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No advertising is allowed. As well as for medicines containing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

It is also not allowed to advertise OTC medicine with the same name but different mg or package size if there is
the same medicine under POM list.

General rules:

- An ad of the medicinal product must mention only the name of the medicinal product or the
international name of the medicinal product (if any) or the trademark. An advertisement of a medicinal
product may only be done through mass media.

Advertising via publications:

- If the advertisement of the medicinal product is published in the publications (except advertising via
electronic communication), the full text of the medicinal product advertising must be complete
(presented in one place), clearly legible, indistinguishable and presented in a contrasting background.
The size of the lower case letter must be at least 1.5 mm. After the name of the medicinal product, the
generic name of the medicinal product must be at least 1/2 of the name of the medicinal product.
- In advertising for non-prescription medicinal products intended for the general public the following
information shall be indicated: the name of the medicinal product and, if the medicinal product
contains only one medicinal product, its generic name; pharmaceutical form and strength of the
medicinal product; information necessary for the correct administration of the medicinal product
(therapeutic indications other than homeopathic products without approved therapeutic indications,
route of administration, dosage, special warnings, contraindications);
- All following compulsory texts must be included:
- „Prašome įdėmiai perskaityti pakuotės lapelį ir vaistą vartoti, kaip nurodyta. Netinkamai vartojamas
vaistas gali pakenkti Jūsų sveikatai“ or „Prašome įdėmiai perskaityti informaciją ant išorinės pakuotės
ir vaistą vartoti, kaip nurodyta. Netinkamai vartojamas vaistas gali pakenkti Jūsų sveikatai.“ (if the
medicinal product to be advertised does not contain the package leaflet);
- „Jei simptomai nepraeina ar atsirado šalutinis poveikis, dėl tolesnio vaisto vartojimo būtina pasitarti su
gydytoju ar vaistininku“’;
- „Tradicinis augalinis vaistas, kurio indikacijos pagrįstos tik ilgalaikiu vartojimu“ (if the traditional herbal
medicinal product is advertised);
- „Jeigu įtariate, kad Jums pasireiškė šalutinis poveikis, apie jį praneškite savo gydytojui, vaistininkui ar
Valstybinei vaistų kontrolės tarnybai prie Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos el. paštu arba kitais būdais, kaip nurodyta jos interneto svetainėje“.
Adverstising via electronic communication:

- The advertisement of a medicinal product that is done through electronic communications networks
must include the following information: the name of the medicinal product and, if the medicinal
product contains only one medicinal product, its generic name; pharmaceutical form and strength of
the medicinal product; therapeutic indications other than homeopathic products without approved
therapeutic indications; compulsory texts, except when the advertisement is broadcast on television or
- If the advertisement is broadcast on television or radio, the following text must be expressed on
television in written and oral form, and on the radio - in oral form: „Prašome įdėmiai perskaityti
pakuotės lapelį ir vaistą vartoti, kaip nurodyta. Netinkamai vartojamas vaistas gali pakenkti Jūsų
sveikatai“ or „Prašome įdėmiai perskaityti informaciją ant išorinės pakuotės ir vaistą vartoti, kaip
nurodyta. Netinkamai vartojamas vaistas gali pakenkti Jūsų sveikatai.“ (if the medicinal product to be
advertised does not contain the package leaflet);
- A reference to the package leaflet of the medicinal product that is being advertised, if any, or its
labeling text on the Internet (if the advertisement is published on the website).

Food Supplement
Health claims according to EU legislation are allowded.

Compulsory text is a must:

Maisto papildas nėra maisto pakaitalas. Svarbu įvairi ir subalansuota mityba bei sveikas gyvenimo

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