IE 558/O1 - Safety Engineering Summer 2020 Individual Homework

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IE 558/O1 - Safety Engineering

Summer 2020 Individual Homework

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Due: 27 July 2020 Monday midnight, as a soft copy to Moodle

 Q1) List the current Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) laws and
regulations in Kuwait.

Protection of the health of Kuwait’s population is enshrined in the public health mandate of its
Constitution: “The State shall care for public health through measures of precaution and cure of
diseases and epidemics.” Last two years, Kuwait has encountered a fast improvement in the
health of its employees, with an expansion in future by around 30 years. As indicated by
UNDP's 2012 report on Kuwait depicted a noteworthy degree of "natural corruption" in Kuwait:
characterized as decrease of the limit of the earth to meet social and environmental goals, and
necessities. Ecological degradation has had considerable effect on human wellbeing with a
subsequent increment of non-transmittable maladies and wounds. The circumstance with word
related wellbeing and security is additionally of concern.
There are following steps which can be done to avoid any accident that can be occurred in
working condition
 Evaluate the current wellbeing systems, guidelines, strategies, and mishap counteraction
techniques identified with the industry in Kuwait.
 Understand the safety issues and threats that can be happen at work environment
 Identify the underlying foundations of security issues in Kuwait.
 Recommend expected arrangements and security programs, assessing their imaginable
impact on mishap decrease.
Regulations are rules in Kuwait:

For safe working environment, every employee of the company is required to contact to safety
manager to learns about the major safety rules when beginning the new task and must submit
necessary reports which includes working permit and territory area. The Safety Department gives
safety data related to the proposed activity or movement, and a security agent directs a site visit
to guarantee safe spots for capacity, brief site once's, and benefits. Reviews incorporate
wellbeing strategies and equipment gave by the organization, in addition to site cleaning and
appropriate removal of development materials.
Following are the rules and regulations of OSHA that must be fulfill while working
 Company shall be responsible for safety related to employees and minimized the hazards
that are related to any working conditions.
 Industry shall provide personal protective equipment to his employees for safety
 Worker’s Supervisor must ensure that all the PPE are in good working condition and used
in a correct way.
 Smoking is only allow in authorized smoking areas.
 Mobile phones are not allowed in the hazardous area.
 Safety manager must supply all fire extinguishers and safety equipment needed at
construction / maintenance sites and must trained the labors how to use the fire
extinguisher. The fire extinguishers shall be certified by company fire section and must
have proper tag that can be provided by company.
 Industry will agree to the important prerequisites for putting away, taking care of,
shipping and utilizing of compacted gas cylinders.

 Q2) Provide the fundamental causes of death and traffic accident statistics
in Kuwait.

Main Causes of deaths in Kuwait:

Incidents of motor traffic accidents have expanded significantly in recent decades putting the
both travelers and people on foot at expanded danger of injury or demise. Major causes od deaths
are due to cardiovascular that is 31-35% of total deaths and 11-12% of malignant neoplasms.
Number of traffic. From 2007-2017 major deaths are due to ischemic heart disease and stroke
that has 30.4% and 6.3% of total deaths respectively. Number of road injuries is decreasing by

Road Traffic accidents:

Today traffic incidents beat the rundown for serious wounds and mortality in most countries of
the world, particularly among countries of Middle East, that are experiencing the impacts of the
overwhelming misfortunes, which incorporate social and financial effects and other related
traffic and natural issues. The major causes of road accidents are due to driver carelessness, poor
road maintenance , flaws in road design, alcohol and drugs and use of mobile phones. Young
unexperienced people may also constitute the major accidents in Kuwait. Before implementation
of safety rules in November 2001,Kuwait had one of the most elevated accident fatality rates in
the world. To record the speed and red-light violations, 70 cameras were introduced on the
roads.. representing an increase over previous years. In spite of the improved authorization
condition, generally speaking traffic security has not improved in Kuwait. In 2007, 2.93 million
traffic violations were recorded that included more than 413,000 red light and 840,000 speeding
violations to an expansion over earlier years.
Following are the graphs that shows the data related to no of accidents, incidents and deaths rates

Road Accidents in Kuwait

No. of vehicles/accidents





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14


Total No. of Vehicles Total No. of accidents

This graph shows that number of accidents decreases by 0.699 per 1000 vehicles in the year
2020 in comparison with 2013. Amount of accidents decrease due to safety rules that were issued
by the government.

Road Accidents in Kuwait
No. of incidents/deaths 30000
2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022


Total No. of incidents Total No.of Deaths

Number of incidents are increasing day by day while death rate decreases with 1.05 rate per
amount of violations. Based upon the above results, we can minimized the effect of road
accidents by strictly follow the traffic rules and by giving the awareness to the young people
about safe driving.

 Q3) Below, you see the Heinrich’s chart of direct and proximate causes of
accidents (1931). Examine the chart and interpret it your own words.

Herbart William Heinrich was working as an employee in Traveler’s insurance company. In

1931, he wrote a book on “Industrial Accident Prevention” after collecting the data form
company in which he outlined that there are 29 major accidents that cause a minor injuries and
300 that cause no harms which included property damage and near-miss accidents. He presented
his theory in the form of triangle shape which known as “Henrich’s Triangle”. He believed that
majority of accidents were caused by labor failure due to unsafe act of worker in which 88%
accidents were caused by unsafe act of people and 10% due of unsafe mechanical and physical
working condition while remaining 2% were unpreventable In most of the cases major cause of
accident lead to the unsafe act and behavior of employees, there was the times that there was a
factor that was beyond their control that prompted the mishap. The major harms that are result
from man failure includes that during working labors operate the machine without clearance and
also work at unsafe speed. Due to excessive loading on equipment and working at distracting
condition can cause a harm. Most of the workers touch the machinery during running condition
and do not use personal protective equipment during working can also cause injury. Accidents
that can be occurred by unsafe working of machinery are due to poor maintenance of equipment
and unsafely designed machines. Heinrich supported those associated with wellbeing to not just
teach the laborers in an area on the requirement for them to carry out their responsibilities

securely, yet in addition for those engaged with wellbeing to concentrate on improving the safety
level of the workplace for those laborers.

Work cited:
1- Al-Bayati, Ahmed & Namian, Mostafa & Karakhan, Ali. (2019). How We Can Better
Learn from OSHA Forms: From a Bulletin Board to the Vision Board.

2- Friend, M. A., & Kohn, J. P. (2007). Fundamentals of occupational safety and

health. Lanham, MD: Government Institutes.


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