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Congratulations for reaching this far of the people. You are now on the next
lesson of this module. This is the last lesson for midterm in Physical Education 3
module. After learning various line dances and performing it with music, this time you
will be learning another dance. But before that, answer the wellness intelligence
questionnaire first. This will determine your readiness in the next lesson as well as to
determine whether you are having healthy lifestyle.
Wellness Intelligence
Do you: Rarely Sometimes Often
1. Participate in regular physical activity? 1

2. Participate in everyday leisure activities? 1

3. Participate in sports/activities 3-5 days/week? 1

4. Participate in aerobic activities 3-5 days/week? 1

5. Participate in muscle strength and endurance 2-4

days/week? 1

6. Participate in flexibility exercises 4-5 days/week? 1

7. Limit computer time daily 1

8. Choose foods from the milk group? 2

9. Drink more than 2 glasses/day of milk/juice? 2

10. Eat breakfast? 2

11. Limit drinking of soft drinks? 2

12. Eat raw vegetables? 1

13. Eat fruit? 2

14. Walks instead of drive? 2

15. Limit eating candy? 2

16. Limit use of salt in food? 2

17. Choose whole grain cereal or bread? 2

18. Maintain ideal weight? 2

19. Limit fried foods? 2

20. Limit the skipping of meals? 2

21. Try new sports? 1

22. Try new foods? 2

23. Drink water? 2

24. Eat healthy snack foods? 2

25. Eat a variety of protein foods? 2

26. Get adequate sleep? 2

27. Limit TV viewing each day 2

28. Read food labels for nutrition content? 3

Total 9 36 3 Total Score: 48

Scoring: 70 or above you're a winner

50-69. doing great

35-49. you're in the

below 35. try harder

1. Choose a 3-5 minute Zumba dance from youtube and perform it.
2. Choose only 1 basic Zumba steps and perform it repeatedly within 01:30-02:00

Note: Don’t forget to log your Pre and post Heart Rate
Name: Dorothy Joy B. Nadela Date & Time in performing the activity:
10/18/2020 1:40pm
Program: Physical Education
Class Schedule: TTh 8:00am-9:00am
Activity Time Spent HR (Pre) HR (Post)
Zumba Zumba1(3:10mins) 76bpm 128bpm
5:42 mins
Learning Outcomes Assessment


Name: Dorothy Joy B. Nadela Date: 10/18/2020

Degree Program, Year and Section/Block: BSED-Eng 2C

Class Schedule: Tth 8:00am – 9:00am

Answer the following questions honestly.

1. What do you think of your fitness results? Have you achieved your goals?
Please elaborate.
No, I have not achieved my fitness goals yet. I still lack determination on
doing the right things like eating the right kind of food, or doing regular
exercises. Aside from that, I easily feel tired and nauseous after heavy
activities like running for example, which shows that I should perform
physical activities daily at least to improve my physical adjustment.

2. What changes do you need to make?

To be disciplined on doing the following. Number one is to make my diet
right. I often eat meat, and carbs only, everyday without greens. I would try
to add vegetables in my plate next time. I should also lessen the intake of
softdrinks and juices, and drink more water. I will try to do at least one
exercise a day, like walking or dancing at least. Sleeping at the right hour
might be also one of the changes.

3. What do you need to do to increase your fitness (1-5) priority orders?

To have a balance diet, drink more water, do exercise daily, have enough
time of rest and sleep, reduce facing radation like TV or gadgets.

4. What other ways and techniques for you to do to have a healthier and
enjoyable life after learning Line dancing and Zumba dance as part of your
exercise routine? Please elaborate your answer.

To discipline myself at all costs. To be mindful of what I am doing with my

body, and to be careful on what things I intake. To be able to determine of
something that is too much and which is not good for one’s self. Too much
of anything can be harmful.

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