Benefits of Traditional Medicine

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Benefits of Traditional Medicine

Scientists have shown that traditional medicines used in parts of Africa and Asia could
help treat major diseases such as cancer and diabetes. They say their findings could
lead to the identification of new compounds for use in drug manufacture.

 Extracts from India's curry leaf tree can regulate the release of glucose into the
bloodstream, which could help diabetics who lack sufficient insulin to cope
with excessive blood sugar.
 An extract of the climbing dayflower — used by traditional healers in Ghana
— turned out be both antibacterial and antifungal.
 An aquatic weed from Thailand along with Chinese star anise both inhibited
the growth of cancer cells.

This proves that traditional medicine is fully natural and can cause fewer side effects
on human beings like modern medicine that has a risk of causing negative side effects.

 More affordable than conventional medicine

 Stabilizes hormones and metabolism
 Natural healing
 Strength in immune system
 Fewer side effects


 Oriental Medicine (Aims to restore the body's balance and harmony between
the natural opposing forces of yin and yang. Ex: Acupunture (stimulate nerves),
Reiki (energy healing))
 Ayurveda (world's oldest holistic (“whole-body”) healing systems. Based on
the belief that health and wellness depend on a balance between the mind,
body, and spirit)
 Naturopathy (Using diet, herbs, exercises etc, without other drugs or

Ayurvedic Medicine:

 Brahmi – Has strong anti-inflammatory properties

- improvements in learning rates, attention, memory, and information
 Cumin - boost the activity of digestive enzymes and facilitate the release of
bile from the liver, . speeding digestion and easing the digestion
of fats
 Turmeric – Powerful antioxidant
-help protect against heart disease, by improving blood flow as
effectively as exercise or modern medicine

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