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Chemistry Time allowed: 1 hour

Paper 2 Theory Total Marks: /36

Name: ___________________________________


Read These Instructions First

Answer on the question paper. No extra paper is required.

Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use a lead pencil for any diagrams or graphs.

Electronic calculators may be used.

You may lose marks if you do not show your working or if you do not use appropriate units.
A periodic table is provided at the end of the paper.

Good Luck!

1. Propionic acid is a weak acid.

Calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide are bases.
a. What is the meaning of the term acid in weak acid?


__________________________________________________________________ [1]

b. What is the meaning of the term weak in weak acid?


__________________________________________________________________ [1]

c. Describe how universal indicator can be used to find the pH of dilute propionic acid.


__________________________________________________________________ [2]

d. Give a large scale use of calcium hydroxide that depends on its basic character.


__________________________________________________________________ [2]

2. The statements give some of the chemical properties of metal X and its compounds.
 X does not react with cold water
 X fizzes slowly with dilute hydrochloric acid
 X does not react with aqueous sodium chloride
 X reacts with aqueous lead (II) nitrate
 X reacts with aqueous silver nitrate
 XO reacts with magnesium to form X

a. Use the information to help arrange the following metals in order of reactivity.
Lead, magnesium, silver, sodium, X

Most reactive _____________________________________





Least reactive ______________________________________ [2]

b. Suggest a possible identity for X.

__________________________________________________________________ [1]

c. Construct the equation for the reaction between the oxide, XO, and magnesium.

__________________________________________________________________ [1]

d. Construct the ionic equation for the reaction between X and aqueous lead (II) nitrate,

__________________________________________________________________ [1]

e. Metal X is a good electrical conductor and has a high melting point.

Explain why X
 Conducts electricity ______________________________________________



 Has a high melting point __________________________________________



3. Silver nitrate has the formula AgNO3.

a. Describe how a pure sample of silver nitrate crystals can be prepared from solid silver
oxide, which is insoluble in water.





__________________________________________________________________ [4]

b. Aqueous zinc chloride is added to a sample of acidified aqueous silver nitrate.

i. Describe what you would observe.


____________________________________________________________ [1]
ii. Construct the ionic equation, with state symbols, for the reaction that occurs.

____________________________________________________________ [2]

c. Aqueous silver nitrate is electrolyzed using graphite electrodes.

i. Identify the product formed at the cathode (negative electrode).

____________________________________________________________ [1]

ii. Oxygen and water are formed at the anode (positive electrode).
Construct the equation for the reaction at the anode.

____________________________________________________________ [1]

d. Silver nitrate decomposes on heating to form Ag2O, NO2 and O2. Construct the
equation for this reaction.

__________________________________________________________________ [1]

4. Copper (II) sulfate is an ionic compound.

a. Describe the arrangement of the ions and the type of attractive forces between the
ions in solid copper(II) sulfate.

Arrangement _________________________________________________________

Type of attractive forces ________________________________________________

b. Explain why solid copper (II) sulfate does not conduct electricity but aqueous copper
(II) sulfate does conduct.



__________________________________________________________________ [2]

c. When aqueous copper (II) sulfate is electrolyzed using platinum electrodes, copper
(II) ions are reduced to copper at the negative electrode. Oxygen is formed at the
positive electrode by loss of electrons from hydroxide ions.

i. State the source of the hydroxide ions.

____________________________________________________________ [1]

ii. Complete the equation for the reaction at the positive electrode.

_____OH- O2 + _____H2O + _______ [1]

iii. Suggest why hydroxide ions and not sulfate ions are discharged at the positive

____________________________________________________________ [1]

d. Answer the following.

i. Give the formulae of the four ions present in aqueous copper (II) sulfate.

____________________________________________________________ [1]

ii. Suggest why the solution becomes acidic as the electrolysis proceeds.


____________________________________________________________ [1]

iii. Suggest why the blue color of the aqueous copper (II) sulfate fades as the
electrolysis proceeds.


____________________________________________________________ [1]

e. Draw a ‘dot-and-cross’ diagram of an oxygen molecule.

Show only the outer shell electrons.


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