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Using SQL, create a table called university_building, including all relevant constraints, using the
following specification:
a) A column named “code” of type varchar, with a maximum size of 2, which will be the primary
b) A column named “status” of type varchar, with a maximum size of 20
c) Status must not be NULL

CREATE TABLE university_building(

code VARCHAR(2),
status VARCHAR(20),
CONSTRAINT pk_university_building PRIMARY KEY (code),
CONSTRAINT check_status CHECK (status is NOT NULL));

2. Using SQL, create a table called building_room, including all relevant constraints, using the
following specification:
a) A column named “building_code” of type varchar, with a maximum size of 2
b) A column named “room_number” of type integer
c) A column named “capacity” of type integer
d) Both building_code and room_number form the composite primary key.
e) Capacity must be greater than 0

CREATE TABLE building_room(

building_code varchar(2),
room_number integer,
capacity integer,
CONSTRAINT pk_building_room PRIMARY KEY(building_code, room_number),
CONSTRAINT check_capacity CHECK(capacity > 0));

3. Try to insert the following data using SQL. Explain if there was any error, and why.
a) A building with code “TI” and status “active”
INSERT INTO university_building VALUES ('TI', 'active');

b) A building with code “MP” and status “in construction”

INSERT INTO university_building VALUES ('MP', 'in construction');

c) A room in building “TI”, with room number 2121, and capacity 1

INSERT INTO building_room VALUES ('TI', 2121, 1);

d) A room in building “MP”, with room number 1002, and capacity 60

INSERT INTO building_room VALUES ('MP', 1002, 60);

e) A room in building “MP”, with room number 1004, and capacity 0

INSERT INTO building_room VALUES ('MP', 10042, 0);
We get an error while inserting the data because capacity should not be 0.
4. Using the pgAdmin interface, add the following constraint:
a) A foreign key named fk_room_building, specifying that column building_code in table
building_room refers to column code in table university_building

b) Find out in the pgAdmin interface the corresponding SQL code for the constraint.
ALTER TABLE building_room
ADD CONSTRAING fk_room_building
FOREIGN KEY (building_code)
REFERENCES university_building(code);

c) Insert a new room in building “TD”, with room number 1005, and capacity 60. Do you get an
error? Why?
INSERT INTO building_room VALUES ('TD', 1005, 60);
We get an error because the building with code ‘TD’ is not present in the university_building

d) Insert a new building TD (which is active) and try again

INSERT INTO building_room VALUES ('TD', 1005, 60);

5. Using SQL, create a new table courses in which to represent courses taught at a university.
Define at least three columns for the table. One of these columns must store the room in which
the course is taught. The definition must include a primary key, a foreign key and a check
course_code varchar(7),
student_number integer,
room integer,
CONSTRAINT pk_courses PRIMARY KEY(course_code),
CONSTRAINT check_student_number CHECK(student_number > 0));
6. (Optional) Try the following queries. Refer to the theory materials if necessary.
a) What is the total capacity of all rooms?
SELECT SUM(capacity)
FROM building_room;
The total capacity of all rooms is 121.

b) What is the total capacity of all rooms in building TI?

SELECT SUM(capacity)
FROM building_room
WHERE building_code = 'TI';
The total capacity of all rooms in building TI is 1.

c) List all the rooms with capacity greater than 50, ordering by capacity.
SELECT room_number, capacity
FROM building_room
WHERE capacity > 50
ORDER BY capacity DESC;

d) List all rooms in active buildings.

SELECT B.room_number FROM building_room B
JOIN university_building U ON U.code = B.building_code
Where U.status= 'active';

e) Update all buildings with status “in construction” to “not active”

UPDATE university_building
SET status='not active'
WHERE status='in construction';

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