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City of Makati
J.P. Rizal Extension, West Rembo Makati City 1215
Telephone No.: (+632) – 881 – 1571

Journal Critiquing
The Resilience of Filipino Nurses
January 15,2019
Submitted to: Prof. Cynthia A. Umila, RN, MAN
Submitted by: Yvette Claire L. Borres

1. Did the title of the article interest you and give you an immediate idea of what the research is about? Who
are the authors of the article/conductors of the research and in which journal is the article published? Does
the introduction of the article, clearly describe what problem is that they were addressing in the research?

The title is interesting since it tackles about the resiliency of Filipino nurses in which a very plausible and visible
trait that the Filipinos are recognized with. Upon reading the title it gives me a direct on what is the research all about.
The author is Marian G. Santos, RN, MAN an instructor at the Tarlac Agricultural University College of Business And
Management. The article is published as a feature article at Philippine Journal of Nursing. The introduction clearly
describes the definition of resiliency according to PNA and what is the true essence of resiliency in the realm of the
nursing profession in the Philippines. It is associated with how saddening the situation Filipino Nurses is facing for the
past years already that the government did not even bother to lend their ear to those hardworking nurses but always
compensated with their low salary. The study simply describes how firm, dedicated and passionate Filipino Nurses
even the job is cruelly had the low rate pay in our country and they could barely support the needs of their family.

2. Does the introduction clearly describe the purpose of the research?

The introduction clearly describes the purpose of the research since it only tackles about how unfair and frail
the Philippine Health Care System is and not treating nurses very well and the nurses still survived because of their
resilience in every aspect. How nurses went to abroad for high salary rate and how other nurses were
underemployed because our government did not even bother to support their own nurses.

3. Is the research likely to have an impact on our nursing practice?

The research has an impact on the nursing practice because it implies specification of “change” in the
Philippine Health Care System. This research is more beneficial to all nurses since it reiterates the common problem
Filipino nurses is crying about in silence. It would be much better if this research will be endorsing to the government
to serve as an eye opener for them to hear out the silent cries of their nurses. Nurses will be more effective if the
government will support the equally and fairly and maybe the health care system will improve eventually.

Literature Review

• Is the literature review current (in the last 5 – 10 years?)

The article did not include the literature review but the article is published during January- June 2016. The
article is still current.

• Is the literature review relevant to the research that has been conducted?

Since it is a feature article, the literature review is not elaborated.

Research Question

• What is the research question/hypothesis?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

Research Methods

• Is the research quantitative/qualitative?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• What is the research method?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• Do you think it is appropriate/the best way?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• What was the method of sampling participants?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• Was the sample big enough?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

Research Methods

• Could there be any bias in the sample? If yes, why?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• How was the data collected?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• Where any tools used? Were they reliable and accurate?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• Did they need/get ethics approval to conduct the study?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

Results and Findings

• How was the data analyzed?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• What were the findings of the research?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• Were the results displayed in a clear and understandable way?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

Results and Findings

• Did the authors discuss the results in relation to the original problem identified?

This question is not applicable to the article since it is a feature article.

• What were the main strengths of the study?

The main strengths of this study is that it is a phenomenological study and it is a relevant and prominent
issue among the Filipino nurses.

• What do you think were the limitations of the study and were they identified by the authors?

The limitation of this study is that it is among Filipino nurses only and the study only recognized the concept
of resiliency as “Survival” tp many nurses but it doesn/t aid to the problem but only suggests that change could be
more attainable if we would do it together hand in hand.


• Could the study be replicated?

Yes, it is recommended that the study should be replicated and should be elaborated to create more impact
on conferences and will be an instrument for the Filipino nurses to be recognized and heard. I am looking forward
that this study will be a stepping stone for this problem to address by the Philippine government.

• Does the study, or could you, make any suggestions as to how this research could be taken further?

This study could be taken further by having present it on conventions and summit and be part of one of the
campaigns that should be put on more attention about and should set an eye opener to those who govern this

• How can you relate this research and its findings to your nursing practice and patient care?

Every healthcare provider has to face a number of stresses and difficult situations as they provide daily care
for patients. This puts members of the healthcare profession at risk of anxiety, depression, stress-related illnesses
and even burnout. Nurses especially are prone to these disorders as nursing comes with plenty of unique stresses
and high pressure situations. Therefore, resilience training and coping mechanisms are considered vital for managing
a work-life balance, especially for those who are responsible for delivering medical care. Support from the
government also is vital. The patient care will be carried out more effectively if the nurses will be also supported fairly.
It’s no secret that nurses are some of the most underpaid professionals in the Philippines. Despite their rigorous
studies and tough exams, nurses get offensively small salaries. This is why we can’t blame those who aspire to work
abroad, where licensed health care professionals get compensated fairly. Their passion and dedication can’t feed
their family in their perspective.

• Consider one thing you have learnt from reading this article.

One thing I learned is that, to be a nurse in the Philippines, one will need to take a 4-year course, which in
many private schools, would cost at least P40,000 per semester. Since nursing is a highly technical course, students
also need to invest in different tools and pay for expensive exposure tours. One of the reasons they took up nursing
is that they want to go abroad and earn more money. It is a pity that we study to rule out our country and serve the
others instead. But the question is, is it our fault to have a mindset like this? I guess not. One of our ways of survival
is to land into a stable blue collar job. We live to study and work and survive until the end of our life in this world.
Thinking about that, we need to invest practically an not rely on passion and dedication only. I realized that the author
is correct. Even though we start change within ourselves, it is not sufficient enough bring about an massive change
that woulf benefit the humanity. Our country needs a massive change because as I see it now, everything becomes
worse and worser than before. I hoped that this article would catch the attention of the those who sits on their throne
pretending to be blind and deaf of what are the problems they need to address.

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