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กรอบคำถามที่ 1

Directions: Complete the sentences in present perfect tense by using

a verb from the box.

lose clean finish know cut break

tell send invite speak read

1. A: Can I have a look at your newspaper?

B: Yes, I have finished with it.
2. I _______ some new shoes. Do you want to see them?
3. Look! Somebody _______that window.
4. A: Does Lisa know that you’re going away?
B: Yes, I _______ her.
5. A: Where are my glasses?
B: I don’t know. I_______them.
6. Olivia is having a party tonight. She _______ a lot of people.
7. Mary can’t get into her house because she _______ her keys.
8. Roy _______ his leg so he can’t go skiing.
9. Roger _______ me some postcards. They are very beautiful.
10. I know that beautiful woman but I _______ her name.
11. A: Do you want this magazine?
B: No, I _______ it, thanks.
กรอบเนื้อหาที่ 2

just = a short time ago (เพิ่งจะ)

ใช้ในประโยคบอกเล่า วางไว้ระหว่าง have/has และ

Verb 3 เช่น

A: Are Alan and Robin here?

B: Yes, they’ve just arrived.

A: Are you hungry?

B: No, I’ve just had dinner.

A: Is Patricia here?
B: No, I’m afraid she has just gone out.

already = before you expected / before I expected (เรียบร้อย

ใช้ในประโยคบอกเล่า วางไว้ระหว่าง have/has

และ Verb 3

หรือวางไว้ท้ายประโยค เช่น

A: What time are Monica and Norma coming?

B: They’ve already arrived. (before you expected)

A: Jon, this is Emma?

B: Yes, I know. We’ve already met.

 It’s only 9 o’clock and Lois has gone to bed already.

(before I expected)

yet = until now ใช้ในประโยคปฏิเสธและประโยคคำถาม


Yet in negative sentences (I haven’t … yet) การใช้ yet ใน


A: Are Grace and Isabel here?

B: No, they haven’t arrived yet.
(but B expects Grace and Isabel to arrive soon)
A: Does James know that you’re going away?
B: No, I haven’t told him yet.
(but B is going to tell him soon)

 Silvia has bought a new dress, but she hasn’t worn it yet.

Yet in questions (Have you … yet?) การใช้ yet ในประโยค


A: Have Iris and Hilary arrived yet?

B: No, not yet. We’re still waiting for them.

A: Has Nicole started her new job yet?

B: No, she is going to start next week.

กรอบคำถามที่ 2

Directions: It’s eight o’clock in the morning. Look at the table and
say what Ida has (not) done. Use present perfect verbs
with already, yet and just.

0 make the bed  6 telephone her mother 7.57

1 take a bath  7 clean kitchen 
2 have a cup of coffee 7.55 8 read newspaper 
3 get dressed  9 make toast 7.59
4 do a lot of work  10 listen to the radio 
5 write letters three


1. She has already made the bed. or

She has made the bed already.
2. She ______________________________________________
3. She ______________________________________________
4. She ______________________________________________
5. She ______________________________________________
6. She ______________________________________________
7. She ______________________________________________
8. She ______________________________________________
9. She ______________________________________________
10. She

10. She ______________________________________________

กรอบเนื้อหาที่ 3

ประโยคคำถาม (Question)

Have/ Has + subject + Verb 3?

How long + have/has + subject + Verb 3?


 Have you finished your homework?

 Has Susan read this novel?
 Have your children gone to the camp?
 How long have you been in Thailand?
 How long have John and Maria engaged?
 How long has Louis taught in this school?

เพื่อน ๆ อ่านเนื้อหาจบ

กรอบคำถามที่ 3

Directions: Read the situations and write questions from the words
in brackets.

1. John tells you that his mother is in hospital. You ask him:
(how long / be / in hospital)
How long has your mother been in hospital?

1. You meet a woman who tells you that she teaches English. You ask
her: (how long / teach English)

2. You know that Jane is a good friend of Carol’s. You ask Jane:
(how long / know / Carol)

3. Tim always wears the same jacket. It’s a very old jacket. You ask
him: (how long / have / that jacket)


4. You are talking to a friend about Alan. Alan now works at the
airport. You ask your friend: (how long / work / at the airport)
5. You meet somebody on a train. She tells you that she lives in
Chiang Mai. You ask her: (how long / live / in Chiang Mai)

6. You know that Cindy tries to get a driving license. You ask her:
(get / a driving license)
7. Your friend, Mark, is looking for a new car. You ask him:
(buy / a new car)

8. Your friend’s son is taking Chinese course. You ask your friend:
(your son / finish / Chinese course)
9. Susan wants to travel in Japan. You ask Susan’s sister: (Susan /
travel / in Japan)


10. You know that Sam and Anne are sweet lovers. You ask their friend:
(Sam and Anne / marry)


การใช้ since & for

since = ตัง้ แต่ (ใช้กับจุดเริ่มต้นของเหตุการณ์) เช่น

since 8 o’clock since 12 May

since Monday since April
since 2013 since lunchtime
since Christmas since they were at school

 Tom has seen Jim since he left school.
 Martha has gone to the cinema since January.
 Our students have played football since lunchtime.

for = เป็ นระยะเวลา (ใช้กับจำนวนรวมระยะเวลา) เช่น

for two hours

for 20 minutes
for five days
for six months
for a week
for 50 years
for a long time
for ages
 Sally has worked in this company for five years.
 My children have done their homework for 40 minutes.
 We haven’t met for a long time.

กรอบคำถามที่ 4

Directions: Write the sentence from the words given with since or

1. Tom / drink a glass of milk / eight o’clock

: Tom has drunk a glass of milk since eight o’clock.

2. Laura / not see / her brother – in – law / five years


3. I / study / English / 2 hours


4. Robert / read / many novels / last year

5. Kate /not meet / John / a long time
6. Kevin / move / to London / he finished school
7. Sarah / work / as a cashier / 2016
8. My friends /go shopping / 30 minutes

9. My students / have / lunch / 11 o’clock


10. I / not try / a good meal / last Tuesday


11. The weather / is / quite good / Christmas


Directions: Choose the best answer.

1. Jennifer __________ her brother - in - law for six years.

a. isn’t see c. hasn’t seen
b. won’t see d. doesn’t see

2. __________ you __________ for the examination yet?

a. Do, study c. Are, studying
b. Will, study d. Have, studied

3. Anna __________ a glass of milk since eight o’clock.

a. drinks c. have drunk
b. have drink d. is drinking

4. Lorna __________ just __________ me the bill I asked for.

a. is, giving c. was, given
b. has, given d. doesn’t given

5. They __________ us __________ last week.

a. had help, for c. have helped, for
b. had help, since d. have helped, since

6. How long __________ you __________ in Thailand?

a. do, be c. have, been
b. are, be d. have, being

7. Annie __________ never __________ a promise.

a. is, breaking c. hasn’t, broken
b. has, broken d. doesn’t , break
8. I am so happy. I __________ my purse.
a. have just found c. just have found
b. been just found d. just been found

9. Ida has __________ bought a new blouse at Sara Shop.

a. yet c. since
b. for d. already

10. The teacher __________ Mr. and Mrs. White for a long time.
a. know c. knew
b. has known d. are knowing
1.      นายประชุม บำรุงจิตร์   ครู
2.      นายธงชัย ใจผดุงวงษ์   ครู
3.      นางเบญจมาศ รอดศิร ิ   ครู
4.      นางสาวชนั ฐกานต์ คงสมจิตร   ครู
5.      นายณั ฐวิ ฒ
ุ ิ ยิง่ เพิม
่ ทรัพย์   ครู
6.  นางสาวกฤษณา โต๊ะมิน   ครู
7.  นายจักรกฤษณ์ ทองเต็ม   ครู
8.  นายชัยธวัช สุรก ิ ร   ครู
9.  นางสาวลัดดาภรณ์ ราชจันทร์   ครู
10.  นางสาวราตรี ช ้างวงศ์   ครู
11.  นางสาวอรวรรณ เมฆสงค์   ครู
12.  นายวินัย แดงปุ่ น   พนักงานขับรถยนต์
13.  นายประณาม ภูโต๊ะยา   ช่าง

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