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Wednesday Feb.

2, 2011
Volume LXXXVI, Number 14 Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Shuttled Q & A:
down Joseph M. O’Keefe
Shuttle cancellation discusses what’s to
leaves students come in 2011
hoofing it to campus LUIGI CONDINA ’12
ASHLEY CRISO ’12 Editor-in-Chief
Hawk Staff
During a Jan. 31 visit to St.
The Jan. 26 snowstorm that Joseph’s University, incoming
forced St. Joe’s offices to close University President Joseph M.
at 12 p.m. also ended the univer- O’Keefe, S.J., sat down with
sity’s shuttle services to student The Hawk’s Editor-in-Chief to
dormitories. discuss ideas and potential ini-
Shuttle services were sus- tiatives to be implemented next
pended for a full 24 hours from semester.
Wednesday, Jan. 26 at 1 p.m. LC: So what will St. Joe’s
until Thursday, Jan. 27 at 1 p.m. look like in 5 years with a new
Despite the university’s deci- president?
sion to close at 12 p.m., Public JMO: Well what some of my
Safety was asked to continue the hopes are for St. Joes, I think, is
shuttle service until 1p.m. in or- higher visibility in terms of its
der to ensure the students’ return profile. I think in many ways, it
to their respective residences. is not well known enough, and
Students appear to understand I think it is a place that would
why the precautionary action of be attractive to a lot of students.
shutting down shuttle transpor- I think it’s important to increase
tation occurred, but were faced the pool of candidates [and] of
with the difficulty of returning applicants. And then along with
to campus after the university that higher profile, also, is the
decided to issue a two hour de- whole fundraising dimension.
lay Thursday morning. The uni- That it will become a place that
versity made the decision to de- is, building on the past success,
lay the opening of offices until but a place that donors really
11 a.m., and due to the activity want to give to… So I think,
period, classes commenced at higher profile.
1p.m., the same time the shuttle I think another dimension that
services started to run. is important is to build on exist-
Students with classes sched- ing partnerships, but very much
uled at 1 p.m. on Jan. 27 had to engage with the city of Philadel-
find other means of transporta- Feature Photo EMILY BOYLE ‘14/THE HAWK
phia. So schools is an obvious
tion in order to arrive at campus While commuters spent last week shoveling out of parking spots, other students tried to make place to do that; with clinics;
on time. with cultural establishments. It
the most out of the winter blast, turning Finnessey Field into a campus playground. (Clockwise
Resident of Merion Gardens, seems to me that one strength
Jenna Moran, ‘12, hoped the
from top left) Angela Yeung, ‘14, Julie Nicole, ‘14, Jamie Rodgers, ‘14 Trevor Wargo,’14. that Saint Joseph’s University
SNOWED, p. 4 >> SITTING, p. 3 >>

St. Joe’s hosts speakers for Mental Health Awareness Week Connect with
the second annual Mental Health speak with the students about to inform the St. Joe’s population
The Hawk
Assistant Features Editor Awareness Week to students from living with his condition in Cam- of the programs the counseling
Jan. 31 to Feb. 3. pion’s Forum Theater. center offers.
Good mental health is essential Activities that promote good “I hope that these programs “There are two goals for the
to succeed academically, accord- mental health will be featured show that it is not a sign of weak- week—to raise awareness about
ing to Saint Joseph’s University’s throughout the week including ness to come in for help with a mental health issues and to reduce The Hawk
Counseling Center. a mental health screening Feb. 4 mental issue,” Nicholls said. the stigma that is attached to men- Newspaper
Gregg Nicholls, director of in the LaFarge Walk-In office. In Nicholls is optimistic about the tal health,” he said.
counseling and psychological addition, Iraq war veteran Bryan benefits Mental Health Aware- St. Joe’s Counseling Center,
services, has coordinated with Adams, who suffers from Post ness Week can have for students. which is located in Merion Gar- @sjuhawknews
Saint Joseph’s University to bring Traumatic Stress Disorder, will According to Nicholls, it will help dens, sees about 500 students
ST. JOE’S, p. 3 >>


Finally, A Piece of the Pie INDEX
News...................... 2
Pies to oust cupcakes as the next great gourmet Op-Ed..................... 5
dessert trend in 2011. See why on page 9. A&E........................ 7
Features.................. 9
Zombie Spaceship Wasteland Classifieds.............. 11
Patton Oswalt’s unconventional essay Sports.....................12
collection makes for a unique read, page 7.

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