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Brief note on ecological conditions in India by emphasizing the

ecology of the regions.
Chosen topic : The Peninsular Plateau
What is Peninsular Plateau ?
“The Peninsular plateau is a tableland constitutes of the old
crystalline, igneous and metamorphic rocks. It was formed because
of the breaking and drifting of the Gondwana land and thus,
making it a part of the oldest landmass. The plateau consists of
broad and shallow valleys and rounded hills.” REF.Google,Internet.
This plateau is made up of broad and shallow valleys along with
rounded hills. It consists of two parts namely Central Highlands and
Deccan Plateau .
Central Highlands
It is the portion of Peninsular Plateau which lies above the Narmada
river and engulfs most of the Malwa Plateau. The expanse of Central
Highlands is from Vindhya to Aravalli hills.
Deccan Plateau
It is the portion of Peninsular Plateau which lies below the Narmada
river .The deccan plateau has different kinds of land in the flatterparts
large granite rocks formed from the volcanoes,cover the land these
rocks are among the worlds oldest dating back more than 600 million
years including igneous and metamorphic rocks.The Deccan Plateau is
a triangular land part which lies south to the river Narmada.
“The Vindhyan range is bounded by the Satpura range on the south
and the Aravalli’s on the northwest. Further westward extension
gradually merges with the sandy and rocky desert of Rajasthan .
The Central Highlands are wider in the west but narrower in the east.
The eastward extensions of this plateau are locally known as
Bundelkhand and Baghelkhan.” Ref. NCERT CLASS IX GEOGRAPHY.

In India, birth rate is high compared to death rate which reflects same
in case of Peninsular Plateau .
It is seen that many languages were spoken in the plateau , most of
them were linked to either Indo-Aryan or Dravidian languages.
Indo-Aryan languages like Marathi were spoken in the western part of
the Deccan Plateau whereas Dravidian languages like Telugu and
Kannada where spoken in the south-eastern side of the plateau.

“The Deccan produces some of the most significant dynasties in the
Indian History like the Vijayanagara Empire ,Chola
dynasty,Pallavas,Chalukya dynasty and the Maratha Empire.
These dynasties and empires along with Delhi Sultanate played a huge
role in making the history of India .
During British India , the plateau was majorly divided into Bombay and
Madras presidencies which later after Independence in 1947 ,all native
states were incorporated into Republic of India.”
The Deccan Plateau is one among the oldest plateau in the wolrd.
Plateaus are significant because they are rich in mineral deposits
As a result most of the mines are situated in this the plateau regions
of the world.
Major parts of Jharkhand state is situated in Chota Nagpur Plateau
And is covered with dense forests.
Jharkhand is a part of Chhotanagpur Plateau which comes under
Peninsular Plateau and is very rich in natural resources.
“Nearly around 50% of the country’s mineral are located in this state
and coal being important among the main. About 30% of its
geographical area is covered with forests.
In the name of national interest the Jharkhand state is witnessing a
gigantic industrialization and development process for the exploitation
of its natural and human resources.” REF. Google,Internet.
Jharkhand is a land of natural resources and because of its extensive
forest, it is referred as “Land of Forests”.

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