Report On Visiting Disadvantaged Families: Details of The Disadvantaged Family

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Report on Visiting Disadvantaged Families

Participant name: Md. Mamun-Or-Rashid. Roll: 70th FTC, Postal Academy Rajshahi

Details of the Disadvantaged Family:

Name : Md.Mohor Ali
Age: 62
Fathers Name : Late Wajed Ali
National IDs :
Children :
Address : Village: Aishrabari, Union: Bangra, upozila: kalihati, District: Tangail

Md.Mohor’s Family and his torments:

Md.Mohor Ali is a poor person living in remote Aishrabari village of kalihati upozila under
the district Tangail. His age is around 62 years. He is a patient of chronic respiratory diseases
& is very weak due to Polio so he cannot do any heavy physical work. His wife is working as
housemaid in others home. He begs alms to people in kalihati bazar to earn his livelihood.
Because his wife’s income is too less to run his family. Md.Mohor has no land to cultivate
and no home for living.

Recommendation: Md. Mohor wants to give up begging and he is interest to cattle rearing for
his earning. His family can be brought under some social safety program from the Department
of Social Welfare, but the urgent need of his family is to have some funding for his cattle
buying and a home under ‘Ashrayan Prakalpa’.


1. Copy of the application submitted to UNO, Kalihati Upozilla

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