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| (ESSCORE) —ae=— a i% POLITICAL SCIENCE } Time Allowed: 3 tr. Max. Marks: 250 i { Instructions to Candidate + There are EIGHT questions. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. + Question no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE are to be attempted. + Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) booklet in the space en in medium other than the authorized provided. No marks will be given for answers wi one. + Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. + Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless struck off, attempt of | a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck off. MUKUND Name Mobile No. Se / Date _ S 1, bwvigilator’s Signature * i 2. Invigilator’s Signature Signature Mdina } | ! ! } ! | i ~ a REMARKS [ESISCORE| ‘= (EEISCORE SECTION-A Attempt all questions: 4. Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: (10 « 5 = 50) fa) Model Code of Conduet im Indian Elections. {b) Rajya Sabha: Second or Secondary Chamber? fc} Election Commission of India, {a} Issues of Fiscal Federaligm in India. [e) Criticism of Directive Principles Moclel Code ef Conduct (Me) refers fe a Ae of guidelines cout by Geta Colpeiitien ta NEED, te Repel petitical Umuluet ap aul the partie Contesting Conolddafes, te roole of patitjat odventisenane cera Aclateed activities. Lt fracas Onegin fo code of Condecct devateped by kenate hecrinny st State eheestion th gy. Caticndty,, te se a Comsengry b q ee | behewoim clering, before Anol abies elects, Th docimit Rave iy lepat braking Remarks jassebion ~ o Dor ens ESISCORE) Daring the fetine forenen CEC TU Shetan jn (Mec , the enboremnent of Mee he ig election was Stransinded Ly sellaig TE. Pees BC _idnA wapruslany Or wape Ratently, donning (F lok Sabla elec ten , Prete Were bear otlegeatyn e Walation of WkSabng. Yogenclna faday zeta MICE a. Elam pie of democasce Credential yin berce of athe ge oh (a0 br ky éa. Ec fu endless to Gitora Mic , lane dt app CULE ZL aud tatakigs Comp lon - Heeweves, Diving Siete Paeteeng! fe since mewlen APALIVSa OY EC Act Of vend 7 foun, fo ibs Opplccation. Remarks "hy Take ‘ 4 ot (4 ae! ‘ (ESISCORE] | @® Rajan ag Alilee te pokey deenocney bécamenstinn wos adepied in Lndda a om the Coney ef Westenimsfer rode e Astro \ Pe at fente or Howte of ders ,atlio cated Cousedl of states Cato Cito gtcaak fot “taint ste “tee ela of state. tHeweven, untiter Us Senate fom, Indian conueil of Stapey Har mnegad Sep en eRe kati pele Skater Varying BL in UP te tM Sag. C | > Ragga ba bed cand Chamber - Lt & Secend chamtes as f(t Bou Varonys prvewt and Cheats on host op lekcatiy Ragga Cotha c plotter fh sipreiene fog ee Siete verter peel rae of comatiprtion under Arhete 299 (aLlering Remarks ‘ (EISCORE) PRL & fe legilate om fhale Mmbeeg): frtrete 311 (Creating mew AL Laat Servies) te An only be le by Reign rhea. Faatnen, fn Cot Gh tienet Grendantnd me Comieet "Ff RGA Latta bt appr 4 bee cheol (Gl) as ei Chawbes ag ft Gow Vu Sty rnitel pets in Cotes meaty ne ereli nay BU, Huse: wie ee. Lite} ove ie ruiy, healt ae Heweves, Competes ay tetal hy Mivtjenet Geren sips for Rasinaaing. (arte Constitution (AicKeC) , fre exis erg of RAjpq Latta 6 jAcat Sfrengin O Cuwctinn, wintitqes of Eng (Ecx) Ee | Eck mas crtablirhed usteg Avila 324 SEES Beritercepei ay Gee Wilton hocly fe Condeat, Sepeseise anol cary Remarks (GSISCORE! Dr. Ambedkan in Ads tpeah in Comthifuent fisembly recognised ECE at one of fre bry “bulwark of deuro Comme Art Comte utrles Crubjecin, tue fe IN pep eee ae, LUNA T 4 Rene nal pectin aee es EE ~ Hanger Snggerted fe rtale Ect astust et EST Repent Sp tel Corbietitorjim oy avies eo oct Raniaeanie taka gel tinas weit Mexpeet fo appret ment, ateng est CoG pt “Witeeber ke Om, CFE leaclas f Oppo Hein cee at. .° 0. —==——= Pee _chrotfer oF ECL be made ‘ wf apn Seen ean ee ee Pewee, 64 aod Guye 4 €er fas mace eon | famtiapadive i India, Chaty” along esp tt UPSC, CRG aud Seaprese feeweves, tae Fretet tom ins ef _&cE | ethejed (nek “f fruspansincyy over Y ee a aeaaterdenitinc tt S y 4 Remarks (EISCORE @) Lesues of Etscal Fedenateren tn Endy FISCAL fedaaglism : tegaos fe fre alishibetin BA inal oeig, Hy pecans ho aug, tetteet and appreprate tar beter Conten and \ The ComsGifrtion estas eahes Piriiite Comonistin unde Ait 280 aga “Seikgating ete (*P eiscue tem in Lindbig” © Fantasy, ete Aitfibutes Carer uroles fwo tate sores; Statutory grant (noses Miele aay) acrol ee ID oct enatuy grant (eneles Mpicte 62) | ECE Ciel ashe ince G5 + fae sxe sushis SF (ale of eper ~Cobjrat” Listonted ton bokower 0G fiscal gedasalim as Finosnreg Clin) meals Li (aryety, at itenibjenany grant by Panty Conenivejn be eutwerpnted stafrtery grant x Remarks (eSISCORE| Furcteey, Hobernene fF oo |. Planning Come page IH ory etl & ving ting of sett CAM RC Cornsls & Serica Tar) wos SB) a Sp foreman cera Gre bx Bedenatinn in Enon Fi GBf tan Aavolution fim Curtrat peel vasoles IGT Ey eain eet WSS inj ce gee i peta * s Coweves, Crider Aa tinainap TORE Ms Roareteaue ries) Aare, ~fo_txmeengies tainting Eoumetyen preven xf State uncles G@sr; no petett bin ap pe aeetene _ Pieper. pig ee i emte, reed fo ton beta faste fo prmek fy ch Coeertry Cefrecsom Minectire /reiple. Hectjive Pa ‘ples Mate Palicg (Orsp) tant seleped by cenit tend trebles Pant (Uh fue Conatifiution fron Avice Be fest . es Remarks Sscore| 1. Arrbedhos attad frese Orcy a1 ovevef & oxtnhe’ of ous Censittedin - It Was bated om (Lastynent of eee Sostraetien” fe ees Se ts Cotentad gevenueent a soe ae ame Ges im fan baet pant ft Gas bees kee om fre asitt 47 Shate fo smpGrren frase ap fhrese ang Men enfortes afete A nature: Pre so-cated pabue fatretion’ mar Seen ay force betind | ren plementation. _ Mewevers, fnnp Gomer tatin OF Vartions @OPSP Atrnecines chispnt Aram. EE aso Cpitiecred mn fhe gmund of aunsrt, “sith ma te sak brag. up - , meme Lireetiver bike Prrncctying Welfare oF fe/sT (nla bES a seen 8 TER ep GR eee 2 haaeh, a4 inentionnd tones fivfiele 36 IE 4 Monetrener Remarks & emenest (fA Grvernanns Ff lentry, \ (ESISCORE! Answer the following questions: {a} Governor's role has been perverted to ereate a permanent threat to legislative assemblies. How is far is thir statement true? Examine with help of constitutional provisions. {200 Wards) (15) Discuss the issues related to Concurrent List that are posing challenges to the idea of cooperative federalism in India? (200 Words) (15) tb) Enlist some of the major issues associated with Representation of People Act (RFA), (250 Words) (20) ‘ Remarks [EEISCORE Remarks (ERISCORE) al (SISCORE SCORE (ESISCORE| Remarks (eISCORE Remarks SCORE) ail 3. Answer the following questions: (a) Right to Freedom of speech and expression vs Section 124-A. Elaborate. (200 Words) (15) (b) India must emulate best international practices and make CAG more independent, a (200 Words) (15) (C) Provide ait analysis of the issue of Criminalization of Indian Polity. (280 Words) (20) Remarks 4 (SISCORE Remarks (ESISCORE Remarks [ESISCORE) Remarks [ESISCORE Remarks (ESISCORE| Remarks {ERISCORE Remarks (SISCORE Remarks (SCORE 4. Answer the following questions: {a) Education as eligibility criteria for elections is a debatable idea at best, Discuss with special reference to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRI's), {200 Wares) (15) {b) Provide a detailed analysis of the performance on National Commission for Women till date, (200 Weeds) (15) (6) Hlaborate on the challenges to the vision and functioning of Panchayati Raj Institution in India. (250 Words) (20) ee aud ome Gre (ateg Majartrnn , introdwend education af % Critenca bev elacting th freer Aaspective fasrehryatt Raj - op fh (xedlenany poderent in Maztata Ue Stake of a si ia G20tS), wptath edircation critenca of Harve Grvermmant "fF PRIe. Mowerer , fre _prutos Cf spex Consit war questioned ie, . Jroninol: te Remarks EEISCORE) =. Pevptives of tuenten wee ehisy ki tity COPE me bothering a) Zt ftouw Prrmele HK Ahty lovee rin : in Pra Comntny OJ FE Cemtt fathenep the aAnwarenet fry pateGced ne at Gage levee. eo) fe F SLAs . fteweven, darpite nt? Prestimed advantages , tatrmlicetion of Cdncation cvitendy t mot appneainted, At PRA Vamiont Sehatass Like Yopeulin Salen, Aint bette ete as: PE of Geach demmeene: as main objective ef pat, war fe Mactsaw Ponte cé : te hag ijon-mateerg. Mewer, edication at Confers Laguatty a targe nate free contestiey elector, 6) Ecktcatjon jtel# Guuof le 4

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