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Present simple (affirmative)

1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 I teach (teach) English in a university.
2 He (eat) chocolate for breakfast!
3 She (hate) tomatoes.
4 We (love) TV.
5 They (listen) to music in the evenings.
6 You (live) in Seville.

Present simple (negative)

2 Make the sentences in exercise 1 negative.
1 I don’t teach English in a university.
2 _
3 _
4 _
5 _
6 _

Present simple (questions)

3 Complete the questions. Use do or does. Then write short answers.
it you he she we they
pasta      
tea      
chips      
apples      
bread      
water      
1 Does it like chips? Yes, it does.
2 you like tea?
3 he like apples?
4 she like bread?
5 we like pasta?
6 they like water?
Adverbs of frequency
4 Complete the adverbs of frequency. Then write them in the correct place in the
1 always
He is late.
He is always late.
2 s___t___s
They walk to school.
We are happy.
You have breakfast.
He eats chips.
I am bored.

Present continuous
5 Complete the sentences. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Sarah and Anna are swimming (swim).
2 George (read) a book.
3 Today I (wear) a hat.
4 We (eat) in a café.
5 Juan _ (speak) English.
6 Leo (listen) to his MP3 player.

6 Rewrite the sentences from exercise 5 in the negative () or question (?) form.
1 () Sarah and Anna aren’t swimming.
2 (?) _
3 ()
4 (?) _
5 () _
6 (?)
Translate the sentences into your own language.
1 I often meet friends.

2 Does Tom read comics? Yes, he does.

3 Lucy is listening to music at the moment.

4 They rarely go skateboarding.

5 The girls are wearing their new boots today.

6 He doesn’t go shopping.

7 Are you chatting online? No, I’m not.

8 I don’t play computer games.

9 He’s doing his homework now.

10I’m not watching a film.

Five sentences with vocabulary from Unit 1

Five sentences with the grammar from Unit 1


Past simple affirmative (regular verbs)

1 Complete the past simple sentences.
1 She walked (walk) to school.
2 They (arrive) in Spain.
3 We (live) in Morocco.
4 I (study) Spanish.
5 We (visit) Granada.
6 I (start) university.

2 Match the verbs in the box with the correct past simple ending.

dance carry drop finish play study

+ d: 1 dance
+ ed: 2 ,3
y + ied: 4 ,5
double consonant + ed: 6

Past simple affirmative (irregular verbs)

3 Write the irregular past simple forms.
1 swim swam
2 go
3 make
4 win
5 buy
6 read

4 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verbs in the box.

drink give meet run see sit

1 Josh gave a present to his girlfriend.

2 Cathy _ some friends in a café.
3 Amy on the chair.
4 Sal and Tim all the fruit juice.
5 We to the bus stop but the bus left.
6 I a pretty skirt in a shop window.
Past time expressions
5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
ago ago in in last
1 My brother was born in 2000.
2 My dad bought his car _ year.
3 The film finished an hour .
4 I had breakfast with a friend.
5 It stopped raining ten minutes .
6 We visited Santander 2004.

6 What could people do when they were one year old? Complete the sentences. Use
could and couldn’t and the correct subject pronoun.
walk laugh talk shout read run
Jack      
I      
We      
You      
They      
1 Jack could talk, but he couldn’t read.
2 I laugh, but run.
3 We walk, but talk.
4 You walk, but run.
5 They read, but run.

7 Use the table in exercise 6 again. Write questions and short answers.
1 (I / talk) Could I talk?
No, you couldn’t.
2 (they / shout) ?
, they .
3 (you / run) ?
,l .
4 (we / laugh) ?
, we .
5 (Jack / walk) ?
, he .

Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 We left the party at half past eleven.

2 Mum met Dad in 1968.

3 They went to school on the bus.

4 I couldn’t swim when I was little.

5 They went to France by ferry.

6 Max bought a new motorbike for his birthday.

7 The film started at eight o’clock.

8 I got up at quarter past seven this morning.

9 Emma could play the piano when she was three.

10Could you talk when you were a baby? No, I couldn’t.

Five sentences with vocabulary from Unit 2

Five sentences with the grammar from Unit 2


Past simple (questions)

1 Choose the correct option.
1 Did you finish / finished your homework?
2 Did your parents bought / buy the house?
3 Did / does you and your sister watch the film?
4 Did your brother go / goes to the party?
5 Did / do your parents meet in London?
6 Did / do you drink all the fruit juice?

Past simple (short answers)

2 Read the questions in exercise 1 again. Complete the affirmative ( ) or negative ()
short answers.
1 () Yes, I did.
2 () , they .
3 () , we .
4 () , he _.
5 () , they .
6 () ,I .

Past simple (wh- questions)

3 Put the words in order to make questions.
1 did / when / you / go?
When did you go?
2 they / did / what / eat?
3 fly? / did / you / why
4 she / how / sleep? / did
5 when / leave? / did / we
6 I / stop? / why / did
4 Complete the questions. Choose from the words in brackets.
1 (when / where / why)
Why did you go home? – I was tired.
2 (how / where / who)
did you travel? – By plane.
3 (what / when / where)
did you eat? – Pizza and chips!
4 (what / when / why)
did you miss the plane? – I was late.
5 (how / who / why)
did you visit? – My cousins.
6 (when / where / why)
did you leave? – Yesterday morning.

Past simple (negative)

5 Match the past simple verbs 1–6 with the negative forms a–f.
1 bought a didn’t carry
2 learned b didn’t buy
3 carried c didn’t go
4 went d didn’t drop
5 drank e didn’t learn
6 dropped f didn’t drink

6 Tick the correct negative sentences.

1 I didn’t finish my homework. 
2 We didn’t saw the film.
3 You not go to school.
4 He didn’t eat his dinner.
5 They didn’t play football.
6 She no studied for the test.
Unit 3

Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 We didn’t see any frogs in the lake.

2 Did you help the monkeys? Yes, we did.

3 Who did you visit in Australia?

4 How did you travel to the island?

5 Fiona didn’t swim with the dolphins.

6 Did they sit on the beach? No, they didn’t.

7 Did they drive to the desert?

8 They didn’t go to the rainforest.

9 What did you do last night?

10Why did she go home? Because she was tired.

Five sentences with vocabulary from Unit 3

Five sentences with the grammar from Unit 3


Comparative adjectives
1 Write the comparative forms of the adjectives in the box in the correct spaces.

bad easy tall good thin

+ -er : (1) __________
+ -r : (2)
y + -ier : (3)
double consonant
+ -er : (4)
irregular : (5) better, (6)

2 Which of these are long adjectives? Underline four more and write the comparative
difficult noisy expensive famous happy intelligent small attractive lucky

1 more famous

3 Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1 German is difficulter than French.
German is more difficult than French.
2 Books are more exciting the comics.

3 My new room is more nice than my old room.

4 Dad’s car is fast than Mum’s car.

5 My new jeans are biger than my old jeans.

Superlative adjectives
4 Write the superlative forms of the adjectives.
1 nice nicest
2 good
3 happy
4 hot
5 intelligent
6 famous

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be and the superlative form of the
adjectives in brackets.
1 I am the oldest (old) pupil in the class.
2 Chocolate (nice) food!
3 London (big) city in England.
4 Monday (bad) day of the week!
5 Football (good) sport to watch.
6 Joe (fast) runner in the race.

6 Put the words in order to make sentences. Cross out the word you don’t need.
1 most / film / than / Casino Royale / exciting /
the / is
Casino Royale is the most exciting film.
2 attractive / boy in the school / is / most / attractivest / Tom Jackson / the

3 more / the / most / is / subject / Maths / difficult

4 most / this / the / than / film / is / boring

5 most / expensivest / computer / expensive / got / I’ve / the

6 most / Ellie / student / the / is / intelligent / than

Translate the sentences into your own language.

1 My brother is noisier than me.

2 Science is more difficult than maths.

3 I am the tallest girl in the class.

4 Maria has got the biggest eyes.

5 You are thinner than Anna.

6 Jack has got the longest legs.

7 Eliza is the fastest runner.

8 The living room is quieter than the kitchen.

9 Tim is the most attractive boy in the class.

10Friday is better than Monday.

Five sentences with vocabulary from Unit 4

Five sentences with the grammar from Unit 4


How much / How many + quantifiers

1 Write the plural forms of these nouns. Which nouns don’t change in the plural form?
1 fruit juice fruit juice
2 apple
3 egg
4 bread
5 yoghurt
6 tomato
7 flour
8 butter
9 peach
10 rice

2 Make the affirmative sentences negative.

1 There are a lot of cars in the road.
There aren’t many cars in the road.
2 There’s some milk on the table.

3 There’s a lot of bread.

4 There are some children in the classroom.

5 There’s a lot of money in the bank.

6 There are a lot of people in the restaurant.

3 Find the mistakes in the questions and write the correct word. Use the words in the

any are are is many


1 How many money is there? much

2 How much furniture are there?
3 Is there any apples?
4 Are there some chairs?
5 How much boys are there?
6 How many tables is there?
Would you like … ?
4 Look at the menu. What would the people like? Write sentences.
Sausages and chips
Chicken and chips
Ice cream

1 (Max / sausages and chips)

Max would like sausages and chips.
2 (Lucy / chicken and chips)
Lucy: ‘I
3 (Zac and Tom / chips)
Zac and Tom: ‘We
4 (Ellie and Milly / ice cream)
5 (Jack / coffee)
6 (Emily / cola)

5 Dan and Jed are having dinner. Write the dialogue. Use the words in the box to help

That’d … No, … Yes, … Would …

Jed (1) (coffee) Would you like some coffee?

Dan (2) () _
Jed (3) (water) ?
Dan (4) ()
Jed (5) (sandwich) ?
Dan (6) () !
Five sentences with vocabulary from Unit 6

Five sentences with the grammar from Unit 6


be going to (affirmative)
1 Write affirmative sentences with be going to.
have / see / read / buy / go / take /
coffee film book horse bed photo
Ali 
Ben 
I 
you 
we 
they 
1 Ali is going to buy a horse.
2 _
3 _
4 _
5 _
6 _

be going to (questions)
2 Correct the questions.
1 Is you going to come to my party?
Are you going to come to my party?
2 When is he goes to go home?

3 Are I going to get a mirror?

4 What are we going to eats?

5 Why is she going paint the bookshelf?

6 Am I going to buying the trainers?

be going to (negative)
3 The children below want to do better at school. Write negative sentences with be
going to.
1 (not forget / my homework)
Carly: ‘I’m not going to forget my homework.’
2 (not talk / in class)
Louis and Tom _.
3 (not miss / breakfast)
Jake .
4 (not watch / too much TV)
Laura .
5 (not be / late for school)
Pat and John: ‘We .’
6 (not go / to bed late)
Elsa: ‘I .’

Present continuous
4 Put the words in order to make sentences. There
is one word you don’t need.
1 tomorrow night / seeing / a film / we’re / see
We’re seeing a film tomorrow night.
2 go / at the weekend / going / I’m / to / a party
3 to / visiting / my parents / are / tonight / my grandma
4 are / going / the party / do / to / you /
on Saturday / ?
5 meets / after school / meeting / he’s / his friends
6 doing / are / later / what / we / to / ?
Five sentences with vocabulary from Unit 7

Five sentences with the grammar from Unit 7


can (permission)
1 Read the answers and write the questions. Use the words in the box.
wear your jeans buy a CD
go out stay for dinner watch a
1 (we) Can we watch a DVD?
No! Too much TV is bad for you.
2 (I)
Yes. Choose some nice music.
3 (she)
No! She always takes my clothes!
4 (they) _
Yes. We’ve got a lot of food.
5 (he) _
No! He went to the cinema last night.

2 Answer the questions with affirmative () and negative () short answers.
1 Can I wear your shoes? ( you) No, you can’t.
2 Can they go out? ( they)
3 Can we stay out late? ( you)
4 Can she dye her hair? ( she)
5 Can he buy the jeans? ( he)

3 Write sentences about school with must or mustn’t.
1 be / late for school
You mustn’t be late for school.
2 run / in the school
3 listen / to the teachers
4 do / your homework
5 shout / in lessons
6 study / for your exams
4 Read the problems 1–6. Write sentences with should and the ideas in the box.
dye it pink eat something go to bed
go to the dentist see a doctor take an
1 I feel ill! You should see a doctor.
2 He’s hungry. He
3 She hates her hair. She
4 We’re tired. You
5 I’ve got toothache. You
6 She’s got a headache. She _

5 Choose the correct option and write sentences with shouldn’t.

1 A headache take aspirin / play loud music
You shouldn’t play loud music.
2 A toothache go to the dentist / eat
3 A spot use acne cream / play with it
4 Sunburn sit in the sun / use suncream
5 A sprained ankle walk on it / go to hospital

6 Read the problems. Then write questions with Should … ?

1 I’ve got a blister. (wear / plaster / ?)
Should I wear a plaster?
2 She’s got a headache. (take / aspirin / ?)
3 We’ve got colds. (see / doctor / ?)
4 I’ve got a spot. (use / acne cream / ?)
5 They’ve got sunburn. (sit / in the sun / ?)
6 He’s got a sprained ankle. (go / to hospital / ?)
Five sentences with vocabulary from Unit 8

Five sentences with the grammar from Unit 8

Composition “My holiday in London”
Has d’escriure una redacció explicant unes vacances a Londres. Pensa a fer servir el
PAST SIMPLE, els connectors i time expressions, explicar els llocs que has visitat i
donar la teva opinió amb adjectius.
Has de preparar una exposició oral sobre un dels següents temes:

My family My school My favourite films

Fes aquí un esquema amb el vocabulari i la informació necessària.

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