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Name: Mia Grace V.

Españo___________ Date:_September 4, 2020

Subject: Science, Technology and Society




Answer the following and submit to not later than Monday,
September 7, 2020.

A. EVALUATE THE GIVEN TECHNOLOGY. Classify each according to nature and use; and
according to degree of completion and extent of use; appropriateness. Tabulate your answer.

Technology Nature/Use Degree of Appropriateness

of use
1. Copra drier Gadgets of Completed and Initial and
tools widely used maintenance
costs are smaller
than the

2. Lacto-flan, highly nutritious, Product Completed but Raw materials

cholesterol-free leche flan not widely used and needed
manpower are

3. Crossbreeding and artificial Process or Completed but The technology

insemination to upgrade local Technique not widely used is absolutely
cows necessary.

4. Technology for generating Gadgets of Completed but The technology

electricity from solar energy tools not widely used does not pose
threat to the
stability of the

5. Magnetic levitation train for Gadgets of Still in early The technology

superfast transportation tools experimental is absolutely
stage or need necessary.
6. Equipment for producing Process or Completed and Raw materials
artificial or manmade diamond Technique widely used and needed
manpower are

7. Technique for growing apples Process or Completed and Raw materials

and pears in a large scale Technique widely used and needed
manpower are

8. Tissue culture Process or Completed and The technology

Technique widely used does not pose
threat to the
stability of the

9. Vaccine for Covid 19 Product Still in early The technology

experimental addresses an
stage or need urgent need of
much the country.
10. Dialysis machine Gadget of Completed and The technology
tools widely used is absolutely
B. Research an article about one technology and explain its contribution to the society. Include a
picture of the technology. Cite the source of the article.

Smart phones have greatly contributed to how our society works

now. It has wide range of usage and has been growing in
popularization compared to PCs and laptops. It really fascinates me
how a small object can be use in different ways. Old phones were
made solely for means of communication but now smart phones can
be used not only for that reason but also for business, education, and
etc. Especially now in our current situation that we are facing a
pandemic and everything seems to be so hard, having smart phones is
now a must.

Right now, students can attend virtual classes using a smart phone
and business can also be done through browsing the internet platform. It made transactions better
since we are currently in a state of quarantine, and we need to stop ourselves to go out if we do
not have anything important agenda to do outside, we can just shop or have transactions using
mobile phones and the internet.
I just want to share one of the things that I had gained from using smart phones this
quarantine. My mother needs to go to her doctor to ask for a medical certificate and also
medicine prescription but because we are under quarantine, my mom couldn’t go out and is
struggling because of her health complaints. My mom is also not that knowledgeable about
technologies and her phone still has keypads. I asked for her doctor’s secretary’s contact and
search her in one of the communication apps in smart phones. Fortunately, we were able to
contact her and get med certificate and prescription from the doctor for free. You can see in my
story that smart phones literally made our lives easier. It changes our society in a way that we are
benefiting a lot from it.


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