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Answers needed for:

Q7. With respect to typical High Voltage System onboard, briefly describe, comparing with low voltage
systems: -
a) Earthing
b) Protection devices
c) Emergency Shut-down devices
d) Plugs & sockets.

Q12. A successful voyage for a Chief Engineer is a combination of trouble free run of machineries,
optimum use of fuel, minimum interpersonal conflicts and less intervention from shore authorities.
Considering the ship as an Organization how this can be best achieved?
2011/SR01 2011/SR06 2019/AUG

Q17. With respect to engine room man management enlist the key issues you will address with proper
justification in the following areas:
a. Training Programmes
b. Long term personnel development concept
c. Attitude and motivation development
d. Emergency Response.
e. Coping up with stress.
2019/MAR 2019/NOV

Q19. Socio cultural differences have been an accepted fact in major merchant ships around the globe.
Explain how such differences generate inter personnel conflicts and effective safety management, how
they can be resolved on board.
2010/SR01 2010/SR09 2011/SR10 2019/DEC

Q20. The vessel where you are posted as Chief Engineer is undergoing dry-docking and a serious fire
occurs on the deck because of welding work. Illustrate the documented procedures to deal with such
emergency and its advantage over non-documented actions? Explain the different ship related
contingencies against which document procedures are maintained under emergency preparedness of ISM
Codes. In case of a major pollution of oil from a ship how best the contingency plans in emergency
preparedness help over other actions?
2013/SR010 2013/SR01 2010/SR08 2011/SR03 2011/SR04 2012/SR09 2013/SR10 2013/SR11 2019/DEC

Q27. With reference to the 0.5% sulphur limit applied to residual fuel oils applicable from 1st Jan 2020,
enumerate the regulations in the MARPOL convention according which this limit is applied globally. Also
prepare a plan for changeover of ships fuel oil tanks and engine fuel oil systems to low (0.5%) Sulphur fuel
oil so that the ships tanks are ready to comply with the new regulations.
2019/MAR 2019/JUN 2019/JULY 2019/NOV 2019/DEC

Q31. With reference to Marine Insurance, write short notes on following:

(a) Port of Refuge
(b) Particular Average and General Average
(c) Total Loss and Constructive Loss.
2019/AUG 2019/OCT

Q34. State the responsibilities and liabilities, under the Hague-Visible Rules of:
A. The Shipper
B. The Shipowners
And explain the difference between the Hague rules and Hague-Visby Rule.

Q36. Explain concept of general average? Explain the difference between general average and particular

Q40. What do you understand by "Unseaworthy vessels" within the meaning of the Merchant Shipping
Act, 1958, as amended? What according to you is the difference between “Unseaworthy ships" & "Unsafe
ships". What are the obligations of owners to crew with respect seaworthiness?

Q46. The initial IMO strategy for GHG reduction adopted at MEPC 72 is the first milestone set out in the
roadmap for developing a comprehensive IMO strategy on reduction of GHG emissions from ship:
(a) Define the objectives of this Initial Strategy.
(b) State the levels of ambition identified in the Initial Strategy.
(c) List out the small term, mid-term and long term candidate measures with possible timelines as
discussed in the IMO Strategy for reduction of GHG emissions.
2019/APR 2019/JULY 2019/AUG 2019/OCT

Q47. Discuss the procedure of entry into force of An IMO convention after its adoption? State the
provision and its importance towards entry into force of the convention. For a convention of important
technical nature state the general rules/conditions observed by the states for its entry into force. Explain
the terms (i) Accession (ii) Signature subject to Ratification, acceptance or approval.
2019/APR 2019/JULY 2019/AUG 2019/OCT

Q48. Differentiate between annual, intermediate, renewal, damage and repair surveys. What are the
purposes of each survey onboard? Also, enlist all statutory certificates carried onboard, their issuing
authority, and the IMO Convention under which they are issued
2010/SR02 2010/SR08 2011/SR12 2012/SR02 2013/SR02 2019/DEC

Q52. Describe the general structure of a Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) System, highlighting the
following methods of treatment: -
a) UV Treatment method
b) Gas Treatment method
c) Electrolysis method
d) Magnetic Separation method.
2019/JAN 2019/FEB 2019/APR

Q53. Your owners have asked you to propose suitable retrofit for your ship with Ballast water
Management Equipment, Give a reasoned response. You may make any assumptions but list the
assumptions in the beginning.
2019/JULY 2019/OCT

Q54. Referring generally to a general Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) System, explain;
a. Requirements related to construction and technical performance.
b. Requirements related to onboard installation of the system.
c. Special requirements for tankers and ships carrying dangerous chemicals.
2019/MAR 2019/NOV

Q57. Discuss with merits and demerits of different principles used to operate reciprocating internal-
combustion engines on gas, with special focus on the following:
a. Pre-mixed Low-pressure Gas injection.
b. High-pressure Gas injection Diesel - Gas engines.
2019/JAN 2019/APR

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