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Group Five GRP-SHE-GUI-011/006

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Accra Brewery Limited – Raw Material Handling Facility



Originated By Review By Approved By

Name Nancy Ampiah Bradley Taylor Gary Colby
Designation Engineer SHE Manager Contracts Manager

Signature nancy

Date 24/10/2017 24/10/2017 24/10/2017

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revision of this document is in use and to ensure proper and accurate application of its contents. Printed 24-Oct-2017
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1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
4 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................... 3
5 RESPONSIBILITIES .................................................................................................................................................. 3
6 METHOD STATEMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 3
6.1 Preparatory Activities ........................................................................................................................................ 4
6.2 Felling of Trees ................................................................................................................................................... 5
6.3 Demolition Work ................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.4 Dewatering ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
6.5 Traffic Control .................................................................................................................................................... 7
7 HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................................... 8
7.1 Dust Control ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
7.2 Work Environment ............................................................................................................................................. 8
7.3 Risks Identified and Control Methods Applied ................................................................................................... 8
7.4 First Aid Provision .............................................................................................................................................. 8
7.5 Emergency Management Arrangements ........................................................................................................... 8
7.6 Personal Protective Equipment .......................................................................................................................... 9
7.7 Environmental Considerations ........................................................................................................................... 9
8 DOCUMENT REVISIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 9

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1 Purpose
The purpose of this method statement is to describe how the tree felling and demolition activities will be executed
by Group Five and its sub-contractors on the Accra Brewery Limited construction site. This method statement
describes how the related activities will be carried out efficiently, safely and to a quality standard that satisfies all
the specifications of the project.

2 Scope
The tree felling and demolition works method statement applies to Group Five Construction (Ghana) Limited and
all its sub-contractors who will be involved in the removal of trees and demolition of the existing infrastructure on

3 References
 Project Implementation Plan
 Environmental Management Plan
 Waste Management Plan
 Project Quality Plan
 Health and Safety Management Plan
 Traffic Management Plan
 Emergency Plan
 JU0046-2-CE-T-DRG-DM-001 (Demolition and Removal of Existing Buildings)
 CON-OPS-WIF-027-01 (Works Inspection Record)

4 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

 ABL - Accra Brewery Limited
 QCP - Quality Control Plan which contains details of specific operations and activities relating to all the
construction stages of a project, and indicates intervention points.
 LDV - Light delivery vehicle
 HDV - Heavy delivery vehicle

5 Responsibilities
The detailed responsibilities of all management and supervision on the ABL construction site are outlined in the
Group Five project implementation plan.

6 Method Statement
This method statement must be adhered to at all times and must be implemented in conjunction with any relevant
drawings issued by the client. It forms part of a quality document, within which is a QCP which outlines all the
inspections to be undertaken by stakeholders before, during and after the work activities described herein. Figure

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1 shows the general layout of the area to be demolished.

Figure 1: General layout of the area to be demolished

6.1 Preparatory Activities
Prior to commencement of the tree felling and demolition activities, the following tasks will be undertaken:
 Construction site hoarding will be completed.

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 Required safety signs will be posted on the site.

 All exposed and buried services must be clearly marked. Services which are not to be demolished or
removed must be identified and protected/supported using techniques such as hoarding with roofing
sheets, barricading and scaffolding. Services which must be demolished must not be live during
 A shade netting fence will be erected around the fuel tanks.
 If necessary, electrical power lines within the exclusion zone must be de-energized from the power
 Sections of existing drains situated in the path of demolition must be diverted to existing manholes.
 A Works Inspection Record (CON-OPS-WIF-027-01) must be completed by stakeholders on a daily
 It should be noted that all stockpiled material from the tree felling and demolition activities will be
removed and transported off site during each night shift. The disposal of all material removed from the
site must conform to local Ghanaian laws as well as the Group Five environmental and waste
management plans.
6.2 Felling of Trees
 Tree felling activities will not be undertaken during extreme weather conditions such as strong winds and
 Prior to the start of the tree felling activities, an exclusion zone which encloses the tree(s), stockpile
area, and where applicable fall areas, must be demarcated by erecting barricades. This zone will only be
accessible to individuals authorized to undertake the tree felling activities. Other preparatory activities
are outlined in Section 6.1.
 The area within the exclusion zone must be cleared of all superficial obstructions, bushes and shrubs
with the use of an excavator. Tipper trucks and front end loaders will be used for the removal of material.
 The tree felling team will move along and around the tree(s) using one of three techniques.
 By climbing, equipped with safety harnesses,
 With a cherry picker, or if necessary,
 With a crane and a man cage.
 Using a chain saw, the branches of the tree(s) will be cut starting with the lowest to the highest
branches. At all times, the tree felling team must position themselves or the cherry picker such that the
branches fall away from them or the cherry picker to the ground. Sawed off tree branches must be
cleared from the ground with front end loaders. It must be ensured that the path of the cherry picker is
not cluttered with fallen branches.
 Once all the branches have been cut, cutting of the tree trunk can begin. The trunk will be cut in sections
of three meter lengths beginning from the top to the bottom of the trunk.
 A rope must be connected to an excavator and tied around the tree trunk, halfway along the three meter
section to be sawed off.

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 The tree felling team must position themselves, the cherry picker or crane and man cage opposite the
excavator. In cases where a tree feller climbs onto the tree trunk to conduct the tree felling activity,
he/she must position themselves below the location to be sawed.
 Saw cutting of the trunk can begin and must be halted just before the trunk is completely sawed off. The
tree feller must descend the tree and move to a safe location or the cherry picker must be moved about
six meters from the trunk in a direction opposite the excavator.
 The excavator must pull on the rope to break the sawed section off the main trunk, away from the tree
feller or cherry picker and unto the ground at a safe distance from the excavator. This procedure will be
repeated until each tree is felled to the existing ground level.
 Once the tree felling activities have been completed, stockpiled sections of the trunk(s), can be cut into
sizes which facilitate removal from the site. Tipper trucks and front end loaders will be used for the
removal of the material.
6.3 Demolition Work
 Prior to the start of demolition work, barricades must be erected to secure the work area from
unauthorized entry. Other preparatory activities are outlined in Section 6.1.
 The work area must be cleared of all superficial obstructions with the use of an excavator and/or by
manual handling.
 The client must remove all the items in the existing buildings that will be reused. Items in the buildings
which are no longer needed and can be removed safely by manual handing, must be placed in a
stockpile area for disposal during the night shift.
 All structures in the demolition area which must be relocated must be moved to their new locations prior
to demolition works.
 Demolition works will only begin after stakeholders have inspected all structures to be demolished and
completed a Works Inspection Record (CON-OPS-WIF-027-01).
 Demolition of the buildings will begin with the removal of the roofing sheets using an excavator.
 This will be followed by the breaking out of the concrete walls, blockwork, columns and beams,
beginning from the highest to the lowest part of the buildings, by means of horizontal force applied by
the excavator bucket. When necessary, a hydraulic breaker will be used to aid demolition work.
 Prior to stockpiling the rubble from the demolition work, if required, the excavator will be used to smash
the rubble into sizes that facilitate removal from site. The rubble must be stockpiled in a safe area for
disposal at night.
 Once the walls, columns and beams have been demolished and the rubble cleared, the foundation of
the building can also be broken out.
 The floor slab and foundation of the buildings, pavements, drains and foundations of other structures will
also be demolished using the excavator and the hydraulic breaker if necessary.
 The demolition of the existing retaining wall will follow the same procedure as described for the concrete
walls, blockwork, columns and beams.

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 Stockpiled rubble will be removed from the site for disposal using tipper trucks and front end loaders.
6.4 Dewatering
 All dewatering must conform to the requirements of the Group Five environmental management plan.
 Where excessive ground water is found, a sump is to be created at one end of the demolished area. The
demolished area must be sloped such that the water runs freely into the sump, from which the water is
to be drained using water pumps.
6.5 Traffic Control
Management of all traffic on the ABL construction site must conform to the ABL traffic management plan.
6.5.1 Flag person
 Traffic will be controlled by a flag person whose primary function is to guide the flow of traffic (Front end
loaders, Bull dozers, Graders, Tipper trucks, Excavators, LDV, etc.) safely and expeditiously through or
around work areas or where traffic lanes are intermittently blocked.
 Flagging personnel will control traffic flow through work areas at decreased speeds to reduce the
hazards to personnel working in the area. The flag person must be clearly visible from a distance to
permit appropriate response to the flag person’s instructions from a vehicle operator.
 If at any point the flag person is not visible, all equipment moving through that area must shut down.
 Flag persons shall wear a reflective safety vest as an outer garment. Reflective apparel must be worn at
all times.
 It is important for the flag person to remain in full view of all vehicles and to avoid standing in congested
areas. Under no circumstances should a flag person stand in the lane being used by moving traffic. Flag
persons must stand adjacent to lanes where vehicles and equipment are travelling.
 To stop traffic, the flag person shall face approaching traffic and extend the flag horizontally across the
traffic lane in a stationary position so that the full area of the flag hanging below the staff is visible. The
free arm may be raised with the palm turned toward approaching traffic.
 When it is safe for the vehicle operator to proceed, the flag person shall turn parallel to the traffic
movement. When the flag is used, drop the arm with the flag to lower it from the view of the vehicle
operator and motion traffic ahead with the free arm. The red flag shall never be used to signal traffic to
 To slow traffic with the flag, the flag person shall give the stop signal and then change to the signal to
proceed before the vehicle comes to a stop.
 Hand signalling devices (e.g. red and green flags) shall be used in controlling traffic through work areas.
Flags used for signaling purposes shall be at least 450 mm square, made of a red or green cotton
material, and securely fastened to a staff approximately one metre in length. Yellow flashing lights must
be used during periods of darkness or poor visibility.
6.5.2 Vehicle Speed
 General speed limit in project area – 10 kph; and

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 Areas of increased hazard (i.e. stockpiling and backfilling areas) – 10 kph.

Personnel operating a vehicle on any road within or outside the boundaries of the project area, including access
roads, MUST ALWAYS DRIVE TO THE SPECIFIED CONDITIONS, regardless of the posted speed limit signage,
e.g. slower in wet weather or poor visibility, with lights on.
6.5.3 Construction Tools and Equipment
 Earth moving plant: May include bull dozer, excavator, tipper trucks, grader, front end loader and tractor
loader backhoe
 Chainsaws
 Ropes
 Cherry Picker
 Man Cage
 Crane

7 Health Safety and Environment

7.1 Dust Control
At the project site, traffic operations and demolition work could generate considerable dust. The dust levels shall
be monitored with appropriate dust monitoring devices agreed with the Group Five safety manager. Dust on the
construction site shall be controlled when necessary by dispersing water over the required areas.
7.2 Work Environment
(Mark the applicable with an X)

Excavations X Heavy Plant (Front-end loaders etc.) X

Elevated positions X Water (ground level)
Live plant- Electrical cables, services X Dust X
Vehicles (LDV) X Sand Bitumen Mix
Vehicles (HDV) e.g. Tipper Trucks X Electricity (live) X
Pressurized equipment. X Overhead equipment (cranes, pipes etc.) X
Animals (snakes etc.) X Other – list below

7.3 Risks Identified and Control Methods Applied

 A risk assessment for all the identified risks and corresponding controls will be submitted to the client.
These risks are identified from the tasks outlined in Section 6.
7.4 First Aid Provision
The first aid boxes will be located at the Group Five safety manager’s site office.
7.5 Emergency Management Arrangements
Emergency management arrangements must conform to the Group Five emergency plan.

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7.6 Personal Protective Equipment

(Mark the applicable with an X)
Gloves X Hard hat X
Safety glasses X Leather apron
Safety goggles Spats
Boots X Welding helmet
Hearing protection X Safety harness X
Acid overall Reflective vests X
Fire retardant overall Lanyards on all hand tools
Face shield Safety Overall X
Anti-flash goggles Other – list below
Dust mask X

7.7 Environmental Considerations

This method statement shall comply with the requirements of the Group Five environmental management plan.

8 Document Revisions
Date Revision Description of change
23 October 2017 00 Issued for client’s review
24 October 2017 01 Issued for client’s review
Section 6.1 has been updated to include measures that will be taken to ensure
that the fuel tanks are protected during the demolition work
Section 6.2 has been updated to include another tree felling technique

The master copy of this document is maintained on an electronic document management system. It is the users responsibility to ensure that the latest
revision of this document is in use and to ensure proper and accurate application of its contents. Printed 24-Oct-2017

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