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MAY/JUN-’07/MG1351 – Answer key




1. Who is referred as the father of scientific management? What is the goal of

scientific management?
F.W.Taylor is referred as the father of scientific management (1856 – 1915)
 Science, not rule of thumb
 Harmony, not discord
 Maximum output, in place of restricted output
 Development of each man to his greatest efficiency
 Co-operation, not individualism.
2. What are the various functions of management?
(i) Planning (ii) Organizing (iii) Directing (iv) Staffing (v) Controlling
3. Define the term ‘planning Premises’.
Planning premises are the anticipated Environment in
Which plans are expected to operate.
(i) External vs Internal (ii) Tangible vs Intangible (iii) controllable vs uncontrollable

4. Distinguish between strategy and policy.

Guides to thinking sactions to those Provide direction in which human

who make decision and physical Resources will be
Repetitive situations Contigent decisions

5. What do you understand by the term span of management?

Span of management is a process which describes no. of persons are under one’s control.

(i) Broad span (ii) Narrow span

6. Distinguish between authority and power.

Authority Power
Right to do something Ability to do something
Can be delegated Can’t be delegated
Visible is organization chart Not visible
Subset of power Can achieve when authority

MAY/JUN-’07/MG1351 – Answer key

7. Distinguish between creativity and innovation.

Creativity may be defined as the ability to think originally & bring out some thing new or
Innovation forms a part of creativity, ie, creatively is the origin of innovation

8. Mention the various types of leadership styles.

Autocratic, Benevolent Autocratic, Democratic & free rein

9. What do you understand by zero-base budgeting?

Zero – based Budgeting is a process of splitting & doing a budget – proposal without
reference into base year.

10. Define the term productivity.

Productivity is the ratio of input with out affecting the quality of the
product or service
Part – B

11 (a) Discuss in detail about Henri Fayols contribution towards principles of

Hennifayer is called the father of modern management
(i) Division of work (ii) Authority & Responsibility (iii) Discipline (iv) Unity of
command (v) Unity of direction (vi) Sub – ordination of individual to general
interest (vii) Remeneuration (viii) centralization (ix) Scalar chain (x) order
(xi) equity (xii) stability (xiii) initiative (xiv) E sprit decorps
(b) (i) . With suitable example describe the various types of business organization.
Sole proprietorship (ii) partner ship (iii) Co-operative (iv) Join stock companies

12. (a). “Planning is looking ahead and control is looking back”- comment.

Planning is a function that determines in advance what should be done.

Explain the definition & Nature & Properties of planning

Determine Objectives -- Develop Planning premises -- Formulate strategies -->choose

Review and revise plans - Implement plans  Integrate different plans  Develop

MAY/JUN-’07/MG1351 – Answer key

(b) Briefly discuss about the various tools used for developing organizational

A Strategy may be defined as a special type of plan prepared for meeting the challenge.
Explanation with definition (16)

(i) Proper mission & objectives

(ii) Env.analysis
(iii) Self – Appraisal
(iv) Strategic decisionmaking
(v) Strategic implementation & control

13 (a) What do you mean by departmentation? Discuss in detail about the

different strategies adopted in departmentation.
Departmentation or departmentalization is the process of grouping tasks into jobs,
the combining of jobs.
Types of departmentalization
(i) Departmentation by functions (ii) By products (iii) By territory (iv) customer
(v) By equipment (vi) time & nos (vii) composite departmentation.
(b) Describe the various steps in providing appropriate human resources.

It is otherwise called as man power planning.

Selection procedure
Current manpower inventory Preliminary interview
Determining manpower needs Application blank
Identifying manpower gaps Selection tests
Man power programme Emp.interview
(8) Checking references
Physical examinations
Final approval

14. a) Discuss about

(i) The various types of organizational communication.

(b) Upward communication

(c) Downward communication
(d) Horizontal communication
(e) Vertical communication
(f) Diagonal communication

MAY/JUN-’07/MG1351 – Answer key

(ii) The role of electronic media in communication.

Electronic Media
a) Telecommunication (b) Teleconference (c) use of computers for
information handling

(iii) Barriers of effective communication :

a) Lack of planning. b) unclassified assumptions c) Comm. Barriers in the

international environment d) Loss by transmission & poor retention (e)
impersonal communication (f) Poor listening & premature evaluation
b) (i) Describe the relationship of hygiene factors, motivation factors and job enrichment.
Motivators job content  Satisfiers, Disatisfiers  Hygnie factors job context.

(i) Challenging work a) Status

ii) Achievement b) Interpersonal relations
iii) Growth in the job  (Hygine or job c) Quality of supervision
context factors)
iv) Responsibility d) Job security
v) Advancement ment e) Salary
vi Recognition f) Comp.policy & Administration

(ii) What does maslows Hierarchy of needs tell us about peoples needs?

Need for self – actualization

Exteem needs

Affiliation or acceptance needs

Security needs or safety needs

Physiological needs

MAY/JUN-’07/MG1351 – Answer key

15) a) Compare and contrast between feed forward and feed back systems in
controlling. ----- (10)
Explain about
Feed forward--- Thinking in advance
Feed back-postmortem

(iii) The role of computers in handling information

Usage of mainframe, super computers, minicomputer & microcomputer.

Different level (a) Supervisory level

(b) Middle level
(c) Top – level

Computers are used.

In addition it is used to do the following activities.
(i) Budget preparation
(ii) Electronic spread streets.
(iii) Forecasting
(iv) Financial analysis
(v) Time – sharing etc.,

15) b)(i) Compare the management practices in japan to those in the united states.
With respect to
i) Planning
ii) Organizing
iii) Staffing
iv) leading compare between US & Japan

(ii) Briefly discuss about the various forms of international business with suitable

i) Regio centric
ii) Geo centric
iii) Ethno centric
iv) Polycnetric

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