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1. Answer in ENGLISH.

2. Number of words: 3500 - 5000 Words excluding references.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date: 4th November 2019 until 18 November 2019.

6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.



The purpose of this assignment is to enable the students to enhance their knowledge and
understanding of the theories and techniques discussed within the module and their practical
application within manufacturing, process and service industries.As a result of the assignment the
students will be able to understand the role of occupational health in the workplace and its
contribution towards employees’ health and safety in the workplace and profitability of the


Task 1:

CLO2: Propose solution to occupational health problems obtained from literatures in a specific

HC, aged 42, an offshore diver with ongoing formal professional training in diving. On 2 September
1984 at 1300 hours, half an hour into a dive to 30 meters off the coast of Mersing, he was seen to
suddenly surface. When the safety boat reached him, he was found to be unconscious with no pulse
or respiration. There was blood -stained froth coming from his mouth. His life jacket was inflated,
and his SCUBA tank was empty. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was started, and the pulse and
respiration returned after 12 minutes although he remained unconscious. He was placed on his side
and evacuated to a hospital in Mersing (6 hours away) where he was noted to be in coma. After
stabilization he was flown to Singapore by helicopter. During the flight he threw two fits. He arrived
at the Department of Neurosurgery, Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

On 3 September at 1200 hours, he was still in coma with a decerebrate response to pain. He was
referred to the National Medical Research Centre (NMRC) on 4 September at 2300 hours, about 58
hours after the diving accident. Hyperbaric treatment was instituted with oxygen (US Navy extended
table 6A) for a duration of 7 hours. No definite changes were noted in his coma state immediately
after treatment, but he was noted to be in a lighter state on the third day following treatment. A day
later he was able to withdraw from pain. Seven days post-treatment he was able to open his eyes. In
the following weeks, his condition gradually improved, aided by rehabilitative physiotherapy. Today,
though confined to a wheelchair, he can carry out most of his daily activities such as toilet, dressing,
eating and movement.

Based on the above case study, answer the following the following questions:

1. State TWO presumptive health illnesses from the case study above.
2. Explain the illness processes with the relevant physic theories.
3. Explain the effective treatment to overcome the identified illnesses.
4. Describe the recommended safety and health program for scuba diving activities.

(Total: 40)


CLO3: Design occupational health programmes for a specific industry.

Based on ONE organisation, design an occupational health programme for the organisation.

(Total: 60)

Assessment Criteria
Your response to each task will be graded separately based on the rubrics attached.
RUBRIC FOR TASK 1: Case Sudy Analysis
CLO2: Propose solution to occupational health problems obtained from literatures in a specific industry.

Criteria Weight Marks
Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1 0
Determination of TWO Presumptive health Presumptive health Presumptive health Presumptive health Presumptive health
presumptive health illnesses from the illnesses from the case illnesses from the case illnesses from the case illnesses from the case
illnesses from the case case study above are study above are correctly study above are correctly study above are wrongly study above are not
study above. correctly determined. determined. determined. determined.
determined. Supported by relevant
1 4
Supported by illustration.
relevant illustration.
Justification is based
on literature review
and well cited.
Explanation of the illness Clear explanation of Clear explanation of the Superficial explanation of Wrong explanation on No explanation on the
processes with the relevant the illness processes illness processes with the the illness processes with the Illness processes Illness processes with
physic theories. with the relevant relevant physic theories. the relevant physic with the relevant physic the relevant physic
physic theories. Supported by relevant theories. theories. theories
2 8
Supported by illustration.
relevant illustration
and literature review
and well cited.
Explanation of effective 2 Clear explanation of Clear explanation of Superficial explanation of Wrong explanation of No explanation of 24
treatment to overcome the effective treatment effective treatment to effective treatment to effective treatment to effective treatment to
identified illnesses. to overcome the overcome the identified overcome the identified overcome the identified overcome the identified
identified illnesses. illnesses. Supported by illnesses. illnesses. illnesses.
Supported by relevant illustration.
relevant illustration
and literature review

and well cited.

Recommendation of safety Clear Clear recommendation is Clear recommendation is Superficial No recommendation is
and health program for recommendation is given on safety and health given on safety and recommendation is given on safety and
scuba diving activities. given on safety and program for scuba diving health program for scuba given on safety and health program for
health program for activities. Supported by diving activities. health program for scuba diving activities.
scuba diving relevant illustration. scuba diving activities.
3 12
Supported by
relevant illustration
and literature review
and well cited.
Clarity of writing. Very clear and Writing is clear and quite Writing is clear but not Ideas not expressed Ideas not expressed
concise; ideas were concise; ideas were concise; paragraph or clearly; misspellings, clearly; too many
1.5 8
well developed and developed and coherent. sentence structure incorrect grammar and spelling, grammar and
coherent. repetitive or awkward. punctuation. punctuation errors.
Citations/References. In-text citations and In-text citations and Citations within text and Works cited were not Citation was not
reference list reference list citations corresponding reference listed for in-text provided.
citations were were complete and list were included with citations or works cited
0.5 4
complete and partially formatted in APA some formatting included resources not
properly formatted style. problems. mentioned in the report.
in APA style.
Total 10   40

RUBRIC FOR TASK 2: Design of occupational health programme for an organisation

CLO3: Design occupational health programmes for a specific industry.


Criteria Weight Marks
Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory
4 3 2 1 0
Introduction to Very good and Good introduction to the Introduction to the Superficial introduction No introduction is
organisation and objective interesting organisation and organisation and is given. given.
of the Occupational Health introduction to the occupational health occupational health
Risk Assessment (HRA). organisation and problem faces in the problem faces in the
occupational health organisation. Clearly organisation are given.
2 8
problem faces in the states the background and Brief background and
organisation. Clearly objectives of HRA. objectives of HRA are
states the given.
background and
objectives of HRA.
Description of task Very clear and Clear and somewhat Acceptable description of Very brief and poor No description of task
identified and the detailed description detailed description of the task but still could not description of task and and the ergonomics risk
occupational health risk of the task task identified, and the understand the overall the ergonomics risk factors identified.
factors identified. identified, and the occupational health risk activity. Occupational factors identified.
4 occupational health factors identified. health risk factors not 16
risk factors Supported by relevant explain in detail.
identified. pictures.
Supported by
relevant pictures.
Occupational health risk 3 Very detail Clear and somehow detail Clear but brief Vague and very brief No assessment 12
assessment using assessment is assessment is conducted assessment is conducted assessment is shown. conducted using
Assessment tool. conducted using the using the assessment tools using the assessment assessment tool.
assessment tools and all the steps of tool.
and all the steps of assessment are shown.
assessment are Supported by relevant
shown clearly. illustrations.
Supported by

relevant illustrations.

Recommendations and Practical Average recommendation Acceptable Very brief proposal for No recommendation
Solutions. recommendation is for improvement with recommendation for recommendation. No and solutions.
provided with good justification. improvements. Provide justifications provided.
focusing on workers Supported by relevant justifications but they
participation. Focus illustrations and citations. were insufficient.
4 16
on short term and
long term solutions.
Supported by
relevant illustrations
and citations.
Conclusion. An excellent An above average A fair conclusion which Very brief conclusion No conclusion was
conclusion which conclusion which touches summarizes some of the which has very little given.
inclusively touches overall ideas of the topics main topics of the summaries on the main
1 4
overall ideas of the discussed. assignment. topics of the
topics discussed. assignment.

Writings. Almost free of Few spelling, punctuation A number of spelling, Major spelling, Does not follow APA
spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. punctuation and punctuation and writing style and many
and grammatical APA style of writing is grammatical errors, but grammatical errors spelling errors in the
errors. adopted. does not affect overall which affect overall assignment.
1 4
APA style of writing writing performance. writing performance.
is well adopted.

Total 15   60

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