Research Methodology

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Chapter III


3.1 Research Design

Common sense and research both involve an attempt to understand various aspects of

the world. However, research arguably not only common sense, but also involves an explicit,

systematic approach to finding things out, often through a process of testing out

preconceptions. This process begins with deciding on a research question. It is then necessary

to conduct a literature review and to decide on a research design which addresses the

research question. (Hancock, 2009).

This study will be informative in nature since it attempts to describe, document,

record, and analyze the perception of engineering students in talks about tradition and

modern way of building infrastructures. The researchers chosen this design because

informative means informing the readers about the specific study. They aim to share the

information to give knowledge, obviously for them to be informed. The possible information

that are included are the pros and cons of each variables and also which is the most

preferable to use by the engineers. This study will be conducted on EAC-C by the Civil

engineering students.

Qualitative researchers use a variety of methods to develop deep understandings of

how people perceive their social realities and in consequence, how they act within the social

world. Qualitative research attempts to broaden and/or deepen our understanding of how

things came to be the way they are in our social world. According to Mcleod (2017), the

researchers have several methods for collecting empirical materials, ranging from the
interview to direct observation, to the analysis of artifacts, documents, and cultural records,

to the use of visual materials or personal experience.

Interview is the most common format of data collection in qualitative research.

According to Oakley (2014), qualitative interview is a type of framework in which the

practices and standards be not only recorded, but also achieved, challenged and as well as

reinforced. As a research method, interviews have been written about extensively for several

decades. However, there is a curious juxtaposition between interviews as written about, and

interviews as performed in the course of research. The vast majority of writing about

interview research methods states that interviews should be conducted face-to-face or simply

assumes that they will be done in this mode. (Fishman, 2015).

The researchers will gather the perceptions of each civil engineering about the said

topic. It is required to use qualitative research to expand their knowledge and opinions

through interview. Interview is one of the popular instruments in conducting a qualitative

research since it is the most convenient and there has assurance if the participants are stating

facts or not. The research design which the researchers chosen is informative. Basically,

informative means informing the target people about certain topic. That is the main goal of

the researchers, to give knowledge and deepen their knowledge about modern vs traditional

ways of building infrastructure.

3.2 Sampling Procedure

In this study, the researcher employed the purposive sampling method for the

selection of the participants. Purposive sampling refers to intentionally chosen sample

according to the needs of the study. This means the researcher selects participants because
they have indicated their willingness to participate in the study. Likewise, this strategy

enables the researcher to collect relevant and useful information for answering the research


The researchers choose civil engineering students to be the participants because they

are more knowledgeable about which is more preferable to use between modern and

traditional way of building infrastructure. They have enough knowledge to answer the

research questions that was provided by the researchers. The participants of this research can

be a male or female. A total number of 3 participants drawn from the civil engineering

students of Emilio Aguinaldo College – Cavite.

This study was conducted in Emilio Aguinaldo College – Cavite that provides quality

education for the youth. This institution has civil engineering students that will become the

participants of the study. The researchers chose this school because it is easy to conduct an

interview to the participant even in a hectic schedule. The researcher will give an informed

consent to each of the participants to have a proof that they volunteered in this study and

have not been forced by the researchers.

The depth of responses is more important than the number of responses. This study

does not need more participants to answer the research question. Even though there are only

3 participants they can answer the questions accurately, which is way better than having lots

of participants. Having a large number of participants will make the data analysis more

complicated for the researchers’ because it will make a lot of themes and patterns to analyze.

The participant should have depth responses so that the researchers can get the answer to the

research objectives. The researchers managed an interview to the participants who are related
and responsible in the issue of this study. This will produce knowledge and ideas that will

help the researchers to conduct this research.

By having this technique, the researchers were able to find results and responses from

the 3 civil engineering students that may help to support the study. Having the answers and

results from the interview will guide the researchers to determine the outcome of the study.

3.3 Instrumentation

The perception of each engineering student about modern and old traditional way of

building infrastructure may help the researchers in conducting their study. Engineering

students are the one who were involved in this study because they are the one who have a

forte in it and they are the one who will benefit on it on which they more prefer in terms of

building an infrastructure.

The present and the future engineering students are the ones who will benefit and take

advantages in this study. It may help the engineering students to determine or recognize what

is more effective, efficient, and durable between modern and old traditional way of building


The result of this research may help as a guide to engineering students on having

ideas and information about building a tough infrastructure.

In order for us to have an essential and effective research, the researchers managed an

interview as the medium and one of the instruments to collect relevant and necessary

information/responses from the participants. The people in the field of engineering are

knowledgeable enough to answer the questions on the interview that will be managed by the

researchers. The questions written on the questionnaire are personally made by researchers.
Participants will be asked by the researchers/interviewers while it is being recorded on a

voice recorder of mobile phones. In this way, the researchers can easily analyse data they

have gathered in the interview they conducted. The study will be conducted on selected

engineering students in Emilio Aguinaldo College – Cavite.

The 9-item questions were open-ended which provided by the researchers are related

to the study and participants involved and asked in the interview are:

1. Nowadays, do you think that traditional way of building infrastructure is still


2. On your own perspective, how the way of building infrastructure change

throughout the years?

3. What ideas do you know about the traditional and modern way of building


Objective 2

To identify if which is better to practice or use among the traditional and modern way of

building infrastructures

1. As an engineering student, what practice do you prefer and most efficient? Why?

2. For you, what is the most durable among the two? Why?

3. In modern days, do modern infrastructure are strong enough in facing disaster?

Objective 3
To evaluate the differences between the traditional and modern way of building


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional way of building


2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of modern way of building


3. How technologies affected the two ways?

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