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Condition Red:

Marine Defense Battalions

in World War II
by Major Charles D. Me/son
apan, its military lead- truction of three aircraft during the plans — Orange stood for Japan in a
ers confident they morning's fighting. series of color-coded planning
could stagger the Unit- As the Japanese aircraft carriers documents — provided the strategy
ed States and gain time withdrew after the raid on Pearl Har- for the amphibious offensive re-
to seize the oil and bor, a pair of enemy destroyers be- quired to defeat Japan and the defen-
and other natural resources neces- gan shelling Midway Island shortly sive measures to protect the bases
sary to dominate the western Pacif- before midnight on 7 December to upon which the American campaign
ic, attacked Pearl Harbor on 7 neutralize the aircraft based there. A would depend.
December 1941, sinking or badly salvo directed against Midway's Sand As a militaristic Japan made in-
damaging 18 ships, destroying some Island struck the power plant, which roads into China in the 1930s, con-
200 aircraft, and killing more than served as the command post of the cern heightened for the security of
2,300 American servicemen. Though 6th Defense Battalion, grievously Wake, Midway, Johnston, and
caught by surprise, Marines of the wounding First Lieutenant George H. Palmyra Islands, the outposts pro-
1st, 3d, and 4th Defense Battalions Cannon. He remained at his post un- tecting Hawaii, a vital staging area
standing guard in Hawaii fought til the other Marines wounded by the for a war in the Pacific. (Although
back as best they could. Few heavy same shell could be cared for and his actually atolls — tiny islands clustered
weapons were yet in place, and am- communications specialist, Corporal on a reef-fringed lagoon —Wake,
munition remained stored on ship- Harold Hazelwood, had put the bat- Midway, Johnston, and Palmyra have
board, along with many of the guns. talion switchboard back into action. traditionally been referred to as is-
Nevertheless, these units had eight Cannon, who died of his wounds, lands.) By 1937, the Marine Corps
antiaircraft machine guns in action earned the first Medal of Honor was discussing the establishment of
within six minutes after the first awarded a Marine officer during battalion-size security detachments
bombs exploded at 0755. By 0820, World War II. Hazelwood received a on the key Pacific outposts, and the
13 machine guns were manned and Navy Cross. following year's War Plan Orange
ready, and they cut loose when a se- proposed dispatching this sort of
cond wave of Japanese aircraft be- defense detachment to three of the
gan its attack a few minutes later. Hawaiian outposts — Wake, Midway,
Unfortunately, shells for the 3-inch For decades before Japan gambled and Johnston. The 1938 plan called
antiaircraft guns did not reach the its future on a war with the United for a detachment of 28 officers and
hurriedly deployed firing batteries States, the Marine Corps developed 428 enlisted Marines at Midway,
until after the second and final wave the doctrine, equipment, and organi- armed with 5-inch coastal defense
of attacking aircraft had completed zation needed for just such a conflict. guns, 3-inch antiaircraft weapons,
its deadly work. The Marines Although the Army provided troops searchlights for illuminating targets
responded to the surprise raid with for the defense of the Philippines, the at night, and machine guns. The
small arms and an eventual total of westernmost American possession in Wake detachment, similarly
25 machine guns, claiming the des- the Pacific, the Marine Corps faced equipped, was to be slightly smaller,
two formidable challenges: placing 25 officers and 420 enlisted men. The
On the Cover: The crew of a 90mm gun garrisons on any of the smaller pos- Johnston Island group would consist
stands by for action in the Solomons sessions that the Navy might use as of just nine officers and 126 enlisted
during November 1943. (Department of bases at the onset of war; and seiz- men and have only the antiaircraft
Defense photo [USMC]) ing and defending the additional guns, searchlights, and machine
At left: Defense battalion Marines man naval bases that would enable the guns. The plan called for the units to
a 5-inch seacoast gun at Guantanamo United States to project its power to deploy by M-Day—the date of an
Bay, Cuba. (Department of Defense the very shores of Japan's Home Is- American mobilization for war —"in
photo [USMC]) lands. A succession of Orange war sufficient strength to repel minor

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Department of Defense photo (USCG)

Fires started by bombs dropped by Japanese aircraft are still craft gun on the parade ground of the Marine Barracks. By
burning at Pearl Harbor as Marines set up a 3-inch antiair- the end of 1942, 14 Marine defense battalions were in existence.
naval raids and raids by small land- potential enemies, defeating Germa- ation of defense battalions to garri-
ing parties." In the fall of 1938, an in- fly first, while conducting only limit- son the crescent of outposts
spection party visited the sites to look ed offensive operations in the Pacific stretching from Wake and Midway to
for possible gun positions and fields and ultimately throwing the full Samoa. Influenced by American
of fire and to validate the initial man- weight of the alliance against Japan. isolationist attitudes, Major Gener-
power estimates. Such was the basic strategy in effect al Commandant Thomas Holcomb
Meanwhile, a Congressionally when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. decided to ask for funds to form new
authorized board, headed by Ad- defensive — rather than offensive —
miral Arthur J. Hepburn, a former units. In carrying out the provisions
Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet, of the plan for a conflict with
investigated the need to acquire ad- The interest of the Marine Corps Orange, the Commandant intended
ditional naval bases in preparation in base defense predated the proposal lstLt George H. Cannon of the 6th
for war. While determining that in the Orange Plan of 1937 to install Defense Battalion, though mortally
Guam, surrounded by Japanese pos- defense detachments at Wake, Mid- wounded by fire from a Japanese sub-
sessions, could not be defended; the way, and Johnston Islands. Although marine on 7 December 1941, refused to
Hepburn Board emphasized the im- leave his post on Midway. After the war,
the spirit of the offensive predomi-
portance of Midway, Wake, John- he was awarded the Medal of Honor.
nated over the years, both the Ad- Department of Defense photo (USMC) 11158
ston, and Palmyra. As a result, vanced Base Force, 1914-1919, and
during 1939 and 1940, Colonel Har- the Fleet Marine Force, established in
ry K. Pickett—Marine Officer, 14th 1933, trained to defend the territory
Naval District, and Commanding they seized. In 1936, despite the ab-
Officer, Marine Barracks, Pearl Har- sence of primarily defensive units,
bor Navy Yard — made detailed sur- the Marine Corps Schools at Quan-
veys of the four atolls. tico, Virginia, taught a 10-month
In 1940, the Army and Navy course in base defense, stressing coor-
blended the various color plans, in- dination among aviation, antiair-
cluding Orange, into a series of Rain- craft, and artillery.
bow Plans designed to meet a threat The increasingly volatile situation
from Germany, Japan, and Italy act- in the Pacific which led ultimately
ing in concert. The plan that seemed to war, the evolving Orange plan for
most realistic Rainbow 5, envisioned a war against Japan, and the long-
that an Anglo-American coalition time interest of the Marine Corps in
would wage war against all three base defense set the stage for the cre-

to make the best use of appropriat- rise to the rank of lieutenant gener- creating six divisions and reaching a
ed funds, which had only begun to al, assuming command of Fleet Ma- maximum strength in excess of
increase after the outbreak of war in rine Force, Pacific after the war. 450,000, but the frenzied growth oc-
Europe during September 1939. In Aware that isolationism still gripped curred after Japan attacked the Pa-
doing so he reminded the public that the United States in 1939; the two cific Fleet at Pearl Harbor on 7
the Marine Corps would play a vi- planners emphasized the defensive December 1941.
tal role in defending the nation. Af- mission of the new units, stressing In the immediate aftermath of the
ter the war, General Gerald C. their ability to "hold areas for the ul- outbreak of war in Europe and Presi-
Thomas recalled in his oral history timate offensive operations of the dent Franklin D. Roosevelt's declara-
that General Holcomb realized that Fleet:' As the danger of war with tion of a limited national emergency,
Congress was unlikely to vote money Japan increased, the first of several the Marine Corps grew by small
for purely offensive purposes as long 900-man defense battalions took increments that included the defense
as the United States remained at shape in the United States. Each of battalions. To explain the role of
peace. At a time when even battle- the new outfits consisted of three an- these units, General Holcomb in 1940
ships and heavy bombers were being tiaircraft batteries, three seacoast bat- circulated throughout the Corps a
touted as defensive weapons, Hol- teries, ground and antiaircraft classified document drafted by First
comb seized on the concept of machine gun batteries, and a team of Lieutenant Robert D. Heinl, Jr., who
defense battalions as a means of in- specialists in administration and would serve in a wartime defense
creasing the strength of the Corps be- weapons maintenance. battalion, become the author of
yond the current 19,432 officers and In late 1939, when the Marine widely read articles and books and
men. Corps formed its first defense battal- active in the Marine Corps histori-
Two officers at Marine Corps ions, the future was still obscure. cal program, and attain the grade of
headquarters, Colonel Charles D. Japan remained heavily engaged in colonel. Heinl declared that "through
Barrett and Lieutenant Colonel China, but a "phony war" persisted sheer necessity, the Marine Corps has
Robert H. Pepper, turned concept in western Europe. At Marine Corps devised a sort of expeditionary coast
into reality by drawing up detailed headquarters, some advocates of the artillery capable of occupying an un-
plans for organizations expressly defense battalions may have felt that tenanted and undefended locality, of
designed to defend advance bases. these new units were all the service installing an all around sea-air
The Kentucky-born Barrett entered would need by way of expansion, at defense, and this within three days:'
the Marine Corps in 1909, served in least for now. On the other hand, wi- In his annual report to the Secre-
the occupation of Vera Cruz, Mexi- thin the G-3 Division of Holcomb's tary of the Navy for the fiscal year
co, in 1914, and during World War staff, officers like Colonel Pedro A. ending in June 1940, General Hol-
II would become a major general; in del Valle kept their eyes fixed on a comb stated that four battalions had
1943, while commanding I Marine more ambitious goal, the organiza- been established and two others
Amphibious Corps, he died as a tion of Marine divisions. Eventual- authorized. "The use of all six of
result of an accident. Pepper, would ly, the Marine Corps would expand, these defense battalions can be fore-

seen in existing plans," he wrote, ad- for the defense battalions, they had
ding that the fleet commanders had definite weaknesses, particularly in
already requested additional units of infantry and armor for mobile
this type. The new organizations reserves in the event of a large-scale
took advantage of the latest advances enemy landing. The failings,
in automatic weapons, radios, tanks, however, seemed acceptable to the
coast and antiaircraft artillery, General Board of the Navy — roughly
sound-ranging gear, and the new comparable to the War Department's
mystery — radar. Teams of specialists, General Staff—which felt that the
which had mastered an array of tech- battalions could nevertheless protect
nical skills, it was hoped would ena-
ble a comparatively small unit to r outlying bases against raids by air-
craft, ships, and comparatively small
defend a beachhead or airfield com- landing parties. Concern that the
plex against attack from the sea or defense battalions, in their current
sky. As time passed and strategic cir- configuration, might not be able to
cumstances changed, the defense bat- repulse more ambitious hostile land-
talions varied in strength, weaponry, ings caused the Marine Corps to de-
and other gear. As an official histor- bate, during the spring of 1941, the
ical summary of the defense battal- Department of Defense photo (USMC) 61403 feasibility of creating separate infan-
ions has pointed out, their MajGen Charles D. Barrett, while a try battalions to fight alongside the
composition also reflected "the geo- colonel, together with LtCol Robert H. defense units.
graphic nature of their location and Pepper, played a major role in the de-
velopment of the defense battalion. The proposed 850-man infantry
the availability of equipment:' Con- battalions would forestall any pos-
sequently, the same battalion might to cover assigned sectors and meet sible need to detail infantrymen from
require a different mix of specialists specific threats. Moreover, they the regiments to reinforce the defense
over the years. might form detachments with a size battalions. Consequently, Secretary
cfrganizttion uizd Eqleip?izent and armament suitable for a partic- of the Navy Frank Knox approved
ular task, such as defending various the creation of separate infantry bat-
for flu' Defense Battalion islets within an atoll or protecting talions to serve with the defense bat-
Envisioned as combined arms separate beachheads. Although rela- talions. After the Japanese attack on
teams capable of delivering intense tively static when in place, the abili- Pearl Harbor, the regiments and
firepower, defense battalions were ty of the battalions to divide in this divisions — and for a time the special-
expected to have their greatest impact fashion provided a kind of flexibili- ized units such as the raiders—
in the kind of campaign outlined in ty that may not have been fully ap- demanded a lion's share of manpow-
the Orange plan. The Navy's seago- preciated in 1939, when the basic er, and with few exceptions, the
ing transports provided strategic mo- concept placed one battalion, though defense battalions had to fend for
bility for the defense battalions, but of variable size, at a given place. themselves without the planned in-
once ashore, the units lacked vehicles Because a defense battalion could, fantry battalions, though occasion-
and manpower for tactical mobility. in effect, form task organizations, it ally with an organic rifle company.
Because the battalion became essen- somewhat resembled the larger in- Every Marine in a typical defense
tially immobile when it landed, each fantry regiment, which could employ battalion had to train to fight as an
member had a battle station, as on battalion combat teams. According infantryman in an emergency, with
a ship, to operate a particular crew- to Lieutenant Heinl, in terms of the members of gun and searchlight
served weapon or other piece of "strength and variety of material;' the crews leaving their usual battle sta-
equipment. As configured in 1939 defense battalion "fnight well be a tions. Rifle companies served at var-
and 1940, a defense battalion could regiment. Actually, the seacoast and ious times with the 6th, 7th, and 51st
achieve mobility on land only by antiaircraft artillery groups are Defense Battalions, and such a com-
leaving its artillery, searchlights, and almost small battalions, while the ponent was planned for the 52d, but
detection gear and fighting as in- other three separate batteries (search- not assigned. Those battalions that
fantry. light and sound locator and the two included a company of infantry bore
Marine Corps defense battalions machine gun units) are undeniable the title "composite:'
could operate as integral units in sup- batteries in the accepted sense of the Improvements in equipment, a
port of a base or beachhead, posi- word:' changing strategic situation, and
tioning their weapons and equipment Despite the lieutenant's enthusiasm deployment in areas that varied from

desolate coral atolls to dense jungle strength during the war was 1,372 in the Atlantic. In June 1941, Colonel
ensured that no single table of equip- officers and men, including Navy Lloyd L. Leech's 5th Defense Battal-
ment or organization could apply at medical personnel. Like manpower, ion, less its seacoast artillery compo-
all times to every defense battalion. the equipment used by the defense nent, arrived in Iceland with the 1st
Each of the organizations tended to battalions also varied, although the Marine Brigade, which included the
be unique —"one of a kind," as a bat- armament of the typical wartime unit 6th Marines, an infantry regiment,
talion's history stated. Weapons and consisted of eight 155mm guns, and the 2d Battalion, 10th Marines,
personnel reflected a unit's destina- twelve 90mm guns, nineteen 40mm an artillery outfit. The brigade took
tion and duties, much as a child's guns, twenty-eight 20mm guns, and over the defense of Iceland from Brit-
erector set took the shape dictated by thirty-five .50-caliber heavy machine ish troops, releasing them from the
the person assembling the parts, or guns, supplemented in some in- protection of this critical region for
such was the view of James H. Pow- stances by eight M3 light tanks. even more important duty elsewhere.
ers, a veteran of the 8th Defense Bat- Once in place, the defense battalion
talion. The selection and assignment
Beginning early in 1940, the
and the other Marines assumed
of men and equipment proved a dy- responsibility for helping keep open
namic process, as units moved about,
defense battalions operated indepen-
the Atlantic sea lanes to the United
dently, or in concert with larger units,
split into detachments, underwent Kingdom.
to secure strategic locations in the At-
redesignation, and traded old equip- The 5th Defense Battalion set up
ment for new. Much of the weapons lantic and the Pacific. Colonel Har-
ry K. Pickett's 3d Defense Battalion its antiaircraft weapons, 3-inch guns
and material came from the stocks of and machine guns, around the Reyk-
the U.S. Army, which had similarly
undertook to support the current
War Plan Orange by occupying Mid- javik airfield and harbor, where it be-
equipped coast and antiaircraft ar- came the first Marine Corps unit to
tillery units. The first 155mm guns way Island on 29 September 1940,
setting up its weapons on two bleak, make operational use of the Army-
dated from World War I, but the developed SCR-268 and -270 radars.
sandy spits described by one Marine
Army quickly made modern types After-action reports covering the bat-
available, along with new 90mm an-
as being "inhabited by more than a
million birds:' Contingency plans for talion's service in Iceland, declared
tiaircraft guns that replaced the that only "young, wide-awake, intel-
3-inch weapons initially used by the the Atlantic approaches to the
Western Hemisphere called for ligent men" could operate the temper-
defense battalions. In addition, the amental sets satisfactorily. Thanks to
deploying defense battalions in sup-
Army provided both primitive the efforts of the crews, the Marines
sound-ranging equipment and three port of a possible landing in Marti-
nique during October 1940, but the proved able to incorporate their ra-
types of Signal Corps radar — the dar into the British air-defense and
crisis passed. In February of the fol-
early-model 5CR268 and SCR27O fighter-control system for "routine
and the more advanced 5CR268, lowing year, the 4th Defense Battal-
ion, under Colonel Jesse L. Perkins, watches and training:' Even though
which provided automatic target the battalion played a critical role in
secured the rocky and brush-covered
tracking and gun-laying. defending against long-range Ger-
hills overlooking Guantanamo Bay,
By October 1941, the tables of or- Cuba. A composite unit of infantry man patrol planes, its members also
ganization for the new defense bat- and artillery, the 7th Defense Battal- had to engage in labor and construc-
talions had certain features in ion, commanded by Lieutenant tion duty, as became common in
common, each calling for a head- Colonel Lester A. Dessez, landed at other areas. Replaced by Army units,
quarters battery, a sound-locator and American Samoa in March 1941 and the last elements of the Marine gar-
searchlight battery, a 5-inch seacoast became the first element of the Fleet rison force left Iceland in March
artillery group, a 3-inch antiaircraft Marine Force to deploy to the 1942.
group, and a machine-gun group. Southern Hemisphere during the Of the seven Marine defense bat-
The specific allocation of personnel prewar national emergency. Besides talions organized by late 1941, one
and equipment within each battalion securing naval and air bases, the bat- stood guard in Iceland, five served in
depended, however, on where the talion trained a self-defense force of the Pacific — including the 4th, post-
battalion deployed and the changes Samoan Marines. ed briefly at Guantanamo Bay — and
"prescribed by the Commandant Plans to forestall a German inva- another trained on the west coast for
from time to time:' In brief, the sion of the Azores by sending a a westward deployment. The first
defense battalions adhered to certain mixed force of soldiers and Marines, Pacific-based defense battalions were
standard configurations, with in- including defense battalions, proved nicknamed the "Rainbow Five" after
dividual variations due to time and unnecessary, but the most ambitious the war plan in effect when the
circumstance. The average battalion of the prewar deployments occurred Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. The

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Photo courtesy of the U.S. Naval Institute

On Iceland, 5th Defense Battalion Marines, attached to the polar bear patches on the right shoulders of the onlooking
1st Provisional Marine Brigade, man a 75mm pack howitzer Marine officers. In the background are truck-mounted
as British officers of the Iceland garrison look on. Note the .50-caliber antiaircraft machine guns on special tripods.
five units were: the 7th in Samoa; the into victory. In contrast, Technical range. Gun crews stayed with their
6th, which took over from a detach- Sergeant Charles A. Holmes, a fire- weapons during the increasingly
ment of the 3d at Midway Island; the control specialist, believed that radar stronger air raids, while those Ma-
3d and 4th at Pearl Harbor, and the "would never have affected the out- rines not needed at their battle sta-
1st divided among Pearl Harbor and come of the situation The set, tions were "hotfooting it for shelter:'
Johnston, Palmyra, and Wake Is- moreover, might have fallen into Early on, the Marines realized they
lands. A sixth defense battalion, the Japanese hands sufficiently intact to were fighting a losing battle,
2d, remained in training in yield useful intelligence. although, as Technical Sergeant Hol-
California. On 11 December, the fire of the mes pointed out, "We did our best to
5-inch guns of Major George H. Pot- defend the atoll. ." and to prevent
. .

ter's coastal defense batteries forced the Japanese from establishing them-
The first real test of the base the withdrawal of the first Japanese selves there. With limited means at
defense concept in the Pacific War be- naval assault force consisting of three their disposal — the weapons of the
gan with savage air attacks against cruisers, their escorting destroyers, defense detachment and a few fight-
Wake Island on 8 December and last- and a pair of troop transports. A Ma- er planes — the Marines sank one
ed 15 days. Wake's defenders lacked rine communications officer vividly warship with aerial bombs and
radar and sound-ranging equipment, remembered the repeated attacks by another with artillery fire, and dur-
forcing the 400-man Marine garrison Japanese aircraft throughout the ing the final assault inflicted
to rely on optical equipment to spot siege. During each raid, he said, "one hundreds of casualties on the
and identify the attacking aircraft, or two would be smoking from Japanese who stormed ashore from
which inflicted heavy losses on the machine gun or antiaircraft fire:' self-propelled barges and two light
Americans during the first bombing Captain Bryghte D. Godbold's 3-inch transports beached on the reef. On
raids. Commander Winfield S. Cun- antiaircraft group seemed especially the morning of 23 December, before
ningham, who headed the Wake Is- deadly, and sometimes one or two a relief expedition could get close
land naval base, later insisted that aircraft would be missing from a enough to help, the defenders of
"one radar" could have turned defeat Japanese formation as it flew out of Wake Island surrendered.

While the Wake Island garrison the Pacific. The war thus entered a Elsewhere in the Pacific, Lieutenant
fought against overwhelming num- defensive phase that contained the Colonel Harold D. Shannon's 6th
bers and ultimately had to yield, advancing Japanese and lasted into Defense Battalion strengthened the
Japanese naval forces began a short- the summer of 1942. defenses of Midway where, by the
lived harassment of Johnston and On 21 January, the 2d Marine spring of 1942, reinforcements ar-
Palmyra that lasted until late Decem- Brigade (the 8th Marines and the 2d rived in the form of the antiaircraft
ber and stopped short of attempted Battalion, 10th Marines, the latter re- group of the 3d Defense Battalion,
landings. On 12 December, shells cently returned from Iceland) arrived plus radar, light tanks, aircraft, in-
from a pair of submarines detonat- in Samoa, along with Lieutenant fantrymen, and raiders. The Palmyra
ed a 12,000-gallon fuel storage tank Colonel Raymond E. Knapp's 2d garrison was redesignated the 1st
on Johnston Island, but fire from Defense Battalion. The newcomers Marine Defense Battalion — of which
5-inch coast defense guns emplaced built on the foundation supplied by it had been a detachment before
there forced the raiders to submerge. the 7th Defense Battalion and were March 1942—under Lieutenant
Similarly, a battery on Palmyra drove themselves reinforced by the newly Colonel Bert A. Bone, with the
off a submarine that shelled the is- activated 8th Defense Battalion un- detachment on Johnston Island
land on Christmas Eve. der Lieutenant Colonel Augustus W. reverting to control of the island
Cockrell. The Marines in Samoa an- commander. During March, the flow
chored a line of bases and airfields of reinforcements to the South Pacific
The delays and confusion atten- that protected the exposed sea routes continued, as Army troops arrived
dant upon organizing and mounting to Australia and New Zealand, which in New Caledonia and the New
the relief expedition, which includ- were judged likely objectives for the Hebrides, while Marine aviators and
ed the 4th Defense Battalion and advancing Japanese. Colonel Harold S. Fassett's 4th
ships that had survived the onslaught On 27 May 1942, the 8th Defense Defense Battalion established itself
against Pearl Harbor, demonstratedBattalion moved southwest from on the island of Efate in the latter
the limits of improvisation. As a Samoa to the Wallis Islands, a French group.
result, the Marine Corps acted possession. Tanks, field artillery, mo- West of Midway Island, between
promptly to reinforce the outlying tor transport, and infantry reinforced 4 and 6 June 1942, the course of the
garrisons still in American hands. the defense battalion, which re- war changed abruptly when an
The defense battalions at Pearl Har- mained there through 1943. The stay American carrier task force sank four
bor provided additional men and proved uneventful except for a visit Japanese aircraft carriers and des-
material for Midway, Johnston, and from Eleanor Roosevelt, the Presi- troyed the cadre of veteran fliers who
Palmyra Islands, and defense battal- dent's wife, who was touring the Pa- had won the opening naval battles of
ions fresh from training deployed to cific theater of war. the war from Pearl Harbor to the In-
The 5th Defense Battalion lived in Nissen hut camps as this and weatherproo fed by the Marines upon their arrival and
throughout the unit's stay in Iceland. Most of them were built before the onset of the exceptionally cold Icelandic winter.
Depcrtment of Defense photo (USMC) 528669

eventual victory over Japan, the 6th
Defense Battalion remained at Mid-
way for the rest of the war. As one
of its Marines, Ned Tetlow, pointed
p out, the long stay enabled the unit
to develop a "distinct identity:'
- During the defensive phase of the

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Pacific War, the defense battalion un-
derwent conceptual changes back in
the United States. Two new tables of
organization and equipment received
official approval in the spring of
1942. One called for a battalion of
1,146 officers and men that had a
Marine Corps Historical Collection headquarters and service battery, a
Smoke rises from Wake Island after a Japanese air attack. The command post used 155mm artillery group of two batter-
by the detachment of the 1st Defense Battalion lies in the right foreground. ies,a 90mm antiaircraft artillery
dian Ocean. A reinforced defense proved severe, with flames and group of three batteries, plus a
battlion, though hundreds of miles smoke billowing from a fuel storage searchlight battery, and a special
from the actual sinkings, contribut- area and aircraft hangars. The is- weapons group, made up of one bat-
ed greatly to the American victory. land's defenders remained in the tery each of Browning machine guns,
Since the fall of Wake Island, Ameri- fight, however, causing the Japanese Oerlikon 20mm cannon, and Bofors
can reinforcements had poured into naval commander to decide on a 40mm cannon. The other document
Midway. Colonel Shannon's 6th follow-up attack. His ordnance called for a slightly smaller compo-
Defense Battalion, now 1,700-strong, specialists were in the midst of site unit, in which a rifle company
helped build the island's defenses replacing armor-piercing bombs, and a pack howitzer battery replaced
even as it stood guard against an an- designed for use against ships, with some of the less mobile weapons.
ticipated Japanese attack. The labor high explosives for ground targets, Moreover, plans called for one of the
projects included constructing under- when the American carrier pilots composite defense battalions or-
water obstacles, unloading and dis- pounced in the first of their devastat- ganized in 1942 to be manned by
tributing supplies, and building ing attacks. The resistance by the African-Americans under command
emplacements for guns and shelters Marines at Midway, both the avia- of white officers.
for ammunition and personnel. tors and the members of the defense
Shannon told his Marines that "Our battalion, thus helped set the stage
job is to hold Midway . . Keep
. . for one of the decisive naval battles
cool, calm, and collected; make your of World War II. The wartime demand for man-
bullets count." After making this contribution to power and the racial policy of the
On 4 June, the Japanese opened
Defense battalion commander Maj James P 5. Devereaux pressed this ammunition
the Battle of Midway by launching
bunker into service as his command post during the defense of Wake Island.
a massive air strike designed to soften Photo by the author
the island for invasion. Radar picked
up the attackers at a distance of 100
miles and identified them at 93 miles,
providing warning for Midway-based
fighters to intercept and antiaircraft
batteries to prepare for action. The .11'
struggle began at about 0630 and had
ended by 0700, with the deadliest of
the fighting by the defense battalion
compressed into what one participant
described as a "furious 17-minute ac-
tion." The Marine antiaircraft gun-
ners claimed the destruction of 10 of
the attackers, but damage at Midway



Department of Defense photo (USMC) 55863

Under a heavily clouded sky, Marines of the 16th Defense Bat- Island. Note the absence of protective parapets or camouflage.
talion man a 3-inch antiaircraft artillery position on Johnston Johnston was not seriously threatened in the course of the war.
Roosevelt administration caused the manded by whites but manned by defense battalions, instead creating
Marine Corps to agree in February African-Americans who had trained numerous independent companies to
1942 to accept African-American at the Montford Point Camp, a ra- provide logistics support for am-
recruits for the first time since the cially segregated facility at Camp phibious operations.
Revolutionary War, when a few Lejeune, North Carolina. The steps taken in May 1942
blacks had served in the Continen- A decision to use the draft, begin- toward standardized equipment be-
tal Marines. The Commandant, ning in January 1943, as the normal gan bringing order to a sometimes
General Holcomb, insisted that racial means of obtaining manpower for all bewildering array of new and old,
segregation — not only lawful in most the services brought more blacks into simple and complex. When a veteran
places at the time, but enforced the Marine Corps than a single master sergeant joined one of the
throughout much of American battalion — plus its training base and defense battalions as a replacement,
society—would prevail and that the administrative overhead — could ab- he asked to see the "new 155mm
African-Americans would perform sorb. The transition of the 51st from guns," but, to his astonishment, was
useful military duty. To gain a mili- a composite unit to an ordinary shown a weapon fabricated in 1918,
tary advantage from these recruits, defense battalion released infantry- "1 thought we had new guns here!"
without integrating the races, the men and howitzer crews to help form he bellowed. The radio gear and ra-
Marine Corps decided to group them a cadre for a second African- dar required unceasing maintenance
in a black unit that could train large- American defense battalion, the 52d. and fine-tuning by specialists who
ly in isolation and fight almost in- Because the nature of the conflict was themselves were fresh from training.
dependently. Holcomb's policy again changing as the advance Radar, in particular, seemed a mys-
resulted in the creation of the 51st toward Japan accelerated, the Marine tery to the uninitiated and a challenge
Defense Battalion (Composite), corn- Corps organized no additional black to the newly minted technicians. In
In the 4 June 1942 Japanese air raid on Midway a number Defense Battalion, were killed. Here, the surviving Marines
of Marines in the garrison, including some from the 6th prepare to bury their buddies with full military honors.
Department of Defense photo (USN) 12703

Shoulder Insignia
arines serving with the Army's 2d Division in The designs chosen by the wartime defense battalions
World War I wore the Indian-head shoulder might either reflect the insignia of a Marine amphibious
patch, and during the occupation of Iceland, corps or of the Fleet Marine Force Pacific, but they might
in late 1941 and early 1942, members of the Marine brigade also be created by the individual battalion. Worn on the
adopted the polar-bear flash worn by the British garrison left shoulder of field jackets, overcoats, service blouses and
they were relieving. The Marines who sewed on the polar- shirts, the patches identified individual Marines as mem-
bear insignia included men of the 5th Defense Battalion. bers of a specific unit. On 1 August 1945, Marine Corps
Marine shoulder insignia proliferated after the official headquarters recognized 33 such designs, although others
recognition of the 1st Marine Division's patch in 1943. existed.

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evaluating the radar specialists, Cap- The South Pacific sequences clearly reversed the tide of
tain Wade W. Larkin explained that The demarcation between the war in the Pacific.
the device was "technically complex defensive phase and the beginnings On 7 August 1942, the 3d Defense
enough for them to be justifiably of the counteroffensive proved Battalion, commanded by Colonel
proud of what they were doing;' even blurred at the time. Despite the Robert H. Pepper, who had been so
though they could not talk openly American victory at Midway, the instrumental in creating this kind of
about so "confidential" a piece of enemy seemed dangerous, aggres- unit, landed in support of the 1st Ma-
equipment. At the time, radar was sive, and capable of resuming the rine Divisions attack on Guadalcanal
cutting-edge technology; Vern C. offensive. To forestall the threat to and the subsequent defense of the is-
Smith, who helped operate one of the the sea lanes between Hawaii and land against Japanese counterthrusts.
new sets in the Wallis Islands, Australia, the 4th Defense Battalion The machine gun and antiaircraft
recalled that his SCR-268, acquired in July 1942 provided a detachment groups landed "almost with the first
from another battalion, was so new to protect Espiritu Santo. However, waves" at Guadalcanal, although the
that its serial number "was a single the invasion of the southern Solo- seacoast artillery did not arrive un-
digit." mon Islands and its immediate con- til late August. Once the coastal

Battle of Midway—and the naval
base established on the nearby island
of Tulagi. In early September, the 5th
Defense Battalion, led by Lieutenant
Colonel William F. Parks, supplied
a detachment that took over at

4 A combat correspondent with the

1st Marine Division, Technical Ser-
geant George McMillan, described
the initial lodgment on Guadalcanal
as a "stretch of beach, acres of
straight-lined coconut grove, the
fields of head-high kunai grass, and
jungle-covered foothills." Six months
of violent counterattacks by Japanese
air, ground, and naval forces shat-
tered the appearance of calm.
Throughout the fighting "malaria,
jungle rot, and malnutrition' plagued
the Americans, according to Second
Department of Defense photo (USMC) Lieutenant Cyril P. Zurlinden, Jr., of
African-American Marines of the 51st Defense Battalion are shown here in train- the 2d Marine Division, which
ing at Montford Point, Camp Lejeune, before their deployment to the Pacific War. replaced the 1st Marine Division in
defense guns were ashore, they Battalion lent strength to the defenses January 1943, after the 1st had left
scored hits on three enemy ships that of Lunga Point, Henderson Field— the previous December.
had beached themselves to land named for Major Lofton R. Hender- Elements of the 5th Defense Bat-
troops. In general, the 3d Defense son, a Marine aviator killed in the talion not needed at Tulagi occupied
N 19115

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taught in training or in the manuals.
They learned about "air-raid coffee:'
strong enough to "lift one's scalp
several inches per gulp:' Coffee pots
would go on the fire when things
were quiet; then the air-raid alarm
would signal Condition Red, which
1 meant that an air raid was imminent,
A and the Marines would man their

battle stations, sometimes for hours,
waiting for and fighting off the at-
tackers as the coffee boiled merrily
away. The resulting brew became
thick enough to eat with a fork, and
Master Technical Sergeant Theodore
C. Link claimed that the coffee
"snapped back at the drinker:'
Veterans also learned to take ad-
Department of Defense photo (USMC) 62095 vantage of members of newly arrived
The 3d Defense Battalion operated this 5CR268, the first search radar established units, lavishly supplied but inex-
on Guadalcanal after the 1st Marine Division landed there on 7 August 1942. perienced in the ways of the world.
Funafuti in the Ellice Islands on 2 Oc- enemy battalion." The Marine A widely told story related how
tober 1942. The Ellice force set up its defense battalion thereupon began "wolf-hungry" Marines, who had
weapons hundreds of miles from the reequipping in preparation for the been subsisting on canned rations,
nearest major American base and next move up the Solomons chain. smelled steaks cooking at a field gal-
for the next 11 months held the In January 1943, the 11th Defense ley run by another service. As Tech-
northernmost position in the South Battalion, commanded by Colonel nical Sergeant Asa Bordages told it,
Pacific, just short of the boundary Charles N. Muldrow, relieved the 9th a Marine shouted "Condition Red!
between that area and the Central Battalion of its responsibilities at Condition Red!" The air raid signal
Pacific. The battalion's commanding Guadalcanal. sent the newcomers scrambling for
officer, Colonel George F. Good, Jr., South Pacific Tales cover, and by the time they realized
recalled that his ragtag antiaircraft Marines serving in the defense bat- it was a false alarm, the Marines
and ground defenses "stuck out like talions learned lessons — some of were gone, and so were the steaks.
a sore thumb:' The Ellice Islands them immortalized in legend — not While American forces secured
served as a staging area for raids on Searchlights and antiaircraft weapons of the 3d Defense Battalion on Guadalcanal
the Japanese-held Gilbert Islands and point upwards to detect and destroj Japanese aircraft bombing Allied forces.
consequently bore the brunt of some Department of Defense photo (USMC) 63327
10 Japanese air attacks, during which
the 90mm antiaircraft guns downed
at least six bombers. Meanwhile, ele-
ments of the 5th Defense Battalion
on Tulagi combined in January 1943
with a 5-inch battery from the 3d to
become the 14th Defense Battalion.
The 9th Defense Battalion, under
Colonel David R. Nimmer, reached
Guadalcanal in December 1942, set
up its weapons around the airfield
complex at Koli Point, and prompt-
ly destroyed a dozen enemy aircraft.
Francis E. Chadwick, a member of
the artillery group, recalled that the —S
unit "met only stragglers upon land-
ing and found an undersize, beaten

Department of Defense photo (USMC) 51652
An aging M1918 155mm gun, manned by the 5th Defense Bat- front palms at Funafuti in the Ellice Islands, the first stop in
talion, stands guard over the Pacific surf from amid the beach- the Pacific following the unit's departure from Iceland.
Guadalcanal and improved the secu- one jaw of a pincers designed to con- cept did not work, for it overlooked
rity of the supply line to Australia verge on the Japanese base at Rabaul the vulnerability of amphibious
and New Zealand, increasing num- on the island of New Britain. While forces, especially to aerial attack,
bers of Marines arrived in the Pacif- General Douglas MacArthur, the during and immediately after a land-
ic, many of them members of defense Army officer in command in the ing. Experience dictated that the
bau:alions. The number of these units Southwest Pacific masterminded the defense battalions land with the as-
totaled 14 at the end of 1942, and the Rabaul campaign as an initial step sault waves, whenever possible, and
Marine Corps continued to form new toward the liberation of the Philip- immediately set up their weapons.
ones into the following year. Three pines, Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Besides protecting the beachhead
other divisions were activated dur- prepared for a thrust across the Pa- during its most vulnerable period,
ing 1943, and a sixth would take cific from Hawaii through the Gilbert the battalions freed other elements of
shape during 1944. As the Pacific and Marshall Islands. By the end of the Fleet Marine Force from respon-
campaigns progressed, the various di- 1943, Marines would gain a lodg- sibility for guarding airfields and
visions and other units were assigned ment in the northern Solomons and harbors. Whatever their role, the
in varying combinations to corps land in the Gilberts and on New Bri- defense battalions received less cover-
commands. Eventually the V Am- tain; clearly the United States was on age in the press than airmen, infan-
phibious Corps operated from the move. try, or raiders. A veteran of the 11th
Hawaii westward; the I Marine Am- Once the American counteroffen- Defense Battalion, Donald T. Regan,
phibious Corps had its headquarters sive got under way in earnest, the who would become Secretary of the
on Noumea but would become the mission of the typical defense battal- Treasury in the cabinet of President
III Amphibious Corps on 15 April ion changed. Initially, the defense Ronald Reagan, remembered the
1944, before it moved its base to the battalions were expected to land at anonymity that cloaked these units.
liberated island of Guam. a site already under friendly "1 felt;' he said, "we were doing quite
From Guadalcanal, the Marines control — either a previously deve- a bit to protect those who were do-
joined in advancing into the central loped base or a beachhead secured ing the more public fighting."
and northern Solomons during the by assault troops — and remain until In providing this protection, in
summer and fall of 1943, forming relieved. In actual practice, this con- which Regan took such pride,
R ful in the destruction of enemy air-
craft" whenever the improvised
warning system was functioning.
This experience may well have in-
fluenced a decision to convene a ra-
dar board at Marine Corps
Formed in February 1943, the
board was headed by Bayler and in-
cluded Lieutenant Colonel Edward C.
Dyer, who was thoroughly familiar
with the techniques and equipment
used by Britain's Royal Air Force to
direct fighters. The board stan-
dardized procedures for "plotting,
filtering, telling, and warning;' as the
radar specialists fed information to
a direction center that integrated an-
tiaircraft and coastal defense, the
primary responsibilities of the
defense battalions, with the intercep-
tion of attacking aircraft by pilots of
the Marine Corps, Army, or Navy.
The radar board refused, moreover,
to lift the veil of secrecy that con-
cealed the radar program, directing
that "no further items on the subject
would be released" until the Army
Department of Defense photo (IJSMC) 59215 and Navy were convinced the enemy
This 3d Defense Battalion 90mm antiaircraft gun, dug in at Guadalcanal, served already had the information from
in a dual role with its ability to engage targets on the ground as well as in the air. some other source.
defense battalions on Guadalcanal man off Wake Island, who had car-
operated long-range radar integrated ried dispatches to Pearl Harbor on
with the control network of Marine the only Navy plane to reach Wake
Aircraft Group 23. Lieutenant during the siege — declared that the On 21 February 1943, the 43d In-
Colonel Walter L. J. Bayler— the last group's fighters were "highly success- fantry Division, the 3d Raider Bat-

Antiaircraft Artillery
T he defense battalions employed several different
weapons against the attack of enemy aircraft.
The M3 3-inch antiaircraft gun, initially used in
shipboard and ground defense, was the heaviest weapon
available to the Marines when the defense battalions were
by the Army's 90mm antiaircraft weapon.
This excellent M1A1 gun had an increased range and a
greater killing power than the M3. It became the standard
antiaircraft artillery piece for the defense and AAA bat-
talions. This gun could fire a 23.4-pound projectile, with
organized. When positioned, the gun rested on a folding a 30-second time fuze out a horizontal distance of 18,890
M2A2 platform, dubbed a 'spider' mount, which had four yards and had a vertical range of 11,273 yards. The 10-man
long stabilizing outriggers. The gun fired a 12.87-pound crew could crank off 28 rounds-per-minute. The M1A1
high explosive round which had a maximum horizontal could be towed on its single axle, dual-wheel carriage. It
range of 14,780 yards and could nearly reach a 10,000-yard had a distinctive perforated firing platform. The Marine
ceiling. The weapons, each having an eight-man crew who Corps' 90mms generally landed early in an amphibious as-
could fire 25 rounds per minute, were organized in the bat- sault to provide immediate AAA defense at the beachhead.
talions in four-gun batteries. They were successfully em- It had a dual role in that it could be directed against ground
ployed at Wake, Johnston, Palmyra, and Midway Islands. targets as well.
By the summer of 1942, however, the M-3 was replaced


Photo courtesy of the U.S. Naval Institute

An LST brings the 9th Defense Battalion to Rendova Island, set up its artillery and antiaircraft guns to support the assault
where the unit helped overcome Japanese resistance and then on heavily defended neighboring island of New Georgia.
talion, and a detachment from the Defense Battalions supported the Ar- one of the heaviest raids. "1 will al-
11th Defense Battalion secured the my's XIV Corps in the central Solo- ways think of July 4, 1943, as the day
Russell Islands as a base for further mons campaign. The strongly the planes fell;' he said, his memory
operations in the Solomons and else- reinforced 9th Defense Battalion, sharpened by the fact that he and his
where. Seacoast and antiaircraft ar- now commanded by Lieutenant 90mm gun crew had to dive into a
tillery landed at Banika, and two Colonel William J. Scheyer, partici- mud hole to escape a Zero fighter
weeks later, when the Japanese pated in various aspects of the fight- strafing Rendova.
launched their first air strikes, the an- ing. The 155mm and antiaircraft The curtain of antiaircraft fire that
tiaircraft weapons were ready. The artillery groups landed on 30 June at protected Rendova and the Zanana
10th Defense Battalion, under Rendova Island, just off the coast of beaches had an unintended effect on
Colonel Robert Blake, arrived on 24 New Georgia. In the confusion of the one of the two secondary landings on
February to reinforce the detach- Rendova landings, during which the New Georgia — Rice Anchorage and
ment. The Russells soon became a assault waves arrived off schedule Wickham Anchorage. Fragments
boomtown — a jerry-built staging and out of sequence, antiaircraft gun- from antiaircraft shells fired from
area for Allied units arriving in the ners doubled as infantry in eliminat- Rendova rained down upon Rice An-
South Pacific, reorganizing, or mov- ing light opposition, and members of chorage, to the north, where ele-
ing to other battlegrounds. the 155mm unit, looking for firing ments of the 11th Defense Battalion
positions, clashed with Japanese guarded a beachhead seized by the
The 12th Defense Battalion, com-
patrols. The heavy guns set up and Marine 1st Raider Regiment. The
manded by Colonel William H. Har-
registered in time to support the main commander of a raider battalion
rison, covered the occupation of landings at New Georgia's Zanana recalled setting Condition Red
Woodlark Island, northeast of New whenever the 90mm guns cut loose
beaches on 2 July. The 90mm antiair-
Guinea, by Army ground units on 30 on Rendova, for their "shrapnel was
craft guns also were ready that same
June 1943. In just 16 days, Army en- screaming in the air above the trees;'
day, fortunately so, since the
gineers built an airfield, which the as it tumbled to earth.
Japanese launched the first of 159 air
battalion protected until the end of The main landing on Zanana
raids carried out during the cam-
the year. The main purpose of the beach, New Georgia, took place on
paign. The battalion's antiaircraft
Woodlark operation was to screen
weapons downed 46 aircraft, includ- 2 July under the cover of fire from
the landings on New Georgia in the
ing 13 of 16 in one formation. Ed- antiaircraft guns and 155mm artillery
central Solomons.
mund D. Hadley, serving with the on Rendova. Machine guns and light
Elements of the 9th, 10th, and 11th antiaircraft group, helped fight off antiaircraft weapons promptly

Department of Defense photo (USMC) 58419
Splattered by mud from a near-miss, Marines operating an prepare for the next Japanese air attack on Rendova. On Vella
optical gun director check the equipment for damage as they Lavella, Marines downed 42 enemy aircraft in 121 raids.
deployed from Rendova across the through the trees. The concealing the island, and thus speed the distri-
narrow strait to New Georgia to help branches are left raw and broken." bution of supplies, triggered a savage
protect the beachhead there. Light According to one analysis of the reaction from Japanese air power.
tanks from the 9th, 10th, and 11th fighting, "A handful of Marine tanks, Speed proved less important than
Defense Battalions helped Army handicapped by difficult jungle, had security, and after the sinking of an
troops punch through the Japanese spearheaded most of the successful LST on 1 October, 1 Marine Am-
defenses barring the way to the prin- attacks on New Georgia:' phibious Corps directed that all ships
cipal objective, Munda Point airfield. On 4 August, the Marine tanks would unload at Barakoma under an
The M3A1 Stuart light tanks and that had survived Japanese fire, for- antiaircraft shield provided by the
their crews defied jungle, mud, and midable terrain, and mechanical 4th Defense Battalion.
suicidal counterattacks in spearhead- breakdown, moved onto Munda The tank platoons of the 9th, 10th,
ing a slow and deliberate attack. The Point airfield, littered with wrecked and 11th Defense Battalions—
tank gunners fired 37mm canister airplanes and pockmarked with shell veterans of the conquest of New
rounds to strip away the jungle con- craters. The infantry mopped up on Georgia — boarded landing craft and
cealing Japanese bunkers, followed the next day, and the 9th Defense sailed due west to Arundel Island,
up with high-explosive shells to pene- Battalion moved its antiaircraft where Army troops landed on 27
trate the fortifications, and used weapons into position to protect the August. As had happened during the
machine guns to cut down the sur- captured airdrome, while its 155mm earlier capture of Munda Point, the
vivors as they fled. Captain Robert guns prepared to shell the Japanese Stuart tanks used their 37mm guns
W. Blake, a tank commander who garrison on nearby Kolombangara. to breach a succession of defensive
earned the Navy Cross in the central The 4th Defense Battalion covered positions, suffering steady attrition
Solomons, noted that "death on the a landing by Army forces on 15 Au- in the process. On 19 September, all
Munda Trail" was noisy, violent, and gust at Vella Lavella, the north- the surviving armor formed two
far from romantic. "1 trip the seat westernmost island in the central ranks, the rear covering the front
lever;' he wrote, "and drop down be- Solomons. The battalion's antiair- rank, which plunged ahead, firing
hind the periscopic sight. I level the craft weapons, concentrated near 37mm canister to strip away the jun-
sight dot at the black slot and press
Barakoma harbor, shot down 42 gle concealment as the tanks gouged
the firing switch. Wham, the gun Japanese aircraft during 121 raids. paths for advancing soldiers. This
bucks, a wad of smoke billows Attempts to land cargo elsewhere on charge proved to be the last major

fight during the conquest of Arun-
del Island.
On 1 November 1943, the offen-
sive reached the northern Solomons,
as the recently organized 3d Marine
Division landed at Bougainville. The
3d Defense Battalion, led by Lieu- 1w.-
tenant Colonel Edward H. Forney,
followed the first waves ashore and
had heavy machine guns and light
antiaircraft guns ready for action by
nightfall. The battalion organized
both antiaircraft and beach defenses,
taking advantage of the dual capa-
bilities of the 90mm gun to destroy
Japanese landing barges on the Laru-
ma River. The 155mm artillery group Department of Defense photo (USMC) 60625
supported Marine raiders and The 90mm antiaircraft guns on Rendova, as this one, threw up a barrier of fire
to protect the troops attacking Munda airfield from enemy air raids and, in doing
parachutists at Koiari and joined the
so, showered shell fragments on the Marines across New Georgia at Rice Anchorage.
12th Marines, the 3d Marine Divi-
sion's artillery regiment, in shelling landing of the 1st Marine Division tor C. Bond, a member of Harrison's
Japanese positions at Torokina. The at Cape Gloucester, New Britain, in battalion at Cape Gloucester, remem-
defense battalion would remain at December 1943. The lodgment on bered sitting on the exposed "plow
Bougainville into the following year, New Britain marked the end of the seat" of an SCR-268, with 90mm
earning the dubious honor of being Rabaul campaign — and of part icipa- guns barking nearby. "During an air
"the last Fleet Marine Force ground tion by major Marine Corps units in raid;' he said, "it was difficult to tell
unit" to be withdrawn from the the South and Southwest Pacific— if all the noise and smoke was due
Solomons. for the United States had decided to to the 90mms or the enemy:'
Colonel William H. Harrison's isolate and bypass the fortress instead On New Britain, the 12th Defense
12th Defense Battalion supported the of storming it. Radar operator Vic- Battalion suffered most of its casual-
The 9th Defense Battalion deployed light antiaircraft guns, as New Georgia, both to protect the Zanana beachhead and to
this Bofors 40mm weapon, in the Solonions on Rendova and support the accelerating advance against the Munda airfield.
Department of Defense photo (USMC) 60095 by TSgt Jeremiah Sarno

Antiaircraft Machine Guns
A number of "light" antiaircraft artillery weapons
and "heavy" machine guns were placed in the
weapons groups of the defense battalions to pro-
vide close-in defense against low-flying aircraft.
These weapons were flexibly employed and landed found
ing to statistics gathered between 1944 and 1045, Another
light weapon in the defense battalion arsenal was the Oer-
likon 20mm antiaircraft gun. It was made in the United
States by Oerlikon-Gazda, Pontiac Motors, and Hudson
Motor Car. These were Navy Mark 2 and Mark 4 weapons,
on the beach with the assault waves. They were designat- first used on static pedestal mounts, but later mounted in
ed dual-purpose weapons as they were used against both pairs on wheeled carriages as a high-speed 'twin twenty:
air and surface targets. While organized into batteries by
It was a simple blowback-operated gun capable of being
weapons types, light antiaircraft weapons were often at-
put into action quicker than larger caliber weapons. It fired
tached to task-organized teams.
explosive, armor-piercing, and incendiary projectiles at a
The Bofors-designed 37mm and 40mm automatic guns
rate of 450 rounds a minute out to a maximum range of
were the backbones of these teams. The Ml 40mm antiair-
4.800 yards. Mobility, reliability, and high volume of lire
craft gun became the standard piece by July 1942. It was
enabled it to account for 32 percent of identified antiair-
manufactured by Blaw-Knox, Chrysler, and York Safe &
craft shot down during the 1942 to 1944 period.
Lock in the United States. The Ml was recoil operated and
designed for use against aircraft and could serve as an an- Finally, the battalions were liberally equipped with heavy
titank weapon. It fired 1.96-pound shells at a rate of .30- and .50-caliber machine guns. The Browning M2 water-
120-per-minute with a maximum range of over four miles. cooled machine gun was used on an M2 mount as an an-
Its M2 carriage had electric brakes and bullet-resistant tires, tiaircraft weapon by special weapons groups to help de-
was towed at up to 50 miles an hour. and could be put in fend artillery and antiaircraft artillery positions. The
liring position within 25 seconds. Easily operated and main- Browning M1917 water-cooled machine gun was used for
tained, the 40mm gun was credited with 50 percent of the ground and beach defense with crews made up from
enemy aircraft destroyed by antiaircraft weapons accord- defense battalion personnel in contingencies.

ties from typhus and other diseases, fects of malaria, prevalent in the Marines to take a bitter-tasting medi-
falling trees, and lightning. "There is cine that was rumored to turn skin
swamps and rain forest, involved the
no jungle in the world worse than in yellow and make users sterile. In a
use of atabrine, a substitute for scarce
southwestern New Britain;' a mem- quinine. The remedy required hard moment of whimsy, Second Lieu-
ber of the 1st Marine Division selling by medical personnel and tenant Gerald A. Waindel suggested
declared. The effort to limit the ef- commanders to convince dubious adapting a slogan used to sell coffee

Each Japanese flag painted on this 3d Defense Battalion 40mm gun on Bougainville represents a Japanese plane shot down.

Department of Defense photo (USMC) 74010

—.._ —I •.__

or division headquarters. The
problem of the future of the defense
battalions in a changing situation re-
mained unresolved when the year
1944 began.
Fig1ii;ig Borecloiii
One technique used by a defense
battalion's communications
specialists in the battle against bore-
dom consisted of eavesdropping on
the radio nets used by the fighter pi-
lots. The chatter among aviators,
though discouraged by commanders,

rivaled the dialogue in the adventure
serials broadcast in late afternoon
back in the United States—radio
—_akvfr a shows such as Captain Midnight or
at Hop Harrigan. First Lieutenant Wil-
liam K. Holt remembered hearing
Department of Defense photo (USMC) 71623
cries of: "I'm Deadeye Dick, I never
The light antiaircraft artillery of the 12th Defense Battalion on the deck of an LST miss"; or, borrowing directly from a
approaching Cape Gloucester, New Britain, is poised to fire on Japanese aircraft. yet another radio serial, "Here comes
Jack Armstrong, the all-American
back in the United States: "Atabrine along with soldiers and sailors — had boy:' Imitations of machine gun fire
— Good to the last drop:' not taken any "real, honest-to-God punctuated the commentary.
In March 1944, a detachment from towns;' just "grass shacks and lizards
By the end of 1943, as the program
the 14th Defense Battalion landed at and swamp 'gardens' of slimy banyan
reached its peak wartime strength, 19
Emirau, St. Mathias Islands, in sup- trees:' defense battalions had been or-
port of its occupation by Army As the campaign against Japan ganized. One of the early units, the
troops. Technical Sergeant George H. gathered momentum, defense battal- 5th Defense Battalion, was redesig-
Mattie reported that "the Marines ions on outlying islands like the El- nated as the 14th Defense Battalion,
sent some troops ashore, met no op- lice group, Samoa, Johnston, so that the 19 units accounted for 20
position, and in a matter of days the Palmyra, and Midway found them- numbers. At the peak of the pro-
Seabees ripped up the jungle" for an selves increasingly in the backwash gram, 26,685 Marines and sailors
airfield. The deadliest things about of war, struggling with boredom served in the 19 defense battalions,
duty at Emirau, Mattie remembered, rather than fighting an armed enemy. a figure that does not include the var-
were "boredom and loneliness:' Other Major General Alexander A. Van- ious replacement drafts that kept
detachments from the 14th Defense degrift, former commanding gener- them at or near authorized strength.
Battalion supported the 1st Marine al of the 1st Marine Division and Since a Marine division in 1943 re-
Aircraft Wing's occupation of Green since July 1943 the commander of I quired some 19,000 officers and en-
Island, the coup de grace for Marine Amphibious Corps, noticed listed men, the pool of experienced
bypassed Japanese forces at Rabaul the fragile morale of some of the persons assigned to the defense bat-
and throughout the Bismarck Ar- defense battalions, as did his chief of talions made these units a target for
chipelago. The use of Green Island staff, Colonel Gerald C. Thomas, reorganization and consolidation as
as an air base for hammering the during their inspection tour of the the war approached a climax.
bypassed stronghold of Rabaul sig- Solomon Islands. "The war had gone
naled the attainment of the final rung beyond them;' recalled Thomas, and The Central Pacific Drive
in the so-called Solomons Ladder, a number of the junior field-grade Defense battalions supported the
which began at Guadalcanal and re- officers were "pleading just to get into attack by V Amphibious Corps
quired the services of three Marine the war" and out of the defense bat- across the Central Pacific an offen-
divisions, two Marine aircraft wings, talions. As a result, some 35 officers sive that began in November 1943
and a variety of special units, includ- received transfers to the Command with the storming of two main ob-
ing the defense battalions. In a year and Staff College at Quantico, Vir- jectives, Makin and Tarawa, in the
and a half of fighting, the Marines — ginia, for future assignments to corps Gilbert Islands. Long-range bombers

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-__ Photo courtesy of the U.S. Nava' 1nsitute
In the jungle, Marines found no towns, few villages, and few- the men of the defense battalions lived in pup tents and, when
er permanent buildings to commandeer for shelter. As a result, rain was not falling, took catnaps on uncomfortable surfaces.
based in the Ellice Islands helped pre- employing a combination of radar- tenant James G. Lucas, a Marine
pare the atolls for the impending as- directed and free-lance searchlights Corps combat correspondent, it was
sault, and the 5th and 7th Defense that could pick up approaching air- "difficult to imagine they were in the
Battalions protected the bases these craft at a slant range of 60,000 feet. same world:' Japanese bombers from
aircraft used from retaliatory air Between November 1943 and Janu- the Marshall Islands sometimes raid-
strikes by the Japanese. ary 1944, the Japanese hurled 19 air ed Apamama, recalled Sergeant
In the bloodiest fighting of the Gil- raids against True's battalion, along David N. Austin of the antiaircraft
berts operation, the 2d Marine Di- with numerous harassing raids by group, and one moonlit night the
vision stormed Betio Island in lone airplanes known as "Washing- gunners "fired 54 rounds before the
Tarawa Atoll on 20 November and Machine Charlie:' Only once did the cease-fire came over the phone:'
overwhelmed the objective within enemy escape detection. According to The bold thrust through the Gil-
four days. On 24 November, the last one of the unit's officers, Captain berts penetrated the outermost ring
day of the fighting, Colonel Norman John V. Alden, the Japanese raiders of Japanese defenses in the Central
E. True's 2d Defense Battalion usually aimed for the airfields, often Pacific. The next objectives lay in the
relieved the assault units that had mistaking the beach for the runways Marshall Islands, where in a fast-
captured Betio. The defense battal- at night and, in one instance, hitting paced series of assaults V Amphibi-
ion set up guns and searchlights to gun positions on the coast of Bairiki. ous Corps used Marine reconnais-
protect the airstrip on Betio— On 28 November 1943, the 8th sance troops and Army infantry to
repaired and named Hawkins Field Defense Battalion, commanded by attack Majuro on 30 January 1944
after First Lieutenant William D. Colonel Lloyd L. Leech, went ashore and, immediately afterward, two ob-
Hawkins, one of the 2d Marine Di- at Apamama, an atoll in the Gilberts jectives in Kwajalein Atoll. The 4th
vision's heroes killed in the battle— captured with a minimum of casual- Marine Division assaulted Roi-
and another airfield built by Seabees ties, to relieve the Marine assault Namur—actually two islets joined by
at adjacent Bonkiri. The defenders force that had landed there. Apama- a causeway—on the 31st, and an
emplaced radar and searchlights to ma lay just 80 miles from blood- Army infantry division landed at
guard against night bombing raids, drenched Tarawa, but for First Lieu- Kwajalein Island on 1 February. A


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mixed force of Marines and soldiers craft guns in some of the 50 or more removing the rubble.
stormed Eniwetok Atoll, at the craters gouged in the Japanese run- Colonel Hohn's battalion moved
western limit of the Marshall group, ways by American bombs and shells. on to Kwajalein Island and Eniwetok
on 17 February. Those who watched Machine gunner Ed Gough recalled Atoll by the end of January, and
from shipboard off Roi-Namur saw that his special weapons group came Lieutenant Colonel Wallace 0.
"pillars of greasy smoke billow up- ashore "on the first or second day;' re- Thompson's 10th Defense Battalion
ward:' This awesome sight convinced maining "through the first air raid joined them on 21 February. The vic-
an eyewitness, Master Technical Ser- when the Japanese succeeded in kick- tory in the Marshalls advanced the
geant David Dempsey, a combat cor- ing our ass:' The enemy could not, Pacific battle lines 2,500 miles closer
respondent, that the preliminary however, overcome the antiaircraft to Japan.
bombardment by aircraft and naval defenses, and calm settled over the Far to the south, the African-
guns must have blasted the objective captured Marshalls. Marines from American 51st Defense Battalion,
to oblivion, but somehow the the defense battalions helped is- commanded by Lieutenant Colonel
Japanese emerged from the shattered landers displaced by the war to return Curtis W. LeGette, landed at the El-
bunkers and fought back. to Roi-Namur, where, upon coming lice Islands in February 1944. One
The 1st Defense Battalion, under home, they helped bury the enemy glance at the isolated chain of deso-
Colonel Lewis A. Hohn, and the dead and clear the wreckage from a late islands suggested that the white
15th, led by Lieutenant Colonel Fran- "three-quarter-square-mile junk Marines of the departing 7th Defense
cis B. Loomis, arrived in the Mar- yard:' Tractors, trucks, and jeeps Battalion "were never so glad to see
shalls and initially emplaced their ground ceaselessly across the airfield black people" in their lives. The 51st
weapons at Roi-Namur and Majuro. on Roi bringing in construction took over airfield defense and en-
On Roi, the defenders set up antiair- material for new installations and gaged in gun drills and practice
alerts, finally firing on a radar return
from a suspected surfaced Japanese
submarine on 28 March. The 51st as-
sumed responsibility for defending
Eniwetok in September, replacing the
10th Defense Battalion, but actual
combat continued to elude the black
Marines despite unceasing prepa-

Once established ashore in the Gil-

berts and Marshalls, the defense bat-
talions rarely, if ever, faced the threat
of marauding Japanese ships or air-
craft. As the active battlefields
moved closer to Japan, the phenome-
non of sign-painting took hold. One
of them summarized the increasing TRUK 1270
isolation of the defense battalions KUSAIE5
from the fury of the island war. "Sha-
dy Acres Rifle and Gun Club," read
the sign, "Where Life Is a 155mm
Bore." Such was the forgotten war on
the little islands, described as "almost
microscopic in the incredible vastness
of the Pacific;" which became stops
on the supply lines that sustained
other Marines fighting hundreds of •"d ar,1 —-

miles away. According to one observ-

er, the captured atolls served as
"stopovers for the long, gray convoys
Department of Defense photo (USN)
As this sign on Majuro indicates, the advance in the Pacific war to this atoll in
heading westward," though some of the Marshall Islands had many interesting and challenging stops along the way.
them also became fixed aircraft car-
riers for bombing the by-passed ene- and a service establishment — all threat. The process began in April
my bases. While the defense without a substantial increase in ag- 1944, and five months later, the
battalions prepared for attacks that gregate strength. Most of the men defense battalions that began the
did not come, a relatively small num- that Thomas needed already were year had converted to antiaircraft ar-
ber of airmen harassed thousands of undergoing training, but he also tillery units, though a few retained
Japanese left behind in the Marshall recommended eliminating special their old designation, and in rare in-
and Caroline Islands. units, including the defense battal- stances the 155mm artillery group re-
ions. Abolishing the defense battal- mained with a battalion as an
ions promised to be difficult, attachment rather than an integral
however, for the Navy Department component.
felt it would need as many as 29 bat- A new table of organization ap-
At Marine Corps headquarters, talions to protect advance bases. peared in July 1944 and reflected the
General Vandegrift, now the Com- General Vandegrift exercised his emphasis on 90mm and 40mm an-
mandant, faced a problem of using powers of persuasion on Admiral Er- tiaircraft weapons, though it left the
scarce manpower to the greatest pos- nest J. King, the Chief of Naval manpower level all but unchanged.
sible effect. Vandegrift's director of Operations, and talked the naval The document called for a battalion
the Division of Plans and Policies, officer into agreeing not only to form of 57 officers and 1,198 enlisted men,
Gerald C. Thomas, promoted to no new defense battalions but also organized into a headquarters and
brigadier general, received instruc- to accept deactivation of two of the service battery, a heavy antiaircraft
tions to maintain six divisions and existing 19 units, while reorienting group, a light antiaircraft group, and
four aircraft wings, plus corps troops the 17 survivors to meet the current a searchlight battery. Only three

Coast and Field Artillery
he first defense battalions were equipped with to the South Pacific with the defense battalions. Later, the
5-inch/51-caliber naval guns which were battalions were issued standard M1A1 155mm "Long Tom"
originally designed for shipboard mounting and guns. This piece weighed 30,600 pounds, had a split trail
later extensively modified for use ashore. These weapons and eight pneumatic tires, was pulled by tractor, and was
were then emplaced in static positions, but with great served by a combined crew of 15 men. It was pedestal
difficulty. The guns fired high explosive, armor piercing, mounted on the so-called "Panama" mount for its seacoast
and chemical shells. defense role. It combined great firepower with high mo-
Initially, the defense battalions were issued the standard bility and proved to be a workhorse that remained in the
M1918 155mm "GPF" guns, which had split trails, single inventory after World War II.
axles, and twin wheels. These World War I relics deployed

units retained the designation of the Marines stormed large islands, mas C. McFarland, reached Saipan
defense battalion until they with broken terrain overgrown by in July, where the 18th Defense Bat-
disbanded — the 6th, the 51st, and the jungle, a battlefield far different from talion, led by Lieutenant Colonel
52d. In the end, most of the defense the compact, low-lying coral out- William J. Van Ryzin, joined it and
battalions became antiaircraft ar- croppings of the Gilberts and Mar- became part of the island garrison.
tillery outfits and functioned under shalls. The Marianas group also Although Saipan was by now offi-
the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. differed from the recently captured cially secure, danger from various
While these changes were taking atolls in that the larger islands had tropical maladies persisted. After a
place, defense battalions participat- a sizable civilian populace that had briefing on the island's innumerable
ed in the final phase of the Central lived in towns flattened by bombs health hazards, Technical Sergeant
Pacific campaign — three successive and artillery. John B. T. Campbell heard a private
landings in the Mariana Islands by On 15 June 1944, the conquest of ask the medical officer "Sir, why don't
V Amphibious Corps and III Am- the Marianas began when V Am- we just let the laps keep the island?"
phibious Corps, and the destruction phibious Corps attacked Saipan with On 24 July, Marines boarded land-
by American carrier pilots of the the 2d and 4th Marine Divisions, ing craft on Saipan and sailed directly
naval air arm that Japan had recon- backed by the Army's 27th Infantry to Tinian, the second objective in the
stituted in the two years since the Division. The 17th Defense Battal- Mariana Islands. McFarland's battal-
Battle of Midway. In the Marianas, ion, under Lieutenant Colonel Tho- ion landed at Tinian in August and
On drab, desolate Eniwetok, the 10th Defense Battalion test lack of threat of any immediate enemy attack, the weapon
fires a 155mm gun out across an empty ocean. Despite the was camouflaged just in case Japanese planes flew over.
Department of Defense photo (USN)

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grueling process of mopping up."

- Both defense battalions also bore the
twin burdens or working as laborers
s .' a and doubling as infantry in search-
ing out the Japanese and killing or
capturing them.
The captured Mariana Islands
1 demonstrated their strategic value in
SI, •W_ '4? November 1944, when Boeing B-29s
based there began the systematic
t bombing of targets in Japan's Home
tc Islands. From the outset, Marine an-

El:!#: Pøtt
tiaircraft gunners helped defend these
airfields. Eventually, the African-
American 52d Defense Battalion,
commanded by Lieutenant Colonel
David W. Silvey, reached the Man-
anas after service at Roi-Namur and
. Eniwetok, where it had replaced the

M') 'p 1st and 15th battalions. The 52d set
up its antiaircraft weapons on Guam
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Naval Institute in the spring of 1945, patrolling for
A violent barrage from the 12th Defense Battalion greets attacking Japanese air- Japanese stragglers and providing
craft over Cape Gloucester, New Britain. As the danger from Japanese surface ships
working parties. The emphasis on
diminished, the defense battalions became concerned with Japanese air raids.
labor caused one noncommissioned
devoted its energy to building and it landed under intense fire, prepared officer to observe that instead of "be-
improving gun positions, roads, and the beachhead defenses, set up an- ing a defense unit, we turned out to
living areas. The battalion's histori- tiaircraft guns, and later helped res- be nothing more than a working bat-
an, Charles L. Henry, Jr., recalled cue civilians made homeless by the talion;' a complaint that members of
that "round-the-clock patrols were war. An account prepared by the 3d other defense battalions would echo.
still a necessity, with many Japanese Marine Division related that, Despite constant patrolling and
still on the island:' Skirmishes erupt- although Guam was secured rapid- frequent clashes with the die-hard
ed almost daily, as Marines from the ly, "the fighting was not over" by Au- Japanese, duty in the Marianas be-
battalion "cleaned up the island" The gust, for more than 10,000 came a matter of routine. The same
18th Defense Battalion moved from disorganized Japanese stragglers held pattern prevailed throughout the cap-
Saipan to Tinian, where the 16th out in the northern part of the island tured Gilberts and Marshalls, as well.
Defense Battalion joined it in Sep- until they fell victim to "the long, Aviation units manned the airfields;
tember to help protect the new air- The fire from Marine antiaircraft gunners defending the Saipan beachhead against
fields. a Japanaese night air attack makes interesting "4th of July" patterns in the sky.
Department of Defense photo (USCG)
On 21 July 1944, the 9th Defense
Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant
Colonel Archie F. O'Neil, and the
14th, under Lieutenant Colonel Wil-
liam F. Parks, landed on Guam. The
two units served with distinction in
the recapture of the island by the 3d
Marine Division, 1st Provisional Ma-
rine Brigade, and the Army's 77th In-
fantry Division under the overall
control of III Amphibious Corps.
The 9th Defense Battalion support-
ed the Marine brigade at Agat Bay,
and the 14th protected the 3d Marine
Division on the Red Beaches, where

unit, supported the Marine division
while it fought to conquer the island.
Also present on Peleliu — described as

"the most heavily fortified ground,
square yard by square yard, Marines
have ever assaulted"—was the light
antiaircraft group of the 4th Antiair-
craft Artillery (formerly Defense)
Battalion. The 7th Defense Battalion,
-y e—--c.— now an antiaircraft outfit, worked
with the Army's 81st Infantry Divi-
- •_-;-- •': sion on Anguar, remaining there af-
ter the soldiers took over the fighting
on Peleliu.
The Marine antiaircraft gunners at
Peleliu dug in on what was described
as "an abrupt spine of jagged ridges
and cliffs—jutting dragon-tooth
Department of Defense photo (USMC) 93063 crags, bare and black, where Marine
Marines of Battery 1, 14th Defense Battalion, man their twin-barrelled, Mark I1 infantrymen fought maniacal Japs."
Qerlikon-designed 20mm guns on top of Chonito Ridge overlooking Adelup Point. As the fury of the fighting abated,
In the initial stages of the Guam operation, these antiaircraft guns were in support.
the 7th Battalion transferred person-
antiaircraft gunners peered into an prepared to seize Peleliu in the Palau nel and equipment to the 12th,
empty sky, hoping the enemy would Islands to protect MacArthur's flank which — according to its logistics
appear; those members of defense as he reentered the Philippines. The officer, Harry M. Parke — received
battalions not otherwise employed division landed on 15 September newer material and "men with less
wrestled cargo between ship's holds 1944, triggering a bloody battle that time overseas," who would not be-
and dumps ashore; and Seabees tied down the bulk of the division come eligible to return home when
sweated over construction projects. until mid-October. Army troops did the units began preparing for the in-
While the Central Pacific campaign not crush the last organized Japanese vasion of Japan.
moved through the Gilberts, Mar- resistance until the end of November. By the end of 1944, with Peleliu
shalls, and Marianas, the 1st Marine During the bitter fighting on Peleliu, and the Marianas firmly in Ameri-
Division, after wresting control of the 12th Defense Battalion, now can hands, 74,474 Marines and
New Britain and isolating Rabaul, redesignated an antiaircraft artillery sailors served in island garrisons and
An optical gun director is manned by Marines from one of Fortunately for the attacking 1st Division Marines, no enemy
the defense battalions participating in the Peleliu operation. air appeared overhead to hazard the ground operations.
Department of Defense photo (USMC) 97571


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18th with V Amphibious Corps).
The 52d Defense Battalion, which
would reach Guam in the spring of
1945, stood guard at Majuro and
Kwajalein Atolls.

Master Technical Sergeant Alvin

M. Josephy, Jr., a Marine combat
correspondent, wrote in 1944 that
"since the beginning of the war many
of the men had seen action in
. . .

units smaller than divisions — in

defense and raider battalions and
other special commands:' These Ma-
rines "had been fighting for a long
Department of Defense photo (USMC) 97570
time;' he said. Leatherneck, a maga-
This Army-developed SCR-584 radar took over the work of the optical gun direc- zine published by and for Marines,
tor on Peleliu, to provide automatic target tracking and gun laying for the Marines. predicted in September 1944 that not
until the war was won would the
base defense forces. As the defense stationed at Guadalcanal (the 3d and complete story of each defense bat-
battalion program focused on an- 4th with III Amphibious Corps), the talion be told. Because of the vital
tiaircraft weapons, defense units — Russell Islands (the 12th with III Am- part they played, "much information
most of them by now redesignated phibious Corps), and the Ellice about them . must be withheld,
. .

as antiaircraft artillery outfits — Group (the 51st). Locations in the but there are no American troops
served in Hawaii (the 13th at Oahu Central Pacific included Eniwetok with longer combat records in this
with the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific; (the 10th with V Amphibious war:'
the 8th on Kauai with Fleet Marine Corps), Guam (the 9th and 14th with
Force, Pacific; and the 2d, 5th, 7th, III Amphibious Corps), Majuro (the
and 16th with V Amphibious Corps) 1st with V Amphibious Corps), Roi-MacArthur's advance from the
and at Midway (the 6th). In the Namur (the 15th with V Amphibi- Southwest Pacific by way of the
Southwest Pacific, battalions were ous Corps), and Saipan (the 17th and Philippines and Nimitz's Central Pa-

Fire Control
A combination of convent- planes, to guide friendly aircraft back
ional optical sights to their bases, and in support of
coincidence range finders, ground forces as their beams were
sound locaters, primitive radar reflected off of low cloud cover in ord-
sets, and searchlights comprised the fire er to illuminate the battlefield.
The radar and fire control equip-
ment employed by the defense battal-
ions in turn allowed them to become
an integral part of the overall air
defense of a captured target area.
control equipment in the early defense Searchlights, radar, and sound de- Although dispersed throughout the
battalions. As the war progressed in tectors worked in conjunction with beachhead, this equipment was linked
the Pacific, most of these items were gun directors to convert tracking infor- primarily by telephone with a radio
modified and improved. mation into firing data. Gun directors backup. A battalion fire control center
The Sperry 60-inch searchlight fired functioned as computers in providing coordinated the operations of each
up a 800-million-candlepower light the trigonometic solutions which group of weapons and in turn was in-
beam with a slant range of 20,000 predicted flight paths and furnishing corporated with other Allied radar
yards. Originally intended for il- fuze settings for the antiaircraft ar- nets. The effective ranges for fire con-
luminating ships at sea, the Sperry was tillery. The input of height finders trol equipment was variously 20-45
soon employed in finding and track- combined with information about the miles for fire control gear and 120-200
ing enemy aircraft overhead. The azimuth and elevation of the targets miles for search radar.
searchlights were also used to direct also was fed to remotely controlled
night fighters to intercept enemy 40mm and 90mm antiaircraft guns.

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Department of Defense photo (USMC) 08087 by TSgt CV. Corkran

Tracers fired by the 5th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion— over Okinawa during a Japanese air attack. A Marine fighter
formerly the 5th Defense Battalion — light up the night skies squadron's Corsairs are silhouetted against the spectacle..
cific campaign aimed ultimately at defense operations." James H. Pow- that would provide adequate shelter,
the invasion of the Japanese Home ers recalled that the battalion got but he had to keep some other unit
Islands. To prepare for the climactic credit for a Mitsubishi G4M bomber from taking it. To enforce his claim,
battles, the 2d, 5th, 8th, and 16th (nicknamed "Betty" by the Allies) and he put up a sign: "Booby Traps. Keep
Antiaircraft Artillery (formerly also helped secure a defensive Away:' After he left to report his dis-
Defense) Battalions formed the 1st perimeter against Japanese stragglers covery and deploy the unit, a demo-
Provisional Antiaircraft Artillery "making trouble in our vicinity:' The litions man saw the sign and, blew
Group. The group did not see action 5th battalion set up in the Yontan- up the cave, sealing it shut.
at Iwo Jima in February 1945, but at Kadena area by 6 May, where it
Okinawa, the final objective before received credit for making one kill Japanese air attacks attained un-
the projected attack on Japan, it came and assisting in another. These an- precedented savagery in the waters
under the operational control of the tiaircraft battalions demonstrated off Okinawa, as the Special Attack
Tenth Army's 53d Antiaircraft Ar- that they had learned, in the six years Corps pressed home the suicidal
tillery Brigade. since the first of the defense battal- kamikaze attacks first employed in
The Marine and Army divisions of ions was formed in 1939, to make the Philippines. Hoping to save
the Tenth Army landed across the good use of weapons, communica- Japan — much as a storm, the origi-
Okinawa beaches on 1 April 1945. tions gear, and radar. nal Kamikaze or divine wind, had
On the 13th, the first echelon of the Technical Sergeant John Worth scattered a Mongol invasion fleet in
newly redesignated 8th Antiaircraft told of a Marine officer looking for the sixteenth century — the suicide pi-
Artillery Battalion arrived at recently firing positions and living quarters lots deliberately dived into American
captured Nago, near the neck of for his battery in one of the antiair- ships, hoping to trade one life for
Okinawa's Motobu Peninsula, to craft artillery battalions. The officer hundreds. Other vehicles for suicide
conduct "normal AA [antiaircraft] located a cave, free of booby traps, attack included piloted bombs,

Marine Corps Historical Collection

The 13th Defense Battalion passes in review at Guantananio these battalions, who often endured months of waiting pun c-
Bay, Cuba, in 1943. Marine historian and veteran defense bat- tuated by days of savage action, as a "hard worked and frus-
talion Marine Col Robert D. Heinl, Jr., described the men of trated species." The 13th was shortly to deploy to the Pacific
manned torpedoes, and explosives- tiaircraft Artillery Battalion on distant places, some dangerous,
laden motorboats. These desperate Okinawa recall tracking the last air others boring. They did not benefit
measures could not prevail, however, attack of the war, a raid that turned from post-battle rest— though few
and the United States seized an es- back short of the target when the rest areas lived up to their name —
sential base for the planned invasion Japanese government agreed to sur- nor were their accommodations com-
of Japan. render. The formal cessation of parable to those of an aircraft wing
In the Marianas, Marines on Tin- hostilities, effective 15 August 1945, sharing the same location. The Ma-
ian witnessed the takeoff on 6 Au- also put an end to the systematic rines of the defense battalions en-
gust of the B-29 Enola Gay, which mopping-up in northern Okinawa. dured isolation, sickness,
dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshi- The dour prediction of the early days monotonous food, and primitive liv-
ma. Three days later, another B-29, in the South Pacific "Golden Gate in ing conditions for long periods, as
also from Tinian's North Field, '48:' gave way to a new slogan, they engaged in the onerous task of
dropped a second atomic bomb on "Home Alive in '45." The actual protecting advance bases in areas that
Nagasaki. The shock of the atomic homecoming would be delayed, by no stretch of the imagination
weapons, the entry of the Soviet Un- however, for those Marines sched- resembled tropical paradises. After
ion into the war against Japan, the uled for occupation duty in Japan or putting up with these conditions for
cumulative effects of attrition North China. months, many of these same Marines
throughout the vast Pacific, months
of conventional bombing of the
Gone But Not Forgotten went on to serve as replacements in
the six Marine divisions in action
Home Islands, and an ever-tightening Defense battalions deployed ear- when the war ended.
submarine blockade forced Japan to ly and often throughout the Pacific Throughout their existence, the
surrender. Members of the 8th An- campaigns, serving in a succession of defense battalions demonstrated a

Armor and Support

W hile defense battalions could defend themselves
with small arms and machine guns, they
lacked maneuver elements which, in turn,
made them vulnerable when deployed independently of
other ground forces. In 1941, the Marine Corps decided
amphibious assault. In some cases, however, infantry, ar-
mor, and artillery support was provided to reinlrce defense
battalions in certain operations. During the Pacific War,
provisional rifle companies were formed and assigned to
the 6th, 7th, 51st, and 52d Defense Battalions, and tank
not to form separate infantry units to support the defense platoons were assigned at various times to the 9th, 10th,
battalions. For the most part, they would have to depend and 11th Defense Battalions.
upon the infantry elements with which they landed in an

fundamental lesson of the Pacific in the Corps throughout World War 1st Defense Battalion
War— the need for teamwork. As II, the creation of the 51st and 52d (November 1939-May 1944)
one Marine Corps officer has point- Defense Battalions signaled a break The unit, formed at San Diego, California,
ed out, the Marine Corps portion of with racist practices and became a deployed to the Pacific as one of the Rain-
the victorious American team was "it- bow Five, the five defense battalions sta-
milestone on the road toward today's tioned there in accordance with the Rainbow
self the embodiment of unification." racially integrated Marine Corps. 5 war plan when the Japanese attacked Pearl
The Corps had "molded itself into the Harbor. Under Lieutenant Colonel Bert A.
team concept without the slightest Colonel Robert D. Heinl, Jr., a Ma- Bone, elements of the battalion arrived in
difficulty. . Marine tank men, ar- rine historian who had helped shape
. .
Hawaii in March 1941. The unit provided
tillerymen, and antiaircraft gunners the concept of the defense battalion defense detachments for Johnston and
of the defense battalions, interested and served in one of the wartime
Palmyra Islands in March and April of that
year and for Wake Island in August. The
only in doing a good job, gave equal units, described the members as a Wake Island detachment of the 1st Defense
support to. . [the] Army and Navy "hard-worked and frustrated species."
. Battalion received the Presidential Unit Ci-
He felt that the defense battalions tation for the defense of that outpost—which
represented the culmination of Ma- earned the battalion the nickname "Wake Is-
Relations with other combat serv- rifle Corps thinking that could trace land Defenders"— and other elements dealt
ices, arms, and units defined the role its evolutionary course back to the with hit-and-run raids at Palmyra and John-
of the defense battalions in the Pa- turn of the century. The weapons, ra- ston Islands. In March 1942, the scattered
cific, for they functioned as a part of dars, and communications equip- detachments became garrison forces and a
a combined effort at sea, in the air, ment in the battalions at times reconstituted battalion took shape in Hawaii.
Command passed to Colonel Curtis W.
and on the ground. During the war, represented the cutting edge of war- LeGette in May 1942 and to Lieutenant
there were examples of independent time technology, and the skill with Colonel John H. Griebel in September. Lieu-
deployment, as at Wake Island and which they were used paid tribute to tenant Colonel Frank P. Hager exercised com-
Midway. It was equally common, the training and discipline of the mand briefly; his successor, Colonel Lewis H.
however, for battalions or their com- members of these units. Charles A. Hohn, took the unit to Kwajalein and Eniwe-
tok, in the Marshall Islands, in February
ponents to serve with brigades or di- Holmes, a veteran of the defense bat- 1944. The following month found the bat-
visions, as at Iceland, Samoa, or talion that fought so gallantly at talion on Majuro, also in the Marshalls,
Guadalcanal, or to operate under Wake Island, said that, in his opin- where it became the 1st Antiaircraft Artillery
corps-level commands, as at New Ge- ion, anyone could serve somewhere Battalion on 7 May 1944, under the com-
orgia. Finally, especially after the mand of Lieutenant Colonel Jean H. Buck-
in a division or aircraft wing, but "it ner. As an antiaircraft unit, it served as part
transition to antiaircraft artillery bat- was an honor to have served in a spe- of the Guam garrison, remaining on the is-
talions, the units tended to perform cial unit of the U.S. Marines." land through 1947.
base-defense or garrison duty under
the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. The 2d Defense Battalion
shift of the defense battalions from (March 1940-April 1944)
fighting front to backwater of the war
Defense battalion war diaries,
reflected changing strategic reality The battalion was formed at San Diego,
muster rolls, and the unit files held
and not an arbitrary decision to by the Marine Corps Historical California, under Lieutenant Colonel Bert A.
deemphasize. Some of the Marines Bone. By the time the unit deployed to
Center provide the basis for the fol- Hawaii in December 1941, five officers had
in these units may have felt that the exercised command; Major Lewis A. Hohn
lowing brief accounts of the service
spotlight of publicity passed them by took over from Colonel Bone in July 1940,
of the various defense battalions. The
and focused on the assault troops, actions of some units are well followed in August of that year by Colonel
even though antiaircraft gunners and Thomas F. Bourke, in November 1940 by
documented: for example, the 1st Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Murray, and
even artillerymen sometimes accom-
Defense Battalion on Wake Island in in February 1941 by Lieutenant Colonel Ray-
panied the early waves to an embat-
1941; the 6th at Midway in 1942; and mond E. Knapp. Under Knapp, who received
tled beachhead, but the apportion- the 9th in the Central Solomons dur- a promotion to colonel, the battalion
ment of press coverage stemmed from deployed in January 1942 from Hawaii to
ing 1943. Few of the battalions
the composition of the Marine Corps received group recognition commen-
Tutuila, Samoa. Lieutenant Colonel Norman
and the nature of the fighting. E. True briefly took over, and Knapp succeed-
surate with their contributions to vic- ed him from October 1942 to May 1943, but
Because the defense battalion tory, although the 1st, 6th, and 9th True again commanded the battalion when
could train and serve as an essentially were awarded unit citations. Each it deployed in November 1943 to Tarawa
independent organization, it became defense battalion created its own dis- Atoll in the Gilbert Islands. True remained
in command when the unit was redesignat-
a logical choice for the first African- tinctive record as it moved from one ed the 2d Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion on
American unit formed by the Ma- island to another, but gaps and dis- 16 April 1944. The organization subsequent-
rines. Although segregation prevailed crepancies persist nevertheless. ly served in Hawaii and Guam before land-

4th Defense Battalion
(February 1940-May 1944)

The organization took shape at Parris Is-

land, South Carolina, under Major George
E Good, Jr.; Colonel Lloyd L. Leech took over
in April; and Lieutenant Colonel Jesse L. Per-
kins in December 1940. Colonel William H.
Rupertus commanded the unit when it
deployed in February 1941 to defend the
naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Un-
der Colonel Harold S. Fasset, the battalion
arrived in the Pacific in time to become one
of the Rainbow Five. Its strength was divid-
ed between Pearl Harbor and Midway, and
helped defend both bases against Japanese at-
tacks on 7 December. The unit deployed in
March 1942 to Efate and Espiritu Santo in the
New Hebrides. It moved in July 1943 to New
Zealand and then to Guadalcanal before
landing in August 1943 at Vella Lavella in
support of the I Marine Amphibious Corps.
National Archives Photo 127-N-62097
After becoming the 4th Antiaircraft Artillery
Battalion on 15 May 1944, the unit returned
The Sperry 60-inch searchlight was employed by the 3d Defense Battalion both to Guadalcanal in June but ended the war on
to illuminate incoming enemy aircraft and to spot approaching surface vessels. Okinawa, arriving there in April 1945.
ing on Okinawa in April 1945. It returned to Guadalcanal in September 1943 and in
to the United States in 1946 and was deac- November of that year, while commanded by 5th Defense Battalion
tivated. Lieutenant Colonel Edward H. Forney, land- (December 1940-April 1944)
ed at Bougainville, remaining in the north-
3d Defense Battalion ern Solomons until June 1944. Redesignated Organized at Parris Island, South Caroli-
(October 1939-June 1944) the 3d Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion on 15 na, under Colonel Lloyd L. Leech, the 5th
June 1944, the organization was disbanded Defense Battalion subsequently became the
Activated at Parris Island, South Caroli- at Guadalcanal on the last day of that year. 14th Defense Battalion, thus earning the un-
na, with Lieutenant Colonel Robert H. Pep- Marines of the 7th Defense Battalion, one of the "Rainbow Five," give their new
per in command, the battalion deployed in M3 Stuart light tank a trial run at Tutuila, American Samoa, in the summer of 1942.
May 1940 to Hawaii where it became one of Department of Defense Photo (USMC) 54082
the Rainbow Five. Colonel Harry K. Pickett
took command in August of that year, and 0
in September approximately a third of the
battalion, under Major Harold C. Roberts,
went to Midway and assumed responsibility
for the antiaircraft defense of the atoll. Lieu-
tenant Colonel Pepper brought the rest of the
unit to Midway in 1941, but the battalion
returned to Hawaii in October and helped de-
fend Pearl Harbor when the Japanese at-
tacked on 7 December. A detachment of
37mm guns and the 3-inch antiaircraft group
joined the 6th Defense Battalion at Midway,
a 't—
r" M3
S —.

opposed the Japanese air attack on 4 June

1942, and shared in a Navy Unit Commen-
dation awarded the 6th Battalion for the
defense of that atoll. In August 1942, the bat-
talion, still led by Lieutenant Colonel Pep-
per, participated in the landings at
Guadalcanal and Tulagi in the Solomon Is-
lands. During 1943, the unit experienced a
change of commanders, with Harold C.
Roberts, now a lieutenant colonel, taking
over in March 1943, Lieutenant Colonel Ken-
neth W. Benner in May, and Lieutenant
Colonel Samuel C. Taxis in August. After a
stay in New Zealand, the battalion returned

official title of "Five: Fourteenth." Colonel
Leech took the 5th Defense Battalion (minus
the 5-inch artillery group) to Iceland with the
Marine brigade sent there to relieve the Brit-
ish garrison. He brought the unit back to the
United States in March 1942, and in July it
sailed for the South Pacific, where one
detachment set up its weapons at Noumea,
New Caledonia, and another defended Tulagi
in the Solomons after the 1st Marine Divi-
sion landed there in August 1942. The bulk
of the battalion went to the Ellice Islands;
there Colonel George F. Good, Jr., assumed
command in November, and was relieved in
December by Lieutenant Colonel Willis E.
Hicks. On 16 January 1943, the part of the
unit located at Tulagi was redesignated the
14th Defense Battalion, while the remainder
in the Ellice group became the Marine
Defense Force, Funafuti. In March 1944, the
Marine Defense Force, Funafuti, sailed for
Hawaii, where, on 16 April, it became the I
5th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion, seeing ac- Department of Defense Photo (USMC) 56812
tion under the designation during the latter This Browning M2 watercoo led antiaircraft machine gun, operated by 9th Defense
stages of the Okinawa campaign. Battalion Marines, shot down the first attacking Japanese aircraft at Rendova.
6th Defense Battalion Hawaii where, on 16 April 1944, it became ber 1942 to reinforce the defenses of Guadal-
(March 1941-February 1946) the 7th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion. As canal. In preparation for further action, the
an antiaircraft outfit, it deployed to Anguar, battalion emphasized mobility and artillery
Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Murray Palau Islands, in September 1944, where it support of ground operations at the expense
formed the battalion at San Diego, Califor- served in the garrison force for the remainder of its coastal defense mission. Lieutenant
nia, but turned it over to Colonel Raphael of the war. Colonel William Scheyer commanded the 9th
Griffin, who took it to Hawaii in July 1941.
8th Defense Battalion during the fighting in the central Solomons.
It relieved the 3d Defense Battalion at Mid- Here it set up antiaircraft guns and heavy ar-
way in September. In June 1942, the 6th, now (April 1942-April 1944)
tillery on Rendova to support the fighting on
commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Harold Lieutenant Colonel Augustus W. Cockrell neighboring New Georgia before moving to
D. Shannon, helped fight off a Japanese air raised this battalion from Marine units at New Georgia itself and deploying its light
attack and repair bomb damage, thus earn- Tutuila, Samoa. In May 1942, the battalion tanks and other weapons. The battalion's
ing a Navy Unit Commendation. The bat- deployed to the Wallis Islands, where it was tanks also supported Army troops on Arun-
talion remained at Midway until redesignated redesignated the Island Defense Force. Lieu- del Island. Lieutenant Colonel Archie E.
Marine Barracks, Naval Base, Midway, on 1 tenant Colonel Earl A. Sneeringer assumed O'Neil was in command when the unit land-
February 1946. The wartime commanders command for two weeks in August 1943 be- ed at Guam on D-Day, 21 July 1944. The bat-
who succeeded Shannon were Lieutenant fore turning the unit over to Colonel Clyde talion was awarded the Navy Unit
Colonels Lewis A. Hohn, Rupert R. Deese, H. Hartsel. Colonel Lloyd L. Leech became Commendation for its service in action at
John H. Griebel, Charles T. Tingle, Frank P. battalion commander in October 1943, a Guadalcanal, Rendova, New Georgia, and
Hager, Jr., Robert L. McKee, Herbert R. Nus- month before the unit deployed to Apama- Guam. Redesignated the 9th Antiaircraft Ar-
baum, and Wilfred Weaver, and Major ma in the Gilberts. On 16 April 1944, after tillery Battalion in September 1944, the unit
Robert E. Hommel. moving to Hawaii, the organization became returned to the United States in 1946.
the 8th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion and,
7th Defense Battalion
as such, took part in the Okinawa campaign, 10th Defense Battalion
(December 1940-April 1944)
remaining on the island until November 1945 (June 1942-May 1944)
Lieutenant Colonel Lester A. Dessez when the unit returned to the United States.
formed the unit at San Diego, California, as Formed under Colonel Robert Blake at San
9th Defense Battalion
a composite battalion of infantry and ar- Diego, California, the Unit arrived in the
(February 1942-September 1944)
tillery. In March 1941, he took the outfit to Solomon Islands in February 1943, and par-
Tutuila, Samoa, as one of the Rainbow Five. Formed at Parris Island, South Carolina, ticipated in the defense of Tulagi in that group
The 7th later deployed to Upolu and estab- and known as the "Fighting Ninth," the bat- and Banika in the Russell Islands. The bat-
lished a detachment at Savaii. Colonel Cur- talion was first commanded by Major Wal- talion's light tanks saw action on New Ge-
tis W. LeGette took command in December lace 0. Thompson, who brought it to Cuba orgia and nearby Arundel Island. Under
1942, and in August of the following year, where it helped defend the Guantanamo Lieutenant Colonel Wallace 0. Thompson,
the battalion moved to Nanoumea in the El- naval base. Lieutenant Colonel Bernard who assumed command in July 1943, the
lice Islands in preparation for supporting Dubel and his successor, Colonel David R. 10th landed at Eniwetok, Marshall Islands,
operations against the Gilbert Islands. Lieu- Nimmer, commanded the battalion while it in February 1944. The unit was redesignat-
tenant Colonel Henry R. Paige took over in served in Cuba, and Nimmer remained in ed the 10th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion
December 1943 and brought the unit to command when the unit landed in Novem- on 7 May 1944.

11th Defense Battalion landed at Guam in July and in September be- come together on the latter island, where it
(June 1942-May 1944) came the 14th Antiaircraft Artillery Battal- remained until the end of the war.
ion, remaining on the island until after the
This battalion was activated at Parris Is- war had ended. 51st Defense Battalion
land, South Carolina, under Colonel Charles (August 1942-January 1946)
N. Muidrow and deployed during December 15th Defense Battalion
1942 to Efate in the New Hebrides. Beginning (October 1943-May 1944) Organized at Montford Point Camp, New
in January 1943, it helped defend Tulagi in River, North Carolina, this was the first of
the Solomons and Banika in the Russells Organized in Hawaii by Lieutenant two defense battalions commanded by white
group. During the Central Solomons cam- Colonel Francis B. Loomis, Jr., from the 1st officers, but organized from among African-
paign, it fought on Rendova, New Georgia, Airdrome Battalion at Pearl Harbor, the unit American Marines who had trained at Mont-
and Arundel Islands. In August, the entire bore the nickname "First: Fifteenth:' Begin- ford Point. Colonel Samuel Woods, Jr., who
battalion came together on New Georgia and ning in January 1944, it served at Kwajalein commanded the Montford Point Camp,
in March 1944 deployed the short distance and Majuro Atolls in the Marshalls. Lieu- formed the battalion and became its first
to Arundel Island. Redesignated the 11th An- tenant Colonel Peter J. Negri assumed com- commanding officer. Lieutenant Colonel Wil-
tiaircraft Artillery Battalion on 16 May 1944, mand in May 1944, shortly before the unit, liam B. Onley took over in March 1943 and
the unit moved in July to Guadalcanal where on the 7th of that month, became the 15th Lieutenant Colonel Floyd A. Stephenson in
it was deactivated by year's end. Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion. April. The initial plan called for the 51st to
be a composite unit with infantry and pack-
12th Defense Battalion 16th Defense Battalion howitzer elements, but in June 1943 it became
(August 1942-June 1944) (November 1942-April 1944) a conventional defense battalion. Lieutenant
Curtis W. LeGette assumed command in
Colonel William H. Harrison activated this Lieutenant Colonel Richard P. Ross, Jr., January 1944 and took the battalion to
unit at San Diego, California, and took it to formed the unit on Johnston Island from ele- Nanoumea and Funafuti in the Ellice Islands,
Hawaii in January 1943. After a brief stay ments of the 1st Defense Battalion that had where it arrived by the end of February 1944.
in Australia, the 12th landed in June 1943 at been stationed there. Lieutenant Colonel In September, the 51st deployed to Eniwetok
Woodlark Island off New Guinea. Next the Bruce T. Hemphill took over in July 1943 and in the Marshalls where, in December, Lieu-
12th took part in the assault on Cape Glou- turned the unit over to Lieutenant Colonel tenant Colonel Gould P. Groves became bat-
cester, New Britain in December 1943. Lieu- August F. Penzold, Jr., in March of the fol- talion commander, a post he would hold
tenant Colonel Merlyn D. Holmes assumed lowing year. Redesignated the 16th Antiair- throughout the rest of the war. In June 1945,
command in February 1944, and on 15 June craft Artillery Battalion on 19 April 1944, the Lieutenant Colonel Groves dispatched a com-
the defense battalion was redesignated the outfit went to Hawaii by the end of August. posite group to provide antiaircraft defense
12th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion. It It subsequently deployed to Tinian, remain- for Kwajalein Atoll. The battalion sailed from
moved to the Russell Islands in June and in ing there until moving to Okinawa in April the Marshalls in November 1945 and dis-
September to Peleliu, where it remained 1945. banded at Montford Point in January 1946.
through 1945. 17th Defense Battalion 52d Defense Battalion
(March 1944-April 1944) (December 1943-May 1946)
13th Defense Battalion
(September 1942-April 1944) At Kauai in Hawaii, Lieutenant Colonel This unit, like the 51st, was organized at
Thomas C. McFarland organized this unit Montford Point Camp, New River, North
Colonel Bernard Dubel formed the battal- from the 2d Airdrome Battalion, which had Carolina, and manned by African Americans
ion at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where it returned from duty in the Ellice Islands. The commanded by white officers. Planned as a
defended the naval base throughout the war. redesignation gave rise to the nickname 'Two: composite unit, the 52d took shape as a con-
In February 1944, Colonel Richard M. Cutts, Seventeen;' and the motto "One of a Kind:' ventional defense battalion, It absorbed the
Jr., took command. The unit became the 13th On 19 April, the defense battalion became pack howitzer crews made surplus when the
Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion on 15 April the 17th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion. It 51st lost its composite status and retrained
and was disbanded after the war. moved to Saipan in July and to Tinian in Au- them in the employment of other weapons.
gust, At the latter island, it provided antiair- Colonel Augustus W. Cockrell organized the
14th Defense Battalion craft defense for both Tinian Town and unit, which he turned over to Lieutenant
(January 1943-September 1944) North Field, from which B-29s took off with Colonel Joseph W. Earnshaw in July 1944.
the atomic bombs that leveled Hiroshima and Under Earnshaw, the 52d the unit deployed
Colonel Galen M. Sturgis organized this Nagasaki. to the Marshalls, arriving in October to man
battalion from the elements of the 5th the antiaircraft defenses of Majuro Atoll and
Defense Battalion on Tulagi, which inspired 18th Defense Battalion Roi-Namur in Kwajalein Atoll. Lieutenant
the nickname "Five: Fourteenth:' Lieutenant (October 1943-April 1944) Colonel David W. Silvey assumed command
Colonel Jesse L. Perkins took command in in January 1945, and between March and
June 1943, and during his tour of duty, the Activated at New River, North Carolina, May the entire battalion deployed to Guam,
battalion operated on Tulagi and sent a by Lieutenant Colonel Harold C. Roberts, remaining there for the rest of the war. Lieu-
detachment to Emirau, St. Mathias Islands, who was replaced in January 1944 by Lieu- tenant Colonel Thomas C. Moore, Jr.,
to support a landing there in March 1944. tenant Colonel William C. Van Ryzin, the replaced Silvey in May 1945, and in Novem-
Lieutenant Colonel William F. Parks took unit became the 18th Antiaircraft Artillery ber, the 52d relieved the 51st at Kwajalein and
over from Perkins that same month and in Battalion on 16 May of that year. By August, Eniwetok Atolls before returning to Montford
April brought the unit to Guadalcanal to pre- echelons of the battalion were located at Sai- Point; where in May 1946 it became the 3d
pare for future operations. The organization pan and Tinian, but by September it had Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion (Composite).

32 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1996 386-768/20003

The basic sources for this pamphlet
are the five volumes of the History of
U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World
M ajor Charles D. Melson, USMC (Ret), was
born in the San Francisco Bay area. He is
married to Janet Ann Pope, a former Navy nurse,
War II. Other books that contributed to and has two children, David and Katie. Major
the narrative include: Jane Blakeny, Melson completed his graduate training at St.
Heroes, U.S. Marine Corps, 1861-1 955 John's College, Annapolis, Maryland. He is
(Washington: privately printed, 1957); coauthor of The War That Would Not End, a
Antiaircraft Defense (Harrisburg, Penn- volume in the official history of Marine Corps
sylvania: Military Service Publishing operations in Vietnam, and contributed to U.S.
Company, 1940); Robert D. Heinl, Jr., Marines in the Persian Gulf, an anthology. He
Soldiers of the Sea (Annapolis, also wrote Up the Slot: Marines in the Central Solomons, another pamphlet in
Maryland: U.S. Naval Institute Press, the World War II commemorative series.
1962); Uncommon Valor (Washington: A Marine for 25 years, 1967-1992, Major Melson served in Vietnam, during the
Infantry Journal Press, 1946); Ordnance Gulf War, and carried out a variety of assignments in the Fleet Marine Force. He
School, Handbook of Ordnance Materi- also taught at the United States Naval Academy and served at Headquarters, U.S.
al (Aberdeen, Maryland: Aberdeen Marine Corps. For six years, he was a historian at the Marine Corps Historical
Proving Ground, 1944); Patrick O'Sheel Center, Washington Navy Yard, and he continues to deal with the past as a writer
and Gene Cook, eds., Sem per Fidelis and teacher.
(New York: William Sloane, 1947);
Robert Sherrod, History of Marine
Corps Aviation in World War II
(Washington: Combat Forces Press,
1952); Stanley E. Smith, ed., The Unit-
ed States Marine Corps in World War II
(New York: Random House, 1969);
Carolyn A. Tyson, A Chronology of the 945 .Ø
United States Marine Corps, 1935-1946
(Washington: Historical Division,
HQMC, 1965); and Charles Updegraph, THIS PAMPHLET HISTORY, one in a series devoted to U.S. Marines in the
Jr., U.S. Marine Corps Special Units of World War II era, is published for the education and training of Marines by
World War II (Washington: Historical the History and Museums Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps,
Division, HQMC, 1972). Washington, D.C., as a part of the U.S. Department of Defense observance
of the 50th anniversary of victory in that war.
Available in the archives at the Ma- Editorial costs of preparing this pamphlet have been defrayed in part by
rine Corps Historical Center is an im- grants from the Special Marine Corps Units Fund, Defense Battalion Associ-
pressive body of primary source material ation; the Defense Battalion Association; Mr. Charles L. Henry, Jr.; the Ameri-
prepared by individual defense battal- can Lighting Company; Mr. James H. Powers; and the Marine Corps Historical
ions during the Pacific War. Also in the Foundation.
Marine Corps Historical Center are the WORLD WAR II COMMEMORATIVE SERIES
Oral History and Personal Papers Col-
lections, containing many first-hand ac- Colonel Michael F. Monigan, USMC
counts of World War II. Acting
The author wishes to thank members GENERAL EDITOR,
of defense battalion reunion groups and WORLD WAR II COMMEMORATIVE SERIES
associatioñs, who provided letters, Benis M. Frank
manuscripts, recollections, and photo-
graphs to aid in the writing of this sto- CARTOGRAPHIC CONSULTANT
George C. MacGillivray
ry. Especially helpful were Frank
Powers. Special recognition also goes to Robert E. Struder, Senior Editor; W. Stephen Hill, Visual Information
Mary Beth Straight, U.S. Naval Institute; Specialist; Catherine A. Kerns, Composition Services Technician
Alice S. Creighton, the Nimitz Library; Marine Corps Historical Center
Lena M. Kaljot, Marine Corps Histori- Building 58, Washington Navy Yard
cal Center; the staff of the Historical Washington, D.C. 20374-5040
Electronics Museum, Inc.; and David A. 1996
Melson for their help with the photo-
PCN 190 003133 00

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