3rd Grade Declamation Project 2-13

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February 13, 2019

3rd Grade Declamation Presentations

Dear Third Grade Students and Parents,

We are ready to kick off our Declamations Unit! A “Declamation” is a memorized poem or
a narrative (like a famous speech, or a story, such as from a favorite picture book.) The
ability to speak in front of a group of people is an important skill. For many adults, it is a
difficult thing to do. Keep in mind that this is a learned skill and the ability to do this can be
practiced and developed.

 All students will be asked to prepare a declamation piece of not more than 2 minutes,
but at least 20 seconds long.
 Students will be asked to present it to the class, and possibly other classes.
 Students are welcome, but not required, to use props or simple costumes to reflect the
topic, mood, or subject of their Declamation.

There will be a large variety of pieces that you can select from, available in our classroom, in
our school library, or online. One website called “Poetry Out Loud” is a good resource to see
what a good recitation looks like, although many of the poems are probably not a good fit for
third graders: http://www.poetryoutloud.org/poems-and-performance/
You may also use books from home or your local library to find the piece right for your child.
You also might be able to find poems that interest your child at the many resources available on
the internet.

Please have the piece you wish to present approved by your homeroom teacher before you
memorize it. We will sign the piece if it is acceptable. Your teacher should have a copy of the
approved piece from each student no later than Tuesday, March 5th. Declamations will be
presented in class beginning March 20(approximately).

 Pick a piece that you are capable of completing.
 Pick a piece that fits your ability, personality, and interests.
 Pick a piece that you feel would be enjoyed by the audience.
*Pieces that affect the emotions of the listener and ones that offer a wide range of
interpretation are usually more successful.

* In class, we will be talking about what it takes to succeed at this skill and you will get
many opportunities to practice and present. We hope you will make good use of this time
to develop your skills.

Attached to this sheet, you will find a scoring rubric for your declamation performance. Use it
when you select your piece, and as a guide to direct you toward a successful presentation. This
is going to be really fun! We can’t wait to hear what you have to share

Mrs. Daigler and Mrs. Pronti
Third Grade Declamation Rubric

I. Stage Presence (Possible 10 pts.)

Poise and personality; posture; eye contact

II. Delivery (Possible 10 pts.)

Articulation; voice quality; volume; pitch; sound variation; pace

III. Interpretation (Possible 10 pts.)

Suitable emotion and sincerity for the subject; appropriate body
language and gestures

IV. Preparation (Possible 10 pts.)

Knows selection and demonstrates a comfortable attitude; has the
piece memorized, proper length.

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