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Mariel L.

1. By the use of graphic organizer, present the
elements of a profession.

Provides service

Specialized body
of Knowledge

Elements of a


Policy and code

of ethics

2. A profession like teaching require long years of initial

professional education and continuing professional
development after that long, arduous initial
professional education because first and foremost let
us accept the reality that if the particular facilitator has
many credentials such as academic degrees and
certificates in different conferences or any specialized
trainings to improve their skills and have a continuing
knowledge and professional growth , we always think
that this particular teacher is knowledgeable and
competent enough to handle different kinds of
students and they are doing their best to share the
learnings that they have gained from their trainings to
better meet the needs of every individual in terms of
learning. The main reason of such is to cope up with
the change in education because we also know that
education is dynamic.
3. By way of an acrostic, explains the element of a
O-ngoing education
F-oundation of learning
E-thical practice

S-overeign value
I-nstitutional preparation
O-pen-minded to new ideas
I don’t agree, while Shaw is entitled to his own
assumption, the fact remains however that, it was his
“own” opinion, regardless if he was right or wrong, as a
future teacher, I believe that while learning by doing
(john dewey) is the best way of learning thus
supporting the idea of shaw on the importance of
doing and its value having greater significance than
teaching, we should revisit the primordial principle of
man when it comes to doing things which is embodied
in the saying “ think first before you act/do. To put this
in context for example, how can students be good
readers, doing reading, if they weren’t taught well to
read by their teachers. In this instance a teacher needs
to know more than merely the “how” of reading but
the “can” of it. It’s like we can’t teach or give what we
don’t have. We must also realize that learning just like
reading IS NOT ONLY MENTAL, its social, psychological,
physical, and at times financial, now these facets of a
student’s reading capacity and nature can’t be learned
and can only be dealt with through actual
circumstances. You can’t teach a child to read a whole
novel , and expect him to finish it, when he
unfortunately experiencing difficulties like a loss of a
member of a family, or while he is hungry, or was
bullied or suffering an anxiety. There’s more to the
learning and teaching processes than meets the eye.
Teaching nowadays is more than what Shaw thought of
it during his time. His words might be valid back then,
but today its another story.
Our great national hero Jose Rizal confirmed of it by
saying “ ang kabataan ang pag asa ng bayan” and they
can’t be “hopes” in its true sense if they are not taught
and raised well.
For shaw to have such an assumption is actually an
insult to teaching. Unlike shaw I don’t think teaching is
less of a discipline just because he thought that it lacks
the requirement of actions or doing. But on the
contrary teaching is how and can at the same time. Its
more than knowledge its more than acting, there is
more to teaching than meets the eye.
Thus he should have had thought before he acted.

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