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(eSSCORE POLITICAL SCIENCE / Time Allowed: 3 hr. ‘Max. Marks: 250 Instructions to Candidate * There are EIGHT questions. Candidate has to attempt FIVE questions in all. * Question no. 1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, THREE. are to be attempted. * Answers must be written in the medium authorized in the Admission certificate which must be stated clearly on the cover of this Question-cum-Answer (QCA) booklet in the space provided. No marks will be given for answers written in medium other than the authorized one. > . * Word limit in questions, wherever specified, should be adhered to. Wo * Attempts of questions shall be counted in chronological order. Unless sthitk ff, attempt of a question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck off. Name __ MVKUND Mobile No.__ 1. Invigilator’s senate Date _ ait \2 Invigitator’s Signat Signature _ Wawra REMARKS [SISCORE eo Rol! No 1S MS (aSSCORE SECTION-€, |. Attempt all questions: 1, Answer the following questions in about 150 words eack: (1m « 5 = 50) (a) Explain the difference between Power and Authority (b) Discuss any two early trends in socialism, (c} Discuss the grounds on which the welfare state is justified, (d) What is Patriarchy and how doc ffect the political behaviour of citizens? (ec) The idea of differentiated citizenst iP. @ Ueme cnigty Himgie co on bye Fvteeey Pewen aud Artiority Pawesn in is base foam cau be said tf be te precess of exenting inétueice on Seueore of Leenetotg by varied meaws Actonoling f Feenutt , p, ch pracrene euerunsliene ina ttee Cans but shine Cau not be Aotol og ets, Remarks Aa i vy we ay, ok yet ee per" eae wre X ene e mee 8) (SISCORE Atuthonty authenity Covnes usr the faok-up oy itate: Secovdly , Power Can be sath f be fre Lernout of Coerim nan Meet, paaeen WEA SOE Piers pees mead mane tateich ub satretiond by rtajfe © Seeralinm repens to tue paliticas Phrilesopley in ostrich meas op pracecetion aud LUbibution pone ‘ weve Setiatesin én jath Canteat forum ax an jab Nath, of Capitelcy mn. Canty trend 26 8Otinkinn tan be feces, ss PLre ect | - [eSISCORE Grom He tharactercticg ot Faklan Leccabogmn afin lUmewu at Uk Model 4 seczalin. iu tet model, those ways Predominentty taéteucccer ef Coyactelit | tpl of prediction usitr juitiat Abohactens of s@eiabian- Fer ensunpte, Settons invelued in toma welsare secfe Ol fest unde, prxvale secton. he erie nfecree *f Kone MAAK brung it naclical Change fu Beedaleoen, oe PEA. picletepig. tHe dectanad as ECranajtien pease’ between copetates anh Comune» metrete the Olen. SHIP ef PROCETHRIAT (Lotens ofan) abrotd Sn aa: be Etta bGsled, SOtiatism wene mroclel aud mot Kcienthc pork Remark ne ee oe wt oe o Z “ we Me gt! eS & \ so” wh Pl 5 ye = [SCORE © Wetbans stake axa Concept enn be EAadad jn fre wonk of Is-min HA Peras, Ehinkes , wlio promolecl neto of Abate ta Tha welbera of peaple- Funthes, ce Ferre, of MoAkian ,as Counter fo Capifetim, prompted Copuitetliun fe tm itt jolents from e€ ythive fo Woetdare stop. Foumtnen, Os pe istette , State Cane Qed Continces in CRIS teurey bor fee Bakke Of Geen CFE, faa, de: sis as EAPO ititeg of that fe Cusane trot all Sections get Lice Ane bert Safe + Remarks [EISCORE) Weta, Uberal Pinkert Uke ae preter mntniomal Cacgat watcbumans| Semel, Mande tinker: Uk, Mane tun believes state trou fe amme He cael een oP: | prcerncates i Seece, IS. eesjeannen ef meen ibd Fede Hoek, Geen mmwwiwpes > [ESISCORE Potrianety agtects fre |, potitreal belowjenn F Citizens, ay lowes fice iffterts vette male torlidate ™ p ived abosneys Agee Fontaes, Cond nenter oF wemen fa Poelia ment. cs said fr be the henson belrind Cae aes form] afin) ax etborcement ude duties Loren Femionse Ute Cofre rcte| Abid frat, “ When E levwag tue Stato, rate bret eres de eae eee Mekinnen becarte “F frese foctone only, ustrere State was Seen te be antimbemate iG i) rr Outteek. Heiner, . ‘ BE : a Prtrrenctug inftue Petitical betevions in mectHple Wages. 5 y v al yar! yer er qn we a A of ¥ we a 4h oO yl Remarks ()- be — of \ [EEISCORE| |© Whe iden of dibtersntinted Cit memhid ins Geta, given Sty Manin Inc y, A a wading benruint of aot mee dhe prorperneecl pris iden af dithmentinted Cithrenitip tn Reaction 0 nNoaclical beminder Gi, Gamrene Se Beautejr bro etd crate fo be Cdak}~betnate | bo bretring MAb ninon wate tld cate fe be Pro-mate aud Agate internat of Accondhing + Porang » the tafe ty mot ay C4 ~ heminie ag athegecl, Rather State anol Pusouge Te petitod portt ei pation tos aicledl m ettons fo plict errndition of ween, by Cerecridy Ai bperancer between mate t 62imate. Remarks (RISCORE Paap RanenigatieneA ape (Kpartiament , in @arecp Ladin Padretroyots Ary CY3™ neseree for Wenn) ) Seats fn metro che negtects thew state ees fer paitive A One itna tion fen foes Of Women rq CAtating Aibborcocined ciljenny Ff Wewmen im atpacnn af state, Premio tes . es eA sen ere rey ake vec wh yw J Gene GG) Shere Remarks nis - (SCORE Answer the following, questions; (a) Liberty and Equality are different faces of the same ideal. Evaluate. (200 Wards) (15) (b) Critically examine the reasons for the rise of Fascisin and its nature as an identogy: (200 Words) (15) () Diseuss the basie aspects of Representative Democracy and its contemporary challenges. (250 Words) (20) BUbenty and Equatity fiat been tre F020 fone Coneene ja protiticol peter ptig Liberty asa tonecent ahcies the, Beets ot testeciae? 5 Wheel Sense, wnbengar Syaelity | oa 8 emacpt denote adsl ay aumeng perpte « Uber a Cone Concept Emestt ju PLeteteseplny of Remarks ESISCORE Prepomelacdt hy Maneidp/ ermunnetit ween, leretiing =e SOS RAGA encrtg tte trig Ronetation beiten fae pose ie boty, Ame aces of tee Stine tolent. Bots herhy setd eainnity 5 shins fo premrot fhe Welgare of toe [REAPS 4 Pesci Lithensitey a4, Cutrite Bien fy. a” jcleviolical Promictuer ane le fe Adhieve Pregn jaeedert netfee et Pro VACA FOmner es Grom shale Ose, freee se Caregen brine tay felon fmnifn); Serialismn ( on tity) oo foot state abontt ae wee ye a a herr Lal Oat tt " we. ror, ue | ee a eet : we etal age "aS {ESISCORE) pramartjueli, gintate tions feuds fueds welfare approach: “berg sud Cqnalitty are litters a i fee ee Fe Se despite toving Liverserce in ft cone See Eee... ees WE Ean fp premetzag oliginity & wrlfane -P peenic| © According to Payne, trene by wo CUsanent rhealegy at stregrbatedin Aothes f€ w @ = ie tet ot mond basetion obeerny olenofe Fuathes,, Pere believes ftrnt CRAM wnolent Lite Mirae Lier? adepted Oumgthing from Cyrene That Atited fred Remarks as [SCORE intent aud Cebped’ geptinen PROPRIA fesin propaganda) nest _ Reasons bor tne Adge of Fasctsens Fasetsim of en Fle aloge Cunanged Lint, tranale o, Berlitfie Muarwelint in Ih PEAS pend (mer? nd fo Ethetam Chie Seymomn d. Cpt, fi Wrrtnenk jn ———— oF bAteism om Ot iE i Gaal if eanmaged a4 t Con exthomniim of contre (Siscore — Natrne of ferscigim at an jdootesy WOOL traf BAtedam en seoseee Weng ee prem nantly ei y 1 fey gloniézeol Wet , Militancemn , vidlenae . J, ade Her ieee ina 2 rete Frases atso promoted Tipe Sviaavia Chictatonntp) teodewery Seer people: Tras, Saseren ay on, (eeetogg eomnged by <™ Plot bing Unieng Thangs |piilesepricy ke Plape's prritey om Ring, Hejet’s State Coneapt, Mick rete! “Paman 5 Rowan’: Generel wit ate. Ee et ge ot Tet Atpresentttie democracy 4 Za, of tm Mest pr ineneat fern F hovrecnoey AAA Ofrons Liles otneet hemernaty| delinenative hemotnaty aunt often, 2 fants by fos peop for mail te pom *G Beretieg oletived by Henetinen Remarks ESISCORE Uintet - rE emunged from latin ' Wo DWE mos ( a) ¢ karapia (x Mik< fuke by fre people Furtnan, Lawrotrseg was hivfleat rap (eee Eo Dineet democnnay , propornoled by thinkent Gee Renveru ® Talineee democracy, propounded SCORE inslincet paprstentstin of perple minh ee menks pcan thejar dinecte, St Pont ae mapretantstive i befrraei, . aA Sieh: | pee proten =f fepnmren tite ' | : demrorrreg i fetterwed to mest of dammrocracies Ute Ul UK, Lele on, ~ Comnteenporany Ahallonges fe oa preten Etfive dowrotraciey jiretnde: fe eee Joeme ae nse “Ff TPA Pa Cetin, tenclevny becarse Pep hesentetiue clamotrnng inert Glebe ay Achlectd by wdse "J Seed Treop | Manne eg, fies Ie _aPregesy cee, cng aay Parties ore met ying peape fears Pirekceteminst » hiotarve pe Prpanda- fe adtebetion, Remarks ERSISCORE ememseunce +f inatrementt tee ontin defection, whips tf" promotes pe eee a ey jncbiviined men ee eed hep hain seis. selememensing, Britney Ges Hentt, Prtne Ua mead fe Promote democnneg fe Te Ang jks. wet? y 4” 4 a a eo oe?” we a os wet reg) nt Oe aw vi ge? Remarks ESISCORE 3. Answer the following questions: (a) Discuss the Radical Criticisms of Liberal Feminism. (200 Words) (15) {b) Write a eritical note on Fabian socialism 200 Words) (15) () Wh Equality? is the concept of Justice in modern Political Theory? How is it related to (250 Words) (20) Remarks - (score Remarks (RISCORE Sscore Remarks [SscoRE| ; Remarks fESISCORE Remarks [Sscore| Remarks > (ESISCORE Remarks RIScorE| 4. Answer the following questions: (200 Words} (15) (b) “Liberty is the absence of restraint.” Explain this statement and discuss the relation between liberty and autho (200 Words) (15) (a) Examine the Marxist approach (w political anal (c) Critically examine the liberal and the Marxist theories of Democracy. (250 Words) (20) Reiarks fSISCORE Remurks (SCORE Remarks (SSCORE — Remarks ERISCORE Remarks = score Remarks [ESISCORE! a t Remarks (SScORE Remarks Siscore SECTION-B Attempt all questions: 5. Comment on the following into 150 words: (10« 5 = 50) fa) Examine the agenda of New Social Movements in India. (6) Bhoodan movement and its contribution to Tand reforms in India, (c) Dalit perspective om Indian National Movement. (d) India constitution is a product af evolution rather than revolution. Examine, {e) Comment on the evolution of Political parties in India since Independence. @ S@etal Mevematt nefesu fo pre = Webi ration “F feople om Vosions Linn, fer ottieujns a eee seh ef Objeatives | goats The Sottal vucvereng further Cos been bhuneated in foo Partt | © Olol Setdod movement - before ee, | Cemceniing bars Ubu ef Tyht fe voit) Wagustg . salgpanse wns te @ Mew Serciag mevermments - ber Mee Setiah nrvevermment , a4 pe Vejenalag | Remarks - (score Yoda » Cees jietg bein Widnes beyond * Beit aeet and buffer’. Ce , TRS, new Setend, COBY Ctn gat tray bread, ed fede by fmenleating enasy hatred, Comet Mmasies ara witcha Perea individennt iesete: Pr hmm of Feamasu! Spt Race grated Prerniacece Wiely cline fo Ae neenins prmbonwtotte, sursynl bAcinte tte ae pen AER erat facta tiny, been strcee mint tu Hn plementing VAR4CAS ene font geet bike sn FF Bemmasernnl Mm Any j Tatras care (eng) a tiv Nin Ww oe et tr ee et ve at Remarks “yar yee Q a rae a gs vale a” we iF (\) et et Sn tae. | | ” (SISCORE |O© Prevod meveneat Hepes te The Movement ituched perp ince pecwleres oohkene (—§ was ained fe bring el-Listi butin by parting dati bebjen of Cnnk Cnpdten, Bo nace eppens » ata Ce Heleretih_wvaveirtnt Was prowprgatet by leaders Uke Loslig rns Not b veg Sirceowtae, a4 MaVetnet “Couldnt Set Wejelarpretd Se Prscen yn Lube - - . Sot ves, tenting rt brenaine ‘teen é Rnd fepetes fo Covel obltribntion Remarks a zo (aot vy wt ee - (SCORE | agenka of Jeverumene: Pepe Vere mrtgtsed fo oltstobufe freien (aol — beget 9 Unit ancl Contarutes tt bod Soe irapoets iy Aagions g Pyjlan, up ote: Hewevern, trod aeformuas Sue co sot oa percling Price noltg > reoniaay Spipe Cte, Kae Sse Penrpeci ve on 9 nebo Watinat Satin ocho Wrrvemeag hepesru fo pre Ceng-Yurning neoverneue fe free Leabin fom Hee pete: OF Priyn (Britjen) rote, Uarriond Pp xper bve Oke Dalit, Moni, tabu OE Beetnalinds Ret bean ay Fn teal ; Remark oh t i" oN Ms \ (score trnbedllea Cinrsete. In Uarjens e Hu antetes, te tals frre fre Tndiain mrattrant wuversnl oes nu ich ignored tue plane og Lalit oy cite ef habit oplitprent Pre ovigy. of Leola, at fe EAke Adtine Cncy oy go “4 t Aor been teuiteced af ange Funtnes, fue inne of EnckAn Watjonnl Seetad Contereree, ee : (3) a Remarks \\e we ae ey”? ye r* ek le ve ESISCORE MAYA nied afc. Certainty made attonpt fo uplbt marginatind ferGens of Sette hy tary, bod Gienited Goandliniawn cont fneck ucyt Otks AK Gberating mnetion faced mong Pres nate Thats SGU 1a Oats, a7. Atba pe mg 4g betrenn ib tate te Bettas neite Like sul perrrecting Saari Seagiee Fo tedliatn “ations Werraay @ poe Lrolionw COMmMib te, > as pe batres a a Oe Ghent smi fag been ferme t agen Assad £?, atinest are avila ble Oty Fation Tee wronged. ¥ fa noted by Cott bation expert , Grane Mersin, Tndlinn According pooothr ned to anit fh € ee PO gee \ ~ (ESSCORE meedt aud Hs fered (E sui- Gememds? (oy fey evn Kind) fn mature, ce es prokivet af evolution a4 Enka Comstiinin — evetved brem Bygin rele ete re gricliny prinasny eG NAL wert Sieh Sccataniod , bates nity, I integrity , foraclann ental rights, vernal adult frauaéure ete beeamne baric Seating of ous Comsbitation « FUmtnes, Umevient Geatrney Boerne berremwed rom Ab arent - rey ees, ft Met teckiiny evetution ard mop Fraselt fF Atvelutimn ay Lone th Friar | © es pobatresst panty aves cme njed tn Ludi, 1 Complex way she valTeny bFcfo | Aecorcling Fo Schertans tee Sufot Patshrikan , prtitieng parties Remarks GSISCORE A [a Gebtnesra Cealer whe Fen end Mada bracdl ot my Regina Ce gqursge befor (DQravjcleag bing! a Y) tt Pps rant fase SE Fe mmasigs peng Cobsken api 68.08 ensecl ways: © Cogren hemrinntedt 1957-09: gu $i Teernl election, Congrent party rasetionet ORe-Paty ate” at boty creche i sEnIO Rese wemel dart 2 ke DA, Hai sas Me a pale a Seen Fete iy ad fo Se OFecrer oF parzes Whe Fan omy (a7P), Tasata af et. @® On castecse Ge! evetupin oF parties btey RID in Mba, Strangvacls party 5 Batrcss any Secnginals party Chet) 4, hemush, Raw im Lp okt mee Patsy &velution Ca Pekitteak partes jn Luclig fos bens, wy me the ork, * a a)= Giese Comapler Mnfenstapeedeng marks oF wer ve ye es rel EEISCORE 6. Answer the following questions; (a) Satyagraha is thd most important and original contributions of Mahatma Gandhi to humankind. Discuss. (200 Warde) (18) (b) Elaborate on the main features of the Marxist perspective-of Freedom struggle and bring out its limitations as well. (200 Words) (15) (e} Write a short note on performance and agenda of environmental movements in India, (250 Words) (20) (@) Matotung Goin ha » fe batnen +f on nation hod funge lonpoate om ann motional Mmoveenenth os well a4 ony Haase Tat Preac were Varies Tretette Melens ef Gawnddteiys , nstricty, 4ridteol “ahpmatl Movement toeke ay Comsetcind +f fis fethoweru. Fox exoowent, fre virtne of Satgs Ctr), Antonia (mm-uibtum, Comune Spm S Ps. Tobi ves er feed ee Otean avele ewe; . Row Remarks 4 yo o Ay Citing) f2 contrent Truefn. = (SISCORE tenet of RAL fear tay tet Ht noted by Tet Rosets| EE vitfee og assy SOncnd Enpsteems Grand bf also gave Ere Coatya) Ge pre Prscen gh aatuckh afl pied fo Atal, Colouial exp Lntens by gereny Prem foam 5h Men-vielines A Ceorcling fo Crilelss Pare Goneltin's satyrs Pe. Ses Satyngnais “Bnd enas te brmatt, bring Mmeses fo aculb a Mmeverment attrich Presusfel im BiH 8e, ey ont, etree enete fonporPant einol at cont betciem tf Gnaaabegg ae rt a Vet 4 ep wt oe a rp ee (SCORE © Mmarsise perapective ef freaclam sprgyte is. ous Yanions peruepective of frecclem Strgsle tharjeatty, Meoin. Por*pective nettectt om Gow Eackion, freed on Stagg le were Lcpined by BGrAgq Tye interest iqnomd fre intense =P fee Cabenh Chaat(uloricing chas) fe ome pempnieesct Daan op fas school +f tasnget woos Ae Palme Dutt. RB Pabene Dutt ts 4 bevt odin Fed Calls Gand a4 “f Brmrreritic: Coapibe est) chars, Quinn ational i am a I — ee Sees Hee Remarks SCORE Chars Stagg le betwenn prtneae avd boungertsie clea: fe ieeepanmcriey aati ee Nem tate pthatin Mimilewmau® in Rebinaiy. WS Was atl Fo Ge fe pret fre Hlewever, Pads veo oF MWst perrpeetive Loew trol grou at moted by Hesperian ceenip Sankar in tis beow “4 (4? , the Anes ds brazed by J reflecting Pee prevalent comepex Gand tits Calling PH LEM = COP PC hation iM: = one a a ea « were i) al et Ter (ESISCORE| Ofte, Were mrotuated bg big ierzy om Atma ( hen-Yelkue) a4 aly feta TE Vieloute, cout Cave Gren Tau; fe Bri G ent fe Ch Mr eyetwent, fas comming frat people AOS His ie | Fortnss, INC fiels fone peted fev fee Cause of latennas ity Ont Movement ond wen, ase , neo ay Socialist (hadegy a5 evjplent JX Pherngntr of Metin JPY ate © Enajrenmmnatel mervemant repens t fee mmvernent [Mtituntio of people based on Corrtenns Ube presesuiuy eupemment, grifrining natwre anu Cotraterins: § — poweigs) bikes eleforestatim, Lred dagnodatinn » GHG coriviens ut. Engfrenene tad pmeve- Ment in Indie aan be of - Remarks : (score | nes WLW $60igl Wevetrend whit, Pie, eamasseume of BMayreninen tal ieterment in enh Countin tan be traced baak fo fre Mhaveiment tad by Sasulantee Aotgung in Panni- : hwy Ctuad as CHEP KO ARADO LPN» Feapen, reevemen, “ike Nanmads Bachar Ardolan , Sove =) =I ls rho ot Remarks | 4, ae nor ee \ ve Wren t wek pac (ESISCORE adequate awaneny aAmeng peep, i oar ato peered, Tee Conolitin, “f waren 14 Loli feather, enatimerd F Pe teeter COREY (Gee nL hile oemecrmemt io Me. Oy Forest Conservation Mets (Tee, Buwirrnmant protect Het taeg, Forest Reig tats Ach, Rave; Campa Act, 01g and varriont ofnes poticy enactment: Can be 4 Lintieh fO cervironemnental evened’ outtong: ra ou Ep untry, Fantrnen, dgenoly alse broadoued at batten joy erly Gevewation Che a1 weet. Pines, Ctvpmen Cramianntd pagel seaport Prete ry “a 4 Comiabunng zg rg pring Amat, cobs, Remark yb 9 wo Ae Cae | s fSISCORE Remarks SCORE 7 Answer the following questions: ion politics in India and ils influence an the (200 Words) (15) (a) Comment on the nature of Coa democratization of political culture? (b) Critically examine the agenda and achievements of Women movement in India, (200 Words) (15) m have affected nation (250 Words) (20) (€) Discuss how far the polities of regionalism and communal building in India Remarks (ESISCORE r Remarks ~ (SISCORE| Remarks (SCORE Remarks SCORE Remarks a SISCORE ] Remarks (SISCORE| ? Remarks [ESSCORE Remarks 7 (SCORE %. Answer the following questions: {a) Examine briefly the programme and role of the extremists in the Indian National Movement. (200 Words) (15) Critically examine the impact of political parties on democracy in India. Also, comment th on the social mobilization led by political parties. (200 Words) (15) Examine the role of caste in Indian Politics, (250 Words) (20) ff @ Tedlivas nebo URIS races BL dial pee _ eet pee Balai es Esa a Cuttined fn paral GE Eile Maco brroondt, divided inte farce pars: 4 45t) Meclermafer phar (reec-iger): ad ay (leaslehs Whe SN Bonanser, Grtiinnte , Phrerorershah Melt cbc 4) Extremist plone (9S (F): woof by Cenabans Che fabqengecion Tink Lala tajprt Rad, “pin Chavet Pot, fore yncle hes TO Gandktein prance (I1/7-42) > nnkos anabbripg ts Leaclenstp Remarks > ERSISCORE | TP44, We Can fee fre Rew of exfremig (0 Feshstan “Ptimed “ovement luting (9°S-i919- The expresmnigy erpergedl frre pattem a4 Agact fo Lengreciting outtemes of > mole rales, hana (aadkers ju Aihnect forte ty | Remarks ot \ a: we ~ wr. vce ad ¥) we Tt, ny ple ‘ i & ww 1atpad panes Strong prenal shes Caney aid. bx © Recon fo schietanys Like Abit Utfentst , tree Aor been pretend impact of patifical partes gee Per en . De froin dampntnnty went fhrergh vartons Plosesy low + ; ] Vastong - eee fa vute- Fhe Pilg Cengremt party ber a in Cong time Remarks Strtplared f(b fn tieaianeng = EREISCORE cot Fertnin, as noted by Stielar tileg Ragns Kefranl , euramfeung of Coakitpon fruofhe on wei: copie Re ajesmel: Pavtier mh Centra parties Cod $9 Sirens F fedennt at eg da tacton, PA nerd Cocal fachy geuned vatirad Wportariee As For eg LTTE tisuee nressed by Flom uy fo peace, OTE fw tng Gm Furtnes, peed Pue SEaF cayman; OOTP ee emg pte Nine tek Cant raligatinn, ade “ of Pslennh Mores, ay pe prbiticad Sclintas he me Gee Titan, lt eat by prrqe tos shied ene ee Waris Groumols, Uke, om Caste Cines by 2 Remarks ge cole = 3 por wet eA o ioe ete nage Ne ath aie) SpE. pr ley [score partis like Batujam Sasmogunclii Patty Giese) dx UR by: amoledy bets muslims, REP tm Bphar (faclaw), 3 . Seting mirth) Uf ~ ee Li Me Bese hae mo Lepage frepar ) TRE Ge Telogeng form mtim ete: © Tha fet oof coin. fh Encldon palt7s bas been prprownd snd hati Ree bing » 5 pet Co moped by Schretas Chnrcitepie Teffentets “Ia Indly people che met Cast frecn vote, Aafras Paey vote EE flees Case” Fruatnen, Stlhelas tike fri kefhant jn Cis hook icoste ty Remarks ESScore eo Lifiey! mn. Pekiti! ta Aig tetis ated fee temples tp Matice tect tag antl prtthee in fh: Bee henlins og Cope Freon t POET cual eonenryeenee 7 Eegnche tysng ek oripn Aesienat pertes Fanfean, tue political “ebieeatin bawel on Aa_porps og Forveinment, lod fe cenangeuree COR EA, gk Baie fared. ——_ Coste fa Remarks sth fed fo imensase ih attrentive thm by stale im feces bewewh: = Merueines's Bitvriyen/ bractrre m =i oe CoSHE bee mine ay Gente +t Tnglion CHaey Dewpite emery Sf Caner baned parties, Subtouing Contindas Pre emungeuree *f Centation palin, lends fe prbicy panto . aa petit by muting cliapetrrion: Tre Remarks ESISCORE ottnty vlek- bank etifis tas ole, prope and Gar funtues Gy fo Pte nugenidie Af wle-bar f homoangly Seed domnuely Gee Aesetivmtien Gor Fett _te Haryg ote i (Corvseeves ’ Se aries leg ay eee moped by Rajné Kotnon, , mole ye CAHIR 1M Colin petition Cay lef fo Ene streegtnening if ay demecnaay Paphesentitive, a3 Tnolis Bete Crste- based BORE Sontitizey eee eet fo heinein tru, tesled Remarks 9

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