Corral, Angelica E. - LET'S TRY THIS#2 - OS - BS Entrepreneurship-1B PDF

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Name: Angelica E.

Corral Date: September 07, 2020

Course, Year, and Block: BS Entrepreneurship- 1B


Case 1- The Case of Beatrice
Beatrice is in the Beauty products business and produces cosmetics. Beatrice was formerly employed in a big company. For getting
business knowledge she had joined a bookkeeping course. Beatrice‘s business has grown a lot within the past two years. She has recently
set herself the goal: ―"double the
size of the business within another two year".
To reach her goal, she went to a beauty products sales company in her neighborhood and offered her products. After being rejected
first, she made another try and offered new products of a special design she had seen on internet. Finally, she got a contract. In addition,
Beatrice sends out an employee once a month to distribute flyers announcing special offers. She also rents a van every second Friday for
delivery service. Moreover, she regularly meets people in beauty products business to exchange on problems new designs and new
products to launch.

What self-starting behavior did What are the

Eden show? consequences?

Set herself a goal which is to double the size of the business Acquired business knowledge on how to operate, what are
within another two years the basics and etc. from bookkepping course.
Set herself a goal which is to double the size of the business Beatrice‘s business has grown a lot within the past two
within another two years years, also she has been determined and goal-focused
since she knew what is her vission and mission.
Start an action to reach her goal, wherein she went to a She was rejected first but it didn’t made her to stop but
beauty products sales company in her neighborhood and rather to risk again and try other method to find another
offered her products. opportunity because she knows that she has a goal to
Made another try and offered new products of a special Due to her perseverance, she got a contract from a beauty
design she had seen on internet. product sales company that made her one step closer to
her goal.
Beatrice sends out an employee once a month to distribute A lot of people will be aware that their business exists and
flyers announcing special offers and rents a van every second be attracted to try their products, to gain more customers
Friday for delivery service and boost its sales. Also delivering service will add to
customers' satisfaction since they have an option of other
method of payment.
She regularly meets people in beauty products business to It will help her to learn more about the business she's in
exchange on problems newdesigns and new products to to, build relationships and trust in other client or people in
launch. beauty product business, and gain motivation to create
new styles, designs and products.
Case 2- The Case of Alexandria
Alexandria started her beauty products business 10 years ago. She had acquired her business knowledge during her time as
merchandiser for one of the beauty products manufacturers in town. So far, she has not taken part in training. Since she has no ideas for
new designs, she sticks to the same designs for many years now. Her physical shop is located in an urban area so that access is one of her
biggest problems. She has no own vehicle that forces her to sell her products at the roadside.She thinks that gaining access to her
customers would be necessary but until now she has not tried anything new.

What self-starting behavior did What are the

Martha show? consequences?

she has not taken part in training and doesn’t have a goal. Lacks business knowledge and might struggle in running 
her beauty products business. It will be difficult for her to
solve every problems that may arise since she doesn't
have a clear vision and mission.
Has no ideas for new designs and sticks to the same designs There will be no progress in her part as a business woman
for many years now. and also in her business that sticks to the same designs.
Customers might get bored and find an alternative beauty
She chose Urban area for her physical shop's location but still Does not gain any customers and might eventually the
access is one of her biggest problems and she has no action business will be on a bankcrupt state. Also her business
for it but to wait and hope that things get better. will achieve the desired aim or result.
She is not trying to find a way or to try other method that Still choose to force herself to sell her products at the
could benefit to the business. Still waiting and doing nothing. roadside because she doesn’t own vehicle. It will be
She thinks that gaining access to her customers would be impossible for her to gain sales and attract customers.
necessary but until now she has not tried anything new.  There will be no positive result for the business because
Ideas only remain thoughts and dreams. Just wait until all of her ideas only remain thought and dreams, she
people give her information and not actively extending didn't  even plan or think of her goals. Her beauty products
knowledge. business will never develop and still remain as a start-up
business and might be closed. Also in her part, she will
never acquire new knowledge that can help her business
grow and succeed in the coming years.

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