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Subject - MarketPresso Launch Disc0unt Shutting Down Forever


The Insane Discount on MarketPresso is coming to an end today, so if you want this
40-in-1 World's First & Only Marketplace builder working for you, you need to act now:

=> ​Click to claim your Lifetime Dis​ count Now

40-in-1’s probably the wrong way to describe MarketPresso.

That makes it sound like it’s got 40 features.
Which is, you know, pretty cool.
But it’s a big undersell.

With MarketPresso, you’d need the power of at least 40 other softwares combined to
generate the same amount of sa​ les & re​ venue as generated by MarketPresso alone.
.​ .​

There’s over 40+ different functionalities packed in.

And you’d miss out on the best stuff even then:

=> Check out all the features here

Here’s where MarketPresso really sets itself apart:

[+] Your Own Professional Branded Marketplace

[+] List Down & Offer All Your Services/Products
[+] Connect Your Payment Platforms
[+] 100% Cloud-Based Platform
[+] Super Easy Setup
[+] No Previous Technical Knowledge Required
[+] Become A “Go-To” Service Provider In Your Space
[+] Works For Any Niche
[+] Charge Higher Prices
[+] Connect Your Email Autoresponders
[+] Flexible Payment Methods
[+] Branding Page
[+] Service Packages Page
[+] Inbuilt Messaging System With Clients
[+] Real-Time Order & Message Notifications
[+] Testimonials & Reviews
[+] Add To Cart
[+] Blazing Fast Servers
[+] Add Badges on Offer
[+] Add Blog/Content for Traffic

& more features inside

The possibilities are endless…

But you need to take action FAST.

That’s because..

Price is going to increase today!!

Interested yet?
You should be.

But the discount is ending in XX hours.

This would be worth paying monthly for.

But why do that when you can get in for life now?
That too at a heavily discounted price…

=> ​Grab The Lifetime Discount Here Now


Subject - Less than 15 Hours .. (Open Now)

Recently I emailed you about MarketPresso, users are seeing some amazing results
with the marketplaces that are just 2 days old.

If you haven’t grabbed your lifetime MarketPresso license yet, you need to do so now:
=> ​Click here to grab your Licence

Lifetime access to MarketPresso means you’ll never need another online platform
to s​ ell your services/products ever again.

Lifetime licenses are awesome.

MarketPresso will be sold at ​DOUBLE​ price in just 15 hours, so my suggestion is that
you grab it when there is time, sometimes later becomes never.

With MarketPresso you can:

● Get more clients

● Get more customers to any service that you offer
● Crack those high-profit projects more easily
● Build your authority as the ‘go-to’ service provider in your space.
● Get highly paid for the services that you offer
● Get more Recurring customers
● Make clients trust you
● Dominate the bigger companies

=> Check Out The Full Demo Here

Here’s where MarketPresso really sets itself apart:

[+] Your Own Professional Branded Marketplace

[+] List Down & Offer All Your Services/Products
[+] Connect Your Pa​ yment Platforms
[+] 100% Cloud-Based Platform
[+] Super Easy Setup
[+] No Previous Technical Knowledge Required
[+] Become A “Go-To” Service Provider In Your Space
[+] Works For Any Niche
[+] C​ harge Higher Pri​ ces

[+] Connect Your Email Autoresponders

[+] Flexible Pa​ yment Methods

[+] Branding Page

[+] Service Packages Page
[+] Inbuilt Messaging System With Clients
[+] Real-Time Order & Message Notifications
[+] Testimonials & Reviews
[+] Add To C​ art .​

[+] Blazing Fast Servers

[+] Add Badges on O​ ffer .​

[+] Add Blog/Content for Traffic

& more features inside

MarketPresso alone has the capability to ​3X Your Sales, Leads & Revenue​ in Just 1
I haven’t seen a software more powerful than MarketPresso before…

All of it will be gone forever if you don’t take action.

=> Click here to Claim your Lifetime Licence


Subject​ - 9 HRS - Insane Value Disc0unt Closing Forever


I wanted to shoot you a final notice that ​MarketPresso will be closed in 9 hours​.

I've been mailing you a lot about this... only because

I know beyond a shadow of doubt that this tool will help you.

This is your final notice.. In 9 hours this will be gone.

=> Get It Here

Go now or you will miss it.


P.S - Just in case you missed the features of MarketPresso.

I am mentioning them below.
With MarketPresso you can:

● Get more clients

● Get more cust​ omers to any service that you offer

● Crack those high-p​ rofit projects more easily


● Build your authority as the ‘go-to’ service provider in your space.

● Get highly p​ aid for the services that you o​ ffer
.​ .​

● Get more Recurring cus​ tomers.​

● Make clients trust you

● Dominate the bigger companies

=> Check Out The Full Demo Here

Here’s where MarketPresso really sets itself apart:

[+] Your Own Professional Branded Marketplace

[+] List Down & Offer All Your Services/Products
[+] Connect Your Pa​ yment Platforms
[+] 100% Cloud-Based Platform
[+] Super Easy Setup
[+] No Previous Technical Knowledge Required
[+] Become A “Go-To” Service Provider In Your Space
[+] Works For Any Niche
[+] C​ harge Higher Pri​ ces

[+] Connect Your Email Autoresponders

[+] Flexible Pa​ yment Methods

[+] Branding Page

[+] Service Packages Page
[+] Inbuilt Messaging System With Clients
[+] Real-Time Order & Message Notifications
[+] Testimonials & Reviews
[+] Add To C​ art

[+] Blazing Fast Servers

[+] Add Badges on O​ ffer

[+] Add Blog/Content for Traffic

& more features inside

=> Claim Your Lifetime MarketPresso Access Now

P.S - The beta users of MarketPresso are seeing some INCREDIBLE results using the
software. You will be missing out on the best online selling platform at an insane level of
discount if you don’t take action right now.. don’t let it happen to you… Claim Your
Lifetime MarketPresso License Today


Subject - Final Call [4 hours Remaining]

MarketPresso​ Lifetime License closes in just 4 hours..

Go right away,

=>>​ get your copy now..

MarketPresso is the first & last online selling software, that you will have to buy.

It is so far ahead than other softwares that even 40 of them combined don’t come
close to the functionalities packed into MarketPresso.

And you will miss out on the good stuff even then…

But the Discount will be ​gone forever in 4 hours.

=> It’s Now or never… Grab MarketPresso Lifetime License Discount Now


Subject - [URGENT] Gone in 55 minutes…


This is a super URGENT notice to you to take action!

Over the last few days, I've been telling you about​ MarketPresso – World's First &
Only MarketPlace Builder that ​gets you more ​clients,​ more ​projects, ​more ​revenue
and, most importantly, ​repeat customers!

Launch Discount is Closing Down Forever in 55 minutes…

And post that “MarketPresso” will sell at ​DOUBLE​ the price than that is today.

Here's MarketPresso in a nutshell:-

[+] Your Own Professional Branded Marketplace

[+] List Down & Offer All Your Services/Products
[+] Connect Your Payment Platforms
[+] 100% Cloud-Based Platform
[+] Super Easy Setup
[+] No Previous Technical Knowledge Required
[+] Become A “Go-To” Service Provider In Your Space
[+] Works For Any Niche
[+] Charge Higher Prices
[+] Connect Your Email Autoresponders
[+] Flexible Payment Methods
[+] Branding Page
[+] Service Packages Page
[+] Inbuilt Messaging System With Clients
[+] Real-Time Order & Message Notifications
[+] Testimonials & Reviews
[+] Add To Cart
[+] Blazing Fast Servers
[+] Add Badges on O​ ffer

[+] Add Blog/Content for Traffic

& more features inside

The Full Demo, Live examples, Tons of Case Studies - all on this page..

And of course a timer :)

When the timer hits ZERO – they’re going to shut down the discount.
=> So get your hands on MarketPresso today at the Lifetime, One Time Pricing..

Don't say I didn't warn you :)

See ya there!


Swipe 1

1. Curtains down for MarketPresso Tomorrow!
2. The best thing to do in the next 36 Hours
3. 30 hours left to join the exciting journey of 2000+ Freelancers & Agencies!


MarketPresso is ​closing Tomorrow!

This is your last chance to ​make 2020 big​ with

More ​CLIENTS​, more ​PROJECTS, ​and more ​REVENUE.

The one-time price along with all the Bonuses ​will

go away tomorrow, ​and you will never get
Marketpresso at the same price ever!

Here is your chance to get MarketPresso & all

the fantastic bonuses!

MarketPresso has changed the way people look at


If you want to sell services to people, there is not

a better option than MarketPresso!

Personalize your marketplace, list all your services,

Set pricing, integrate your payment gateway, and that’s it!

2000+ Freelancers & Agencies​ have already

Kick-started their journey with MarketPresso!

If you are missing this now, you are definitely

Leaving a ton of opportunity on the table.

AND the price is increasing tonight as well. I have this

Special code ​‘success2020’​ to get you the best price!

Lock-in your life-time access for MarketPresso with all the

Launch exclusive bonuses right away!

[Sign off in your style]


Subject: 1. [30 hours to go] MarketPresso - Everything you need to know!

2. [30 hours to go] MarketPresso - At a glance
3. [30 hours to go] FAQ - MarketPresso


The MarketPresso wave has hit everyone!

An army of Freelancers & Agencies have swiftly

Shifted to MarketPresso to sell their services!

MarketPresso gets you more ​clients,​ more ​projects,

more ​revenue​ and, most importantly, ​repeat customers!

MarketPresso stands way ahead of any other Freelancing

Platform that exists and is a ​must-have to tool to survive
In the services business.

If you think so, jump in here and pick MarketPresso

Before it closes for the lowest price possible!

Are you still left with an iota of doubt?

Let me clear everything right away!

Here are a few ​Frequently Asked Questions
from ​prospective buyers turned customers!

1. What are the significant differences between other

Freelancing platforms and MarketPresso?

You become one among 1000 others to sell the same services
Making your chance to bag a job very difficult even if you offer a throw-away
Price plus you need to pay commissions. You never get your buyer details as well.
MarketPresso is Your own MarketPlace to sell services
the professional way with,
1. No Competition
2. Start with zero profit sharing
3. Build your list & sell more to them

2. Do I need the upgrades to create the MarketPlace?

Definitely not! The upgrades only enhance your benefits using

MarketPresso. With the Front end, you will be able to create
Marketplace and start selling services.

3. All Good! How will people come to buy from my MarketPlace?

Everyone checks for services on Fiverr or Upwork!

MarketPresso has everything that you need to get traffic!

1. Blog feature with automatic Google Indexing

2. Smart LinkedIn features Training to get Big Ticket clients
3. Local Business Scraper (Bonus Tool) to get
you buying clients
4. FB Ads Training by Forbes recognized co-founder
of MarketPresso
5. Revenue Rolodex Training to get Free Traffic from
online sites!

4. I have seen a lot of products which creates a wave

And then end up not supporting. How can I trust it?

Karthik Ramani’s team supports MarketPresso. ​They have

created & supported multiple products like ​Everlesson, Extempore,
Skilexa, PlayPix, and much more!

Just to give you confidence, MarketPresso already has a

Facebook group​ through which ​live training, suggestions,
Feature requests​ and many such activities are happening.
It has become a platform for like-minded people to exchange
Ideas and grow together. I bet you will love it!

5. I like the product! Can I buy it later?

You can buy it later, But you will,
1. Miss all the launch-time bonuses
2. You will have to pay either double the price or a recurring price.
If you love the product, take action like 2000+ Freelancers & Agencies
Who have already started building their MarketPlace.

Why do you want to delay your success?

If you have more questions, write to me, and I will be happy to answer them!

Tonight the price will go up again & tomorrow it is closing.

Here is your key to unlocking success in 2020 with code


[Sign off in your style]

Swipe 3


1. Price increases in 2 hours!

2. The best deal you will ever see for MarketPresso!
3. Price increase tonight & closing tomorrow!


MarketPresso is closing tomorrow!

This mail is to remind you about the

price increase happening in 2 hours.

If you consider picking MarketPresso,

there cannot be a better time.
This is the lowest you can ever get.

Get MarketPresso right away with all

the bonuses using code 'success2020'

You must have received a lot of emails

about MarketPresso & probably wondering
why is there so much noise about this one?

It is because it gives the ​ability & freedom

to create Marketplace to list services!

Remember! You are listing your services

in your own Marketplace!

You can sell,

1. Without competition
2. Without paying huge commissions
3. Build your list to get repeat orders!

With MaketPresso you can g​et more clients,

more high-value orders, more revenue and
more repeat customers.

I wish you don't miss this massive

opportunity to ​become the king of selling

Just so you know, ​2000+ freelancers & agencies

have already picked MarketPresso​ and started
their journey!

Don't be left out!

Pick MarketPresso for the best-ever price

you can get!

Do not forget to use​ 'success2020'

[Sign off in your style]


Closing Swipes

Swipe 1

1. [18 Hours to Go] MarketPresso closing Tonight!
2. Now or Never - MarketPresso!
3. Don’t regret missing this..​.


The day has come finally!

MarketPresso is​ ​closing doors tonight!

Don’t complain later that I didn’t warn you.

If you want to get MarketPresso for a low

One-time price with all the launch special
Bonuses, this is your chance.

Get MarketPresso using code ‘success2020’

right away!
With MarketPresso,
● Get more clients
● Get more customers to any service that you offer
● Crack those high-profit projects more easily
● Build your authority as the ‘go-to’ service provider in your space.
● Get highly paid for the services that you offer
● Get more Recurring customers
● Make clients trust you
● Dominate the bigger companies
Get more sales & increase your profits online within minutes.

More clients & a profitable business​ is what

every business owner needs!

MarketPresso gives you that and much more!

It is ​an opportunity that you shouldn’t miss.

I wouldn’t miss it if I were you!

Get MarketPresso along with the launch bonuses

Using code ‘success2020; before this vanishes!
[Your link]

[Sign off in your style]

Closing Swipe 2

1. The clock is ticking fast…
2. MarketPresso - ONLY 12 hours left!
3. I can’t believe you didn’t pick this yet…


MarketPresso is closing in 12 hours.

MarketPresso is the ​one thing that you need to get more clients,
More business & more repeat orders!

If you haven’t picked this yet, head right away and get this
For a low one-time price along with the launch-time bonuses!

Get your lifetime access to MarketPresso here!


2000+ Freelancers & Agencies already have the MarketPresso

You already have a​ ton of products with commercial rights.
Take advantage and offer services using MarketPresso.

You can ​build your services business from scratch​ within

minutes using MarketPresso!

Grab this opportunity and become an authority service


Here is your last chance to get MarketPresso along

with the launch only bonuses.

Don’t forget to use code ​‘success2020’

[Sign off in your style]

Swipe 3


1. Only 6 hours left...

2. [Closing in 6 Hours] Don't miss the $3488 worth bonuses!
3. [6 hours] If you miss this, you will regret it!


You heard a lot about MarketPresso

over the entire week.

What's stopping you from taking action?

2000+ Freelancers & Agencies have immense

trust in MarketPresso!

If you want to ​sell services with authority,

get more clients, get more revenue, get repeat
orders​, you need MarketPresso.

If you pick MarketPresso within the next

6 hours you will also ​get 3488 dollars worth
bonuses​ which you can never get again even
if you are willing to pay.

Get MarketPresso along with the high-value

bonuses right away using code 'success2020.'

If there is one thing that can change your

2020, it is MarketPresso!

Many Freelancers & Agencies have opted for

MarketPresso & got the​ first-mover advantage.

Don't be left behind!

Selling services will become impossible

without MarketPresso!

Dust all those ​commercial licenses​ you

have and ​put them to action by listing
on MarketPresso.

Services is the​ easiest and most in-demand

Business​ that you can get started in 2020!
(only if you have MarketPresso)

If you delay taking action,

1. You will risk the high-value bonuses
2. You will end up paying double or worse

Don't let that happen!

Create your first Marketplace today and

join the community of 2000+ like-minded
People! ​(link)

Don't forget to use code ​'success2020'

[Sign off in your Style]

Swipe 4


1. 3 Hours & MarketPresso will be gone!

2. Last 3 Hours to get MarketPresso!
3. [Urgent] If you are in the services business - READ THIS!


MarketPresso will close doors in

precisely ​3 hours​ from now!

MarketPresso is the ​first of its kind Marketplace

builder to sell services!

Why list your services in Fiverr / upwork

while you can have your own branded MarketPlace?

In 3 hours your ​opportunity to get

MarketPresso for a very low one-time
price ​& launch exclusive bonuses will vanish!

Do not delay any further!

Get MarketPresso right away using code 'success2020'!


Still happy listing services on Fiverr / Upwork?

With MarketPresso you can,

● Get more clients

● Get more customers to any service that you offer
● Crack those high-profit projects more easily
● Build your authority as the ‘go-to’ service provider in your space.
● Get highly paid for the services that you offer
● Get more Recurring customers
● Make clients trust you
● Dominate the bigger companies
Get ​more sales & increase your profits online​ within minutes.
All this without competition, without paying a huge
commission & by building your own list!

Jump right away and get the lifetime access

to MarketPresso & all the launch-only bonuses!

Use code ​'success2020'​ when you pick!

[Sign off in your style]


Swipe 5

1. [Only AN Hour left] My last email about MarketPresso!
2. [Closing in 1 Hour] I hope you read this in time!
3. [1 Hour left] Your last chance to get MarketPresso!
4. In 1 hour, you will miss the most significant opportunity of 2020!
5. Last chance to get lifetime access to MarketPresso


MarketPresso is closing in an hour!

MarketPresso is ​200% worth​ all the attention it

has been receiving over the past week!

2000+ Freelancers & Agencies have already

started using MarketPresso and love it.

Can there be a better way to sell services in 2020?

This opportunity to ​get MarketPresso along with

3488 dollar worth bonuses​ are never coming back.

Also after 1 hour, you will not see the low

one-time pricing for lifetime access!

Pick this now & you will not regret it!

Fiverr or Upwork is not worth your time.

-> You will never land a project

-> You have to undersell to get clients
-> You will pay massive commissions
-> You will grow Fiverr's list

With MarketPresso you​ become the king of

your MarketPlace.

Plus if you pick now, you will ​additionally

get the launch-special high-value bonuses!

Hurry up! The​ offer will expire in an hour!

I wish you don't miss this massive


Catch hold of the last opportunity to pick

MarketPresso, along with all the launch-exclusive

Use code​ 'success2020'​ when you pick!

(P.S This is my last reminder)

[Sign off in your style]

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