by Air India only.
(iI) In Economy class only, irrespective of entitlement.
· (ijl)LTC·80 ticket of Air India only to be purchased.
(h-)Air Tickets may be purchased .directly from Airlines (at Booking counters/Website
of Airlines) or by utilizing the services of Authorized Travel Agents viz, MIs Balmer
La.Wrie& Company, MIs AshokFravels &.' Tours and IRCTC;~10 the: extent IRCTC is
•: ·<authorized as per DcP&TOM No, 31OW6,'2002·Estt(A) 01l!12,09}~at.
. 3, LTC for.J&K; .,
'. (i),Bda<:ation 10 travel by Pr:ivate.~irlines 10 visit J&K while availing LTC is available
:(0' ~Hthecategories of (;0\1, employees, iucluding !llOse e.ntill.ed W travel by Air
~[D()J?&TOMsNo. 31011l2l:W034Bs1L(A-IV) dated18.116_10 and. 05,08.l0referj.$
·(jj) For purchase of Air tickets, however. the procedure as given under pam 2 (iv) above .
\;Ij .
should be followed .

.4. "All MinistrieslDepartn1emSof GO\'!,of India are requested to strictly. adhere

to theseinstructiens, . .

" Under Seq-ctlll')'
to /heGovt.
. iff in~ia

• AdoPI~ YJtR&<:SO~N~. TA·2~0~ <lale<l.~8;07;20'W.

tIJ Adopt~dl!l.l!!R&C$ Order tJI~.TA'265!29:1~~~;(j2.2010.
PAdopted Vide". R&CSOrder "0. TA·270(2010dl!ed21,08.2010.
IAdopllld vide R&C$ Order No: TA·271l2010 dated 30.09.2010

NEW DELHI-110001.

Dated the 30th November, 2010

Agrahayana 9, 1932 (Saka).


Order No. TA- 273/2010

Subject: Air Travel on official account - both domestic and international.

In accordance with the provisions contained in Rule 9 of the Lok Sabha

Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 1955 read with R&CS Order
No. PDA·1104J2004dated the 17lli December, 2004,the Competent Authority has decided
that the orders regarding air travel on official account •• both domestic and international,
as contained in the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure
O.M. No. 19024J1/2009-E.IVdated the 29th July, 2010, as reproduced in Annexure to this
Order read in conjunction with the General Adaptation Order No. 185 dated the 19th
December,1957shall apply to the officers of the Secretariat.

(P. K. G;'VER)
[No.F. 31/16/2010/AN·I]

1. The Pay & Accounts Officer, Lok Sabha (10 copies).
2. The DGACR,Concurrent Audit (P) Branch.
3. B&P Branch (10 copies)/IFU (5 copies)
4. AN·I Branch (10 copies).
5. All Officers I All Branches.
Anl1{,xure to R&CS Order No. TA·27312010 dated 30.11.2010.

No.1 rj{l241V2il09-E.l'V
Minish'v• of -,!<ilJ'i!:llce
.:< "', C",',

Department of Ex:pe,nditul'e
f<:-IV Seetien
New Delhi dated the 29th July, 20 J O.

:'" .)';;':'1

. A:i~';(6-a'i~t;6t~
... 'official
- I account-both domestfu an'd'itlfeNiational.

.·;,rhewi~~l~~~edis,dire~tedto l'ef~rtothf~!dl(P,~f1~l:!f~l,~M'dt,r:J ,07.20?9\co~

\¥Q~4e-t. ellc!osed),p/;'b1 ectclted~<t~o:ve+
which.~~te~lliJ~~a;yf!'\t'QnJ~ by- Air India mall
casesof'airtrg" ". ... th dOll1estkanqii1ternattQ~"wh\},r.j{1mvemmentofltldia bears
~dc UJ.J
the costofmrj;l,!l~t¥:. FUlthel','thepara 3·oftlje said ClM>;sttptilates
that in all cases of
deviationfrom,ihi;~eol'dersbecause of operational-orother.reasons or on.accoimt.ofnon-
cases may be referred t?; She ~~P!~try
aVlailabti}lit~.1i~t~11~ral of Civil Aviation for
Ie axa. pl1.'. " c. " .. ' . .
"'J,!,\i~: . ..< '. .,. ,t
2. R'ef¢filli~:~~ being received il1t~~~!ill~$i~Ii:i*t\W.!liqn, <of.periods of
deputatioJ.1cal.l~o~,:~\t~ ~ir"1'litr\\i'flight~.A~
to non-availapility Qf'~ii~l~ extensions in
depu~ti~~~~~Jit~~tio~:~l:,~Q~S?!,:~ ~¥ir:;,""'" ·,~'~,~~41l~~,'tlJ.~tw !tIl c,\iSes of

, : " - .. '1 .... -..: " - ' .. " ,-'~"'. ,:.,:"" .. '.. .. ,1

requil'~~t~~~tl~~nlY byA\rJndia.· '. ~':.~i '. .

. .'1' :;


fV1ini~):uy dl Fl!F;n~>3,
( lJBP<:;l11(f;c:'nt ~f~" E ;.:pc ndltLlfi:: }

New Delll;, 1!18'13'" July. 2009.


SUbject: Air Travel

01\ official account _. both domestic
,md international.

. In partial modification of this Ministry's OM No.F'. No. 7(2)/E.

Coordl2005 dated 23'<1 November, 2005 <lno in supe,(sesslo1)1,J:jHlhis Ministry's
QM,Nb.1t1024/1fENI20GSdaied 24.3:2P06, it has Qa&n'J;I,~'9jded that inall
cases 01 air traver. both.doraestrc-and i!1tetnafiona.1.,whel'!e.tll'e!'..aQYernment of ,
I(lqi(!:iear~ .the cost 9f. air :paiSag8, the offici?ls concernl3ttffi':i¥'tltiiJel only by .
.~Ajrillc\l'L· . .' ':': . .
". -' '" > • •

2:., For travel to. stations not connected by Air India, Ihedffldl~ls may travel
,by Air india to-the hUb/point closest to their eventual de;snr.ation. beyond
WI\icll they may utilise the. services of another airlinew,R1cJ1 should also
Prer~tahly·bei:in.allianc(n;arther (jf Air·lndia. . . L; '. . .'
. r. (.",
3. ,h ,In· all -oasee .pf deviation from these orders becaus;~lf6jh~(i~ralionalor"
"<'ltll~t;,r£la:sp~,"9P OIlil,OG'j'J4ot.of n:on~a~<iile;bHity, indi¥idi'l~!'~''i1iiiiesm!'lY be
'~gf~r{fll~tP!heMinistryof£iv,Il'A,v~a\!@nfpr r~!~:.;a.tiorr.. i ',.'~.

4., . , All Miflistfies/Dep.i?rtm¢nt$ of;the GO\fefhrnerit of Indi~~i~{equeS\l~d to.

strictly. adhere to these instructions. : ,. .., .

5. These orders will E\ls~.apply to offieiais in autonof1'\qll~!'bo' :es funded

by GOVernment of India. . ,i ,
. 1·;: ,

., . i;: -;"\:' 'i_'~.•~ - "~.'

.. 'i:~,~, .•.•.
, .' ,. . ~' .

,. . ./. . '~"

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