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Universidad Tecnológica de Matamoros

Characteristics of simulation SW and basic functions

Student: Elvyn Adrian Hernandez Juarez

Group: 2A1M
Characteristics of SW
When we are working with Proteus, we can simulate electronic circuits that we make. We can
make circuits with many types of components.
In this software, we have the option to test some characteristics of the circuit as voltage, current
and resistance.

Firstly, we have to make a new project and then, select the components which we are going to
use. And finally just plug them.
Now, we look for the voltmeter, and once we found and selected it, we’re going to plug the
voltmeter: positive with component’s positive, and negative with the negative of it. In this case I
put a voltmeter in each component.
We have to make a circuit. Before we make the last connection to the battery, we have to find the
ammeter, and then we plug it to the last component and to the battery, in its respective polarity.
Firstly, we havare e to make a new circuit, and once we have made this, we are going to look for
the ohmmeter, and once we found it, only we have to plug it to the circuit like in the image. As
we can see, I plugged the ohmmeter connecting 2 incomes to the same part before the battery,
and the other ones after of it.

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