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Title: 5 Essential Case Study Types for Your Academic Knowledge

A case study is nothing but a research method that involves an up-close, in-depth and detailed

examination of a particular case or event. From Nestle case studies to nuclear case studies, this

particular research work comes in various shapes and forms. Almost every organization conducts

industry case studies to keep a tab on the latest trends and other affairs. On the other hand, the

students of marketing and data science are constantly trained and upgraded to carry out ground

researches for effectively in the near future.

But, unless students are fully aware of the different types of case studies, they won’t be able to

distinguish between two different genres of case analyses. As a result, the end solution to the

problems won’t serve the purpose down the line.

So, read this article and get introduced to the five distinctive case study types for the right

evaluation of critical industry cases.

1. Explanatory Case Study

As the name suggests, the explanatory case study focuses on explanation for a particular question

or phenomenon. For instance, if you’re about to conduct a case study that asks you to figure out

the contributing factors behind the pandemic then you need to explain the phenomenon on the

basis of.

 Factual explanatory analysis

 Relevant industry references

 Future predictions of the phenomenon

2. Exploratory Case Study

Exploratory case study is generally conducted prior to initiating large-scale projects. This

particular type of case study mainly aims to evaluate the present status of the topic and evaluate

whether any further investigation is required.

Exploratory case studies revolve around the following components.

 Large-scale exploratory investigation

 Alternative case study analysis for better avenues

 Close evaluation of new ideas and theories

3. Multiple or Collective Case Study

This case study type primarily focuses on the use of information, extracted from different

sources in order to formulate the case or initiate a new study altogether. The multiple/collective

case study has certain distinctive attributes that set it apart from other genres.

 Multiple case study uses past information and industry references in order to tally with

the present situation.

 This case study type is said to be more effective when you have multiple possibilities

against a single topic or problem.

4. Instrumental Case Study

An instrumental case study refers to the evaluation of cases and information in order to gain

insights into the given phenomenon. If you are asked to conduct a case study on students with

learning disabilities, then you might conduct instrumental case study to explore the following


 In-depth analysis of the learning deficit statistics within a given location and age group

 Evaluating the relationship between children with learning deficit disorders and the ones

those are not.

5. Intrinsic Case Study

An intrinsic case study is basically the evaluation of a case where the case itself is of primary

interest. This is one of those analytical evaluations which have the potential to open up newer

approaches and opportunities to learn new things.

Intrinsic case studies focus on:

 New opportunities

 Major breakthroughs

 Critical evaluations

So, take note of each of the aforementioned case study types. No matter whether you would

attempt a Nestle case study or other analyses, getting the hang of these five major case studies

would always get you through the hurdles.

Summary: It is critical for research students to know about the five major types of case studies.

This insightful article aims to highlight the same with essential guidelines and elementary details

for comprehensive assistance on the go.

Author Bio: Jason Bond is an experienced academic writer from the U.K, dedicated to offering

evaluative papers on Nestle case studies and other subject matters. He is currently associated

with the brand, for the past four years.

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