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0ettingstoiled Vocabulary:
simpleor present
simple or pastcontinuous?,
Page4 Pronunciation: ofthephonetic
Review alphabet

I Bodg
ondmind 1 Extreme adjectives perfect
2 Partsofthebody perfect
Present or pastsimple?

10 i i t).

2Shillsondsildies Educationbeginsat home I Modalverbs

Page18 r18
3fl sportinglife Coolrunning
2 Personality
adlectives j Pastperfector pastsimple?
Page26 27.30 28

4CommunicotionThelastword i 1 soy,tolk,speok
andtelt -ingandinfinitiveforms
i 2 Telephoning i -/ngnouns
j Verb+ -rngor infinitive(withfo)?

it':' 39.42

5llneuroild i Global
warnings 1 Environmental
2 Weather

i Page46 i46 47,50

i 6Strunqe
turrrue Mistaken
identity 1 False
2 getandmoke
i Conditionals
Firstor second
Page54 54 56

2 Human
achievement Present passive
i Page66 i 67,70 6B
I flchievement lhe hardroadto thetop j 1 Success , Relative
2 -edand-rngadjectives i Defining
crauses: wh
where,whenor whos*
wh65ssy til16'5?
i: _ *' : _ _ ; 74 i,75,78 i lo
i I (lfftosee
theulorld , _ . . _ _
in London
_ _ * _ _ =
i 1 Travel
_ t -
|i Renortcrt
i soyor tel?
Page82 83,86 i,

i -ctUryf!,qlg,P.qq
letter daysintheUSA
Special verb-edendings
Regular with
L:Healihproblems An informal
language andltl
S:Likes Informal

. teenagers Wordstress nou
in comPound
L:Survival i Theworkinglifeof British

Sporting ofcontractio
L:Thrills of a sPort
A description
S:An interview ideas

30,31 32

essaY Weakforms
L:Telephonemessages Anopinion
S:Speakforyourself opinions

44 96
TheKrugerNationalPark Wordstress
L:Whatevertheweather A postcard
S:Whatwillyoudo? Addinginterest
Orderof adiectives
50,51 52
Special Contraciions nr
L: A falling A picturestory
S:Lucky or unluckY Makingnoteson Pictures


A globalculture Wordstress
L:Lifeon Mars? essay
A discussion
S:Lifeevents forintroducing,

72 73 97

Movietime Sentencestress
L:TVadverts A filmreview stron
descriPtions Intonation:
S:What's Informal

BO 8,1

L:Journeys A formalletter Sydney

S:A dayout Partsof a letter
Formal language
86,87 B8
Rewritethe sentences.Replacethe bold wordswith
the phrasalverbsin the box.Thereare three verbs
that you do not need.

Churocter turndown shutdown carryon takeoff
giveup puton turnoVer,tunein to logon
Completethe definitionswith the adiectivesin
the box. 1 ThisTV programme isboring.Let'schangechannels
2 Thisis mywebsite,but you needa password to enter
out$oing generous 3 InJapan,peopleremovetheirshoesbeforeentering
; insensitivelazy' a house.I
4 It'seasyto find stationson digitalradios.
1 A ... oerson do muchwork.
5 Lucywantsto stop playing hockeY.
2 An... person hasa lotof friends.
6 Reduce the volume on the radio!lt'stoo loud.
3 A ... person veryhappy.
4 A ... person
5 An ... person thinkaboutotherpeople.
doesn't Sport I
6 A ... person
enjoysgivingthingsto otherpeople.
Look at the photosand labelthe sports. I
Matchthe adiectives1-6 in exercise1 with {
the oppositesa-f.
- d mean,
a miserable
bsensitive, esensible
c shy f hard-working

Match the phrasalverbswith the correct
. 1 l o o ku pt o a to feelexcitedabout
o 2 lookinto b to respect
''^3 lookforward to c to find(in a dictionary)
{4 lookup d to carefor
+ 5 lookafter e to investigate 1 n d 5 g-____t_-_
2 c n 6 --_r-e ----g
with the phrasalverbsin
Completethe sentences 2
l r a 7 d o
! _ t _ _ L

exercise3. 4 o b __ B ---k--_a--
Whydon'tyou... theanswer in the
Write the sportsfrom exercise6 in the table. Add
other sports.
2 I haveto :.. myyoungerbrothertolight
3 My auntisanamazing person. I really... her. play do go
4 My parents always... theweekend.l
5 Theteachers aregoing to ... the problem. '[..-.^ r ' snowboarding
\ ,
Thenotural do,have,mohemd gel
Readthe postcardand choosethe correctanswer. @ Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of
do, hove,makeor get.
1 As soonasmysisterog/f'ot.fromschool,she
a fzn\atlictimo
Having always4i'herhomework.
2 PaulfuXAgreattimeon holiday and
rreh+Some newfriends.
c\imbod the
lrlenl{or a \ongura\rlootcrdaland
ihe (4) island/
(7)mo ain/ rocYinthenorthof
sarth- ri vtattT5l motros high!&oi \osiin a

to tomorrou
LooKing O 'ttt@rest.
7 Youneverrr''LKmistakes!
8 Dldsheq8fyouremail?
toe youeoon.
LOVE in the box and
loot at the wordsand expressions

1 Findthreeitemsof furniturein a bedroom.

2 Findthreenounsin a kitchen.
3 Findfourverbsconnected to money.
4 Findthree phrasal verbs connectedto technology.
5 Findthreenounsconnected to computers.
6 Findfouradjectives to gowiththesenegative :
prefixes. r
a un.?:'p' r ' , ) - € Jinfcr,-^c,'
'i'1: ': "
u im.pol.i'lw 6 ;''gsjn
- edond- ingcdjectives Findfourprepositions
we useafterthese
adjectives. 1r)1r -. ,
Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of a brilliantft . t'a.re3iqin', 0q
the verbsin brackets.
,I 1it d relaxedf,fr:
b interested
1 Climbing themountain wasvery).i(tire).
lu0nl{B00ll 3
2 | neverget ,l(bore)in mathslessons.
3 we watchedarhu(terrify)DVDlastnight.
a ltwag/, (embariass)whenlfailedmytest.
5 Theteacher waseC{(amaze) wheneveryone
oassedthe exam.
6 Areyou readinganythingtflu(interest)at the

Present oTpresent
simple ffi fut the wordsin the correctorderto make
continuous? questions.
1 come/ do / from/ where/ you
ffi t"tatchsentences
1-3 with the usesa-c.Then
2 subject / studying / are/ you/ which
choosethe correcttense.
3 language / are / speaking / you/ what
1 Russia producesgoodtennisplayers. 4 here/ you/ doing/ what/ are/
2 | playtennison Saturdays. 5 speak/ any/ you/ languages / do / other
3 They're playing
tennis. 6 d o/ a t / w h a t / y o u/ dol home
to talkabouta reoeatedaction/ habit'.
Completethe dialoguewith the questionsin
presentsimple/ presentcontinuous
exercise4. Then listenand check.
to talkabouta factor generaltruth:
presentsimple/ presentcontinuous
to talkaboutsomething happening at thetimeof
speaking:present simple / presentcontinuous

Choosethe correctanswer.
doesyourmotherdo,/ is yourmother
doing?' an Englishteacher.Sheteachesz
teachingat myschool.'
'Do you
come/ Areyou cominghereoften?'
I come/'m comingeveryweek.'
3 Thatfootpathgoes/ is goingto the nextvillage
4 'Hi,Ellie.Whereareyou going/ do you go?'
'l go 'm going
/ to work.'
'Do you
like/ Are you likingchocolate?'
I don't.I don't eat/ 'm not eatingsweets,'
'What you
do do / areyoidoing?''l play/
'm playing game.'
a newcomputer

ffi Complete
the sentences
with the verbsin the box.
Usethe presentsimpleor presentcontinuous Anna GutenTag.
form of the verbs. David ( a ). . . ?
Anna lt's German.
make gvear cycle notplay not record David (b) ... ? Germany?
rain tait< study Anna No, I don't. I'm from the Netherlands.
but I can speakGerman.
1 | always ... goggles whenI swim. David (c)...?
2 Look!WhoE . . l.e n a .t.o. ? Anna Yes,Englishand a littleFrench.
David ( d ). . . ?
3 | t . . .a g a i n .
Anna l'm doinga Frenchcourseat a summer
4 We ... rugbyat ourschool. schoolherein Paris.
5 Kirsty... in herroomtoday. David (e),.. ? Are you a teacher?
6 ... you... to school everyday? Anna No, I'm a student.I'm at universityin
7 S s h|. . . a p h o n e
call. Amsterdam.
B They... theiralbumtoday. David ( f l. . . ?
Anna Languages, of course!

orpostcontinuous? Write sentences
with the pastsimpleor the past
Choosethe correctanswer.
1 the/ sun/ notshine/ butl / feel/ happy
1 Wedidn'tgo / weren'tgoingto the beach
2 he / fallover/ while/ we / walk/ to town
yesterday because it rained/ wasraining.
3 | / notgo/ to the cinema/ lastweek
2 Jessica lost/ waslosingsomemoneywhileshe
4 | / comein/ have/ a shower/ and/ go/to bed
ran/ wasrunningyesterday.
5 you/ cycle/ when/ you/ see/ Nadia/ ?
3 | called/ wascallinghernameonce,butshe
6 he/ do / hiswork/ when/ hisfriend/ call
didn'thear/ wasn'thearing.
7 she/ switchon / the TV / sit down/ and/
4 He got up / wasgettingup at eighto'clock and
watch/ a documentary
had/ washavinga shower.
'What you B they/ have/ abreak/ while/ they/ play/
5 did do / wereyou doingat eleven
'l football/ ?
o'clocklastnight?' slept/ wassleeping.'
6 Thegirlwalked/ waswalkingdownthe street
ltli E the dialoguewith the correctform
whenshesaw/ wasseeing herfriend. of the verbsin brackets.Usethe pastsimpleor
the pastcontinuous.Then listenand check.
Completethe sentences. Usethe pastsimpleor
the pastcontinuousform ofthe verbsin brackets.
1 Whattime ... (youarrive)yesterday?
2 H e . . . ( t a l kt)o t h et e a c h ewr h e nt h eb e l l. . . ( r i n g )
3 W h i l ey o u. . . ( s w i m ). ., ( y o us e e a ) dotphin?
4 She... (notstart)at theschool a monthago.
5 We . (go)to town,.. (have)a coffeeano
... (watch) a film.We . . (nothave)timeto go
6 l t . . . ( s n o wa) n ds h e. . . ( s k i d) o w nt h em o u n t a i n .

Completethe text with the wordsin the box.

Tina ... (1 you enjoy)your holiday?
entered looked opened stayed stole Simon | ... (2 have)agreattime untilI
washolding waslaughingwasrunning ... (3 have)an hccidentand ... (4
waswaiting wasn'tlooking

Brian Turner(l) ... outsidethe Co-Op Bank in Cleveland .. I ... (9 hit)a tree.
one day when a KashSafevan arrived.Two guardsgot -, Tina
Oh, no! What happenedafterthat?
- -- -- rsH]ret tgv qt tvr ]t tql
':: Simon Somepeople... (1Ohelp)me and
out and (2) ... up and down the street.One (3) ... a black
bag.He (4) ... the bank and the otherguard(5) ... by the
van.While the guard(6) ...,Brianranover to the van while| ...(12 wait)to seethe doctors, 7
I l^-r - :F

and (7) ... ablack bag.When the guadnoticed Brian, he :,. I lost my watch!
(8) . . away.But the guard didn't chaseBrian. In fact, the
:i, Tina Poor vorr!
guard(9) ... so muchthat he startedto cry.
WhenBrian got home,he (10) ... the bag.He found
four sandwiches, an appleand two cansof cola.

ondsuPerlutives Completethe table.Checkyour answersin the
Compurutives text.
Readthe text and look at the pictures'Then
Adjective Comparative Superlative
matchthe namesin the box with the peoplein
the Pictures. tall (1) .. thetallest
long longer t h e( 2 ). . .
Ben Chailie Max
curly curlier t h e( 3 ). . .
ntce nrcer t h e( 4 ). . .
thin ( 5 ). . . thethinnest

rlleej iile iarrlilJ outgotng

( 6 ). . .
the mostoutgolng
the (7) ..
( 8 ). .. the best
bad WOTSC the (9) . .

Write comParative sentences.

cycling / waiking(fast)
Cyc!it:gls ,fusfa," thon v'ralking.
1 a r i v e r /a s t r e a m
2 a mile/ a kilometre (far)
3 English / Chinese (easy)
4 playing football / watching TV (tiring)
5 Charlle/ Ben(fat)
6 thisbook/ thatbook(good)
Completethe sentences with the superlativeform
ofthe adiectivesin brackets.
1 Whichis ... month? (short)
2 lt was42'Cyesterday, ... dayof the year'(hot)
3 He's. . personthatI know.(interesting)
4 .. earthquakewasin 1988. (bad)
5 Whichsportdo Youfind...?(easY)
My nameis Benand I've$ot two brotherscd.lled Rewritethe sentences usingnot as "' as and the
Maxand Charlie. adiectivesin the box.
I'm tallerandthinnerthan Charlie, but l'm not
as tall as Max.I've$ot the lon$esthair but good cheap old slow generess nolsy
Charlie's hair is the curliest.
Charlieis more out€oin$than Max,but he's thanLuke
--:,"4 '
alsovery lazy.ln fact,I think he'sthe laziestin my i::: , cs Q2l1t;;;'. -: ":'
family.l'm the nicest,of course!I'm alsosportier 1 Tanyarsyoungerthanherbrother'
than MaxandCharlie. 2 thanthecity'
Maxisn'tas fashionableas me andCharlie'
3 An MP3playerismoreexpensivethana CD player
He'sdefinitelythe most hard-workingand exam
4 Themathsexamwasworsethanthe English
than me in exams,and he will $o the furthest' 5 thanthebus'
Charlie€etsthe worst marks becausehe never t#- {?'€"-;zt;T
:j'*.{r,ri',r{,ztJ*'}.?-E **
t::aj7 *'!i:!j* TF1{:

G g T ' T $ h € Gg Y A R T € &
Learning into your language.
Thencoverone set of wordsand test yourself.
Write the wordsin the box on the correct
notebookpage.Somewordscan go in morethan
one group.
side and a translationon the other. C r one side with
ra piece of paper and test yourself.Then do it the other
, way round.

r At school
do thewashingup friendlycomedy r to chut in an exam
turnon/ off makedinner moody r to passan exam
turnup/ down documentaryturnover r to fail dn oxam
screen fashionableimoatient makea mistake
r to revisofor a toet
realityshow makea phonecall bookcase to havaa bruK
sink makethebed pessimistic makefriends r

dostibo Matchverbs1-6 with definitionsa-f.

,ooPlo note down what comesafter a verb
{or elample a noun, a preposition,a direct
re:ihgfoimsf a verb dr a to infinitive.

1 to argue a somethingto someone

2 to lend b doingsomething
3 to borrow c of (doing)
f Thohouso 4 to be scared d about(doing)something
r 5
to afford
ro carryon
f somethingfromsomeone
r F Television
gtr for the verbsin
Write examplesentences
3.Writetwo sbntences
if necessary.
r ,:r.r,,::f.qtl} new wordSand expressions.

Expressio ague
r or rj*
n6 wtth :z*
t:.:, My brolher a/waysagues aboul pol;hcs.

r I aryuedw|h my ^olLe, aboul t;dying my room.
/ ,;.

. Lookat the photosandthink of threethings

that your bodydoeswhen you arefrightened.
Readthe text quicklyand checkyour ideas.

lmagineyou'reat the front by somethingyou did not expect'Thisis

of a hugerollercoaster,lt hasiust ' usuallyoverin seconds, as soonas your brainhas
climbedto thetop of the track.Thereis realisedthat there is no danger.
a steepdrop and everythingon the Haveyou evermet anyonewith a phobia?Aphobiais
groundseemstiny.Youhold on to the
when you havea very strongfearof a particularthing.
handrail.Your handssweatand your heaft 'r Somepeoplehavea phobiaaboutwateror flying'for
racesas you wait for the terrifyingride example.Often,the fearis of somethingwhich is not
d6Wn.Youknow what is about to happen evendangerous.The fearis so intenseand irrational
.andthere'snothingyiiu can do to stop it,
that you avoidthe objector situationat all costs.In
-' some cases,a phobiacompletelydisruptsyour
Evenif you'veneverbeenon'a roller
' that sudden everydaylife.
coaster,we've all experienced
feelingof fear.Fearis a normalhuman Some people,however,arefearless.They choosethe
reactionthat involvesboth the mind and ' inost frighteningfilms or rides because they find fear
the tells us when there is danger thrilling.So when you'reon a
and preparesus to dealwith the situation' rollercoasterand you're
This is calledthe'fight or flight' reaction ' thinking,'Thisis awful!1
becauseyour body is preparingto fight the personbehindYouis
the dangeror to run and escaPe. :.i, probablythinking,'This
::r,,.::,'is fantastic!I want to
Whenyou'refrightened,your heaft beats
faster,you breathemorequicklyand you ,,:,l", have another go!'
sweat to keepyour
bodycool.Your body
stayslikethis until
the braintells it
that it is safeto
be very brief,
when you are
Readthe text and matchthe €s€rsme
Vocabularg mdjm*tiwe*
headings a-f with the paragraphs
Thereis one headingyou do not need. Matchthe adjectives1-10with the extremeadjectivesa-j.
Checkanswers1-6 in the text.
First,choosethe answers. 1 big a thrilling
matchthe headingthat you 2 small b fantastic
It should not match any
3 frightening c freezing
4 exciting d astonishing
a Thrillseekers 5 bad e tiny
b Typicalfears 6 good f exhausting
c No going back 7 interesting g nuge
d An extreme fear B tiring h awful
e Whathappens to yourbody? 9 cold i terrifying
f Whatisfear? 10 surprising j fascinating

Readthe text againand answerthe Readthe sentences and choosethe correctanswer.

questions.Useyour own wordsas 1 | couldn'twatchthefilmbecause it wassoterrifying/ fascinating.
muchas possible. 2 Therestaurant wasawful/ astonishing. I couldn'teatanything.
1 Whyissuddenfeara usefulreaction? 3 We'vefounda fascinating / tiny'sgreat.
2 Whatdoesour bodygetreadyto do 4 Flyingforthefirsttimewasa fantastic / tiny experience.
in resoonseto suddenfear? 5 Peopledo extreme sportsbecause theyarefascinating / thrilling.
3 Whydo you sweatwhenyouare 6 Thespiderwasso huge/ tinythatwe couldhardlyseeit.
frightened? 7 Themarathon wasexhausting / terrifying.
4 Whendoesyourbodystartto relax B Wecouldn'tbelieve theastonishing / freezing news.
5 In whatwayisa phobiadifferent Completethe sentences with an extremeadjectivefrom
fromnormalfear? exercise5. Theremay be morethan one correctanswer.
6 Howcana phobiaaffectyour 1 R i d i nogn r o l l ecr o a s t eirss. . . .
everydayactivities? 2 Areyouafraidof . . insects?
7 Whydo somepeoplewantto 3 | thinkit is ... to travelandlearnaboutothercultures
exoeriencefear? 4 Having a lotof exams is ... . (
5 l'vejustreadthe most. . book.
Readthe text againand find the 6 M y b r o t h ef ri n d sh o r r ofri l m s. . . ,b u t| f i n dt h e m. . . .
oppositesof thesewordsand 7 S p e a k i nEgn g l i sahl lt h et i m ei s . . . .
expressions. B /t's... to hearaboutsomepeople's fears.
let goof (paragraph1) holdon to
1 gradual (paragraph2) it58Rt{*0$tr
2 unusual (paragraph2)
3 long(paragraph 3)
4 logical (paragraph
4) 1 Whatareyouafraidof?Why?
5 afraid (paragraph
5) 2 Whydo youthinkthat peoplegetphobias?
3 Whatcanpeople
doto helptheirphobias?

Present Matchthe presentperfectsentences and
questionswith the correctuse:A, B or C.
.:, Lookat the noticeboardandanswerthe questions.
1 | haven't decidedyet.
1 Doyouthinkthatsports clubsarean important part
2 | haven't playedit before
of schoollife?Why?/ Whynot? 3 Howlonghaveyouplayedit?
2 Whichsports clubscanyoujoinat yourschool? 4 l'veplayedit for two years.
3 Haveyoueverbeena member of anyof them? 5 l'vewatched it on TV sinceI waseight.
Whichones? you
6 Have evertriedbasketball?
4 Do youthinkthatpeoplewerefitterin the pastthan 7 I'veplayed it several times.
theyaretoday?Why?/ Whynot? B l ' v ej u s th a da b r i l l r a n
i dt e a .
9 l'vealready joined theswimming club.
e.rk" 10 l'veneverbeenin a swimming pool.

$',' q-' Completethe dialoguewith the present
perfectform ofthe verbs.Then listenand check.
Mondays 4p.m.
in the gym

a Listento two studentstalkingaboutsports

true or false?Explainyour
clubs.Are the sentences

1 Robdoesn'tknowwhichclubto join.
2 Kateenjoysplaying
3 Shehasplayedtennisforeightyears.
4 Robhasnever playedbasketball.
5 Kateisalready
a member of theswimming club.
6 Robhasbeenin a swimming poolseveral

.t:,:Canyou rememberhow we form the present

perfecttense? , . A Phew!... we ... (1 finish)yet?
. : B Nearly!Areyou OK?You ... (2 not do) much
r':Readthe rules. :. spinningbefore,haveyou?
' , A No, it's the first time I ... (3 ever/ do) it!
' : B | ...(4 not see)you at the gym before.How
long ... (5 you I be)a member?
A | ... (6 just/ join),so | ... (7 be)a memberfo[
e4 two days.How aboutyou?
B I first came to the gym two yearsago
becauseI wantedto get fit. | ... (8 do)
spinningeveryweek for a year.Anyway,I
hope you ... (9 enjoy)yourseff.See you again
j (without a specifictime reference),often with next week!
A Maybe!
i i ever,neveror before.

ttNlT I
Present orpastsimple? Completethe sentences with the presentperfect
or pastsimpleof the verbsin brackets.
Lookat thesesentences from exercise6. ls each
1 We ... (already / play)tennistwicethisweek.
sentencepresentperfector pastsimple?
2 Sally.. (go) to thegymlastnight.
1 | haven'tseenyouat the gymbefore.
3 | . . . ( n o tl e a r nt)o s w i mw h e nI w a sa c h i l d .
2 I firstcameto the gymtwo yearsago.
4 .. (Dave/ win)the matchyet?
3 l'vedonespinning everyweekfora year.
5 Sarah...(never/ ride)a horsebefore.
Completethe rules with presentpertect andpast 6 When. . (you/ join)the swimming club?

We usethe ... to talk abouta completedaction

which happenedat a finishedtime in the past. . Completethe text with the presentperfect
We usethe ... to connectthe pastwith the or pastsimpleform of the verbsin brackets.Then
present. listenand check.

Completethe table with the time expressions

the box.

(not)yet yesterdaylastweek just on Friday

two monthsago never before whenI wasten
already in 2001 sincemybirthday for a year

Completethe sentences with a time expression.

1 We've... donethislesson.
2 W ed i dt h i sl e s s o.n. . .
3 Wehaven't donethislesson ...

Choosethe correctanswer.
My parents neverdid / haveneverdoneanv
exercise before.
Howoftendid yougo / haveyou beento the Talkabout:
gymlastmonth? . a frighteningexperiencethat you havehad
Didyoueverbreak/ Haveyou everbroken . the mostastonishing thingthat you haveeverseen
yourleg? . the mostexhausting thingthat you haveeverdone
My brotherbroke/ 's brokenhislegtwicewhen 'Haveyou
everhad a frighteningexperience?'
hewaslittle. 'Yes,
I have.'
5 I just hurt / 'vejusthurt myfoot.Help! 'What
'Didyou 'Lastyear,
6 evergo / Haveyoueverbeento London?' I wentto ...'
we went/ 've beentherethreeyearsago.'
I Wedidn'tfinish/ haven't finishedourhomework
vet. sffismET?fiffi
B She's lived/ livedin London since2005. ISGffi$iSffifiFl

Fsa€s Readthe descriptionand choosethe correct
vocabulurg answer.
Completethe table with the wordsin the box' | (1)am / feelterrible.
morningand(2) hurt / brokemyhead' '
elbow toe stomachchin thigh ankle back (3)twisted/ brokemy(a)ankle/ thumb l don't
chest wrist throat cheek fih-gerknee to walk
thinkl've(5)hurt/ brokenit,butit'sdiffrcult
thumb waist forehead on it. l'vealsohada (6)sorethroat/ headache since
I fell.

,oa Listento four differentsituationsand choose

the correctanswers.

Listening #emEeEe
Completethe healthproblemsa-d with phrases Whatrsthe matterwithAlison?
1-4. a She'sgota stomach-acheanda headache
1 lfeel 2 I've 3 l'vegot 4 mY b She'sgota stomach-acheandshefeelssick'
c She'sgota headache anda brokenankle'
a ... a sorethroat
a headachea stomach-ache Fionacan'toPenthedoorbecause'
a temPeraturetoothache a she'sbroken herwristandherleg'
b she'stwistedherwristandherleg'
b ... brokencut my ankle arm finger herwristandherthumb'
c she'sbroken
NUTT knee thumb
Whatisthe matterwithJoe?
a He'sgota headache.
c l've sprainedtwisted ankle wrist
b He'sgota sorethroatandhefeelssick'
c He'sgota temperatureanda sorethroat'
d ... awful sick terrible Howmanythingsarewrongwith Chris?
a Two b Three c Four.
a Lookat the picture.What do you think he is
saying?Matchthe labelsa-f with someof the Listenagainand look at the pictures'Whichof
from exercise3.Thenlistenand check'
expressions the situations1-4 do theYmatch?


srl dislihes

Readthe dialoguea$ainand underlinethe eight

adjebtiveswhich describefood. Canyou think of
four more adiectivesto describefood?

Whichfood do you like / dislike?Explainwhy' Use

Lookat the photos.Thencompletethe dialogue
the verbsfrom exercise3 and the adiectivesfrom
with the namesof the food.
exercise4 to helPYou.

Mmm! lreally like'sdelicious.I've Two studentsaretalkingaboutopenin$a

likedit sincelwas a child. snackbar at school.Listenand readthe dialogue'
B Haveyou? | hate it. What doesJanewant to sell?WhY?
A Why? I think it's tastY.
B I can't stand spicy food. I've neverliked it' I
don't like (1) ... either.I'vealwaysthought Jim I think we should just sellchipsand
fried food is reallYunhealthY. chocolate.Everyonelovesthem.
A What about (2\ .'.? I've iust learnedhow to Jane But don't you think that that's unhealthy?
make it. Do You like it? PerhaPswe should sellfruit,too.
B Oh, yes. I love all kinds of Pasta. Jim I suppose so, but that seemsa bit boring'
A So do l. And I eat a lot of (3) ... . lt's very I've alwaYsPref6rredchocolate'
healthyand I preferit to vegetables. Jane How about selling unusualkinds of fruit
B What about desserts?That (4) ... looks such as pineapp[e?I've just startedto eat
gorgeous. mangoes,too.
A Mmm, I adore desserts,but I don't eat them Jim OK, but we must sell chocolateas well'
very often.TheY'retoo fattening!
Work in pairs.Youare Boingto opena snackbar at
your school.Youneedto decide:
Listenand check.Listenagainand repeat' . whatkindsof food/ drinkto sellandwhy
. whatpricesto charge
Completethe table with the bold wordsin the . whereto outthe snackbar
dialogue. . whenit willoPen
Practiseyour dialo$ue.Usethe bold expressions
from the dialo$uein exercise6 to helpyou'


flninformol letter againand answer
@ neaOAnna's
letter and answerthe questions.
@ neaOthe an informal letter?
1 WhendidAnnalasthear
fromKatY? 1 Howdo we oeglnandend
to Anna? to includean address?
2 ls it necessary
2 WhathashaPPened ^ o'
where did it haPPent , Oo.sAnnausually uselongforms(i am'l have)
3 When and
WhY? contractionsU'm' I've)?
4 HowisAnnafeeling? insteadof veryor reoll;-'
5 WhatdoesAnnawant
KatYto do? 4 WhatworddoesAnnause
thattell ustha:
5 Canyoufrndanyother
$h APnl Annaiswritingto a friend?

Phrmses a-f'
the functions1-6 with the
@ t,tatctr
1' symPathising
2 changing the sub-lect
3 thanking someone for writing
4 endinga letter
5 explaining whYYouarewritin$
t) apologisingfor notwriting

a AnYwaY'
youknowmy news'
I l'm iustwritingto let
youmy plans'
Thisisiusta quicknoteto tell
' rr : ' ' -'
' +tot lt5)trv"-t
can't walk
: Thankyouverymuch
' laoe lo hea' ftot You Thanks for writing'
f\n)/wdy, "-r
d I wassorryto nearabout
Wnie soon' sadto hearYournews'
Lols o{ love greatto hearfromyou'
Anna HoPeto seeYbusoon
f l'm sorryI haven'twrittenfor ages'
SorryI naven'twritten' but I'vebeenreallybusy
that he /she
I friend haswritten to let you know
@ Write a letter to cheer
hasfailed someexams'
him /her uP' Remember
' saYthankYoufor the letter
' sympathise withwhathashappeneo
' makesomesuggestions to cheerhim/herup
' tell him/hersomenewsof Yourown
' includesomeextreme adjecttves
' useinformallanguage contractions

tt3*H+{e$fi*g 13
Whendo Americanscelebratethesespecialdays? Are the sentences true or false?Explain
Choosethe correctanswer. your answers.
1 lndependence Day:4 June/ 4 July/4 August 1 MardiGrasoriginates in France.
2 Columbus Day:thesecond Mondayin August/ 2 March17isimportantfor lrishimmigrants.
September / Octooer 3 Americans havecelebrated Independence DaVfor
3 ThanksgivingDay:thefourthWednesday / morethan400years.
Thursday/ Fridayin November 4 Columbus Daycommemorates thebirthof
Christopher Columbus.
Readthe text quicklyand checkyour answers.
5 Thanksgiving isa familyoccasion.
6 NativeAmericans killedmanyof thePilgrims who
a r r i v eidn 1 6 2 1 .

Whichfestivalsdo youcelebratewithyour
ii:*::.:*:;: '::'*::::+.1**I*;:=*:l liC ".Z::ri:.i family?
It is February andtherearehugeparadesto celebrateMardiGras. 2 Whatfoodistraditionalat thesetimes?
However, despitethe Frenchname,thesecelebrations arenot
takingplacein France.They are,in fact,in NewOrleansin the 3 Whichcelebrations wouldyoumissmostif
southofthe USA. youlivedin anothercountry? Why?
TheUSA is a multiculturalsocietv. Allthe different
nationalities whohaveemigrated theiehavecontinuecltraditions
f romtheircountryof origin.The festivalof MardiGras,for
example, comesf romthe Frenchimmigrants whofirst
settled in NewOrleansin 1840. lrishAmericans
havealwayscelebrated on theirnationaldav,17 e*Ea*mhacs *ay
March,There arehundreds o'fdifferentcelebrations
all overthe USA,andtheyarea reminder Columbus Dayis a national holiday
in theUSA andin manyother
ofthe partsof celebrates
historyand originsoftheAmerican people. the discoveryof Americaby
Christopher Columbus on 12October,l4g2.Although most
countries celebrate '12
it on October, in the USA the national
holidaytakesplaceonthe secondMondayin October.
Thanksgiving Dayis
in November. Many
peoplehavea four-
dayweekend, and
longdistances to
Thanksgiving ',:"'!t!
since1621, theyear
t afterthePilgrims
:: tz ::,::;*'*. :i ;: * = -:: :...':.*.
; arrivedin Massachusetts. After a terriblewinter,in whichnearlv
Independence Dayhasbeencelebrated in America haliof the Pilgrimsdied,theyturnedfor helpto the Native
since1776. Inthat year,thethirteencoloniesof North
Americasignedthe Declaration of Independence,
Thismeantthattheywereno longerunderBritish
control,andtheywerean independent country.This
declaration, whichmarked thebirthoftheUSA,is
celebrated everyyearwitha nationalholidayon 4
July,lt is a dayof picnics,parades andflyingtheflag.

L$N*Y ! !.tt -li


&. :rj'

Lookat the photoand the first para$raphof

the text. Discussthe questions'Then readthe
restof the text qulcklyand checkyour ideas"
1 Whatdo yoLttlrinkishappening? Why? *d

2 V/hatr,niould if theywereat school?

be different i
', !':'
,.'t .'. + -.

i 1i
t t i s 9 . 1 5a . m . o n M o n d a y a n d t h i r t e e n - y e a r - o l d
gat e, has iust started school for the day' However'
is in the room
rf.t*ftu= noi l.ft her house,her rnum
if't.t" are only three other s t u d e n ts in the class'
" n aJ a n e , h e r y o u n g e r s i s t e r , a n d t w o f r i e n d s ' a r e a l l
with Mrs Baker
h o m e s c h o o l e d .T h e y l e a r n a t l r o r n e
unJ tn"v do n o t g o t o s c h o o l ' O u t a n d About reporter'
L a u r a H a r u i s o n ,v i s i t e d J a n e t o f i n d o u t
of fourand
L a u r a E n g l i s hc h i l d r e nb e t w e e nt h e a g e s
t o t o s c h o o l ' Y o u p
r a r e n t s arebreaking
1 0 s i x t e e nh a v e E o
tlrelaw, a r e n ' tt h e Y ?
t h e i r k i d sf r o m
J u n u t t " , t h e y a r e n ' t 'P a r e n t sc a n r e m o v e
s c h o o la t a n yt l m e a n c le d u c a t e i h e m a t h o m e T h e yd o n ' t
t o c l o t h i s ' M y p a r e n t sd e c i d e dt o
h a v et o g e t p e r m i s s i o n
1s homeschool m e w h e n o u r t i n y v i l l a g e s c h o o cl l o s e dd o w n '
f r o m h o n r ea n d
i h a c lt o g o t o a h u g e p r i m a r ys c h o o lm i l e s
i n t r o v e r t e dM ' y
I h a t e di t . I b e c a n r er e a l l ym i s e r a b l ea n c
s c h o o li n o u r a r e a 'e ither'
p a r e n t sc l i c l n 'l ti k et h e s e c o n c l a r y
L u u r u C a n y o u s t u d yw l r a t e v e r y o u l i k e ?
or a fixed
z o J a n e Y o u d o n ' t h a v s t o f o l l o wa c u r r i c u l u m
timetable, b u t m y m u m h a s c l e c i c l e tdo f o l l o wo n e 'S h e ' s
h o u r so {
i e a l l yo r g a n i s e cal n c lw e h a v et h r e e i n t e n s i v e
l e s s o n si n t h e m o r n i n ga n d t h e n l e s s s t r u c t u r e dl e s s o n s
i r r t h e a f t e r n o o n W ' e ' r ea l l d o i n g
l i k ea r t , d r a m aa n d m u ; i c
I m i g h tt a k e m y G C S E s a y e a re arly'
z s r e a l l yw e l l a n c l
l-aura l s y o u r m u m a q r - r a l i f i et e
d a c h e r ? .
d o n ' th a v e
J a n e S h e i s , b u t s h e d o e s n ' th a v et o b e ' Y o u
q u a l i f i c a t i o nt o homeschool
t o h a v ea d e g r e eo r t e a c l r i n g
y o u rk i d s .
L u u t u D o y o u l r a v ea l o t o f r u l e s ?
J a n e W e h a v es o m e r u l e s ,b u t n o t l i k ea t s c h o o l ' W e
s o m e t hlng
r i f o * " 0 t o w a t c h T V i n t h e d a y u n l e s st h e r e ' s
r e l e v a n to n .W e h a v et o c l oh o m e w o r k , t o o '
L a u r a D o n ' t Y o ug e t l o n e l Y ?
thinkI'm a bit
; h . , ; ,t " l ; v eg o t f r i e n c l st h e r e 'S o m e o f t i r e m
I ' m q u i t ec o o l l begin at home!
o d c ln o t g o i n gt o s c n o o l ,b u t o t h e r st h i n k

@ *e the sentences true or false? Vocubulorr;

Explain your answers.
1 lt isobligatory
for Englishchildren
to Matchthe words1-6 with the definitionsa-f. Checktheir
goto school. meaningsin the text if necessary.
2 JaneBakerIeftschoolbecause she 1 primaryschool 4 timetable
didn'tfeelhappy. 2 secondaryschool 5 GCSEs
3 Shechooses the lessonsthatshe 3 curriculum 6 degree
wantsto do eachday. a theexams English
children usually
takeat sixteen
4 Onlyteachers canteachchildren at b the subjectsthata school,collegeor university
nome. c yougetthisif yousuccessfullycomplete a courseat university
5 Janeseesfriendsafterherclasses. d yougo herebetween the agesoffourandeleven
6 Homeschooling isillegal
in some e thistellsyouwhenyouhavecertainsubjects in a week
countrres. f yougo herebetween the agesof elevenandeighteen, butyou
canleaveat stxteen
Readthe text againand answerthe
questions.Useyour own wordsas Choosethe correctanswer.
muchas possible. 1 to present/ sit an exam= to takean exam
1 Findthreereasons whyJane's 2 to pass/ approve an exam= to be successfulin an exam
parents decided to homeschool her. 3 tofail / suspend =
an exam to be unsuccessful in an exam
2 Howdo we knowthatMrsBaker 4 to resit/ remakean exam= to takean examagain
takeshomeschooling veryseriously? 5 to gethighnotes/ marksin a subject= to do wellin a subject
3 In whatwayisJane's afternoon 6 to get/ approve a degree= to passyourfinaluniversityexams
differentfromthe morning?
4 Howdo we knowthat Completethe sentences with wordsfrom exercises 5 and 6.
homeschooling isgoodfor Jane? 1 My sisterwantsto goto university
to do a ... in law
5 WhatdoesJanedo whichstudents 2 Thatexamwasreally l'msureI'mgoingto ... it.
do at school,
too? 3 lessonhavewe gotnow?''lt sayson the ... thatit'sart.'
6 Whyis it important f.orJaneto do 4 Youcanleave... afteryoutakeyourGCSEs.
otheractivities? 5 lf youdon'tpassyourEnglishexam,youcan... it in thesummer.
6 Emmaisgoodat maths. Shealways getsveryhigh... .
Findwordsor expressions in the text 'qjii:*.+{s{:*ii
which matchthesedefinitions. P€E*Es;$.}*
1 to do something prohibited
(line1 s1 - 1 2 )
2 authorisation (lines15)
3 t o s h u t( l i n e1 6 ) Thinkof threeadvantagesandthree
disadvantagesof beinghomeschooled.
4 extremely unhappy (line1B)
Wouldyouliketo be homeschooled?
5 connected (lines28-34) Why?/ Whynot?
6 unusual (lines 37-38)
'Wehaveto standuPwhenan adult
IllodulveTbs comesin, whateverwe'redoin$''
P a u l ,1 6

Readthe web pageand answerthe At myschool'Youaren'tallowedto
partof herlesson? write'inpencil'Youhaveto write in
1 Whohadto sitin the cornerfor Sarah,15
penand if Youmakea mistake, You
2 Whoisn'tallowedto sitwhereverhe likes? 'have
to crossit out onceusinga
3 Whowearsnerownclothesto school? ruler!'
the classroom?
4 Whohasto standwhena teacherenters 'Wearen'tallowedto stayinsideat
breaktime evenif it's raining'We
haveto standoutsideandsometimes
we getreallYcoldandwet.'
'l don't haveto wearuniformto
school.I'm allowedto wearcasual
clothes,but I mustn'twearany
For example' at a clotheswith a designernameon
secondaryschoolin them.'
London,Yawnin$isn't 'LastweekI wasleaningbackon two
alt d in class.
Anyone who Yawns legsof mYchair.MYteachersaidto
'Vo,hutt sit in the cornerfor the
more than three ,n".,
times in a lessonhas reii of tfre lesson.'I felt reallystupid!'
to stand outside the 'l Eoto a mixedschooland boYsare
aliowedto talkto girlsat breaktime'
Does Your school have but we mustn'tsit nextto $irlsin
any strange rules? lessons!'
Email us and tell us!

Then Choosethe correctanswer'

ReadPaul'sand Charlotte'sstoriesa$ain' andshemustn't
to' 1 Clareisverygoodat languages
completethe ruleswith musf ot hove
doesn'thaveto workhard'
2 Harrymust/ mustn'tconcentratemorein class
3 Youareallowedto / haveto leaveschool
don't haveto / haveto study
4 Britishchildren
ReadHelen'sstory again'Then complete
the rules 5 Youmustn't/ don'thaveto copyAnna's
in class'
with mustn'tot don't haveto' 6 My sisterhasto / isn'tallowedto eat

We use ... when it is prohib-itedto-do sgmethin$' Completethe text with modalverbsfor

W; ... wfren it is not necessaryto do obli$ationand necessitY'
"t" so I likemyschoolbecause we (1)
somethinSl. I hateuniforms,
wearone.We(2) ." wearanything' Well'almost
a$ain'Then - we (3) ... cometo schoolin hoodedtops
ReadSarah's,Luke'sand Jamie'sstories anyihing
or be not
completethe ruleswith be allowedto or baseball caps.
I don'tlivenearschool, so l (4) "' catchthe busever
ollowed to.
I (5) '
day.I'dliketo cycte,but my parentssaythat
We use he (not) allowedto to ex.plainrules' passmYProficiencY testfirst'
by a rule'
We use ... when somethingis permitted
by a rule'
We use ... when somethingis prohibited

IIlOdOl Vef bS F**aEfuiEi\zt
*t{,2i1 'li,i tvtatctr
i;'E{'-i#it='7tz?} thesentences
Useone explanationthreetimes.
u*1 Lirt"n and readthe dialogue.Are sentences 1 | mightstudyEnglish
at university.
1-4 true or false?Explainyour answers. 2 Timmustbeverytired.He'syawning.
3 Youmaypassyourexams.
4 lt couldraintomorrow.
5 Thatcan'tbe Lucy.Sheisn'theretoday.
a Thisisimpossible.
b Thisispossible.
c Thisissomething
thatwe aresureistrue.

Rewritethe sentenceswith may, might, could, must

or con't.Theremay be more than one correctanswer.
It'soossible thatMarkwilltrainto be a teacher.
Markn:iEirftrain ta be a teocher.
1 lt'simpossible thatthesetrainers aremine,These
t r a i n e r.s. .
2 lt'spossible thatyou'llhavea lot of homework.
3 l'm certainthatJakeandAndrewarebrothers. Jake...
4 lt'spossible thatwe'llplaytennisafterschool.
We ...
It must be in heresomewhere,Miss.I '.j:=-:=*-,*E2c3*.'e"E*,Tr-
put it in my bag this morning.
Glare It may be on the bus, Harry. 'lll,lil= a Completethe dialoguewith the verbsin the
Harry No,' didn't open my bag on box.Then listenand check.
the bus. ( t \ r l v
Teacher Harry isn'tyour bag black? 'm
mustn'tbe mustbe in not'allowed
to can'tbe
Harry Yes,it is. Why? mustgo coulds{ll be don'thaveto h14to
Teacher Well,that bag is blue, can't be
your bag! ':'''::"'' :
. . . . - I wonderwnere'tuaf ise'
1 Harryhasbroughthishomework. Come on, there'sno oh{ih. l&,go.
2 Harrywalksto school Bqt she (l)'*Yl I'alivayscallfor her at 8.00a.m.
3 lt'spossible
thatHarryopenedhisbagonthe bus. I silripbC6that she (2) ... in bed. Her bedroom
4 Harry'shomework isin a blackbag. curtainsare closed.
No, she (3) ... . She gets-upreallyearlyin the
' '
:ir Readthe rulesand the examplesentences. morning.
B Anyway,we (+)1.-'biwe'llmissthe bus.
We usemayto talk about possibility. We can A It's OK. We have plentyof time. We (5) ... hurry.
usemight and could in the sameway. B Well,| (6) ... latefor school.WhenI'm late,
| (7) ... do extrahomework.| (8) ... playfootball.
And l/ove football.
We usemusfwhen we are surethat something i
Stop talkingand hurryup!There'sthe bus!
is true andcan'twhen somethingis impossible.
Deduction Reason t:{:{.}7
*{,ryi*#€T,T.TE"&{.z|:*V Z.*Z
It must be in here + Harry put his
ffi*ffii€S*iJH i4
somewhere. homeworkin hisbag.
It can't be your bag! t Horry's bag is black.

Vocobulurg r:tri'.*"izT.*-
Matchthe pairsof wordsto makecompound
nounsfor Pictures1-10.
1 :-r,,':t t: t.ti.ei i-ir.ltliil.1^


l. : ...'

10 1

tootn 0ryer
trn water
alarm brush
make-up -opener Listening=r'€zz=i
raptop player
Listento someonetalkingaboutan
hair bag
experimentor$anisedby a TV companyand
tap clocK
comPletethe notes.
eemButer JUg
MP3 gaffies Rememberto read the
water computer

lma$inethat you haveto surviveon a desert

island.What would/wouldn'tyou missand why?
Completethe table with compoundnounsfrom

. Listento four teenaSerstalkingabouttheir

experiences on the desertisland'What were
their iobs?
{?g .. " Listenagain,then matchthe speakers
with the summariesof the experience a-d'
a lt wasdifficultto forgetthe modernworld'
b lt wassometimes difficultto feelpartof the
c lt wasa reallearning
d lt wassomething thatI don'twantto repeat'
In pairs,compareYourlists'

s..r&{xY' 2
Two peoplearetalkingaboutsomesigns.Read
the sentences and put the dialo$ueinto the
Lookat the photoand completethe dialogue correctorder.
with the wordsin the box.
A You meanthat you mustn't leavethem
There think sure don't agree that
1 A I think that this sign meansthat you
aren'tallowedto havefires.
A That' meansthat you haveto
wait before you cross the road.
B I disagree.I think that it meansthat
you're allowedto havefires, but you
must put them out afterwards.
B Yes, I agree.
B Yes,that's right. Now,what about this
A Whaton earthis (1)...?
B l'm not (2) ... .lt can'tbe a CD player
becauseit isn'tsqLtare. Listenand check.Listena$ainand repeat.
A | (3) ... . lt mightbe a laptopcomputer.
B No, I (4) ... thinkso. A laptopis Listento the dialogueagain.Whichof the
couldbe a mobilephone. signsa-i arethey talkingabout?
A But (5)... aren'tany numberson it. lt may be
a radio.
B | (6)...that it'stoo smallfora must
be an MP3 player.

Listenand check.Listenagainand repeat.

In pairs,makedeductionsaboutthe itemsin the

. usemay,might,could,mustor can't
. grveyourreasons
. usethedialoguefromexercise1 asa model

In pairs,discussthe meaningsof the restof thl

signsfrom exercise6. Rememberto usemust,
mustn't,hoveto or be (not) allowedto. Usethe
dialoguefrom exercise4 as a model.


fln emailpuncrunrion
@ neadthe text. Then rewrite it with the correct
punctuation.Think about: capitalletters,full

1 October 3:44 pm
To: Gabriele

hi gabriele
as you can see in the photo i haveto wear uniformto
schoeloyou dont haveto when you come to schoolwith
me but you must bring some darkclothesgyou arent
allowedto*vear.jeansand you shouldntwear anything
too casual

seeyou soon ':.' ' :, ,'

| ,.,j " i'

@ lmaginethat yoq havean Englishpenfriend

@ Wftt do you think Juliahaswritten this advice? is comingto staywith you.Thinkof useful
Choosefrom reasonsa-c. informationfor the visit.Makenotesabout:
a A newpersonisstarting at herschool. thingsto bring
b An exchange studentiscomingto staywith her. thingsto knowaboutyourschool
c Sheisgoingto visita friendin Germany. thingsto knowaboutyourtimetable
thingsto knowaboutyourroutine
@ loot at the text and timetableagainand answerthe
questions. O Useyour notesto write someadviceto your
1 WhichfourthingsdoesJuliatellGabriele to bring?
Why? penfriend.Rememberto:
2 Whatdoesn'tGabriele haveto bring?Why? . usemust,mustn't,haveto,don'thave
3 Whichtwo thingsisn'tGabriele allowedto wearat be (not)allowedto,shouldandshouldn,t
school? explainyourreasons
4 Whatisthe lastlesson on Mondays? includea timetableif youwish
5 Whichlesson do the girls
havebefore luncnon checkyourpunctuation
Readthreeteenagers'commentsabouttheir jobs.
Amy works in a fast food
Whichjobsdo youthink they do? restaurant on Saturdays. She has
1 alwayshaveto befriendlyto thecustomers. to get there for ten o'clock in the
'You morning, and she works for
2 haveto getup earlyeverymorning.'
'You seven hours. 'Sometimes we
3 haveto be carefulbecausehotfoodcan0e have tovrork very hard,' she
dangerous.' says, :,andwe have to be careful
in the kitchen because working
Readthe texts quicklyand checkyour answers. wi-t!-hot food can be dangerous.
But it'Srnever boring here.'
Findthe nameof the teenagerandthe job he/ shedoes.

In the UK, two million childrenaged The pay isn'tvery good, but you don't Dan started
between ten and sixteen have part- haveto haveany specialqualifications. working in a
time jobs.They usually*,ravea Since2004,there has beena national supermarket three
'Salur{ay jobi
working for about m i n i m u mw a g eo f C 3 . 3 0p e r h o u rf o r weeks ago. ''Ftwe
seven.hours: Some also work one or, sixteen-to seventeen-year-olds in the earnirry:,ihotrrey.l'
two 6virnings a week, but it is not U K .E m p l o y e r sm u s t n o t p a yy o u he.s'ays 'I have to
easy wl, enthey are at school and they less.There
is no minimum work quite hard
haveto do thOir homework as well. wageprotection for and I always have
For most jobs,you haveto be at least children
undertheage to be friendly to the
sixteen.Childrenunderfourteencan of sixteen. customers,lout.that's OK. The onty
sometimeswork - for example,in jobs probleir is-that it isn't very exciting. I
suchas actingin films or onTV.Ghl#rih have to do the same thing every day.'
haveto get a performancelicence
which allowsthem to do thesejobs, Mark is one of the many British
Fromthe age of thirleen,Britishchildren schoolchildren rinder.fuurteea who
can also do paper rounds.They-lra\re{o* deLivernewspapers before school.
carry-a-h,ugebag of newspape-rson foot He.has-to-be at..t:henewsagent's by
orbybiG. severr olc]gek..rI'dontt-mind"getting
Most teenagerswho work, and who are up early to do it,' he says, 'but I'm
sixteeno+4der, work in a fast food always yawning in classl I don't get paid
restaurantor caf6.Workingin a much -,€&5&-a'ioun*_ but it's good to
supermarketis the nextfavouriteiob. earn some caph. I'rn saving_up for a new

Are the sentences true or false?Explainyour

1 Actorsunderthe ageof fourteenhaveto get
permissionto workontelevision.
2 Themostpopular job amongst teenagersoverstxteen
isworkingin a supermarket.
3 Employers haveto paya certain amountto teenagers
4 Amyfinishes workat fourp.m.
5 Danhasworkedin a supermarket fora month.
6 Markisallowed to startworkanytimebefore school.

''.1.r, ';:
::t:r,:Discussthe questions.Thenreadthe text ,:,::t:,,
Readthe text and put the eventsin order.
andcheckyour ideas. a . . . T h e yp r a c t i s eodnt h e r o r wn.
1 Whatdo youknowaboutJamaica? b . . . J a m a i c asnestu pa w o m e nt' se a m
2 W h a tp r o b l e mcso u l da J a m a i c abno b s l e i g h c FitchandMaloney watched a raceinJama:
teamhave? d ... Stokes became thedriver
e . . . T h e yt o o kp a r ti nt h e i rf i r s O
t lympics
f ... A coach t r a i n etdh e m
g ... Theydecrded to starta bobsleigh team.
h ... Theywentto Austria.

hada surprising
race in Kingston,
likea bobsleigh.Sowhy
therewere severalproblems.

had neverseensnow before.Therewas

alsovery little moneyand nowhereto buy
equipment.Lastly,althougi Jamaicahad produced
plentyof cricket playersand bthletes,.thetewere no

_= Nevertheless, Fitchand Maloneycreateda

team.Theyfoundthneemenfrom the Jamaican
Armyand later got three othensto join therrr The
a Atfirst, somepeopledid notwanttheJamaicanstotakepan I
team tften movedto Austriato learn howto;
the Winter0lympicsin Galgaryin 1988.Theyfelt that the 'beginners'
bobsbiftr. At first, theyfound practisingcold. ft
were makingfun of a seriouscompetitionanda dangeroussport.B,r
was alsovery painful,as.bytheendof thefirbt
bythe time the gameshadstafted,the team hadthousandsof fans
week,theyhadcrashedagainand again.
- I TheJamaicansbeata lot of otherteamsat the games,0n the
_;;Btft a month later, things had staded to last day,they cameseventhin the practiceraces.However,their real
$et better and they hired an Austriancoachto train
raceendedearlyin a spectaculan crash.Thousandsof spectatorsin t
them.Ihe coachchoseDudleyStokesas the driver
stadiumand millionsof TVviewersall aroundthe world werewatchin
becausehe had beenan army helicopterpilot!
Dudley'sexperienceof helicopterswas useful -/ Althoughtheydid not win,this was not the endof Jarnaican
becauseyou needskill and concentration to drive bobsleighing. Theteam hadinspiredJamaicans,and lots moredecide
a bobsleigh;evena smallmistakecanbe extremely to take up the spod. Jamaicanshaveset up otherteams,includinSa
hazardous. women'steam,andtheynowdo verywel!in the 0lympics!
0 Readthe text againand choosethe VocobulurgpffiE€
Findthesewordsin the text and checktheir meanin$s'
1 lt isunusual to havea Jamaican
Completethe table.Whtchtwo can be verbsor nouns?
b o b s l e i gt eha mb e c a u s. e. .
a of theclimate in Jamaica. ath+ete team coach tra+n takepartin fans
b Jamaicans arenotinterested in competltionrace sPectatorstakeup win beat
c Jamaicans do notlikesPort'
2 Stokesbecame thedriverbecause..
a h ec o u l db o b s l e i g h .
b hecouldflY.
c he nevercrashed. Matchthe definitionswith the wordsfrom exercise6'
3 WhentheJamaican the
teamentered 1 someone whotrainsa person or a teamin a sport
Calgary OlymPics, somePeople.. 2 to startdoinga sport
a wereunnappy 3 peoplewho havea favourite sportsperson or team
b madefunof them. 4 someone whoisverYgoodat sPort
c werepleased 5 to compete in theOlympics,forexample
4 OnthefinaldaYof the CalgarY 6 to be successful or race
in a competition
O l y m p i ctsh,eJ a m a l c at ena m. . .
a didn'tfinishthe malnrace. completethe sentences with the other wordsfrom exercise6.
b finished seventh Inthe mainrace. 1 Greece .. Portugal in Euro2004.
c wona me0al. h o l d sa b o u6t 0 , 0 0.0. . .
2 T h es t a d r u m
5 S r n c1e9 8 8b, o b s l e i g h ihnags 3 Theswimmers haveto getup earlyto .. .
0 e c o m.e. . 4 Doyouplayforthe school football'..?
a lesspopular inJamaica. 5 Theathletes wereall nervous at the startof the 100metre
b morepopular inJamaica. 6 W i m b l e d ol sna f a m o utse n n t .s. . .
c lesspoPular allovertheworld.
Ejg#ffi ?7.
Readthe text a$ainand answerthe
questions.UseYourown wordsas
muchas possible.
I Doyouknowanyothereventsat the Winter
1 Whatdiffrculties Olympics?
Maloneyhavebeforetheyformedthe : / . Whichof thesesportsarepopularin youriountry?
team? 3 HaveyoueverdoneanYofthem?
2 Whichsportsarepopular inJamaica?
3 Whydidbobsleighing hurtat first?
4 Whatisit llketo drivea bobsleigh?

Readthe text a$ainand find the

oppositesof thesewords.
1 o b v i o u(sp a r a g r a 1
p )h. . .
2 comfortable (paragraph 3)
3 safe (paragraph 4) ...
4 trivial(paragraph 5) . .
5 ordinary (paragraph 6) ...

tT 3
Readthe rule and the examplesentence'Then
Pastperfect look at the time-lineand answerthe question'

Jenhadgotout ofthes
WhenI reachedthe beach,


L--------1-------'r !

Lookat the photoand answerthe questions'
the beach. b Jengotout ofthe sea
a I reached
1 WhatcanYouseetnthe Photo?
2 Wheredo Youthinkthediveris? the examplesentencewith the past
3 Haveyoueverbeenscuba-diving?
ffi Lookat parts.
Then answerthe question'
in both
4 Wouldyouliketo try it?Why?/ Whynot?
Jenqotout ofthe sea'
the beach,
WhenI reached
Listento Tom'sstoryaboutscuba'divin$'
Put the eventsinto the correctorder' PAST N

ke sure that You read

ir nts a-e before You WhichactionhaPPened first?
a I gotout ofthe sea.
aspossible' b I ranuPthe beach.
a ... Theyranupthe beachasquickly
b ... Jenstarted towardsthe beach'
Readthe sentences and numberthe actions
c ... AndyandTomfollowed Jen. (1, 2) in the orderthat they happened'
d ... Theyrealised it wasa dolphin'
cave' we wentout.
1a WhenJenarrived,
e ... Jenexploredan underwater
Jenarrived. 7 Wewentout.
Lookat the sentences from the storyand complete we hadgoneout'
1b WhenJeriarrived,
the rules with hod or hadn't. Jenarrived. L. Wewentout.
Wehadgotup reallyearlythat morning'
2a WehaddinnerwhenJohncamehome'
Hadyoubeenin the cavebefore?
Jenhadn'tbeenin it.
I realised 2b WehadhaddinnerwhenJohncamehome'
Wehaddinner. : . . J o h nc a m eh o m e .
We form the past perfectaffirmativewith "
+ pastparticiple. talkingwhenyouarrived'
We form the past perfect ne$ativewith " talking.
Theystopped Youarrived'
+ pastparticiPle. talkingwhenyouarrived'
3 b They'dstopped
Whi" we askquestionsin the pastperfect,we talking.'':. Youarrived'
invert ... and the subiect.

Listento the story a$ain'Listenfor past

Completethe sentenceswith the past perfectof Fsstperfeet
ttn esr,trtse
the verbsin brackets
Rewritethe sentences usingbecause and the
1 Hewasfamousbecause frei):fiwin)fivegold
medals. I -(-tl
I lostmy keys.I couldn'tgetintothe house.
2 | couldn'tbelievethatwe i.. (notbeat)Chelsea.
' I couldn'tgetinto thehousebecause I had tostmv kevs
3 Thematchwascancelled becauseit,.rt\sfiii)'tof
4 Theathletewasangrywhenhe realised thathe .,:,
_:,-,, (come)fourthin the race.


@ Completethe sentenceswith the past perfect

form ofthe verbsin the box.

see have notswim nottrain nottake hear

1 Shesawa shark.Shescreamed andswamaway.
1 WhileTomwastellingmethe story,I realised thatI
2 Wemissed the bus.Wecalleda taxi
... it before.
3 | tookup football. I gotmoreexerciselastyear.
2 Theteamplayedbadlybecause they... enough.
4 Hedidn'tdo hishomework. Histeacher wasangry
3 ... he ... a sharkbefore?
w i t hh i m .
4 We ... withdolphins soit wasveryexciting.
5 Theywona goldmedal.Theywerefamous.
5 | wasnervous because| ... partin a competition.
6 A spectator threwsomething.A playerwasnurt.
6 She... a frighteningexperience.

Postperfectorpostsimple? nnsolidstiCIrn
Completethe text with the pastsimpleor
@ Completethe sentences with the pastsimpleor the pastperfectf6rm ofthe verbsin brackets.
the pastperfectofthe verbsin brackets. Then listenand check.
1 Theteam... (be)excitedaboutgoingto Austria
because they... (notsee)snowbefore. l, .. ('' be)almost theendof the
2 When| ... (score), thespectators ... (cheer). matchbutthe referee ...
3 | waslucky.When| ... (get)to the stadium, the (2 notblow)thewhistle. Suddenly,
game... (notstart). A m i s. . . ( 3 k i c kt)h eb a l a
t n d. . .
| ... (find)skiing quiteeasybecause | ... (do)a lot (4 score). H. ... (Splay)forthe
of waterskiing the yearbefore. teamonlyoncebefore. The
... you... (feel)nervous because you... (notplay) referee finally... (6 blow)the
rugbybefore? whistle. Allthefans... (7 start)
6 WhenAnna .. (fallover), she... (cut)herknee. cheering because they... (Bnot
7 Thecoach... (leave) theclubbecause they... win)a matchbefore.
... Arsenal ... (train)enoughwhenthey... (play) GRRM[NS&
againstLeeds? pf,CIE
utsnt{fi0of{ 2{l
VocubuI lt l! T*u**urzmE:'c"'4 *s Listeninf EturdEE*
& ,"o Matchthe adjectivesin the box with the Discussyour answersto the questions.
synonyms1-7.Thenlistenand check. Doyouthinkthatsurfing isanextreme sport?
Why?/ Whynot?Can you thinkof anyother
decisiveanxiouscautiousenergetic extremesports?
fearlessreliable relaxed Whatsortof persontakespartin extremesports
1 active= . =
5 nervous ...'\ Listento Ben
2 danng=... = ...
6 trustworthy talkingabouthis
3 quick-think=ing =
7 unadventurous surfingexperience.
4 easy-gotnE=
Are the
sentences true
Completethe definitionswith the adjectivesfrom
or false?Explain :
the box in exercise1.
your answers.
1 S o m e o nweh ow o r r i easb o utth i n g iss. . .
2 S o m e o nweh od o e s nl'itk et a k i n gr i s k iss . . . . ! Benstarted
whoisn'tfrightened of anything is .. surfingwhenhe
3 Someone
who has a lot of energy ts ... . wassrxteen
4 Someone
q su i c k liys . . . . 2 He hadn'tbeento a
5 S o m e o nweh om a k edse c i s i o n
6 S o m e o nweh oy o uc a nd e p e n o d n i s. . beachbeforetheymoved
3 Benandhisbrother personalities
7 Someone whodoesn't worryaboutthingsis ..
4 Benasked
Nickto be hiscoach
1-7 from
with adiectives
the sentences
ffi Complete 5 NickissurethatBenwillbea greatsurfer.
exercise 1. 6 Benwantsto moveto Soain
1 Lauraisvery... . Shetakespartin somanysports. o
2 | wasso . . thatmy heartwasbeating too fast Listenagainand completethe sentences.
3 Don'tbeso . ..! Youneverdo anything exctting. Useyour own wordsas muchas possible.
1 Ben's familymovedto thecoastbecause ...
4 Pauldoesn't mindif histeamloses. He'svery... .
2 Benstarted surfing because ...
5 D r i v i nag b o b s l e i gi sha . . t h i n g t od o .
3 Bendecided to startcompeting ...
6 Youneeda ... person to bethe manager, someone
whoisn'tafraidof making decisions. 4 Inwinter,Ben. .
7 Hannah isa member of theteam.lf shesavs 5 T h ec o m o e t i t i oi nnF r a n cwe a s. . .
she'lldo something, shealways doesit 6 Benmadefriends witha bovwho..
Speohingn inrervieur lmaginethat you do one of the sportsfrom
Youare Boingto interviewsomeoneabouta sport. exercise3. Lookat the questionsin exercise1
Put the words in the correctorder to make and planyour answers.Rememberto:
. includeasmuchinformation aspossible
questionsfor the interview.
. usevocabularyyouhavelearntin thisunit
1 did/ snowboarding / When/ takeup/ you
. usethe pastperfectwhereappropriate
2 take/ Why/ up?/ you/ did/ it
3 before? / Which/ you/ done/ had/ soorts Roleplayan interviewabouta sport.
4 you/ takepart in / did/ first/ When/
StudentA: AskStudent B the questions
competition? / your 1.Askmorequestions if appropriate.
Remember to
5 hasbeen/ success? / greatest
/ your/ What makea noteof the important informationin Student
6 What/ qualities / the mostnecessary / B'sanswers.
in your sport?/ are StudentB: Listento Student As questionsandgiveas
7 you / any/ got/ advice/ snowboarding? / muchinformationaspossible in youranswers.
Have/ about Changeroles.
Listenand check.Listenagainand repeat. MariainterviewedRobaboutBMX riding.
Match pictures1-5 with Listenand readher summary.Did sheaskall the
questionsfrom exercise1?
the sportsin the box. 'Rob
tookup BMXridingsixyearsago,whennewas
snowboarding ten.He hadenjoyedridinga bikeforyears,andthena
kitesur.fing BMXparkopenedin histown.Hewatchedsome
BMXriding experienced ridersandthenhedecided to do it
rockclimbing himself.Robhadn'tdoneanyextreme sportsbefore.
skateboarding Hetookpartin hisfirstcompetition whenhewas
twelve.Robthinksthat it'simportantfor BMXriders
to be skilfulanddedicated. He saysthatyounaveto
practisea lotto be successful.
mustalways weara crashhelmetwhenvouare
Useyour notesfrom exercise5 to summarisethe
interviewthat you did with your partner.


fl description
of o sport
$ loot at the are goingto reada
descriptionof this sport.Thinkof five words
connectedto this sport.

1 Kayaking is a thrilLingsportwhichinvotves 4 Afterpractising, you can

excitement, ski[[anddanqer. start kayakingon a river.
2 WhenI firsttook up kayaking, I wasamazeo Thisis whenthe reaI
to findout that kayaks hadexistedfor excitement begins.Asyou
hundreds ofyears.TheInuits,or Eskimos, in get moreskitfut,you can
Greentand hadusedkayaks madefromwood kayakon fasterrivers.There
andanimalskin.Later,kayaks weremade areatsolots of competitions
fromplastic. you cantakepaqtin all over
3 Thebestptaceto startkayaking is in a the country.
swimming poo[.Somepoolshavecoaches who 5 Kayaking isn'ta veryexpensive
trainyouto usea kayak.Beforegoingon a sport.However, it's a goodideato
river,you haveto learnhowto usea paddle be in a ctubbecause youcanborrow
correctty, howto steerandhowto do an a boatanda paddle. Youmustatwavs
Eskimo ro[t.An Eskimo ro[[is whenvouturn weara crashhelmetanda lifejacketwhen
the kayakupsidedownin the wateiandthen kayaking. Waterproof clothingis atsoadvisab[e!
comeup on the otherside.It's quitedifficuLt 6 If youenjoyadventure andwater,thenkayaking is
at first, but ifs a rea[[yimportantskiil.. definitel.ythe sportfor you.

@ neaOthe descriptionquickly.Did it inctude anyof @ Write a descriptionof inline

your words?
skating.Usethe information
from exercise4 and your
@ neaOthe descriptionagainand matchthe
paragraphs own ideas.
1-6 with the functionsa_f.
a background to the sport
Rememberto: t
b conclusion/ whypeopleshould takeupthesport . thinkaboutthefunction
c adviceabouthowto takeup the sport
d information of eachparagraphand
e introduction includethe relevanr
/ whatthe sportis like
f information information
forwhenyougetbetterat the sport
. usethe descriptionof
* "=
#Ert"gE#* rs* kayakingasa model
. be enthusiasticaboutthe
@ loot at the notesabout inlineskating.Matchthe
noteswith the six functionsfrom exercise3. sport!
a Developed in 1980 o Havelessons
D F##flg#
b Tryhills h Kneeandelbowpads
c Crashhelmet I Getaroundtown
d Keepfit i Exciting
e Starton grass k Skatefor longer
f Similarto ice-skating I rr-d5
^ ^!

L J h ll T 3
A habit or trsditionis somethingthat peoplealways MichaelJordanalways wearshis...
do in a particularsituation?Do you haveany shorts
a university b school shorts
sportinghabits shorts
c father's
Whichdancedo theAll Blacksrugbyteamperform
Readthe questionsand choosethe answerthat you beforematches?
think is correct. a theMaka b theRara c the Haka
'l Whoalways wearsa newpairof boots? putintohis
WhichfootdoesMichael Schumacher
a DavidBeckham b ZinedineZidane racingcarfirst?
c Ronaldinho a the left b the right
2 lf afootballer a goal
rockshisarmsafterscoring c bothat thesametime
a he istired b heisangrY
c he hasjustbecome a father Readthe texts and checkyour answers.


IVIanY PlaYers
alwaYs O?tntTl:*t::: \
alwavs tie the laces
,: ^ +L^

uerurs match some €i'
. .a ,i- " right
-r^h+ boot
l"^^r first' others it's
For others
first. For the
it's the
of their
eat or drinkthe.same
trrl*g. ;u"io B eckham
t:*" ll1ll'l::"TT'
Y"*: :. :.t:""::t :,1
;:':?';; ;;;*tngs*"'"t'
,"t"tt"t"" when'":t:
il;;;ilJ'iir' ha',1'''st
T*::*t il?"?baby r*
;;;;;n; he is holdinsthe World.-famous racing driver
:::IT':";# gets
Michael Schumacher alwaYs
into his car in the same WaY
gets m
before a race' He alwaYs
Rugby the left-hand side, but he Puts
The famous New Zealand rugby team,
his right foot into the car'first!
All Blacks, perform an ancient Maori
called the 'Haka' before each match. It,s
very dramatic sight, and even if it doesn,t
help the Ali Blacks to win, it'il deflnitelv
frighten the opposing team!
1 WhatisyourfavouritesPort?
2 Doyouknowofanyotherspecial sports
or habits?
3 Arethereanyspecialsportstraditionsin your

:,1, i,:,,1,
Labelthe compoundnouns.

@ Completethe adjectivesand their extremes.

e -r. ) thrilling
2 Interesting t f u ' ' - , ' , - i i . t ' r
3 SUqII t tiny
4 tiring t e\^jr ,,--;,
5 t astonishing
6 cold t f . 'i:ri<i ,. r,

@ Comptetethe sentenceswith the wordsin the box.

{ 3 1 6
sick toothache ailtte wrist
temperature throat
{l tt
. 0 Y

1 Lucas can'twalkbecause he'stwistedhis...

2 Jane'sgota reallyhigh... . lt's39.C.
'l'vegot @ Ctroosethe correctanswer.
3 ... .' 'Youshouldgoto the dentist.'
4 Ourteacherhasgotsucha sore... , shecanhardlv
5 Quick! Where's the bathroom? | feel... .
6 Robhasbrokenhis .. sohe can'tdo hishomewox.

@ Ctroosetwo educationwordsto completeeach

dialogue.Thereis one word in eachthat you do
not need.
1 passed/ approved/failed
can'tbelieve I've... my English exam.' il
'That Match the personalityadjectives1-6 with the
happened to me,but I tookit againand
| . , .i t . ' definitionsa-f .
make/ get/ sit 1 An energetic person is ...
'When 2 A cautious person is ...
areyougoingto ... yourdegree?,
'l'vegot 3 An easy-going person is.,l.-:
to . .. twelveexamsfirstl, __ _ r , ,L
qualification 4 A fearlesspersonis .i.
,/ curriculum ,/ timetable
'Do you 5 A decisivepersonis 61.
knowwhenwe haveart?| can,tseeit on
the...-,--- 1 . . . -1, ,' ,. " : - 6 A trustworthy personis;..
haven'tgot it anymore.Theschoolhastakenit a someone
who isveryquick-thinking.
offthe ,,,.r. .,t-rj .. .,. b someone
who isdaring.
4 primary school/secondary school/GCSEs c someone
who isunadventurous.
satmy .:.-.- ,.-._j;l _ i : d someone
'Oh, you're
so at_-?, . jr : at.,,1.,1r. 1. ,'.,_;; e someone
f someone
who isvervrelaxed.


fl Rewritethe sentencesusingthe words
in brackets. Completethe dialoguewith the words
Usethe presentperfectform of the verbs. in the box.
1 | mov'ed herethreemonthsago .utt.o o'n.* 'u. #*o,r.n s been
| (live/ for) : .
hain'tfound say spbte vEt
2 TheTV programme isstillon
It (notfinish/ yet),..,
Thatfilmwason lastweekandwe watched Rich
it Jess
We(already / see). .
My brotherbrokehislega minuteago.
He (just/ brea0 .
5 My headache startedyesterday morning.
| (have / s i n c e.). . Rich
6 Thisismysister,s firstswimming Jess
She(nottakepartin / before) ...
Findfive.mistakes in the text. Usethe wordsin
the box to correctthem. Completethe sentenceswith the modal
the box.
alreadyever just since vet
l i . ! . :
must do haveto haveto don,thave
f started reading Treasure Islandby areallowedto mustn,t
Louis Stevenson three weeks
ago. f haven,t got
halfivay through already b""..rr. 1 You... telltheteacherthatyou'reunhappy.
there are so
rnany pages. I think it's one 2 ... you... ptaysportat yourschool?
of the longest books
in English that f,ve never tried 3 ... payto getin.
to read. I,ve
always read the chapter where 4 Wecan'tseethatfilmbecause you... be over
they arrive at the
island on their ship, and the
story is getting very eighteen.
exciting. I've liked reading adventurJstories 5 They... stayin bedtill midday.
then I was eight years old, and 6 You...'sdangerous.
I think I,rn going
to read rnore. frve after rcad
Robert Louis Stevenson, and
it *.r g"..t.
Completethe sentences with the modalverbsin
the box. {
Completethe text with the presentperfect nasto 'm,alowed
, ' ' ,
to don't haveto
or the u '.1
pastsimpleform of the verbs UOCS, haVe to mditn,t mirst
in brackets.
Ourneighbours ... (1just/ buy)a housein Greece aren'tallowedto nfe ... alloriiedto
They .. (2 visit)Greece renyearsagoandthev
..'(3decide) Wecanusecalculators in mathslessons,
to livein a warmclimate. burwe ...
Twoyearsago,a relativer.l.'?+ usethemin exams.
2 Passengers ... leavetheirluggage
money,andthey ([Sol backto Greece unattendeo.
, to lookfora 3 You've
house. Thenthey...(6find)theperfect brokenthewindowlyou .. be morecarefull
villain a small 4 ... she. .. do homework
townnearAthens. tonight?
They'.. ii bil in Greece 5 | ... havesomefriendsto stayat theweekend.
for aboutfourmonths. Thev
.,..1(B 6 PoorKatelShe's gota holiday
job andshe... get
not)missthe British weather at all.1,''.,;;rii up at 6.30everymorning.
,,n.999ft'on to live somewhere warm, too.I
..:i(10live)in a coldcountryfortoo long!
7 There's no ... wearyouruniform.
B ... we ... goto thematchthisweekend?

U :N t T $I - g
@ tttatctrthe deductions1-g with reasonsa-h. Then @ t,tatctrsituations1-6 with reasonsa-f. Then
compfetethe deductionswith might, must or can't. completethe sentenceswith the past
1 Joe'sQEgTI'6eheavy..C the verbsin brackets.
z Her,!* kb skiinsin France[r 1 My sisterresathermathsexambecause[..;:
2 lt wascoldin mybedroom because i hd:,
3 All thefanscelebrated because. t ,rc.,rl
4 lfelt reallynervous because I.
€.,j /,,
5 Lucycouldn'ttakepartin the racebecause -
6 Thepassengers felthungrybecaus€.l.fdr,
a theirteam... (won)thematch.
a I thinkthattheylearntit at school.
I'mnotsure. b she... (twist)herankle.
He hasn'tdecidedyet. c she... (fail)it at the endof term.
c lt'sfullof bigbooks. d | ... (notbe)on a rollercoaster before.
d Yournoseis blue! e they... (noteat)forsixhours.
e Youonlychargedmef5.00yesterday. f .l ... (leave)
f They'retoo big.
g She's on holidayat the moment. & Comptetethe text with the correctform of
h She's justsaid,'shukran'! verbsin brackets.Usethe pastsimpleor
ffi Rewritethe sentences.
Use.thecorrectformof the
modalverbsin the box.

may haveto must can't be allowedto

3 Don'tlistento music,in lt'sprohibited.

the library.
Youftrgn'l oil\owed\, lisfpr, kg^r CD
4 ltrspossiblethatNiekjson holiday.
"-t] tL
5 lt'sa badideato copyyourhomework.
You i,lilr.r,r! Jjl.,]' \hr.a.:.\i..1.
6 I'msurethatmymobilephoneisin mybag.(l put
it in therethismorning.)
M y m o b i l e ...' -. . . , , . . , - ' | . - ' c t
It'simpossible thatJamesisat schoolbecause
' '

J a m e s. . . . . i , j , ^ .I ' ". ' , ^

ls it OKfor usto eatnow?
A r e w .e. . ?. ' . . . "


Lookat the wordsand expressions
in the box and Completethe dialoguewith the correctform
answerthe questions. of
the verbsin brackets.Usethe presentperfect.
anxroussmall resit laptopcomputer GCSE the pastsimpleand the pastperfect.
finger huge drinking
water reliabletrain
tiny nervousthumb make_up bag raKeup
pass knee big trustworthyrace
beat fail coach

1 Findthreecompouno nouns.
2 Findfourpartsof the body
3 Findtwo adjectivesto describesizeandtheirtwo
Findthreeverbsconnected to sport.
5 Finda typeof exam.
6 Findtwo personalityadjectives
7 Findthreeverbswhichyoucanusewith
Findtwo nounsconnected to sport.
ReadCharlie'sletter and find the twelvemistakes
that he hasmade.Circleand correctthem.

Jake Hi,'s Jake,

Garla Jake! | . . (1 not hear)from you for two
weeks.How areyou?
Jake Not very good, actually.
Dear Olivia Carla Why?What .. (2 happen)?
Jake You won't believeit, but I (3 break)
I'm exhaustedbecauseI just finished mv my
wrist and my ankle.
examsat school. They was quite easybecause Garla Oh, no! Flow... (4 you / do) that?
I've done a lot of revision before. Did you Jake f was doingsometrickson my
finish your exams yet?
skateboardwneri t ... (5 fail otg anO
... (6 land)reailybadty.When| .. (7 see)
I'm really excitedbecausewe're going on
my wrist and ankle,I knewthat | ...
holiday to America next week. I neve, go (8 break)them.
there before, but I'd wanted to go since"ages. Carla How awful!Youmust be in a lot of pain.
know you been to Florida last summer. Had Jake It isn'ttoo bad.They'reboth in plaster
you go on that amazing roller coaster
at Walt now.The worst thing is my head.When
Disney World? I can't wait to try it. I can,t
| (9 have)the accident,I ...
send you a postcard.
(1Otorget)to put my crashhelmeton.
| (11 have)a terribleheadacheever
I might go now. I'm not allowed be on the
computer after 9 p.m. Carla Well,I hopeyou .. (12 learn)your
lesson!You mustn,tforget to wear it next
Jake It mightbe a longtime beforeI get back
on my skateboard,Carla.I'mnot feeling
very daringat the moment!

f f iK q f , } i $ $ @ F $ c& $ ; Sg6y S f f, * x
: . i
,..e a
. j -.r.:.i,',=---jr. -i:-.

-ji :rl

-j i .-ri :.l i:j

F t f:"* H

,al,-- - ,nted.
V L i ii - - - :

il-'oB<at the photo and the tfiille,of'the text" i\'laiL-,-": --


f ; i c r ; 1 eq f l n e o : r e c r i i r n S .
!3aal:: - LLfl
i do ycu thinl<this i,"railisffai^.?
sDear.:... ,all<
2 \l|haIdc you think histri'obiem is?

a He is [eelingaggressive
i: He isfeelingfnghtened lt- , _._ -r .,1 -) !t I

c H e i sf e e l i n gl o n e l y i-|;r a - r:rf
:neil' ;
3 W h v d o y o ut h i n kh e i sf e e l i n gl i k " i. h i s ?

Read t['le texti quic$<11,r eihecj.irtror--ri

amefl ieieas

- : -(eSCi

But 0 ... . - ,::'. ,al'igeI

a n d t h e ,r : - : ---:trla:T-inrr
{ ^ ^ t - ^ . . . ' - -
-- -ltliCm
ld)tr:l L :,

- : , -.isha.nil
theb,r -
French. . . ----,:abcut
- -:+i^
2 Ul . a n g u a:,: : : - : _ t L i i f

v ' i c r l . d ' s : ; :- : - : ' : : r ' j ] a r af 1o r

-.^ i^ +^
-Lltiic a-: -- - :.- - UrJ LtJ

saveaLali:'-..-:( ^. : \ :
R e c l r - . l i,: -.--- : :,i,iown
1 Se S S e I - a - 4 -, .- : - -
l a n g u a c : .: . - , = . - - . ' ?l - . c c k s
--l ji^+j^..-. l
4lttl llLL-L_i:__- - -

L o sj n q e . ' . .^ : .- : - : . '
i . o s i n g a i . -- - . .
F.r,I-.1','- t'-- : -
t ,
i ^ - ^ . - . ^ - ^
iatl.LL)_a -= -:_

dies"Air','r'':. . :
wasthere,i:: -. .
F . o m a l : . - , . -'
Ccen s c ." : .
oniv siie.r: e
i: , f j l l
t l
_"_."i 1
&t* ".-
j-r' r
Readthe text againand matchthe fef&,
Vocabulargsery, sss#& gsff
topicsa-f with the paragraphs 1-6.
Completethe sentenceswith the correctform of say,tolk,
a howto preserve languages
in danger speakor tell. Then checkyour answersin the text.
b the numberof languages
1 Having nobody mefeellonely.
to ... to makes
c the last
speakerof hislanguage
languages aredying 2 He isthe lastperson in theworldwhocan... hislanguage.
d the mainreason 'lt's
3 sad,butthere'snothing we cando aboutit now,'he ... .
e languages andnatural drsasters
4 Disasters do notl...uswhylanguages aredisappearingfaster.
f whathappens whenlanguages die
Readthe sentencesand choosethe correctanswer.
Readthe text againand answerthe
questions.Useyour own wordsas 1 Whatdidyousay,/tellto him?
2 | said,/toldhimthatit wastoo late.
muchas possible.
3 Paultalks/ speaksthreelanguages.
1 Whad t o e sM a l u e r i ntdhii n ka b o u ht i s
4 Whoisthatpersonhe istalking/ sayingto?
2 Whaw t i l lh a p p ednu r i n g t hnee x t
century? mEmarry
E-*erm€eg ffiry*
3 Whydo languages die?
Completethe table with the verbsand nounsin the box.
4 Whateffecthasglobalisation had?
5 Howcanwe protect a language? repeat student practicememorisetranslaterevision
6 Whyisit sadwhena language dies?

Matchthe words1-6 with the verbs nouns verbs nouns

definitionsa-f. Thencheckyour study (1) (4)' repetition
answersin the text.
revrse (2) (5) memory
1 n a t i v(ep a r a g r a1p)h. . . ' ,
2 l i n g u i s t(ipca r a g r a 2p )h practise (3) (6) translation
3 faraway(paragraph 3)
4 c o m m u n i t t(epsa r a g r a 3 p )h
Completethesetips aboutlearningEn$lishwith the correct
5 globalisation (paragraph 4) verb or nounfrom exercise8.
6 civilisation ( p a r a g r a p
6) h listento pop
1 Getasmuchp...aspossible. Writeto a penfriend,
a distant musicand readmagazines in English.
b connected to theareaor thecountry 2 Saynewwordsseveral R...helpsyouto
timesto youtself.
whereyouwereborn remember them.
c groupswholivetogether in a specific 3 Makea noteof anynewwordsin yournotebook. lt helpsto t...
prace themintoyourownlanguage
d a society 4 Tryto m. the newwords. Coverup eitherthewordsor their
e connected to language t.. . andtestyourself
f the processbywhichimproved 5 Alwaysr... beforea test.
communication makes

ls it importantto learnanotherlanguage?
Whatthingshelpyouto learnEnglish?

-ingondinfinitivef orms
Readthe text and answerthe questions.
1 Whohasgotfriends in America?
2 Whousesemailto arrange to meetfriends?
3 Who preferswritingemailsto writingletters?
4 Whowritesemailsin a different
5 Whothinksemailing saves hermoney?

lf youattemptedto printout aJlthe emailssentin a year,there

wouldbe a three-metre highpileof paperfor everypersonin the
Whetherwe likeit or not,ehdTtingis definitely.pait
of our lives.
But whatdo-youreallytf inkaboutit?
DGyou'hate writing.emails,orlan't you get enoughof thern?
Hereare someeomments-we'vgakeadv received:
I prefer writing lettersto Writing emailsis a greatway to practise
emailing,but all my friendsreply usinganotherlanguage. I've got an 'e-pal'
by emaii. in Spain.I write to her in Spanishand
Ahmed, 16, Nottingham sherepiiesin English,It's greatbecause it
Stoppingemail would be terrible! helps us to learn the language!
I movedfrom New York to London Alison, 1.7,Durham
lastyear.I reailymissseeingmy Emailingis a quick and easyway to find
I love clickingon 'send'and knowing friends,so we'veagreedto email out things.When I decideto go out at
that it is thereimmediatelv. eachother oncea weeK. the weekend,I email all my friendsand
Teresa,14, Brighton Molly, 1.4,London suggest meetingsomewhere. Theyusually
replyquitequicklyand tell me if they
want to go otrt or not.
Chris, 16, Bristol

- 'eag
ffi#"ssffis gorOl"te the sentences
l,:,'1,', with the -rngnounform
16ekat thesesentencesand readthe rule. ofthe verbsin the box.
1 Emailingfriends
cycle drive give play make study travel
2 Stoppingemailwouldbeterrible!
sit ffi€ke
We can usethe -ing formof a verb asa noun.
: lm*kingisbadforyourhealth.
Whenwe add -ingto a verb,there is sometimes
1 . . . u p h i l l si sh a r dw o r k
2 .. allows youto seehowothercultures Iive
Findmore-ing formsin the text and add them to 3 . computer games alldayisboring.
the table. 4 .. English cansometimes be difficult.
5 B u y i nag c a k ei sm u c he a s i et rh a n. . . o n e .
doublethe last 6 ... presents istraditional on special holidays.
letter + -ing 7 ... a caris quite difficult.
email) stopt B .. exams canbeterrifying!
eri;:iiii;'tg si*;;p!n;1

${gT 4
eserb+ -ing rt inf initive i=*ziz.=-,2
€#'3T- *w**Ei&*Ei*ra
Readthe rule and the examplesentences. ., e "' Completethe text with the -ing or infinitive
form of the verbsin the box.Then listenand

live go make visit say learn do

After other verbs.we useverb + infinitive record talk understand
(with to)
Theytell me if they wont to go ctutor not.

Corp te the table with the verbsin the box.Then
find the verbsin the text in exercise1 and check
su€g€ +# miss enjoy hate
pracrise=-:- cecide heip love prefer
C a n ' :S : a - J a = ' = t need

ys76 + -ing Verb + infinitive (with fo)

h is more common to use the -ing form

after like. prefer and hote, but sornetimeswe can
also use the infinitive.

lrlllllilCompletethe sentences with the -ing or infinitive

form of the Yerbsin brackets.
1 D i dh ea g ' e r e l p )y o u ?
2 | can'isra'c . :a<e)exams
3 | donr i ..e i..ce0) intouchwithpeople.
4 M yg r a n c 3 a ' : - :r sa v ed e c i d e.d. . ( l e a r nE) n g l i s h .
5 Whatdo 1,:r- ,'.a'i (do)whenyouleaveschool?
6 Doyoum ss cndt)to yourfriends?

,lilillCompletethe sentences
with the correctform of
the verbsin the box,

feel go rerise send speak train translate

so that they are true for
Completethe sentences
1 Thecoachsrssested threetimesa week you.Thencornpareyour answers.
7 H a v e v n r rf i n i s h e d . . t h a t t e x t ?
1 l l o v e. . . 3 l p r e f e r t. o
. .. . . .
3 l ' mt i r e dI n e e d. . t o b e d . 2 | can'tstand. . 4 .. iseasier than
4 D oy o up r e f e r o nt h ep h o n eo r . . . e m a i l s ?
5 She's helping me for myexams. @ V77g7zo€i.{}t
**#."ffir:{zq"*. ?,*,it;Z*ii
6 | h a t e. . . s i c k . z,8
f {:.4?i
I :};'1

UF{IT 4,
i s l e n i n gT c l e p h omne s s o g e s
Listento peopleleavingor takingmessages.
Matchthe messages 1-3 with the subiectsa{.
Therpis one subjectthat you do not need.

' When
u do a matching
r,liiten;Think about the
Describewhat you can seein the photos.Can a a prcnrc c .. homer',or<
you think of other waysof sendingand receiving o aneveningout d . . . a na p o l o g r
Listenagainand completethe information.
Matchthe verbs1-8 with wordsa-h to make
1 geta lr., a pnone
2 maket b wrongnumber
3 leavea . c someone
4 answer the . d to someone
5 be t., e a p h o n ec a l l Message
6 p h o n e( f theanswer phoneon
7 put g message
B getthrough": h engaged
Completethe text with expressions from
I wantedto speaktomyfriendSophie lastnight,but
I hadtrouble (1)
getting her.Firstof all,the
phonewas(2)..:: Sophie wasprobably talking to
someone! | triedagainfiveminutes later,butthenI
gota wrong ..,' I apologised to theperson and
phonedSophie's numberagain. However, no one
(a) ... thephone.Sophie hadgoneoutandputthe
(5) ... phoneon,soI hadto (6) ... a message instead.


S p e u h i n gp * * b . €g**ra a r s * E €
Lookat the wordsin the box and answerthe Askandanswerthe questions in the questionnaire.
questions. Makea note of your partner'sanswers.

timid importantself-assured
valuable Work out your partner'sscoreand look at the key.
confident reserved Doeshe /she agree/disagreewith the key?

1 Whichtwo rvordsmeanassertive? the answersto the questions.

2 Whichtwo wordsarethe opposite
of assertive? 1 Whatarethe advantagesof beingassertive?
3 Do youihinkyouareassertive?
\Nhy?/ Whynot? 2 Do youthinkthereareanydisadvantages?
3 Do youwantto be moreassertive?Howcanyou
Readthe questionnaire
andthink aboutyour achievethis?

You spent a long time revising for a test

last night. In the morning, your friend
wants to copy your notes because she
hasn't done any revision. This isn't the
first time this has happened. Do you ...
A lend them to her but tell her it's the last
B lend them to her and not say anything
(even though you're sick of her copying
your work)?
C refuse to lend them to her?

You borrow a CD from a friend, but you

scratch it by accident. Do you ..,
A replace the CD without saying anything?
B give it back as it is?
You are going to the cinema with You are on an English
C give it back and apologise, but explain it
was an accident?
three friends. They all want to see exchange with some school
the same film, but you want to see friends. You have just arrived
something different. Do you ,,. in tondon and you need to ask
A try to persuade the others to see for directions,
the fllm you want? Do you ... You are quite assertive, but be careful! You
B say nothing and see the film with A plan exactly what to say so you don't like qpsetting people, so you can be a
them? don't make any mistakes? little too polite. Try to be more confident. If.
C teII them that you don't want to see B keep quiet and hope that one of you've got something to say, then say itl
that fllm and see the other fllm on your friends will ask? MostlyBs
vour own? C ask the first person you see? You should practise being more assertive.
You don't mind talking in You prefer running away from things instead
You have sometJring difficult to say English even if you make of dealing with them yourself. Come onl
to someone. Do you ... mistakes. Repeat this 20 times a day: 'lhave an opinion
A phone them when they are out and
and I want everyoneto hear it!' It'll help you
Ieave a message on the answer The boy next to you on the bus
to become more confident.
phone explaining the problem? is playing his personal CD
B phone them when they are out and player very loudly. You are sick
WeIl donel You don't have to practise being
Ieave a message on the answer of listening to it. Do you ...
assertive. You are very confident and you
phone, but avoid explaining the A ask him politely to turn it down?
aren't afraid of telling people what you think,
problem? B move seats to get away from it?
even if it upsets them. Remember to respect
C make sure that you find this person c tell him to turn it off because it
other people's opinions, though. You might
and explain the problem face to is disturbing everyone on the
not be right all the timel
face? bus?

fln opinion
again'Are the sentences fact or
(f loot at the photo of the wristbandsand answer @ neaOthe report
the questions.
1 Lastweek,the headof myschoolbanned
2 Wearing jewellery
isn'tallowed at school
3 Wristbands areiewellerY'
4 Thebandsaren'ta fashionaccessory' theyare
makinga statement.
5 Allthemoneyfromthewhitebandsishelping
6 Theyellowbandswerethefirstbands'
7 People haveboughtmorethan50millionyellow
1 Do youknowwhatthe messages on eachbandmean?
B I reallyagreewiththemessage onthebluebands'
2 Do youlikewearingthingswhichmakea statement?
9 A lotof bullyinghappens at school'
Why?/ WhYnot? wristbands
10Theheadshouldallowusto wearblue
reportquickly'How manyideasdoes at school.
Q) neaOTanya's
sheuseto suPPorther oPinion?

in the reportfor introducing
finO six expressions
opinions.CanYouthink of anYmore?
that you
Write your own reportaboutsomething
feel stron$lYabout,for examPle:
. somethingat Yourschool
. somethingin Yourarea
. somethingon TV

. orovidesomefacts(youmighthaveto do some
. useappropriate
expressions your
to introduce
. checkYourworkcarefullY

eqg*ffi&{e#*€ ==i

Lookat the questions in the text quickly.Canyou Readthe answersand checkyour ideas.
g u e s sa n yo f t h e a n s r v e r s ?

lYalqulils !u ll3.lilit Clue.l!e.l( ?tiu!lr,
FH ir at1u
ulijy ilJ1(3
d lll 3:jijerlJ(i;\Cl:J.yuu,.llIaatr
it.ttg iarcit ar.lou! Enli,irl

FAQs .,:!,il: .::i

i_-.{:..::tiiii,-r.i. L, t,r-lr,i,:

it, :::; ii

H e r e 'as l e : : . : O i n e fO a y
50 grami':e. c o u n t l e ss t a r tt o u s et h e i ro w n l a n g u a g e
75 granrr:e.
400 grar ----.
15 O grari-:- =,.
5 0 0 g r a n- - . .:..r:-ednith Latinand Creek)
25 gramr:: d r c t i o n a rfyf o re x a m p r et h, e r ea r e m o r er h a na m i ] r i o n
w o r d sf o r
T h er e c ; p e: = . - _ ' e r n g r e d i e nt os g e t h e r
a n dc o o <-.= . _ 3ar-s
L ' 1 j i { t a t j_i , : : ! : ; . _ . . . : : r : ; : i ; 1, , . r : . - : : i .r ! : : t : 1 - : i l i i : . t

|; .ii:;.,r:'t-...,1'-:r,1l i,.. :.,,,j:tt!,?.;::t3:;..t;.

a": ,iir;.i.:ai,.:i;rj-.rJ,.iii,
i-i:i 1:i;r::
New wordsare added to the OxfordAdvancecJ

t d d i t i o n tso t h e d i c t i o n a r a
fashia fcl,fae.fie'ni:stel
who alwaysdressestn
a f a s h a b l ew a y

|i=t'' ,:

Al the en:: -- - , - e i ' el v e r en e a r l yt w o b i l l i o n

[ 2 , 0 0 0 , 0: docusoap/'dokjuseop/ [noun)a TV programmeabout the lives
: : - : - - : . : ' S : t h ew o r l da, l t h o u g h
o n l y5 8 0 - - - - : r e n a l i v es p e a k e r s
o f r e a ip e o p l e
E n g l i sihs - . _- , . : = l : ^ : s l u d i e dl a n g u a gi en t h e
w o r l d H a i ': . . : : a : ? . : . ' g t t sqhu i t ew e | a n dC a n
havea con,, ' -: -_,_-,-€
e ' \ e nm o r eE u r o p e a nwsi l l
s p e a ki t

|l 3 Whataresomeof the newestwordsin your

Doyouusethesewords? ij

. Lookat the photosand the title of the text.
Discuss the questions. Thenreadthe text quickly
and checkyouranswers.
1 W h i c ho c e a nd oy o ut h i n kt h i si s l a n idsi n ?
a the Atlantic b the ArcticOcean c the Pacific
2 Whatdo vouthinkthistextisabout?
a travel b theenvironmentc geography.
Doyouthinkthe message of thearticleisgoingto
be goodor bad?Why?

'i Thepeople
on thesmallPacific
islands of Kiribatiand 4 In an attemptto reducecarbondioxideemissions, the
Tuvaludonot needto readaboutclimatechangeand UnitedNationscreated the KyotoProtocolin 7997.
globaiwarming- it is happening all aroundthem,Sra. Representatives from 141countriessignedthe
levelsarerisingandtransformingthewaytheylive. agreement andtheymeetregularlyto discuss their
Farmers haveto growcropsin emptytinsbecause there progress. Theysaythat theyaregoingto cut air
is toomuchsaltin theground.Fisharedyingbecause pollutionby So/oby 2072,The USA,whichproduces a
theseaistoowarmanddrinkingwateris hardto find, quarterof theEarth'scarbondioxide, hasnot signedthe
A neighbouring islandhasalreadydisappeared andthe agreement, Thismeansthat it will behardfor the I(yoto
islanders areafraidthattheirhomeswill beunder protocolto work,
watersoon, 5 No oneknowsexactlywhatwill happenin
2 Experts believethat somepiacesarealready 2oChotter thefuture,but scientists believethat the
than theywere50yearsagoandthat temperatures will weatherwill bemuchmoreextreme.
riseby at least5oCin thenexthundredyears. This Globalwarmingwill cause more
meansthattheiceat theNorthandSouthPoles will powerfulhurricanes, more
melt,theoceans will expand
andsealevels will riseby extensive floodsandiengthier
asmuchasonemetre. droughts. Somepartsof the
getmorerain,but othersmayget
colderandevenfreeze. Thiswill
affectour forests,the foodwegrow
andthespread of disease.It is hard
to imagine, but all thesechanges
mighthappenin justa few
generations. Wehaveoneworld
andit is our dutyto iookafterit,
R e a dt h e t e x t a n d o r d e rt h e e v e n t s VOCAb UI Of g t-,u"Ei,i
: 1..1ij€r{}-,4
a Findthe wordsin the box in the text. which wordsare nouns
b only?Whichcan be nounsor verbs?Whichare verbsonly?
globalwarmingrise grow disappearmelt expand
effect burn create reduce emissionspollutionf lood
drought freeze affect

R e a dt h e t e x t a g , a i nA. r e t h e Readthe sentences and choosethe correctanswer.

o rf a l s eE
? x p l a iyno u r 1 ln manycities,we should tryto reduce / expand pollution.
2 Yerycoldwatermelts/ freezes.
-: -= -'aCltl0nZ 3 Therivers willriseandthere,llbea drought/ flood
: l 4 Climatechange will probablyaffect/ effectseatevets.
:---:.:t re hrc 5 lt won'tbe easyfor industryto burn/ createlessoil.
: _,- _\ 6 Therainforests havealready startedto grow/ disappear.

completethe sentences with the co*ect form of the words

from exercise5.
1 A .. intemperature willcauseiceat thepolesto melt
2 On a hotday,a pieceof metal... .
3 Therewasso littlerainthattherewasa . , ,
4 S h ef e l ti l lb e c a u soef a l lt h e. . . i nt h ea i r .
5 The .. of thefloodwereterrible.
6 Burning oil . . carbondioxide
R e a dt h e t e x r a g a i na n d a n s w e rt h e
q u e s t i o n sU.
:: ofthe

0 u rn e a_ -

F i n dw o r d so r e x p r e s s i o n
i nst h e t e x t
w h i c h m a t c ht h e s ed e f i n i t i o n s .
1 c h a r g e . i ' : f a - a s r a p iI )
2 p r o d u c ei . t J - i l d r ? g r a p1h)
Doyouthinkthatthe weatherhasbecome
3 n e a r b 5t p a r a g r a p1h) moreextremein yourcountry?How?
4 prevent(paragraph 3) Doyouthinkthat wewill reduceglobal
5 reduce(paragraph warming?Why?/ Whynot?
6 longer(paragraph 5) Whatcanyoudo to helpthe environment?
7 responsibility 5)

F{aveyoarcysr trl,e*cuttingala^rge
Readthe texts.Then matchthe wa{.M It canbeverydifficutt,
headingsto the texts.Thereis one asit rollsaroundthe tablelike a
large,heavyfootbatt.A fruit farmer
headingyou do not need. in Japanhasthoughtof a solutionto
a A fruitthat mightgo bang this problem.Hehasgrownsquare
b A fruitfromthe caribbean
c A fruitfor convenience @--
fnffiFd€p^ne$? Perhaps
tyi^ryh* whichtttneat\rinto sandm'eh
Everyone'sheard of fizzy drinks'
t"i r r' scientist in the USA' Dr. tffis 0r.ryiMiseir's#iirht
carbon dioxide ba-rran-anft
iehare-easiertorract tte
;il; K-;,ifrt;", has injected
fizzes when you eat maryierleveranaeonvenierhrit it
into fr"sh fruit so that it definitelywon'ttecheap The
improvesthe flavour" says Dr
i;.il;;"lly square watermelons'cost about
eal mor:
Kurrfrr,ut,'uttdit'il makepeople 10,000yeneach,thTffi the
going to havetne
fruit.' However,you arentt pticeof
chanceto tasteFiz4tFruityet because ^
'Look' the lrult ls ffi
scientistsare still testing it' tnepriee+fm.atermffi tfrer:
to explode!' I sard as A quicksurveyofshoppers
eettingbigger.It's going 'It I
in a
i*"i"i"a.'tte of th" telts' won't explode' To$o supermarket revealed that
It alwaysexpands slightly at first" peoplearealsoworriedaboutthe
ir.*it"' effectsof modifyingfruitsiNeS-
at Won+tr*iuba+bs,_prle&mer-
Kaofr.ranis alsomeeting engineers
next montn' s-ai*,Mof
the University of OregonIUSAJ sqtaenehru:1l,de.+,F-thirirt{armers
i'ft""t"'*"i"e to a"tigtt a machine sh'mld-interfere*rdth*lature.'
Jurrri" to make FizzyFruit athome'
ii'ri *.lr'ne r't'illProb
"".ir" ablt:T
1 I Completethe advert with witt or won't and the
Matchthe sentences1-6 with the correct usesa_f.
verbsin the box.
1 He is meeting engineers nextmontn.
2 I won'ttry it,thanks.' not haveto lookafter do go give play
3 lt'sgettingbigger. lt'sgoingto explode!
4 lt won'texplode, I promise.

b nr-o-Mnfic A:ii!;?i{
?) , I Haveyougotacat?
5 lt'llmakepeopleeatmorefruit. l_L:_

6 They're goingto designa machine.

;;; :-';';;;;;;;;'
a making a prediction
Withthe newCat-o-Matic, you
b making a decision
at thetimeof speaking (2)... worry.TheCat-o-
c making a promise Matic(3)... yourcat during ..l1
your holiday!The Cat-o- {
d talkingabouta planor intentionin thefuture J
Maticis an automatic
e making a prediction
basedon present evidence (4)... your
f talkitrg
aboutanarrangement at a definite
time cat exactlythe rightamount
in thefuture of food at the correcttimes.
Andit (5)... musicso your
cat doesn'tget lonely.
:r Canyou rememberhow we form negativesand
questionswith will andgoing to? Find examplesin Trythe newCat-o-Matic.
You (6) ... on holiday again without a Cat-o-Matic at home!
the texts.

:' Completethe text. Use the will, going to or
presentcontinuousform of the verbsin brackets.
Theremay be morethan one correctanswer.
:_ 0 r t ln- ^ol i i- ll-o, , a y+I n

- )td

: - : - 0 t t h t ss u m m e r . '
- : : : l o d S u m m ei nr A s i a .
= - ' 'f r:ncc :dain'

, ' rhismatch?'
' . l _ \vell
in thisset.'

Complel::€ =-::-:.s \{ith the wittor going

fo forrno; =€ .=-= - c r a c k e t s .
1 L::.:-. -.' .': ng!
T h e r e .(.b. e a) Seventeen-year-old Harry... (1 get)upveryeany
f:__ tomorrow. Heandhisfriends... (2travel) to London
2 ' , ' , ' . -. - : : nave)a coffee on theearlytrainThey... (3 takepartin)a huge
n ::::
rallyforthe 'MakePoverty History'campaign.
3 \ . ' , : ' -- . . _- tVerslty anymore Organisers predict thatmorethan300,000 peopte
-: :' . - \frica. (4
... attend). Everyone ... (5 wear)whiteandthey
4 lt:.'., - -- :
: : ^ ,t n a tw e . . ( 6
. . . m a k ea) ' w h i t eb a n d ' i nt h ec e n t r o
e ft h ec i t y .
/- - - , 'l'm 'and
t n t ss u m m e r . sureit ... (7 be)brilliant,'said Harry, r,ve
- -- .t
5 l:---..
'-- --.
... (Braise) moneyandawareness at thesametime'
6 - - - : ' , a m tsh i sy e a r ? 'Unfortunately
the weatherforecast isn'tgreat,' said
onerepresentative. 'lt (9
... rain)mostof theday,but
r,':::: ' '
?a*==?: _ :_ ; rt ... (10make)thedaymorememorable, I promise!'
! L O r : a : : -+ : : :gue. Usethe will or
presentc,:-: - -. . : ' - i ' : . * s o f t h e v e r b si n
' lmagine,^r, ,ou are goingto an eventat the
brackets. T-r- ; : : - : - o c h e c k .
weekend.Write six sentences about it. Try to
A What ... 1:,- I f: :^ s iveekend?
includethe six usesa-f from exercise2.
B Not muc- 2 -+: Fachel in town on
Spturdai rfr: 3 ;': :: the cinema. f'fl fl-f'g'r € E €
What do -r:r- -r,-F .:,- ,., 4 see)?That film
about B,^ -*rir€-
B We ... r5 se :e: ' - ,',-th Johnny Depp. I'm gotng lo a big {amrlyprcnteal lhe ekend.
A l'm sure : 5 :e l:.:€ then!
B And wi.a: a= ra'- -3 :: :ris weekend? There'llbe aboul 5o people*here..
A Well. | ... 7 3,<--rt?-- s ,,,rthNeil tomorrow.
B Do you f -. t-€t -rt,- 8 win)?
A I'm not s-=, 9 =. -,v'best!
EIJ *'E}"}*
* 4 7**Y 3#


collocations Listening Ulhotever
Vocobularg enther theuleother
Matchthe adjectiveswith the weathernouns.
Theremay be more than one correctanswer.

thick heavy high gentle strong cool

severe light

wind breeze fog rain snow sun storm


Completethe sentences with nounsfrom exercise1.

1 A cool... on a sunnydaystopsyougetting hot.
2 Therewasa severe ... lastnight.Thethunderand
Youshouldn't goto the beachbetween twelveand
threeo'clock because the ... isverystrongthen.
Therewasa lotof heavy... thismorning and
everywhere isflooded.
l'msurethey'llcancel thefootball match. The... is Listenand matchthe weatherforecastsa-d
sothickwe won'tseethe players! with the summarysentences1-5. Thereis one
There'sa high... , sothey've closedthe bridge. sentencethat you do not need.
1 lt'llbe snowyandverycold.
In pairs,look at the map and discussthe meaning 2 lt'llbe coldandfoggy.
of the weathersymbols.Whichweathernounfrom 3 lt'llbe mainlyhotanddry.
exercise1 is not illustrated? 4 lt'llbeverycold,wetandstormy.
Listenand matchthe weatherforecasts1-4 5 lt'llbewarmandwet.
with the citiesa-d. Listenagainand answerthe questions.Use
a Cairo b Damascusc Baghdad d Riyadh your own wordsas muchas possible.
1 Whatis unusualabouttheweather?
2 Whatdoestheforecaster recommend thatvou
taketo the beach?Whv?
3 Howdoestheforecaster knowthatit'sgoingto
4 Whatdoestheforecasteradvise?
5 Whatdoestheforecaster suggest thatyoudo
tomorrow? Why?
6 Whatmightthewinddo in certain places?
7 Whichpartof the countrywill havethethickest
B Whatadvicedoestheforecaster givedrivers?

Speohing [ U h out r i lgl o ud o ?
Readthe dialogueand answerthe questions.
1 \\'l'ai : - co?\\'hy?
' , ' a '
2 Does 5codidea?Howdo you

Alice ExperB predct that global warming is

going to canse more and more
envirorrrsltal problems.So I've decided I
( 1 ). . . .
Max What (A ... ?
Alice I'm gclirg to rnakea (3) ...
peode rnfid they can do to protect the
Max (4 -.. any difference?
Alice Well,| ffi it will. Evensmallchangeswill
make a difference.
Max You (51... rigftL Where are you going to
put these posters?
Alice Firstof d, I'm goangto put them up
around school.
Max You (6) .-. permission.
Alice I knoq hrt I'm sure it (7) ... a problem.
| (8) ...Ure tteadat four o'clock to talk
about iL
Max I (9) ... anylhir€ at four.| (1O)... with you.
Alice OK See you at four.Don't be late.
Max lwont I prornise!Bye!

Completethe dialoguewith the verbsin the box.

'll harero ge: iron'tbe mightbe
'm goingto l"ero 'il come areyougoingto do In pairs,think of a problemand discusshow we
'm notcioi^g rell 'm meeting Willit make can make a difference.
will be more global warming in the future.'
can turn off lights when we aren't using them.
Listenand check.Thenlistenagainand
Thenwe will uselesselectricitv.'
In pairs,decideon the bestmethodto express
ReadAlice'sposterand discussthe questions.
your ideas,for examplea poster,a leaflet,a T-
Doy'o. ,.o.;''anilvdo anyof thesethings?
shirt.Makean exampleof this and presentit to
Why? 1ir-1'or?
the class.
s or o ; t h i n kw i l l/ w o n ' m
W h i c ht n , n s C t a k ea
Makesurethat you explain:
difference? Explain !our reasons. . whatyouaregoingto do
Can tninkof anyotherthingsto addto the
. whatwillhappen asa result
IllOAHBtr*tr $$
a@@ ,,€F.

Lookat the photosand the titfieof the

text. Discuss the questions. Themreadthe
text quicklyand cheekyour ideas.
1 Whichcountry cioyouthinkthisis?
2 W h i c hw i l da n i m acla nv o us e e ?

ruer€ rave Deerls{orlesor Drgcatson tfie loosein

Scotlandfor years.Sightings,often in broad
daylight,arereportedto theBritishBigCatSociety
(BBCS)almostdaily.Feople's eyesdeceive them,and
theBBCSattributemostsightingsto mistaken
identity.Nearlyall sightingsof 'big cats'arein fact
just dogsor domesticcats,accordingto Chris
Turner,a memberof theBBCS.'Let's besensible! €
therewerereallysomanybig catsin Scotlandasare +
reported,we'dhavea big problernlhesays.
If theBECSh*a pior", of a big cat,theywould
Despitethis,Mr Turneractuallybelieves that a few havethehardevidence thaftheyneed.Thesociefv
of thesightingsmightbeauthenric.Hethinksthat is planninga rnajornationalprojectto recordthe
therearebig catsout there,but he admitsthat wedo existenceof big catsin theUK"'Theideais simplej
not know e;ractlywhat theyare.'Noteveryoneis explainsa spokesperson.'l{e're goingto put
wrongl hesays.'Gamekeepers andfarmersreport specialautomaticcamerasin placeswherefhere
sightings,andtheyknowwhatthey'retalkingabouti havebeenrnultiple sightings.trfa big catwalks
Onesucheyewitness is LarlrenceMcCrae,who has pastthe carnera,it'll takea picture.'
beena garnekeeper for twentyyears. Hewasdriving However,ChrisTrnneris hopingfor success very
homeat dawnwhensomethi:ng terri&i"g 'r soon.Everyweekend, Turner,assisted by a
happened.'All of a suddena largeblackcatjurnped colleague,campsnearwherepeoplethirrk they
out of the fog.I hadto swerveto avoiditl Theanimal haveseenbig cats"Hethinks that theywill strike
vanishedwithout trace,but McCraeknewwhathe luclry"'I'msureI'veheardnoisesandseen
hadseen. footprints this timej he explainsexcitedly.'If there
'I realised
that it wasa pumaassoonasI sawit,'he areall thesesigns,thenthereis definitelya big cat.
says.'I'vestudiedbig catsandI knowwhata pwna I'm not leavingit until I find it.I won'taccepta
Readthe text again. Are the
true or false?Explainyour
answers. @ cnoosethe correctdefinitionfor words1-10.Usethe text to
1 Peope helpyou.
day 1 deceive (paragraph 1) = a disappointb mislead
2 actually(paragraph 2) = a really b at themoment
3 large(paragraph3) = a rong b big
4 realise
(paragraph 3) = a understand b carryout
5 major(paragraph 4) = a adult b important
6 record(paragraph 4) = a remem0erb p u t o n C D /
DVD/ film
7 success (paragraph 5) a achieving something
b happening
B assist(paragraph5) = a attend b help
9 sensible(paragraph 1) = a rational b sensitive
Readthe text againand answerthe
10 compromise (paragraph 5) = a agreement, promtse
questions.Useyour own wordsas
muchas possible. b acceptance of something
1 W h a : . _ - _ : : : _ _ : rse !vith different
to whatyoureallywant
b i gc a _ . - compretethe sentenceswith the correct
form of the words
from exercise5.
1 Security cameras ... everyone whocomes to thehouse.
3 2 Wecourdn't agreewhichrestaurant we at likedsowe hadto
4 m a K ae . . .
3 Theremustbea ... explanation for wherethe bigcatshave
4 Peopre fromtheneighbouring virage1.. usin thesearch for
t h ep u m a .
5 Theysearched everywhere, butwithoui .. .
6 Wesuddenly ... thatsomeone wasfollowing
Findwordsor expressions us
in the text 7 Don't... him!Tellhimyourrealname.
which matchthesedefinitions.
' 8 A leopard ismuch... thana domestic
1 free(.pz-==-z:- car
9 | can'tbelieve I ... thoughtthecatwasa teopard.
2 n o la t - : - : a = - . = - - : -
10 Police havecommenced a ... operation
3 u n e x p e c =. :a - . -_ - : . to findthevictims.
(paragra: - eg#ffi€tr**g€ 43,{Fd$
4 t o t u r n. : - ,
5 d i s a p pae- = :
(n2rso 12' -
1 Doyouthinkthatthereareanybigcats
infornta:: - - lrue the loosein yourcountry?
(parag,a:-: 2 lmagine seeinga bigcatwhenyouwere
be for:--"-= wandenng througha forest?Whatwould
3 Aretherestoriesof otherunusual
In yourcountry?

neaOthetext andanswerthe questions.
1'1 1 WhatdidtheBrowns hearintheirliving
room? Whatdidtheydiscover
onthe morningof their
Whywasit strange? daughter's
2 WhattwothinssdidtheBrowns do? Howdo youthinktheyfeelaboutwhathappened?

lf you heara noisein your house,you usuallyknow

what it is. So if you hearda miaow and you didn't have
a pet cat,what would you do?Wouldyou ignoreit,
hopingit would go away?Or would you do what one
c o u p l ed i d ,a n dt a k eu p t h e f l o o r b o a r d isn y o u r l i v i n g
room?Animal loversJaneand Simon Brownsoenttwo
daystryingto find the catthey thoughtwas trapped
undertheirfloor.Thecoupleeven rangthe fire brigade.
They usuallysolveyour problemsif you callthem, but
this time they couldn'tfind anything. likea cat,on the morningof her birthday,it miaowed
'lf I hear just likethe wasn'ta realcat afterall - it
that noiseagain,l'll go mad,'said Mr Brownin
desperation. Eventually, Mrs Brown realisedthe noise was just an electronicbirthdaycard!
was comingfrom a bag which containedsome 'How would you
feel if you were us?'askedMrs Brown.
unopenedbirthdaycardsfor their daughter,Michelle. 'lf we get
a card likethat again,we'll throw it away
As Michelleopenedone of the cards,whichwas shaped immediately!'

s*:ad€€€saesE ,: lirlCompletethe diSlogues. Useif and the zero
r Readthe rule and the examplesentences. What is conditionalform of the verbsin the box.
the verbtensein the if clauseand the mainclause?
After whichclausemustwe usea comma? be catch cofltact do examine feel notfeel
have not have lookup walk not understand
We usethe zeroconditionalto talk about
generaltruths. 1 t o s c h o o. .l .w e . . . t i m e . '
lf you heor a noisein your house,you usually d ow e .B u t. . . w e . . . l a t ew , e . . . t h eb u s . '
2 . . . | . . . a w o r d|, . . . t h a tw o r di n m yd i c t i o n a r y '
w h a t. . .y o u. . . . . .y o u. . .a d i c t i o n a r y ? '
3 . theteachers . . ... thestudents .. sick?'
s c h o odlo c t o.r. . t h es t u d e n t. s. . t h e v. . w e l l '
Match1-6 with a-f to makezeroconditional l,.i'; Completethesezeroconditionalsentences with a
$eneral truth.
1 lf youheatwater, a yougetcold
1 l f I ' mh u n g r y.,. .
2 Hedoesn't wakeup early b if thewater'scold. 2 | goto bedearlyif ... .
3 lf yougooutwithouta coat, c it boilsat 100oC.
3 Doyoufeelnervous if ... .
4 lf youworktoo hard, d if he ison holiday. 4 lf yourheartstops, you . . .
5 | don't swimming e if youeattoo much.
5 lf youpress thatbutton, theTV .. .
6 Yougetstomach-ache f yougettired.
6 P e o p lues u a l lsym i l ei f . . .
f irstorsecond
Completethe dialogue.Usethe zero,first or
@ finA examplesof the first and secondconditional
in the texL secondconditionalform of the verbsin the box.
Then listenand check.
@ neaOthe rulesand choosethe correctanswer.
not attend be not catch forget not get
We usefE first conditional to talk about a getup go have not play talk
firture eler* whidr k orobable /
.€ We usefrrc secqd conditional to talk about a
situation rrHdr E real / imaginary.

Match 1{ wift a-f to makezero.first and second

conditional sentences.
1 Hefeelsill a if sherevises regularly.
2 She'llleam more b if heateallthosesweets.
3 He'llbe ill c shelearns more.
4 lf sherevises. d if he eatsallthosesweets.
5 Shedleammore e if he eatssweets.
6 He'dbe ill t if sherevised regularly.

@ Oecideif trcs€ sentencesdescribeprobable

eventsor irna$narysituations.Then complete
them with $e first or secondconditionalform of
the verbs.
1 Thisquestion lf | ... (know)the
is reallydifficult.
answer. | ... (tell)youl
2 You... (notfuil)the testif you... (study) this
3 ... (you/ visit)Chinaif you . .. (can)speak
4 They... Get)veryexcitedif they... (see)Zidane
in the streel
5 I'mfinishing early.| ... (tidy)my roomif | ... (get) ffi Writeyouranswers
to thequestions.
homebeforetwo. 1 Whatwouldyoudo if youlosta lot of money?
lf you... (go)shopping today,... (you/ buy)mea 2 lf youdidn'tstudyEnglish,
whichlanguage would
lf you ... (find)€100in the street,.. . (you/ go)to 3 Whatwillyoudo if youaretiredtonight?
the oolice? 4 lf youcouldliveanywhere in theworld,where
lf we ... (notrecycle), we ... (damage) ourplanet. wouldyoulive?
5 lf youwatchTV today,whatwill youwatch?
6 lf youarelatefor school,

@ nst and answerthe questionsfrom exercise11.

Vocobulorgf mrs#
msks Listening ffi€m€E€cery
- Complete
the table with the wordsand
expressions Lookat the pictureand answer questions.
in the box.Thenlistenand check. the
, 1 Whatishappening
{ ' r r , r \ \
in thepicture?
! intotrouble montiy.sure bored 2 Whydo youthinkit ishappenine?
a cold
excrted a plan reatjy an effort
upyourmind a promisetired
in touch(withson]ebody)

Match1-6 with a_fto makesentences.

1 Keepyourphoneswitched on,sothatI canget
2 Whatareyoudoinglater?Haveyou
made ..
3 Whathappened whenhe brokethewindow?
D i dh eg e t. .
4 Checkyouranswers carefuliy, to make.
5 W h e nw e s o l do u rh o u s ew, e m a d e
6 Whentheyheardthe news,theygot
.. .
a rntotrouble?
b veryexcited.
c suretheyarecorrect. 3 Thecowsankbuttheboatdidn,t
d a lot of money. 4 Hisinsurance
e rntouchwithyoueasily. 5 Thecowhadjumpedoutof a plane.
f anypians? 6 Thefisherman
Embassy r
Completethe sentences with the correctform of
get or make. qb Listento two friendstalking
aboutthe news
1 lt'san important decision,butI can,t up my story.Answerthe Questions.
mrnd. 1 Howmanywitnesses sawthecowlandon the
2 Wouldyoutrustmeif I ... you promise? fishingboat?
3 l t h i n kt ' m. . a cold.My headhurts 2 WhydoesDavidthinkthatthe
andI keep storyisn,ttrue?
sneeztng. 3 WhydoesGemma thinkthatthestorymrgntbe
4 lf he\.'. moreof an effort,he true?
at school. 4 WhatdoesDavidsayaboutthe
fisherman,s boat?
5 lf children . . bored,theyusually 5 WhatisDavidgoingto do this
stoplistening summer?
6 lf youwaithereforfivemrnutes, 6 WhatwillDaviddo if thesame
| . . readyto go thinghappens to
out. him?

ln pairs,discussthe questions.
1 Do youbelieve the newsstory?lf not,whatdo you
2 Do youknowanystrange storieslikethisone?
orunluchg? Canyou guesswhat happenedat the end of
Jane'sstory?Listenand checkyour ideas.
Look at fte phtr
and answerthe Completethe table with the bold expressions
questionr from the dialoguein exercise2.
1 Whai,sre a-
2 Wha:oo .o- r -(
3 Hon oo '.c,-:- -( Thinkaboutan occasionwhen you were either
sheisree -s- very unluckyor very lucky.Youare goingto tell
someoneelsewhat happened.Planwhat you are
Janeis tdh6 a
Boingto sayand makenotes.Rememberto
friend about
somethirg wf-dl . whereit happened (forexample, in town)
happenedto lE . whenit happened (forexample, lastweekend)
last weeftend-hrt . whathappened (forexample, youlostsomething)
the dialogrreh . howyoufeltaboutit (forexample, veryupset)
the correct qder. . whathappened (for
afterwards example, someone
H codd I do? | made sure
H tran't in my bag. I couldn't Work in pairs.
ffi t aryuvhere,so I had to walk StudentA: Tellyourstory.Usethe expressions from
lurG- | was really upset. exercise5 to makeit interesting.
H rEuer guess what StudentB: Listenandaskquestions. Usethe
lmcneO to me last Saturday! expressions fromexercise5 to reactappropriately.
frf,lwas shoppingin town. I
rcirst about to get on the bus
bcme home when I realisedI'd
Hmy had all my
maEil and my bus ticket in it.
FoaFu! I'd feelthe same if that
tryeneO to me.
E*ynr *on't believe what
lryeneO later, I got a phone
d fiorn rny friend Sally. lt
trned out she had been in town
m Satuday moming too and ... !
Oh, nd What did you do?

Listenand check.Listenagainand repeat.


fl piclure
storg @ Wnicntensesdo youthinkareusefulfor
narratinga picturestory?
Q look at the picturestoryat the bottom ofthe page
put theseeventsin the correctorder.
_,.and !?ote$
a ... He ranafterthethief.
b ... He hearda noiseinsidethecafe. @ ttlate notesfor eachpicture 1-7.Thinkof
c ... A girlranoutshoutingforhelp. some details to make it interesting.
d 1 A past
boywaswalking a cafe. Iast weekend. a young man called
e ... He caught thethief. Tom . walkingpast a cafd . in town . happy
f ... Hesawa filmcrewandrealised whathe had . finish work . meet his friend
_ g ... A thiefranoffwitha handbag. @ loot<at the picturesagain.Completethe story
in exercise2. Rememberto:
p neaathe beginning
of the storyandchoose
the . thinkaboutthedetailin eachoicture
\. ,correctanswer. . useyournotesfromexercise 4
. usenarrative tensesto tellthe story
. checkyourwork


. : ::a ::"gSe

r : : r ' r - pe t e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n . "
Aye' . l l ; 7 r ' H o r s eM e m o r i a l :r;g j!"*#*'g j="r
1 - -'. .'I 0ll: Arethereanystrange places
or mysterious in
- '- iortarlceof the statue:. What?Where?
--:oi-tance of the locatton: WhyaretheYimPortant?
3 3
I Y ) ! C
5 - : ' r , s u afla c t : . .


:j:.f iS

- :,'i-3 y imPodant #.=
- : : : - : : 1 ' t h e iar n c e s t o r s
: - = ,: : i a t u n d e r t hreo c k
- - - r - 3 r c a l l' T j u k u r P a ' o r

- : ^^3U uru,as many

. =. : - : : u l t c t h e i cr u l t u r e
- - - 3c tfyouevervisited

lf youwanderthroughthe BlackHillsof statueevermadeof a NativeAmerican'

SouthDakotain the USA,youwillseea . lf youstandon CrazYHorse's
hugesculpture whichis beingcarued outstreiched arm,therewillbe spacefor
intothe rockof oneof the mountains' lt about 4,Ct00 PeoPle.
represents a NativeAmerican hero- the However, no oneknowswhen,or if,
Siouxchief, CrazYHorse' Native they willfinish thesculPture, The
American leaderschoseCrazyHorsefor sculptorKorczakZiolkowski stadedit in
-*1- the mountain carvingbecausehe ledthe 1948,butwork was slow. There waslittle
E' E
Siouxpeoplein thefightto savetheir
money and
Ziolkowski died in 1982"
.'f of hiscourageandconstant to
loyalty his of other leaders fromthattime,Crazy
I peoplestillinspireNativeAmericans Horserefusedto letanyonetakehis
today.Theychosethe locationof the photograph. So howwouldyoudepict
J,:=lT . , carvingcarefullytoo,as theBlackHills someone if you didn'tknowwhathe
i : --''..-
- {- area sacredplacefor NativeAmericans' looked like? As Ziolkowski explained, the
lsr-* : - high,the carving is not an actuallikeness,it is a
.:--- At 195miongby 171m
b willbe thelargest memorial to thespiritof CrazyHorse.
Completethe sentences.Use the wiil or going
to Are the sentences
zero,first or second
form of the verbsin the box.
conditional?Choosethe correctanswer.
be help notlike close cycle he/ plav
j notmeet send
1 lf I meet/ metthe king,l,llbe / 'd be reailv
t ti, to school jn fulurgI don'twant 2 Whatwillhappen/ happensif youpressed
_' to catchthebus. /
2 | promise l l.. youa postcard. pressthisbutton?
3 Listento thewindlThere..'.a severe 3 lf my mumis/ wasa professional tennisptayer
'Thisquestion storm.
4 p impossible, ,Don,t she'llplay/'d playat Wimbledon.
5 Kathy'... thatfilm.Shehatescomedies. 4 Youpass/ 'll passthe examif yourevise revis
6 Luke's changed hismind.He l,lugin thecafe. tonight.
7 freezing in here.,,l . thg window: 5 Whatdo / wotld yousayif youlost/ lose
B 'He's ,]. homework?
sittingbythepiano.' .,itno*?;
Readthe text and choosethe correctanswer. Completethe sentences. Usethe first or secon
On Saturday,| (1)will go/ ,ll goingto parisfora conditionalform of the verbsin brackets.
weeKto staywithmy penfriend, 1 lf | ... (finish) myhomework on time,
don'tspeakanyEnglish (2) | ... (watch) TV.
soit won,tbe / willbe a
goodopportunity for meto practice 2 The.teacher. . (help)youif you
mv French.
| (3)'m chatting/'m goingtochatto inem llt(not understand). ,--t -
evervdav. '.-(Oe)
l'm notsurewhatLouisand| (4)are goingto 3 | .. . (drive),a Ferrari if t I a famousfootbal
do /
aredoing.I expectwe (5)areclimbing/ will 4 What . (you/ buy)if you... (have)a miilion
the EiffelTowerbecause I'veneverdonethatbefore. euros?
At thetop,| (6)won'tlook/ 'm notlookingdown 5 They... (notwin)manymatches if they
because I can'tstandheightsl We(7) aregoing/ are . . .( n o t r a i n )
goingto go to the Louvre with hisparenBoneday,I
l Completethe sintenceswith the pairsof verbsir
think.Then| (B)'m goingto fly / ,mflyingback
to the box.Usethe first or secondconditional.
Londonon Friday.
make/ work win/ stop goout/ puton
Match 1-6 with a-f to makea generaltruflr]Then notgo/ be see/ call pass/ make
put the verbsin bracketsinto the
conditionalform. 1 l f | . . . , I . . t h ea n s w eprn o n e .
1 lt ,., (be)easyto makefriends 2 fhey ... moremoneyif they... in theevening.
2 lf people... (make) . ,,
a lotof money, Buttheyalways justwatchTV in the eventng.
3 If you 3 lf myfather... the top prize,
, (-sWi!pnon)the machine, he ... working.
4 peopte.YlnJt get)intotroubte ] 4 | ... myexams if | ... aneffort.
5 lf ananswer phone... (come)on, 5 They... to thebeachtomorrow if there...
6 Ourteacher ... (get)angry heavyrain. t
6 lf | . .. a bigcaton theloose, | ... thepolice.
a lt doesn't
always makethemhappy.
b if theyaresensible. Correctthe mistakein eachsentence.
c if anyoneis late 1 Wewill speakgoodEnglish if we will practise
a lot.
d if youaresociabre. 2 Watersboilsif youheatedit to 100oC.
e I neverleavea message 3 Willyoube happyif ld tendyoumyDVD?
f it recordsa message. 4 lf I hadlesshomework,l'llwatchmoreTV.


L o o ka t t h e , , :, . ! s : r c e r r r e s s i o ni sn t h e b o xa n d Readthe dialogueand find ten mistakes.Circ
a n s w et rn e : - = : : l - S and correctthem.
^- --.
er flood
' ^
f':i, .h up thick
( -=:d
: l
--:': ln drought

I =.-^
__' ' : : r e t h e s e


z -
_ , l . J S ew f t n g e t .
a - :- ,',e
J usewithmake
l , ,e usethe-rngform?
5 r -- ,',3Lrse rheinfinitive.
6 r : ' ' c e s c r i beea c hp a i ro f

h -
U : -

c ,,
A - ^
Lisa HappyBirthday,Emma!Areyou doing
= =-ecrsof global anythingspecialtoday?
\.,e---'. Emma I go out for a mealwith Alextonight.
We'vedecidedtryingthat new ltalian
C o m p l e t te- . : e r , :r r ' t ht h e c o r r e cfto r mo f t h e restaurantin town.
v e r b si n b r a c r e : sL s et h e z e r o f. i r s to r s e c o n d Lisa Lovely!I'm sure you have a greattime if
you go there.But I suggestto book a
c o n di t i o n al'sprobablybeingvery busy.
Later that evening,
Can you :::::---: --:-: s--: :: 20 football pitches?
Alex Oh no! I've forgottento book a table!
If somec::: 1 :=- ,,-:_ :::a: tlds amount of rain Emma Alex!Look at the enormousqueue!lf
forest is r:: -:-,',:- =-;=:r *rt'j:e. you probably ... we'll haveto wait for all thesepeopleto
(2 not be-':;: ::-=* 3:: _: ls actually true. So go in first,we'll neverget a table!
what ... r3 -a;;=- : p:cpLedon't stop doing Alex Don't worry.I've just had an idea. I'm
this? goingto takeyou to the lndianrestaura
If this 3.*:-:::s :n:*ny plants and animals over's reallynice.
Emma But you know I can't standto eat curry!ll
which are-::::l-_*e:c drJferent rain forests
I eat it, it alwaysgave me a terrible
... (4 disapp:a:, lirere ... (5 a_Iso/ be) more
flooding :.n.::cse a:eas. This is because the Half an lrour later.
ground ... (6 beco'llei hard and dry without any Alex Comeon, Emma!Let'sgo home.We
trees. If land rs cin. rairr... (7 not go) into the ordera pizza.The childrenwill loveit.
ground ald *Jrere a:e floods. Emma What a birthday!I neverforget it!

f f if f i w f $i $ f f i& r € :& s e # t r Y $4 * t
Readthe text and orderthe v*Ttu#
Vocobulcrg ff"*r*smE
''.: . s 0c m o r e Matchthe phrasalverbsin the box with definitionsa-k.
a The .r
: _ ^ e 'n e w s p a p e r calloff comeup with putupwith makeuP
comeacross glveup keepon comethrough
findout keepup with sortout

a thinkof / inventsomething
b findsomething bychance
d ,C'- -:'::-: , ' . e nttOS O U t h c continue doingsomething
J.'' ar- d discover information aboutsomethtng
e surrire a dlfrcu/fsituation
f stopdoingor abandon something
=.:' ='- -- :.,.:,','olenewspaper g toleratesome.thing
) - - = ' -= -- - - ' - aH e r s c h e l . h inventa storywhichisfalse
i organise andtidysomething
Readthe text againand answerthe j cancel aneventor a Plan
questions- Useyour own wordsas k do something at the samespeedassomeone
muchas possible.
1 \ ' , - , : I - : - - - = - - - : ^ er rl a v et ol Completethe sentences with the correctform of phrasal
verbsfrom exercise7.
-:, : -c checkwhether 1 | don'b t e l i e vhei m !H ea l w a ym s . . .u . . .s t o r i e s .
\\ r-, ,',r-. - I
LOC*e.:__- =: ..,=-c:-Ue? 2 My brotherhadsomeproblems at schoollastmonth,but
3 \ \ h a : , ' , = ' =- : : . : : s : o r i eas b o u t ? f o r t u n a t ehl yec . . .t . . . t h e m .
4 \ \ t s a :, _ _ _ ' : ' = : : : - e n e w s p a p e r . 3 S l o wd o w n|!c a n 'kt . . .u . . .w . . .y o u .
\ \ ' a S- ; - : : - = :
l:- S.J'pflslng 4 S h ec . . .a . . .a no l dp h o t o g r a pi nha b o x .
d i s c .c. - . 5 T h a tn o i s ei st e r r i b l eH o wd oy o up . . .u . . .w .' . i t ?
\\'ha-===* I : --; as:storyhaveon 6 Theyg... u.. . rugbybecause theydidn'tlikeit.
t h el e , ' . : : : := - - 7 | musts. . o... myschool bag.I can'tfindanything in it.
A \YAI iI hI \r --'=
: ' c ^ e \ e rb e i h e

?3s*&tr***g *q
>dlf,g a:t

Findwordsor expressions in the text

which match thes€ definitions.
' Doyoualwaysbelievewhatyouhearin the
1 n o tr e c o ' : = : a z ' ' : ' e a -
news?Why/ Whynot?
2 w o r l d tcr : : a - r = ' a 3 -
2 Whichformsof communicationdoyouuse?
tL nV n l . a n- n a ^ i ^ - ; - ^ : ' c
Vrqr :
/ disadvantages
3 Whatarethe advantages
(paragrap'l instantcommunication?
4 to makesoneonebelievethat
something is:rue (paragraph
5 to causegreat excltement
(paragraph 5)
6 opportunities (paragraPh

[,h&TT ?
Thc rssivc Frescrtgsfmptre
ffi neaAthe text andanswerthe questions. Underlinethree examplesof the presentsimple
I WhendiCscientistsstart rk on the inttrnet? passivein the text from exercise1. Then
2- Whr invenGdthe internetas it istrCav? completethe rule.

Completethe dialoguewith the verbsin

brackets.Usethe presentsimptepassive.Then
listenand check.

= ...(5 receive)at th
f'1; Joe So horlrl,l!.\hemes
words again?
'. Ann Well,basicallythe
:: bVthe computerp
... (8 translate).par
L 0 0l . ::::

ffi loot<at thesepairsof sentences.

sentences saywhat peopleor thingsdo?Which
sentencessaywhat happensto peopleor things?
1 a Peopleexchange information
on the internet.
b Information is exchanged
on the interner.
2 a Theymakea lot of computers in Asia.
b A lot of computersaremadein Asia.

ffi Completethe sentences

with the correctform of
the verbsin brackets.Usethe presentsimple
Readthe rulesand the examplesentences.
activeor passive.
1 Howmanymillio.ns. of emajlsV...'fi,vritel everyday?
2 Somepeople.i'(nbt like)email.They.. j\p*refeO
3 Letters'.'l':tibbr) morepersonat, because thev
' ' '... (deliver)
by hand. !
4 Today, almosteverything (sell)on
ng ... (seil.) on thethe Internet.
. / , +
5 lmportant documents l.t
. . : ' u s u a l.l.y. ( s e n dby
b) vp os
6 ::':you ... (enjoy)gettinglettersthroughthe post?

Completethe sentences with the correctform of
the verbsin brackets.Usethe presentsimple
R e a dt h e r u l ea n dt h e s e n t e n c eTs h . e nu n d e r l i n e
passiveor pastsimplepassive.
f o u r e x a m p l eosf t h e p a s ts i m p l ep a s s i vien t h e
1 . . . m ye m a i l .s. ( o p e nw ) h i l eI w a so u t ?
t e x t f r o me x e r c i s1e,
2 Whensheclicked orrthe link,she... (take)to a
We form the pastsimplepassive with the past different website.
simpleof the verbto be the pastparticiple. 3 Whenmycomputer ... (repair) lastweek,someof
When the World Wide Web ? m yf i l e s. . . ( d e l e t eb) ,u t| . . . ( n o t e l l )a b o uitt .
'Where your 'ln
I think it in the 1960s. 4 ... c o m p u t e. .r . ( m a k e ) ? ' C h i n a . '
5 Ourprograms... (notdesign) by usthesedays.
R e a dt h e . - ' e a n dc o m p ( e tteh e t a b l e . 6 Thefirstpersona( computers... (notproduce) in
thiscountry. They. (import).
When\\€ r\3f'rtto saywho or what does
s o m e t h i r gr., , ea d db y + t h e p e r s o no r t h i n g .
Theintercet TimBerners-Lee.
Thent'ncers q speciolmachine. Completethe text. Usethe presentor past
simple,activeor passiveform of the verbsin
Pastsimpe acr r e Pastsimplepassive brackets.Then listenand check.
1 Theinternetwasinvented
bvTim Berners-Lee.
T h es c h c :: : )
n e wc 0 t ' : - : :

C o m o l e t reh e s e n t e n c ewsi t h t h e v e r b si n t h e b o x .
U s et h e p a s is a r pe p a s s i v e .

C ^ :..'cn lose open reuntte




1,969 r r : - - r - - . . . f i o n C a p eK e nn e d yo n i t s Describethesethin$s.
- ' s s ' 0 1t o i h e M o o n .
1 a (howsomething
process ismade,or howa
1,977 i . i . 1 - n n n r r l : r n c r c , a - - l L- ^U*l -l "l P+ u^ L- t r l . . ' ut .y'
* r,,-JildL computer gameisplayed)
',-^ ^ a^*^"+^' T-r
n , J ! t r L U I I I P U L E I /l l l L '
-ne 2 fourimportant
events in yourcountryin the20th
1989-90 B e r l i nw a L c[ a m ed o l n ; E a s ta n dW e s t century

1,994 T h eC h a n nT eu l n n e. .[ . b e t w e eEnn g [ a n d
a n dF r a n c e .

ii "ii
Vocabularg s*?aisvemcnt
Completethe table with the wordsin the box. and choosethe correct
Listento the discussion
exf+ere invention researcherresearch Thediscussionis ..
discoverinventor developmentexB+e+a++en a a schooldebate.
develop discovererresearchinvent b a scienceprogramme on TV.
discoverydeveloper exB+e{€+ c a liveradiophone-in.

Listenagainand choosethe bestanswer.

Verb Noun(person) Noun(action)
1 Sally, thinksthat..
explore explorer exploration a we shoulddealwiththeproblems on Earthfirst.
b goingto Marsisa goodidea.
Choosethe correctanswer. , c goingto Marswillhelpto solvethe problems
1 Whenweremobilephones invented ?
,/ discovered on Earth.
2 There'sa programme on TV tonightaboutspace Nick,fromYork,believes that...
exploration,/development. a exploringspace is a waste of money.
TheolanetUranuswasresearched ,/ discovered b we shouldbe proudof ourachievements on Earth
bySirWilliamHerschel in 1781. c in thefuture,humans willliveon Mars.
wentto Africato do some
A groupof scientists Tim,fromLondon, can'tbelieve ...
exploration/ research on theAidsvirus. a howexpensive a trlpto Marswouldbe.
Alexander Fleming wasworking asa scientific b howmuchresearch isdonein space.
researcher/ explorerwhen he invented,/ c that peopleareagainst the ideaof space
discovered penicillin exploration.
l'vejustreadan interestingarticleaboutthe S a r a hf r,o mE d i n b u r g.h. .,
invention/ development of the humanrace. a iscertainthatthereis lifeon Mars
b issorrythatshedidn'tseehumans on
Lookat the photoand discussthe questions. the Moon.
1 Whicheventisshownin thisPhoto? c feelslonelyWhenshelooksat theskyat night.
2 Whywasthisan important eventin the
development of the humanrace?
Doyouthinkit isa goodideato explore
otherplanets?Why?/ Whynot?
Speohirl Lifrcvents

Readttrc Ftstin- Whkh two photos is the

Thisphdo Srs a €ri a:'s probablyher
firstdar'-Shelotr rg\ous andalone.I think that
startinga nerrs(r'(pi canbe a veryfrightening
experience beca,ae-rG-don'tknowanyoneandyou
don'tknortfE ru,!-€. Listenand checkyour answersto exercise2.
In this ptrotoytrt c;rl s€et\\o menshakinghands.
Choosea differenf photo and prepareto describe
Theyseem\el,) ']aDq They look as if they havejust
it to a partner.Rememberto:
hadsomegoodners Pertraps a
describe thatyoucansee
promotionor nsr po
considerhowthe peoplefeelandwhy
Completedis dessirtion with the words in the usethe boldexpressions 1 to help
box. Whk*r phdo does it refer to? you

mustbe because cztnsee think Describeyour phototo a partner.Canyour

lookasif perttaps partnerguesswhich photo you are describing?

Inthisphotoyou(1) ... somestudents at university. Discussthe questions.

They(2) ... theyareleaving (3)
a lesson .-. theyare 1 Howdo youthinkthe eventsin photosA-F
walkingdownsomestepsoutsidea building. Everyone change ourlives?
(4) .. veryhappy.Thegirlon the rightis laughing. 2 Whatotherimportant eventschangeour lives?
(5) ... thegirlin frontof herhasjusttolda joke. 3 Whicheventdo you thinkhas hadthe greatest
| (6)... thatgoingto university (7) ... an interesting effecton yourlife?
experience because youmeetdifferent peoplefrom
1l,0Rl{8001{ 54
alloverthe country.
fl discussion
essou Tarpr xa* Erex* €"-t€"*"
e" ,*
r,z Zr * {ewr:i * "€,r:*,*;i"rz
@ loot at the inventionsin the box. *'cS'':Z
f = EE'Z
Choosethree that you coufdlive
@ nOUthe bold wordsin the essayto the correc
without and threethat you could group1-4.
not live without.
1 Togivean example:
TV video the internet 2 T o a d da n o t h ei rd e a.:. . . . .
mobilephone car radio 3 Tointroduce a contrasting idea:
dishwashermicrowave 4 Toexplain an idea:..
washingmachine 5 Tointroduce yourconclusion:
computer ..

@ cnoosethe correctanswer.
@ ffrint ofthe advantages and disadvantages
1 Wecouldlivewithouta radio,
also/ but we cou
internet.Makea list of your ideas. livewithouta mobilephone.
2 Thestudents cameup withsomeusefulideas.
Forexample / On theotherhand,doingsome
Y*uc*n find cut research on the internetcanbe helpful.
i'ou :Gti s0enci t**
irtformItisn ver,/ 3 Thiscomputer ismadein Europe.
:'nt,tcnitne cn it. ln addition/
On the otherhand,thatcomputer
is importedfn
@ neaOthisdiscussion
Doesit mentionany 4 Space exploration tsexpenstve andit canalso/
of your ideas? howeverbe dangerous
5 | preferthiscarbecause it,smadein thiscountry
II€ i#e.?e+isa usefu/;nrc#;on. In addition/ Forexample, it,ssmaller.
Discuss. 6 Markreceived
h+k oe,lu,ri',lL hf"rn+ ,;mrvenfion. ten emailmessages yesteroay.
"fl:1t Fq However / In conclusion,hecouldn,t
,ou have;scAoo/i-*;;;;'""n fi,_dour them.
ray oy,ckly
::"ff :"
@ Write a discussion essay.Choose1 or 2.
1 lt isessentialtohavea mobilephone.Discuss.
2 lt isbetterto sendanemailthan
to wntea letter.
t are disadvanlages Makesurethat you:
lo fhe
compulers{o, lorg . makea listof
p,nods theadvantages/ disaovantages
, Lealfh,and sorrel.,nes;l;s . organiseyourideasintothreeparagrapns
dren seeon lhe infernel. (advantages,
)omedcross jnfomalion . rJSeexpressions
vv.uunrJ nor suffablelor forintroducing,
lhem.In #lOn, people contrasting
give_up mi
goirplo libraaes
orbuyiry*i"*,#"Uotr. . usethepresent
or pastsimple
-,,,I#lY,,rl" Ir:Ti,.:";;;;i
P usirp rf. Jf "*
o likehavirp' Io
p.op,. passtve
. usenewvocabulary
,on I[u fromthisunit
:!!:^''!:r,,tu*,,r r "a/ways
T, #rlTblem'
You sAou/d s"Iu[;ru li^i* "" ij:"i:':etr* * *,z:1'F
{t#V.* ?;
I n p a i r sd
. i s c u s rsh e t h r e eq u e s t i o n as t t h e t o p o f Thinkaboutthe categoriesin the box.Write your
the tex't. favouritenamesfor eachone.

R e a d: t ' e r e r . : .T h e n c o m p l e t et h e t a b l e w i t h fastfood films

n o t e s ,U s e: ' e r ' o r m a t i o ni n t h e t e x t a n d y o u r labels TV shows
ownideas. trainers musicgroups

A d v a n r a 3 e s: , ' D i s a d v a n t a g eosf
g l o b a st 2 : : - Lookat your partner'sanswers.Are they localor
from anothercountry?

1 lsyouthculturein yourcountryglobalised,

. 2 Doyouthinkthatglobalisation

Whichis the biggestfury
drinks comparl!'ir the
', Whichfast food giant
I operatesin 120
good/ badthinS?Why?

Canyou namethe most

world? countries? in the world?


* *;,
- J
r l-,
\g- :'-

w h i cthh es : - : : ' : : - = : ' :

sol.dthrouc-: -: :-= --.--
h r rh r r n cm J-::--:

Witha andtheycanatsomake andsetltheir
group of otherfarmers,hecrashedintothe productsmore cheapty. Theresuttis that
restaurant Hewasarrested peop[e
witha buttdozer. stopbuying fromthesmat[er, locaI
bythepolice andthenhewassentenced to companies.
threemonths Asa consequence Some
in prison. people mightseethegtobal
hebecame anevenbigger heroto his asa goodthing.It brings
cutture peopte
suDDorters. andmeans
together thatwehavecheap
Theattack, Bov6 wasnotjust food.Youcantravel,
exptained, eatandshopeasily.
anattackonfastfoodrestaurants. It was though,
Unfortunatety, many citiesnow
anattack companies haveexactty
ona[[multinationaI thesame shops,setting exactly
andthechanges thattheyhavebrought. He thesameoroducts.It canbedifficult to
believesthatsma[[ locaIcompaniesare come anysmat[
across [ocaIshops at a[t.
oftenforced to ctosedownbecause they Thequestionis,wi[[theworldbecome less
cannot compete whenpeopte
withthebigcorporations.interesting allwearthesame
in a gLobaImarket,thebiggercompanies clothes, eatthesame foodandspeak the
havemoremoney andadvetise, same
to expand [anquaqe?

e $ & $ E 3v r

Discuss thesequlestior:s"Thenread
the text quicklyand checkyoulrieleas.
1 Whatqualities do youneedto be
successfui? Makea listof asmanynouns
as p o s s r b le
2 Whicharethemostimportant qualities?

1 ArnoldSchwarzenegger wasa skinnyteenager. whowas D a n i e l d' sn e a m

w a st o h a v ea s h o pw h e r ep e o p l ceo i i
lrvrng in Austriawhenhefirststar"ied weighilifting He b u ya l lt h ed o s i g n ei ar "b e i su n d e o
r n er c o f T oa c h i e v
trainedat a timesa week,andat home h i sd r e a mh, es p e nst e v e n ; n o n t hws c r k i n gl o n gh o u r
f o ns e v e n haol u r sA. f t e fr i n d i n g
s u c c e sassa c h a m p i o n in a tinyflai in.London It wasworthit because ro0a5
bodybuilde h re,t u r n e dh i sa t t e n t i ot nc a c t i n f H
. e t h e' B r a n d C e n t nseh' o pt h a tD a n i eclr e a t e rdsm a k i n g
a p p e a r ei dn s e v e n faj l m sb e f o r "pel a y i ntfh el e a d i n g
m i l l i o nosf p o u n das y e a r
nolein the excitingactronfrlm TheTerminotr. tr
was 3 Sowhatbroufht twoveryclifferent people
thisfilmwhichmadeSchwar"zeneggen to t top
a hugestar" of their"professions? AsSchwar.zeneggen
Sevenyeanslater,he starredin Terminator satd a
2. Judgment necent interview, 'Hard
wonk,lotsof disciplrne and
Day.ltwasevenmoresuccessfui thanthefir"stfilm,and posrtive thinking' Whateven youdo,it rs impor"iant to
S c h w a r z e n e gbf e rc a moen eo f t h eh i g h e spta r da c t o r s
haveambition andcletermination Those who get i0
i n s h o wb u s i n e sS s o o na f t e rt h i s ,h eb e c a m ren t e r e s t e d the
top of their" fieldar"enotjustthe oneswjrnrne
rnpolrticsHewaselected governon of Califor"nia USA greatest naturaltalentor"luck.Theyanealsothe peop
in 2003
vyho arepr^epared to wor"kIonganilhard,anciney
2 Another success sioryisthatof Daniel GreenDaniel don'thavetimeto feelborecJ iheyaretheoneswho
n e m e m b etrhset i m ew h e nh i sh e a dt e a c h etro l d
'would him leannto impnove their weakpointsinsieaii cf worryin
thathe go nowhere,. Daniel feltannoyed bythrs, a b o utth e m
but he haddifferent ideas. Hewasalneady sending 4 V/hatever you'ne wonking on,alwaysprrtri:ise yourse
samples of hisownfashionnange If a
to hrghstreetcjothes rewardfor"whatyouhavemanaged
shops theaeeof 22 he hadcontnacts to achieve This wil
withJ0 shops rrisprre youtc lvorkeveniiarCer!
Vocubularg+ { : + : E # =
@ Write the nounfoims of theseadjectives. Youcancheck
answers1-7 in the text if necessary.
Adjective Noun Adjective Noun
@ neaathe ier.:a.1:n. Arethe 1 s u c c e s s f u l. . . 7 lucky
s e n t e n c er 's- e , ; ' ' a s e l E x p l a iyno u r 2 hard-working . B self-confident
answers. 3 d i s c i p l i n e d. . . 9 enthusiastic
4 ambitious .. 10 resourceful
5 determined 11 proud
6 talented 12 skilful

@ Completethe text with nounsor adjectivesfrom

C : - - : : r - , -

5 ': - - :: - - : : - - : - - : , - . ' at a l e n t
When MariaSharapovawon'the women'ssingles
title at Wimbledon in 2004 at the age of
0 : - : : . : - - = - -
seventeen,her parents were extremely
( 1 )p . . . . A l l t h e ( 2 )h . . . h a d p 4 i do f f .
- 3 n d c o m p l e t et h e Sharapovashowed (3)s... at tennis
S ) R e r oi h e T e r :3 - from an early age. Her natural (+).1...
o\\ n words. was so great that, at the dge ofrl;g
:..:-:::?^le an nine,she moved to the USA
with her father so that she
2 could train at a tennis
academy.She hoped to
achieveher (5)a... of
becominga tennis
5 champion.
At the starl, it was
not easy for Maria.
However,her (6)
f f i f i n Ow o r d so ' e \ s . e s s i o ni n
s t h et e x t succeed was so great
w h i c h m a t c hr . € s e d e f i n i t i o n s , that she rnanagedto
^ - . -
C \ - :
- -
- _ _ _ . - _ - _ : _
_ - _ _ - i
_ _ : : : _ .
turn professionalat
the age of fourteen.

1 Doyouagreewiththewriter'sideathatthe i
onlywayto succeedisthroughhardwork?
2 Whatwould you afteryou
liketo achieve s;


clouses Match f -6 with a-f. Then replacethat with who
or which.
Readthe text and answerthe questions.
1 Doyouknowof a website ...
1 Do youknowanyonewho hasbeenon TV?
2 T h eg u i t airst h ei n s t r u m e.n. t.
2 Wouldyouliketo be on TV?Whv?/ Whvnot?
3 Haveyoueverdoneanything ...
4 Domingo, Pavarotti andCarreras arethe singers
5 Schwarzenegger istheactor...
6 Whatisthe bestpieceof music...
a thatyouhaveeverlistened to?
b thatstarredinthe Terminatorfilms.
c thatsometimes performastheThreeTenors.
d thatyouarereallyproudof?
e thatgivesdetails
of alltheconcerts
in thisarea?
.f thatI mostenjoyplaying.

Readthe rulesand examples.

We can omitwho, that or whichwhen it is the

object of the relativeclause.
Wechattedoboutthe music(thot) I play.
Wechottedaboutthemusic.I plavmusic.
We cannot omit who, thst or which when it is
the subjectof the relativeclause.
Shewassomeonethat reallymadepeoplerelax.
(Shewassomeone. Shereallymodepeoplerelax.)

Completethe sentenceswith who or which.

1 She's wearing sometrainers ... arefromthe USA.
2 CanI I lentyoulastweek?
3 She's theviolinist ... we sawinthecomoetition.
4 l'dloveto do something ... wouldmakeme
5 Haveyoumetthe boy... wonthe race?

clouses 6 Thisisthe DVD... Katyrecommended.
I l st h a tt h ef i l m. . . i ss e ti nJ a o a n ?
B Whatdo youthinkof theactor... plays the leading
Findexamplesof the relativepronounswho,that
and whichin the text in exercise1. Then Lookat the sentences
from exercise5. In which
completethe rules. onescanyou omit the relativepronoun?
We usethe relativepronouns... or... to talk
We usethe relativepronouns... or ... to talk

D e f i n i nr e
g l o t i Ycel o u s e s
whenor ahose?
wfuere, Completethe text with who, which,where,when
or whose.
Findexarnplesd ;lr<re. when and whosein the
text. Then matdr 1-3 witfi A-€ to complete the

We use ttr ttl-irc forxlun where .

We trseth clfi- fonoun when .
We use tf- rclnie Fonoun whose.

to talt -qr rcesgfiL

to tak tqa

Completethe serfterres with where,when and

1 \,1--:= : --- - =-= :-=_.TaKeBOllywOOd
€l i - -:
2 lre-=-=+'-- .-- . . , i , ' , o rB - 0 a t f o o t b a l l .
3 =-,
| cc- I ..-'t'r. -"== :-e'.serve fishandchips.
4 T r z - : : - - : . : " : - - ' a a z ^s e n de m a i l s .
5 ls"e :1 -,=-- : ::' ,\l'rS '[r.the bank?
6 \\e ,: ' )-' z-a= ---:-: a'ent manyshops.
7 \ ^ ^ - -
r .\Ui',.- : -.:: t- >-

B Do ,: - '?-e- =+':- =: -: ... \\'egotloston the

\\2'; -- i--'-,-,

Choosethe crrcct answer.

D o ' ,: - . - - ' : ' ,:'-,. : - : .,,tsose rvho'sbeento

2 That's:= = - 'r-tfs€ rrf'.to's

3ooKI borrowed
3 l'vee':: a-=-: A-.: r \ l ' l O 53 ' Z C O I ' Completethe sentences with your own ideas.
1 Therearea lotof peoplein myclass who ... .
Completethe sentenceswith whoseor who's 2 ... istheplacewhereI wasborn.
(who is s vho hos).
3 | r e m e m b tehr et i m ew h e n. . . .
1 An a;--r' : >:-::-: 1 3 S : O, ' , t i t eb O O k S
4 | k n o ws o m e o nweh o s e. . . .
2 L i s a ':s- = : - - : -: :'=a- re t^e competition.
:: 5 ... whichisin thecentreof town.
3 | knot..;.:-::-: a'- --z' -.a'a:ious footballer.
6 l'dliketo geta jobthat... .
4 He's:-e 3€-:: - z::a?'-: r,^ T\.
5 T o m ' s: ' e - z ' :a?:' ^= -e Erslish GRfiMAM&R
6 I ' v eg c : a t = - : :..:: a': -S: (e \oUrS [rg&R#ffis$$€


I ;ii:il


l Listening
T sdw*rrs
Listento two friendstalkingaboutadver
on TV.Are the sentences true or false?Explai
your answers.
1 Sarahhasneverseenthe chocolate advert.
2 Lukelikesthe chocolateadvert.
3 Sarah thinksthatalladverts
Lookat the TV advertsand answerthe questions. 4 Lukethinksthatsomeadverts arefunny.
1 Do youlikewatchingadvertson TV?Why?/ Whynot? 5 Sarahcan'tunderstand Luke'ssenseof humour
2 Whatdo youthinktheseadverts areadvertising?
Youare goingto hear an interviewwith tr,
Matchthe adverts1-3 with the productsa_c. actorswho do TV adverts.Listenand complete
a shampoob crisps c washing-up liquid the notes.

Completethe table with the adjectivesin the box.

embarrassed confusingamusingshocking
disgustedbored annoyed shocked frustrated
annoytngamused confused embarrassing
boring frustratingdisgusting eeFeeffrfferree
Danny r,
Adjectivesthat age raw: (l) ...
describethe adverts {irsl producl'lhat he
adve*tsed: Q)...
hc,uvhe {ell while he r'rzasflmirE

Completethe sentenceswith the -ed or -ing form of his f,.sl sere.: (5 ...
the wordsin brackets. why:(4-)...
1 | thinkthatadverts arereally... (frustrate).
2 Wewere... (shock) whenwe sawhislatestfilm.
3 lt wasso ... (embarrass)whenI hadto speak.
4 Don'treadthatbook!lt'sreally... (boret. f,rsl produclfAai sAe
5 My fatheralways gets... (annoy)whenaoverts adverlrc.d:G)...
lnterrupt a goodTV programme. AowsAe{elf whilesAewas
6 | lovecomedies because they're... (amusel.
7 | felt.. (confuse)
in theexam.
B Thedinnerthathe madewas .. (disgust).

the questions.
Discuss Write a list of adjectivesto describea hero.In
1 Whoareyourcountry'snational
heroes? pairs,compareyour lists.
2 Whyaretheyheroes? brave...

Matchthe halvesof the dialogue.Then listen In pairs,discussthe qualitiesa hero musthave.

and check. \

1 9 Tim A herois a personwho does something a somebody whoisinspiring.

difficultbecause... b bean inventoror a discoverer.
2 Ann agree.A herois somebody... c heor shebelieves it istherightthingto do.
3 Tim I alsothinkthat a herois ... d who isdetermined andbrave.
e somethingremarkable whichmakes otherpeople
4 Ann Definitely. Theycould ...
wantto do the same.
5 Tim Exactly.Or they could work for a charity
or be a greatleader.Theirachievement
h a st o b e . . .

Readthe heroes'profiles.Then matchthe profileswith the photos.

1 SuzanneMubarak
Suzannefrlubarak rrasbornin Menya,Egypt. Herhusband, HosniMubarak, is
the President
and'\lamaSuzanne' isthe FirstLadyof Egypt.
MamaSuzanne is
a herobecause of herrvorkwithhelpingchildren to read.Shehasreceived
dozensof internationalawards for herwork.Sheis evena fan of the TVshow
AlamSimsintbecause of its educationalqualities.

? StephenHawking
Dr Hawking w'asbornin Oxford,England, in 1942,and he
is a scientist
at GmbridgeUniversity.Hisdiscoveries have
completely changed our understandingof time,spaceand
the universe. Hehasachieved morethanmostscientists in
spiteof a serious physical
Heis a herobecause
of hisincredible ideasand becausehe is an inspiration
disabled people.

3 ReemKelani
Kelaniwas bornin l\'lanchester,
England,in 1963,but her
familyis Palestinian.
Kelaniisa singerwhospecialisesin
Arabic'maqamat' melodies.
Sheisa herobecause of her
workpromoting folk musicand poetry,
Palestinian Shehas
become an international
svmbolof Palestinian

Listento the dialogue.Which heroare they Makenotesaboutyour heroes.Chooseone

discussing? personand in pairs,discussyour heroes.

true or
Are the sentences
fl f ilm revieu Eaa€ssmsE @ neaUthe reviewagain.
t"tatcttthe film reviewexpressions a-g with 1 Sholay cowboY
isa classic film
meanin$s 1-5. 2 Thefilmissetin BollYwood'
a lt hadmeon the edgeof mYseat' 3 Twoex-criminals,JaidevandVeeru,attacka village
b lt wasabsolutelY hilarious' 4 Thereisn'tmuchactionin thefilm'
c I couldn't stopYawnlng. 5 JaidevandVeerudo notcatchGabbar'
d lt hadan amazing soundtrack' 6 Ranidoesnot recommend SholaY'
e lt wasaction-packed fromstartto finish'
Then matchthe parts1-5 with
f lalmostfellasleep. @ loot at the notes.
the explanationsa-e.
g Therewasa nail-brting climax

1 ThisfilmwasreallYboring'
2 ThisfilmwasreallYexciting'
3 ThisfilmwasreallYamustng'
4 Thesongsin thefilmwerefantastic'
5 Thisfilmwasfullof suspenseat theend

goingto reada reviewof a famous

@ Vo, are
Bollywoodfilm. Whichthree expressionsfrom
exercise1 do Youthink will be in it?

quicklyand checkyour ideas'

@ neaUthe text

a Whathappens / the mainevents

b Partsof thefilm
c How good( badYouthinkthefilmis'
d Whereandwhenthe storytakesplace'
e Whoisin the storY.

TV programmethat you have

@ fnint of a film or
seenrecently.Makenotesabout it, usingthe
categoriesfrom exercise5.

to write a short reviewof a film o

@ Ut" your notes
TV pro$ramme.Rememberto:
' Usesomeof the expressions fromexercise 1'
' CheckYourworK


i \ 1 6 ' : - -


," ilr


the cinema,Therearealsohundreds private cars,One suchpersonis

of mobilecinemas,Thismeansthat WangLi, whosetiny greencaris
peopiewho live milesawayfrom a seenat leastoncea month at his local
cinemaeanhavea real'film-going drive-in.For him, drive-in cinemas
-- -
mrii:: expeience'. providea morecomfortable
DUt r = r --- - :
Drive-incinemashaveneverbeen environmentthan the conventional
watc:. ;. ::: , cinemas.'Yourcar is a placewhere
successful in the UK (it might have
fiIms:--,:: :::.- . - you can do whateveryou like. You
L ^ * - -
somethingto do with the
rrurl-=: -:-_i _.-
unpredictableclimate!). However, can chat,eat or makephonecalls
Llrlcr..= without disturbing otherpeople,
cverthe lastcoupleofyears,they
Inti': --:- :: : : haveexperienced Perhapsit is not surprisingthat, a
a hugeboomin the
recordnumberof cars,400in total,
big citiesin Chinalike Beijingand
queuedup at WangLi's localdrive-in
Shanghai, Thisis becauseofthe
growingnumberof Chinesewho own on a single night in February.

' j'f
Wori - ltis r:s"gj.tJ=g
1 Do you think that drive-inswouldbe a good
i- rl .: idea in your country?Why?/ Why not?
Stude-: 2 Do you prefergoingto the cinemaor
na.: watchingfilmsat home?Why?
3 Whatthingsdo you find annoyingwhenyou
: * ' : a r t n e rt h e go to the cinerna?
impor:: : 3 r a p h sT.h e n
o p er , _ l: tt\t.

Readthe text quicklyand checkyour ideas'
to work b a raceforcharity c a tourof London
a a journey
::*'F T"

* t."..*=o
t {:

? d+ '
& ef

ry; -i5i :,



walked stoPPed
1 lt isn'tthe usualjourneY around mouthedbusinessman
London.ln fact,the latesttour of the straightinto a rubbishbin! If you've
everwondered whatit feelsliketo encou ragement.
capitalis quitestrange. NowadaYs,
facethe paParazzi, thisisYour Theonlyperson whodidn'tsmilewas
peoplearealwayslookingfor exciting
Carnera flashes followedus a policeman. HestoPPed uswhilewe
anduniquetravelexPeriences to chance.
down to Westminster' weredrivingdown King's Roacl.He
markspecialoccasions, but thisisthe up to Soho and
whowerelookingat tsig iookedaroundthevehicle for some takesplaceon a 3 Sightseers 'Whatexactlyis
Benstopped to takePhotograPhs of time and then asked,
motorised four-posterbed!Thetour
ourbed.Asa smiling taxidriver it?'Eddexplained that it wasa
costsE200for is partof a one- The
a politelylet usgo Past,Eddtold us differentkindof Volkswagen.
daypackage whichalsoincludes
officerdid not look verY haPPY. He
flightoverLondonin a balloon,anda thatwe weregoingto be in
everyone's pictures: we weregoingto replied thathedidn'tthink
trip on a motorised sofa.
Volkswagen hadmanufactured a
2 I wastuckeduPin bedandstraPPed befamousfor fifteenminutes"
on yourpersonality, this four-poster bed. The police officer
in with a friend.Ourdriver,Edd 4 Depending
looking at you can askeda lot of questions, but Eddis
China,waswearinggoggles anda tourwith everyone
'egotrip',or a usedto beingstoppedbYthe Police
nightcap.Wesetoff alongPiccadilly' be eithera wonderful
terrifyingexperience' Aswe madeour on histravellingbed,anddidn'tget
and immediatelY PeoPle startedto
'Where wayat 40 mPhdownTheMall,I Hetold the officerhis
shoutcomments at uslike,
thatthe PeoPle of London vehicle completely
was streetlegal,
areyourPYjamas, love?'PeoPle realised
lookedverYdifferent. EverYone andwe wereallowedto continue'
stoppedand Pointed; an open-
Readthe text again.Are the Vocubulurg
sentences true or false?Explainyour
Matchthe nouns1-5 with the definitionsa-e'
answers. 1 journey a (countable) aroundacity/ country
1 Thereisn'ta moreunusual wayof
2 tour visitingseveral
travelllng a'ot:ndLondon. b (uncountable) goingfromoneplaceto another
3 flight
2 Thetoul'c' iiremotorised bedlasts goingto a placeandcomingback
4 trio c (countable)
foroneca', again(forbusinessor pleasure)
5 travel
3 Thepz.o?'zz[t folloledthemnear movingfromoneplaceto another
d (countable)
Westmrs:e' (canbe longor short)
4 A trafic .'.arcenstopped themwhile a journeYin theair
e (countable)
ther',',ere d'ningdownTheMall'
'.e'r,anon King'sRoadwas
5 The3c, Readthe sentencesand choosethe correctanswer'
nota- -seo 1 My mumgoesorl business with hernewlob'
trips/ journeys
6 Edcj'ai ^oi beenquestioned about 2 Travel/Journeyintroducesyouto newcultures andideas'
the cec reiore 3 I makethe samejourney/ tourto schooleveryday'
4 We'restayingin Londonandwe'dliketo takeatrip / tour of
Readthe text againand answerthe the city.
questions.UseYourown wordsas
Didyou havea goodtravel/ flight?
muchas Possible.
1 \\'hl c.' 3€09'egoon unusual triPs? Matchtheverbsintheboxwiththedifferentformsof
'ieniof furntture
2 \\ ha:3:^e' canYou transport a-f. There may be more than one correctanswer'
trareio" lres thiscostextra?
geton / off getinto/ outof drive ride park
3 \\'ha:c c :^e sersondowhilehe
wasr,',a:':--< :'e nrotorisedbedon catch miss take
PICCA: c bike d Plane e train f taxi
a bus b car
4 Wh'' c:=- =:: i:., :lat PeopleOn
- 1 : l b ef a m o u s ? from
ther,:-':': :: Completethe sentenceswith correctforms of verbs
- -:'s lookdifferent
5 Hor',c : -: :: exercise7. r
1 I waslatefor schoolbecause| ' " the bus'
:enannotbelieve 2 We ... thetaxiandasked takeushome'
.',asa \/olkswagen? 3 Youshouldalways weara helmetwhenyou " a bike'
4 Thatboylookstoo youngto " a car'
Findwordsor expressions in the text meandaskedmeto "' mybike'
5 Thepoliceman stopped
whichmatchthesedefinitions' 6 Youshould... the busintothe citycentrebecause it's
1 v e n ' u - - s , 3' ^ : s r e c i a( p
l a r a g r a1p)h
imPossibleto ParkYourcarthere'
2 made,',?-- z-: c:'r:fortable
(paraS'a:'l ffisR*iss&H &3,66
3 secure:3-.a sea:ceh(paragraph 2)
4 v e n s r j . 3 ' s ercp a r a g r a2P)h
5 some:''r3.^,armakes youthinkthat
(paragraph 4) Wouldyouliketo Boon the motorisedbed?
6 nenousandconfused (paragraph 5) Whatwouldbea uniquewayof goingon a
tourof whereYoulive?
Whatisthe mostunusual methodof transport
thatyouhaveeverheardof / beenon?

Discuss the questions.
1 Do yougoabroadforyourholidays?
2 Whatdo youlikedoingon holiday?
3 lf youcouldtravelanywhere
in theworldfor

Readthe interviewwith three teenagers.

Completethe sentenceswith the correct

Mark Julia Sam

1 ... hasalways enjoyedgoingto different

2 ... isgoingto Turkey
3 ... alwaysgoeson holidaywith his/ herparents.
4 ... doesn'tlikespending
too muchon a holidav.
It 5 ...likeswimming.
I 6 ... doesn't
by plane.

! :::::...a/a.-::.:;:::a::.:-:.:::a../.:.:::.,.:.,:-:-..

XFM What do young peoptewant from a

=Z;:-S.Sea:7===z:=?;"-,="a::=?,"==q, _.

look at how we reportwhat Mark and Juliasa

i E
holidaynowadays?Mark,wheredo you = Underlinetheir exactwordsin the dialogue.T
normallygo for your holidays? : readthe rulesand choosethe correctalternat
Well,I usuallygo to S,
Marksaid(that)he usually wentto Scotlandwith I
parents,but this year
t completelydifferent.I
with some'll
XFM So you're adventurou:
Juliasaid(that)shelikedfindingout aboutdiffere
Mark Not really.We'regoing
beachesare fantastic
coast! the verb chonges/ staysthe same.
XFM Julia,what about youi 'f use
of a reallygood holida we can / esn't omitthot
Julia I've alwaysloved visiti
countries.I like finding
cultures,and I reallyer Readthe reportedstatements1-7 andfind the
I've beenscaredof flyl direct statementsin the interview.
Sam,what's your idea r 1 Marksaidthathe wasgoingto Turkey withsom
Well,last year our fam
to Spain,but we usual
2 Marksaidthatthe beaches werefantastic on tnt
We take a tent and go campingin the ='s very relaxingand we don,t southern coast.
haveto spend a lot of moneyon flights 3 Marksaidthatit wouldbe brilliant.
and accommodation.I love it, but 4 Juliasaidthatshereallyenjoyed travelling.
sometimesthe weatherisn,tvery good! 5 Juliasaidthatshehadbeenscared of f lyingforye
6 Samsaidthatlastyearherfamilyhadgoneon a
package holiday
to Spain.
Samsaidthattheyusually stayedin England.
How do tfie tenseschangein reportedspeech? E#Ej*T EsgFF
Write the rerba in the correcttenses.
lf ReaUthe rulesfor when we usesoy andtell.
3 w e n t . . .4 w i l l. . lf we includea personalobjectafter soy,we
must usefo.
How do proftrurs and possessive adjectiveschange She me shedidn't like skiing holidays.
in reportedspeech?Choosethe correctanswer.
1 , ' , =- : - : " : , = a ' - r : . C r O U
hOr lidayS.'
-:, :,: I :-:- ---e\ tl'eusually wentabrOad fOr We alwaysusea personalobject(for example,
me, him, us,Jack) after tell.
.- iakingme on holidaywith She me shedidn't like skiing holidays.
SnercU U me sneel
\ : lour carents didn'tliketaking
: - , .','rhthem/ us. I Completethe sentenceswith say,tell, saidor
5 3 :-= :=achwithmycousins, butthey told.
1 | ... myfriendI wasgoingto visitherin France.
I a ,',a5,s
wentto the beachwith 2 You... youweren't goingabroad thisyear.
h:s -: : -: we / theyjustignoredyou/ 3 Theydidn't... memyflighthadbeendelayed.
hir 4 Jane. . to methatshewouldmeetmeat the
't^ -
- . = : ' . : . , : - : : a n p i n ga n dI l o s tm yt e n t '
- z - :! -:,:: --1- -- = _,earhe/ theyhadbeencamping 5 Didyou... you'dcaught the lastbus?
-€ ::=j - jr ls: their/ hissleeping bag. 6 Wedidn't .. anyone thattheholiday
hadbeena disaster.
:, Completethe reportedstatements.
1 i - = - =a - - : : i - : ^ 3 r v i t h
myfamily.' saas*E€dm€E*E€
T a -= . . . : - - : . : - . going c a m p i nwgi t h. . f a m i l y . Jamestold Kateabout his weekend.Read
' , ' , =' : = : - Z - ' = - : i ' O f L O n d O n . '
2 what Katetold anotherfriendabout it.
-.' : -' . - -': .
T-=_. goingon a tourof London.
- .\r ^ James(1)said/ told thd he(2)had/'d
J ' r : - : . = a : .
hada greattimeat theweekendbecause
T-=. , ' : -.-a-.-.--. iakea taxi. he(3)played/'d playedbeachvolleyball.
.: :.: _::
.i., 'JU.
He(4)told/ saidmethat{re(5)loved/'d
^er,'er lovedvolleyball, andhe(6)hadplayed/
Sa'=.= : :-: beenabrOad. playedeveryweekat thesportscentre.I
'l -
5 z'- .:: ::=:- s s e dm yf l i g h t . ' (7)said/ told that| (8)'ve/ 'd never
B e -. = : : - = - - ' : a r r i v el da t es oh e . . .m i s s e.d. . playedvolleyball before.James(9)told/
fl :-- saidthathe(10)will/ wouldteachme.
He(11)told/ saidmethatheandhis
O t I a : - - : - - : - l : o r i s e db e db e f o r e . ' friends(121are / weregoingto play
She.= : :-=: -aCnt a motorised bedbefore. beachvolleyballagain nextweek,and
thatit (13)will / wouldbe greatif I
r Reportthesestatementsfrom the interviewusing (14)went/ hadgonewith(15)us / them.
the namesin bracketsandsoid (that).
1 r ;: -: : : -::r irg completely different.' (Mark) I '"".l Write James'sand Kate'swords.Usesaid
2 \ \ e ' ' e= - - - ' : ' : r e sunshine.'(Mark) andtold.Then listenand check.
3 | r e a , ' , : . . :I , : J , ' s i t i n g d i f f e r e n t c o u n(tJr u
i el isa. )' Jsrnesssid,'l hrscl
a greattime"..'
'l =-: - (Julia)
4 li<e = :,-: a3outdrfferent cultures.'
5 i i r i z : - - - a ^ dg oc a m p i n g( S ' am) #ffi#ffiffisft
'Sonre- -.s good.' (Sam)
6 :^e ,',eather rsn'tvery ffi#€atrs*#fi
& r h 5 t T I"
Vocabulorg Listeninglournegs
Matchthe words in the box with the picturesA-8. with words
Completethe announcements

station passengerplatform announcement

airport departure carriage runway track
luggagegate arrival boarding card delay
ticket check-indesk ticketoffice

Listenand check.

Listento two moreannouncements and

completethe information.
King'sCrossStation Airport
number: ...
Platform (4)...
Usualdeparturetime:(2)... Gatenumber:(5)...
Newdeparture time:(3)... Whoshould boardfirst:(6)

Listento an announcement on a planeand

choosethe best answer.
1 Thecaptain tellsthe passengerstheflightis ...
a goingto takeoff now.
b goingto be delayed forten hours.
c goingto be delayed for aboutfifteenminutes.
2 Theflightshould arrivein Venice...
a justaftermidda},.
b at fivep.m.
c justafternfidnight.
3 Thecaptainexplains thatpassengers willseethe
Alpstodaybecause ...
a the weatherisverygood.
b he'llfly lowoverthe mountains.
c the mountains areperfect.
4 Whatwill be servedon theflight?
a Lunch.
b Breakfast.
c Breakfast andlunch
5 Passengers cangettouristinformation by ...
a reading magazines.
b watching a video.
c asking the cabincrew.

SPeqF,irq Readthe dialogueagain.Then completethe table


Listenand checkyour answers.Listenagain

and repeat.

lmaginethat you are goingto spendthe day in

Greenwichwith a friend.Lookat the leafletand
decidewhatyou wouldliketo do.

Takea boat trip down the River Tharnes

to Greenwichin eNt London.It offers
art, culfure and eatingout, togetherwifh
uniqueshops,a picturesquepark and a

T3:* Cuffi' "$arfe

difficulttrips,bringingteato England.
Havea guidedtour and imaginewhat
A t...
t : : - ' , ' , : e k e n idn life waslike on board.
B S: .-. - '
= ? a /

Adultsf.4.25,children f.2,95.
A --v v.
? \
Y / , t ,
r r r v
i'{ati* &taritime ftri-rcleum
SpecialexhibitionFromEarthto Mars looksat two famous
!,- -
journeys- RobertFitzroys's.exploration
in HMS Beagleand
B T = : : , ' , / h !d' o n ' t w e
the Beagle2 flight to Mars.
! :

. A
: . :,32L R.*yal *bs*rvat*rv
: . : o a t ,H o w Thishistoricbuildingis the homeof GreenwichMean
-::- I'Om Time.Theworld'stime zonesaremeasured from here.
:':iher told ilreenia'ieln Fark
Takea strollthroughthe oldestand mostbeautifulof
A London'sRoyalParks.Try rowingon the boatinglake.
B O K E :: ' : '
(8 - , =-
In palrs,discussyour preferences.lf you do not
agree,rnakeother suggestions and planyour day.
,C:.' I"l Ile ' r ' , O i ' d iSn
the Remember to usethe expressionsfrom exercise3.
bor, StudentA: Express a preference
StudentB: Agreeor disagree Explain lvhy.
StudentA: Suggest somethingdifferent.

fl f ormalletter *Es E*2tr*z
neaOthe advertand the letter.Thenanswerthe @ t"tatclrthe partsof the letter a-g with
Q functions1-7.
1 themainbodyof the letter
1 Whydid Natasha writethe letter?
job 2 the writer'saddress
a to askfor a
3 opening greeting
b to askfor information
4 thewriter's nameandsignature
c to booka trip
5 the date
2 DoesNatasha knowthe nameof the personwho
6 thecompany's address
sheiswritingto?Howdo Youknow?
7 closing greeting

@ f Natasha'sletter startedDearMr
would it end?

T * g"g.e fi 1}#"$ "*
1-4to formal
@ t"tatcttinformalsentences
sentencesin the letter.
1 Canyousendmesomemoredetails, please?
2 I'dliketo knowaboutboattripson theThames
3 Writebacksoon
4 Howmanypeoplecangoin a smallboat?

for your
@ Vouwant to organisea balloontrip
friend'sbirthday.Write a formalletter askingfo
1 0 W a r dS q u a r e
London moredetails.

b 3 r dA P r i l

FishyBoatHire c
42 MarketStreet
R G 82 N L

D e a rS i r o r M a d a m
I a m w r i t i n gt o e n q u i r ea b o u th i r i n ga b o a to n t h e
R i v e rT h a m e s . Y o uard v e r t i s e m e snat i dt h a t s m a t ' ,
m e d i u ma n d l a r g eb o a t sw e r ea v a i l a b l eC. o u l dy o u
t e l l m e h o w m a n yp e o p l ey o u a l l o wi n a s m a l l
b o a t ?I w o u l d b e g r a t e f uilf y o u c o u l ds e n dm e
s o m em o r ed e t a i l s .

I lookforwardto hearingfrom you soon' @ neaOyour letter againand checkthat:

. youraddress andthecompany'saddressareintl
Yoursfaithfully correct0lace
. theopening andclosinggreetings
NafashatWorgan . youhaveusedformallanguage
N a t a s h aM o r g a n
*:'-iitiiii*::ei?*iil, *j?

[,NIT 9
with the
R.ead the text quicklyand mateh the headingsa-f
para$raphs 1-5.Thereis one headirld that yeiueionot need'
city e 'A spectacularf ltght
a Anunusua t ol u r L An energetic )vu utuus u, ' i

b A m u s i c a l t r i P d Cityof cutlture
! \JC


| .,. 3
SydneY, on thesoLlth-eastcoastof H o v v e v ei frY , o uw a n ts o m e t h i n g
is a vibrant,
Australia, m o r ee x c i t i n tgh a np u b l i ct r a n s p o r t ,
Sydnel'hasPlentY to offer'You can
whicheverYbodY is on themove'This
makesit oneof themostexciting cities t a k ea h e l i c o p t er ird ea n de x p e r t e n c e
in theworldto visit. o n eo f t h ew o r l d ' sm o s tb e a u t i f u l
h a r b o u rf sr o m4 , 0 0 0m e t r e sOi n e
2... passenge t or l du st h et w e n t y - m i n u t e
ThecheaPest waYto seeSYdneY is on
f l i g h tg a v ey o u u n f o r g e t t a bvl iee w s
foot.Staffat theTouristlnformation
o f t h ec i t ys k Y l i n et h, eH a r b o u r
Centre saidthattherewerewalking
touristswe B r i d g ea n dt h e O P e r aH o u s e .
toursin thecity.However,
spoketo saidyotlwouldalsoneedto 4 ...
on A cheaper wayto enjoYSYdneY is
usepublictransPo11, esPeciallY
summerdaYswhenit'stoo hot to walk t o g o o n a n i g h t - t i mreo l l e r b l a d i n g
veryfar. t o u r .O u rg u i d es a i dt h a ta l l Y o u
Sydney's publictransport systemls neededwasa grouPof six and lots wayto seeSydney is :
reliableandgood value'You of energYlYour skatesand helmets
frombuses, trains,ferries, a e o - h o ugr u i d e d
a r ep r o v i d e d ' T ht w
iightrailsystemanda city monorail' lf tour wiil takeYouaroundthe
you'reusingpublrc transport,it'swotth h a r b o u ra,c r o s tsh ef a m o u sH a r b o u r
buyingtheSydneyPass.This yougives Bridgeandthroughthe's
unlimited journeys on bus,railor ferry coolea r t n i g h ta n dt h es P a r k l i n g
overa periodof three,fiveor reflection of the lightson the water
transport t h e y h a d d o n e o n t h e i rt r i P ! j
sevendays. lsbeautiful.

Readthe text a$ainand answerthe questions"

1 Whydo yourneedto usepubltc transp0ri ln Whichmethodof transport wouldyou
ctroose Why?
to seethe si$htsof Sydney?
for morethana week? lf a foreigntouristwantedto goon a.tourof
2 Cany,strhavea SydneyPass uout.orittv, whichfourplaces wouldyou
JHowlongtloesthe helicopter f !ighitake? iecommend? whv?
Doyouhaveto useyourownskates
r o l l e r b l a d ti n
5 Whataretwo goodreasons for skating at night?
Whichtwothingscanyoulrsten to onthe1etboat?
Choosethe correctanswer'
1 Thefilm wasso bored/ boringthatI almost
2 My teachergotannoyed/ annoying whenmy
Replacethe wordsin bold with the mobilePhonerangin class'
in the box. 3 Thepolicemadea shocked '/ shocking discovery
in theforest.
giveuP PutuPwith cameuPwith d / embarrassing very
4 My sistergetsembarrasse
cameacross calledoff madeuP
mare '/ amusedperson'He
1 A friendof minethoughtof a greatideato '
5 George rsa reallyamusing
money. makes usalllaugh'
the barbecue because ofthe 6 | wouldbeveryshocked '/ shocking if I wonthe
2 Theycancelled
heavY ratn. lotterY.
for mytestsoI inventedtheanswers'
3 I hadn'trevised
Completethe sentences with the wordsin the
4 lf you'vegota sorethroat,stopsmoking' Then
box. Thereare two wordsyou do not need'
5 | toleratedthe musiceventhoughI can'tstand
whileI waslookingfor
6 | foundanoldpainting catch ride lost travel trips missed
somethrng else. tour JourneY
form of
Completethe sentenceswith the correct 1 Haveyouever... a Plane?
the words in brackets. 2 ls it easYto .. a buswhereYoulive?
1 Since of themobilephone'youcan
the ... (invent) 3 lsit illegalto ... a bikewithouta helmetin your
sPeak to PeoPle almostanYwhere' countrY?
2 Recently therehasbeena major" ' (develop) in
4 HavevoueverDeenon a " ' of yourcapitalcity?
thefightagainst cancer. 5 Doyouthlnkalr ..' istoo exPensive?
3 Columbus in thefifteenth
wasan ... (explore) of yourfamilyhaveto goon
6 Do anymembers
centurY. business ... abroad?
a new
4 Howwouldyoufeelif you " '
planet? Matchthe wordsin the box with picturesa
hasboughtthe landandisgoingto
A ... (develop) You can usefive of the wordswith both
buildsomehouses there.
intothe originof card passengerrunway alrport
I'dloveto do some... (research)
track departure Platform station
announcementgate carriagef light arriva
Write the adjectivesand nouns' luggage
Adjectives Nouns
1 enthusiastict
2 ... ) ambition
3 successful t
4 ... ) skill
5 determinedt
6 . . . t pride


Complete the text with the correct form of the Rewritethe sentences. Usethe activeor passive
verbs in brackets.Use the present simple active form.
or present simple passive. 1 People don'tgrowspaghetti on trees.
In somecountries,the flrst day in April ... (1 call)
2 Theinternetisusedby millions of peopleeveryday.
April Fool'sDay.II is a traditional day for playing Millions....
tricks and practicaljokes on your friends.Stories... 3 ltalywontheWorldCupin 2006.
(2 make up) and then people... (3 try) to make T h eF r e n c.h. . .
othersbelievethem. Journalistsalso ... (4 take)part 4 Ourhousewasn't damaged bythe hurricane.
in the fun, and in Bntain, made-upstories... Thehurricane...
(5 print) in almosteverynewspaper.Strict rules 5 Theydestroylargeareasof rainforesteveryyear.
about accuratereporting ... (6 not follow) on April L a r g .e. . .
Fool'sDay. Of course,everybody... (7 know) that 6 People discovered thoseplanetsinthe 19thcentury.
'hoaxes',and so it is
someof the reportsare T h o s e .. .
probablythe only day when the papers... (8 read)
very carefull-v. Match 1-6 with a-f. Then replacethat with who
or which.
1 | cameacross a fascinating website...
2 R e e mK e l a ni si a m u s i c i a. n
3 TheTerminator isa film ...
4 lsshethe mostambitious person...
5 Alexander Fleming isthescientist ..
6 Arethosetheclothes ...
a thatSchwarzenegger starredin.
b thathelpsyoulearnnewwords.
c thatwerewornin thefilm?
d thatI really
e that you haveevermet?
f thatdiscoveredpenicillin.

Lookat the sentencesagain.Tick (/) the onesin

whichyou can omit the relativepronoun.
C& Completethe text with the correctform of the
Usethe pastsimpleactiveor
verbsin brackets.

Oneof the mostfamousAprilFool's jokesin Britain

. . .( 1 p l a y )b y a T Vc h a n n eml a n yy e a r sa g o A . report
aboutspaghetti (2
treesin ltaly... record)andit
. . , ( 3s h o w )o n t h e n a t i o n anle w so n A p r i l1 s tl.n t h e
film,ltalianfarmers,,, (4 not seelmakingspaghetti,
butthey,., (5film)pickingit fromspaghetti trees.
Thereportalso... (6explain)howthe spaghetti
... 17leave)in the sunto dry beforebeingpackaged
a n ds o l d . T h ree p o rw t a sa h u g es u c c e sasn dm i l l i o n s


Completethe sentenceswith where,whenor
1 I'vegota cousin... ambition isto bea doctor.
2 Howoldwereyou. . youstarted school?
3 That'sthegirl... mumteaches English.
4 lsthisthe house... youlived when youwereyoung?
5 l'llneverforgetthetime... I wonthatcompetition.
6 That'stheplace.. theaccident happened'

Choosethe correctanswer.
Areyoutalkingaboutthetimewhen,/ wherethere
wasa sdverestorm?
TheKebabHouseisthe restaurantwho ,/ wherewe
3 Doyouknowanyonewhose/ who'slivedin London? l'm sorry but check-inclosedten
4 Columbus who,/ whichdiscovered
isthe explorer minutesago.You'vemissedthe flight.
America. Harry!Thisis allyourfault!I'm not
Haveyou heardaboutthe storythat/ who wasan goingon holidaYwith Youagain!
Weknowsomeone at
who's,/ whosefatherteaches
ourschool. they wasn't his she was said had
them him their he had told his
Readthe dialogue.Completethe reportedspeech
with the wordsin the box. (2)...luggage wastoo heavy. Marysaid(3).'. would
helphim,but(4)...hadto hurryor theywouldmis
(5)...flight.At theairport, thewomantold(6).'. thz
she(7)...sorrybutcheck-in (8)...closed tenminut
before. She(9)...they(10)...missed theflight'Mar
( 1 1 ) . .H. a r r yt h a ti t w a sa l l( D . . . f a u l t a n ds h e
( 1 3 ) . .g. o i n go n h o l i d awy i t h( 1 4 ) . .a. g a i n '

Rewritethe statementsas reportedspeechor

1 Janesaidthatshewasgoingcamping withher
'You'llhavea greattime.'
M u mt o l d u s. . .
'l'velostmyboarding card.'
J a n es a i d. . .
Theysaidtheyweresorryaboutthe latedepar
of theflight.
'My didn'tenjoytheflight''
'Shehadneverbeenon a planebefore''
H es a i d. . .


fl toot - ftc wds nd erpressionsin the box and Completethe dialoguewith the correctform of
ansrer dE q,gritrR the verbsin brackets.Usethe passiveand
'€S0-ltr= n= l-'.€ --4\\av ShOCk
fu -a€
sg: e'rDarrass mtss
ffrlr r E-Ji\€ carch proud off
s*.€cessr4E ma.c ng card give
=-C - oe
O;l lf :l-EtrLaJ

1 =-rl:r- efF-:"ra rrr- C- J,e USe tO deSCfibe a

2 =lctrr ,Bts r-rlr r,,f -:e,iriththe preposition
:. Amy ' That'sthe new rollercoasterride which
=' ,€fS r- rI ,,r3-Senith the prepOSitiOn
. ... (1 build)lastyear.Let'sgo on it!
:',: - Sarah I'm not sure.I ... (2 take)on a roller
: rnf :F* r€fS :,: .',eadd -ed/ -inO tO . coasterwhen I was little,and I've hated
-dr€ ilri=rE t: them ever since.
-; : Amy This one's different.My brothertold me it
rnr- :rr: -r:t-r5 :'l .'.€ ddd -fultO make
,.:- ... (3 be)fantastic!
:rC rt-l- €!5 I Sarah I don't know.Janetsaid she ... (4 go) on
.Frl: ,i": ,Se ,,,ithfOfmSOf
. it and she ... (5 feel)reallysick
lz-5;r:r_ afterwards.She told me she ... (6 never/
7 =-c tr-n 3rF-i-irtr< .'.- :- \\e use afterget. goingto go) on anotherride again!
B 5-c:rr: -cr-lr :rrF-::ffi sith airoorts.and two Amy Yes,but Janet can't stand heights.She
'r.-u: --r-t-€c=J .'l := ^ statrons. ... (7 persuade)to go on it by herfriends.
Sarah Well,I'm not scaredof heights,but my
Red d -r d fu tretve mistakes.Circle :,: mumsaidshe ... (8 not think)roller
.,., coasters ... (9 be) very safe.
and crec

A fllgm ftc tc I U'

Rorremi.u@? lrei rErr
Yestcrdil rfut rffir
sixfnr:l t c-{iltE hE
ftierd atg F.r lb e
phocdrt Onm lb
saidnEilErle El
seortyffi,soall Amy Wow,that was fantastic!
flrcrjqgrEtalen otrfrc plane.I saidthatI will Sarah lfeelterrible!You told me | ... (10 be)
wtbl-- ItE -ft wtrereI wasmeetinS him fine.
waswynd- ad I quickly$stborin€.Whenhe Amy But you saidyou ... (11 not be) scaredof
finallyrliel d 5 am..hetoldto methatit hadbeen
Sarah I'm not, but I hateit when I ... (12 turn)
a Yertfusfded tftilet. upsidedown!


ffieguXmr -ed eeadinrys
ryerfu wiElrlfil, ldl
eExd irl
Listenand repeatthe words.
Listenand repeatthe verbs.Payattentionto
li:lmeet /u:/ blue /n/ clock
how the -edendingsare pronounced.
ltl live lz:lbird /c:/ horse
// vc // a
! bdbd letl play lallook ltdl /d/ Itl
lnl cat latl light leal $o
responded borrowed rushed
lul car lctlboy /eelwhere
l^/up latsl out tH ear affected sympathised marked

Completethe wordswith the correctsymbolfor

the vowelsounds. Now listenand write the verbsin the box in
good the correctcolumnfrom exercise1.
1 lg...dl 11 want
2 love ll...vl 12 mess caused benefited stopped exPected
3 girl ls...u 13 dark celebratedshopped coached realised
4 rude h...dl 14 new finished involved repeated seemed
5 meat 15 share
6 have lh...vl 16 buy
I Lookat the wordsin the box and completethe
7 now /n...t 17 rce
rules.Write lfil.ldl or ltl.
B day td...t 1B more
9 beard tb...dl 19 think Whenthe letterbeforethe -edis a d or a t, we
10 loads ll...dzl 20 toy pronounce the -edending
Whenthe soundbeforethe -ed is unvoiced
Listen,repeatand checkyour answers.
(lsl,lnl, lpl, lkl,lfl, l!, lfl or l0l),wepronounc
Matchthe wordsin the box with the correct the -edending
consonantsymbols. Whenthe soundbeforethe -ed is voiced(all
vowelsoundsandlbl, lgl, l$1, lvl, 16l,lql, lzl,
oox pen Jenny happy fun yellow man lm/,lnl,or lU),we pronouncethe -ed
came she mrss visit quick these television ending

tbt bag lll like lks/ 1 0 .. . Readthe wordsbelowand write how the'ed
tdt dad lffil 6... t0t earth endingis pronounced(ld/, ldl, or /t/). Usethe
tft 1... lnl never tlt 1 1 . . . rulesin the boxesto helpyou.
lgl girl lpl 7. . . t6t 1 2 . . . a argue0 f removed
tht 2... lkwl 8... /\t having b disrupted g investigated
tjt 3... hl read /3t 13... c presseo h pushed
ttf/ March Itl Tom tzl ooes d emigrated i kicked
// u
A J- l 4... lvl 9. . /sl 14... e revised j reduced
tkt 5... lwl went
Listen,repeatand checkyour answers.
Listen,repeatand checkyour answers. Practisesayingthe words.

l ,
I I .

in compoun
f,stress eshf orms
We usuallymakethe'fo'weak afterhaveor
Listenand repeatthe compoundnouns
hos.Listenand repeat.
in the box.
Now the mainstresson a We haveto takeour passports.
the first or secondpart ofthe noun? b Do I haveto comewithyou?
c I didn'thaveto waitlong.
paperround timetable alarmclock d He hasto stayin ltalyforthreemonths.
footpath laptop make-upbag earthquake e Doesshehaveto phonethemfirst?

Listenand checkyour answers. Unit3

of c0ntr$ctions
nctisn When we usepresentor pastperfectwe
Listento theseconversations. ls the often shorten hove,hos andhod. Listenand repeat.
rtonationrising(6) or falling(9) in ttre
a He hasbeenin China.He'sbeenin China.
b I haveeatensushi.
A Wouldyouliketo cometo my house? ( ) eaten
c We hadalreadyeatendinner.We'dalready
B Yes,I'dloveto. dinner.
A Haveyouseenourtimetable? ( )
B Yes,it'sawful! We do not shortenhove,has or had if they
A Do youwantto borrowmy stereo? ( ) are usedas questionwords.Listenand repeat.
B No,I wantto borrowyourmobile phone.
a Haveyoubeento China?
A WheredidyougetyourMP3player? ( )
b Hadyoualready
B | $otit in London.
A Howmuchdidyourcameracost?( ) @ neaUthe conversations belowand decidi if have,
B I don'tknow,it wasa present. hos or had canbe shortened.
A Areyougoingto do yourpaperroundnow?( ) t
a A Wherehaveyoubeen?
B No,I'mgoinghome. B I havebeenon holiday in Thailand.
A Whendidyougoon a rollercoaster? ( )
A Oh,really?Thatmusthavebeenfantastic!
B wasfantastic! B Yes,it was.I hadneverbeentherebefore.
Listen,repeatand checkyour answers. b A Wehadjustfinished
low lookat theserules.Write'up'or'down'in B Whowasit?
[e spaces. His
A A manwhowantedto useourtelephone.
goes... in a question carhadbrokendown.
usually which
needsa'yes'or'no'answer. c A Youhavegotsucha greatvoice!| havenever
Intonation goes... in a question
usually which heardyousingbefore.
doesn't a'yes'or'no' answer. B I havepractised
A I wishI hadheardyousingbefore.

d A Haveyoueverseenthe movieKingKong? Unir5
B No.Haveyou? ffi*r#sEF*ss
A No,I havenot.
iii|illi, Howmanysyllables
havethe wordsin the
e A Untilthismatch,
11 box got?Readand count.Listenand check.
B Nowhe hasgot14l rainforestoil organiserrepresentative
expand modify produce endangered
'q = Now listenand checkyour answers.
tililllr rechargeable solution storm responsibility
,:iliilr Listenand repeatthe sentences.Payattention
to the shortenedforms of have.hos andhod.
thesewords.Whichword is different?

Unit4 " suggest reveal promise reduce

l;,i prevent expand

ll Somevowelsare pronouncedlelwhenthey are liiiit Readthe wordsin the box. Write them in the
not stressed.
Forexample: table accordingto their stresspatterns.Listen,
you ljel of lavl for lfel repeatand checkyour answers.
a lel and lenl were lwel

= Listenandrepeatthe wordsfrom exercise1.

i 1 We alsodo this in longerwords.Listento the
wordsin the box and write lelabovethe correct
change solution successfulhurricane
survey industryemissionspollution
hunger survive persuadeopinion atmospherereductionissue globalwarming
developmenthelicopterfearlessinspire temperaturegases conservationchanges
teenagerconclude sealevel arrangementspeciesancestors

;iiil Wittr a partner,think of one or two morewords

which matcheachstresspattern.
con andhove otten containa weak /a/.Listenand
circlethe /e/soundin thesequestionsand
a Wheredo youlive?
b Whatdoesshedo?
c Whencanwe meet?
d Weweretalking aboutlanguages.
e Theycancomeherefor dinner.
f Hedoesa lotof training
to beanathlete.

=,1 tisten and repeatthe questionsand


nir 6 Unir7
In conditionalsentenceswe often shortenw// O Listenand repeat.Payattention to the
and wouldto 7 and 'd. Matchthe phonemic stressedsyllablesin the words.
script (1-11) with the contractions(a-l).
Verb Noun (person) Noun (action)
1 lwrcll a They'll
2 lafll bhe'd transform transformer transformation
3 l6e:,dl c he'll conserve conserver conservation
4 lhtall d we'd
5 ladl e l'll O Work with a partner,saythe wordsand mark
6 ljutell f They'd the stresswith an accent('). Listenand repeat.
7 lfiell g itlll
B lju'^dl h she'll Verb Noun (person) Noun(action)
9 l6el1'l i t'd exprore exprorer exploration
10 thi,^dt j we'll researcn researcner research
11 l[i:ll k you'd discover discoverer discovery
12 lwi;dl I you'll invent inventor invention
produce producer production
Listen,repeatand checkyour answers.
supporr supporter support
Listenand repeatthe sentences.Pay pollute polluter pollution
of 'll and'd.
attentionto your pronunciation predict predictor prediction
develop developer development
a lf yougoout withoutan umbrella, you'llgetwet!
b lf I couldliveanywhere in theworld,l'd livein
c lf the sunshines,it'llbea fantastic
dayfor surfing.
d lf he revised, get
he'd betterexamresults.
e What'llyoudo if youwinthe money?

UnitI UnitI
Listento the stressedwordsin these Listenand repeatthe words.
sentences(there is more than one). Listenagain
and repeatthe sentences.
rc/ tjt
jewel you'll
a I droppedmy moneyalloverthe street.I wasso years
embarrassed! yes
b Thatnewsstorywasreallyshocking! yet
c lt'sreallyannoying
ohones onthe bus.
that I wantedto getout of the
d I wassofrustrated Listenand write the wordsyou hear.
Listenand repeatthe sentences.Pay
e Thatwasabsolutely spectacular!
attention to the l$l and/j/ sounds.
a Jamieusuallytellsamusingjokes.
Ex ressing
Intonation: feelings
strong jacket?
b Do youhaveJenny's
Listento how intonationis usedwhen we c A Areyoucoming?
expressstron$feelin$s.Listenagainand repeat justa minute!
B Yes,
the sentences. d Hasthe jet gotthereYet?
a lt wassoembarrassing!
Practicesayingthe sentenceswith your partne
b Thisisboring!
Seehow fast you can saythem.
c I wasreallyamusedbYthat.
d to hearthat.
I wasreallyshocked
e Examsaresofrustrating!

Affirmative Negative Use
lwork. I don't work . We usethe presentsimpleto talkaboutrepeated actions
Youwork. Youdon't work. andhabits.
HelShe/ltworks. I play tennison Saturdays.
Do you comehereoften?
We/You/They work. We/You /Theydon't work.
. We usethe presentsimpleto talkaboutfactsor general
Russia producesgood tennisplayers.
10x 10makes100.
Do youwork?
. We usethe presentcontinuous to talkaboutsomething
happening at thetimeof speaking.
Do we/you/theywork? They' r e p I oyi ng t ennis. (Not lhey-Blay+eanis.)
Whereore they going? (NotWhere4e+heyjo?1
Shortanswers t

Yes,ldo. No,I don,t. ) Postsimple

Yes,youdo. No,voudon't. Affirmative
Yes,helshe/itdoes. No,helshe/itdoesn't. I played. I gotup.
Yes,welyoultheydo. No,welyoultheydon't. Youplayed. Yougotup.
HelShe/ltplayed. HelShe/ttgotup.
continuous We/You/They played. We/You/They got up.

I didn't play. I didn't getup.
Youdidn't play. Youdidn't getup.
HelShe/lt'sgoing HelShe/ltdidn't play. He/She/ltdidn't getup.
We/You/They're going. We/You/They didn't play. We/You/fhey didn't getup.

I'm not going. Did I play? r' DidI getup?
Youaren'tgoing. Didyouplay? Didyougetup?
HelShe/ltisn'tgoing. Didhelshe/itplay? ,Didhelshe/it getup?
We/You/Theyaren't going Didwelyou/they play? Didwe/you/they getup?

Short answers
Yes,I did. No,I didn't.
Yes,youdid. No,voudidn,t
ls helshe/itgoing? Yes,helshe/itdid. No,helshe/itdidn't.
Are we/youltheygoing? Yes,welyoultheydid. No,we/youltheydidn't.

Yes,lam. No,I'm not.

Yes,youare, No,vouaren't.
Yes,helshe/itis. No,helshe/itisn't.
Yes,welyoultheyare. No,we/youlthevaren't.

ffmsE*#fla€€ffiffi#€€€ {}*mW * x rye&#Eep
wvm€|zs "*:s
Affirmative Adjective
was skiing. 1 syllable rong
You were skiing tall
He/She/lt was skiing. 1syllabl ( e n d i n g
in thin
We/You/They were skiin$. l v o w e l + l c o n s o n a n t hot
2 syllables (ending in y) tazy
Negative sunny
I wasn't skiing. 2 or moresyllables fashionable
You weren't skiin$. sensible
HelShe/lt wasn't skiing. trregular good
We/You/They weren't skiing. 0a0
Was SK ing?
Weren't you sking?
400 er longer
Wasn't he/she/it sking?
Weren't we/you/they sking?
doubleconsonant, thinner
Shortanswers adder hotter
Yes,I was. No,I wasn't y withier
replace lazier
Yes,youwere. No,youweren't sunnier
Yes,helshe/itwas. No,helshe/itwasn't. more + adjective morefashionable
Yes,we/youltheywere No,welyoultheyweren't. moresensible
irregular better
. We usethe pastsimpleto describe actionin
a completed
the past,oftenwith a pasttime reference Superlative
I woke up veryearlyyesterday.
the + addest r the longest
Aur friendswent to Americctlast summer.
the tallest
. We usethe pastsimpleto describe a sequenceof eventsor
actionsin the oast.
the + double the thinnest
I got up, put an somewzrmclothesand went otttside. consonant,addeSt the hottest
! had an sccidentand broke my leg. +
the replace y the laziest
. We usethe pastcontinuous to describe the background with iest the sunniest
scene. the most + adjective the mostfashionable
It was rsining and I was feeling cold. the mostsensitive
Thesun wos shining snd it wasa beautifulday.
irregular the best
. We usethe pastcontinuous to describe or
actions theworst
that werein progress,
situations but not completed,at a
timein the past.
WLrstwereyou daing at 11o'clacklast night?
Theywereplaying volleybsllst 10 o'clocklastnight. torm
. We usethe pastcontinuous . ln comparative sentences, we usethan (notthat).
to talkabouta longeractionin
the past,andthe past
simpleto talkabouta shorteraction l'm taller and thinner than CharJie.(Not 'i*+t'e+Ak;'+nd
that interruots. thianer+ha+ahedte-)
Theaccidenthoppenedwhenthey wereskiing.
I wasskiing downa slapewhenit started snowingheavily.

He alwaysgetsbetter marks thsn rre. (Not bet+erlnarks
tha+rn*) Shortanswers
. We put the beforesuperlative Yes,I have. No,I haven't.
I'vegot the longesthoir. Yes,youhave. No,vouhaven't.
Charlie'shair is the curliest. Yes,helshe/ithas. No,helshe/ithasn't.
. ln superlativesentences, we usern (notoDwith places.
Yes,welyou/theyhave. No,welvou/thevhaven't.
Whichis the longestriverin the woild.(Not#rc-longest
#yer Spelling
Spainis the sunniestplacein Europe.(Not the+annjes+
. Regular end in -ed.
. Manyverbshaveirregular pastparticiples.
Thereisa listof
Use irregularverbsat the backof the book
. We usethe comparative to comparetwo things,people,
groups,or ideas Use
Charlieis moreoutgoingthan Msx. . Talking aboutan actionwhichisfinishedbut whichstillhas
Themsths exlm wasworsethan the Englisnexam. an effectin the present,often with olready,justor (not) yet:
. We usethe superlative to compareonething,person, !'ve alreadyjoined the swimmingctub.(l'm a memoer
group,or ideawith everything or everyone now,sobnerthanexpected.)
Charliegetsthe worst marksbecausehe neverrevises. l've just had a brilliantides.(l hadthe ideaa momentaso.
He'sthe laziestone of us. l'mtellingyouaboutit now.)
. Talkingaboutsomething whichstartedin the pastand is
comporisons stilltrue now,often with for or since:
. We canmakenegative comparisonswith nof os + I've Blayedit far two years.(l startedtwo yearsago,and I
adjective+ os. stillplaynow.)
Max isn't as fashionableas me and Charlie. l've wstchedit on TV sinceI waseight.(l startedwhen I
I'm not as tall as Max. waseight,andI stillwatchit now.)
. Talkingaboutan experience that hasor hasn'thappened
UnirI (withouta specifictime reference),
or before:
often wilh ever,never

FE*r$*#q Haveyou ever tried basketball? (ls it an experiencefrom
anytimein yourlife?)
l've neverbeen in a swimrningpool.(lt isn'tan experience
fromanytime in my life.)
I haven'tplayed it before"(lt isn'tan experience from anv
timeup to now.) |
ffreseseE trrp&s€
F*F€**€ s€mpEe
. We usethe pastsimpleto talkhbouta completedaction
I haven't plaved. whichhappened at a finished
timein the oast.
Wedid this lessonyesterday.(NotlMe4e4en*hislessen
Youhaven'tplayed. yes+erday-)
HelShe/lthasn'tplayed. ljoined lastMonday.(Not@)
We/You/They haven'tplayed. . We usethe presentperfectto connectthe pastwith
Questions l've done karate for a year non (Not +Ajd-kara+e+ora
HaveI played? yearne+*)
Haveyouplayed? I haven'tseenyou at the gym before.(Not +4jdn++ee-wa

s*Thsf ur cb?irya€tsn
$ffi*dm3 n*s*ssitg
t meanlngs'
I must/ haveto goto school'
Youmust / haveto goto school
He/She/ltmust/ haveto gotg sc!99! &ssffmwegs
fnl.ZV*Zff'eymust / haveto goto school'

Yawnirtgisn't sllowed in class'

I mustn'tsitwith her . We usebe notattowed is prohibitedby
fo whensomething
I'm not allowedto sitwith her 't qllowedta watch TV in the daY
Youmustn'tsittogether. penctl
hool,you sren't allowedta writein
Youaren'tallowedto sittogether'
He/she/itmustn'tsitwith her'
ft./tt''./it isn'tallowedto sitryI!-!!f
mustn't sittogether'
We/You/TheY PossibilitY
aren'tallowedto sittogether
W-ezvornney I maylmight/couldstudyat university
for tuyltight/cou|d studyat university'
nJsi.-zn tuvztight/could studyat univer$
I don't haveto followa timetable' il.zvorzrr''.v.uvztight/couldstudyatuniv
Youdon't haveto followa timetable'
ftyshe,'ft doesn'thaveto followa timetable'
f,fi.UVor/fneydon't haveto followa timetable' I must/can'tbetired
l\n allowedto wearcasualclothes' must/can'tbetired
[ou't" allowedto wearcasualclothes'
ftySf'.Ztft allowedto wearcasualclothes'
allowedto wearcasual
W-ezyounney're mrgftfmedsssg
. We usemay totalkaboutpossibility'We canusemtghtan
couldin the samewaY
Ftr#sf ftswsfe
sE?d I might takemYGCSEs GYearearty"
. We use mustandhaveto to talkaboutobligatton It maY be on the bus,l-tarrY
Wehaveto standoutsideand somettmes we get'wet' tt could rain tomorrow
of the lesson'
You mustsitin the cornerfor the rest
is a rule'
. We usuallyusehavefo whenthe obligation
up whenan odult comes into the room . We use mustlomakedeductions, whenwe aresure
Wehoveto stand
Wehsve to write in Pen' something istrue'
be in heresomewhere' (l'm surebecause I put it in
the obligation comesfromthe It must
. We usuallyusemustwhen
my bagthismorning) (l'
speaKer. Theremustbe something goodabouthomeschoolin7'
'Harry must concentrate morein class"saidthe teacher'
the restof surebecause it isverYPoPular')
l,,ti tiornn, ssid,lYou must sitin the cornerfor
. We usecan'tto makedeductions whenwe aresure
-lt is imPossible
ffim #ffi'fft#tr# g# aan'tbi yourbog!(t's impossible becauseit'sthe wron
. We use mustn'twhen rt is prohibitedto do something' (lt's
That con'tbe Lucyin the classroom' impossible
Wemustn't sitnextto girls in lessans! today')
nameon tnem because LucYisn'there
I mustn't wearany clotheswith a designer

to givereasonsfor an
Unit3 We usethe pastperfectwith because
actionin the past.
Pnstper€eet t couldn'tget in the housebecauseI hqd lost my keys.
ThecoachchoseDudlevStokesas the driverbecausehe
hod beena pilot.
We usethe pastsimple,not the pastperfect,
to talkabout
a sequence order.
of eventsin chronological
HelShe/ltU/had been. Jen started swimmingtowardsthe beach.Andy ond Tom
We usethe presentperfect,not the pastperfect,to
Ne$ative connecta pastactionto the present.
Thisis a niceplace.!'ve neverbeenherebefore.
I hadn't,/hadnot won.
6 ot l*neve* bee+hereSefer*)
Youhadn't/hadnot won.
He/She/lthadn't/hadnot won
Fa*€ *tr*ple
We/You/Thev hadn't/hadnot won.
. Whenwe aretalkingaboutthe past,we usethe past
to a previous
oerfectto r-efer actionor momentWe usethe
Questions pastsrmpleto talkaboutthe nextactionin a sequence.
H a dl t r i e d ? WhenJen qrrived,we went out. (Jenarrived,then we
HadYoutried? wentout.)
Had HelShe /lttried? WhenJen orrived,we hqd gone out. (Wewent out Later,
HadWe/You/Thev tried? Jenarrived.)

Shortanswers Unit4
Yes,I had. No,I hadn't. -€rsg
Yes,youhad. No,Youhadn't.
Yes,helshe/ithad. No,helshe/ithadn't Spelling
Yes,we/youltheyhad. No,we/you/theyhadn't. . We add-ingto the infinitiveof mostverbs.
talk + Talkingta peopleis somethingwe takefor
Form granted.
. Affirmative:subject+ had + pastparticiple . Verbsendingin -e:replace-e with -ing.
Thingshad started to get better. have 4 Havingnobodyto tarlkto makesme lonely.
. Ne$ative:subject+ hadn't+ pastparticiple . Verbsendingin onevowelandoneconsonant: double
+ -tng.
Shehsdn't beenin the cavebefore.
chat + Chattingis somethinEhe wouldloveto do
. Questions:had + subject+ pastparticiple
Had he flawn before?
. We canusethe -ingformof a verbasa noun.
Losinga lanEuageis a terribletragedy.
. We usethe pastperfectto talkaboutsomething which Writing emailsin anotherlanguogeis a greatway to
happenedbeforeanotheractionor moment the past.
in practtse.
WhenI reochedthe beach,Jenhud got out of the seu.
. -ingformscan be subjectsor objects.
(Shegotout beforeI reached the beach)
By the end of the ftrst week,theyhad crashedagainand Emailing friendsis great.
agoin.(Theycrashedmanytimesbeforethe endof the It'scheaperthan phoning
week.) . We usethe ing formaftersomeverbs.
. We often usewordsltkenever,before,alreadyandby (the I prefer ernailingpeopleto writinqletters.
time)with the pastperfect. I reallylike sendingpicturestoo!
Fitchand Mahoneyhsd neverevenseensnowbefore.
WhenI got to the stadium,the gamehad alreadystsrted
By the time the ga{neshsd started, the teamhad
thousandsaf fctns.

*afu gs}
{w€€"Ee f*sms;wsFf
Verb + -ing form
I suggest meetin$somewhere. l'lllwill becold.
I reallvlikesendingPictures. You'lllwill becold.
HelShe/lt'll/will be cold'
MISS I missseeingmYfriends.
Areyousickof writin$ emails? We/You/They Vwill be cold.
be sickof
practise Practise usingthe language.
finish When| finishwritin$theemail.
'send'' I won't try it.
tove I loveclickin$on
Youwon't try it.
prefer I stillpreferwritin$ letters.
He/She/ltwon't trYit
can'tstand I can'tstandsittingdown. won't trYit.
Verb + infinitive (with to) puestions
-decide Will ltakepart?
I I decideto go out at the weekend' WillyoutakePart?
helpsomeone It helpsusto learnthe language. Will he/she/ittakePart?
want Thevtell me if theYwantto go out. takePart?
Will we/you/theY
wouldlike/love We'dloveto hearYouroplnlon.

FsEus* g#
Affirmativeand negative
l'm/'m not $oin$to exPlode.
You're,/aren'tgoingto exPlode. **ffie€*=##es
'slisn'tgoingto explode.
He/She/lt Gettingstarted
'relaren'tgoinBto explode' Seegrammarreference:
Use (
Questions . We usegoingto to talkabouta planor intention'
Am I Boin$to cut Pollution? They'regoingto ign a machine'
Are you$oingto cut Pollution? 141countriessa ey aregoingto cut pollution"
ls he/she/itgoingto cutpollution? . We canalsousegoingto to makea prediction basedon
Are we/you/theygoinBto cut pollution? oresentevidence.'s going to exPlode!
Shortanswers Yausren't.gaing ta hqve the chsnceto tasteit yet'
becausescientists arestilltestingit'
. We usewil/to makepredictionsaboutthe future'
Whut wilt farmersdevelaP next?
betievethe weatherwill be moreextreme'
. We alsousewillto makea decision at the time of speakin
'No,I won't trY it, thanks,'shesaid.
'What wautdyou tike?''l'll have a coffee,please''

. We usewill, notthepresentsimple,to makepromises


t'!t telt yau when t get back'(notlBros+iselae#

bag looksheavy.l'il carryit for you'

Weusethe presentcontinuous to talkaboutan form- second
at a definitetime in the future.
arrangement . /f + pastsimple- would/wouldn't+ infinitive
Dr Kaufmanis meetingengineers next month' If you heard a noise,what would you do?
ore meetingnextyear to discuss
Representatives or
would/wouldn'f+ infinitive- if + pastsimple
What would you do if you hesrd a noise?
nir6 . We usethe pastsimple,not would,afterif.
!!'o anditional He'dbe ill if he ate all thosesweets.(not lfhe woald<a+)

. We usethe firstconditional to talkabouta futureevent
whichis likelyto happen.
lf thereareallthesesigns, tf we get another card like that again, we'll throw it away
tf he revises,he'll get goodmarksin the test.
. We usethe setondconditional to talkabouta situation
f + present simple- present simPle whichis impossible, or abouta futureeventwhichis
lf you are lote for schooido you get into trouble?
unlikelyto happen.
or How wouldyou feel if you wereus2(lt's impossible
Presentsimple- if + presentsimple because you aren'tus.)
Do you get into if
trouble you are latefor school? She'dlive in Chinaif shecould speakChinese.
(lt'sunlikelybecause shecan'tspeakChinese.)
ie 'lf
. In the secondconditional, we cansay I wereyou'to give
We usethe zeroconditional to talkaboutgeneraltruths. advice.
Thefire brrgodeusttolli'solveyour problemsif you call That'sa dangerousrood. I wouldn't walk along it if I were
themout you.
lf you pressthor switchesthe TV on. If t were you, l'd go to bed. Youlook tired!

i r s ts n ds e c o ncdo ni t i o n s l Unit7
lf it walkspastthe camera,
I am/'m not usedfor business/ by researchers.
lf I hearthatnoiseagain,
Youarelaren'tusedfor business / by researchers.
HelShe/ltislisn't usedfor business/ by researchers.
We/You/Th ey are/aren't used for business/ by
lf vouhearda miaow, researcners.
lf therewerethatmany we'dhavea bigproblem. Pastsimple
I was/wasn'taskedto designa networkby the military'
- firslconditional
Drm Youwere/weren'taskedto designa networkbythe
lf + presentsimple- wilJ,/won't + infinitive
He/She/ltwaslwasn'taskedto designa networkby
lf he eats all thosesweets,he'll be ill. the militarv.
will/won't+ infinitive- lf + presentsimple We/You/They were/weren't askedto designa i
He'll be ill if he eatssll thosesweets. networkbvthe military.
We usethe presentsimple,not wil!,afterif.
She'tllearn moreif sherevises.(not lf+he+vill-revre)

form- plesent passive
simple UnitI
. Presentsimpleof be + pastparticiple
lnformstionis exchangedon the internet.
Most computersoren't,made in Europe. Relativeclause
Main clause
form- prstsimple
possive Schwarzenegger wasa who waslivingin Austria.
. Pastsimpleof be + pastparticiple teenager
Thedescriptionswerebelievedby everyone. Shewassomeone that reallymadepeoplerela
en wds the Woild Wide Webinvented? that invitedherto playin the
Shegota letter
Use you
Have everdone whichyouarereallyproudo
. We usethe passive to talkaboutprocesses. anything
First,the lettersqre collectedfrom the post box. Thenthey Wewentintothe whereI wasfilmed.
are token to the mainpost officewherethey are sorted studio
out and put into bags.Eachbsg is sentto a differentarea, when I walkedontothe stag
I wasveryanxious
and then the lettersare deliveredby hand'
Shewascontactedby whosejob wasto findnew
. We usethe passive whenwe do not knowwho or what talent.
does something.
A lot of computersare made in Asia.(l do not knowwho
Picturescon be sent from the othersideof the world.(l do
not knowwho sendsthem.) . We usethe relativepronounwhoor thltto talkabout
. We usethe passive whenwe arenot interested in who or people.
whatdoessomething. Yasminwasa talentedviolinist who had alwaysdream
Thetstestcomputergameis sold here.(l am interestedin of appearingon TV.
the game,not who sellsit.) She'sthe violinist that we sawin the competition.
Tim Berners-Lee is consideredto be the personwho . We usethe relativepronounswhichor thatto talkabout
inventedthe internet.(l am interestedin Tim Berners-Lee,
not who hasthisopinion.)
I'd toveto do somethingwhich wouldmakeme famous
Wechattedabout the music that I play.
hu . We can omit who,that or whichwhen it isthe objectof t
. Whenwe wantto saywho or whatdoessomething,
add by + the personor thing. I met the news er. My familywatchher on TV'
Thestorieswereinventedby Laake. ; I met the ne sder (who) my familywatchon TV.
Thedescriptionswerebelievedby everyone. Wechsttedabout the music.I play music'
. The subjectand objectof an activeverbchangeplaces + Wechattedabout the music (thqt) I play.
whenwe express the sameideain the passivewith by. . We cannotomit who,thot or whichwhen it isthe subjec
Active: The Wright brothersflew the first oeroplone the relativeclause.
Passive: The first aeroplane wasflown by the Wriqht Shemet a life coach.He helpspeopleto achievetheir
brothers. ambitions.
+ Shemet o life coach who helpspeopleto achievethe
+ Shewassomeonethat reallymadepeoplerelax.

. We usethe relativepronounwhereto talk aboutplaces
Axfordis the city whereStephenHawkingwasborn
Cambridgeis the city whereStephenHawkingworks.

- -
. We usethe relativepronounwhento talkabouttimes. . We do not useinvertedcommas(").
1996wasthe yeor when theygot married. Julia said that shereally enjoyedtravelling.
I rememberthe day when I saw TheLegendof Zorro. Martin saidthat the beacheswerefantasticon lbiza.
. We usethe relativepronounwhoseto talkabout . We canomitthat.
oossessron. Martin saidhe wasgoing to lbiza with somefriends.
Schwargenegger is an octor whoseftlms include Julia saidshehad alwaysbeenscaredof flying.
I know someonewhosefavouritefilm is Terminator. Use
. In directspeechwe repeatthe exactwordsthat a person
wha'sgt whose? says.
. whoseindicates possession 'of Samsaid, usua!lystayin England.'
and it means who'.who's 'l
possession 'who Julio said, really enjoytravelling.'
doesnot indicate lt means is'.
I'vegot o irteqciwhoseambitionis to becomean actar. . In reportedspeechwe reportwhata personsayswithout
I'vegot o frend who'stryingto becomean actar. repeatingthe exactwords.
Bensaidthat he haCarrivedlote.

UnitI Sarssaidthat she'dneverbeenabroad.

fieported $slffin Eert
. We alwaysusea personalobiectaftertell.
'l Shetold me shedidn't likepackageholidays.
Presentsimple go to Scotland.'
usually (not She+aid--rne)
Presentcontinuous Boingfor the sunshine. Ed told us thst we weregoingto be famous.
'l've lovedvisiting (notE*+aid-as)
Presentperfect always
differentcountries.' . We do not out to aftertell.
Pastsimple on a packageholiday He told the officer his vehiclewoscompletelystreetlegal.
to Soain.' (not Heield++he-effieer)
'l bed He told me that he didn't rememberthe name of the
hadn'tseena motorised
Pastperfect beach.hotHe+old+ffie)
'We'lltake . lf we includea personal
will a taxi.' objectaftersly we mustusefo.
Samsaid to me that sometimes the weatherwasn'tvery
Reportedspeech good. (not 9am-seid-me)
Hesaid(that)he usually Taniasqid to us that shehatedgoingcamping.(not
Pastsimple s6id-as)
went to Scotland.
Pastcontinuous He said
Pastpefect Shesaid(that)shet always loved
Pastperfect Shesaid(that)theyhad beenon a
package holidayto Spain.
Shesaid (that)shehadn'tseena
motorised bedbefore.

. Theverbchanges tense.
Julia said, like findingout aboutdifferentcultures.'
+ Julia saidthat sheliked ftndingout aboutdifferent
Martin said,'l'm doing somethingcompletelydifferent.'
+ Martin saidthat he was doing somethingcompletely
Getting Phrosol
llouns care for carefor sb,/sth
CarryOn carryon doingsth
chestof drawers l,fest av drc:zJ give up givesthup
documentary /dokju:mentri/ (p/documentaries); log on logonto (theInternet)
y; document
look after tookaftersb/sth
earthquake /'s:0kwerk/ look forward to tookforwardto (doing)sth
encyclopedia/rn,sarkle'pi:dre/ look into lookintosth
footpath /' fotpo:O/footpath to somewhere look up lookupat sth/sb
fridge lfngt look up to tookupto so
goggfes I'goglzl plug in plug(sth)in
mouse lmaasl mouse (fora computer) put on put(sth)on
screen /skri:n/ start up start(sth)up
sink luqkl
take off take(sth)off
slope /sleop/
turn down turn(sb/sth)down
wardrobe /'wcrdreob/
turn off turn(sth)off
Uerbs ttrn on turn(sth)on
turn out turnout(thatsthhappened) turnout(well/OK/badl
afford le'fc:dl afford(to buy)sth
turn over turnover(thechannel ontheTV)
argue I'u^gju:l n.'argument
borrow I'boreul borrowsthfromsb
canoe /ke'nu:/ n.'canoe UnirI
connect /ke'nekt/ n: connection; adi connected
earn ls:nl earn(money) fordoingsth;earna living
from(doing)sth benefit I'ben:frtl v; benefit;ad7:beneficial
investigate r'rn'vestrgertr'n..investigation brain lbretnl
reduce ln'd3u:sl n; reduction; ad1:reduced case /kers/
remove ln'mu:v/ celebration /sehbrerJn/ celebrate sth;y:celebrate
repeat r'r'r'pi:t,' cheek I't[i:kt
revise lrlvarzl n; revision chin lt[ml
colony /'koleni/ (p/colonies) colonise a country;yj
fldioclives ad6colonised
cheerful t't[ntlt countryoforigin /k,rntri ev'nrrdgrn/
curfy I'ks'^lil (curtier;curtiest);
opp.straight crop lkropl plant.crops
embarrassed /rm'bzerest/ opp.unembarrassed crutch lkrNll beon crutches (p/crutches)
experienced /rk'sprenenst/ opp:inexperienced declaration /dekle rerJn/ declare sth(to sb);y..dectare
fashionable l'falnabll opp:unfashionabte distance /'drstens/' v;distance
generous /'dSeneres/ drop ldropl y;drop
impatient /rm'perJnt/ opp:patient efbow I'elbeal
insensitve /m'sensetrv/ opp:sensitive expression /rk spreJn/
lazy l'lerzil (lazier;laziest)opp;hard-working fortune I'fc:tju:nl make/have a fortune
mean /mi:nl harm I'ho:ml
miserable I'mrzrabll independence /,rndr'pendens/v:depend (on)
moody I'mu:dil (moodier;moodiest) insect / insekt/
noisy I'nctzil (noisier; opp:quiet
noisiest) marathon /'mrere0en/ runa marathon
outgoing laut'gearql opp:shy member /'membe/
pessimistic /pesr'mrstrk/ opp;optimistic occasion la'kerynl
scared /skeed/ bescared ofsth/sb parade lpe'retdl v:paiade
sensible /'sensrbl/ opp:insensible phobia I'feubrcl havea phobiaof sth
sensitive /'sensrtrv/ opp.insensitive Pifgrim I'pilgrtmt
shy l'latl (shier;shiest); opp.'outgoing plaster / plo:ste/ beinp/aster
silfy l'stli:l (sillier;sittiest) reaction lri'aklnl y; react
tiring I'tatrtql reminder lrlmatndel y:remind

response /rr'spons/ v; respond determined /dr'tsrmrnd/
roller coaster /'raule keoste/ exhausting lry'zc:sfiql
rush lrt jl rushsomewhere (to do sth)v: rush fascinating /'fzesrnertr4/
SCreen /skri:n/ fearless /'fieles/ opp:fearlul
society /se'sareti/ (p/ societies) fit lfftl (fitter;fittest)opp:unfiL
sorethroat /,sc: '0reot/ intense /rn'tens/
suggestion /se dSestJen/suggest sthto sb;suggest
doingsth; irrational llrnlenll opp:rational
yj suggest over I'aavel
temperature /tempretJa/ particular lpe'trkjelal
thigh l\atl reasonable I'ri:znebll opp.unreasonable
throat l1rautl several /'sevrel/
thumb l0tml spicy / sparsi/ (spicier; spiciest)opp.mlld
thunder /'0,tnde,' steep lsli:pl
toe lleul sudden / s,rdn/
track ltrrekl tasty / tersti/ (tastier; tastiest)
waist /werst/ thrilling l'0rfi41
wrist /'rrsti tiny ./ tarni/ (tinier;tiniest)
typical /'trptuU
Voris unhealthy /nn'hel0i/ (unheatthier; unheatthiest)opp:heatth
affect /e fekti n; affect;odj: affected wrong I'raql opp:right
avoid /a'r'crd,r n: avoidance
beat I'bi:tl odj:beaten Phrosal
benefit / benrfrt/ n: benefit jump up jumpupto dosth
borrow i 'boreo/ land on landonsth
cause I'kt:zl n. cause let go of letgoof sth
celebrate /'seirbrert/ n:celebration log on logonto (theInternet)
charge I't[o-^d3l set up set(sth)up
disrupt /drs'r,tpt/ n disruption start up start(sth)up
emigrate /'emrgrert/ n;emigration turn off turn(sth)off
expeCt /rk spekt/ n: expectation turn up turnup(late/somewhere)
hold / haold/ (pt,pp hetd)
hurt lhs:tl (pt,pp hurt) Propositions
involve /rn'volv/ despite ldr'spattl despite
lend llendl (pt,pp tent) t
mark lmc':kl n: mark;odj: marked
mean lmi:nl (pt,pp meant) Unit2
pause rcJ:zl n.'pause
realise I'rrc7atz/
certainty / ss:tnti/ (p/certainties)
respond /rr'spond/ n; response; ody.responsive
community /ke mju:neti/ (p/communities)
rush lrrl
corner I 'kt:nel
seem /si:m/
curriculum /ke rrkjelem/
serve /ss:v/ n: service
deduction /dr'd,rkJn/ y.deduce
sign lsaml n signature
degree ldr 'gi:l getlhave a degreein sth
sprain /sprern/ n sprain
earth ls:01
sweat /swet/ ni swea|adj:sweaty
education / edgukerJen/ v.educate
sympathise I'stmpalarzl n sympathy
exchange /rks'tJernd3/
twist /twrst/
experiment /rk'spenment/
f,djectives kettle lketll
laptop l'lep,topl
afraid la'ftetdl opp:unafraid
law llc:l sthisthelawrna counrry
astonishing/e stonrJr4/
license / lasens/ havea license to do sth
brief lbri:fl
necessity /ne'sesati/(p/necessities)
cool lku:ll


\ i
obligation /obh gerJn/
structured /'str,nktJed/opp.unstructured
paperround /'perperaandl
stupid / stju:prd/
performance /pe'fc:me givea performance y..perform
permission ipe'mrJn/ Phrasol
sbpermission to dosth Yorbs
crossout crosssthout
population /pnpju lerJn/ v. poputate
lean back leanbackonsth
possibility /pose'brlati/ (p/possibitities)
saveup for saveupforsth
protection /pre'tekJn/ protection
to sth/sb;y..protect
qualification /kwohfi ke havea quatification
v: qualify
in sth,
rule I rut/ y.rule
-teenager l'ti:nerd3al
timetable I'::;rmterbll ,q.,
3,fl"lg ./'e}li:r/ i-).d"b,.
tin-opener / 'trn ecipene/ bobsleigh /'bobsler/ v;bobsteigh
t\l_r.\-\-,\ y\
wage I'wetdSl bobsleigher / bobslerei
1,",,,, ,r,,'-r,.,-
t ! ,* j
yawn I'yc:nl y..yawn

alfow le'laul allowsbto dosth competition (a)competition
to winsth,
approve /e'pru:vl approve of sth/sbdoingsth v;compete r
concentrate /'konsntrert/ concentrate concentration /konsen'trerJn/ y.concentrater.,...r
on sth
deliver ldlltvel detiver sthto sb
earn /s:nl earn(money) for(doing)sth
educate l'ed3akertl educate sb(insth)
exist ltg'zrstl 1\;(; ;'i't
faif lfeill failtodolachieve sth,failanexam energy I'ened3il haveenergy-!-:l-.f a, - .
paSS /po:sl passanexam e q u i p m e n t//r'kwrpmentZ
equipment : , ' , - ! . .- , , . . , . 1
r ' k w r p m a n t:l i : fF*,\,-!.. . l i " , ' i L

present lpre'zent/ present sthto sb

prohibit lpre'htbfil prohibitsth;prohibit fsf f tt&\U .rr v 'r.JrI\
sbfromdoingsth vl
I ') 9 . 1 ) ' .

remake lriimetkl (pt,pp remade) grass //gro:s/

6r qrJ /qro:s/
gr Lr.s/
tt -...:\:T- '
-,..:\lT- /

resit lriisrtl (pt,pp resat)resitanexam helicopter i 'hel /\ihq::l o,i-,l",.1

suspend /se'spend/ helmet I'hel Q . . r .. . , r ,'
wonder I'w,:v;rdalwonderaboutsth idea lal dral (aboutsth) f
etanideal. i '
yawn ljc:nl
fldjoctives i-).. .,
casual l'kn3uel/ ":.

connected /ke nektrd/ medaf m e d l / i , , n .. i . .: , ( \ i . ( .

paddle 'pndll
homeschooled /,heum skuld/ v. paddtei . h.,i.
intensive /rn'tensrv/
introverted /'rntrevs:tidl opp:bxtroverted
lonely l'leunlil 0onelier;tonetiest)
minimum I'mtntmeml opp:maximum
miserable l'mtzrabll
mixed /'mrkst/
obligatory /e'bltgetril
odd lodl opp:normal
organised I'c:genatzd.lopp.disorganised
part-time lpo:t'tarn/ opp.fu|-time
prohibited /pre hrbrtrd/ opp:a|owed/permitred
qualified /kwohfard/ opp.unquatified
refevant / relevent/ opp irrelevant

UgfbS successful isek sesfl/ opp.unsuccessful; n: success,,, )u l' ' ,"' li"'
n; trivia !.j'^ J i', ' I l,rr "
trivial l'trtvtall opp:serious;

, . ', , , t' unadventurous /,,tned'ventJeres/opp:adventurous;

cheer lt!rc1 cheerforsth,/sb ,
conclu n' conclusion I r 'i:arr'''\i')' n: adventure
..,! ...,:- . - attendant
unattended i,tne'tendrd/ opp.attended;n:
crash o sth;n: crash ?,,\.
,'--1,ro unlucky /'tn l'tkii opp:luckv;n; luck
create ation \:. .i ..1.:, 'N.
",ri ] _:rr.t
depend /dr pend/ depend onsb/sth, depend on:l.h
. f,dVOfbS
h a P P e n i n g\ )'
develop /dr velep/ n; devetopment t-,. i- 1. .. \ T,r actually / aktJueli/ odi:actual
Q' , "t already lc:L'redil
do wefl /du: wel/ do we1at srh
explore /rk'splc:i n: explorarion correctly /ka'recktli/ odi:correcr
1..,r ), , ,,r,, , ., ;
follow I'foleul
hire lharcl hiresthfromsbt: - \.i . rr. extremely /rk stri:mli/ od;extreme
inspire /rn'sparai n: inspiration; ad7. inspireQ, beinspired by for lfo..l
(sb)to do sth r';o'ri=- 't.l )''' just ldSnstl
perform lpa'fc:ml n: pertormances1',..,11',.r'-, \ since I
practise / prrktrs/ practice (doing)sth;n. practice9h.r1\r r'r yet
; ,r
refuse lrr'f1u:zl refuse to do sth;n: refusalit.', ,,: t)' .-' / phf' fbS :

tie ltatl make fun of makefunof sb

train lttetnl n.trainer i. take part in takepartin (a racelcompetition/game)
i. a, i,
wioe lwatpl , . . .
: take up takeup(asport/hobby/habit)
J ' - )
\r Propositons
f, joctives : ,
active l'aktwl opp;inactive'
advisable lnd'vatzabll opp.inadvisable
\. l, " ' ,l
i ri
ancient I'enlantlopp:modern-;\, Unit 4 ,
a n x i o u s / z e 4 k J a sn/ . a n x i e t y ,r. \ ' ,"" .... r,.
' / ' 1 ;. , , fl l O U n S
c a u t i o u sr k r : J a s i n ; c a u t r o n i t , , ' , ' z ' r t i ",i .
- I ' t!. , \1 .' \--r
.,. '
decisive /dr'sarsrv/opp:indecisive; n: decision'l '
,'.-l .0".". 'r';i
dedicated / dedrkertrd/n;dedication ,,.';t" ;;,r*# E*.,r. "i,'
disappointed idrse pcrntrd/ n: disappointment _i r , - . amazedg,s*[f ].1
!".'.-,,-, - - r
dramatic /dre'metrk/ n: dramairuAj,)"'ifn n rl odj:AngloSaxon
energetic / enedgetrk/ oppiunenergetic; l; eiergy\ 1\ .
extreme /rk'stri:mi \ r, \,\
fearfess / fieles/ opp:feartd;fearn,'. ,,- i, ' ,"'' c \
hazardous I'hrlzedesl opp:safe: n:hazard\.*i' 'r' ,Jf i r i c
'1" l
o p p o s i n g l e ' p e a n q ln : o p p o s i t i o n . . r ): ''!l ' 'd
o r d i n a r y I ' r d n r i l o p p . e x t r a o r d i n a r y ). ., ., ' , , , , . , d 8 . $ :r r . , t 1 , , r .
docusoap / dokjuseopl*

quick-thinking / kwrk 0r4kr4/

') ' '
reaf lri:U opp:unreal, n: reality hunger I'htqgel feelhunger; odl
refaxed /rr lreksd/ opp tense:n:ielaxation ,. ' ' identity lar'dentetil v; identify$nln-F,,1,',
refiable lrllarcbll opp:unreliable-...r-'c\r'-')Jr: t.r
;1 .'i.'
serious /'sraries/
similar /'srmrle/ opp:dissimilari,L-'6,-,,.t l. n t.q.
- : ,
s k i l f u l / s k r l f l / o p p : u n s k i l l e d ; n gs ,t .i i. t- , ' 1 . -''.,'r),1 e t y l . " r f , , ^ , * r 'nb. , 1 (
y. ^;
spectacular /spektekjele/ oppiunspectacular ,-,-^,*n1.
, ,_.l.- memory I'memril memorise; adt:methorable f-\,' .-)

Norse I'nc:sl pofite lpa'latIl (politer;politest) n: politeness
recent i 'ri:snt/ n.'recent
reserved ht'zz:vdl opp;unreserved
right lrattl opp:wrong
scientific /,saren'trfik/ opp;unscientific;
n; science
self-assured i,selfeJc:d/
timid I'Itmtdl
valuable i 'valuebl/ opp:worthless

instantly /'rnstentli:/ adj:instant
Yorbs frequentfy /fri:kwentli/ adj:frequent;n:frequency
add ledl n addition immediately /rmi:dretli/ adj;immediate
apofogise le'poled3atzl apologise for(doing)sth;n. apology naturaffy I'nrtlrelil adj:natural:
n. nature
ban lbnnl bansth/sb (doingsth);n: ban politely lpe'lafiltl odj:polite
cause lkc'^zl n.'cause probabfy /'probebli/ adj:probable;n: probability
chat lt[ntl (pt,pp chatted), n.'chat,/chatter
click /klil/ clickon (sth) Phrasal
copy I'kopil nj copy deal with dealwithsth/sb
die ldatl n; death die out
end lendl n end get away from getawayfromsth,/ sb
exist ltg'zrstl n: existence get through getthroughsth
explain /rk splern/ explain sthto sb,explain aboutsth; run away from runawayfromsth
n: explanation sickof doingsth(informal)
sickof sickof sth/sb;
mix /mrks/ n mix
persuade /pe'swerd/ persuade sbto do sth;n: persuasron Irprossions
pfan lplnnl planto do sth;n plan takesthfor granted
raise lrerzl n: raise
reffect ht'flektl n: reflection
refuse lrr'f1u:zl refuseto do sth;n; refuse
replace /rr'plers/ n replacement
reply ht'platl (pt,pp replied) n: reply
respeCt /rr'spekt/ haverespect forsblsth;n. respect agreemen n agreement
scratch lskratl n. scratch agree {\
survive /se'varv/ survive sth;n survival ancestor rat6AaLjcc,
type /taryl
upset /.tp'set/ feelupsetaboutsth(pt,pp upset)

Aboriginal ,rbe'rtd3anll
adventurous /ed'ventJeres/ opp unadventurous;
n adventure
aggressive /e'gresrv/ n aggression
Amazonian lnme'zeuntenl
assertive /e'sertrv/ opp:unassertive
challenge / tJelen th; v. challenge
banned lbandl
cheetah I't[i:Ial
concerned /ken'ss:nd/ opp unconcerned; n. concern lt
climate I'klarmetl F
confident /'konfidant/ n;confidence
cultural / k,dtJerel/ n: culture
engaged irn'gerdSd/ nj engagement
fascinating /'fresrnertr4/ n fascination
linguistic /h4 gwrstrk/ n: linguistics
native l'nettll opp:non-native; native -hy-c.)j
drought /draatl odj:droughtstrickenBq

economy /r'konemil y;economise;
ao vel er- $r_.e;Jt (1
k,dt si6;niuttivation ,

emission limrlnl emit,1.O.c*ur..ft

engineer /end3r'nr .i-,i 1.,i.=jrX

rr rtJPrOmise sthn: promi5s(i:

'' . that) sbdosth'r' '
,. retom
recycle /ri: sarkl/ ,.., , i.: ., : . i- '
!, I
rvvsvv //rr,dju:sl
rr uJu.b/. /n.
/ . rreduction
; :,.
, .r , ,
r e q g ef"u i i i u : z l , ( r " i , , , { . ,j i' , _'
p,: ,i[#3ai ;]il::rl ,u""ii,n;. ;, : ,' . l
L ) rise /rarzl (pf rose;pp risen)n raise i
- : c . \ , : ,^^ . ,' 1 _,1 - , ,
' s p r e a d/ s p r e d / ;i
ar rdctac+ /-^tA-^^, | ,

.,i,.;. ,..' t,nr\!,_) afraid le,fretd,/

:eo \Ordrr\ , amazing le,metz
,r€.orpun'vzgr'ri, automatic lc:te,t

scenery /'si:nari/ (p/scenery)


oPp:roughr'-'it r'. ,' -'." r ' ., ",

d t b l l o p p .c r e d i b l e. . r ' r ' , : :,,.,' l

lengthy lleq}il (engthier;tengthiest);
opp.short . .',


- v J IiI
j .,, -)''
,,;,;1",T:Y1:;:""11_-:il, :' " '

cancel l'knnsll cancel

an event/airang.rlr,r,n. Cancellation
lq"lEllqLlur |
s"-d b.
,torry I,stc:mjl (stormier;
stormiest)/ stc:m/ (stormier; stormiest)opp.
calmi.)..fii ,.,\,.-...,r. tr'
C , - . L . r
thick l}kl cker;thjckest)opp:thin<*i(-:-.i1t*,'fi scepticism /'skeptrsrzem/(p/scepticism)
'-"',, sculptor / sk,tlpte/
unique li'' , " )r,-'{\\'fr
vast ivo:st/ .f,;' .t1yn1'' , \
sculpture / sk,,'lptJei
windy I'wtndil' (windier;windiest) "i .{tr',';Y',(' securitycamera /sr'kjoerrti'kemra/
sighting I'satttql v;sight
f,dvorbs solid /'sohd/ adj:solid
space /spersi
spirit /'sprrrt/ adi.spiritual
spokesperson /,speoks'pa:sn/
Terbs statue / stetJu:/
makesure make otry' 'P-rhSrfYlU
sure success /sak'ses/ (p/successes);
oc"y\u., thief l9i:fl (p/thieves)

[rprossions Yorbs
go hand in hand gohandin handwithsb b^'ar^ ' 16 by't\ , accept /ek sept/ acceptsthfromsb;accepta situation;
' '.
aarantanrc' v v

Unir6 sbto do sth;n. assistance

assist /e'slst/ assist
attend la'tendl attendanevenU n.'attendance
Ilouns boil lbcl/'l
camp lknmpl n. camp
acceptance /ek'septensi v.accept
compromise I'knmpramatzl n: compromise
carving / ko:vr4/ v.'carye
deceive /dr si:v/ n deception
circumference /se'klmferens/
disappoint /dIse'pcrnt/ n: disappointment', odi:disappoin
colleague /'koli:g/
escape /r'skeIp/ escape from somewhere/sb; n; escape
compromise /'kompremarz/ reach a compromise oversth;
heat lhi:Il n: heat
hope lheupl n hope
courage I'krtl-d3l have(the)courage to do sth
(p/ ignore ltg'nul n ignorance; adi:ignorant
dayfight I'de:/raftl daylight)
investigate /m'vesttgert/ investigation
detail I'di:tefll odljdetailed
misfead /mrs'li:d/ (pt,pp misled /mrs led/)odl.misled
encounter /rn'kaunte/ v;encounter
reafise I'ri:elatzl n realisation
energy I'enad3il (p/energy)
to anincident sneeze lsnl.zl n.'sneeze
eyewitness /,ar'wrtnas/ beaneyewitness
(p/eyewitnesses) swerve /sws:v/
vanish I'vr;ntJ/ ,
field lfi:ldl
wander /'wonde/
fight lfattl havea fightwithsb(oversth)v:fight
film crew /'film kru:/ fldjoctivos
flooding I'fl,,drql v.flood;adi:flooded
alternative /crl'ts:netw/
football pitch /'fotbct prtJ/ +(p/footballpitches)
ancient / ernJent/ opp:modern
footprint I'futprntl makefootprints
gamekeeper / germki:pe/ atmospheric /atmes'ferIk/
ground lgraundl brief lbri:fl
credible / kredebl/ opp.incredible
identity lat'dentelil (p/identities) v: identify
disrespectful /drsn spektfl/ opp respectful
importance /rm'pc:tens/ (p/importance) odl.important
domestic /de'mestrk/
leader l'h:da)l v; lead
electronic /r.lek'tronrki
leopard l'lepedl
genuine /'d3enjurn/
liquid /'lrkwrd/
impressed /rm'presti opp:unimpressed
focation /leo'kerJn/ v: locate; adi.located
(p/ loose /lu:s/ (getloose= escape)
loyalty l'lcteltil loyalties)
odi: loyal
major /'merdSe/
monolith /'monelr0i
mistaken /mIs'terken/
natural history /,netJrel hlstri/
multiple l'mtJttpll
operation iope reIJn/
politician /pole'tIJn/ outstretched /aot'stretJd/
(p/robberies) rationaf I'rnlnell opp:irrational
robbery I'roberil beinvolved in a robbery
responsible /rr'sponsebll opp:irresponsible

sacred /'serkrrd/ prOceSS /'preoses/ (plprocesses) y. process
sensible / sensebl/ project I'prod3ektl
Sensitive/'sensetry/oppinsensitive researCher /rr'ss:tJe/ y.research
strange /strerndS/(stranger;strangest) signal /'srgnel/ v:signal
supporter /se'pc;tel bea supporter of sth;yj support
f,dvorbs threat l\retl makea threatto sb;v.threaten
carefulfy /'keafli/ adj.careful:
n. care tournament /'tc:nement/
exitedfy /rk sartrdli/ adj.excired;n.
excitement trick ltrtkl v.trick
mysteriously /mr'strerresli/ od7:mysterious waste /werst/ (p/waste); y.waste
regularly /regjeleli/ odj.regutar
PhrtsalUorbs advertise I'advetatzl advertise sth(forothersto buy),
carry out carry(sth)out advertiseforsth(that
youwant)n advert
get into getintosth arrest /e'rest/ arrestsbfor(doing)sth;n. arrest
jump out jumpoutofsth attack le'ta.kl n. attack
make up makeupforsth,makeupwithsb check ltlekl n; check
run away runawaywith/fromsb consider /ken srde/ n. consideration
run off with runoffwithsth,/sb contrast /ken'tro:st/ r.'contrast
delete ldt'Li:tl
Erprossions globafise I'gleubalarz/ n gtobatisation
on the looSe /on 6e lu:s/ (= escaped)
informar import hm'pc:tl importsthto somewhere
intend lm'tendl intend to dosth;n intention
Unir7 invent ltn'ventl n invention
pretend lpre'tendl pretend to do sth;pretendthatsthistrue
llouns receive /rr'si:v/
achievement /e tJi:vment/ y.achieve research /rr se:tJl do research (intosth);n..researcn
anti-globalisation / :entigleobelalze{nl sentence /'sentens/ n. sentence
astronomer /e'strnneme(r)/ struggle / str,tgl/ struggteto do sth;n struggte
attack le'tnkl y;attack tolerate I'Iolarcrtl toleratesth/sb
clothinglabel /'kleo614 lerbl/ transform ltrnnz'h:ml transform sthintostn:
corporation /kc:pe'rerJn/ n; transformation
creature I'kri:tlel transmit /trans'mrt/ n transmission
debate ldr'beftl havea debateaboutsth;v.debate transport /trrn'spc:t/ nitransport
demand /dt'molnd/ demand t
description /dr skrrpJn/ v.describe
developer /dr velepe/ v.develop against /e'genst/ opp:for
engagement /m'gerdgment/ adj.engaged amusing la'mju.ztr1,'
event lt'venll best-selling /bestseh4/
exploration /eksple'rerJn/ v.explore; adl.(un)explored compficated / komphkertrd/ opp:uncomplicated
explorer /rk'splc:ral contrasting /ken'tro:str4/
globalisation /gleubelar'zerJn/v:gtobalise essential /r'senJl/ opp.nonessential
hero I'hreraal (p/heroes) globalised I' gleabelatzdl
hoax /heoks/ (p/hoaxes) odj:heroic human-like / hju:menlark/
icon /'arkon/ adj:iconic live llawl
invention /rn'venJn/ y.invent local / leukl/
inventor ln'vental multinational /m,rlti'nae.[nel/
journalist /'d3s:nelrst/ proud lpraadl
link I'hqkl make/find a linkbetweensth.s
military I'miletril adj:mttitary
movement /'mu:vment/ y.move actually / ektJueli/ odj;actual
mult[national /milti'nn.lnel/ basically /'bersrkli/ od1:basic
nuclear / nju:klie/ fortunatefy / fc:tJenetli/ adj.fortunate
globally / gleobeli/ odj.gtobal
Prison l'prvnl

?hrosol senseof humour /sensev hju:me/ havea good/bad
sense of humour
call in callinto seesb
series I'steri:zl (p/series)
call off call(sth)off(e.g,anevent)
setting /'setrt3/
come across comeacross sth
sth skill /skrl/
come through come through
suspense /se'spens/v.suspend; ad; suspended
come up with comeuPwith idea) (an
tafent I'tnlentl have(a) for
talent (doing)sthadi:talented
find out findout(about)sth
violinist /vare'hnrst/
give up give(sth)uo
weightlifting /'wert,lftr4/ v:wei$htlift
keePon keep(on)doingsth
keep up with keepupwithsb Yorbs
land on landonsth sbto somewhere
accompany /e'k.Lmpeni/ accompany
made uP of madeupof sth
achieve le'tli:vl n; achievement
make up ' make(sth)up
boost /bu:st/ n; boost
put up with putuPwithsth/sb
chase /tJers/ n: chase
sort out sort(sth)out sthintosth
switch on switch(sth)ori €onvert /ken'vs:t/ convert
decline ldlklanl decline anoffer(to do sth)n; decline
take over take(sth)over aboutsth;n'
disagree /drse'gri:/ havea disagreement
Propositions disagreement
n: disturbance
disturb /dr'sts:b/ cause a disturbance;
accordingto to sb
/e'kc:dq tel according
efect lt'lektl n: election
enabfe h'netbll enablesbto do sth
UnitI fulfill lfal'fll'l n. fulfillment
hide I'ha: ,l hidesthfromsb(pf hid; pp hidden)
llouns imagine lt'mnd3tnl n; imagination
ailvert l'a,dvz:tl place anadvertin (thenewspaper); invest /m'vest/ invest(money) in sth;n: investment
v;advertise manage l'mnntd3l
advertising l' ndvetatzrgl star lsto:l n: star
ambition /em'brJn/ haveanambition to do sth; suggest /se'd3est/ suggest sbdo sth;suggest doingsth;
ady:ambitious n.'suggestion
attention /e'tenJn/ payattention to sth/sb;odf attentive
author I'ct9al f,dioctivos
boom I'bu:m/ ady:booming actionpacked /,.qkJn
character I'kmektel bea character in a film/book. ambitious /eem'brJes/ opp;unambitious
climax /'klarmaeks/ @/climaxes) annoYed le'nctdl
contract / kontrckt/ havea contractwithsb;havea anxious /'a4kJesl
to do sth
contract confused lken'f1utidl
determination /dI,ts:mr'nelJn/ v;determine; odl: confusing lken'f|utzr4l
determined disciplined/'drsephnd/
discipline /'drsephn/ have(the)discipline to dosth;v;discipline disgusted /drs'g,rstrd/
entertainment /ente'ternment/ v:entertain disgusting/drs'g.tstI4/
enthusiasm ln'lv^ziezeml haveenthusiasm forsth; embarrassed/Im'berest/ opp:unembarrassed
(p/enthusiasm)v:enthuse;odl:enthusiastic enthusiastic /rn,0ju:ziestlk/
governor /'g'rvene/ Yigovern, . epic I'eptkl
heyday I'hetdetl (p/heyday) frustrated /fr'r'streltrd/
highlight I'harlattl v; highlight frustrating /fr.r.'strertr4/
plot lploLl v:plor hilarious /hr'leeries/
pride lpratdl (p/pride)odi:Proud latest /'lertrstl
psychologist /sar'koledSrst/ nailbiting /'nerl,bartI4/
quality / kwoleti/ (p/qualities) proud lpra<sdl
ratin$ I'reftiql v: rate;adi:rated resourceful hlzc:sfl.l
reward hlwc'^dl give,/receive a reward for (doing)!fh;v:reviard responsible/rr'sponsebllopp:irresponsible
sample /'scmpl/ v: sample scaredstiff / skeed'strf/bescaredstiffoflbecauseof

self-confident / self konfident/ sofa /'sacifa/
shocked l:DkIl beshocked bysth stranger I'strendSal bea stranger (to sb)
shocking l'[okql stroll /streul/ takea strollaround,/to y stroll
skilful / skrlfl/ tour guide I'tae ,gardl
tafented I'Inlanttdl betalented at (doing)sth travef I'trrvll y traver
unpredictabfe /,rnpredrktebl/ opp.predictabte trip ltrryl takea trip(to)somewhere
vehicle I'vi:akll
f,dvorbs warden I'wc.^denl
absolutely /abse lurtli/ od7:
extremely /rkstri:mli/ adjextreme Yorbs
admire led'marcl admire sb(fordoingsth);n. admiration
PhrostlUorbs affow le'laal allowsbto do sth;odj:allowed
call up callsbup depend ldt'pendl depend onsbto dosth;n dependence
closedown close (sth)down enquire /rn'kware/ enquire aboutsth;n; enquiry
queue up queueupforsth grin lgrnl n grin
speedup speed (sth)up include /rn klu:d/ include sthin sth
work out manufacture /menju fzektJe/ n; manufacture
offer l'ofel offerto do sth;n: offer
UnitI print lprntl n: print
provide lpra'vardl n: provision
llouns row heul
announcement /e'naonsment/ makeanannouncement
arrival /a'rorvl/ y;arrive astride le'sftatdl
cabin crew /'krbrn ,kru:/ convenient /ken'vi:nient/ opp inconvenient
carriage I'knnd3l v. ca.ry delayed ldr'letdl
''Jeofe flustered /'fl,rsted/
check-indesk / tJekrn desk/ y:checkin foreign l'foranl
Comment /'koment/ makea comment on sth;y.comment legal l'Li:gll opp itlegal
commentary / knmentri/ givea commentary; motorised I'meuterarzdl
(p/commentaries) picturesque /prktJaresk/
deck ldekl reliabfe ln'larcbll opp.unreliabte
defay ldt'lerl v:delay;odj: delayed remaining ln'mentql
departure /dr po:tJe/ v;depart remarkabfe /rr'mo:kebl/r opp:unremarkable
duvet I'duvetl scared / skeed/
encouragement /rn'k,rrrdSment/ (p/encouragement) v: spectacular /spek trekjele/
flight lflattl v:fly unforgettable /,tnfe'getebll. opp:forgettabte
gate lgeftl unfimited /,tn'lrmrtrd/ opp'limited
goggles I'gogelzl (p/goggtes) vibrant I'vatbrentl
harbour I'ho:bel worth lws:01 opp.worthless
journey I'd3z:nil
luggage l'l,',gtd3l
politely lpe'lattlil adj:polite
origin I'orrdStnl v;originate;odj:original
packageholiday / pekrd3 holeder/ faithfully /'ferOfeli/ odj:'faithful
passenger / pzesrndge/bea passenger however lha<;'evel
personality /ps:se'nre1eti/ (p/personalities)
platform /'plaetfc:m/
practicaf joke / praektrkl dgeolc/ ptaya practicat
jokeon sb set off setoff(somewhere)
on (a)journey/holiday
pyjamas lpe'd3u^mezl @tpytamas) strap in strapsbin
reflection /rr flekJn/ v:reftect tuck up tucksbup
rUnway /'r,tnwer/
skyline /'skarlarn/
apart from apartfromsth

baseform pastsimple past participle
was/ were been',
beat beat beaten
become became become
begin 0egan begun'
bend bent bent
lOOo, bite bit bitten
iSrtu blow blew blown
lEdb$ break broke broken
bring brought brought
'fu$r build built built
S5r burn burned,burnt burned,burnt
b^q10buy bought bought
arj,;hrcatch caught caught
] .hhj choose chose cn0sen
i 0nr\,rr' came come
je\6ro$,cost cost cost
$J,o- cut cut '
dug r dug
did done
orew drawn
dreamed, dreamt dreamed, dreamt
drank drunk
g'i$r drive drove driven
{.i0.r eat ate eaten
"ei\rJ full
fell fallen
a\fui feel felt felt
\i.oos fight fought fought
L36l find
found found
3\r(c fty flew flown
,$&cs,forbid forbade forbidden
ryKU$forget forgot forgotten
5rU^:&forgive forgave forgiven
trBqfu\freeze froze 'frozen
brqr6"Set got got
Sntio\ glve " gave given
6J\brr gO went been/ gone
5:trt: grow grew grown
!, hang hung hung
*oSugr"fl had had
b"a\6u hear 6618.' heard heard
\ua" hit hit '
,4ugr,hold held held
$&:b/ hurt nurt
j '66,hJteep kept
knew known
led led
learnt,learned learnt,learned
left left
lent lent
j6)4"ft let let let

tlm pastsimple past participle
lay lain
lit lit
lost lost
made made
meant meant
met met
paid paid
put put
reao read
rode ridden
rang rung
ran run
said said
SAW seen
sold sold
SCNI sent
shook shaken
shone snone
shot shot
showed SNOWN
shut shut
sang su ng
sank su nk
sat sat
slept slept
smelt smelt
spoke spoKen
spelt spelt
spent spent
spilt spilt
split split
spoilt spoilt
spreao spread
stood stood
stole stolen
stucK stuck
swept swept
SWAM swum
swung swunS
took taKen
taught taught
tore torn
told told
thought thought
I threw thrown
rstand understood understood
woKe woKen
wore worn
won won
wrote written


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