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Home Credit & Finance Bank, ul.

Pravdy 8, 125040 Moscow, Russia

Tel.: +7 495 514 1019, Fax: +7 495 785 8218,

Press Release

Home Credit Bank’s IFRS results for the first nine months of
2013: high efficiency and strong revenues combat changing
market conditions
Moscow, 27 November 2013: Home Credit and Finance Bank (hereinafter also referred to
as “HCFB”, “Home Credit Bank” or the “Bank”) reports consolidated results of the banks
in Russia and Kazakhstan for the first nine months of 2013 under the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). HCFB’s credit ratings are Ba3 by Moody’s and BB
by Fitch, and its wholly-owned subsidiary Home Credit Bank (Kazakhstan) has been rated
BB- by Fitch.

“Despite the difficult market situation, our Bank retains high efficiency and good income ratios.
Net profit for the first nine months was RUB 9.4 billion and return on capital was 23.8%.

Retail banking in Russia is maturing. The tightening of requirements for borrowers is leading to
escalating competition for good quality clients. The ability to adapt quickly is one of our Bank’s
main competitive advantages. We have adjusted our business model, emphasising the quality of
service and credit portfolio. We have stepped up our efforts to increase our share of the credit
card market. This is a more sophisticated product, offering great opportunities in terms of client
segmentation and catering for our clients’ needs. These changes will improve our Bank’s
competitiveness as it faces these new market conditions.”

Ivan Svítek,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, HCFB

 The Bank’s net profit for the first nine months of 2013 was 9.4 billion roubles,
down 23% on the same period last year, which is attributable primarily to the
general market trend of deteriorating quality of assets. This result is in line with
the expectations announced by HCFB earlier this year. The Bank earned RUB 1.8
billion in the third quarter of 2013. The Bank posts good results in terms of the net
percentage margin (19.6%) and return on average equity (ROAE), which was 23.8%.
The Bank’s assets amounted to RUB 375.8 billion.

 Operating income for the period under review reflected the increase in the Bank’s
business activity and has risen 63.9% to RUB 67.5 billion compared with the same
period of the preceding year (RUB 41.2 billion for the first three quarters of 2012).

 Total administrative and other costs increased 54.8% to RUB 20 billion in

connection with the development of the regional network and a 34% increase in
the number of employees to more than 33,000. Even so, the Bank managed its costs
effectively, achieving a cost-to-income ratio of 29.6% (Q3 2012: 32%), one of the most
efficient results on the market, and a cost-to-average-net-loans ratio of 10% (Q3 2012:

 The net loan portfolio grew 22.2% to RUB 290 billion (Q3 2012: RUB 237.3 billion)
for the first nine months of 2013. Credit provided amounted to RUB 262.1 billion
(Q3 2012: RUB 185.9 billion). Cash loans were the principal driver behind the growth of
the credit portfolio, increasing 24.6% compared with the same period last year. Despite
this, the rate of growth in credit provided decreased in the second half of the year as a
result of tighter requirements for underwriting and the introduction of new regulatory
measures. Home Credit Bank currently provides services to almost 5 million active
clients in Russia and Kazakhstan through 1,172 branches, 8,051 micro-branches and
more than 88,000 points of sale and 1,323 ATMs. At 30 September 2013, the Bank’s
client base comprised 28.5 million customers.

 The volume of individual client deposits and current accounts grew 44.3% since
the beginning of the year, climbing to RUB 251.5 billion and accounting for 78% of
the Bank’s total liabilities. As a result, the loan to deposit ratio decreased from 136.2%
at 31 December to 115.3% at the end of 1H 2013, demonstrating the decreasing
dependence on wholesale financing.

 The non-performing loan (NPL) ratio increased to 9.9% (compared with 6.5% on 31
December 2012) due to the market trend of deteriorating asset quality. Aiming to
boost the stability of its rapidly growing loan portfolio, the Bank pursues a conservative
approach to provisioning with an NPL coverage ratio of 125.6%.

 Home Credit Bank remains highly capitalised. Its capital adequacy ratio was 21%
on 30 September 2013 (compared with 21.4% at the end of 2012). In October, the
Bank placed Eurobonds to the tune of USD 200 million in connection with Basel III
requirements. In November, the Central Bank of Russia registered a subordinated
loan of the Bank that will enable it to include the funds in additional capital
resources, effectively improving its capital adequacy ratio.

Note: HCFB acquired 100% of the shares of Home Credit Bank (Kazakhstan) on 31 December 2012. Therefore the
latter company’s results were not included in the Q3 2012 results, but were consolidated in the results at the end of
Q3 2013.

Financial statements reporting the results for the third quarter of 2013 are available at


Balance Sheet (RUB millions)* Q3 2013 2012 Change, %

Assets 375,806 337,816 11.2
Net loan portfolio 289,992 237,316 22.2
Shareholders’ equity 53,348 51,334 3.9

Income statement, RUB billions* Q3 2013 Q3 2012 Change, %

Operating income 67,493 41,185 63.9
Profit before tax 12,219 15,280 (20.0)
Net profit 9,382 12,113 (22.5)


Q3 2013 2012 Q3 2012

Return on average assets (ROAA) 3.4 8.6 8.4
Return on average equity (ROAE) 23.8 52.5 48.0
Cost to income 29.6 32.0 31.3
Capital adequacy in % 21.0 21.4 16.8
NPL ratio in % 9.9 6.5 6.3
Cost of risk ratio 17.7 11.4 12.4

1) RoAA as an annual percentage is calculated as net profit divided by average balance of total assets for the
same period. The assets of the Kazakh bank were excluded from the calculation of the ratio for 2012 because
it was acquired on 31 December 2012, as a result of which the bank did not contribute to 2012 revenues.
2) RoAE is calculated as net profit divided by average balance of equity. The assets of the Kazakh bank were
excluded from the calculation of the ratio for 2012 because it was acquired on 31 December 2012, as a result
of which the bank did not contribute to 2012 revenues.
3) The cost-to-income ratio is calculated as general administrative expenses divided by operating income.
4) The NPL ratio is calculated as gross loans overdue by more than 90 days divided by total gross loans.
5) The cost-of-risk ratio is calculated as impairment losses divided by average balance of net loans to customers
in an annual representation. The loan portfolio of the Kazakh bank was excluded from the calculation of the
ratio for 2012 because it was acquired on 31 December 2012, as a result of which the Bank had no influence
on impairment losses for 2012.


Bulat Zogdoev
Deputy Head of Financial Markets Department
Home Credit and Finance Bank
Тel.: +7 (985) 774 3118


Irene Shkarovskaya
Head of Strategic Communications
Home Credit and Finance Bank
Тel.: +7 (910) 401 1549

David Sahula
Group Communications Manager
Home Credit B.V.
Tel.: +420 2241 74485


Home Credit and Finance Bank [Moody’s Ba3, Fitch BB] specialises in retail banking services
in Russia and Kazakhstan. HCFB offers its clients a wide range of credit products and banking
services. The Bank’s database comprises 28.5 million clients. HCFB’s products and services are
distributed through over 88,000 partner outlets in Russia and Kazakhstan. The Bank’s regional
network comprised 9,223 offices of various formats and 1,323 ATMs across the Russian
Federation and Kazakhstan as at 30 September 2013.

More information is available at

Home Credit B.V. (“HCBV”) is a leading multi-channel provider of consumer finance in Central
and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) with a strong
foothold in Asia. Founded in 1997, HCBV is focused on the eight key consumer finance markets
of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, India,
and Indonesia and is developing a new business in the Philippines . HCBV’s core business is to
provide consumer finance lending to qualified mass market retail customers (POS loans, cash
loans, revolving loans, credit cards and car loans). As its business expands HCBV is also
selectively adding retail deposit and current account services for its customers in the markets
where it holds a banking licence. Its 47,600 employees have so far served 36.2 million
customers through its vast distribution network comprising 134,119 points of sale, loan offices,

branches and post offices. HCBV’s total consolidated assets were EUR 9.9 billion as at 30
September 2013. Home Credit B.V. shareholders are PPF Group N.V. with an 86.6% stake and
EMMA OMEGA LTD, an investment holding company ultimately owned by Mr Jiří Šmejc, with a
13.4% stake.

More information is available at

PPF Group (“PPF”) invests in multiple market segments such as banking and financial services,
insurance, real estate, energy, metal mining, agriculture, retail and biotechnology. PPF’s reach
spans from Central and Eastern Europe to Russia and across Asia. PPF Group owns assets of
EUR 22.113 billion (as at 30 June 2013).

More information is available at

*) Home Credit B.V. also executed agreements with PPF Group N.V. concerning the future
acquisition of a 100% ownership stake in the following companies: Home Credit Consumer
Finance Co., Ltd. [China], CF Commercial Consulting (Beijing) Co. Ltd. [China] and PPF
Vietnam Finance Company Limited [Vietnam]. The completion of the transactions is subject to
obtaining regulatory approval from the respective regulators in China and Vietnam. Therefore,
these three entities were not consolidated as at 30 September 2013.

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