Baby Boom

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Identify a social problem in the country related to

COVID19 pandemic. Analyze its cause/s and

resolution/s using the three theoretical perspectives in
Sociology. Provide an example of news
articles/headlines/social media posts that you think are
in line with each perspective.
Social Problem:
Baby Boom:
The Disruption
of Access to Family Planning
and Health Care Services

The pandemic have given birth to another baby boom ever since the quarantine have started. This is
because most people are at home whether working in their respective homes or having no job at all.
This give rise to the baby boom associated with the problem of deficient or incorrect family planning
that we are currently facing. The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken our health system, disrupting
access to family planning especially to the sector who can't afford and has insufficient funds to tend
to the need of accessing free health care services. Moreover, this would give rise to the expected
increase of birth rates in the country that would affect the economy and the limited resources itself.
1 CAUSE: The pandemic which
is the cause, also served as a
main symbol for women that
they would start to have
limited access to healthcare
mainly contraceptives, that is
why we are experiencing a
baby boom.
2 RESOLUTION: The government
must recognize sexual and
reproductive healthcare, including
free contraceptive services, as
essential in this crisis, and to take
measures to address problems by
supplying contraceptives to their
respective barangays.
CAUSE: There is a crucial access to
contraceptives during a lockdown and caused
disruptions that lead to unwanted pregnancies,
and these unwanted pregnancies, according to
research, would lead to the population
exceeding its limit. Mostly in marginalized
sectors who cannot access contraceptive care in
this crisis.
RESOLUTION: Hospitals must be prepared for the
expected increase in pregnancies and must have enough
resources to cater these pregnant women especially the
marginalized sector as they are mostly affected with it.
The government should double their efforts in creating
ways for accessible and affordable healthcare at these
times and also allocate a bigger budget in healthcare
since it is one of our biggest problems today and since
many people are already at risk.
CAUSE: The sharp drop is expected to
increase fertility rate. Hence, infants are
1 very risky with COVID-19.The lack of
knowledge, equipment and carelessness
contributes to continuous deaths of not
only infants and other specified age
brackets. As the hospital can be the most
unsafe place for the infants as they are
highly exposed to the virus.
RESOLUTION: Educating one's self about this
virus is one way to prevent contamination. The
government must give more attention into free
maternal healthcare, nevertheless prioritizing
the safeness and health of the child and the
mother. On top of this, they should strategize
healthcare protocols to decrease fatality rate.

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